u L p A Ancient and University of New Arabic Loans Leipzig Papers on in Chadic Afrlca ! Languages and Literatures Sergio Saldi No.07 1999 University of Leipzig Papers on Africa Languages and Literatures Series No. 07 Ancient and New Arabic Loans in Chadic by Sergio Baldi Leipzig, 1999 ISBN: 3-932632-35-4 Orders should be addressed to: / Bestellungen an: Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität Leipzig Augustusplatz 9 D - 04109 Leipzig Phone: (0049)-(0)341-9737037 Fax: (0049)-(0)341-9737048 Em@il:
[email protected] Internet: http://www. uni-leipzig.derifa/ulpa.htm University of Leipzie- Papers on Afrlca Languages and Literatures Serles Editor: H. Ekkehard Wolff Layout and Graphics: Toralf Richter Ancient and New Arabic Loans in Chadic Sergio Baldi Baldi, Ancient and New Arabic Loans in Chadic l Introduction1 Chadic languages have been influenced by Arabic at differents levels. Apart from Hausa which is a special case considering its diffusion on a very !arge area where sometimes it is spoken as a lingua franca, other Chadic languages have been in linguistic contact with Arabic, too. This paper illustrates the diffusion of Arabic loans among those Chadic languages for which it was possible to collect material through dictionaries and other sources listed at the end in References. As far as I know this is the first survey in Chadic languages on this topic, besides Hausa. Tue difficulty to do such work relates to the scarcity and sometimes inaccessability2) even ofpublished data. Also, works of only the last few decades are reliable. Tue languages taken into consideration are: Bidiya, Kotoko, Lame, Mafa, Mokilko, Musgu, Pero, Tangale and Tumak.