Albany Student Press 1981-09-22
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Tuesday •September 18,1981 ALBANY STUDENT September 22, 1981 PRESS Men Booters Show Promise in Oswego Triumph State University of New York at Albany copyright © 1981 by the ALBANY STUDENT PRESS CORPORATION Volume LXVIII Number 27 bably could have boxed away, but back quickly in the second half And aside from the opening elected to try to catch instead. do. Even head coach Bill Schief- when with only a minute gone Scott by Marc Hupcl minutes of play, it certainly was. felin, usually a very sensible winner, Till evened the score at 2-2. For a That goal closed the scoring at Two games into the season is still But Albany did get off to a shaky showed signs of being very excited. while, it seemed Oswego was 4-3. But Nezaj, an offensive general too early to start predicting, but the start as Laker Bob Rush broke the on the field, felt that Albany could Judge Rules South Africa Rugby Game is On "The quality was good and the frustrating the Danes in the mid- way the men's varsity soccer team ice four minutes and three seconds team play was excellent," Schicf- field. But the tide turned soon have scored even more. "We could struggle to bring about racial lually canceled the game — the disposed of Oswego Wednesday into the first half. enough as Albany began mounting have had more goals but we had by Susiin Milligan Corning told the judge, however, Munson ordered that Yellin turn felin said. "Our team play is as equality." Governor or the Mayor — First 4-3, it is becoming hard not to Maybe it was complacency that tremendous pressure again resulting bad breaks," he said. A federal court judge yesterday — amid hisses from the courtroom the report over to him for review good as it has ever been." Deputy Attorney General Peter wonder just how well this team can .had set in after the relatively easy in a goal by Nezaj, assisted again by overturned Governor Hugh Carey's Carey issued a statement last — that Albany's Police Chief before handing down his decision at Yellin made II clear that Carey had victory over Siena on Monday, but Markcs. Markcs found Nezaj out in The game was also the first for cancellation of the controversial week arguing thai because of the "indicated to me that we could han 4p.m. Ihal the rugby game be per indeed prohibited it, it took the initial Laker goal to front with one defender to beat and Werner Kempf, a visiting student rugby game between the Eastern "Imminent danger of riot" the dle" the demonstrators, and added mitted lo go on. wake the Danes up. the senior center-midfielder took it from Germany who just received Rugby Union (ERU) and the South sporting event "should be cancel Yellin argued that "the rugby thai he thought the Springboks Despite loud claims by "We started slow but once they from there with a fancy move to his clearance to compete by the African Springboks, scheduled for ed." ERU President Tom Sclfridge game does not rise to Conslilulional "had a right to play." continued on page nine brought suit against Carey and dimensions and (therefore) docs not scored we started to get It going," NCAA. "It's nol so rough in Ger 7p.m. tonight in Albany's Blceker left. Stadium. Albany Mayor Erastus Corning, enjoy Conslilulional protection." said John Markcs, a fullback by many. We play witli more techni Albany increased that lead to 4-2 claiming the First Amendment trade who has been brought up to que. But after sometime, I'll gel us U.S. District Judge Howard He noted Ihal federal courts had as Isaacs netted his second goal of allowed the teams the right to com ruled in connection with the U.S. wing to help out in this Dane weak ed to it," Munson said Carey's attempt to Game Kept Secret the day beating three Lakers in their pete. 1980 boycott of Ihe Moscow spot, Wednesday, he responded ad If the Danes keep winning, it will prohibit the game "seeks to destroy end for an unassisted effort. Olypics that athletes have "no Con mirably as he helped tic the game al the very Conslilulional protections Although there was some The Lakers got one back on Peter make "gelling used to it" that slilulional right lo paricipale in crowd of 251); Ihe South African 1-1 with an assist on Gerry Isaacs' Ihal have enabled a century long discrepancy lasl week as lo who nc- by Susan Mllllgun McGrtith's boot that Stcffcn pro much easier. athletic events." team won 46-12. third goal of the season at the 10 The South African Springboks Spectators said they were notified minute mark. Bui ERU attorney Richard Walsh rugby learn managed lo keep ihe between 9 p.m. Fiidny night and 7 The game remained deadlocked retorted thai Carey's action was a time ami location of its game "dangerous and arrogant abuse of against the Midwcsl Rugby Union a.m. Saturday morning lo meet al a over the next thirty minutes with Great Dane his power," and contended in addi secret, resulting in little protest in Howard Johnson's restaurant on both keepers, Billy Sleffen of the tion that "the righl lo freedom of ihe sile of the game. Interstate 94. There, rugby officials Danes and Rob Zabronsky of the Sports This Weekend association and assembly has long cheeked cars and sent "desirables" Lakers, coming up with great saves. Prohibited by Chicago Mayor been protected by ihe Constitu Jane Byrne from playing al a public to the site of the game, Those who Laker Mark While led teammate Men's varsity baseball tion," stadium in thai city, the Springboks could nol be Identified as bona fide Eric Anderson with a fine pass, but FrWiyj 9/IX at Siena, 3:30 I.anuy Waller, representing Friduy evening firmed plans to play rugby fans were given false direc Sleffen came out of the goal area to use/Army "< Men's varsity cross; Capital District Coalition Agatnsl a local leant al Roosevell Stadium tions. beat Anderson knocking the ball Friday, SfflS al Army, 4:00 Apartheid, submitted Ihal the Four in Racine, Wisconsin. Local protest did break oui late away from the attacker. Zabronsky Men's varsity lenni plonshlps teenth Amendment — banning in the game, as two anti-apartheid also stood his ground when tested racial discrimination — takes Darlcnc Conlcy, an organizer for demonstrators stepped onto Ihe as he nabbed an Afrim Nezaj •lay, 9/19, away Men's varsity footl precedence over Ihe Firsl Amend Chicago Slop Apartheid Rugby field. Confusion and "roughing header ticketed for the net. ment righl lo freedom of speech Tour (SAKT), said Ihal whereas the up" ensued, according lo Conley, Saiuray, 9. U 91 I'M, 1:30 With 4:10 left lo play in the first and assembly. organization planned lo send 11 and two Racine men were arrested half Albany, after applying cons Women's varsity si busloads of protesters to the match, for disorderly conduct. Both men ul Dutch, 11:00 Yellin alluded lo a secret report tant pressure in the Oswego end, prepared for the Governor by Ihe l he game organizers were so suc have since been released. took the lead for the first lime in the Women's varsity c State Police. Carey uscu the report cessful in maintaining its Police said they had not been game. Sophomore John lsselhard, 9 at home, 2:00 lo substantiate his claim ihal local "undisclosed" nulure thai "we notified the yame was to take plac .• who lias looked very impressive in Men's varsity basel security would t»c Inadequate lo weren't utile to inoDIII*c our force.-, tn R*>€>**veli StmUtuin. his first two games for Albany, intl Indian, 1:0(1 deal with demonstrators. Reported until 9:30 a.m." The game started Racine city officials were also not ly, the document expressed fears al 9 a.m. notified, and Conley said Racine knocked in Isaacs' rebound after a Men's varsily soccer n— , Cornlng supports "Conslilulional rights" of Springboks The Springboks ami ihe Midwcsl residenis arc considering legal ac scramble out in from. Saturday, 9/19 on field behind Dutch, 1:00 that outside agitators would incite Rugby Union played lo a selected But the Lakers, a much improved Men's varsily lennis vs. Vassar Students protest South Africa apartheid in '78 violence. tion against Ihe rugby teams. The Albany Stale men's soccer team used excellent team play to dispose of team over lasl season's squad, came Monday, 9/21 on courts behind Dutch, 3:00 Oswego, 4-3, Wednesday. (Photo: Marc Henschel) Danes Search for a Key to Unlock Owl Defense EnCon OK's Crossgates Proposal ship "well into ihe thousands." by Wayne Pecrcboom Crossgates Co., still have several realize the importance of this hurdles to jump before construction Among this group's contentions rush in a spectacular overall perfor at split end thai can open up the Plans for the construction of the is ihal the construction would harm Field, losing6-2. Albany moved the game," said D'Errico. "Southern of the mall can begin. by Larry Kahn mance. Tackle Jim Canfield alone bcsl of defenses. controversial Crossgates shopping tlte ecological balance of ihe Pine ball sparingly, missed on two fourth Connecticut is a good Division II Tlte proposed $85.6 million, In the last two years the Albany contributed three quarterback sacks The game begins tomorrow at mall gol the green lighl lasl Friday Bush area.