Fur and Feather in North China
Ss-Di:t6Ei2aa!^.4-Jw^«^:/ i/fis-inj FUR 'S) FEATHER IN NORTH CHINA. TIENTSIN PRESS, LTD., — — Printers aud Publishers — — 33, Victoria Road, Tientsin, North China' « H "A U oO a a H FUR AND FEATHER IN NORTH CHINA, By Arthur de Carle Sowerby, F.R.G.S. " Author of " Sport and Science on the Sino-Mongolian Frontier and joint author with Robert Sterling Clark of "Through ShenKan/' With 30 liJie drawings by the mdhor and 43 photographs. ' There is a pleasure in the pathless woods. There is a rapture on the (onely shore. There is society, where none intrudes. By the deep Sea, and music in its roar. I fove not Man the less, but Nature more. From these our interviews, in which I steal From all I may be, or have been before. To mingle with the Universe, and feel What I can ne'er express, yet can not all conceal," —Byron 1914. THE TIENTSIN PRESS, LIMITED, Victoria Road, Tientsin, North China. To my wife. All rights reserved. PREFACE When the papers, which go to make up this book, were firsts con- templated, it was proposed that they should deal purely with sport. It was felt, however, that there was a very distinct need for some popular work not merely on game birds and animals, but on the whole, or as much as possible, of the North China fauna. Consequently, it was decided to endeavour to meet, if only in a small measure, this need. The resulting papers, penned sometimes in town, sometimes even on the road, but always with a sad lack of reference works, can not claim to do justice to the great subject.
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