Multiplicity – Managing Parallel Proceedings 15 MAY Under Multiple Instruments SIAC-CIL CHARTING THE FUTURE OF INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 15 MAY Academic-Practitioner Colloquium CONGRESS 16 MAY 4th Annual GAR Live Singapore 16 MAY SIAC-CIArb Debate 2018 17 MAY SIAC Congress & Gala Dinner 2018 THURSDAY, 17 MAY 2018 | ST. REGIS, SINGAPORE SIAC-YSIAC Workshop: 18 MAY IBA Arb40 Toolkit for Award Writing

“Twilight Issues” in International 18 MAY REGISTER NOW Arbitration

SIAC Congress Programme Highlights

The Future of International Arbitration is now. As a premier, global arbitral institution, at the forefront of cutting edge developments in the law and practice of international arbitration, SIAC has embraced its role as a key stakeholder in international arbitration. The SIAC Congress 2018 brings together the judiciary, distinguished members of the SIAC Board and SIAC Court of Arbitration, and other eminent members of the international arbitration community, to discuss future directions for international arbitration. In the course of the conference, we will discuss SIACʼs innovative cross-institution consolidation protocol, critically examine SIACʼs track record in delivering on its mission to ensure that the awards rendered (To be confirmed) by tribunals are valid and enforceable, and engage in a robust debate on whether arbitral institutions are best placed to chart the future of international arbitration.

SIAC Congress 2018 Gala Dinner

Guests of Honour:

Keynote Speech by: Opening Address by: Opening Address by:

The Honourable the Mr Heng Swee Keat Ms , SC Chief Justice Minister for Finance, Singapore Senior Minister of State, Supreme Court of Singapore Ministry of Law and Ministry of Finance, Singapore

Speakers include:

• Mr , SC • Prof Lawrence Boo • Mr Alastair Henderson Chairman of SIAC; Member, SIAC Court of Arbitration; Managing Partner (Southeast Asia), Executive Chairman, Drew & Napier LLC Independent Arbitrator, The Arbitration Herbert Smith Freehills LLP Chambers

• Prof Lucy Reed • Mr Cao Lijun • Mr Jern-Fei Ng QC Member, SIAC Court of Arbitration; Member, SIAC Court of Member, YSIAC Committee; Director, Centre for International Law Arbitration; Partner, Barrister, Essex Court Chambers (Singapore); Professor, Faculty of Law, Zhong Lun Law Firm National University of Singapore

• Prof Bernard Hanotiau • Mr Chan Leng Sun, SC • Mr Prakash Pillai Member, SIAC Court of Arbitration; Deputy Chairman, SIAC Board of Partner, Clyde & Co Clasis Partner, Hanotiau & van den Berg Directors; Principal, Global Head Singapore Arbitration, Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow

• Dr , SC • Mr Darius J. Khambata, SC • Mr Nish Shetty Chartered Arbitrator, Michael Hwang Member, SIAC Court of Arbitration Head of Litigation & Dispute Chambers LLC Resolution (Asia-Pacific),

• Mr Toby Landau QC • Mr Alan Thambiayah • Mr Yu-Jin Tay Member, SIAC Court of Arbitration; Member, SIAC Court of Arbitration; Partner, Mayer Brown JSM Barrister and Arbitrator, Professional Arbitrator, Essex Court Chambers The Arbitration Chambers

• Dr Michael Pryles AO PBM • Mr Christopher Chuah • Mr Andre Yeap, SC Founder President & Member, SIAC Court of Partner, Head of Infrastructure, Senior Partner, Head of International Arbitration; Independent Arbitrator Construction & Engineering Arbitration Practice, Practice, WongPartnership LLP Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP

• Mr Chelva Rajah, SC • Mr Wade M. Coriell Member, SIAC Board of Directors; Partner, Deputy Head of Managing Partner, Tan Rajah & International Arbitration Practice, Cheah King & Spalding

• Mr , SC Vice-President, SIAC Court of Arbitration; Chief Executive Officer, Drew & Napier LLC