Members of the CHIRP Air Transport Advisory Board


Chris has been flying professionally since 1985 and has worked in a management role in since 2004. In the Royal Air Force, he flew, and trained pilots, on the Hawk and Tornado F3. In British Airways he has gained type ratings on the Boeing 737, 757, 767,777 and 787, he also has instructor ratings and examiner authorisation on the B737, 777 and 787. Chris’s main focus has always been the training of pilots; as a Flight Training Manager he was responsible for the management of training on the B777/787 and B737 fleets. His management experience covered the fields of Quality, Technical and Training at both Heathrow and Gatwick and he has worked inter-departmentally within British Airways, across the airline industry as a whole, and with national and international regulatory bodies, including speaking at international training conferences. Chris now works as a Training Standards Captain on the B777/787 fleet in British Airways, which he enjoys immensely.

CHRIS APLIN Independent (Engineer)

CAPTAIN DAVID BALMER Independent (Flight Crew)

David is an A380 line Captain with nearly 20,000 hours in his logbook, gained on A319/A320, A380, BAC1-11, DC-10, B737-200, B747-100/200, B757, B767 and B777-200/300 based at BHX, LGW and LHR. After a RAF flying scholarship and university, he switched careers and left chartered accountancy at Coopers & Lybrand (PWC nowadays) to join British Airways as a pilot cadet in 1988.

GLENN BRADLEY Head of Flight Operations, CAA

MARK BROSNAN Accident Prevention & Flight Safety Programme Manager, CHC Helicopters/EEA Helicopter Group

RACHAEL CASTON Director UK Airprox Board CAPTAIN TIM CHEAL Independent

On leaving School in 1977, Tim joined the RAF as a pilot. He served in the RAF for 20 years where he operated Harrier aircraft in the UK, USA and Germany. He spent much of his time on instructional duties with formal instructional appointments on the Jet Provost, Hawk and Harrier aircraft. His final tour in the RAF was as a Board of Inquiry Advisor, working closely with the AAIB investigating RAF aircraft accidents. In 1997, Tim joined Airtours as a Boeing FO. He gained Command on the Boeing in 1999 and has since progressed as Line Training Captain, TRI, TRE and Senior Examiner. He has filled the roles of Flight Safety Officer, Fleet Operations Manager and Fleet Manager and was appointed as the Training Manager (Training Post holder) in November 2005. During this time Airtours rebranded as MyTravel Airways, and then merged with in 2008. Tim moved to the Airbus fleet in 2014, presently flying both the A320/1 and A330 aircraft in long and short haul operations. In 2016 Tim left his Training post holder role to return to Airbus line operations as a TRE, SE and TRI Tutor.

ROB CLEMENTS Operations Inspector, AAIB

Rob has been an Operations Inspector with the AAIB since 2017. Prior to joining the AAIB he was a pilot for British Airways flying the Boeing 777 and 737, he continues to fly regularly with BA on the B777. He was a training co-pilot for British Airways and holds a B777 TRI and TRE. Rob has a Master’s Degree in Aeronautical Engineering and Post Graduate Certificates in ‘Accident Investigation’ and in ‘Safety & Human Factors in Aviation’. Rob regularly flies light aircraft both fixed and rotary wing.

JASON DIGANCE Airworthiness Surveyor, Continued Airworthiness, CAA

TERRY DUDLEY Independent (Engineer)

ROBERT EDSON Ground Operations Manager, Atlantic Airlines

Robert started his aviation career Lufthansa Cargo based at . He is currently employed as Nominated Post-Holder Ground Operations with Atlantic Airlines. Robert joined the company in 2005 and was initially based in Italy before returning to the UK in 2010. Atlantic Airlines operates a fleet of all cargo Boeing 737 aircraft operating on behalf of Postal and Express Integrator clients throughout Europe and is part of the West Atlantic Group.



In 2006 he joined the RN and on completion of training was awarded his Pilot Wings in 2009. A member of the Commando Helicopter Force on 845 Naval Air Squadron (NAS), he flew the Sea King HC4 in the support helicopter role. During his time on 845 NAS he conducted exercises in Kenya and Norway as well as NATO amphibious deployment on Ex COLD RESPONSE. His 3 operational tours of Afghanistan in support of Operation HERRICK were one of the highlights of his career thus far, where the demanding flying in all conditions supporting troops on the ground, was very rewarding. He completed his time on 845 NAS as an Instrument Rating Instructor and Squadron Test Pilot.

His next tour was as the Ops Officer on 727 NAS, the RN pilot grading squadron, flying the Grob Tutor. As one of only two uniformed Royal Navy personnel on the squadron, whilst demanding, this tour proved to be equally fulfilling and provided his first insight into Contractor Flying Approved Organisation Scheme (CFAOS) and operations with civilian organisations. Selected to be a Qualified Helicopter Instructor, he completed Central Flying School (Helicopter) and was posted to 660 Sqn AAC, Defence Helicopter Flying School at RAF Shawbury, to instruct basic helicopter flying on the Squirrel HT1/2. He has also been the Air Advisor to the Kabul Security Force on Op TORAL, deploying to Kabul for 6 months, working in a Tri- Service and Multinational Headquarters.

On return to the UK he was involved in the introduction of UKMFTS at RAF Shawbury converting to the new Juno HT1 helicopter. Once established, he assumed the role of Senior Pilot on 60 Sqn, instructing on the Juno and Jupiter helicopters for 3 years. His current role is within the Military Aviation Authority (MAA) as part of the Air Safety Management team with a particular emphasis on Human Factors and Error Management. Dave represents the Royal Navy at clay pigeon shooting when he gets the chance. He lives in Shropshire with his Wife and their two young children. CAPTAIN CHRIS FOSTER Quality Assurance Manager, easyJet

Chris is an aviation man from the ground up! Started working life at Swissair in 1986 initially as a Cargo Officer manifesting cargo and checking dangerous goods. Moved quickly to customer service roles and then to Dispatcher and Flight Planner. During this time, Chris accumulated enough hours to pursue his dream of becoming and airline pilot. Qualified in 1990 and started working for British Midland initially as a Dispatcher, then Duty Manager of Terminal One (LHR) before taking up role as Station Manager in Zurich. Last position at British Midland was Commercial Manager for the handling division. Started flying commercially with Brymon Airways on the Dash 8. Moved to Go Fly in 1999 on B737 and gained command in 2002. EasyJet acquired Go Fly (and Chris) in 2002. He’s been on the Airbus since 2003 and held a number of management and training positions since 2005 including Fleet Technical Pilot, Flight Ops Manager and QA Manager. Joined CHIRP in 2019.


BEN GREENAWAY Independent (Engineering)

Ben Greenaway is a B1/2 Part-66 licensed engineer. He spent over 20-years at British Airways going from apprentice to supervisor, working on a variety of aircraft including A320, B777 and the Concorde. He left as a Part-147 A380 subject matter expert to become a Part-66/147 airworthiness surveyor with the UK CAA and is now currently the Head of Training for Storm Aviation. Passionate about aviation, Ben is driven to help those at all stages of their career to be safe, regulatory compliant and move forward. He is very clear on the need to use HF feedback to improve the safety margin and ensure that the UK continues to be at the forefront of the aviation industry.

JOHN HAGAN Independent (Air Traffic Control)

SCOTT HADDEN Independent (Air Traffic Control)

Scott was born in Fife, Scotland in 1973 and from a very early age wanted to become a commercial pilot. However, after years of commitment to that path (he started flying at the age of 12), Scott made the difficult decision in 2001 not to pursue a flying career due to the post 9/11 employment landscape at that time. He then joined NATS in 2002 to train as an Air Traffic Controller. After training, he was initially posted to LATCC West Drayton in Terminal Control which, in 2007, closed with the unit relocating to Swanwick in Hampshire. Since then he has worked on various projects within NATS such as the next generation Flight Data Processor, controller tools and workstation. Scott has been a GATCO (Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers) member since 2002 and a GATCO Board member since 2012 in the role of Manager Recruitment and, more recently, Manager Benefits and Admin. Scott is passionate about the future of Air Traffic Control from a professional and technological standpoint and hopes to make further contributions in these areas in the years to come. He still flies for fun and is now a keen Instrument Rated GA pilot which gives him an exposure to ATC from ‘the other side’. He is also a bit of a car nut and has a love for all things mechanical, especially those that are petrol powered!! Scott is honoured to be on the CHIRP ATAB and hopes that his experience and expertise can play a small part in the process of further advancing aviation safety.

JANE HANNICK Senior External Safety Specialist, NATS Safety Service

TOM HARRIS Independent (Air Traffic Control)

JOHN HILL Independent (Helicopter Flight Crew)

BARRY HINXMAN Compliance Director, Gate Gourmet

MIKE HORNBY Independent (Air Traffic Control)

DARREN HOWE Unite the Union (Engineer)

Darren has been an engineer in the aviation industry for over 25 years, the majority of that time spent working for Britannia/Thomson/TUI. After spells in Workshops, Hangar and predominantly the Line Engineering environment Darren now holds the position of Duty Engineer at TUI’s facility. He has held the position of a TUI internal Human Factors Investigator for 10 years and is also a Unite The Union shop steward, a position held for a similar period. Darren joined the ATAB (Air Transport Advisory Board) representing Unite in 2019.”

DR. DAVID KING Independent

David King was the United Kingdom’s Chief Inspector of Air Accidents and Head of the Department for Transport’s Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) based in Farnborough. He served a multi-disciplinary apprenticeship with Hawker Siddeley Aviation (1963-70), in which he obtained an Upper Second Bachelor of Science Degree in Aeronautical Engineering. He then worked in the Future Projects section with Hawker Siddeley on Harrier development and early Hawk configuration wind tunnel testing. He joined the AAIB as an investigator in 1972 and was engaged in accident investigations throughout Europe, Africa, North, Central and South America. He also, as the Investigator-in-Charge, has been responsible for both the conduct of investigations into several large public transport accidents and the published reports. These include the BAC 1-11 windscreen loss, the August 1993 Airbus A320 ‘floating’ spoiler event and the February 1995 Boeing 737 double engine oil loss incident. All these investigations focussed on and developed knowledge in the area of maintenance activity related Human Factors. The substance of these investigations has formed the core of presentation on Human Factors in engineering to ISASI, in North America and New Zealand and to several RAeS audiences. He obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from The City University in 1991, is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. In 1999 he was awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Engineering by Kingston University in recognition of more than 25 years contribution to aircraft accident investigation. David is the President of the European Society of Air Safety Investigators (ESASI), a division of ISASI, a former CHIRP Trustee and Chairman of the CHIRP Maintenance Error Management Systems Review Board. He was recently appointed a visiting Professor of Cranfield University assigned to the School of Engineering. He holds a current multi-engine Private Pilot’s Licence with an unrestricted Instrument rating.

SIMON KOVACH UK AOC Flight Safety Officer, Bristow Group

Captain Si Kovach has been flying professionally since 1997, initially qualifying as a pilot in the RAF and flying Puma, Merlin and Griffin helicopters, before retiring in 2013 when he joined Ltd in Aberdeen. Si has been flying the Sikorsky S92A in the offshore transport role since 2013, gaining his command in 2015 and spending 5 years as a Chief Pilot before transferring to become the UK AOC Aviation Safety Officer in 2020, responsible for safety reporting and HFDM across Oil & Gas and SAR AOCs in the UK.

CHRIS MORRIS Independent (Engineer)

Vickers Armstrong Technical apprentice 1963 1969 working on BAC1-11, VC10, TSR 2, and final flight testing. Chris joined BEA in 1969 later to become BA. He is a B1/2 Part 66- licensed engineer B707/737/747/757/767 A320 Series BAC 1-11 Tristar all series. Chris was an Aircraft Supervisor on casualty aircraft, and Technical Management Group as a Fleet Technical Engineer, also one of three other FTE’s who were responsible for all aircraft recoveries worldwide. He also supervised the recovery of ’s A340 that landed with a gear up landing at LHR in November 1997, with BA crash gang personnel and was an apprentice assessor at Brooklands College at Weybridge. Chris contributed to World Sills Canada 2009 for Aircraft Maintenance, setting daily checks on a B737 for RAF, FLEET AIR ARM and ARY engineers, helped to select the RAF engineer to attend the event in Calgary who won the Bronze medal. He also supplied BA with Delta Airlines procedures for single engine taxing, which they incorporated into their procedures.


Jez joined NATS in 1991 working as an area radar Controller and more recently as a Supervisor at London Centre. He spent a number of years working in NATS’ incident investigation team and then within its corporate safety team. Jez was a member of, and then chair of the Professional and Legal Committee of IFATCA. He has a degree in Psychology and is currently studying for an MSc in Human Factors. Previously he represented GATCO at the UK Airport Board and is their Vice President Policy. CAPTAIN ED POOLEY Independent

Ed spent over 30 years as an airline pilot, ending up at British Airways after much time in the independent sector. As a young co-pilot, he was an active light aircraft instructor. After becoming a line and later a Training Captain, he then led the implementation of integrated and independent oversight of operational safety and accident/serious incident investigation at the British Regional Air Lines Group as it expanded to a 100-aircraft operation in the 1990s. He continued in this role whilst continuing to fly until taking early retirement during re-organisation at British Airways. Since then, he has set up and led a small consultancy business which has carried out work for clients in Europe and around the world. He has been a presenter at leading safety conferences for almost 20 years and remains active in various pro- bono activities relating to aviation safety.

SUKHI RAI Quality Manager, British Airways Engineering

TIM RICHARDSON Independent (Air Traffic Control)

Tim joined NATS in 1998 and validated as a Luton Tower controller in 2000. In 2004 he moved to and validated in Tower and Radar. In 2006 he became a Deputy Watch Manager and, in this role, he was heavily involved in safety management work, including ATC procedures safety analysis, incident investigation and lesson learning. Since 2011 Tim has been an ATC Watch Manager and Unit Safety Manager, responsible for driving forward safety improvement at all levels of the operation and chairing the Unit’s Safety Steering Group. He has been a member of the ATAB since January 2018.

JONNY ROE Safety Manager/Security Officer – TAG Aviation

Jonny was appointed Safety Manager/Security Officer for TAG Aviation in October 2016. Jonny joined TAG Aviation in November 2014 as a Crew Training Instructor at TAG Global Training, where he helped to construct and deliver ground school training to TAG Pilots, Cabin Crew and Third-Party Clients. Prior to joining TAG UK, Jonny worked as Cabin Crew with Monarch for twenty years, with ten of those years as a CRM Instructor, training both Pilots and Cabin Crew.

DAVY ROSS Association Licensed Aircraft Engineers (ALAE)


JASON SANDEVER Ground Safety Inspector, Civil Aviation Authority

Jason has been the Ground Safety Inspector at the UK CAA for over 12 years. He joined the Flight Operations Inspectorate in 2004, after nearly a decade at a UK cargo airline where he worked as a Loadmaster on various Turboprop and Jet aircraft types. His regulatory oversight duties are very much focused on all aspects on Ground Operations, which as well as live under- wing operations, include topics such as compliance monitoring and safety management. He is also the co-chair of the GHOST (Ground Handling Operations Safety Team) and in light of the recent addition of ground handling reporting, has joined CHIRP to support and participate in the programme.


ADAM SPINK Independent (Air Traffic Controller)

Adam joined NATS as a trainee air traffic controller in 1998, and has worked at Heathrow Tower since qualifying, becoming an instructor, supervisor, and examiner. In 2008, he started in the ATC Operations department at Heathrow Tower, where he works on introducing new procedures and equipment, conducting safety analyses and research and development projects, while maintaining currency as a controller. Adam represents NATS and the UK on various ICAO, EASA, Eurocontrol and industry working groups. Adam also is part of the volunteer ATC team that provides air traffic services for the Royal International Air Tattoo each year at RAF Fairford, and also works in his spare time with other organisations such as the London Air Ambulance and Royal London Hospitals on human factors and team resource management.

ANDREW STRACHAN ADS Flight Operations Committee

Andy joined the RAF as a pilot in 1979 and subsequently served for 18 years as a Support Helicopter pilot, Qualified Helicopter Instructor and test pilot (following graduation from ETPS in 1990). Tours were completed in the UK, Germany, the Falkland Islands and the USA. On retiring from the RAF in 1997,he joined what was then Westland Helicopters (now Leonardo Helicopters) as a senior test pilot. He became the Deputy Chief Test Pilot in 2003 and the Chief Test Pilot in 2012 before retiring in 2019. During his 22 years as an industry test pilot, Andy was involved in all aspects of the flight testing and certification of civil and military rotorcraft. He has over 10,000 hours of flying experience across a multitude of helicopter types and continues to conduct test flying activities on a part-time basis. He is a member of the ADS Flight Operations Committee and the Farnborough International Airshow, Flying Control Committee.

ANDREW THORINGTON Interim Flight Operations Manager – Aeroplanes – Civil Aviation Authority

Andy has over thirty years’ experience flying a variety of aircraft types and spent fifteen years in airline management positions. He is now the Interim Flight Operations Manager (Aeroplanes) at the CAA.

He was sponsored through university by the Royal Air Force and graduated from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne with a BSc in Biochemistry and Genetics. After spending nine years in the RAF Andy started a career in commercial aviation, initially with Excalibur Airways, then joining Caledonian Airways (becoming JMC, then Thomas Cook Airlines). He was a Training Captain, TRI and Standards Captain on the A320/A330. Andy joined the management team initially as Fleet Manager, subsequently serving in a number of roles including Group Airlines Director for Flight Operations Compliance, Risk and Standards (this included airlines in Denmark, Germany and Spain). During his career he has worked on a number of cross discipline projects, including EASA Rule Making Tasks and State Safety Partnerships. Andy joined the CAA in November 2019.


College of Air Training 1974-1976 British Caledonian Airways 1976-1988 – flying BAC 1-11, B707, DC10 British Airways 1988-current – flying B747-400, B777, B787 TRE/TRI since 1992 BALPA Study Rep 2010- current

DR MICHAEL TRUDGILL Chief Medical Officer, Civil Aviation Authority

AIR COMMODORE DAI WHITTINGHAM FRAES Chief Executive, UK Flight Safety Committee

Dai Whittingham joined the RAF as a pilot in 1974. He flew Phantoms in the Air Defence fighter role and served as a flying instructor on the Jet Provost. He has commanded an E-3D AWACS squadron and the main operating base of RAF Waddington. A graduate of the Royal College of Defence Studies, he deployed in 2004 as the Air Component Commander for all UK flying operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, prior to taking up a MOD operational management appointment. MOD duties included policy for air safety, UK and European airspace, ATM aircraft equipment and UAVs; he also chaired the Military Aviation Regulatory Group. He has held responsibility for operational management and oversight of all RAF airborne surveillance platforms and the RAF Search and Rescue Force. His last formal military appointment was as Deputy Commander, NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force. Dai joined the UKFSC as Chief Executive in February 2012, where he works with a wide range of industry partners to improve commercial aviation safety. Currently Chairman of the national Laser Working Group and the Honourable Company of Air Pilots Technical Committee, he is also a member of the RaeS Flight Operations Group and several industry forums in the UK and Europe.

EVA WILKINSON Safety Performance Coordinator, Flight Operations, CAA

SFO PRESTON WILSON Independent (Flight Crew)

ANDREW YOUNG Independent (Helicopter Crew)