2ND EDITION SEPTEMBER 2019 GUIDEBOOK FOR INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTS IN BANGKOK International AffairS Office, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration GREETING Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is the local organization which is directly responsible for city administration and for looking after the well-being of Bangkok residents. Presently, there are a great number of foreigners living in Bangkok according to the housing census 2010, there are 706,080 international residents in Bangkok which is accounted If you have any feedback/questions for 9.3% of all the Thai citizen in Bangkok. regarding this guidebook, please Moreover, information from Foreign contact International Affairs Office, Workers Administration Office shows that Bangkok Metropolitan Administration there are 457,700 foreign migrant workers (BMA) in Bangkok. Thus, we are pleased to make at email: a Guidebook for International Residents in
[email protected] Bangkok. This guidebook composes of public services provided by the BMA. We and Facebook: do hope that this guidebook will make https://www.facebook.com/bangkokiad/ your life in Bangkok more convenient. International Affairs Office, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) PAGE 1 Photo by Berm IAO CONTENTS 0 1 G R E E T I N G P A G E 0 1 0 2 C I V I L R E G I S T R A T I O N ( M O V I N G - I N / N O N - T H A I I D C A R D ) P A G E 0 3 0 3 E M E R G E N C Y N U M B E R S P A G E 1 5 0 4 B A N G K O K M E T R O P O L I T A N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N A F F I L I A T E D H O S P I T A L S P A G E 1 9 0 5 U S E F U L W E B S I T E S P A G E 3 8 0 6 BMA CCTV CAMERA P A G E 4 1 0 7 R E F E R E N C E P A G E 4 4 PAGE 2 Photo by Peter Hershey on Unsplash CIVIL REGISTRATION (Moving - In/ Non-Thai ID card) PAGE 3 Photo by Tan Kaninthanond on Unsplash Moving - In Any Non - Thai national who falls into one of these categories MUST register him/herself into Civil Registration database.