Glengarry New R MEMBER\

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Glengarry New R MEMBER\ r MEMBER\ VUDIT JuREAU Glengarry New JRCULATIOftS TEE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO $2.00 A YEA* VOL. LV-No. 2 Alexandria, Ont., Friday, January 10 1947 Junior Farmers C.V. Charters Gets To Advise On Growing Four Teams Ousted Seal Campaign ' ; Brisk Early Sale Hunter To Be With Of Wheat In Brazil :0f New 1947 Plates Prog. Con. Post From Jubilee Play Total At $5,130. Cornwall Plant Met At Kemptville . W. C, McKillican, Indian Head, Al- I The attractive new black on silver Widely Known Weekly berta, paid his brothers, Gordon Mc- Only One Alexandria Still Hoped Objective : 1947 car license plates went on sale, Native G-lengarrian, Third Annual District Killican and Lyman McKillican of I here, January 2nd, and local issuer David Hunter, Leaves Conference Held I , , Publisher To Direct Maxvijllc, a short visit last week while Rink Won G-ame In Of $7-500. CaA I James F. Weir reports a brisk sale Agriculture Post Last Week End Party Public Relations enroute to Brazil, S.A. From New First Round Be Reached Before Close j of plates as well as drivers’ permits York he was travelling by plane at Clarence V. Charters, publisher of Alexandria Curling Club’s four en- Sale of Christmas seals in the United j .Vincent Cameron secured the first Former fieldman for the Dominion Six members of the Charlottenburgh the request of the Millers’ Association plate at the Alexandria office, No. Agricultural Supplies Board, David Junior Farmers Club were among the Brampton Conservator and possib- tries in the Royal Victoria Jubilee Counties to finance the fight against ] of Brazil to investigate the possibility play were eliminated this week in centre 1 W 41, and this series will run to Hunter, of Ottawa, has been appoint- approximately 110 boys and girls re- ly the most widely known figure in the of growing wheat in that country. tuberculosis has reached a total of I play, three rinks dropping first round 1 W 1000. The second series to* be ed assistant secretary-treasurer and presentatives of junior farmer groups Canadian weekly newspaper fiejld, has Mr. McKillican expects to be absent $5,130 to datej it was diclosed this i games while Dr McCallum’s foursome 1 sojld here will start at 2 W 1 and con- Canadian general manager of Peebles of Eastern Ontario, who assembled at been appointed Director of Public Re- week by Dr. George Cragg, superin for two months. won one before meeting elimination tinue from there. Products Limited, owners of the for the Kemptville Agriculture School on lations fbr the Progressive Conserva- tendent of St. Lawrence Sanatorium Wednesday night. Because ice con- Drivers’ permits must be secured at mer Stormont Chemicals Ltd. plant at Thursday and Friday of last week for tive party, according to an announce- and chairman of the campaign com- ment by Hon. John Bracken, Leader ditions at Alexandria and Vankleek mittee . once but as yet no definite date hae Cornwall it was announced Tuesday. the third annual district conference Can This Be Our been set as the deadline for purchas- The Peebles firm is a wholly-owned sponsored by the Ontario Junior Far- of the party, this week Hill were uncertain at the time the The present figure is $360 over last Mr Charters, 54 president of the draw, was made, all games were play- year’s final tota^ and approximately ing car plates. subsidiary of the Western Condensing mer's Association and the Ontario De- Company, San Francisco Cal. and partment of Agriculture. The theme Charters Publishing Company of Dr. Monahan ? ed at Hawkesbury, Lachute and Seig- $1,400 more than the figure achieved ) Brampton retired last September from niory Club at the corresponding period last year. plans to process whey in its locaj plant •f the conference was “Building Citi- BOSTON, Jan. 8—Damage suits the Canadian Weekly Newspapers’ On Monday night at Hawkesbury, Dr Cragg was hopeful the present New Organ At for use in the manufacture of peni- zenship in a Rural Community.” totalling $200,000. and based on incid- cillin. Delegates frdm the Charlottenburgh Association alter serving for more than Dr McCallum’s rink won a 15—li de- . pace of returns would be maintained 11 years as its managing director. On ents in tbe motion picture “Anna and cision over Jock Campbell of Seigniory hi order to reach the increaed objec- Greenfield Church The new company took over the Stor Club included Edwin St. John Mr. the King of Siam ” have been entered mont Chemicals plant from War As- and Mrs. John Foumey, Miss Muriel retirement he had intended to take Club while Jos McBain’s four was tive of $7,500 which was set this year in U.S. District Court here by a A new Mihshall electric organ was sets Corporation at the first of the McKie Lancaster; Wilfred McNaugh- a more active part in his own business dnopplng a 14—6 game to Jim Mc- to meet additional expenses. However Canadian couple against the 20th installed in St Catherine of Sienna New Year and is preparing to install ton. Miss Mary McDonald, Martin- During the war, Mr Charters took Kimmie’s Lachute rink Tuesday night he pointed out that the co-operation Century-Fox Fijlm Corp. of New York Church, Greenfield, in the week pre- special equipment for whey processing town. Miss Marguerite Macdonell, an active part, in victory loan cam- Eugene A. Macdonald’s foursome how of every resident lof the United Coun- Richard Monahan and his wife, vious to Cliristmas and It is to be de- It is planned to start production late Home Economist and R. G. Bennett, paigns and for three years served as ed out to Ogllvy’s Lachute team by an ties would be needed. Donations may Anna Harriet Leonowens Monahan, dicated to the dead of the parish in next March at the plant where poison Agricultural Representative, accom- ! executive assistant to the printing and 18—11 cpiint at Hawkesbury, while still be sent to St Lawrence Sanatori- temporarily residing in Tipperary,Eire, the jast two wars. The new organ was gas was manufactured during the war panied the delegàtes. publishing administrator of the Prices Leo Lajoie’s Green Valley rink was um staeb the drive does not end. until Board. said portions, ôf the film damaged February 28. in use for the first time on Sunday, years. Chairman of the opening session was ; losing to W. McCullough’s Vankleek ÿSeir good namej fame and credit in December 22nd and again for the Pounder and president of the West Clfford MacRae, Avonmore, president The announcement said that in poll Hill four 19—8, On Seigniory Club More expense was meurred this year Massachusetts and other parts of the Christmas services. Mrs A. B. Mac- em Condensing Company David Peeb- of the Roxborough Junior Farmers’ tics Mr Charters has always been a ice. to cope with additional services requir world.”. , Donald is organist . Association. Following the registration Conservative. His father, the late Sam In the quarter-final found at Haw- ed a a result of the mass X-ray survey les, San Francisco, is president of the The oôujfle alleged that the picture Rev Neil McCormick and his parish Canadian company which bears his period, M. McIntyre Hood Toronto, Charters of Brampton represented On kesbury, Wednesday night, Dr McCal- early last year. It is planned to carry was concerned with fhe ,life of Anna committee were substantially assisted editor of the Ontario Junior Farmers tarlo’s Peel constituency in the On- lum’s fink was eliminated 19—9 by Mo out additional surveys at two to three name. Harriette Leonowens, Mrs. Monahan’s In meeting the first payment on. the Hews, led a period of community tario Legislature from 1908 to 1913 and Klmmle’s Lachute rink which is fav- year periods in an effort to stamp out The new company's general mana- grandmother;; ;imd of her father, Louis new organ by a donation from an singing with R. G. Bennett, agricul- In the House of Commons from 1917 tuberculosis in the district. In addition ger Mr. Hunter Is a native of Lan- T. G. Leonowens. They said the ored to win centre honors. American friend formerly of the par- tural representative for Glengarry to 1935. Local rinks were as follows: the regular clinical work is being main caster and a son of the late Robert Hollywood version, had Mrs. Mona- ish. county, presiding at the piano. W. McLeister, Donald A. Macdon- talned on an expanded scale which Hunter who was widely known as an han’s father dying in Slam at a requires the services* of additional train importer and breeder of Ayrshire cat- A. H. Martin, Toronto, secretary- young, age and unmarried . ald, R. J. Graham, Dr R. J, MeCal- Change In Date ed technicians. tle at Maxville early in the present treaurer ol the Ontario Junior Far- “In truth,’’ the suit read, “be mar- lum, skip. Financial Report “It is still not too jlate to assist in century. mers’ Association, introduced the var- ried and jlived to become a successful L Greenspon, Geo. Simon, Albert Child Conference this drive to curb the ravages of tuber He joined the Agricultural Supplies ious leaders who later took an ac- and reputable merchant In London Lauzon, Jos. McBain skip. Lochiel Red Cross culosis, said Dr Cragg “Every dona- Board early in the recent war. tive part In the conference. During 1947, It has been announced and did not die untijl 1919. The im- Alex MacDonald, R. G. Bennett, tion, no matter how smajll, is welcom Financial Report of Lochiel Township Mr Hunter plans on making his Highlight of the opening session was the monthly Well Child Conferences, plications of the film are that Louis Harold Stlmson Eugene A.
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