Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment for The
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STAGE 1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED NORTH GLENGARRY REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT CLASS EA VARIOUS LOTS GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIPS OF KENYON AND CHARLOTTENBURG FORMER COUNTY OF GLENGARRY AND GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF CORNWALL FORMER COUNTY OF STORMONT NOW IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF NORTH AND SOUTH GLENGARRY CURRENT UNITED COUNTIES OF STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARRY PAST RECOVERY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SERVICES STAGE 1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE NORTH GLENGARRY REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT CLASS EA, VARIOUS LOTS, GEO. TOWNSHIPS OF KENYON AND CHARLOTTENBURG, FORMER COUNTY OF GLENGARRY, AND GEO. TOWNSHIP OF CORNWALL, FORMER COUNTY OF STORMONT, NOW IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF NORTH AND SOUTH GLENGARRY, CURRENT UNITED COUNTIES OF S,D&G Prepared for: Andre Bourque, P. Eng Project Manager with CH2M HILL Canada Limited 1011 Prince of Wales Drive, Suite 330 Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3W7 Phone: (613) 723-0233 ext.73106 Fax: (613) 723-7489 E-mail: [email protected] Re: Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, Schedule C (Phase 5) Prepared by: Stephanie Cleland, M.A. Past Recovery Archaeological Services 4534 Bolingbroke Road, R.R. #3 Maberly, Ontario K0H 2B0 Phone/Fax: 613-268-2426 E-mail: [email protected] PRAS Project No.: PR12-16 Licencee: Jeff Earl, Licence P031 Principal Past Recovery Archaeological Services P.I.F. No.: P031-060-2012 Date: February 22, 2013 Original report Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment North Glengarry Regional Water Supply EA Past Recovery Archaeological Services ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mr. Andre Bourque, P. Eng., Project Manager with CH2M HILL provided direction, preliminary project mapping, and background information related to this project. Mr. Robert von Bitter, Data Coordinator, Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, provided a current listing of archaeological sites within 1 kilometre of each of the four study areas included in the present assessment. PROJECT PERSONNEL Project Manager/Licence Holder Jeff Earl, M.Soc.Sc., (P031) Historical Research Stephanie Cleland, M.A., (R381) Site Inspection Jeff Earl Dan Goss Report Writing Stephanie Cleland Jeff Earl Dan Goss Adam Pollock, M.A., (P336) Report Review Jeff Earl ii Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment North Glengarry Regional Water Supply EA Past Recovery Archaeological Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Past Recovery Archaeological Services was retained by CH2M HILL to undertake a Stage 1 archaeological assessment as part of the North Glengarry Regional Water Supply Project Class Environmental Assessment. The assessment included four spatially discrete study areas: three potential tank sites in Maxville located in Part Lots 6 through 11, Concession 17 and Part Lot 7, Concession 18, in the Geographic Township of Kenyon; two potential pump station sites and three alternative transmission main crossing routes in Martintown located in Part Lot 27, Concession 1 N.S.R.R. (North Side Raisin River) and Part Lot 26, Concession 1 S.S.R.R. (South Side Raisin River), in the geographic Township of Charlottenburg; a transmission main route along the unopened portion of the Cashion Road right-of-way lying between Part Lot 26, Second or Third Range S.S.R.R., Part Lots 1 and 2, Concession 3 I.L. (Indian Lands) and Part Lot 2, Concession 4 I.L. in the geographic Township of Charlottenburg; and, a watermain route option along a former concession road between Part Lots 1 through 6 and A through D, Concessions 2 and 3, and within Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 3, in the geographic Township of Cornwall, and Part Lots 15 and 16, Concession I.L., in the geographic Township of Charlottenburg. The first three study areas lay within the boundaries of the historical County of Glengarry, while the fourth lay within the boundaries of the historical County of Stormont. All four study areas are presently located within the Townships of North and South Glengarry, in the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. The purpose of the Stage 1 assessment was to assess the archaeological potential of the four study areas and present recommendations for the mitigation of any significant known or potential archaeological resources. To this end, preliminary historical and archaeological research was conducted, a list of known cultural heritage resources within the study area was compiled, historical mapping and aerial photographs were consulted, and an environmental profile of the study area was generated. In addition, iii Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment North Glengarry Regional Water Supply EA Past Recovery Archaeological Services visual inspections of the study areas were undertaken on August 10, 2012 and February 21, 2013, in order to augment the archaeological potential evaluation. The results of the Stage 1 archaeological assessment form the basis for the following recommendations: 1) Should the proposed water supply project involve impacts (soil disturbances or other alterations) to the portions of the four study areas determined to exhibit archaeological potential (see Maps 35 to 39), a Stage 2 archaeological assessment will be required prior to the initiation of development-related activities. It should be noted that impacts include all aspects of the proposed development, including temporary access roads, staging/lay down areas, connecting watermains/pipes, and any other works. Portions of the four study areas identified as exhibiting archaeological potential include: Maxville Potential Tank Site Alternative Locations A, B, and C; Martintown Transmission Main Crossing Alternatives A and B; and, the Transmission Main Route along the un-opened portion of the Cashion Road ROW. 2) Any future Stage 2 archaeological assessment(s) should be undertaken by a licensed consultant archaeologist, in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists (MTCS 2011). This would involve having any of the Maxville Potential Tank Site Alternative Locations that have been determined to exhibit archaeological potential ploughed, weathered by rain, and assessed by means of a pedestrian survey at 5 metre intervals. Should ploughing of these areas not be viable, the Stage 2 assessment would be conducted by means of a shovel test pit survey at 5 metre intervals. Portions of the any of the proposed transmission main routes in Martintown or along the unopened portion of the Cashion Road ROW identified as exhibiting archaeological iv Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment North Glengarry Regional Water Supply EA Past Recovery Archaeological Services potential would be assessed by means of a shovel test pit survey conducted at 5 metre intervals. 3) If development-related impacts are proposed in lands lying immediately adjacent (i.e. within 5 metres) to the historical cemetery identified immediately to the south of Potential Tank Site Alternative Location A in Maxville (see Map 35), following the completion of the Stage 2 archaeological assessment, a Stage 3 assessment will be required in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists (MTCS 2011). The purpose of this assessment would be to confirm the presence or absence of unmarked graves beyond the currently marked cemetery limits, to ensure no graves will be disturbed. This work should involve the mechanical removal of topsoil with heavy equipment (i.e. Gradall or backhoe) under the supervision of a licensed consultant archaeologist, followed by shovel shining of the exposed surface and an inspection of the subsoil for grave shafts; 4) Should the proposed water supply project require impacts (soil disturbance or other alterations) to areas lying outside of the four study areas included in this assessment (see Maps 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8), the initiation of development-related activities should be preceded by archaeological assessment undertaken by a licensed consultant archaeologist, in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists (MTCS 2011). It should be noted that impacts include all aspects of the proposed development, including temporary access roads, staging/lay down areas, connecting watermains/pipes, and any other works. The reader is referred to Section 4.0 below to ensure compliance with the Ontario Heritage Act as it may relate to this project. v Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment North Glengarry Regional Water Supply EA Past Recovery Archaeological Services TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Acknowledgments ii Project Personnel ii Executive Summary iii List of Images viii List of Maps x List of Tables xii 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Project Context 3 2.1 Development Context 3 2.2 Access Permission and Limitations 4 3.0 Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment 5 3.1 Historical Context 5 3.1.1 Previous Historical Research 5 3.1.2 Regional Pre-contact Cultural Overview 5 3.1.3 Regional Post-contact Cultural Overview 9 3.1.4 Property-Specific History 15 3.2 Archaeological Context 27 3.2.1 Previously Recorded Archaeological Sites 28 3.2.2 Previous Archaeological Research 28 3.2.3 Identified Local Cultural Heritage Resources 30 3.2.4 Heritage Plaques/Monuments 31 3.2.5 Cemeteries 32 3.2.6 Local Environment 33 3.2.7 Site Inspection 36 3.3 Archaeological Potential 41 3.3.1 Determination of Archaeological Potential 41 3.3.2 Stage 1 Recommendations 48 4.0 Advice on Compliance with Legislation 50 5.0 Limitations and Closure 51 6.0 References 52 7.0 Images 65 8.0 Maps 85 vi Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment North Glengarry Regional Water Supply EA Past Recovery Archaeological Services TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page No. Appendix 1: Photographic Catalogue 103 Appendix 2: Glossary of Archaeological Terms 106