Nine Member Body Named from Interested Centres Williamstown Youth Died Sunday 01 Injuries Incurred When Truck Ditched
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The Seaway will prove fruit- Reports on that Big- Four ful for Glengarry if the new meeting ‘at the summit’ fail lake’s waters are used in to disclose how high the stat- raisin’ the Raisin. The Glengarry New esmen were. ONE OF CANADA’S AWARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS Vol. LXIV—No. 32 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th, 1955 SINGLE COPY 7c SEEK TO IRmO SEIM WiTER JTO iüX RIJSffl Nine Member Body Named A Paper IS ext W eek... Williamstown Youth Died Sunday 01 From Interested Centres But None The Week After The News will be published as usual next Thursday, but Injuries Incurred When Truck Ditched Stormont And Glengarry Officials Being not so the following week as we close up shop from August 20th Invited To Meeting In Martintown to 29th to give the staff a well-earned holiday. Conrad Bougie, 18, Fatally Injured Advertisers are reminded that if they have messages to reach Mrs. D. Campbell August 19 To Discuss Further Moves the public through these columns anytime before September 1st, Friday In Accident Near That Village— next week’s issue will have to be used and copy should be in Summerstown Driver Of Truck Uninjured Kenneth Barton, of Martintown, heads a nine-man commit- not later than Tuesday. Correspondents are also asked to Dies In Kenyon tee which will study the possibility of bringing a controlled have copy in early so as little as possible will have to be held over. Conrad Bougie, 18-year-old Williamstown high school stu- The death of Mary Ann Macdon- Customers of our Job Printing department are asked to .artiount of Seaway water into the Riviere Aux Raisin. The com- ald, widow of the late Dan J. Camp- dent, died Sunday in Hotel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall, from head ÿriiiittëèysvill be made np of three representatives from each of look over their supplies and advise us at once of any items re- and chest injuries received Friday night when he was thrown quiring replenishment before August 29th. bell, occurred on Saturday, August the three centres on the river, Williamstown, Martintown and 6th, at the home of her daughter, from a pick-up truck as it rolled over on the Glen Donald Road St. Andrews. Mrs. John Daniel Macdonald, 4th two miles west of Williamstown. Appointment of the committee stems from a recent meeting Mrs. G. A. Perry Had Narrow Escape Kenyon. The youth was a passenger in the truck, driven by Douglas of Martintown Chamber of Commerce when it was decided to Mrs. Campbell was born on Isle Leblanc, 17, of Summerstown. They were travelling east toward renew efforts to see this project' When Limb Fell 'Royal, Lake Superior, May 22nd, Williamstown about 10 p.m. Friday when the vehicle went out of brought to reality. Serving In Over-90 Dies At 80 Mrs. Ernest Godin of Montreal 1875, daughter of Martin Ranald control, plowed into the south After suffering a stroke on July and her 14-month-old grandnephew Macdonald and Elizabeth Macdon- with Mr. Barton as officers of ald, formerly of the 7th Lancaster. New Welcome Signs ditch and rolled over on its the Raisin River Development Birthday Clulg 19th, Mrs. Geo. A. Perry died in had a narrow escape Friday when roof. Bougie was thrown from a tree fell on the lawn between She married Dan J. Campbell, 25- Committee are J. G. Taylor, We extend congratulations to the Peterborough Civic Hospital, At Town Limits the right-hand door and re- August 1st, in her 81st year. the homes of Miss Irene Huot and 3rd Kenyon in February, 1905 two Glengarrians still enjoying The publicity committee of Alex- secretary and A. Aubin, treas- ( Bom in Peverdl, Que., she was the Mrs. Dora Brabant, Bishop street. at St. Catherine of Sienna Church, ceived a fractured skull and life at 90 plus. andria Board of Trade has complet- urer. former Sarah Ann Morrison, daugh- «Mrs. Godin and the baby came into Greenfield. Her husband prede- severe chest injuries. Leblanc, Mrs. C. S. Edgar celebrated A general meeting is being call- ter of Donald Samuel Morrison and the house as a breeze came up, and ceased her in June, 1945. ed erection of large new welcoming who remained in the cab, was her 92nd birthday Wednesday ed for Friday, August 19th, at St. Jessie MdLeod. Her husband, George seconds later a large limb crashed Mrs. Campbell died in the autumn signs at the four highway entrances not injured. ■William’s Parish Hall in Martintown. at Smiths Fails. She formerly A. Perry died in 1940.. on the spot where they had been. of life, behind her 80 years of to Alexandria. Laurier Lefebvre, The truck was owned by Lawrence It was decided the following resi- resided in Lancaster. Mrs. Perry lived most of her life The child is the son, Michael, of blessed generosity, kindness, cheer- chairman of the committee, was in Leblanc, father of the young driver. ents of Glengarry and Stormont Malcolm McRae, onetime resi- . at Dalhousie Mills, Que., later mov- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell of ^ fulness and the conquest of a le- charge of their erection and Bruce There has been no decision re- would be invited to attend the dent of the 14th Road, Lochiel, I ing to OomwiaH, ^ankleek Hill, Montreal, and was visiting here a- gion of true friends who had the Abrames painted the signs. garding an inquest. meeting: celebrated his 90th birthday Toronto and Peterborough. She long with his mother. Mrs. Godin, privilege of knowing her. She leav- The signs are bilingual with the Investigation was by Cst. J. S. Osie F. Villeneuve, MPP for Glen- Wednesday, dntering the 90- | attended Ottawa Ladies College and is Mrs. Brabant’s sister. English “Welcome” dominant on [ Eastwood of Lancaster Provincial garry; Peter Manley, MPP, Stor- es to mourn her loss, one son, Don- and-over-club in very good j was a member of the Presbyterian o two and" its French translation Police. mont; Dr. J. A. Phillips, John L. ald R., of Cornwall, and one daugh- health. j Church. (Mrs. Perry took great in- “Bienvenue” on the two others above Conrad Bougie would have entered McDonald, John McLennan, war- ter, Mrs. J. Daniel Macdonald, 4th Now residing with his son and ! terest in the work of the Women’s Passed Swim Tests a large “Alexandria”. On the re- his final year at Charlottenburgh- den of the United Counties; Dr. daughter, Roddie and Florence Kenyon. Two sons, John Martin I Missionary Society of which she was verse the same policy was carried Lancaster High .School, in Septem- Eizear Bmard, Reeve of Cornwall McRae, in Maxviliè, Mr. McRae and Hugh, predeceased her. Also I a member for 64 years. At Island Park surviving is a sister, Mrs. Christena through with the wording “Goodbye, ber. He was bom at Williamstown, township; Dr. R. S. Peat, medical still enjoys reading and takes S Surviving are seven sons, Donald Swimming test results have been Meharry, of Outlook, Montana. Call Again” “Au revoir, revenez”. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Julien Bougie. health officer; B. E. Fennell, QC; J. He is survived in addition to his Y. Humphriesy : agricultural rep- a great interest in community J., Toronto; Fred A., New Liskeard; released by the supervisors at Alex- A Solemn Mass of Requiem was There is a North-South directional affairs. He likes to visit his ! Norman E. A., Rawleigh, North andria’s Island Park. indicator as well on each sign. parents by three brothers: MaroeX resentative for Glengarry; Ronald chanted in St. Catherine’s Church of Summerstown, Fernand of Ray- Crozier, agricultural representative friends, and when he can’t ride I Carolina; Sidney G., of Hawkesbury; Garruth Ives, park superinten- Greenfield, by Rev. Ewen J. Mac- D. Stewart and G. Howard, both of mond, Alta., and Rheal of Williams, for Stormont; William E. Munro, there, he walks. dent, has received his examiners’ donald on Monday, August 8th. Pre- town. department of lands and forests; Peterborough; and Hubert J. Perry, certificate from the Canadian Red sent in the sanctuary were Rev. He has another daughter, of Ottawa. A daughter, Mrs. Wil- Was One Of Oldest The foody rested at McArthur Bryce MdNaugbton, Deputy Reeve Cross Society. C. F. Gauthier, Lochiel; Rev. D. A. Brothers and MaoNeil Funeral Sarah, Mrs. John Brodie of 3rd liam Rae (Jessie) died a year ago, of Gharlottenlburgh township; L. C. Others who have passed tests and Kerr, St. Raphaels; Rev. Leo Mac- Home, Cornwall, until 9:30 a.m. Kenyon. His wife, thp former and a son, Earnest, in 1928. Kennedy, counties clerk; Dr. George will receive pins are: seniors—Bobby Donell, Finch; Rev. J. F. Foley, Living Graduates Tuesday. Requiem High Mass was MaDonald, Apple Hill. Sarah Dewar of Dunvegan, died The remains rested in the Kaye Landriauit; intermediates — ^Tally Alexandria; Rev. D. B. McDougald, sung at St. Mary’s Church, Wii- Such a plan, which would divert some years ago. Funeral Home,'Peterborough, where MtoDonald, Keith Watson, Bobby Cornwall. Father Gauthier offi- liamstown, at ilO:36 a.m. Tuesday. St. Lawrence water through the Of High School a short . service was held Tuesday Blinn, Andre Pommier; juniors •—• ciated at the graveside. Burial was made in the parish Aiux Raisin river in a controlled August 2nd, at 7.30 p.m„ Rev. G. Fern McCormick, Mrs. S. P. Katzer, Pall bearers were: Dannie A. R. On Sunday, July 31, at the home cemetery at Williamstown. flow to' its Lancaster junction with Child Again Needed 'Smith, officiating; thence to Mc- Gary Shepherd, Winnie Larocque, MacDonald, Innis MacDonald, of Mr.