Changes in Permafrost Conditions Along Linear Engineering Structures in the North-Taiga Subzone of the Arctic Yenisey Area, Russia
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CHANGES IN PERMAFROST CONDITIONS ALONG LINEAR ENGINEERING STRUCTURES IN THE NORTH-TAIGA SUBZONE OF THE ARCTIC YENISEY AREA, RUSSIA E.G. Karpov, E.L. Baranovsky Igarka Permafrost Investigation Station, Melnikov Permafrost Institute, SB RAS, Igarka 663200, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Multi-year studies, carried out along linear engineering structures in the north-taiga subzone of the arctic Yenisey area, have revealed the following: (1) contemporary degradation of permafrost due to clearing of forest tracts and disturbance of moss and lichen cover; (2) steady-state permafrost with a tendency towards increases in temperature due to climate warming during the last decade; (3) contemporary aggradation of permafrost on top of mineral frost mounds due to thinner and more com- pacted snow cover along linear engineering structures; (4) degradation of permafrost along the abandoned Igarka-Sukharikha railway due to damming of surface water derived from rain and snowmelt, with resultant development of bogs and of thermokarst processes; for- mation of permafrost below the railway bed. New data (9 years of observations) are presented on the change in thermal regime of an open talik beneath partially-drained Shchuchie Lake located at the Arctic Circle. Introduction The most complicated and vulnerable part of the route extends for 130 km from the Gutkocha River to During the period 1989-1997, changes in geocryologi- the Kholpakov River (90 km south and 40 km north of cal conditions along a linear route extending for 388 km Igarka) and has a thick cover of unconsolidated from the Kureika hydropower station to Norilsk were Quaternary sediments with very complicated geocry- studied in relation to disturbances involved with con- ological conditions. struction and operation/maintenance conditions. Disturbances included clearing of forest vegetation, Based on nine years of field observations on the recent partial destruction of sod cover by crawler-type vehi- state and dynamics of permafrost in this vulnerable cles in summer, drying-out of moss and lichen cover part of the line, the route can be divided into two types and its subsequent replacement by grasses, and the pre- of permafrost: (1) unstable, degrading, and (2) stable, dominant regeneration of birch and larch. The route with a tendency to aggradation. consists of two parallel lines constructed at different times: the older one in 1974-1977, the younger one in Unstable, degrading permafrost 1985-1989. Each line is 50 m wide. GEOCRYOLOGICAL PROFILE 1 Parts of the studied route from the Kureika River up Geocryological profile 1 is situated 80 km south of the to the Gutkocha River and from the Kholpakov River to city of Igarka, in the Sukharikha-Kureika interfluve at Norilsk are characterized by shallow bedrock overlain elevations up to 100 m. This profile, consisting of four by a thin cover of rocky, loose sediments. These parts drillholes (31-34), was made on the left bank of the are less problematic and more favorable for reliable Bolshiye Kozharki River in a tract of north-taiga, mixed, operation of the line VL-220 kWt. thin, mossy, spruce-birch-larch forest with a thick (10-15 cm) moss and lichen cover. In this area, the older line route was cleared in 1979 and is now overgrown E.G. Karpov, E.L. Baranovsky 545 with a young birch forest (very thick in places). The -0.1¡C at a depth of 5.5 m. Hole 44 which was drilled trees are 2-4 m (rarely up to 5-6 m) high and are 2-6 cm 20 m away from hole 44a at an edge of a thermokarst in diameter. The younger line route was cleared in the depression penetrated through an open talik with a summer of 1985 and is not overgrown with a forest yet. temperature 0.6¡C at a depth of 7 m. Holes 32 and 33, sunk on the younger and older routes respectively, and hole 31, drilled in a forest some 50 m Thus, forest clearing has led to tremendous changes in from the newer line route, exposed poorly frozen, ice- geocryological conditions, causing complete degrada- poor, predominantly massive-structured bouldery till tion of the permafrost along these two line routes du- (suglinok) that grades into a bouldery gravel at a depth ring the last 15-20 years. Changes in geocryological con- of 6 m. Hole 34, sunk in forest in the rear part of the ditions gave rise to changes in the surface conditions, Bolshiye Kozharki River valley, 100 m away from the leading to the development of young thermokarst older line route, exposed ice-saturated, lenticular- depressions and hillocky terrain with flat basins as a braided-structured, typical ribbon clays of glacio- result of thawing of previously ice-saturated lacustrine origin underlain by bouldery pebbles. In all Quaternary sediments. drillholes, the upper part of the ground section is made up of 2-3 m thick, rusty brown-grey till with rare boul- GEOCRYOLOGICAL PROFILE 3 ders. As on-site observations indicate, the forest (holes Geocryological profile 3 is situated 25 km north of 31 and 34) has permafrost with a temperature of Ð0.2¡C Igarka, 1 km away from the Yenisey River, on a forested (as of May 18, 1991), whereas in the cleared areas, only 50 m high hill crosscut by creek valleys and 5-10 m short-term permafrost has remained to a depth of 3.5- deep basins of thermokarst lakes. Hole 73a, sunk in a 4.0 m. The thickness of the active layer is 1.2-1.5 m in forest, 30 m away from the newer line route, reached forested areas and increases up to 2.5 m in the cleared permafrost at a depth of 1 m that had a temperature of areas. Over the observation period, the snow cover -0.2¡C at a depth of 7 m. Holes, drilled on the axes of varied in height from 80-90 cm in cleared areas up to the routes and at a border with the forest, exposed the 160-180 cm in forest, i.e., half as much in open places permafrost table, unfrozen in its upper part, at different due to blowing away by strong blizzards. The snow depths. Along profile 3, the depth of such a degraded thickness of 80-90 cm has proven to be sufficient to pre- permafrost layer was 3.5 m at the older route-forest bor- vent the soils of the open areas from strong freezing. der (hole 71), 4.5 m on the axis of the older route (hole Cutting-down of the forest and disturbance of the moss 72), and 5.5 m on the axis of the newer one (hole 73). cover causes unidirectional, fast thawing and degrada- tion of the permafrost along power line routes. Thus, a thick unfrozen layer (up to 3.5-5.5 m) above the permafrost table, the gradient-free character of soil GEOCRYOLOGICAL PROFILE 2 temperatures in the cleared areas, and descent of the Geocryological profile 2 permits us to make judg- upper boundary of frozen sediment are all indicative of ments about the character of changes in geocryolitho- degrading permafrost in this area as a result of cutting- logical conditions in relation to partial cutting of the down of forest vegetation and disturbance of moss and forest (prior to the construction of the line routes). This lichen covers (drying-out, disappearance and replace- profile passes 750 m northeast from the outskirts of the ment by grasses). older part of the city of Igarka in a hilly watershed dip- ping toward a boggy depression. The city of Igarka is SUPPORTING STRUCTURE 267 surrounded by a secondary, mixed, predominantly In early October (the end of maximum thawing sea- spruce-birch forest with a lot of old stumps remaining son) of 1995, we found along the newer line route, a from 1929, the time of development of this territory. faulty supporting structure (267) that was constructed Holes were sunk in a forest along the axes of the two in 1985. This support is located 2 km northeast of the line routes. In this place, the older and newer routes are Taiga settlement (not far from Igarka). Here, the terrain 50 m apart. For comparison, two more holes were sunk is a gently undulating, boggy, hummocky surface of an in a glade. old glacio-lacustrine plain with elevations up to 49-57 m. The support is mounted on four separate, Holes 43 and 45, sunk on the line routes, exposed 3.7 m long reinforced concrete piles with 2.4 m wide open taliks with temperatures, respectively, of 0.9¡C square shoes at the base. Paired piles with shoes are and 0.7¡C at a depth of 7 m. Hole 43a, drilled 40 m west mounted on 3.0 m by 1.8 m-sized concrete slabs. The of the older route in a forest, atop a residual mound, support stands in a marginal part of an oblong mineral exposed ice-saturated permafrost with a temperature frost mound that is 3-4 m high, 8-12 m to 30-50 m in -0.2¡C at a depth of 7 m. Hole 44a, sunk on a small, width and more than 250 m long. residual mineral mound (2 m in height and 15 m in diameter) in a glade between the two routes, also The pile foundations of the support rest on frozen, ice- exposed ice-saturated permafrost with temperature of saturated clays of glacio-lacustrine origin. The clays 546 The 7th International Permafrost Conference have lenticular-braided cryogenic structure (typical of Profile 4, made in March of 1991, passes from the the Igarka area) and gravimetric moisture contents of creek thalweg to the top of the frost mound.