Environmental and Economic Issues in Forestry Selected Case Studies in Asia
\AITfP2 a 1 WORLD BANK TECHNICALPAPER NUMBER 281 ASIA TECHNICALDEPARTMENT SERIES Public Disclosure Authorized Environmental and Economic Issues in Forestry Selected Case Studies in Asia Edited by Susan Shen and Amoldo Contreras-Hermosilla Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized *jui ~~ ___- * W.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a. r 1 jM wGW ',', i- zj7,",W - t!W W '4 Fb't ' 0 - $ - 1 Public Disclosure Authorized 4r;- - ;U--sfdt RECENT WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPERS No. 216 Carr, Improving CashCrops in Africa:Factors Influencing the Productivityof Cotton, Coffee,and Tea Grownby Smallholders No. 217 Antholt, GettingReadyfor the Twenty-FirstCentury: Technical Change and InstitutionalModernization in Agriculture No. 218 Mohan, editor, Bibliographyof Publications:Technical Department, Africa Region,July 1987 to December1992 No. 219 Cercone, Alcohol-RelatedProblems as an Obstacleto the Developmentof Human Capital:Issues and PolicyOptions No. 220 Kingsley, Ferguson, Bower, and Dice, ManagingUrban Environmental Quality in Asia No. 221 Srivastava,Tarnboli, English, Lal, and Stewart,Conserving Soil Moisture and Fertilityin the WarmSeasonally Dry Tropics No. 222 Selvaratnam, Innovationsin Higher Education:Singapore at the CompetitiveEdge No. 223 Piotrow, Treiman, Rimon, Yun, and Lozare, Strategiesfor FamilyPlanning Promotion No. 224 Midgley, UrbanTransport in Asia: An OperationalAgendafor the 1990s No. 225 Dia, A GovernanceApproach to Civil ServiceReform in Sub-SaharanAfrica No. 226 Bindlish, Evenson, and Gbetibouo, Evaluationof T&V-BasedExtension in BurkinaFaso No. 227 Cook, editor, InvoluntaryResettlement in Africa:Selected Papers from a Conferenceon Environmentand Settlement Issues in Africa No. 228 Webster and Charap, The Emergenceof PrivateSector Manufacturing in St. Petersburg:A Survey of Firms No. 229 Webster, The Emergenceof PrivateSector Manufacturing in Hungary:A Survey of Firms No. 230 Webster and Swanson, The Emergenceof PrivateSector Manufacturing in the FormerCzech and SlovakFederal Republic:A Survey of Firms No.
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