INSTITUT FÜR POLITIKWISSENSCHAFT PIFOPOLITISCHE ITALIEN-FORSCHUNG Local Government and Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Italy and Germany Silvia Bolgherini Occasional Papers No. 12/2011 Hrsg. von Alexander Grasse ISSN: 1866 - 7619 Impressum PIFO Politische Italien-Forschung Erscheinungsort: Gießen Hrsg.: Prof. Dr. Alexander Grasse Institut für Politikwissenschaft Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Karl-Glöckner-Str. 21 E 35394 Gießen Tel.: 0641 - 9923091 (Sekr.) Tel.: 0641 - 9923090 Fax: 0641 - 9923099 E-Mail:
[email protected] ISSN: 1866 - 7619 Gießen, 2011 © Alexander Grasse Local Government and Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Italy and Germany Local Government and Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Italy and Germany Silvia Bolgherini Content Page 1 Introduction 5 2 Inter-Municipal Cooperation: Rising and Practices 6 3 IMC and Government/Governance Relations at Local Level 7 4 Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Italy and Germany 10 4.1 Italy 10 4.2 Germany 13 5 Case Studies: A Comparative Overview 17 6 Emilia-Romagna – A Front Line Region 21 7 The Brandenburg Way to Territorial Policy 27 8 Some Comparisons and Findings 37 8.1 Territorial Institutional Policy and its Implementation 37 8.2 Regions Towards Local Authorities in IMCs 38 8.3 Policy Procedures and Governance 39 9 Emilia-Romagna and Brandenburg between Government and Governance in Territorial Institutional Policy 40 10 Conclusion: The Role of Meso-Governments in Territorial Institutional Policy in Italy and Germany