(Iowa City, Iowa), 1963-07-16
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to. Latest Scores The Weather o-r.lly '.Ir......,. P.rtIy cleudy tJlght with SCIfteNd ~ likely ....... pertIen. From the Majors owan HI,h. In low.,. lOs northMst to ,. ...Ih ..... ail .1 Seroing the State University of IoWil and the People of Iowa City r.atlb1Ubed in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy A.IIoclaled Prell Leued Wirel ADd Wln!pbote Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, July IS, 1_ Council To Get New -City 'Budget Tonighf · Iy GARY SPURGEON millage rate to 36.186 as com not just at budget time, but aU by city employes. The city man decreased in the 1964 budget. the Monies and CredIts Tax has street construction - nearly balf When the debt service budget Minlging Editor pared to a rate 35.997 in 1963. the year around for othcr sources ager said he would recommend They are the gcneral fund, the been transferred to the generaL of the street fund budget of $410,- of $177,199 and the trust and The proposed city budgct of $2.5 Leikvold has suggested two of rev e n u e," Leikvold said. the 4O-hour week to the counc". public safety fund and the san fund . 450_ A new $10,000 storage build· agency budget of $116,271 are mUlion will be formally presented methods to the council by which "Many of our charges for spe Under the new classification itation fund. The public ulety fund bas been ing was included in the budgeL added to the above funds, the tax to the Iowa City City Council by the city could hold its mill levy cial services have not been in system, salary increases are ad· However, salaries will decrease supported part of the budget City Manager Car5ten Leikvold at The general fund is $4,305 less apportioned $361,'788, which is a in line: 11 more efficient opera creased for 30 ycars. If therc is vanced from merit within the · than the amount budgeted in 1983 decrease of $9,812. The biggest $11,564 due to operaUnc with less totals $1,793,081. 7:30 ~onight in the Council Cham tion and increased cooperation a reason for a special charge in grade or from promotions from malring it $208,045. Despite the decrease in this fun d is the men. bers. the first place, then it should The remainder of the $2,461,'16& between the various departments, one grade to another_ drop, an estimated increase 01 amount budgeted for capital out· The municipaL enterprise fund is apportioned to the non-tax sup The budget was released Satur boards and commissions; 2) keep up to date." Leikvold's first budget includes $6,100 in salaries is included lay - down $22,400. Salaries and is up $25,827 to $161,61'7 mainly ported portions of the budget - day by Lelkvold. It calls for ex: find other sources of revenue. Leikvold included a new pay four changes. Water Department along with the purchase of new mone~ to be spent for goods and because of the airport improve parking meter~ ($78,2501, sewap penditures of $2,461,766. The coun "An efficient operation is the classification for city employes in expenditures are included for the ofrice equipment. Two funds - services provide the largest in· ment program and the expansion ($88,890) and water ($501,545). cil is ex:pected to set a date for sum of many hard decisions," the budget. The new classification first time along with the non-tax the contingency fund and the cap crease. of the library_ Lelkvold said that he thought !be public hearing, which must be Leikvold said. "We cannot afford will give each employe a slight expenditures of the parking ital outlay fund - are not in The sanitation fund is the final Salaries for the staff members water and sewer billing costs held before the budget is ap the lUXUry of each function op pay raise, Leikvold said. meter and sewage funds. cluded under the general fund. fund that shows a decrease. The of the new Recreation Center is could be cut by going to a quare proved. erating apart and separate from Each employe will be classified Other changes are combining The contingency fund was drop total for 1964 is $166,562 as com the principal reason thai the rec terly rather than the bi-monthly The proposed budget calls Cor all other functions with the resul according to a stated grade. A the street fund and the street ped from the budget whUe the pared to $IBO,OOO for 1963. reation fund has increased nearly plan now used. $1,164,797 to be raised by lax tant duplication of effort. Coop salary range accompanies each construction fund into one street capital outlay fund was transfer The street lund, tbe municipal $10,000 over 1963. The amount Funds to hire a planning dJrec. ation. This is just $30,000 more eration through communications grade. fund and the liquor profit share red to the Recreation Building enterprise fund, the recreation budgeted for this fund is $85,600. tor were incorporated into tile than Last year's $1,135,900. The should I e a d toward increased Lelkvold commented that the and emergency funds have been fund. fund , the park lund and the utile The parks and utilities funds proposed budget. Leikvold said estimated millage rate will also services for the same amount of budget was set up to provide for eliminated with the money beini Lelkvold explained that the iUes fund aU show increases over have also increased_ The park that it might be possible to hire a represent only a slight rise. The tax money_ a 4O-hour week rather than the transferred to the general fund. teneral fund expenditures are 1964. lund totals $42,283 and the util planning director in cooperation proposed budget would bring th~ "We shouLd search continually, 42-hour week now being worked Three of the funds have been down because the liquor tax and Lelkvold budgeted $182,535 for iUes fund would be $63,200_ with SUI. Race Issue Gets New Impetus Khrushchev Jovial Wan~ Work, . Gov. Wallace N.Y. Groups ~ Claims JFK Demonstrate OK's Rioting NEW YORK (All - A summer WASHINGTON III-Gov. George wave of anti-discriminatlon dem c. Wallace of Alabama said Mon onstrations swirled in many quar day that President Kennedy has At N uc lear Talks ters of this nortbern metropolis been "pressured" into approving Monday, resulting in a mass ar mob violence and street rioting in rest of Negro clergymen in Brook behaH of his civil rights program_ Opera Workshop lyn. Wallace told the Senate Com· Verbal Quips Elsewhere the tension showed up merce Committee tbat the Kennedy Communist Rift Grows ill marches, sit·ins, conferences, Administration's handling of racial Self Supporting court actions, weapons seizures, problems has brought the nation to and alleged white neo-Nazi moves "the brink of civil warfare." At Talks in Moscow 8y Ticket Sales Are Returned , to foment disorder. "A president wbo sponsors legis One BrookLyn minister said that Lation such as the Civil Rights Act MOSCOW (All - The Soviet Union paper Izvestia as peace talks be Prof. H.r.ld St.rk, director of the predominantly Negro Brook of 1963 should be retired from pub Monday charged Red China with tween Soviet and Chinese delegates the SUI Oper. Workshop and mu By Harriman lyn-Styuvesant section "is on the lic office," Wallace said_ trying to set up a new center of in plodded into their second week. lic.1 director for Ih. oper. "La brink of a violent outburst" unless ternational conununism - long T"vl.t.," .xplalned MondlY thlt MOSCOW (All - Joking and bubbl The governor charged also that Each side apparently was deter th.r. na stud.nt tlck.ts to Negroes get a fairer share of con "there are Communist inDuences headquartered In the Kremlin - mined to force the other to be first w.,. ing with enthusiasm, Soviet Pre· struction jobs. the four perform.nclS of the oper. in the integration movement," and of setting the colored races to break them orr. mier Khrushchev laUDChed the_ In a troubled sector of the Bronx, against the wbite_ because It hll nevar betn Included echoing a statement made before Izvestia, which represents the Kremlin talks on a nuclear test pickets still walked outside a diner, the committee Friday by Gov. Rosa The bitter accusations were in the .tud.nt .... bud.. t. Government point of view as com ban agreement in a 3'>1-bour con after eight members oe a pro-Nazi Barnett of Mississippi. printed in the Government newa· pared to the Communist party or· "'11. hili. to m.k. our own organization w ere seized on The committee is In the third gan Pravda, elaborated on chatges mon.y," St.rk commented. H. in· ference Monday with special U.S_ charges of plotting to incite a ra week of hearings on the adminis contained in the party's open let· dlClted th.t the .umm.r ....r. and British envoys. He jovia1ly cial riot there. tration's public accommodations ter published Saturday. ceuld nat optr... unl ••• It chi,.... suggested signing the agreement Outside a court bearing,' shouted biU, Which would forbid racial d(e. till $2.25 for .dmlsslon. Six To Run • t IBid Red Cbina was only one right away . claims were made that some of crimination in stores, restaurants, them were "beaten up." step from "a schism of the world Red china, whose feud with hotels and other business places Communist movement and the l Khrushchev has reached tbe point A truckload of weapons was Pickets Meet Bayonets serving the public.