Malcolm X to Organize Mass Voter Registration

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Malcolm X to Organize Mass Voter Registration tiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiH » THE Socialist Workers Party MILITANT 1964 Election Platform Published in the Interests of the Working People — See page 4 — Vol. 28 - No. 14 Monday, April 6, 1964 Price 10c iiiH uiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim tim iim iiiiiim iium im iim m tiim im iiiiiiiiiM m tiim m iiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiim itiuiiiiiituiiuuiim iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiuiiiiH iM iiiiiiiiiiiiiim niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiium iiw ni Malcolm X to Organize A SPECIAL MILITANT INTERVIEW iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH im iiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim m m m iiiiiiiiiiim iiii£ Leader of Chester, Pa., Rights Battle Mass Voter Registration By David Herman Gives Views on Winning Freedom Now NEW YORK, M arch 30 — M al­ By Morris Chertov in the November boycott, the dem­ colm X announced last night that onstrations we had in the city, Until now, only brief reports the first campaign of his new blocking the doors, keeping tHfe have appeared in the press on a black nationalist movement would pupils out, taking over City Hall, recent conference in Chester, Pa., be a massive voter-registration closing down the school system, attended by some 60 delegates drive. and the administration. We had from groups involved in the strug­ “We’ve got to get everyone in to take action like this to really gle for Negro equality in at least Harlem registered, not as Demo­ prove that we were dissatisfied. eight states. Among the figures in crats or Republicans but as inde­ Because as long as we just walked attendance were Gloria Richard­ pendents,’’ he declared. Register­ around with a picket sign in out son of Cambridge, Md., Malcolm ing independent means a voter hand the power structure didn’t X, Dick Gregory, and Laurence chooses not to participate in the even recognize us. They were not Landry, leader of the Chicago Democratic or Republican party concerned. school boycott movement. The primaries here. They thought we were out there, conference resulted in the forma­ Giving his geographical defini­ and a little rain, a little baa tion of a new organization called tion, he said: “Harlem to me is weather, would run us back in. “ A C T ” w ith L andry as chairman. any place where you see us.’’ New But when we proved we weren’t York’s black population will be The host for the meeting was out there playing games and that mapped out, he said, and an or­ the Freedom Now Committee of we meant business and were w ill­ ganized effort will be made to Chester which has drawn national ing to make the supreme sacrifice, visit every home to get people to attention with a series of dramatic that 250 people went to jail, then register. and m ilitant protests against school it really shook the city and they segregation, slums and lack of The dynamic black nationalist know they really have a problem jobs. The most recent of these oc­ leader told a Harlem rally that here. The Committee for Freedom curred March 28 when marchers even if you register you don’t ne­ M a lc o lm X Now is an organization which they sat down in the street in Chester’s cessarily have to vote, sometimes must deal with, because the Com­ central business district during you can abstain and win more mittee for Freedom Now repre­ nationalists in the civil-rights the pre-Easter shopping rush. Some Stanley Branche that way. sents the Negro people of Chester. movement because the black na­ 60 demonstrators were arrested, Q. W ith regard to planned activ­ Need for Unity tionalists are too militant, because filling the local jail. ■ they won’t compromise, he de­ which it hosted March 14. The ities have you considered political Another point he stressed at the The chairman of the Chester clared. interview follows. action? rally, held at Audubon Ballroom Freedom Now Committee is Stan­ The “tricky white liberals” are Q. W hat induced you and your A. We have considered this, we on West 166th St., was the need ley Branche, 30, who left a post sowing the illusion in the civil- committee to take the course of have gone further. As long as we for black unity. In line with this as field secretary for the NAACP rights movement that African- action you have in Chester? just walk around the streets and he explained that the purpose of last November to form the Com­ Americans are about to be com­ demonstrate we’re not going to his series of Sunday night rallies A. Chester is one of the last of pensated now fo r 310 years of mittee. In a March 18 interview get very much accomplished really. had nothing to do with religion. the one-man-controlled political unpaid slave labor, he said. “We’ll w ith The Militant — held in the We must get into politics because “Unity is the right religion,” he machines in the United States and expose it only by getting into the Freedom Now Committee’s office in order to be a threat to the said. He stressed that black people the extreme measures the power at 1705 W. Third St., Chester, Pa. power structure we must be a part must forget their differences and thick of it and making them put structure has levelled upon the up or shut up.” —• Branche discussed the Chester Negro people here has made nec­ of the power structure. In Ches­ discuss the points on which they t \ ter we have 40 to 43 per cent of (Continued on Page 3) movement and the conference essary the actions we have taken, can agree. our population Negro. With a unit­ The starting point of his anal­ ed black front here, we could elect ysis was “the unwanted presence WITCH-HUNTING PROSECUTOR FIGHTS ON our own mayor, our own city of 22 million black people in council. This is what we must do. America^” “If we aren’t wanted We have gone into politics. We’ve we should go back home,” he said. been rebuffed by the election “Our homeland is the continent To Appeal Ruling in Indiana ‘Sedition’ Case board, we have to go to court on of Africa.” this because they refuse to accept He explained, however, that By George Saunders It will be several months at ing. But his hope is, if the state our petitions — it’s really a hell­ black nationalists must have a The victory won for civil liber­ least before a date for arguments court reverses H ill’s ruling, to re­ hole here. We call this the Birm­ program for better conditions here ties in the Indiana student “sedi­ before the state court w ill even indict the students and thus start ingham of the North. And we must and now as well as the long- tio n ” case is being challenged by be set. That date might not be his witch hunt all over. get into politics. There is no other range program of going back to the witch-hunting prosecution. On u n til 1965. Hoadley’s appeal represents a recourse. We had a ve ry success­ Africa. He said that those who March 20 Monroe County Judge Hoadley told the press that his continuing threat to academic ful voter registration drive, but talk just about Africa and not Nat U. Hill had ruled that the only interest in appealing was freedom. The victory at the trial- we have not scratched the surface conditions here do not differ from Indiana Communism Act of 1951 “legal and academic.” Judge H ill’s court level should encourage civil yet. the preachers who talked about was unconstitutional. He dismissed precedent, although it is binding liberties forces to press for a de­ Q. Have you decided whether heaven during slavery. Any phil­ the indictments brought under the only in Monroe County, tends to cisive defeat of the law before yon will run your candidates in­ osophy that is not going to do act against Ralph Levitt, James weaken any future attempt to use the state court. Support from the dependently or w ill you seek to something for us here and now is Bingham and Tom Morgan — stu­ the law in the state. academic community continues to enter, for example, the Democratic no good, he said. dents at Indiana University and Hoadley’s interest in reasserting grow for the Committee to Aid Party primaries? Malcolm X stressed action. officers of the Young Socialist the law is anything but “academ­ the Bloomington Students, the key A. We’re not interested or con­ “What I feel I’m doing is carry­ Alliance campus chapter. ic.” The aim of his prosecution mobilizer of forces against the cerned with the Democrat or Re­ ing into action” the teaching of On March 25 Prosecutor Thomas was to punish the students for witch hunt and the law. publican organizations. If we run Elijah Mphammad, he said. A. Hoadley, who had secured the their advocacy of socialism on the Expressing the attitude of facul­ black candidates on a platform Up to now, the white liberals indictment, held a joint press con­ campus. The Indiana press over ty members ready to defend aca­ of civil rights and freedom now, have controlled the civil-rights ference with State Attorney Gen­ the past year is full of statements demic freedom is the statement w ith a th ird party, I ’m sure we, movement, he pointed out. As a eral Edwin K. Steers. Hoadley an­ by Hoadley smearing the defend­ by Philip Appleman, Associate w ill be very successful in Dela­ result, the whites have just given nounced he would appeal judge ants and trying to prejudice public Professor of English at Indiana ware county.
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