Durham E-Theses The semitic background of the synoptics Bussby, Frederick How to cite: Bussby, Frederick (1947) The semitic background of the synoptics, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/9523/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail:
[email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk THE SEMITIC BACKGROUND OF THE SYNOPTICS Frederick Bussby A thesis submitted for the degree of B.I>. in the University of Durham July 1947 CONTESTS Page Bibliography 4 Abbreviations 10 Introduction 12 Historical attempts to trace a semitio origin of the Gospels from Papias to Torrey 16 Semitio and Non-semitic - 18 MA EE Transliterations explained by Mark 22: Abba-Bart imaeus-Boane rges-Elo i Eloi lama sabachthani-Ephphatha-Golgotha Korban-Talitha cumi. Transliterations not explained by Mark 27 ' Amen-Beelzebub-Kollubis^Tard-Passover-Pharisee Rabfci-Rabboni-Sabbath-Prosabbath-Sadducee-Satan Place names in Mark 34 Bethany-Bethphage-Bethsaida (Sidon)-Capernaum Dalmanutha-Decapolis-Gerasa-Gethsemane-Magdala- Mazareth.Appendix: Cyrene-Dialect of Galilee A Greek a Syrophoenician-Jerusalem Personal names in Mark 43 Alphaeus-Barabbas-Joses-Judas Iscariot-Peter Translations and mis-translations in Mark 47 11.3;11.4;11.10;11.11;11.19;111.28;IV.4;IV.12 IV.29;V.16-17;VI.8;VII.3;VIII.33;IZ;18;IX.20; XII.40;XIV.72;XVI.8.