a. was reje cted there Match – Places b. raised Lazarus from dead 1. 2. c. near the river Jordan (1) 3. d. healing of the deaf mute 4. 5. e. Gerasene demoniac delivered 6. f. birthplace of Jesus 7. Sychar 8. Samaria g. Jesus grew up there 9. Gennesaret h. Jesus appeared here after the resurrection 10. 11. Decapolis i. Jesus’ trial was held here 12. Nain j. Jesus prayed here and was arrested here 13. Bethesda 14. k. pool where the lame were brought 15. Gabatha l. woman at the well 16. Bethabara 17. Perea m. where Jesus was crucified 18. Gerasa 19. Caesarea (1) n. hill of the skull 20. o. disciples found a donkey there 21. Beersheba 22. Enon p. Triumphal entry here, ascension of Jesus here 23. q. Jesus family fled here 24. Tyre 25. r. Jesus turned water into wine 26. Egypt s. Peter confessed Jesus as Messiah here 27. Caesarea (2) 28. Sidon t. the way of suffering 29. Sea of u. blind man healed here 30. Jordan river 31. Dead sea v. paralytic healed here 32. 33. w. blind Bartimaeus healed here 34. Golgotha x. Pontius Pilate was from this port city 35. Via de la Rosa 36. Praetorium y. demon cast out of the daughter of a Syrophoenician woman 37. z. a Roman generals’ tent

aa. near the shore of lake Galilee, people were healed

bb. Region north of ii. Jesus walked on this body of water cc. a city along with Tyre, who would be judged jj. connects the dead sea and lake Galilee dd. Jesus resurrected a widows’ son here kk. Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Jericho are near the north end, but this landmark is not ee. near the river Jordan in Bethany mentioned by name in the . ff. a region in Judea where Jesus taught

gg. south of Jerusalem in Judea

hh. capital of Judea