Trap Door 17
Issue No. 17, April 1997. Edited and published by Robert Lichtman, P. O. Box 30, Glen Ellen, CA 95442 USA. Please send all trade fanzines and letters of comment to this address. Founding member and Past President1991: fwa. Also a supporter of afal. A Fanzine of Record (see below), available by Editorial Whim in response to The Usual, or $4.00 per issue (reviewers please note!). The Usual includes your letters, contributions both written and artistic, and accepted trades. If there’s an “X” on your mailing label, this may be your last issue unless you respond. All contents copyright © 1997 by Trap Door with all rights reverting to individual contributors upon publication. Contents of This Issue: Doorway Robert Lichtman 2 For Dick Ellington, Berkeley Typesetter Julia Vinograd 5 Agbergs Abroad: Paris & Sicily Karen Haber Silverberg 6 It’s A Mystery To Me, Too Ron Bennett 11 Stuff Carol Carr 14 Bodies In Rest & Motion Richard Brandt 17 The Cosmopolitan Boy Steve Stiles 19 Shock Horror Probe! Dave Langford 22 Our Man in... Sidney Coleman 24 Grunt Calvin Demmon 26 The (Science) Fiction of History Christina Lake 28 The Ether Still Vibrates the Readers 31 ART A GRAPHICS: ATom (2), Brad Foster (cover), Lee Hoffman (14), William Rotsler (13,16, 27, 30, 48), Craig Smith (22), Dan Steffan (2, 6, 11, 19, 26), Steve Stiles (17, 24, 25, 28, 31). A little background: Hoover Dam is part of the American tourist experience, right up there with the Grand Canyon and Disneyland. Completed in 1936, the steel and concrete dam is 726 feet tall and measures 1,244 feet across its widest point.
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