O Sangue by Pedro Costa - 1989 - 98 min STUDENT SHEET

> (Blood) is part of a collection of European films: the CinEd collection, a film education programme for young people.

> This student sheet allows me to rediscover the film, to go through it in words and images, to know more about where the characters live and their time, to create and invent, to go further by discovering other works: films, books, music, photographs, paintings...

By participating in CinEd, I share the discovery of films with young people from other countries, all over Europe!

L’auteur de cette fiche est Arnaud Hée, critique de cinéma et programmateur de films.

A The film B In Europe and elsewhere C The film and me D To go further O Sangue A The film (1) (5) (3) (9) (7) 2 /9 1 Seen inthefilm Seen (10) (4) (2) (6) (8)

CinEd — Student sheet O Sangue money backat allcosts. two of his creditors want their that theirfather isindebtandthat Eve,On Christmas Vicente learns (4) without afather. in theirlives andadjustto living The brothers mustmakechanges (3) disappears. totrip thepharmacy, thefather Vicente makesamysterious One night, theeldestbrother after (2) medical treatments. father, away, whoisoften for Vicente live andNino withtheir (1)


Father: Vicente: That I’m dead. Do what Do you want withme. What doItell Nino? The film The film Nino backto Lisbonwithhim. Nino brother is, invain tries to bring and, where notknowing his Their unclearrives from Lisbon (5) kidnap thesleepingNino. kidnap to The uncle uses the opportunity couple goes for awalk inthepark. One summerevening, theyoung (7) Clara. Clara. Vicente, and Vicente’s girlfriend a new family takes shape: Nino, Once the outsidethreats cease, (6)

3 /9 Nursery rhyme (off) Nursery wooooo.”Arh » A wolf howled inthedistance / « The night wasandmoonless / dark 2 1 Seen inthefilm Seen Heard inthefilm father’s creditors. andheldcaptive bykidnapped his demand anexplanation, butis Vicente goesto seehisuncleto When hisbrother disappears, (8) save hisbrother. Year’s to Eve sothat hecantry in thegangto free himonNew Vicente mustconvince thewoman (9) home inaboat. from hisuncle’s andreturns need help.doesn't He escapes more andmore likeanadult, Nino, however, whoisacting (10)

CinEd — Student sheet O Sangue A A Nino: Nino: Uncle:  Nino: Uncle:  Nino: Uncle:  The film Nino: Uncle: Clara:  The film Vicente.

Changing your life: step one. Cut your What are you writing? You’re lucky. We needhelp. don't I wanted to helpyou! Try to understand! youDo realize what you’re saying? Don’t you likefish? Your brother would The prices. When Ileave, I’ll pay you hair, changeyour face. You’re to blamefor theway Iam. meifhecould. kill back. back. the whimsical and eureka moments thatthe whimsicalandeureka involves. […] had funtogether. was hisfirstfilm,withallthestress and It time. Pedro Costa andIwere at friends filmschooland we Iedited « Manuela Manuela Viegas (thefilm’s editor) visible inthemore recent films. » his work onellipsis, haslivedandis oninourmovie making Writing Pedro’s and ofhis characters firstfilm, andapart and reinventing everything. […] dialog) ontheother, asifwe were returning to thesource one hand, theseto thesound(music, andthenconnect We studiedhow we theimagestogether could on connect O Sangue 4 /9 . It wasexperience anenriching at the . It 2 3 Ni withhim? Vicente :  Nino : Heard inthefilm Said aboutthefilm Said no: 

He changed changed He When the cloud When thecloud  What’s wrong completely. at thesunnow. your eyes. Look passes, close

CinEd — Student sheet O Sangue A B How doyou say O Sangue Portugal: La sangre Spain: The film O Sangue O Sangue at Valada doRibatejoonthe Tagus river. was milesaway, It One of my of first memories « Pedro Caldas (soundengineer) » always defended againstanything hisproject andeverything. of perseverance inPedro, who, despite problems onset, has was achildthat neededto bedrawnIt’s into hisfilm. stillasign patience withNunoFerreira he understood that (Nino); Nuno I alsoremember Iwas how by surprised Pedro’s and kindness positive one, for theimageitself, itstexture anditsdensity. the first few minutes, Pedro displayed a real obsession–a a film. All that counted right,was gettingtheimage andin At the time, we gave little attention to sound when we shot as iftimehadstopped. […] day.and we madethereturn every trip felt likeaneternity, It elsewhere EuropeIn and Blood United Kingdom: in othercountries? 5 Il sangue Il Italy: /9 O Sangue 1 3 are the night scenes Sângele Romania: Said aboutthefilm Said A film,several titles Krev Czech Republic: Kraujas Lithuania: Veri Finland: КРЪВ Bulgaria:

CinEd — Student sheet O Sangue B C he is looking at. he islooking Try to imagine what hesees. the places where thefilmtakesplace? hat...” “ whichbeginsArmanda, with: “A manwithathermometer inhis choose? from the International Monetary Fund Fund Monetary assistance accept International financial (IMF). to of the forced round from was led USSR. second a which Portugal the of end 1989, 1984, the in In breakdown empire the to announcing revolutions Soviet the East, the of Several the since II. in in world War began the World countries of around divided end and had communist that marked Europe and War of event Cold the capitalist of historical reunification end down the the This to came led wall change Germany. and major Berlin 1989 of The in time a Europe. were in 1980s The 1989 - Context What elsewould you aboutPortugal, liketo know Lisbonand Continue prepares theessay writing Nino for histeacher talksaboutman’s Nino greatest invention: what isit? you If could give thefilm a different title, what would you All weNino’s seeinthelastscene ofthefilmis face –notwhat elsewhere EuropeIn and and me The film of Portugal, forced to accept outside outside time. the accept at to aid metaphor a to as forced financial refusal seen His Portugal, order was in of back. assisted things notes uncle of be his Nino and prices pay scene, the to Vicente the one In which money down the uncle refuse. they and the Nino that by debts, little offered father’s the characters’ the the in have, economy. problems: and money country’s perceptible change is the of to This years two disruption these (EEC). of European the Sangue O Community joined Economic Portugal 1986, In takes place over the course course the over place takes 6 /9 2


the director. director. the

you’d do differently if you were were you if differently do you’d

understand. understand.

questions about what you didn't didn't you what about questions

didn’t like, for example. Ask Ask example. for like, didn’t

You can also tell him what what him tell also can You

thought of the film: film: the of thought

Pedro Costa, to tell him what you you what him tell to Costa, Pedro

what you liked, and what you you what and liked, you what

Write a letter to the director, director, the to letter a Write Dear Pedro… Dear I learn andIimagineI learn The filmanditsera undergoing a complete economic economic Portugal, complete is a country, overhaul. from, a of main comes undergoing the symbolic more where family also the and suburbs Lisbon, characters’ of lives, rural gap areas uncle simple, huge the modern the where the film, Costa’s between Pedro In English posters English posters French, Scottishand

CinEd — Student sheet O Sangue D C If youIf liked in otherscenes. films “At the table”, “Conflicts” and “Escaping”, and the different approaches to this same theme theyoung space, spectator In watch cross-thematical videosfrom most. 10 images that touched you/affected you the in therightorder andaddatitleundereachone. images that match those moments. Place them In the young spectator space choose the the choose theyoung space In spectator theyoung space, In spectator choosethe methemost ? ofthefilmsurprised What parts I create my own movie poster. O Sangue growing up. isadreamlike fable about the story ofGeneralFranco, thedictatorship during daughters, Ana andIsabel. inSpain Set grows distant from herhusbandandtwo trapped ofthepast, who in memories absent, inthe Spanishfilmitisthemother, is in thePortuguese filmthefather figure family undergoing major change. While Like (C Erice by Víctor 1973, Spain) ( El espíritu delacolmenaEl espíritu and me The film in further To go

E The oftheBeehive Spirit d O Sangue

c oll , you may likethisotherfilm inthe CinEd collection: ec tion

film , this is a film about a , thisisafilmabout

) cined.eu/en/youngsters-space Young Space Spectator ,

7 /9 images that match thosemoments. theyoung space,In spectator choosethe what he sees. at. face –notwhat heislooking Try to imagine methemost? ofthefilmsurprised What parts The last image of the film showsNino’s only 2 O Sangue images Choosing andcreating in the educational intheeducational

CinEd — Student sheet O Sangue D Pedro Costa. Pedro Costa. of tragedy were allsources ofinspiration for shadows, sense theletters andapervading to commit crimes, and theuseofdark tofellow convince escapeeswhotry him between Clara and Vicente), hisformer owner (reminiscent oftheinnocent love loveHis for thedaughter ofagasstation was framed for he didn’t acrime commit. Bowie fleesthepolice to andtries prove he thisthriller,movie In making. ayoung film intheCinEdepitomized collection), Godard (whomade Ray,director Nicholas who, for Jean-Luc This was thefirstfilmmadeby American Ray Nicholas (United States, 1948)

They Live by Night further To go

Pierrot leFou

, another , another 8 /9 that make thisfilmsimilar to in facing grown-ups solidarity are all motifs of trees, thechildren’s fear andtheir age to another, theriver, theshadows danger,lingering thetransition from one hidden alarge sumofstolen money. A classmate to findoutwhere thelatter has a pastor with the family of a former whopretends Mitchum) heis Robert and manipulative (played criminal by This isadream-like taleaboutatwisted LaughtonCharles (United States, 1955) into the “world”.into O Sangue who, Lisbon.Characters day-to-day in characters’ lives intheharshreality of ethical issues are all explored in the deaths,births, life in thestreet and a couplein poverty.living Suicides, methods.production Here Costa films Costa made, shotwithtraditional filmis thelastpurely fictional Pedro (1994), filmedin Cabo Verde, After Pedro Costa

The oftheHunter Night O Sangue , were taking their first steps , were their first steps taking , (Portugal, 1997)


Casa de Lava Casa deLava O Sangue

Ossos Ossos .

CinEd — Student sheet O Sangue This student sheet was written by D ability to visibleat capture firstglance. ability what isn't space andemptinessasfuelfor theimagination and solitary andfor its to that ofPedro Costa for itsuseoftheevocative power ruins, ofdarkness, while scouting locations for themovie. work offers His upauniverse similar took some ofthephotos that inspired thefilmmakerandwhich were used ofPedroA friend Costa, Paulo Nozolino worked withhimon (Portugal, 1955) Paulo Nozolino The photography of O Sangue

further To go : find the same atmosphere in... : findthesame atmosphere in... Carlos Natálio.

9 /9 O Sangue . He . He

CinEd — Student sheet