
You got this...we will all get through this...I miss all your smiles...keep smiling and reading! Ms. DeLeon

Hello! I miss seeing all of your beautiful faces . Make sure that you are reading & doing your work! Can’t wait to see you all in person & give you all a big (((hug)))! Stay safe, be good & READ . Mrs. Martinez

I miss you all so much! Keep working hard at home but also remember to enjoy with your families. Be nice to each other and stay safe. I love you all and hope to see you sooner than later.

Ms. Garcia

Hey! It’s Ms. Hahn! Miss you and sending you hugs and high fives! Make sure you stay active and moving. Do 10 jumping jacks, push-ups or sit-ups! Enjoy your Bingo cards and practice your super-hero moves!

I miss all of you. Your smiles and hugs make my day! Keep smiling we will be together soon Hugs to all, Mrs. Patterson

Hi! I hope you are doing well and that you’re playing lots of games and reading lots of books. I miss you so, so, so much and cannot wait to see you! Love, Mrs. Huth

Hey kiddos, I can’t explain to you how hard it will be to not see your smiling faces each and every day. You guys are amazing humans and I know this will just be a small amount of time that we will call history. While you’re home don’t forget that learning can be done anywhere. Get some fresh air, walk, and talk about things that interest you! Love, Mrs. Burnfin

Hey you fantastic KRR kids! I am so glad Mrs. Schweer has this note to give to you. I am missing all of you so much! But, don’t worry, we will be in contact with you very soon. I am so excited about using Seesaw as a means to communicate with you and your parents. Be sure to download the Seesaw app for Families so we can see you, and you can see us. Mrs. Watson and I will be reading books to you and presenting vocabulary to you. I will even show you how to use chopsticks, that is, if you don’t already know how to use them. Are you ready? I will see you and you will see me real soon on Seesaw, ok? Love, Mrs. Deibert