Global Soybean Trade The Geopolitics of a Bean Marcello De Maria†*, Elizabeth J. Robinson†, Joseph Rajabu Kangile‡, Reuben Kadigi‡, Ilda Dreoni#°, Matheus Couto§, Niko Howai†, Jurgen Peci† and Sicily Fiennes§ †University of Reading – School of Agriculture, Policy and Development ‡Sokoine University of Agriculture – School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies #University of Southampton – School of Social Statistics and Demography °University of Southampton – School of Geography and Environmental Science §UNEP – WCMC *Corresponding Author Partners Funders ii The UK Research and Innovation Global Challenges Research Fund (UKRI GCRF) Trade, Development and the Environment Hub is working with over 50 partner organisations From 15 diFFerent countries. The project aims to make sustainable trade a positive Force in the world by Focusing on the impact oF the trade oF speciFic goods and seeking solutions to these impacts. How to cite this report: De Maria, M., Robinson, E. J. Z., Kangile, J. R., Kadigi, R., Dreoni, I., Couto, M., Howai, N., Peci, J., Fiennes, S. (2020): Global Soybean Trade. The Geopolitics of a Bean. UK Research and Innovation Global Challenges Research Fund (UKRI GCRF) Trade, Development and the Environment Hub. DOI: License: CC-BY 4.0. Lead & Corresponding Author: Dr. Marcello De Maria –
[email protected] Orcid: Robinson, E. J. Z. Kadigi, R. Dreoni, I. Peci, J. iii Acknowledgments We acknowledge funding from the UK Research and Innovation’s Global Challenges Research Fund (UKRI GCRF) through the Trade, Development and the Environment Hub project (project number ES/S008160/1).