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Download and Launch the App and ® Login with Their Mango User Name and Password Iphone App Is Ready to Go! for Unlimited Access Both on and Offl Ine NEWSMAKER Daniel Ellsberg n PARADIGM SHIFTS Transforming Libraries, ALA July/AuGuST 2011 THE MAGAZINE OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PLUS n The Power of Graphic Novels n Nonprofit Digitization Success n Movies and Beyond n Annual Conference: 20,000 Strong Message from NOLA: Sue Gardner wants you on Wikipedia’s front lines ADVANCE YOUR INFORMATION SCIENCE CAREER THIS FALL! Earn a top-ranked degree with Drexel University Online, The iSchool Complete your application by August 15th and begin class this fall! Drexel University Online, The iSchool, offers cutting-edge programs conveniently online. FEATURES AND BENEFITS The iSchool at Drexel is internationally • ALA members receive a 20% tuition reduction for recognized for top-quality information online programs through The iSchool at Drexel science education. With 24/7 • The iSchool at Drexel is ranked #9 among “America’s BEST Graduate Schools 2012” by online flexibility, you can access U.S.News & World Report. classes online and receive the same • ALA accredited library science program distinguished degree as an • No application fee! on-campus student. ONLINE PROGRAMS THROUGH THE ISCHOOL AT DREXEL • MS in Library & Information Science • Post-Master’s Competitive Intelligence & APPLY ONLINE TODAY – AT NO COST! Knowledge Management Studies Specialist Program • Post-Master’s Digital Libraries Specialist Program 20% TUITION REDUCTION FOR ALA MEMBERS • Post-Master’s Youth Services Specialist Program Enter “ALA” as your affiliation code on your • Certificate in Healthcare Informatics application • And many more! Drexel University Online The School at Drexel A Better U.® College of Information Science and Technology This Drexel PRO offer is provided as a courtesy to all ALA members by Drexel University Online and is not a formal partnership with the American Library Association (ALA) nor an endorsement by ALA of the university or its academic programs. CONTENTS A m e r i c an L i b r A r i e s | July/August 2011 Features 33 The Power of worDS AND PiCTureS Using students’ visual vocabulary as a learning tool through graphic novels BY Jesse Karp STeP eASily iNTo 36 The DiGital fuTure Lyrasis gets varied collections online quickly, and cheaply, through collaboration BY KathY anderson and Laurie GemmiLL 40 how oNe liBrAry DiGiTizeD iTS CoMMuNiTy’S NewspaperS researchers enjoy a rich, accessible archive 42 in Winona, minnesota BY aLLison Quam how To offer More 42 ThAN A Movie Producing film discussions that are serious cultural events BY aLan JacoBson 52 36 Cover STory liBrAriANS wiTNeSS 44 New orleANS’ reCovery more than 20,000 return to the city for Annual New TeChNoloGieS, New DireCTioNS 52 eMerGe at AlA 2011 The lowdown on high-tech trends showcased in the exhibit hall Cover design by Jennifer Brinson BY Lisa carLucci thomas CONTENTS A m e r i c an L i b r A ries | J uly / A U g U s T 2011 | V olu me 42 #7/8 | i s s N 0002-9769 Departments 40 5 AMeriCANliBrArieSMAGAziNe.orG iNformatioN TeChNoloGy 30 DispatcheS froM The fielD Automation Assessments BY marshaLL BreedinG and andromeda YeLton 31 InterNeT liBrAriAN As They Like it BY Joseph Janes 32 In PrACTiCe Tutorials That matter BY meredith FarKas PeoPle 54 CurreNTS ProfeSSioNAl DeveloPMeNT 56 YouTh MatterS My midsummer metamorphosis BY JenniFer BureK pierce 57 NexT STePS Updates and Trends A Pioneer evolves BY Brian mathews 12 AlA 58 LiBrAriAN’S liBrAry Conquering the Digital Divide BY Karen muLLer 15 PerSPeCTiveS 59 RouSiNG reADS 26 NewSMAker: Daniel ellsberg Surf’s Up BY BiLL ott 60 SoluTioNS AND ServiCeS oPiNioN AND CoMMentary 4 FroM The eDiTorS What you Told Us BY GeorGe eBerhart and Beverly GoLdBerG 6 PreSiDeNT’S MeSSAGe Empowering Voices BY molly raphaeL 47 8 ExeCuTive DireCTor’S MeSSAGe 24 Taking on Transformation BY Keith michaeL FieLs 10 CoMMeNT eNABleD Letters and comments advertisers | page 28 PuBliC PerCePTioN Drexel e-Learning, inc. | cover 2 29 On My MiND geico | 44 innovative interfaces | cover 3 mentors Need Advice, Too mango Languages | 3 BY aniKo haLverson niJhoFF recorded books | 7 rutgers | 9 64 Will’S worlD san Jose state University | 38 sirsiDynix | cover 4 Dead Trees We Have Known BY wiLL manLeY JoBS American Library Association booklist | 39 62 CAreer leADS froM JoBliST graphics | 27 33 Your #1 source for Job Openings Mango’s language learning goes where you go! The Mango Languages • Patrons simply download and launch the app and ® login with their Mango user name and password iPhone App is Ready to Go! for unlimited access both on and offl ine. Mango Mobile Library Edition is the Mango • Lessons work just like the online program — touch Languages application for iPhone®, iPod touch® the screen to reveal answers, hear pronunciations, and interact with the content. and iPad®. Free from the App Store, your patrons • All Mango Basic and Complete courses licensed can now access fast, easy and effective language through your library are available via the Mango learning no matter where their travels take them! Mobile Library Edition app! Visit our website or give us a call to learn more about Mango Mobile or our other language learning products! 877-MANGO-11 © 2011 Mango Languages FROM THE EDITORS | Masthead What You Told us THe mAgAZiNe OF THe AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATiON by George Eberhart and Beverly Goldberg Interim Editors-in-Chief 50 e. Huron st., chicago, iL 60611 n April, we conducted an online survey of our readers, in email [email protected] order to find out what we’re doing right and what we could toll free 800-545-2433 plus extension local 312-944-6780 • fax 312-440-0901 be doing differently. A big thank you to the nearly 3,600 Facebook: I Twitter: participants, who represented all types of libraries (public, aca- online career classified ads: demic, school, and special). You answered 31 questions about your preferred formats, and some 2,400 of you took the time to interim editors-in-chief Beverly goldberg • [email protected] • x4217 add comments to one or more parts of the survey, giving us some George m. eberhart • [email protected] • x4212 associate editor helpful things to consider. Your input is and will be invaluable. Pamela A. goodes • [email protected] • x4218 Although this was not a scientific survey, we learned many things american libraries focus editor greg Landgraf • [email protected] • x4216 about how you read, what you want and joblist classified advertising/ad traffic American Libraries and AL don’t want to read, and how you prefer to Katie bane • [email protected] • x5105 receive information. In the summary Direct—essential, reliable, design and production that follows, we’ve identified some of production director benjamin segedin production editors Jennifer brinson relevant. your more frequent comments and pref- Taína Lagodzinski erences. In a nutshell: carlos Orellana n 79% consider American Libraries and AL Direct essential profes- publishing department associate executive director Donald chatham sional reading. marketing and sales director mary mackay rights, permissions, reprints Mary Jo bolduc • x5416 n American Libraries is rated high on reliability of information (90%) and relevance (65%). columnists meredith Farkas, Joseph Janes, Will manley, brian n AL Direct is very highly regarded (“fabulous!” “gold!”) and consid- mathews, Karen muller, bill Ott, Jennifer burek Pierce ered very useful. It rated high on relevance and reliability (76%) and timeliness (88%). membership development director John chrastka • [email protected] n 76% like to get their American Libraries content in print. n Print fans want the content to be focused on articles rather than advisory committee chair Andrew K. Pace, brian coutts, Luren Dickinson, time-sensitive news (which is AL Direct’s specialty). Pam spencer Holley, guy Lamolinara, sarah rosenblum, n Paul signorelli; interns sian brannon, Kathryn Oberg Mobile phone access is a key issue (36% say that’s how they like to editorial policy: ALA Policy manual, section 10.2 access content). Tablets and e-readers follow close behind. n advertising representative Many ALA members do not see a clear difference between the associate publisher brian searles overall ALA website ( and the American Libraries website (www. [email protected] • x5282 Acceptance of advertising does not constitute endorse- ment. ALA reserves the right to refuse advertising. n Most members access the American Libraries website through links in AL Direct. indexed Available full text from ProQuest, EBSCO Publishing, 2011 n The digital version of the magazine with page turns that we offer H. W. Wilson, LexisNexis, and information Access. with each print issue was not widely known, but it did generate strong subscribe feelings about the technology on both sides of the issue. In general, it’s Libraries and other institutions: $45/year, 6 issues, safe to say this is not a preferred format. Some asked for a PDF version U.s., canada, and mexico; foreign: $60. subscription july/august price for individuals included in ALA membership dues. 800-545-2433 x5108, email [email protected], or visit | of the magazine, unaware that this option is built into the technology claim missing issues: ALA member and we use. ­Customer service. Allow six weeks. single issues $7.50, n with 40% discount for five or more; contact charisse In general, the message was that we can do more to distinguish Perkins, 800-545-2433 x4286. the benefits and the features of our digital options. n published We also received numerous suggestions for content coverage and american Libraries (issN 0002-9769) is published 6 times will be implementing many of those in the future. yearly by the American Library Association (ALA). Printed in U.s.A.
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    ':. '•/"'•t^i'\' ',.. ,'" " 'V-. ' .' '*" • ' '-. ;• '' ,•./. .•.. JANUARY ?». 1853 . •• .' >- • .flu. l . be accustomed to the relatively There's Ice, ....,.„...• ,..,,,. ,_ .'; yf.. ••••'•••.r' ,_;_••••••-• or Musical Program low temperature: '.. •' r "But when the same motorist ape^ your Doctor phone you Slipperier hits ice at a slightly higher temper- ature, he may Rencounter a -situa- ntxt prescription to BARON'S Concert tion he is entirely unprepared to Chief Reports cope with," Chief Fischer said., .- where you will be served by our ; Presbyterian Church. "Some ice is more slippery than "It means that the winter motor- jther ice." • . ••••' ist ' must' slow down-drastically if Couples Club Will Chief William' Fischer, bj thehe is to cope with winter driving Registered Pharmacists with HEART HEART conditions: "Every test that-has FUND Cranford Poli'ee •• Department ex- FUND Sponsor Bucknell Unit plained that paradoxical state- been conducted gives added proof Prompt and Courteous Service. R w. o o p G RANFORD KENILWORTH Couples Club of the First Pres- ment today, by pointing out' that that even with the best special tires and with me help of tire chains, ' byterian Church will sponsor a temperature, has a great — and reduced Speed is a safety must concert Wednesday evening at 8': 15 generally unrealized ^ • effect on Vol. LX. No. 2 CRANFORDJ NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. FEERUARY 5. 1953 winter time drivers." • 24 Pages — TEN CENTS p.m. in the Cranford High School :hc slipperiness of ice. The Cranford Police Depart- auditorium of the Bucknell Uni-* ' "So," he said., "wlien driving on icy roads, motorists Should consid- ment this month is" cooperating Baron's is known for their Award Winner versity Men's Glee Club.
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