ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS SCIENTIARUM BUDAPESTINENSIS DE ROLAi'H)O E01VOS NOlvllNAJAE .i V. S c i. Budapest. Sect. Geol. 26 /1986/ S&P,\R,ITU;n SECTIO GEOLOGICA TOlIUS X:tVL TECTONIC UNITS OF HUNGARY: THEIR B01JNDARIES AND STRATIGRAPHY ~) (A BIBLIOGRAPHIC GUIDE) nUDAPEST 1936 M.KAzMER E6tv6s University, Department of Palaeontology, H-lOS3 Budapest, Kun Bela tel' 2, Hungcuy ABSTRACT This review pa,per presents a brief description ofpre-N eogene tectonic units of Hungary. Their boundaries are defined, stratigraphic cohm1ns are described and possible palaeogeog raphie relationships are outlined. Bibliographic references for descriptive papers (stratig raphy, palaeontology, sedimentology, petrology, geochemistry, metamorphic grade, radio metric ages, etc) are included. Data for igneous activity, metamorphism, deformation, tec tonic position and eeonomic geology are supplied. N eogene and Q.uaternarybasin evolution and volcanism are discussed. Appendices list books on the geology ofHungary, review papers of each periods, available maps and periodicals publishing geological information. Introduction This paper presents a brief review of fundamental geological infor mation on Hungary. The style is concise, similar to that used by PALFREY MAN (1984) in his treatise on Australia. First, boundaries of tectonic units are defined. Then each unit is short ly characterized, followed by a more detailed treatment (rocks, fossil content, c1epositional environment, magmatism, metamorphic grade, racliometTic age. etc) with references to the latest relevant publications, wTitten or having summaries in English, French or German. Our aim is that the interested rea,der would find the last paper on his problem to start with. The review of pre-Neogene units is followed by the outlines of Neo gene and Quaternary sedimentation, volcanism and tectonics.
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