Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1964

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Alternative title Zimbabwe ReviewZimbabwe Review: official organ of the Zimbabwe African Peoples' Union (ZAPU) Author/Creator Publicity and Information Bureau of the Zimbabwe African Peoples' Union (ZAPU) Publisher Publicity and Information Bureau of the Zimbabwe African Peoples' Union (ZAPU) Date 1964-08-08 Resource type Magazines (Periodicals) Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) Zimbabwe, United Kingdom, Coverage (temporal) 1964 Source Northwestern University Libraries, Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies Rights By kind permission of ZANU, the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front. Description Editorial: Wither Zimbabwe- Now. Sir Roy Welensky and the R.N.P. The 50,000 Manned S. African Army to Defend S. . Commentary. Zimbabwe News in Brief. Heavy Sentences Passed at Mtoko and Salisbury. At . S. Rhodesia Parliament. Smith Visits Malawi. ZANU Resignations: The Implications. The Committee of Two. Late News: 400 Attend Msarurwa's Funeral. Supplement: "Your Defunct ZANU is Manned by Police Informers and Divisionists," Makombe Tells Zvobgo. Format extent 14 page(s) (length/size) 0

0 *Vol. 4. 1. 8/8/64. H L. i ,CT117)1964 TEEN:270 0 i DAR ES SALAAM MARKET STREET 0 D WITHER ZIMBABWE NOW. Now that the dust has been allowed to settle down after the few hectic weeks that passed in which we saw the Commonwealth Prime Ministerst Conference and the subsequent historic O.A.U. Heads of States meeting in Cairo, speculations start to jab and filter into peoples' minds. Malaysia speculates about the decision reached at the Comonwe,Ith Conference in London, on its dispute with Indonesia. The British (.uiaa delegation and its people are thinking about their country's situation and we, the Zimbabweans (S. Rhodesians), are filled with thoughts about 'ur countrys future. So, every one is burdened with his own troubles in d ours are, to our knowledge, imposed on us by tho British Government ,d its policies of trying to salvage and console the wrongs its kith ar- kin are, day and night, doing to our mother-land , Zimbabwe. The peopli, of Zimbabwe (Africans especially) had placed their faith in the British Government, to solve the impasse prevailing in our country but it sc,;rr, to us that Britain, when it comes to the worst, can forsake us for the benefit of its kith In Zimbabwe. IBritain, that is if its gospel of trying to solve the tense situation in Zimbabwe to the benefit of the majority is sincere, must now call a constitutional conference than let the issue drift on while it is playing for time. In Zimbabwe, no half and half measures would satisfy lis. All we want is to rule our country just in the way the democratic dictate goes#, the Government by the people, of the people and for the people. Vre clamour for nothing new but what every democratic country knows is the right claizd* Before we got this recognition there will continue to be economic havoc and a continuous political struggle to regain our heritage by peaceful means or$ if there is no hope of a peaceful solution, by revolutionary tactics. Cont../

People may rpise their eye-brows when we say this because Smith has got the most efficient army in Central Africa but we will answer then in this humble way* "Might is not necessarily strength but unity in its own, is strength and might." We, the African people of Zimbabwe, are reaching the end of our tether. We have sustained enough humiliation and domination, our patience is nearing its utmost limits and we cannot stomach this anymore. The only course left, it seems, is to demonstrate and perpetuate our day to day relentless struggle against the fascist regime of the cow-boys until, they give in to our demands and rights. Anybody who has the eyes to see and ears to hear, can gauge that the situation in Zimbabwe has reached a stage that the country has never experienced since the birth of in Central Africa. Militancy in whatever you do, as an African fighting for your liberty, is the order of the day. Acts of sabotage, arson, bombings, stone throwing and attacks on European property and persons are increasing in occurence. Frustration has reached the pitch and the African is prepared even to go to the gallows for doing the most dastardly acts to regain his stolen rights, as a human being. Then the world screams, 'Barbarism' but forgets and its closesheyes to the real cause of these acts. It is inequality, humility,economic and social injustice and the vote we are denied because we are black. The scourge of minority rule has been allowed to go on unchecked that they have reached a stage where they forget that the country belongs to the Africans and ly that virture must rule. The Nazi-like regime of Smith and his gang has brought nothing good but misery and blood-shed to both the Europeans and the Africans. These are the kind of people we are fighting against. We want equAity, we want to manage our own affairs in our country. The European must be part and parcel to the advancement of our country but not as a master. The European must learn to live under a Black Government and cherish to live with an African as his own equal and compatriot. We have nothing against the Whites but their policies of domination and exploitation and these.we will fight against until they are wiped from our country. Whatever happens in Zimbabwe, the blame lies squarely on the British Government. They are responsible for the 1923 constitution and its implementation on the then illiterate African masses and they are again responsible for the imposition of the 1961 constitution against the wishes of the Africans who registered their rejection of this constitution during the N.D.P. (now banned) referendumrto which they (the British Government) ?paid a deaf ear and told us it was the best we could get as if we don't know what is good and bad for us. . If Britain thinks it can appease its. kith and kin at the detriment ard expense of the African, then she better think again. We have reached a point of no return and we have vowed that underwhat comes, our forces will be victors in our struggle for our liberty. Cont.../

Britain must learn the lesson the Smiths, of'our country are recognising that with cruel, barbaric laws, dotafltions, heavy jail sentences for petty crimes and restrictions on their side, still they cannot stop the advancenent and aspirations of the Africans in Zimbabwe. We have set our coursb and we will stubbornly pursue it until the end. Our Pilot, Mr. Joshua Nkomo, will, with all our resources at our disposal and our crave for self government and determination to get it, see us through these troubled timos to victory and prosperity.* The talk by some British journals and ro-nown politicians, that Sir Roy Wolonsky is the saviour of Zimbawo is the kind of talk you hoar from misguided pooplo who plunge into topics they do..not know much about. 6 Sir Roy Wolensky, during his reign in the Federal days, learnt nothing and gained nothing. He is the sane brazen, self-contained individual who believes he knows all the answers to the African solution and thinks he is an export in the Zimbabwe crisis. Roy is as much a person who believes in "handing over to the Africans' as the Qossest folly one can comit just as Smith does. They (Smith and Roy) all believe in the policy of 'blood -is thicker than water' and close their minds to the fact that the African is just as able' to rule as he is able to talk politics. This talk of 'lowering standards, and giving power to 'inexperienced hands' is now out of time as far as Africa is concerned. If Malawi, and the rest of independent African States can rule themselves why can't Zimbabwcas do it? The only solution is obvious to all the Roubting Thomases and the British Government - Majority rule. All Britain must do is call for a constitutional conference whore the people will be represented by thdir lead6r", Mr. Joshua Nkomo, to hammer-out a constitution giving the miority the right to run the country and then we will be out of the miserable state in which Zimbabwe has boon plunged into, by Smith's regime. Every sane pcrson.knows that the winds of change won't stop at the Zambezi river but will proceed to blow right through Africa ronving every vestige of colonialists' regimes that are there. Till then, the Giant of Africa, African Nationalism, will lumber on, fighting for its peoples' heritage till the whole of Africa is free, for nothing can withstand for long its lashing blows that bring peace after its rampage to victory. OUR MOTTO IS: FREEDOM AND THEN PROSPERITY !MASIZIBUSE - NGATIZVITONGE:! SIR ROY WELENSKY AND THE R.N.P. It has boon reported in the S.R.B.C.9today(5/8/64), that Sir Roy Welonsky, the once Premier of the defunct Federation of Rhodesia and , is going to talk with the R,N.P. members of Parliament in one of their monthly meetings., Furthermore, it is reported from the same source, that Blair Ewing has resigned from Parliament for business reasons, and his last words to his Arundel Constituency wero, I hope you will elect a representative who will form a broader political group than any that are in existence today*"

Cont.o./ The meeting of Roy and the R.N.P. Parliamentarians and the resignation of Blair Ewing, one of the most brilliant politicians in the R.N.P6 hierarchy, is too much for coincidence. A person who knows Zimbabwe politics and its trends will at the first glance see a set of plans that havo. been going on behind the scenes between the RNP and Roy. Maybe, they are taking up the call from the British papers and leading politicians of branding Sir Roy as the 'Zimbabwe Messiah' or is it that they (the British) want to make him their pawn for getting out their burning nuts from the fire which they deliberately made red-hot? Whatever Sir Roy does or whatever he will do, if ever he can take over from his fascist brothers - the Smith's mob, is no concern to the Africans of Zimbabwe, We have our aim and we know our goal - the right to rule ourselves in our God- given country. Whether Roy takes over or *not is not our worry, all we want is our country NOW! We have fought and died for it just like our fore-fathers did and we will continue to fight t'ill we regain it fro:i the imperialists and their dirty, inhuman policies of exploitations The ball is rolling and the spirit of Nationalism is burning stronger and stronger in our hearts and minds and no appeasement or half-and-half measures can ever stop our fight against oppression and its iniiuities. Britain and the settlers can boost and bring back Sir Roy into the political lime-light but the heart of all the discord and turmoil reigning. in Zimbabwe won't end as long as the minority are in power. Our struggle, Britain must be told and know from now onwards, is against domination by the few. It has been our cry since the start of our scramble to regain our rights as the owners of Zimbabwe and we will continue on the same theme till what many died for and. what some are and will die for is ours* We have beenstruggling for a long tine and have known and experienc d dirty tricks played under the guise of good intentions. Sir Roy, as we have always said, is not, to our knowledge a changed nan. He is the sane brand, of who would like to cling to power undorwhat comes. We had enough of him in the Federal days, and cannot be duped into believing that he is the one.who can save the st.nod atmosphere prevailing in Zimbabwe. He can, for the mean while, be a saviour of the settlers from the foolhardy action of unilateral independence contemplated by Smith but we, as the world knows, are not worried whether Smith snatches his irdopdndenco or not and we wont give up our fight or relax in our vigilance whether Roy is in power or not. The solution is clear to everybody, including Britain itself, that without Oae Man One Vote the struggle for our recognition will go.on until and unless our loader, rusticating in Gonakudzingwa, Joshua Nkomo, is the Premier of a free and independent Zinbabwe. LONG LIVE NKOMOII ~~~------

THE 50,000 MANNED S. AFRICAN ARMY TO DEFEND S. RHODESIA...... A Durban man, a Mr. RichardHardman, is asking for 50,000 volunteers to stand by, as a 'private' army, ready to defend S. Rhodesia, the last bastion of White supremacy, against falling into African Hands i When he announced this news to the press, he said he had already a total of 350 volunteers. Among then are Indians, Coloureds and ex-servicemen, who had offered their free services. The Friendship Volunteers, we are made to believe, are a non-political organisation. C Sunday Times of S, Africa, Durban, 26/7/64.) COMMENTARY: This kind of talk by S. Africans, or any fascist and imperialist groups for that matter, is not now to us and wont frighten us a bit, instead, it instils in us the spirit to be more determined than ever and it shows the world the close, often refuted, military ties between the Republic and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). This move, more strangely enough, follows the immediate visit of Smith to the Republic for talks with Vorwoerd. Smith is trying, by all means, to nobiliso a force that will fight in his favour if the worst comas and he knows very well that the nly country that can help him is S. Africa. We have doubts to whether this Hardman chap is not one of the Republic's enlisted soldiers working under the guise of a retired serviceman in the Republican army. We have knowledge of Smith and Hendrik Vcrwoord working hand in hand to help stop the African asprations in Zimbabwe because Vorwoerd knows very well that once Zimbabwe is under African rule, his policy days will be numbered and very near the end. He, Vorwoerd, was behind the formation of a Fifth Column of Whites that roamed in Rhodesia preaching the gospel of fighting against hand-over e the Africans. This secret army, The Rhodesia-Republic Army, was allowed to operate freely by the Edgar Government until it got out of hand when it started persecuting Africans they found moving about in remote areas of he country. This spirit has cropped up again and again in the carp of the die-hard Whites and it is no surprise to hear that the idea of a secret, 'friendship army' as they like to call it, has been taken up again. "It is non-political," we are told and yet the founder, if he would like his name to go in history instead of the S African Governmenti would like us to 'elieve this. It seems these people think the world has blinkers and cannot think for itself, for how can an army founded on the principles of trying to support White domination and ideologies of White supremacy be nonpolitical? What we can tell White S. Africans is that they are the next to lose their previleges they shared amongst themselves and they better forget dreaming that the Zambezi River is the and-line of Black rule. If they, sincerely, believe this will happen then they are living in a world of phantasies and are building castles in the air. Thcirs is a pipe-dream which will turn to a bitter disillusionment they and their children's children will never forgot.

(3) Cont..,/ The African.has learnt the hard'hat if you meet bitter opposition in the struggle for freedom and liberty do not hesitate to be more bitter and use the most harsh and crude methods you can find. Let the Hardmans come to Zimbabwe and they will find the most solid and united f.eft of opposition they have never visualised. If they can fight for a cause that do not concern their country directly what more of an African who has no other home but Africa. If Hardman, and Verwoerd for that matter, find that things are dangerous in Africa they can skip to Europe, America or Australia but an African has no option but to suffer on till the troubles are over. We will fight to the bitter end for our country and we cannot be intimidated by recruits from S. Africa, after all, even the Smiths are just as die- hards and fascists as the S. Africans are. Go on, Smith with your Republic recruitment of your Privat.o Army in disguise but that won't stop our 'fighting against you and all the evil things you stand for. Recruit as many as you can, But, WE VOW YOU WILL FAIL JUST AS YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE DOOMED. YOUR REIGN IS GOING TO FAIL AS ALL'THE OTHER IMPERIALISTS' GOVERNMENT HAVE DONE IN ARICA, ASIA AND LATIN AMERICA. WE ACCEPT THIS CHALLENGE JUST IN THE SAME SPIRIT WE ACCEPTED THE INEVITABLE THAT WHITE DOMINATION, THE VEMIN IT IS, WILL PERISH AND IN ITS PLACE WILL CROP THE PEOPLES' GOVERNMENT . FREEDOM NOV11' ...... ZIMBABWE NEWS IN BRIEF. In the Umtali area, 5 people were found guilty in the Magistrate Court for offences of arson and setting road blocks. They were sentenced to 5 .years inprisonnent with hard labour. The S. Rhodesian Government, in transit, has revealed that during the period of April to June, this year, a total of '500 people were arrested in the Mrewa District under the Law and Order Maintainance Act and 485 of these were found guilty and given prison terms. This number excludes the lot arrested in the rest of the country and the African Suburbs which in April was, 118 women and an unknown number of youths and men who filled Prisons and Remand Prisons all over the country. The rate of non-Africans leaving the country for S. Africa is s lll high and the number of unemployed Africans is still rising despite the lowveld sugar development scheme where 16,000 Africans have found jobs. The number of non- Africans out of Job is worrying the Smith's Government and the Building Industry is the worst hit, many brick-layers of European decent are rushing to S. Africa to hunt for jobs because 'of the boom that prevails there at this moment.

Sixty Community development officers have warned the Government of Smith thath the 'apartheid veiled' co'munity development programme would never succeed, due to vehement African rejection of the scheme, until the Land Apportionment Act, abone of contention between us, the Nationalists, and the fascist regime of all the European-led Governments up to now, is repealed and all the discriminatory laws. ..e...... In the towns, African resistance has been sharpened and concentrated against imposition of unwarranted high school fees and the Government has closed many schools thus swelling the number of people who have nothing to do in the suburbs and denying children their education...... Sir Roy Welensky has returned to the Rhodesian Politics with, for t he moment, the aim to topple and his crew, from power and the dark, unfathomed chasm of unilateral independence they wanted to plunge the country in. The fear, of this unprecedented action has drawn Roy double quick into politics again with, as he says, a party with a broad basis. And before we have heard the often repeated vituperations of British sell-outism and breaking of conventions, we venture to tell you that this broad basis is Partnership, the horse and rider version of Lord Malvern, and nultiracialis that ends on a piece of papcr. Will he succeed to throw out Smith? You ask: that's not Zimbabweans worry but what we can ask is, "Will he, if he succeeds in his venture, dupe the British Government with the gospel of Partnership as he almost did in the Federal days?" We hope Britain has learnt a lesson that all these phylosophies that shine outwardly are not always right and the British should realise that the African people of Zimbabwe cannot tolerate any delaying tactics of Partnership nor can we stand any nonsense of gradualism. We want, outright, to rule ourselves in the manner we feel best. The Rc and his lot hao been given enough time to experiment their often doomed policies and we are fed up to the gills. We cannot stand up to any more experiments of multiracialism while the minority dictate the terms on which they accept it. The sooner minority rule ends the better for us all. TO HELL WITH SMITH AND SIR ROY! DOWN WITH INPERIALISM. Ii ...... HEAVY SENTENCES PASSED AT 4TOKO AND SALISBURY. Whilst thousands and thousands of Africans are in jail in Zimbabwe, more and more people are being sentenced each day to long term imprisonments. On Monday August the 3rd, fourteen Africans were sentenced from one to five years hard labour, at Mtoko Magistrate Court. They are said to have stoned a bust belonging to some white settlers' company which runs a monopoly of buses throughout the country, Zimbabwe. Some freedom fighters were also sentenced the same week in the Magistrate Court, Salisbury. Cont.../

Cont...../ They were each sentenced to five years hard labour and 8 cuts. They are said to have beaten up some nembers of the staff of O.K. Bazaars Ltd. Salisbury. It does not matter nor does it hake any difference on the African people of Zimbabwe to have heavy sentences passed on then by Smith's corrupt courts. The price you pay- for freedom is great, Freedom fighters! Fight and fight on till we achieve our freedom! Carry on freedom fighters, freedom is around the corner. After all, we are not the first ones to experience these tortures in a just cause and we won't be the lastoles either. Our freedom is more important and valueless to out-last any tortures we may be gruelling past now. Fight on for the battle is going tO be ours! The only heritage (and what a precious heritage it is) we can give to our children and grand children is their freedom and we must clear their way for a happy future in our country where colour will not be counted but where everyman will have what he can have by his merits. Our grand-children will look at us with scorn mirrored in their eyes if we give up now. We cannot afford to halt at this stage. Ours is to look ahead and see the great future that will be ours. Lets march on! Our Gods of Zimbabwe will guide us through all our gruelling and torturous path to victory. Cling on to the task though the dangers and Vdles may seem insurmountable, for the darkest hour of the day heralds DAWN!. FIGHT ON - VICORY IS OURS.!! ...... AT BULAWAYO: Two people were found guilty in the Magistrate Court for being found in pbssession of bombs and were sentenced to 5 years, two years suspended for three years, hard labour. Bulawayo has been a recent target for bomb-throwers and police are busy trying to get clues to the people responsible for these acts of sabotaga.(S.R.B.C. 7/8/64). S. RHODESIA PARLIAMENT: Desmond Lardner-Burke, the Minister of Law and Order, has asked Parliament to extend the duration of the section in the Law and Order Maintanance Act which gives hi' powers to detain and restrict people to either Gonakudzingwa or Wha Wha, for a further two years. This section was su-posed to expire during the coming month. In his defences for the extention of this section, he gave Parliament the detailed report of acts of violence, arson and sabotage that have been and are still ravaging the country. He said that during the past two months an average of about 40 people were arrested everyday and this has, for the moment, dropped to about over 2e people a day (S.R.B.C. 7/8/64) When we tll the world that jails are full of people arrested for political offences, they doubt us, now we wonder if they will believe the truth coning from the devilbs own mouth or though the number is not what it really is.

SMITH VISITS MALAWI. The settler Prime Minister, in transit, of Zimbabwe (S.R.) Ian Smith, made an unexpected visit to Malawi, to go and confer with Dr. Banda, the Malawi Prime Minister. It is reported tha-t they were discussing matters of mutual interest, whatever that means in diplomatic language (S.R.B.C. 4/8/64) COMMENT: It will be remembered that Dr. Banda used to have snappy, unprecedented talks with the then settler Premier, , and had the Zimbabwe peoples' tongues wagering, wondering and surprised that an African Premier, a true Nationalist, could ever think of having private talks with a person who is responsible for all the faultless blood-shod in Zimbabwe day and night. It did not surprise us to hear that Dr. Banda had private talks with Smith, after all, he had called him to attend the 4alawi independence Celebrations but we wonder what they wore talking about. Remember the out-burst of the Doctor that he was responsible for arranging the talks between Field and the British Government and the predicted answer of Winston Field that it was all news to him? Is this another of those behind the door talks again? The Doctor, if ever he is interested about the fate of Zimbabwe as we believe him to be must know and be told that he must ask whatever he wants from Zimbabwe from a Government that is instituted on a democratic basis. At the moment, everything he dabbles in with Smith and his Government, as far as Zimbabwe is concerned will be null and void to us. We, as Nationalists, wonder why Dr. Banda, a Nationalist leader too, can chat with Smith who is responsible for all troubles and economic havoc that reigns in Zimbabwe at the present moment. We advise him to stick to his former gospel before Malawi's independence of majority rule and nation-hood. We are fighting for the same goal that the Malawians are enjoying at the present moment and Dr. Banda must know that if he won the battle against imperialism and domination, Nkomo and his people will win too. He should know the dedication and determination the people of Zimbabwe and the whole of Central Africa showed when they were fighting their common enemy - Sir Roy's federation. - That same spirit of liberty that burnt in our hearts then has not left us but still burns brighter and more intensively than ever before. Our battle against Smith and his lot is just and enhances all the policies and principles of panAfricanism. We, with all these on our side, will win our battle against * ------

(7) ZANU RESIGNATIONS - THE IMPLICATIONS, ...... e ...... Mr. Chikore, ZANU National executive member, has resigned from ZANU to join the peoples' party, PCC (ZAPU). His resignation follows immediately in the heels of those of Mr. Taruvinga G. Mufudza, a ZANU deputy Chairman at Mufakose (Salisbury), who had also tendered in his resignation to join the PCC and he called for all the remaining ZANUists to follow his example. COMMENT: We can't always comment on the resignations from ZANU but with the manoouvres to unite ZAPU and ZANU afoot, we are left with no option but to do it. You, the readers, have seen and read of the people who daily announce their disassociations with ZANU and its policies and you wonder what it is all about. We can help you to put you into the picture of the events happening in Zimbabwe after and up to today occurences. ZANU was founded on the principles of trying to divide the people into tribal and educational camps. They blantantly told all their handful followers that NKOMO must not be the first Premier of a free Zimbabwe because he is a Ndebele and they tried, as the composition of their first National Executive of 14 Shonas and I Ndebele clearly indicates, to create tribal camps and totaly failed. We, as ZAPU, believed in a United Zimbabwe where tribal feelings are not tolerated. We believe we are all Africans and the owners of Zimbabwe. That was the first time where ZANU floundered and found hostility from whatever place they wont to, to clamour for support. Then they tried to call themselves a clique of elite, and educated intellectuals, which nost of the executive members arel! But they forgot that to fight from such a platform is just as good, to an African, as sustaining domination by settlers. A true Nationalist fights with his masses and fights for the benefit of all his people especially the masses which Sithole and his Party tried to over-look. That, in short is why Sithole and his party are detested by the people in Zimbabwe. We, ZAPU people, have, at least, not close- the door for any of the prodigal sons who had joined ZANU without knowing its full implications and WE welcome then into our told The only line we can give to the committee of Two at their meeting in is to find means of accelerating the dissolution of the moribund ZANU, its paid mercenaries and misguided lot and advice them to join the peoples' Party. (ZAPU). THE COMMITTEE OF TWO. The proposed coming meeting, to be held in Lusaka to unite ZAPU(PCC) and ZANU has received mixed feelings from the people concerned. ZANU says, it will definitely attend the meeting. While ZAPU, the peoples' party, receives this news with hostility because they argue from a point of strength and knowledge of the repercusions of such a wild unthinkable venture. Conto..oe/

Cont,,,oo./ What can we (ZAPU) gain from a merger with a party that died the moment it was launched? Nothing, except to be saddled with rejects and powerhungry wolves of the Sithole type. ZANU thanks its lucky stars when the talk of a united front is raised because they know and pray hard that it is their only last resort of saving face and joining with the people they had forsaken for thei"Lersonal lust for power and money. BUr ZAPU has nothing to gain from it, aboslutely nothing! ZANU is dead and its last batch of the misguided leaders is dwindling day and night starting from * their Central Executive to their, so-called, branch ehairmans who,ironically, could not even have a full executive. This is the predicament this Committee of two incorpartcd by the O.A.U. and includes Maiawiand Tanganyika, is trying us to shoulder. We have told these pooplo(ZANU) that if they want to come to tho people they can do so and we will receive them like any of the applications for membership as we did to those of Mr. T. Makonbo and Mr. T.G. Mufudza, and many others who rsignod from their party. This, we have made clear time and again, is our stand and cannot deviate from it oven an inch& We will stand firm for the truth and uphold it without shirking any of our responsibility the people entrust6d in us. Ll1 that the Tanganyikan and Malawian representatives must aim to do is to tell ZANU to disband and join the people rather than try and convince us that we must unite with them. We have been fighting without ZANU and we have all the man-power to go on without itfor ZANU is nowhere but in the minds of tho founders and their paid mercenaries. Wd cannot allow ourselves and our people to be pushed into agreements that are a danger to our struggle and security. What do those people think we are, nincompoops, push-overs or children? Their mission is going to fail if they go to Lusaka with the opinion of trying to force a united front issue between us and ZANU. We will be adamant and *irroconciliable on this issue to the extent of becoming dogmatic as one local journal once said. As we once said, our people and all our branches in the whole country, without any exoeption, refuse to be saddled with a United Front that is intended to save the faces of some individuals. ZAPU SAYS NO TO ANY UNITED FRONT WITH THE DEFUNCT ZANU THAT CAUSED US SO MUCH HARM IN OUR STRUGGLE AGAINST THE SETPLERS IN ZIMBABWE11

LATE NEWS. 0...... 400 ATTEND MSARURWA'S FUNERAL: With deep grief, we record the death of Willie D. Msarurwa's, our Publicity Secretary who is now restricted at Gonakudzingwa, father Mr. Goto J. Msarurwa. He was laid to rest at the family's cemetery at his home in Zvimba Reserve. The funeral was attended by more than 400 people who wore singing solemn traditional songs of grief accompanied by drums. PCC (ZAPU) officials and supporters travelled from Salisbury to Sinoia to go and attend the funeral of one of our groat Son of the Soil. Police kept a check, but the ceremony ended without any incidents as usually does those days duo to police provocation and commands to the people not to sing our tradional songs of grief. ..Minister The application by W.D. Msarurwa to the A , ofrLaw and Order, Desmond Lardnor-Burko , for permission to go and attend his father's funeral was turned down. What an inhuman thing to do coming from the so-called civilized and Christian people. No condemnation can repair this barbaric act. Our hearts are with you in your grief at this great loss where you are at Gonakudzingwa. Your grief, your sorrow, your loss is our loss, our grief and sorrow too...... t...... e In Bulawayo a bomb exploded and blasted many cars in a parking place near a Circus Carnival. Nobody was hurt but cars were extensively damaged. Police erected road blocks and used tracker dogs to try and tress the saboteurs (SRBC 8/8/64) A hand grenade was hurled at the Suburb Adninistrative Offices in Luveve, Bulawayoo It cause irrepairablo damage to the corrugated iron roof, broke several windows and blow holes into the iron sheets in the office. There were many stoning incidents in the Bulawayo Western Commonage suburbs where houses and cars wore heavily hit and the Makoloba beerhall was also a target for the now ubiquitous stone throwers who roan the country. ------o------

SUPPLBAIET "YOUR DEFUNCT ZANU IS T ANTED BY POLICE IRIMFRS AND DIVISIONISTS". MAKCMBE TELS ZVOBGO Mr. Tranos Makombe a ZANU founder member and .up till recently, its Secretary 'or Pan African and Foreign Affairs has resigned. from this defunct tribal clique. In his letter of resignation Mr'. Makombe wrotes "ZANU has no following. It is a party of pseudo-intellectuals and pseudooliticians who form only the executive and a few hired mercenaries dobtA only Ln Fort Victoria area. There are genuine followers. All the African States do not 3upport ZANU and do not want to hear of Sithole and his minority divisionists ZANU". These days after Makombe's resignation, a psetdo intellectuial and pseudo politians, a certain Edson Zvobgo said ZANU had expelled Makombe. Below read Makombels reply. The mischievous attempt by the voluble, Mr. Edson Zvobgo, to make the people of Zimbab e believe that I could have been expelled from ZANU can only be described as "contemptible". Mr. Zvobgo knolys as well as the public that no one regrets being expelled from ZAmJ.. In fact to be expelled from ZANU is to be releseed from the den of iniquity. I deny any suggestitn of expulsion. I resigned on 13y own in order to re-join the people's leader, Joshua Nkomo. Up to now I have not even received ZANUts letter of expulsion if ever thereeny need for ome to be written. I admit I have personal trouble whJich have accumulated since I, on behalf of my i people, accepted the-Cairo (now banned)ZAPU appointment last year. At the Gwelo ZANU congress I declined to accept a post, although I had been reelected unanimously, I felt ther was no point in leading a dying party. Again after the Gwelo Congress, the ZANU executive wanted me to represent them at the recent session of the Committee of Nine in Dar es Salaam. Now, how could ZANU Congress have re-elected me unanimously and the ZANU executive still have chosen me to represent them if I had been found to be an undedicated freedom fighter and a security risk as ZVOBGO now alleges? During the two weeks before I resignedt I made it clear to ZANU officials that I had come to the conclusion th ,t ZANU had been rejected by the people of this country I also made it clear th t the tendency to confine. ZANU to one or two provinces was doing permanent damage to the unity of the people, and that my conscience forbade me from working against the interest of the majority and their chosen leader. The officials to whom I made my views known aggreed with me. I tendered my resignation from ZANU on July 8 - three days before Mr. Zvobgo "expelled' me. It is a ZANU pa1tern that a member is 'expelled" days after he has tendered his resignation, Soon, however, they' will have no one left to "expel!'. Mr. Zvobgove ockplaint about security is ridiculous when ZANU is managedp directed and controlled by police informers.

Cent/...... Mr. Zvobao shQau.14 tke pleasure at my resignation because ZANU jyill now' continue, without embaerassment, to hold interviewi-with the '1F Government and attend RNP congress to rubber-stamp their acceptance of the "new d6all. They will continue,'without shame, to serve the settler regime by dividing daily bread from Israeli and American dollars. I salute the heroic stand of the vigilence and rejected, unequivocally, ZANU the running dog of the imperialisfi which is daily being reduced to its proper size. :apeal to the sons and daughfers of Zimbabwe to close their ranks and to rally behind the undesputed national leader, Joshua NkomoO Further, I implore my brothers and sisters in the Fort Victoria province to guard against their homeland being cut off into another Katanga by selfish and unsrupulous persons masquerading under the guise of dynamism. The past must be forgotten. Now is the time for "Forward together" under the banner of the Peopl6's Caretaker Council and the nation's undisputable Joshua Nkomo. *The ruth about ZANU has now been revealed in its full form. Can anyone doubt wh t we have always said about this trvaining centre for police informers called ZANU? We have always said that ZANU is nothing more than a disorganised and undisciplined Fort Victoria branch of the Rhodesia Front, ans ome of our African friends have been indifferent about our claim. Are they still indifferen .when Makombe has exposed the whole truth to the entire vorld? NNNNNN*N* .... . -NN N* .: .j. .