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DOCUMENT RESUME TITLE Study-Hearings Volume 13 DOCUMENT RESUME ED 276 623 SE 047 622 TITLE British_Science Evaluation Methods._ Science Policy Study-Hearings Volume 13. Hearing before the Task Force on Science Policy of the Committee on Science and Technology, Rouse of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress, First Session. October 30, 1985. No. 59. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House Committee on Science and Technology. PUB DATE 86 NOTE 408p.; Contains small and broken type. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS-PRICE MF01/PC17 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Evaluation Methods; Foreign Countries; Hearings; *International Cooperation; Research Methodology; Research Needs; *Research Utilization; *Science and Society IDENTIFIERS Congress 99th; *Science Policy; United Kingdom ABSTRACT The need for an increased use of statistical data and quantitative analysis in many areas of science policy_is_emphasized in this report of the hearing_on_science_evaluation methods_used in Great Britain. The testimony given_by Professor Benjamin Martin of the Science Policy_Research_Unit at the University of Sussex in England explains how quantitative information is used by the British in developing policies for science. Appendices consist-of the selected papers by Professor Martin and his colleague Professor John Irvine and also contain seven critiques of Martin and Irvine's methodology. (ML) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** ED1276 Si Science Po liq StudyHearinjo Volume 13 BRITISH SCIENCE EVALUATION METHODS HEARING BEFORE THE TASK FORCE ON SCIENCE POLICY OF THE COIDA1TTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-NEITH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION OCTOBER 30, 1985 [No. 59J Printed for the use of the Committee on Science and Technology U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 56-999 0 WASHINGTON : 1986 3 BEST COPYAVAILABLE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DON FUQUA, Florida, Chairman ROBERT A. ROE, New Jersey MANUEL-LUJAN.-JR., New Mexico GEORGE E. BROWN, JR., California ROBEST-S.-WALKER, Pennsylvania JAMES H. SCHEUER, New York F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, MARILYN LLOYD, Tennessee Wisconsin TIMOTHY E. WIRTH, Colorado CLAUDINE SCHNEIDER, Rhode Island MUG AVALGREN, Pennsylvania SHERWOOD L. BOEHLERT, New York DAN GUCKMAN Kansas TOM LEWIS Florida- ROBERT- A. YOUNG,-_ Missouri DON_RITTE&Pennsylvania HAROLDEVOLKMER; Missouri SID W: MORRISON,: Washington = RON PACKARI:c_CalArmii STAN LUNDINE, Nes* TM* JAN_MEYERansaa RALPH M. HALL, Texas ROBERT C.-SMITIL New !lamps-hire DAVE McCURDY, Oklahoma PAUL B. HENRY, Michigan NORMAN Y. MINETA, California HARRIS W. FAWELL, Illinois MICHAEL & ANDREWS, Texas WILLIAM W. COBEY, JR., North Carolina BUDDY MscKAY, Florida** JOE BARTON, Texas TIM:VALENTINE, Islorth_Carolina D. FRENCH SLAUGHTER, JR., Virginia HARRY-At- REID;LNevada DAVID S. MONSON, Utah ROBERTM:TORRICELLL -New Jersey FREDERICK_BOUCHEK VIrg'mia TERRY=BRUCK_Illinas RICHAROH-STALUNGS, Idiiho BART GORDON, Tennessee JAMES A. TRAFICANT, JR., Ohio WRI/OLD likNBON, IScritive Director !Wm:RTC. Kgrorma, iteral_alunsel RtGINA DAvui, Chief Ctetk Joycz Gauss FlutrWsuo, Republican Staff Director SCIENCE POLICY TAM( FORCE DON FUQUA, Florida, Chairman GEORGEE. _BROWN; Ja. California MANUEL LUJAN; JR., New Mexico* Tammy E.: WIRTH; Colorado TOM LEWl& Florida DOUOWALGREN,Pennsylvania DONKIITER;_-_Pennsylvania HAROLD:_t-NOLKMEIL_Miwuri SID AV._MORRISON.IWashington STAN--LUNDINKINew York_ = RON P.IUMAREcCallfornis NORMAN-Y. MINETA, California JANIVEYERS, Iratiafs HARRY M. REID, NoVida HARRI&W. FAWEL1,1111inciiii FREDERICK C. BOUCHER, Virginia D. FRENCH SLAUGHTER, JR., Virginia RICHARD H. STALLINGS, Idaho Join; a HOLKFUR, Study fruector - Ft TRosiR8 WEINER. Republican Staff Member *Ranking Republican Member. "Serving on Committee on the Budget for 99th Congress. ifiAMAVA yq.3 .314C,..t CONTENTS WITNESSES October 30, 1985:_ Page Professor Renjarnin R. Martin, sciencP :zolicyresearch unit UniVertity of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom Prepared testimony _2 :=Diectrisien 18 40 Apperidi# 1 &lected_m_pertary Martin endIrvine:- 1k amin R. Martin:and :John Irvine,l'Iriterrial -Criteria for Sciantific nice:An:Evaluation of Iforearckin Ifigli--EriergyPhysic8 Using Elec- tron_Aocelerators-$ Mine-red; WA. XIX, No. 3_, autumn 1981, pp. 40 -. 51 John Irvine and Ben-It Martin,"Assessing_Basic Researck The er-__of the Isaac Newthit Teletcdpe," SocialStudies of Sciencg vol. 13; 1983, ii _-_pp.-_ .... ........ -..-... 77 Ben El Martin arid John Irvine,"Assessingibasic research: Some partial indiortort:Of icientific progressin radio astronomy," ReifearCh vol. 12,=1983, pp 61-90 Fólit 115 Jelin kOine and Ben R. Martin;"What:Direction-fee Rade Scientific &wealth? in Sciencesurd Technoloy Poacyin ali=19=80'i and 13eyon4 'edited_ by Ached:Gibbons,:PhthpGumaiett, and Blialthandra Udgao- kar (Longmani:London, 1984), pp._ 145 Ben RMartin : an& John Irvine,"CERN:: PaiL_Perfawance and future prooperlai LiCERN"s_prisilion-in world higli4erieripiphysics"; RI:search John Irvine andlaeri- R.- Martin, 'VERN:-Past_ performance and future pra-r.,...eVo.-_ II. The= ecientifici performanceal CERN azeeleratoin," He- _ seam-if-a:ay, vol. 13, 1984,pp. 205 Ben IL Martin and John Irvine, !VERN: ger&inarice and Mina prospects.= M.- CERN -and- the 'future ofworld high--bneigs, ohysice, Keeeareh Policx_vol 13,11994,pp. _311442 243 &Oki Irvine and Ben R.:Martir4-"BasicItenatith inbè _Elat and- West: A Caiiiparison so:lithe:Scientific _PerformanceOf Eller-Enemy Physics Ac- celeratore Social Studes_ofScience,vol. It$ 275 John Irvine Ren Marfin, Tim -Pericii*and Roy__Tp_rner, "Cliarting the deoline_in British stiente," Nature, vol. 316,Awmt 15, 1985; pp. 587- 324 Michiel Schwerre, _John IrinC EWn _,_Keith Pavitt; nnd -Roy Roth- welt "The_ amassment of Governmentsuppert for industrial: research: lemons _fisim natudy of Norway," R&D 198Z4ip, 155=167_ Ma negenient voL 12, No. 4, Appendit 2:-:CrititAies of Irivne and 333 Martin and froririe: Martin's methedology and ii reply by Roleit-Walgate, 'Poor marks for enterprise,"Nana* Vel. 311, September fol984,_p__4- LI V. F. Weisskopf, Vourloilerks_ fror_ 346 Enterpriser, iirbinitted to Nature_.._-_- 348 JoItnKrijleand-_-_Dinnirdque Patti, --"A Critiqueof Irvine and- Martin's Methodology:for lz_Valtuiting Big Science,"Social Studies of Sciencg 15-, 1985,op-. 525,539 .. IL P.Morind _.-. 352 07. J.van I On and Martin's _Methadology -for -Evaluahm_Scientific_ Perfornnum" Social -__Studies ofScience;-veL 15, 1985,_pp. 539-547_ . 366 RobertiBudd, "The Criiielof the DisappearingCaveat A Critique of Irvine and Martin's Methodolcipy," Social Studiesof ScWnce, vol. 15, 1985, PP 375 Iv page Appendix 2--Canranued H.-M. Co llink_ -n7he___Possibilitias :of_ _Science _Policy,"..Social .Stueies of Science, vol. -15, 1985,-pp. 554-558.. 381 Ben R -Martin and- John Irvine, -Rvieliiating- the-Evaluators: A _Reply to Our Critics," Social Studies of Science, Vol. 15, 1985, pp. 558-575 385 BRITISH SCIENCE EVALUATION METHODS WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 31); 1985 HOUSE- OF REPRESENTATIVESi . COMMITTEE ON -SCIENCE ANW TECHNOLOGY, TASK FORCE ON SCIENCEPOUCY; Washingtoni DC :Tki6Itaeli force meti_ipursuant to _notice; at 8:35a.m., _in_ room 2168,-Rayburn--House- Office Building; Hon. 7ion Fuqua (chairman of the task force) presiding; Mr. -FUctuA, We are delighted to welcome:Prof:Benjamin Martin from the-University of Sussex in- -England- tO the Science Policy Task Torce. Professor_ Martin is_a -member of the-Science-Poliu Re= search Unit at hie_ university; and _we: are taking advantage of:the fact-that-h -is spending a few days in Washington to bring him before our task force. I. want to express to Professor Martin our thanks for his willing- ness to-appear-before- us-- and to prepare a written -statement on veryishortinotice. We rmgret that_ his-colleague-and -close-collabora- tor, Prof. John h,iie. alio of the Science Policy Research Unit at Sussex,-is unable-to -be here tOday as well. Prefessor Irvine is cur- rently in Japan as part of an important research project by the Martin4rVine tearn. In developing-the-agenda -for- our science policy study; we nob:T(1 by way:of introduction that_ in:_many areas of -wience policy-we would -like to see an -increase in the use: of :statistical data and quantitative-analysis. Such-statistics-have -in the past beini Uniited to_ information about findings :and manpoweror-funds-and man- power, and the analysis of this information hie been at quite an unsophisticated-level. Inatead _we have,:on many of the:more difficult -questions-of-sci- ence-and policy, relied on the experience;_jultthent; arid Wisdom of the best people we could -find-in-the -scientific- community, Often the evidence whicl we have hadibefore us has bftn_very_anecclotal in- -nature, -and- as-a former- colleague of ours, _Congressman Ray Thornton; the president-of the Universi147-of-Arkansaa;-once- noted ahout aneedotal _evidencehe: said: 'No : one doubts its veracity; what-wetieed-to-deterinine is ite representatirniess." Wisdom and anecdotal _evidence-will-no-doubt-continue-to play important- roles in science _policymaking But it:now_ appears that the-first steps-toward a broader-use Of-quantitative approachesare being. taken. In this area our British friends; both at -the University of Sussex- and in the Britiali &Sear& Couneila whieh are funding and using some of this work; appear to be well in the lead. It is to (1) 2
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