USACE Support to JTF ODRP 2010 Pakistan Floods Societyyy of American Military Engineers 9 July 2013 LTC Evan Ting Deputy Division Engineer, S/SE Asia Pacific Ocean Division US Army Corps of Engineers COM: 540 -686-2700 DSN: 315-438-1500 Ext 4665 US Army Corps of Engineers
[email protected] BUILDING STRONG® Outline USACE Forward Engineer Support Teams (FESTs) HADR - Situation / Mission / Key Tasks Request For Forces Process JTF Composition / Task Org Enggpp()ineer Support (Relief Efforts) Issues / Take Aways Questions BUILDING STRONG® 565th EN DET (FEST-A) TOE 05560GB00 ••• Team HQ 7-0-1-8 T61494 –2 –HMMWV T95924 – 1 – TRL CGO 1 1/4 TON Rule of Allocation: Brigade or Higher Miss ion: OdOn order prov ide respons ithiliive technical engineer p lilanning an d limited design capabilities in support of designated military and civil agencies for Full Spectrum operations FEST- A (8 Person Team) Composition: •1 x 21B O4 Detachment Commander •1 x 21H E7 NCOIC Senior Construction Supervisor •1 x 21D O3 FCCME (Civil Engineer) •1 x 21D O3 FCCME (Electrical Engineer) •1 x 21D O3 FCCME (Cartographer/GIS) •1 x 21D O3 FCCME (Mechanical Engineer) •1 x 72E O3 (Civil / Environmental Engineer) •1 x 51C O3 (Civil / Structural Engineer) 3 BUILDING STRONG® UNIT DESIGNATOR AND LOCATIONS 8 ACTIVE DUTY FEST-As . 34th EN DET - Fort Lewis, WA . 71st EN DET - Fort Belvoir, VA . 59th EN DET - Fort Irwin, CA . 565th EN DET – Fort Shafter, HI . 542d EN DET - Fort Stewart, GA . 553d EN DET - Picatinny Arsenal, NJ . 273d EN DET - Fort Hood, TX .