USACE Support to JTF ODRP 2010 Pakistan Floods

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USACE Support to JTF ODRP 2010 Pakistan Floods USACE Support to JTF ODRP 2010 Pakistan Floods Societyyy of American Military Engineers 9 July 2013 LTC Evan Ting Deputy Division Engineer, S/SE Asia Pacific Ocean Division US Army Corps of Engineers COM: 540 -686-2700 DSN: 315-438-1500 Ext 4665 US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG® Outline USACE Forward Engineer Support Teams (FESTs) HADR - Situation / Mission / Key Tasks Request For Forces Process JTF Composition / Task Org Enggpp()ineer Support (Relief Efforts) Issues / Take Aways Questions BUILDING STRONG® 565th EN DET (FEST-A) TOE 05560GB00 ••• Team HQ 7-0-1-8 T61494 –2 –HMMWV T95924 – 1 – TRL CGO 1 1/4 TON Rule of Allocation: Brigade or Higher Miss ion: OdOn order prov ide respons ithiliive technical engineer p lilanning an d limited design capabilities in support of designated military and civil agencies for Full Spectrum operations FEST- A (8 Person Team) Composition: •1 x 21B O4 Detachment Commander •1 x 21H E7 NCOIC Senior Construction Supervisor •1 x 21D O3 FCCME (Civil Engineer) •1 x 21D O3 FCCME (Electrical Engineer) •1 x 21D O3 FCCME (Cartographer/GIS) •1 x 21D O3 FCCME (Mechanical Engineer) •1 x 72E O3 (Civil / Environmental Engineer) •1 x 51C O3 (Civil / Structural Engineer) 3 BUILDING STRONG® UNIT DESIGNATOR AND LOCATIONS 8 ACTIVE DUTY FEST-As . 34th EN DET - Fort Lewis, WA . 71st EN DET - Fort Belvoir, VA . 59th EN DET - Fort Irwin, CA . 565th EN DET – Fort Shafter, HI . 542d EN DET - Fort Stewart, GA . 553d EN DET - Picatinny Arsenal, NJ . 273d EN DET - Fort Hood, TX . 62d EN DET - Fort Richardson, AK 2 ACTIVE DUTY FEST-Ms . 533d Engr Det - Fort Knox, KY . 579th Engr Det - Vicksburg, MS U.S. ARMY RESERVE FEST TEAMS . 20 RESERVE FEST-As . 2 RESERVE FEST-Ms 4 BUILDING STRONG® GEOGRAPHICAL DISPERSION 62nd EN DET 34th EN DET FEST‐A, POA FEST‐A, NWS Fort Richardson AK Fort Lewis, WA North 533rd EN DET Atlantic Div FEST‐M, LRD Alaska Great Lakes & Fort Knox, KY Seattle Ohio River DiDiv New 553rd EN DET Walla England FEST‐A, NAN Portland Walla Northwestern Div St. Paul Picatinny Ars NJ Buffalo 59th EN DET Detroit New York FEST‐A, SPL Rock Fort Irwin, CA Chicago Pittsburgh Philadelphia OhOmaha Island Cincinnati BltiBaltimore Sacramento Hunting- San ton Francisco Kansas City St. Norfolk 71st EN DET South Pacific Div Louis Louisville FEST‐A, NAB Ft. Belvoir VA Little Nashville Wilmington Los Tulsa Rock Memphis Angeles Albuquerque Southwestern Atlanta Charleston Honolulu Div Vicks- Savannah Pacific Ft. Worth burg Mobile Ocean Div Dallas Jacksonville New Orleans 542nd EN DET 565th EN DET FEST‐A, SAS FEST‐A, POH Galveston Fort Stewart, GA Ft Shafter, HI Mississippi Valley Div South Atlantic Div rd 273 EN DET 579th EN DET FEST‐A, SWF FEST‐M, MVD Fort Hood, TX Vick sb urg, MS 5 BUILDING STRONG® FEST-AMETLA METL Refined METL . Provide Technical Engineer Support ► Plan, Design and Manage Construction ► Perform Engineer Reconnaissance USACE FY12 ATG ► Provide Contracting Support . Provide Technical Engineer Spt ► Con duc t Geospa tia l Opera tions an d Func tions . CdtCConduct Consequence MtMgt ► Provide Engineer Reachback Support . Conduct Stability Operations . Support Stability Operations . Conduct Civil Support Opns ► Develop a Base Camp ► Plan Engineer Support to Protection Efforts ► Plan Infrastructure Reconnaissance ► Plan, Design, Manage Construction ISO of Stability Operations ► Identify Stability Operations Support Requirements . Support Civil Support and Consequence Management OtiOperations ► Conduct Civil Support Engineer Operations ► Provide Support in Response to a Disaster or Terrorist Attack BUILDING STRONG® 565th EN DET (FEST-A) Missions • Makani Pahili 2009 (Hawaii) • Balikatan 2009 (Philippines) • Palau Road Reconnaissance 2009 (Republic of Palau) • Cobra Gold 2010 (Thailand) • Ebeye Infrastructure Reconnaissance 2010 (Marshall Islands) • USAKA Sewage Treatment survey 2010 (Marshall Islands) • Austere Challengg(e 2010 (German y) • Pakistan Flood Relief Ops (HA/DR) 2010 (Pakistan) • Key Resolve 2011 (Korea) • Majuro Infrastructure Survey 2011 (Marshall Islands) • Operation Enduring Freedom 2012 (KAF Afghanistan) BUILDING STRONG® Pakistan Flood Relief Operations Situation Monsoon rains cause catastrophic flooding taking 2000 casualties and adversely effecting over 20M Pakistanis. One-fifth of the country is under water. The Government of Pakistan requests US assistance. The US Military stands up a Joint Task Force to conduct relief operations. RFF is issued requesting USACE support for one JTF Engineer Mission USACE provides an Engineer Officer to serve as the JTF Engineer for ODRP, 18Aug10–10Dec10 IOT support HA/DR operations USACE provides engineering support to USAID in order to augment the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in conducting Damage Needs Assessments for the flood damage in Pakistan BUILDING STRONG® Effects of the 2010 Pakistan Floods BUILDING STRONG® (U) Indus River – Update 11 SEP 2010 Sukkur Barrage 11 Hamal Lake 3 2 Warah Guddu Barrage 1 Mehar 10 4 Dadu 5 Bubak Manchar Lake 6 Kotri Barrage 12 SINDH PROVINCE Sujawal 8 Chohar Jamali 9 Jati 7 BUILDING STRONG® Rotary wing assets staged for relief operations BUILDING STRONG® … More Delivery of Relief Supplies BUILDING STRONG® Evacuation of Flood Victims BUILDING STRONG® Affected State 1. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance Request for (USAID‐OFDA) Validates Request Support State Department from US (USAID‐OFDA) Embassy Drafts Request Letter 2. DOS Transmits Request to DOD OSD Coord Request Joint Staff with 3. SECDEF Approves Request Appropriate 4. Issues EXORD Offices COCOM Commander This is the formal process 14 14 BUILDING STRONG® JTF ODRP . TF North - 16th Combat Aviation Brigade (325 pax) . TF South - 15th and 26th Marine Expeditionary Units (250 pax) . JFCOM Augmentees (Med, JAG, Log, PAO, Intel) . Continggyency Contractin gppgg Support Brigades (3-4 pp)ax) . USACE (1 pax) . Joint Communications Support Element Teams (6 pax) . Combat Camera (6 pax) . ODRP BUILDING STRONG® ODRP Organization v.4 Legend: Commander US Ambassador * TACON authority CENTCOM Pakistan ** When assigned/attached Command Authority Commander Coordination Authority STRATCOM ODRP General Headquarters PAO Pakistan SJA Deputy Commander ODRP Commander ISAF LNOs ISAF Chief of Staff Pakistan ODRP ArmyPakistany GQGHQ Commander *SOC (FWD) AirPakistan Force J1 SOCCENT PAK Navyy ODRP Defense Defense J2 Intelligence Attaché Multinational ODRP Agencygy Office Partners in PAK J3 Security USAID ODRP Assistance Pakistan Office (SAO)() J4 Force ODRP US Protection Interagencies Detachment J5 Pakistan ODRP **Crisis United Nations Response J6 Pakistan Forces ODRP BUILDING STRONG® Where we Operated BUILDING STRONG® Engineer Support . Develop design plans, specifications, and oversee the upgrade and construction of three forward operations bases . Assess GLOCs . Infrastructure Assessments/Surveys and Reports . Contingency Contracting support (Engineering SOWs, PWS, etc) . Programming documents . Electrical Safety Inspections . Serve as JTF Engineer . Serve as ODRP Eng ineer LNO to USAID , NDMA, Go P, Coalition Countries, ADB, and Assessment Team . Provide bridging subject matter expertise BUILDING STRONG® Forward Operating Base Design BUILDING STRONG® FOB Ghazi BUILDING STRONG® BUILDING STRONG® FOB Ghazi BUILDING STRONG® Septic Tanks BUILDING STRONG® Infrastructure Survey Reports BUILDING STRONG® Ground Lines of Communications (GLOC) Assessments BUILDING STRONG® UNCLASSIFIE Both sides bridge 8 US Bridge Locations D FOUO AgendaStart Date End Date Activity 26Oct10 6Nov10 8ea US Acrow bridges arrive Port of Qasim. Bridges are delivered to Corps of Engineers, HQ 11th Corps, 10Nov10 15Nov10 Mingaora Pakistan (USG contract). ODRP/USAID confirm arrival of bridges, conduct general 16Nov1016Nov10 116Nov106Nov10 inventory, and finalize transfer documentation (DD Form 1149). This bridge is a gift from the people of Turnover ceremony, US Embassy PAO is lead agency. the United States of America to our Nov10 Nov10 Ambassadors Munter and Holbrook, USAID, NDMA, PAKMIL, and ODRP. friends, the people of Pakistan (Pashtu, PAKMIL (Frontier Works Organization and Corps of Engineers Urdu, English) install bridgg,es, PAKMIL estimated 2‐3 months). USAID consulting agency performs initial, follow‐up, final phases 17Nov10 17Feb10 of inspection. Assures proper branding of bridges. Submits closure report to USAID. 17Feb10 17Feb10 Final inauguration ceremony BUILDING STRONG® Bridging Support BUILDING STRONG® Helipad Design and Construction BUILDING STRONG® Issues / Take Aways . Country Clearance . PFW-HFB . No organic Engineers . Hone Skills . Lim ite d con trac t la bor force . Reachback / Resources . Standards of construction . Comms . Lack of mobility . GoP approval authorities . Lack o f Eng inee r Staff . Electrical Safety . J-Staff . Security . Time . Malaria / Health and Welfare BUILDING STRONG® QUESTIONS??? ESSAYONS! 30 BUILDING STRONG® METL & Capabilities . Engineering Planning and Design of Projects ► Base Camps, ATFP, Utilities, Air fie lds (Des ign /Repa ir ), Roa ds, Mas ter Plann ing . Environmental Assessments, Baseline Surveys, Closure Reports . Engineer Reconnaissance (Infrastructure Surveys of structures, plants, distribution) ► S ewers ((yStorm and Sanitary)) ► W ater System ► E lectrical (Power Generation / Distribution) ► T rash (Solid Waste) ► O ther Cons idera tions (Struc tures, Roa ds, Air fie lds, Ra ilways, e tc. ) . Route Reconnaissance and Bridge Military Load Classifications . Hydrology and storm water treatment . Car togr aph y an d Geograp hic Info rmat
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