Worst Outbreak Since Attica Bani-Sadr, Khomeini to Consider UN Plan to Release Hostages Ethics C
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mo Rb.5 Women Balancing play the budget tonight p. 16 Campaign'80, p. 7 totwttcttntt Satin (EampitB Serving Storrs Since 1896 Vol.LXXXIIINo.7 STORRS, CONNECTICUT Tuesday, February 5,1980 36 dead after N.M. prison riot; AtfQZr&k worst outbreak since Attica SANTA FE, N.M. (UPI) - ed to be pulled from the prisoners were listed as Officials at the still-smolder- bloodstained rubble, authori- missing but officials said ing New Mexico State Peni- ties predicted the death toll they doubted any had escap- tentiary spent Monday pull- would surpass the 43 killed in ed. ing bodies out of the prison the 1971 riot at Attica in The injury list included 57 ruins where racial vendettas upstate New York, the worst inmates and 9 prison employ- among drug-crazed inmates uprising in modern U.S. ees. All the dead were con- fueled one of America's history. victs. There were 1,136 in- bloodiest prison riots. The 36-hour rampage of mates in the prison when the By late Monday afternoon, burning, convict infighting riot broke out, and officials 39 bodies had been recover- and reprisals ranged from estimated 250 were involved •gang rapes to mutilations, in the most serious violence. Police sift through the aftermath of Sunday's prison riot in ed. Santo Fe which left 35 inmates dead [UPI]. With more victims expect- authorities said. Another 15 Bani-Sadr, Khomeini to consider UN plan to release hostages BY UNITED PRESS INTER- does not expect an "immi- He then issued a call for NATIONAL nent breakthrough" in the world revolution, saying, Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, hostage stalemate, now in its "We Iranians, as long as our sworn in Monday by Ayatol- 93rd day at the U.S. Embas- brothers in Palestine, Af- lah Ruhollah Khomeini as sy in Tehran. ghanistan, the Philippines Iran's first president, will Bani-Sadr went to the and all over the world have meet soon with the ailing Tehran hospital where Kho- not been liberated, will not religious leader to discuss a meini, 79, is being treated throw away our arms." U.N. plan to end the hos- for a heart ailment and took The French-educated econ- tages crisis, diplomatic sour- the oath of office in a omist, tieless but wearing a Armed guards stood by as Iran's president-elect celebrates ces in Tehran said. ceremony broadcast live on coat and dark shirt, kissed Mohammed's birthday. This was Bani-Sadr's first major The State Department in national television and radio. Khomeini's hand as the reli- speech since his election [UPI]. Washington, however, said it Western news reports said. gious leader entered a room. Ethics committees investigate Capitol Hill payoff scandal WASHINGTON (UPI)-The $700,000 bribery scheme. gation which came to light House echics committee The Senate Ethics Commit- during the weekend. Monday began a cautious tee also geared up for an On both panels, however, exploration of the latest Cap- inquiry into the role of Harri- there were expressions of itol Hill scandal, in which the son Williams, D-N.J., the concern that moving too FBI has implicated eight single senator named as a quickly might jeopardize the members of Congress in a target of the federal investi- continuing FBI and Justice Department investigation of the alleged payoffs. Striking teachers Government sources said federal prosecutors may soon begin presenting evidence in ordered to return the case to grand juries in CHICAGO (UPI)-A Cook ignore the court order. Washington, New York. Phil- County judge Monday order- After a brief hearing on adelphia and Newark, N.J. ed teachers to immediately suits filed by both the teach- This raised the question of end their strike against the ers and the school board, how much information the nation's third-largest school Judge Richard L. Curry said two ethics panels might be system, but teachers union it was clear Illinois law does able to obtain from the leaders told members to not permit teachers or other federal investigators at this public employees to strike. preliminary stage. One FBI Weather Chicago Teachers Union source said, "The rules in President Robert Healey, that area are very murky. however, ordered his 25,000 Any decisions in regard to union members to honor the that in this case have not strike vote they took Sunday been made. night. The chairmen of both the "I am also ordering Senate and House commit- all members to peace- tees expressed concern that Mostly sunny Tuesday, fully picket their work their inquiries not turn out to highs around 30. Fair places from 6:30 a.m. until be at cross purposes with the In this house FBI agents paid bribes to a U.S. Senator and Tuesday night with low such time that they decide to FBI and Justice Department six Congressmen as part of a two-yetr corruption investiga- temperatures in the teens. leave the picketing "he said proceedings. tion [UPI]. Page 2 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Tuesday, February 5,1980 (Edtmerttcut iailfl (JlampuB SERVING STORRS SINCE 1896 EDITOR IN CHIEF MARY MESSINA MANAGING EDITOR KEN KOEPPER BUSINESS MANAGER MARK BECKER HNMW Second class postage paid al Slorra. Cann 06288 Published by lha Conn»c|icui Daily Campus. 121 N. Eaglavilla Rd.. U IN. Storrs. Conn Monday through Friday 8/10 11/21 '1/27 11/30. 1/23 3/6. 3/18 4/25. and tpec.al .dllions on 9/6. 12/17. 5/12 Talsphone (203) 129 9384. subscription J10 non UConn student United Press International telephotos are irovided at no coat to The Daily Campus by the Willimanlic Chronicle and United Press In ternational Subscriber: United Press Int'l Inc v HE9VS THAT WHIST* IS MINDFUL OF AND APPRECIATE IOURPILEMMA.AND AS AN AMEKCflN WWOftti ONCJS vm txKCAHTO K8IST SOVIET HE&MONf IN THESE HAZARDOUS TIMES, tJUGrYJ STICK: W IBJUBr." Responsibilities Letters; an alternative to movies v BY STEVE STRAIGHT pened again today Haven t you a telephone? of a leader Dear S L Clemens I was going to write you a letter but I We at my house belong to a different church couldn't find a stamp. I hate writing letters —The Connecticut Light and Power Com- and watching them sit on my desk forlorn, pany. Same idea. Same dogma. staling silently as I continually forget to buy Nobody except Mary Ellen was here over postage. And they've consented to give me ^ ii this free space. the break, but our bill was outrageous. We The recent bribery investigation involving eight decided to turn the temperature down except Congressmen and 20 other public officials is shocking and Not that letter space is expensive. I often in the rooms we're in and everybody's so god- sa wonder why people don't go home and com- d- he recent birberv investigation involving eight damn conscientious that it's down to 50 Congressmen and 20 other public officials is shocking and pose a nice, long missive instead of eating in a degrees downstairs. sad. restaurant or going to a $4 movie. Especially We all stay in our rooms with the doors in a movie house that used to be one big bijou When the people choose a leader to represent them, he is closed and feel guilty when we turn it up to 60. but got cut in half to make money. expected to honestly serve the people's best interests. And But it's2:05 a.m. now and they're all asleep so when a leader is accused of accepting bribes for special It's like discovering clones—what a neat I've hiked it up to 65! trick—and then to your horror you find out favors or money, the credibility of all government officials What if we used half as much electricity as that when you make a clone the original loses is damaged. last month and our bill was even higher? half its strength and vitality to the fake. You On the wake of Watergate and the scandal involving We'd know something was up. In fact, we'd get things like aisles down the middle of the Congressional members convicted of accepting bribes from know that the bills and meters and fuel ad- audience, where the best seats are. And as South Korea, it will now be difficult for Congress to once justments carried out to the hundred thousan- you sit watching "Apocalypse Now" and the again restore public confidence. The public does not take it dth place are all a scam. That the Electric movie quiets for a scary part, suddenly lightly when representatives lose sight of campaign Company sends out whatever bills it wants. promises to serve the people's interests and start to serve through the new plaster you hear Heres I know. their own. "Tradition!" from "Fiddler on the Roof." It's cheap irony at best. I don't know why I don't have any money for stamps, or electric bills. Perhaps because I Accepting bribes is also a sad commentary on human Anyway, instead of writing you a letter I'm don't earn any. Maybe I should send a letter to weakness. To become a Congressman or a public leader writing about letters. Does that make me a Harry Gray, head of United Technologies, like demands a large commitment, one of time and personal Man of Letters? Is that the definition of the one Twain sent to Andrew Carnegie. sacrifices. It takes men and women many years to reach ignorance, not knowing what a Man of Letters that position of respect and honor.