Administration Eyes Board Increase
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(fatmwttrut Satlg Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXXX No. 31 STORRS. CONNECTICUT Tuesday, October 19, 1976 Administration eyes board increase Adams said. "As soon as a figure is By JOHN HILL III arrived at we will announce it." There will be no increase in the General University fee to remain $200 Hartley said he will hold a public University Fee for next year, but budget hearing on any proposed fee increases in figures from last year are being reviewed with $7.4 million which is used to support idea" if there would be an increase in the the Merlin D. Bishop Center on Oct. 27. to determine if there will be an increase the shuttle bus service, the student board fee or what the increase might be if during which any discussion of any in the board fee charged to students in activities coordinator, bond payments on it is implemented. increases being considered will be heard. University run dining halls. various University buildings, athletics, The UConn Board of Trustees voted last The requests received so far by Hart- Harry J. Hartley, vice president for student health services, and student year to increase the board fee paid by ley's office include a request by the finance and administration, said Monday financial aid. The fee was $201.10 last students living in University-run dining School of Law to increase the fee paid by he does not intend to recommend an year. Hartley said the $200 figure was halls $30. from $305 to $335 per students in the day division from $200 to increase for next year in the General more manageable. semester. $300. finalizing action taken by the University Fee. Carol Wiggins, assistant vice president Hartley said he did not know if there UConn Board of Trustees last fall. Also, He did say, however, there is "a for student affairs and services, said the would be a board fee increase and would an application fee. fee charged per credit possibility of a board fee increase" but figures on the University-run Dining not estimate on how much of an increase hour, a continuous registration fee for that the amount of that increase would Halls would be reviewed today by there might be. students enrolled in the bachelor of not be determined until the figures from officials from food services and finance Frederick G. Adams, vice president for General Studies program, and the pos- last year's operation of UConn's dining and adminstration officials, to see, as student affairs and services, said Sunday sible board fee increase. halls are reviewed. Wiggins said, "if we should be consider- that if there were a proposal to increase Hartley called the General Fee "the The General University Fee, which will ing a fee increase." the board fee it would be announced. stay at $200 per student, provides UConn Wiggins said she had "absolutely no "We're not going to do this in a closet" continued on page 3 District Court denies joining of lawsuits "I think the differences are in the judge's By JOANN NILAND head," he said. "I'm disappointed that college students An attempt by the student government having their first dealings with the court to combine its lawsuit, concerning the use are having such exposure to it," Finch of student fees to hire a lawyer, with a said. "We're not seeing the court work similar suit at Central Connecticut State as expeditiously. as quickly, as it ought College (CCSC) was denied Monday by a to." U.S. District Court judge. Schweitzer said some of Claire's com- Judge T. Emmett Claire dehied the ments indicated Claire may decide not to motion to intervene because the facts are rule on the case and hand it back to the different in each case. Dwight Owen state. Schweitzer, the attorney for Federation of Schweitzer also said UConn will "un- Students and Service Organizations doubtedly get quicker action" on its (FSSO said Monday. ruling than CCSC will. Schweitzer, who represents FSSO and Although confident of a favorable rul- the CCSC student government free of ing. Schweitzer said if an unfavorable charge, said FSSO has appropriated $100 ruling is handed down. FSSO will appeal. to hire an attorney, but "has not made any payments yet." The CCSC student government, on the Arab heads sign other hand, went ahead and made payments to hire an attorney that was not authorized by the CCSC administration, cease-fire plan Ribicoff Speaks he said. The use of student fees to hire an Sen. Abraham Ribicoff [D-Conn.] fields questions from about 60 students in the attorney was forbidden last year by for Lebanon war Commons Building Monday. [Staff photo by Buzz Kantor.] Assistant Arty. Gen. Sidney Giber after RIYADH. Saudi Arabia (UPI) - Six Arab the UConn administration blocked leaders Monday signed a peace plan for FSSO's attempt to appropriate money to Lebanon calling for a cease-fire this week Ribicoff, Dodd campaign here hire counsel. In his decision Giber said and creation of a 30.000-man Arab force "the use of student fees to hire an to supervise the withdrawal of the attorney is so entangled with the private warring factions. for local Democratic candidates rights of the individual as to be an activity The announcement Monday night said not in the total interest of the student By JOHN HI I.I III the plan called for a cease-fire to begin cant differences with the heads of the body." throughout Lebanon Thursday morning two rival tickets. The political campaign at UConn lost The problems at CCSC arose when the followed by a withdrawal of combatants "People were saying last year that its homemade taste and got a little CCSC administration was charged in a to positions they held before the bloody national flavor Monday as U.S. Sen. there was no difference between state auditor's report with misuse of civil war erupted in April, 1975. Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon student activity funds. The report said Abraham Ribicoff D-Conn., and U.S. The statement said the Arab peace- in 1968," Dodd said. He pointed out the administration overpaid employees at Rep. Christopher Dodd, D-2nd, made keeping force in Lebanon will be in- the Supreme Court appointments of the CCSC Student Center. campaign appearances for local cand- creased from its present size of 2,300 idates here. Nixon and Ford, emphasizing that a Schweitzer said the CCSC student larger turnout would not only have government is seeking to have the troops to a deterrent force of 30.000. The Related picture, story page 4 changed the President and vice presi- overpaid funds returned, but it is unable troops will be under the command of dent, but cabinet appointments and to retain paid counsel for that purpose. Lebanon's president. Ribicoff and Dodd appeared at a policy of federally run programs as Giber's ruling would require the CCSC The peace keepers will separate the speakers forum with State Sen. well. student government and administration warring factions, confiscate all heavy Audrey S. Beck, D-Mansfield, and Ribicoffs only mention of local to use CCSC's attorney in any action weapons, arrest truce violators and help State Rep. Dorothy Goodwin, D-Man- candidates in his remarks to about 60 brought by the government to have the the Lebanese government restore public sfield, who are both running for persons present was in a passing funds returned, he said. FSSO and the utilities and protect military installations, second terms in the state senate and statement where he mentioned the UConn administration would be in the the statement said. house of representatives respectively. Mansfield area had a "habit of putting same situation in any action brought by They also will supervise implementation Dodd, whose district, includes UConn up superior candidates." FSSO against the University. of a 1969 Cairo agreement restricting is also running for re-election in the Ribicoff did not mention the Demo- As a result of Claire's ruling, Schweitzer Palestinian guerrillas in Lebanon to their second district. cratic candidate for Connecticut's said he will prepare and present a refugees camps and the Arkoub section in Dodd and Ribicoff concentrated their other senate seat, Gloria Schaffer at separate case for CCSC. A U.S. District the country's southeast. remarks on the democratic condidates all during his short speech or during a Court ruling on FSSO's bid to hire an for president and vice president, questions and answer period. attorney is expected in three to four An attached timetable called for the former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter Ribicoff did voice his support for weeks he said. withdrawal of gunmen from the central and U.S. Sen. Walter Mondale. Schaffer in an interview after the FSSO Chairman William Finch said mountains and south Lebanon within five I) Minn. Both Dodd and Ribicoff formal question-and-answer period, Monday Claire based his decision on days after the cease-fire takes hold, from emphasized what they saw as signifi- CCSC's actual, unauthorized payments. Beirut and its suburbs within seven days continued on page 4 and from the north within 10 days. mimmmmmmmmtMmammmmummmm r-jocusf* — Careful shopping America has only 14 shopping days until, election day. Two weeks from today, Americans will go to the polls to choose a president, a third of the U.S. Senate and all of the House of Representatives in the quadrennial peak of democracy in action. In Connecticut, in addition to the House and Senate openings and the Nutmeg state's say in the contest for the White House, a full state legislature is up for grabs.