Classified 643^2711 Violence Mar State's Holida

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Classified 643^2711 Violence Mar State's Holida 20 - THE HERALD, Sat., Jan. 2. 1982 HDVERTISING MniERnSING MTES It wds a handyman's special... page 13 Classified 643^2711 Minimum Charge 22_pondomlniurrt8 15 W ords V EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes for Sale 35— Heaimg-Ptumbing 46— Sporting Goods 58— Mtsc for Rent 12:00 nooo the day 24— Lols-Land for Sale 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products 59^Home8/Apt$< to Sti8|ro 48— Antiques and ^ound f^lnveslment Property 37— Moving-TrucKing-Storage PER WORD PER DAY before publication. 13— Help Wanted 49— Wanted to Buy AUTOMOTIVE 2— Par sonata 26— Business Property 38— Services Wanted 14— Business Opportunities 50~ P ro du ce Deadline for Saturday Is 3 - - Announcements 15— Situatiorf Wanted 27— Relort Property 1 D A Y ................. 14« 4'-Chrlstma8 Trees 28— Real Estate Wanted MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS_______ 8l-.Autos for Sale 12 noon Friday; Mon­ 5— Auctions 62— Trucks for Sale 3 D A YS .........13iF EDUCATION 63— Heavy Equipment for Sale day's deadline Is 2:30 MI8C. SERVICES 40— Household Goods 52— Rooms for Rent 53— Apartments for Rent 64— Motorcycits-Bicycles 6 P A Y S ........ 12(T Clearing, windy FINANCIAL 18— Private Instructions 41— Articles for Seie 65— Campers-Trailert'Mobile Manchester, Connj Friday. 31— Services Offered 42— Building Supplies 54— Homes for Rent 19— SchoolS'Ciasses Homes 26 D A Y S ........... 1 U 6— Mortgage Loans 20— Instructions Wanted 32— Painting-Papering 43— PetS'Birds-D^s 55— OtriceS'Stores for Rent tonight, Tuesday Phone 643-2711 33— Buildirrg-Contracting 56— Resort Property for Rent 66— Automotive Service HAPPV AOS $3.00 PER INCH Mon.,. Jan. 4, 198| 9— Pertonal^Loans * 44— Musical Instruments 67— Autos tor Rent-Lease tO— Insurance REAL ESTATE 34— Rooflng-Sidmg 45— Boats & Accessories' 57— Wanted to Rent — See page 2 25 Cents aassified ads are used by' people wheji they are’ [ j BUSINESS 55 searching for products or and S E R V I C E S R o b e r t e . j a r v i s - ii8 m a in s t r e e t - s and w o r k V p a c e *****o r services. For fast results, <- Remodeling Specialist. 4 room heated apartmenU, q p a p r p n ” use a Gassified ad to at­ Manrli^atfr MrraIJi ................................................ For room additions, hot water, no appliances. tract people who are ready Services Ottered 31 kitchens, bathrooms, Security - tenant in- ^ to buy. Storm 'Your Community Newspaper' brellas repaired. Window ------? ------------- ^ ^ ----------- M A N C H E S T E R M AIN shades, Venetian blinds. L E O N C IE S Z Y N S K I S T R E E T - T w o room ^aairu/z-inui, m^to a. Violence mar Keys. TV FOR RENT. BUILDER. New homes, apartnient. Heated, hot m p u ,, v r p n o V a t p h Half-Size Appeof Marlow’s, 867 Main street, additions, remodeling, rec water, appliances. No pets. ' 649-5221. rooms, garages, kitchens Security. Parkfng. «iuf« --------------------------------------- remodeled, ceilmgs, bath Telephone 523-7047. spares Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 BRICK, BLOCK STONE - tile, dorm ers. Foofing. ----------------------------------------- ^rkinL CaU M9 2(fflr PLEASE READ C o n c r e t e . C h im n e y Residential or com m er- MANSFIELD CENTER - Parking, t-ati aan. YO U R A D P A R T T IM E Repairs. “No Job Too cial. 649-4291. Woodsedge Apartments. Classlllsd ■ it art Ukwi SALESPERSON to sell Small.” Call 644-8356 for ............................................... ONE MONTH’S FR E E state's holida o«ir fiM phoM a* • con- subscriptions door-to-door NEW PAY SCALE estimates. Heating-Plumbing 35 RENT. Newly renovated, ................................................ ................................................ country setting. Two BASEMENT STORAGE vMiltne*. Tli« Htrald !• with newscarrier two evenings a week or Satur­ SCHALLER PLUMBING- bedrooms. From ^ to AREA with dirt floors. town Bridgeport, Meriden, Middletown, ratpomIMa lor only ona In- By United Press International Feliciano, 15, who were founi days. Salary plus com­ HEATING- Water pump 1325, includes appliances pirst room 18% ft.xlS ft.; carracl fnaartfon and than WE NEED ... ★ New Haven and West Haven, while in their home Saturday. f missions. Call Circulation M&M P&H, Manchester specialists. Xlso, a^parto^«9-lJ70, 233- second r^m MfLxl5% ft. Connecticut began 1982 with no only to tha alza of tl)p RN’s/LPN’s three other people we/e wounded in Manager, Manchester 649-2871. Small reoairs. remodeling serv^e _ o j[ 9660 or 232-0781. $30 monthly. 649-0717. traffic deaths on state roadways but Police said Ms. Sanchez’ coA original Inaartlon. Errors shooting incidents in Hartford and HeraltT 643-2711. Home Health Aides rpmnriplinh hpatino’ repairs. FREE _ ___ •••••••••••••••••••••••• By Paul Hendrie a rash of shootings and stabbings law husband, Antonio Felicial wMdi do not loason tha Bristol. Homemaker/ Herald Reporter left at least seven people dead and was being sought as a suspeef m uo ol Iho odvortlaonMnl g K ’’»il;S lre r o o m T a r T m' e n T .........." In Middletown, two men were Companions three others injured. slayings and authorities throl arW not bo corrodod by an heaters. Free estimates! AVAILABLE. Heat, hot g A R A G E T Y P E charged .with murder Sunday after the state and in Puerto Ri| to provide home care . Overnight freezing rain made ’The latest slaying was reported in ■ddMonal bwortlon. C & M Tree Service Free •••••••••••••••••••••••• 2®/®*^’ BUILDING for automotive the body of a 23-year-old man who been alerted to look for himl NEW Y EAR’S VACATION commuting to work this morning a New London, where police found a Call or coma In for estimatJs.1)Snt keid^ FLOORSANDING -Floors References; Call leading national had been stabbed several times was begins now. Sell Avon and treacherous affair, but the city resident shot once in the chest In New Haven, Calixto Rod| citizens. Company new! Sp^ializing in after 6 pm, 646-3911. company in. , the found in a wooded area. Police 41, of West New York, N.J start saving! Call 646-3685 Information, 643>9515 Manchester area was spared the at the G and M Cafe on Truman iHaurliratrr or 523-9401. , MsfichfistGr ownfiQ snd old6r floors. Nflturfll snd " MflnchBStor 3r6d. W© n©©d would not release the victim’s iden­ being held in lieu of $ioo OOL AIDE AND ASSISTANCE operated Call 6^1M7 stained floors No waxing MANOIESTER - ^luxe 3,000-3,500 plus sq. ft. serious problems that hit other Street at 10:35 p.m. Sunday. tity. ________________________ anymore! Jphn Verfaille, one bedroom townhouse, please call collect, 1-401- Eldward Logan Miller, 28, was today pending arraignmenl| ^ Ir r a I^ $180 PER WEEK PART OF N .L CONN. INC. parts of the state. Police said Alfred Rogala, 17, of LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen- 6^5750. private entrance, patio and 724-8198. i pronounced dead an hour later at murder charge in the shootinj TIME at home. Webster, 3SS Miln at, Manclmter The glaze of ice on the roads Middletown and Kenneth Goff, 18, Friday of a New Haven mail cing. Attics cellars gar- >••••••••••••••••••••••• full basement.Includes Lawrence and Memorial Hospital. who lived in a Waterbury halfway America’s foremost dic­ forced the state to close one stretch State police arrested Rodrii tionary company needs OFFICE HOURS ages cleaned. All types Household Goods 40 heat, appliances, carpeting Homes-Apts. to share 50 Police issued an all points bulletin of Interstate 84, in the Waterbury house, were being held on $100,000 home workers to update Mon. - FrI. S-4 for a suspect, described as a black the Connecticut Turnpike ini Picket S^it “ i; USED monthly, No pets, fiamato MANCHESTER - apart- area, and there was a 15-car pileup . bond each pendins arralenment port about a half hour aftel [ ] N O T I C E S local mailing lists. All eOE/AAP male, 5 foot lO inches tall and today in Middlesex County Superior Stockade Fences installed. REFRIGERATORS, Enterprises, 646-1021. ment to share, male on Interstate 91 in the New Haven Pujols, 30, was shot during al ages, experience un­ weighing 160 pounds. Court. 528-0670. WASHERS, RANGES - -------T. T professional. Non-smoker. area. ’There were no serious in­ ment over continuing a New! necessary. Call 1-716-842- Sonya Stueber, 7, of Danielson, In West Haven, Bernice Bruno, 36, Loyt and Found 1 6000, Ext. 5063. -------------------------^-------------- Clean, Guaranteed. Parts MANCHESTER .- Newly ^ ^ .5 0 per month plus half juries. Eve party in his home. f RECEIVING-Stock clerk. LICENSED DAY CARE & Service. Low prices! decorated one bedroom utilities. 649-0291 after 6 died from exposure after she fell died Saturday after she was shot in In Bridgeport, police said I 7:30 to 4:00. $3.75 per hour. HOME - Will watch your B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main apartment. A cp ss to shop- p.m.weekdays, Northeast Utilities reported through ice into the Quinebnug the neck while returning home with LOST; W illie's Steak HVAC ESTIMATOR-Sales to Soto, 28, was shot to deal House area, December Telephone 649-8648. power outages in the Simsbury area River in Danielson on Thursday as groceries. A neighbor, Brenda Person, for HVAC In­ c w i d o , W . M d . , s . c n ................................................. Year’s Eve night as he al| 23rd, woman’s Amitron dustrial Ventilation Con­ and, in Southbury, a sanding truck the holiday period began. Bynum, 26, was charged with POSITION FOR PC Board Articles lor Sale 41 please call 528-4196 Autos For Sale 67 | brandished a knife in a P| Digital watch.
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