The Mold Cape in the

Photo: Wikipedia Commons

This Gold cape was found in a town called Mold in North in 1833​​ . Today you can see it in the British Museum in London.

It was made between 1900BC-1600BC. That means it is over 3600 years old. It was made as special clothing and we think it was only for special celebrations. It is made of one piece of gold and made for someone who was quite thin. It is likely this cape belonged to a woman. There are many rings of patterns that look like many necklaces.

The cape covers the shoulders and top of the arms. Some people think the patterns look like lots of beads and folds of clothing. The shapes include squares, ovals, circles and triangles.

This time period was called the age. It is called pre-history because in Britain we did not have any writing, to tell us facts about that time, so sometimes we have to guess.

Anybody who wears this cape cannot move their arms very easily. People think that this cape was not for everyday but just for special ceremonies. The patterns are similar to things found far away in France or Scotland. This tells us that even thousands of years ago, people were moving to new places, sharing ideas and buying and selling things.


1. How would you describe the Gold Cape? 2. What special occasions do you think people wore this cape? 3. What special clothes do people wear for special occasions today?


Verb present (infinitive) He/She/It present Past Simple

be is was find finds found see sees saw make makes made mean means meant look looks looked have has had wear wears wore move moves moved tell tells told share shares shared buy buys bought sell sells sold

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