Supplementary Planning Guidance

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Supplementary Planning Guidance THE FORMER HORWICH LOCO WORKS DRAFT SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT BOLTON METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL JANUARY 2011 Page 1 of 47 CONTENTS Page SUMMARY 2 PART 1: BACKGROUND 3 PART 2: POLICY CONTEXT 7 PART 3: THE FORMER LOCO WORKS SITE 12 PART 4: MASTERPLANNING THE SITE: KEY DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES 20 PART 5: IMPLEMENTATION 43 PART 6: HOW TO COMMENT ON THE DRAFT SPD 45 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Masterplans 01-09 Page 2 of 47 Horwich Loco Works: Draft Supplementary Planning Document Draft 2 December 2010 SUMMARY This document is a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It provides further details to policies in the Core Strategy, which is the primary source of guidance on planning issues. The SPD is not part of the Statutory Development Plan. However, it forms part of the Local Development Framework and as such will be an important consideration in determining planning applications. The document is intended to support pre-application discussions about development proposals for the regeneration of the former Horwich Loco Works, although it is designed for use throughout the development control process. Applicants are advised to contact the Council to discuss their proposals as early as possible. This SPD should also be read in conjunction with additional adopted guidance depending upon the nature and location of the application proposals. 2 Page 3 of 47 Horwich Loco Works: Draft Supplementary Planning Document Draft 2 December 2010 1. PART 1: BACKGROUND Introduction 1.1 Horwich is largely an independent township with many industries and amenities, including the Middlebrook Business, Retail and Leisure Park adjacent to which is the Reebok Stadium, the home of Bolton Wanderers Football Club. The former Loco Works site represents a key opportunity to expand the town, enhance the sustainability of the area and create better public transport links and accessibility to the M61 motorway. 1.2 Bolton’s Core Strategy designates the Horwich Loco Works as a Strategic Development site to deliver a comprehensively developed mixed use scheme that will make a significant contribution to the employment and housing land requirements of the Borough. 1.3 The purpose of this Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to provide a robust planning framework within which the area can be successfully developed and to inform potential developers of land use, planning and transportation opportunities and constraints on the site. The SPD considers the existing range of approved strategies and guidance to assemble a set of robust, detailed guidelines and principles by which to successfully develop the former Loco Works. 1.4 The SPD builds upon the existing work and consultation which was carried out at the Core Strategy Examination stage between the Council, Horwich Vision Ltd (the vehicle formed specifically to spearhead the regeneration of the site) and other agencies. The SPD expands on the adopted Core Strategy policies and sets out a planning framework which is deliverable and achievable. 1.5 Development of the site is regarded as both a challenge and an exciting opportunity. Successful realisation of the vision set out in this SPD will create a place where people want to live and work, whilst also creating new prosperity and a source of pride for the local community. 1.6 As such it is an exemplar for the Bolton’s key brand values: 3 Page 4 of 47 Horwich Loco Works: Draft Supplementary Planning Document Draft 2 December 2010 ‘Open’ – (friendly / welcoming) 1.7 This reflects the openness of the people, the spaciousness of the town and the green spaces that surround it. Bolton is, and should aim to be, friendly, welcoming and inclusive. ‘Colourful’ – (characterful/distinctiveness/interesting) 1.8 Bolton has a distinctive history and heritage, as well as many famous characters associated with the town. We should work to maintain and enhance this. ‘Sound’ – (decent / reliable / trustworthy) 1.9 Bolton has an underlying sense of quality and dependability, Bolton is somewhere that people can depend on. Monitoring and Review 1.10 The Council will monitor the significant effects of the SPD. The Council is required to produce Annual Monitoring Reports to assess the implementation of the Local Development Scheme and the extent to which policies in local development documents are being achieved. The SPD will be included in this process. 1.11 The test of the effectiveness of this SPD will be whether the objective of the comprehensive regeneration of the former Loco Works is secured in accordance with the Council’s aspirations. The Council’s Strategic Development Unit will monitor all the stages in the development process including any developer selection, obtaining planning permission, construction of the approved development and occupation of the completed units. This information will be fed into the Annual Monitoring Report. If there is evidence that the SPD is failing to meet its objectives, it will be reviewed. Our Vision for the Site 1.12 The former Horwich Loco Works represents a major opportunity for the Borough of Bolton in delivering housing and employment needs over the course of the Core Strategy. It will position Bolton as a major Greater Manchester hub for economic 4 Page 5 of 47 Horwich Loco Works: Draft Supplementary Planning Document Draft 2 December 2010 prosperity and will be a compelling place to live and relax. Up to 4000 jobs are to be created which will assist in narrowing the gap between the most and least well off. 1.13 It is envisaged that due to the nature of office and “high tech” land uses being proposed, this will complement the wide range of education and skills prevalent in the Borough such as professional (university educated), skilled technical/trade (NVQ 3-4) and administration/manual labour (NVQ 1. 1.14 The development will create a sustainable community which will be inviting, high quality, sensitively designed and affordable. Up to 1600 new homes will be developed over the lifetime of the project, which is expected to be around 15 years. The new housing areas will create a sense of place, will be designed to high levels of energy efficiency and will maximise renewable energy opportunities. 1.15 Green infrastructure at Red Moss will be protected and enhanced in association with the Lancashire Wildlife Trust and Natural England. An appropriate level of informal and formal landscaped open spaces will be created and managed for the benefit of the immediate and wider population. 1.16 The linkages created will enable pedestrian and vehicular movement through the site, as well as providing excellent public transport facilities to a number of locations. Vision: ‘To secure the renaissance of the former Horwich Locomotive Works strategic site as a high quality, sustainable and vibrant mixed-use neighbourhood. ” 5 Page 6 of 47 Horwich Loco Works: Draft Supplementary Planning Document Draft 2 December 2010 Objectives In support of the Vision the following Objectives have been identified: . To deliver a high quality, sustainable and comprehensive development comprising around 1600 dwellings and between 15-20ha of employment related uses together with open space and supporting infrastructure and services. To create a vibrant, prosperous, environmentally sustainable neighbourhood where people want to live and work, and which reflects the sites heritage . To re-connect the strategic site with Horwich Town Centre, Middlebrook and neighbouring areas and to deliver new sustainable transport routes and linkages to support connectivity with the rest of Horwich. Purposes of the SPD 1.17 There are three principal purposes of this SPD namely: . To provide guidance for developers and applicants; . To support swift and effective decision making by the Council on application proposals; and . To assist in the delivery of a comprehensive development across the site as a whole. 6 Page 7 of 47 Horwich Loco Works: Draft Supplementary Planning Document Draft 2 December 2010 PART 2: POLICY CONTEXT 2.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that “where in making any determination under the Planning Acts, regard is to be had to the development plan the determination shall be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicates otherwise.” 2.2 The Development Plan for Bolton comprises both the North West Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) and Development Plan Documents (DPD) such as the Core Strategy and the Waste and Minerals DPD. Bolton Council still has saved policies from the Unitary Development Plan ( UDP) which have not been superseded in addition to an Adopted Proposals Map. 2.3 Other national, regional and local documents, whilst not forming part of the statutory development plan, are also relevant such as topic specific SPD’s and Planning Policy Statements/Guidance (PPS’s/PPG’s). National Policy 2.4 National policy likely to be of relevance to proposals for the regeneration of the former Horwich Loco Works include: . PPS1 Sustainable Development . PPS3 Housing . PPS4 Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth; . PPS5 Historic Environment . PPS9 Biodiversity . PPS22 Renewable Energy . PPS23 Pollution Control . PPS25 Flooding . PPG13 Transport . PPG17 Open Space, Recreation and Sport . PPG24 Planning and Noise 7 Page 8 of 47 Horwich Loco Works: Draft Supplementary Planning Document Draft 2 December 2010 North West Regional Spatial Strategy: Following recent High Court challenges by CALA Homes to the Governments’ announcement which sought to revoke RSS, presently North West RSS (September 2008) remains part of the statutory development plan for Bolton. Proposals should therefore demonstrate consistency with these policies where appropriate. The relevant policies are: . DP1- Spatial Principles . DP2 – Promote Sustainable Communities . DP4 - Make the Best Use of Existing Resources . DP5 - Manage Travel Demand . DP7 – Promote Environmental Quality. DP9 – Reduce Emissions and Adapt to Climate Change. EM5 – Integrated Water Management . EM15 – A Framework for Sustainable Energy in the North. EM16 – Energy Conservation and Efficiency . EM17 – Renewable Energy . W3 – Supply of Employment Land .
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