The Weath.r ~ Serving the State ruu, ~.... )' aM _. Univenity of Iowa er witll _UerN ...... ert ....,.. r.nb' Campul and' e"o41 wt...... ,. showers We...... '. T .. Iowa City da,'. hlJ"h 15;..1_, 51. at Ui&'h Hucla, 13; low, n.

Ir'OUPI Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Centa Iowa City, Iowa. Tuesday. August 26, 1952 - Vol. 86, No. 229 of man, SUI. Tbt, Boy King Visits Colorado with tAt Pick Defends and illyf Ie. Actions in AF u.s. Jet Downs 8-17 By Mistake Base Scandals WASHINGTON IJP) - Lt. Gen. Fate of Crew Lewis A. Pick, chief ot army en· Denver Bids Farewell to Ike gineers, came under new congres­ Playboy lelke Indi~ted sional fire Monday even as he defended himself against a bllster· Left in Doubt lng senate report citing alleged By Vice-Probing Jury waste, fraud, kickbacks and theft on a huge scale in the construction NEW YORK (,4» - Minot F. By Heavy Rain ot U. S. air bases in North Africa. "Mickey" JeUte. 22-year-old mar­ Heu of $45.000 bond. Pick issued a statement describ­ ,arlne heir and society playboy, The indictment again t the press EOLIN AIR FORCE BASE. FLA. ing the report by a senate watch­ WII indicted Monday on charles aient also mentioned Miss Ward. (,4» - An advanced type jet tight­ dog subcommittee as "over criti­ that he foreed a pretty girl frIend And It said she, Jelke and Miss er that seeks out its lare ts by cal." to become a pros Ii tute. Steel conspired to violate the law radar, shot down a B-17 bomber He also disowned any responsi­ I\. vlc:e-probln, grand jury re­ dealing with prostltution. over the Gulf of Mexico by mls· bility tor ttle decision to construct turned eiaht Indictments alalnst Miss Steel pleaded innoeent and take Monday, the air force an­ the multi-million-dollar projects the handsome bachelor. lie plead­ was continlled in $1.000 ball for nounced. on a "crash" or rush basis. ed Innoeent. trial Sept. 17. Asst. Dist. AUy. The fate ot the eil'lt crewmen Thc senate group, headed by Three others held In the sensa­ Anthony J . Laibler said the In­ aboard the bomber WIIS obscured Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.), tional vice ca$e - In which there Quiry Is being continued against by heavy rain which swept over recommended Sunday that Arm~ have been repOrts of lovely. $500 a her and others. the reteue scene, about 50 mile Secretary Frank Pace Jr.. "take nlaht caU Ilrls - also were in­ south 01 Panama City. appropriate action" against Pick dicted. One pleaded I\Jltty. The pilot 01 the 650-mile an - without specifying what action Indictments alalnst young JeJlce hour F-88D Ill'lter plane appal'. should be taken. Pace is due back centered on his relations with Mills Brink's Truck Robbed ently mistook the B-17 tor a In Washington Tuesday from an PIItrlcla Ward, a 19-year-Old mod­ radio - controlled drone plan Inspection tour of overseas bases. el whom New YOrk newspapers which WlU following about II mile Denies Responslblllly have called the IIrl who »roke the By Thieves Who Take and a half behind th dlr clor SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD KING FAI AL U (left), youlhfuJ ruler Counterini the senate subcom­ vice case after Jelke lilted her. bomber. mittee's blast. Pick indicated that 01 Iraq, and. Denver Poilu aplaln Ross hatter, awlD&' down • Reoret Direct lilt Tak Olrl'. Eal1lln•• $65,000 as Guards Eat he mercly obeyed orders and that mounl.ahulde alter • ride to the 12.000 toot apex of tbe allJ 111& One of the (Iihler's rockets ..t 60 of the air force was responsible for BerUloucl P .... on the rontlnental divide. mile west Denver. Jelke was accused of inducin, WASHINGTON (,II") - Police the Flylnl Fortre and ent it Shaffer served as personal body~ard to Ute Illnl durlll&' his Iwa­ the decision to rush the construc­ Mils Ward to "l1ve a lI!e of prosti­ said thieves stole $6~.000 and plunging (nto the fUli In names. tion or bases In French Morocco. da, vlsll "I IIlled Ute ride "try well," said Falsal. The khl, hi. tution" and ot IIvlnr "wholly or In missed another $104,CIOO in a Col. Arthur R. Debolt of Col. Describing It as "one of the party were lbe cuesla ot Ute federal reclamation bureau for .. stud, part" on her earning. from Sep­ Brlnk's armored car Monday DWIGIIT D. EI ENIIOWER REACUE thrOUl'h an aJrport. fence to umbus, 0 .. 39-year-old pilot ot the most difficult construction pro­ of water resources conservation. tember, 1951, to March, 1952. The whlle the four guards were at lay .ooclbye to w U-wllh . Just before leavlll&' Denver by plaae fllhter. told military interviewers jects with which I have been con- Indictment said he located her In lunch. The cor was locked but un­ for New York. where he will e tabU h new headquarters In hLs bid "1 juat can't believe I hit the fronted as chief of enllneers," -II W SI I k S d • houle of prostitution here about luarded. lor tbe presJdeney. bakJn. the ceneral', hand II MrI. Pat O'Neil wron, plane." last Feb. 15. FBI 81enta join d police In a of Daylon. Wa h., one of the veral hundred penonl who were at WCCI/ing as he was interviewed, Pi;·~t~~~;;e.aa:~~fe~~~t~ngineerS uorg- arner rl e prea s He also was char led with search tor clu s. but hour after the airport for the departure. Ike addr ed tbe American Le.. loJl Debolt "I don't know how It 1 had no responsibility in the de- national convenUon In 1U d on Quare Garden In New York Mon· happened. I thou,ht I was hlHin.: ierml;atlon of the air force re- • torcln, 23-year-old Pat Thompson the IUBrcb reported the incid nt, to become a prostitute. Pollee Inspector Jet mlah Flaher­ day. the right plane!' I quirementsnot my responsibility in North Africa to . Itdirect was As Labor PI'clure Darkens After enterin, an Innocent plea. ty could only tell newsmen: World War U Vet Jelke was continued In $~O,OOO "W don't know hether the A World War II veteran ot that the construction be placed on r a crash program basis. ball. persona who look lhe money are fi,htin, in China. 0 bolt had been B, The Assoclsted Press lndicled with him were Ray white, colored. male, or female." Ike Tells Legislature He Will out on tralnln, mlsllons with tho Deficiencies Expected United Auto Workers were idle as Russell Davloni, 54-year-old press Flaherty iald there was also a new-type aU we.lther jet several A strike spread Monday In the chance It mi,bl be an "Inside job" times. He had made successful "It is not unusual for construc­ 12-plant Borg-Warner Corp. SY3- four shutdowns Monday emphu­ o,ent; Richard Wallace. 39. movie tors to experience some deflcien· sized union dissatisfaction with bit actor; and red-haired Erica executed by people connected with pGSs., at the drone plane Ihls cles In accomplishlni large mili­ stem, and the pation's 400,000 coal Brink's. He emphasl7.ed. however. morning belore the B-17 was hit. miners missed their flnt normal wage nelotiotlons which have been Steel. 28, model and television bit End Corruption in GO'vernmenl tary construction projects under that he had nO evidence that that The time of the occident wa work day's pay in the 10-day me­ lolnl on at plant level since May. player. extreme limits of LIme. That Is was the ca e. NEW YORK (IP) - G n. DwIght placed at about 1 11 8.m. (Iowa morial holiday ordered by John A UAW local settled at one J: what happened In Morocco." WaUaee Pleadt OuJU, Flaherty and Police Lt. Albert D. Eisenhower told cheerlnl dele­ L. Lewis. Borg-Warner plant - the Pesco the world, Inc1udlnl the Kremlin. time). Pick went on to say that judiln, Wallace pleaded lullty to a E. Hltt said they got thl, informa­ gates to the American Legion con­ Small erllsh boat sent to the Other labor developments in­ Products Division at Cleveland, O. that It wllJ not rest until the Com­ by newspaper accounts. "It would - tor terms beUeved to include an charie that he received proslJtu, t10n from que.tltlonlnl luardl of vention Monday he alms to "cnd munist-enslaved peoples of ellst­ scene found rough lolng In the appear thllt the senate subcom­ cluded an aereement aranUng a corruption In public oltlce. at 10-cent pay hike and the union Increase and benefits wortn 24 tlon earnlnl' and was remanded the Brink'~ tJ·uck: ern Europe nd Asia art tree heavy seas, mittee has submitted a generalized to prison pendln, sentence Sept. 9. The four guards parkeJ the every level of government." sbop to the United Rubber Work­ cents hourly. Plckets who had been again. PBY patrol planes. a destroyer report which ... appears to be on duty since Friday were re­ The district attorney's office had truck outside the swank Wardman The Republican presidential He sold that whl1e this notion and a Coast Guard cutter joined over critical." ers at Firestone Tire and Rubber nomine struck out vl,orously at Company. The accord sets an av­ called. and work was resumed In said Miss Thompson had paid him Park hotel and lett it unattended is in irave peril. he does not be­ the searoh for survivors. Pick said he returned from a the plant. $800 a week ror "love and aUec- whlle they went out tor lunch the "cUmate or (ear" he said over­ lieve Ute Russians are ready to first-hand inspection of the North erage waae of $2 an hour for Man la"hted tion." about noon. hangs the American preparedness tliht and war will not come soon Lt. L. J. Wlckenhelser, pilot ot African bases eight days a,o and 24.000 Firestone workers. pro&ram as It has b cn directed by unle s "It is by accident of the submitted a report to Secretary Westinghouse Electric Corp. of­ Like Jelke, Davlonl was accused RIChard V. Simkins. 38, In a PBY dilllatched from Corry of compulsory prostitution, Induc. \ charge of the Brink's crew, said the Truman administration. . powder keg variety." Field. Pensacola. said he tlew just Pace setting forth "a plan for cor­ fered pay raises to 78.500 em­ "Those afraid seek security in recting the deficiencies." ployes In four nions Oct. I , pro­ British Jet Bomber inl women to commit prostitution the truck door was lock d when above the water, and could see n and l1vinl off their earnin,s. He the men went to lunch and locked a heedless extravagance that lone survivor smlllng up at him Charees Confusion posing a total payroll boost of 25 br ds waste ot substance and cor­ * * * mlll!on dollars this year. The pleaded innocent and was jailed In when they came back. Taft's Reservations while swimmlni about In the The senate report charged that Seeks Speed Record ruption of men." he declared. debrIs-tilled wate.. A lIle ralt was hourly hike proposals range from He drew his his biggest ap­ "confusion, delay. indecision and dropped to the man. 7 ~ to 13 cents an hour tor em­ plause from a crowd of about On S!lpport of Ike waste" have marked the rush job ployes now making trom $1.27 to In Atlantic Crossing Ike's Speech Not Aired 16,000 persons, which failed to fill "It was already raining, and a In North Africa with the result $2.57 or more. Madison Square G rden. with the heavy squall line 30 miles wide that the entire project, when com­ The memorial hoUday of the ALDERGROVE AIR FIELD. assertion: Outlined by Editor came roaring down upon us then. pleted, will cost more than $420 United Mine Workers actually be­ NORTHERN IRELAND - A Bri­ "Let us bend ourselves to end When It passed, we couldn't find million, compared with an original CLEVELAND (,II") - The Cleve gan Saturday, but they wouldn·t tish Jet bomber which will attempt Because of FCC Ruling corruption In public oflice at him," Wlckenheiser said. estimate of 300 million. land News said Monday that Sen­ "I don't know whether he got have worked anyway over the NEW YORK (A") - Major radio every level of iovernment. The The report said $220 million the first two-day crOSsing of the ator Robert A. Taft will campaign the ra ft or not." Wlckenheiser week end. Lewis Is geUlng ready and television networks lays they United States is no better . .. than have already been spent on the Atlantic in a sinlle day was poised party chose to buy the time. tor Dwilht D. Eisenhower for said. to negotiate with mine operators dldn't carry Dwiiht Eisenhower's its public ofllclals. Preoccupation five bases. So far. it said, only here Monday night for a takeort ''If we carry the major con­ President only It the leneral sup­ Members of the Flying Fortress for new wagl; agreements. speech to the American Le&ion with their own prom. with self­ two of the bases are partly in op­ at dawn. tenders free." said on network ish schemes for person III or parti­ ports certain "major Issues." crew were not Identified pendinll eration, work has been started on At seven Borg-Warner plants. convention Monday because they spokesman, "we have to do the The newspaper', political edi­ some 3,700 members 01 the CIO The twin jet Canberra already san advantaies undermines Amer­ notification of their next of kin. a third .and the sites have been holds the ot!icial east-to-west rec· didn't want to obligate themselves same for the Vegetarians, the cia's strength." tor, Jack Kennon. said he had surveyed for the other two. ord of ol hours 18 minutes 24.4 to five tree air time to candidates Socialists. the Progressive party On a platform to be occupied learned: . seconds - an average speed of of various small political parties. and a lot of others. It would clut­ two days hence by his Democratic "Senator Taft, who is vacation­ Polio Respirators 483.91 miles an hour - set last For the same reason, they don't ter up our air time." rival. Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson cit Ina in Murray Bay, Canada, does Aug. 31 in a dash from here to plan to carry the convention The networks said films and II11noI8. Eisenhower linked the not want to take the stump for Bulletin Ex-Faculty Member On Way to Chicago Eisenhower lind risk repudiation Gander, Newfoundland. ~peech Wednesday by Gov. Adlai tape recordln,s ot portions of the corruption-i n-iovernment issue SIIllEVEPOIlT, LA. (.4"}-8even by the candidate on any of the The pilot on the proposed eilbt. Stevenson, the Democratic presi· speeches by Eisenhower and Stev,:, wltb 10 call tor vigorous new lor· mentbert .f a B-U crew were BEDFORD, MASS. (IP) - An air major issues which Taft hilS advo­ To Visit Iowa City mile-high crossini will be denUal candidate. enson would be carried on variOUS elltn policy moves. klU" Moa.. , when tIletr plant! force C-46 plane from Chicago lie sold this country must tell cated outspokenly." Col. Jack J. Hinman Jr.• former Wing Commander Roland Bu· Network spokesmen explained news shows. eruIIe4 and blll1led .~ Barkadare lett Hanscom air force base here Kennon said Tart wants to SUI faculty member. will arrive mont, who was at tre controls on that under federal communication know: air toree b_ aero. lM Reel In Iowa City soon from Rio de Monday night carrying four res­ last year's record-smashin, tught. commluloll re,ulations. If free river rr.. here. 1. Where Elllenhower .&aa411 " TIle ,laDe beea on .. rouUne Janeiro. Argentina. for several pirators urgently needed to com­ Beamont wtLJ be accompanied time Is provided either for Stev­ Ru ppert Leaves for FBI School the Tart·Hartley labor law, which days stay before continuing to bis bat poliO in Chicago and vicinity. by Squadron Leader D. A. Wat­ enson or Republican candidate EI· Ta rt co-sponsored. ~ .....011 and ... allempl­ .... to lanAI ,.till Olle dead enllne. new post at Chapel Hill, N. C. The respirators will be landed son, his navigator last year. and senhower as has happened several 2. Whetber Elsenbower Ls IIn­ From the mid-1930's until 1942. at O'Hara air force base in Chi­ Flight Lt. P. J. Hillwood, who wlll times, aU minor-party presidential The oat, nnt.... 01 u.e crull cere regarding a $60 bllJlon bud­ _ ID • .ute Ihock. The edeD' he was associate professor of san­ cago and held in readiness by the act as co-pilot. get ceUlng lor the federal gov­ or candidates are entitled to equal .,. hIa laJuIea had Dot beeD de­ Itation and chief of the water lab­ foundation for use in Illinois, The plane will refuel at Gander time at a corresponding hour. ernment by 1954. oratories division of the State Hy­ Tndi ana, Wisconsin, Michigan, before setting off on Its return 3. "Holt Impor1&D&." ",mire Gov. termlJIe4. Only if the GOP or the Demo­ 'l1le .... force wltbheld __ cienlc laboratory here. Iowa and Missouri. journey to this airfield near Bel­ cratic party paid for the broadcalt Thomas E. Dewey - Ta!t's three­ 0' fast. time rival lor the Republican tile .InDeII, ,eMtnc noUlleaUen 0' lime could the speeches be carried &he am of IdL Because of the prevailing west­ without creatini the oblllaLion to Presidential nomination fits Into erly winds it is Fonsidered cer­ other candidates. Neither major the Eisenhower campaign. ------tain that the bomber, &iven fair World News Briefs weather. will average well over 500 miles an hour on the way I 2e1 Threat Against A Condensation of Late Developments home. Iowa Polio Death Toll Rises Flight plans call for the bomber to cover just under 2,100 miles In Life 01 Ball Player ST. JOHN'S. NEWFOUNDLAND (IP) - An unidentified "mystery each direction. vessel" sank in a clOUd of smoke and steam off Newfoundland's East Maximum speed of the Canber­ Disclosed by Po/ice To 65; Labor Head Stricken Coast Monday. A coastal freighter reported from the scene that there ra is still an official secret. but It is believed capable of approachin!! PITTSBURGH (JP) -Police dis­ was no sign of the crew. The freiihter radioed that the burning hulk B,. The AaocI&Ied ~ the speed of sound - about 680 closed Monday a second threat had no distinguishing marks and was "about 70 tons." The vessel A hospital spokesman said the miles an hour at sea level. alainst the life of Ralph KIner. Iowa's 1952 polio death toll rose apparently caught fire during the nilht. A plane sighted the wreckage report of the boy's death had been home hitter for the Pittsbur.h to 65 Monday with the announce­ at dawn and dispatched surface craft to the scene. "overlooJced" until Monday. Pirates. ment that an Emerson, Neb. child • • • Tbe threat came durin, the Pi­ died of polio Saturday nieht at a Five new cases were admitted. SRANNON. IRELAND (JP) - A Flying Tiger Airline Skymaster Meteor Information rates-Boston Braves double head­ Sioux City hospital. to Slou][ CIty polio wards Monday. passenger plane carrying 59 wives and children of U.S. servicemen er Sunday. Rex A. Waitman, 3, son of Mr. The total number ot poliO cases from New York to Frankfurt. Germany, ran into a bird Monday night. Sought by Wylie A man called the Pirete front !.reated 10 fat' this year now of/Ice in mid-afternoon and said: '!'he bird. a woodcock, was killed, and the plane was forced to land .tands at 602, the Sioux Cily Prof. C. C. Wy:le. of the sur "I'm eoine to shoot Kiner at 8 Iowa CU,'s Ilftb poUe Yktim. health dep~rnfnt reported. for repairs. No one was hurt. The plane was flyln, 200 miles an hour astronomy department. is askin, o'cloek." MR. Lncla TaIlIol'd. %5, lMt Total number' of cases under at 4,500 feet. for information concern In, four Extra police rushed to Forbes Woodlawn, admIued to UaivenUf treatment at Slou][ City Monday • • • meteors that were observed rn field and kept a careful lookout I b...,11a1a Sahlnl." W&I reporied was 228. Sill persons were in rel­ BERLIN (JP) - Soviet-dominated East German Communists Mon­ eastern Iowa durinl AUI\JIt. for any possible danler to the star. • lei be ID f.... coDd.. loa Ho.... )'. plraton.· Mrs. TantOI'd .... one 01 11 day were reported purgln, the ranks of the police who guard the The first tell AUI. 3 about 8:45 Nothin, happened. ,.uo Ray MlIla, 50, president of the patleJl. admitted oYer tile week border along the Iron Curlaln. According to information from the p.m., the second on AUI. 8 about The tirst threat came in a letter Iowa State Federation of Labor last Thursday telling the ball Gra" I, Ced&r F&IIa, and a member of the Des Moines East Zone. a wide-scale house-cleaning was ordered because some of 9:10 p.m .• the third on Aug. 10 "MIl about 10;45 p.m. and the last one player he would be kl11ed unless died Swa", of PoUo. ~ are city council, was In "fairly eooft" the border police were reported falling down on their jobs. on Aug. 18 about 10:40 p.m. he put ,11,200 In 5111311 bills under ROW tl &dive pOUe e..- .. 11M condition < Nonday nllht as a • • • In addition two others were ob­ the tront seat of a taxi and aban­ bOlplt&ll. polio patiMlt .t Iowa Lutheran TOKYO (JP) - Ttle Communist Peipin, radio Tuesday claimed served in western and northern doned the cab in front of nearby ID.II'· ...... Ph\e) hospital, Des Moines. without confirmation that 15 Korean war prisoners were kllJed and Iowa. one on Aug. 5 about 10:05 Ambrldle hilh school Kiner was and Mrs. Leonard Waitman of Mills, became III in Denver, WAVING GOODBYE BEFORE LEAVING 'or WuhJncton, D.C., more 'than 40 wounded at an Allied prisoner of war camp Aug. 15. p.m. and the other on Aue. • told when he ,ot into the cab to Emerson, wal the 28th polio fa­ Colo., last FrIday where he had 8wa4&" tor 1% weells to atlend tile aDnual federal bureau of iOvestl­ taUty in Sioux City hospltalJ tbil lone to coo fer with Dwllbt D. There was no immediate comment from United Nations Command about 10 p.m. ask "What" the fare to Am- Information concemln, thue bridle?" . PUOD erlme ICbMI is 10"''' City rollu Cbler Edwfn J. Huppert. year. He was hospitalized Aue. t Eisenhower, Republican preslden~ lIead\luarters. The Peipinl broadcast said the incident occurred on the meteors should be addressed to An FBI agent, posing as Kiner. He \a belJla' Ifnt to the IIChool as parl of the poUu tralnllll procram. and had been in aerloua condition t1al nominee. He returned to Des rutht of Aug. 15 when the prisoners were celebrating their liberation the department of utronomy, went U!roulh the act but no one The FBI IIChool wiD cover sucb toples aa pollee or,aDlsation, tbe since that time, the hospital re­ Mol~ ,Saturday and wal hosplt­ !rom Japanese r\lle. University of Iowa, showed up to claim the money, Ileepiq of recor.... lDvestlpdoDi aIld fl.rear .. on aD advanced level. POrted. aUzed Monday mornin.. PAGE TWO _ THE DAILY IOWAN. TUESDAY. AUGUST 26. 1 95~ • Mississippi Bubble Allies Make Strong Bid To Clarify Tito's Stano MAYSE., l'LL By J. M. ROBERT JR. TUESDAY. AUGUST 26.1952 Associated Press News Analyst Belgrade beginning Sept. 11. lit HAVEBEnfR will be following through on Jut Publlalle4 dally ucept Sunday IIIId r •••rtei "7 I:M ...... The Oall, Jo ••• I're•• . Pewaall, r.bu..... u A concentrated effort is now be­ Monday and le.-l holJdaya 'by Student dre.laUe. dell.rimeaC ••a llIe rear .f lUCK WllE--J ing made to clarify Yugoslavia's week's conference between Tito PubUcatJOClI, Ioc~, 121 10'tN. Ave., Iowa 0111 .....mall.1Il ltal,ltllDI, Dab8q.e •• d and the tri-power ambassadors, or OIULY IOWAN EOITORIA.L STA.rr relationsbip with the rest of Eu~ City. Iowa . • ntue4 .. ""ood clul moll Je.a at•. , Is .,e. from" a.m. to 11 a.m. :tHE OT~ER&.' else some sort ot tull dress matter at the POI tom"" at Iowa City. a.1I 'rem 1 . .... to 5 , .". dan,.. S.t.r.. EdItor ...... WU1Iam Cabby ropean countries w h i c hare meet. UT Ia •• ,.: •••m. C. U Noon. under the act of conare.. of March 2, Manacln, Editor ....•... JO"'l/n Meyer pledged to mutual defense. ing will be held at that time. 1871. New. Editor ...... Don M.apes Allied military authorities have With regard to eastern Meclillr. M~J:R or THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Call 4181 fr.m noon to ml4Dl~ht As,t. New. EdItor ...... J im Foster DtW, ranean defense. the United Stalts The AssocIated Pre.. II eoIJUed ex­ h rep.rt JteDli. "omen', p.,e City EdJlOr ••.•••..•• • Georce Youn, testified to Tito's ability to use I 10 Jkau ••r I.Do_neemeal to The naU,. clullnly tne uae for rel/ubUcaUDn Sporll Editor ...... Jack Bender has disavowed any pressure OQ of aU tn. IDeal new. printed In IhII I ..... Edlt.r,a. offlcu are In the base .. well the aid which he is receiving new.p.aper .. weU .. all AP new. .eDt ., last Ball, .orUi entranee. Society EdJtor ...... Mary Donal from the Yugoslavia, and Tito is represent. dl_Ich.. • . in t hat ed as having taken the initiatiyt ...lOSt. :5ubacrll/t1on ratH _ by carrier In Iowa OAILY IOWAN BUSINESS STAIrIr DiplomatiC himself. His recent statement n· AUDIT BUaEAU CIty. 2~ centa weekly or $8 per year In Bustne.. Manacer . Leonard R1ppchen ~esslng hope for co-operatiGa, 01' advance; six montn.. f4.25; three Asst. Bu •. Mer. enarl.. R. Goeldner bowever, followed numerous lEft. cmCULATIOJfI montha. fZ·:IO. By mall In Iowa. ,8 I/er I ClasslfJe4 Mans,er .. ... Barbara Boyd yeor; II.,. montha. $5; three months. ers on the subject from all sf . Ca II 8-2151 If 7'•••• 01 ~ ...I.' $I: All other maJl 8ub5Crlptlons. ,10.00 over a period of months. ,oor o.n, lo.a.. " 7 • •• • "'k.~oo' per year; six montla. $5.60; three DAILY IOWAN CIRCULATION STAirI' eUYlee• I. ,I.... •• aU aenlee en." monthl, t3.2S. l..~ : reulatton Manlier . .. Robert Cronk primary lIas More Divisions ------~. ------tives at ment. One is to Tito has more divisions ready IG settle the breach move and figh t tha n any other between Yugo- country in Europe outside the Iro. Iowa Driver's Test Tougher Now slavia and Italy ROBERTS Curtain. He has stated flatly that over Trieste. The other, to cl·eate they will be on the western slde DES MOINES (,4» - It's a lot in case of Russian aggression. tougher now to pass a written test an informal mutual delense ar­ get a license. His next step is to date. rahgement between Greece. Yugo­ Nevertheless. Yugoslavia optr. for an Iowa driver's license than bone up thc right answers from Many motorists get their driving ates in something of a vacuulIl it was a year ago. If you don't slavia and Turkey. a pamphlet the patrol provides. permits only on a restricted basis. Tito Removed Fear when it comes to general defe!l!! think so, try it. then return in a month and try For example. they may be re­ arrangements. Not long aao !Itt Lt. Harry O. Brown, assistant Tito's defaction from the Rus­ again. quired to wear eyeglasses when­ sian Communist circle removed was virtually at war with Gr~ chief examiner for the Iowa hlgh­ In addition to passing the writ­ ever they are behind the wheel. and not too far from II, with lite way patrol, summed up results the fear of several years ago that ten examination every motorist Because ot vision they may be he might try to take Trieste by Allies because ot her belligerenee from the first year's operation applying tor his first driver's li­ prohibited from driving at night in more ways than juift shooUnc under a new test for which he force. But lacking any settlement, cense in Iowa. or for renewal of or in excess of an authorized it has remained a thorn, divided down ott-course planes. wrote the questions. one that has lapsed must pass a speed. Now the means of co-operation His verdict was that there h lL!l into two zones of Yugoslav and vision test. The Iowa department of public Anglo-American military occupa­ have to be set up, and it·s not been a substantially larger num­ satety. of which the highway pa­ Eye Test Required tion , tbe latter controlling the city, proving an easy job. ber of license applicants who The eye test also is required of trol is a part, has been cracking failed to pass on their first try down on holders of restricted per­ but yielding 99 per cent of its op­ drivers when they obtain renewal eration to Italian civilian author­ since reqUirements on knowledge of their licenses every two years. mits within the last few months. March of Science - of the laws-of-the-road were stit­ This is part of the department's ity. They can escape the written exam The Allies have continually fcned. only if they apply for renewal program to get incompetent dri v­ el's off the road. urged Italy and Yugoslavia to ne­ Formerly Cheekec1 A.nIwers within 30 days of the expiration g6tiate an agreement. They have Men Progress Until a year ago the written test been unable to make even a start. v included specific questions about There arc indications now that h the tratlic laws but all you had to France. Britain and the United In Par~lysis, hi do after each question was check Former Communist Prisoners. States have decided to take a more pi a "yes" or "no"; answer. direct hand with presentl).tion of a With a fair amount of guessing compromise proposal of their own. you could attain a passing grade Mad. goo,,' ..." ...... "" Heart 'Studies I even il you weren't sure about the See Long Red Rule in China m They have just made secret rep- MADISON, WIS (JP) - ProslltCl answers. h HONG KONG (,4» - Two Jesu­ resentations to Tito and probably I u Then Lt. Brown designed the Civil Defense Builds 'Ruins' are following through In Italy at of foods or pills to prevent pa' new test which was intended to it priests who were expelled from like the Chinese - no more big this moment. ralysis from polio and some olb!! gEl Red China after 10 months in catch the guessers. It still contains colleges. big hospitals and big in­ Anything that develops may virus disease is raised by diJ. prison say the Communists will stitutions. It will have to be: Live ~, all the fundamental questions take some time. That is evident coveries here. 10, about traffic rules. But instead of maintain their power for a long the poverty of Christ. For Trainees at Staff College time and the church must have the "The Chinese people are chang­ from the announcement that Bri- The findings are reported by 1lT. presenting one answer to each tish Foreign Secretary Anthony Conrad A. Elvehjem, well-kn oWll question and asking whether it is humility of the poor if it expects ing. They don't want anyone to WASHINGTON (CP) - u Eden will spend nearly a week in biochemist. and associate of the se true or false the test includes II. ever to get back there. be above them any more. Every­ America's !irst atomIc-age rescue pa multiple choice ot answers on The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Eugene Fa­ one is going to heaven and be training celler. at nearoy Olney, University of Wisconsin. equal." . rq each subject. hy. 41, and Irish-born Rev. James Md.. has opened wah its first In a first step. they found that cr Thornton, 43. swapped stories The two were jailed in the same class of selected tra;nees now th"t Miss Only 5 Gillette Asks Brannan mice have better resistance to from eds in a Hong Kong hospi­ prison in Shanghai. Father Thorn­ "Rescue Street," with lts realistic paralysis from the viruses it the, One of these is the correct an­ tal where they were recovering ton spent most of the 10 months In bombed-out "ruins" has been com­ eat diets lacking In some vitamllll swer. The others might seem plau­ from their long prison ordeal. a bare. 14 by 7 foot room with 17 pleted as the rescue training lab­ .To Cancel Hog Ban or amino acids, the building brlckl sible to a person who wasn·t sure. "Chinese communism has two Ch i n~sc prisoners. Msgr. Fahy was oratory. of proteins. Five bad guesses are enough to dynamic elements which are hard given an 8 by 4 Coot cell by him­ Erecting fl ve "bomb-ruined" flunk. to beat," Father Thornton said. self. They were accused of cover­ buitaings that look as if they're In Woodbury' County Vitamin Lack Protects There are 25 sets of questions "For the first, time in history the ing up for counter-revolutionaries. about to fall down amid their CHEROKEE (JP) - U. S. Sena- Lack of thiamine, vitamin B~ in the test and if the applicant is Chinese people have developed a Msgr. Fahy said the Reds tons ot debris, but which con­ I tor Guy M. Gillt!tte (D-Ia.) almost completely protected thell not right on 20 of them he doesn·t sense 0 f patriotism a nd a sense of chained his fists to the cell bars form to spcci fications to a !ford strongly urged U. S. Secretary of from the paralysis of polio or en· power. Tbe man with the big stick and he dropped from 165 to 125 safe rescue laboratories for train­ Agriculture Charles F. Brannan cephalomyelitis. Lack ot ribofla· bas face. pounds. ing Luture rescue-work instruc­ by Telegram Monday to lift a vin, vitamin B2. also had some tors [or the nation's civil detense, quarantine on hogs in Woodbury effect. Iowa Officials Don·t Think of So uls is a contrast (rom the construc­ county immcdiately. "The average Chinese doesn't Hoover Flees Fire tion engineer's last job - re­ "Every hour of delay is costing Lack of tryptophan, an amiDO even dream of a soul. To him building and renovating the thousands of dollars," the mes­ aCid. gave excellent protecUo~ Begin Budget communism means that every pig As Vacation Lodge White House. sage said. "I strongly urge that the researchers found. is as good as every other pig. Rescue Street Is probably the an order be issued to lift the Apparently, the virsuses ha\~ That·s ail right if you want to be Burns to Ground strangest street ill America. Its I quarantine so that it will reach bigger need for these nutricnli Shaping Task an intelligent pig. "ruins" include a two-story and Iowa markets by 11 a.m. tomor­ than body tissues do. If tbey dOll' "But from the Catholic point of BISHOP, CALIF. (,4» - Ex- basement wood-frame house shat­ row, the 26th. This is very. very get enough of the vitamin ct ' :DES MOINES (,4» - State gov­ view you'll never stop communism President Herbert Hoover had to tered by the simulated bomb. urgent." amino acid, the viruses can't re­ produce and grow effectively. ernment officl!l1s have started until the Chinese learn from the flee for his life - by boat - Sun­ Near it is a two-story and base­ Gillette said the quarantine Im­ work on the big job ot whipping American constitution that every day night when the mountain ment row house. Next is a three­ posed on Woodbury county has Dangerous To Humans a multi-million dollar state budget individual has inalienable rights. lodge where he was vacationing story o(flce and apartment build­ been in effect six weeks. The ing basement. Ncar it is a five­ federal government placed quar­ The rub. of course. is that il into shape for presentation to the Until they learn that. China will caught fire ahd burned to the would be dangerous to let humans Iowa legislature alter it convenes story reinforced concrete build­ antines against Woodbury and be just one tyranny after another." ground. ing. And not lar from it stands Pocahontas counties and parts of devclop severe vitamin or amino in January. Msgr. Fahy, former prefect ap- . The 'I18-year-old HOOlVer and acid deficiencies as a protection This is a task that takes all of a two-story oHice. store and several other states in an effort to ostotic of Yangchow, Kiangsu pro- Bert Mattie, president of the Hon­ theater building. stamp out vesicular exanthema, against paralysis. The deficiencies six months before a printed draft vince. said "the people are abso- olulu Oil company, San Francisco, VE, a swine disease. The quar­ would cause other. serious troub) ~ can be turned out and requires a lutely helpless. Children listen in were guests at the luxury moun­ Differen~ Constructioo antine on Pocahontas county was But another approach can iJe tr('mendous amount of bookkeep­ the streets and report everyone to tain home ot Nute Milnor of SH­ Eaeh of these buildings typifies lifted nearly two weeks. ago. tried. ing wOl'k. the police even their own parents. , vcr Lake in the Sierra Nevadas. a different kind of construction The senator told Brannan the Th is is to gi ve the mice a che/ll' At this stage of the planning no No ~ance for Church ' 60 miles n?rth of here. Milnor is lound all over America: wooden quarantine on Woodbury county ical antagonistic to the vitamin or one ventures to say what the ten­ a wealthy lmporter. frame, ·steel frame. reinforced "Is working tremendous damage amino acid that tbe viruses need Msgr. Fahy said "there's no Awakened [rom their sieep by a NEW WAY TO BUILD IIOUSES! This is a scale model of the two­ tative budget figure will be. The concrete, and brick-wall struc­ story wood-frame hoUsc bum by civil defense for trainlog courses. to Iowa prod ucers." Gillette said so badly. This chemical. in rood · hlst one was $222 million. chance for the church in China." neighbor the party found that the tures with the walls bearing the furtber that "Every hog in Iowa or pill form, migh t destroy enough "That·s right," Father Thornton only exit not blocked by flames weil'(ht of upper floors. which has been infected or ex­ of the nutrient to keep the virtJl Buda"ei for 'S3-'U interjected. "The church is going was the door to the boat landing. Effects on buildings of high­ earthquakes, such as the recent Ithe basis for saYIng, "r have reS-I posed to VE has been killed." from growing. That was the amount appropri­ to need a different psychological They fled through it in their night exolosive bombings of Great big one in California. floods. tor- cued people in all types ot dis- He added that he has been in­ ·This research still is ' lar from ated by the legisiature for the 2- approach. The id~a of the deity clothes and boarded a )llotor Britain and Germany and of nadoes, hurricanes. as well as Iasters." formed quarantines have been human applications. But it rna, year fiscal period that began July and the collar-and-tie is gone. launch which took them to the atomic bombings of Nagasaki and enemy bombing attacks. "You can't learn rescue work lifted at Omaha and elsewhere. bring cbemicals which could delay I Dean Fields is vice-president of by reading it in a book or just Gillette said also Iowa's state 1. 1951. The next budget will be "When the church goes back to Isafety of the lake. Hiroshima were car e full y I the growth of viruses while the for the two years starting July 1. studied so that Rescue Street '"'' tntp"nAllnnpl Association o[ talking about it." according to veterinarian has assured him stale buman body built up antibodies I China we'll have to live exactly No one was injured. Rescue Squads. His years of ex- !Jean .r'ields. Describing in detail quarantines and supervision wiU 1953. buildings mig h t demonstrate and fo ught off the infection before rea listically the effects of bomb­ penence 10 rescue work with the the plans for making the rescue be continued as a protection. The it caused para lysis. Before the level of expenditures Omaha, Neb., fire department. and training realistic and rigorous, the I senator had discussed the situ a­ is finally determined. state de­ ings on various types of construc­ Submarine Rescues BUmp tion. as a rescue and fire-fighting of- staff college dean added. "This Itlon also with Sioux City stock • • • partments and agencies will say Heer in the navy during World training program will not be any yards officials before sending fne ANN ARBOR. Mich. (,4» - TIle On the 75-acre tract wherc the electrocardiograph may be able to how much money they want. the Federal Civil Defense staff col­ War II, have given Dean Fields panty-wai~t show." telegram. next governor will make recom­ show early signs of rheumatic Ie· lege - first of its kind in the ver by peculiar changes in ils mendations on what they should United States - has started its get and the lawma.kers will do the electrical record of the heart. This rigorous two-week training per­ New Jet Fighter Called 'Brainier' possibility is being studied here bY deciding. Requests by the depart­ iods are also administration and Dr. Franklin D. Johnston. Un,iver· ments which spend the appropri­ classroom buildings and a dorm­ sity of Micbigan medical school, ations are always considerably itory. in researcn sponsored by the higher than the amounts contain­ Much Practice Michlgan medical school. in re­ ed in the governor's budget re­ search sponsored by the Michi­ commendations. Then it becomes a Besides the disaster-struck gan Heart association. matter of dlscussioo and negotia­ ruins on Rescue Street, with their tion among the leJjslators. twisted beams and girders. great • piles of rubble and broken COIl­ GARY, Ind. (JP) - Tre aoae­ Bile Evef7 % Years crete upheaved to increase perils times blow off steam, too. _ The state budget,flgure has been and difficulties of rescue, train­ Elms can get wetwood dise-.e, rising every two years since the ees get practice in air-raid shel­ a bacterial infection prod\lcllll end of World War II. reaching a ters and an outdoor demonstra­ poisonous sap and gases t~ peak during the current fiscal bi­ tion area. builds up pressure ~werllt ennium. I talked at some length with enougb to sp'lIt the tree inside. There is no present indication EUl!ene W. Fields. dean of the that the 1953 legislature will be FCDA stat! college. Training able to hold · down' expenses or given at this first rescue college Padlock Remov.ed · keep them from rising above the in America, he explained. will be valuable for all t.ypes of disasters; . total voted two years ago. General from Cargill tI~t.1. Increases caused by inflation, de­ mands for more ftate school aid DES MOINES (,4» - Sheriff and prospects of other hl,her costs WSUI PROGRAM Thomas L. RelUy. Monday re­ will figure In the budget delibera­ moved padlocks from the Car,w tio n~ . hotel, Seventh sl. and Grand ave.. But there is one large item CALENDAR following the posting of a $7._ members of the new legislature Tae.'.'" A.Jall 20. 195! abatement bond. will not have to worry about. In 8:00 Mornln, Chapel The bond was posted in distrid 1951 the fund for paying the Iowa ':15 Newl 8:30 MUllc You Wan I court by the Milner Hotels eo.. soldiers' bonus was $6 mlllion in 8:00 Ma. te.rworkl from France which wlll take over operation of the red and that amount had to be I :~ Men Behind tne Melody 10 :00 The Bookshelf the hotel. taken from the state general fund. 10 :l e Boker'. Do..,n The special property tax levied for A DISABLED NAVY BLIMP. I.. propellers .nd pOwer pl.n' dam­ H :OO News AMERICA'S NEWEST JET FlGHTER. the Lockheed F-9(0 Starfire (foreground.), Is a lot "braInier" The hotel property has been un­ H :U Album "DM a share of the bonus payments will apd when U aedden"U, hU the waier In a. slmulaied attack on H :30 Adventures In 1I •••• reb 'han lis predecellllor. the F-80 ShooUog Star shown In ibe backp'ound. The new Jet has 110 Kuns, but der county padlock since Dec. 31 take care of all neelia next year. &.he aubmarine USS Se. Poacher. hove ... near the waier as U Is 11 :45 Jowa State Medical Soclely 'packs 2t rocke" In iii nDBe ,hat are ,flrec1 by the 1.200 pounda of electronic equipment carried by the in an injunction which grew out "ealll 11 :51 Prayer for Peace 81eJit. The state bud,et book. when taken In tow by U1e underaeas crat, reeen'ly. The submarine _n­ 11:00 Rhythm Ramblel Starllre. Other new feawres are the automatic control and a two-man crew. rather than the one-man of the conviction on prostitutioo completed, will become a docu­ aced to haul the bUmp ..fely to F1orld.·.. Boca Chlca naval air l&a­ 12:30 Newl -'Q.. 12 : 4~ Stars For Detens. iealll Pla' piloted Ute II_Uer "old fa hloned" Shootln.- Star. The F·940 also seeks out Its foe. flrures charges of Mrs. LIlvonne Gillespie ment 01, about 400 paees contain­ UDn deaplie h.l6h wlnela and rouch aeas. compleUq a IZ-hoar racue 1:00 MUllcal Chait course and speed and alllll Itsell electronically. The larrer tall sl'etion Is the new anerburner flvlnr nnd eight other women arreste4 tile. ini about 100,000 financial entries. mauetn'er IIDlque In Daval aDDale. Z:OO Newl leoti 3;15 SIGN OFr ad.ed UJruat aDd bOl'&epower. in a mit s police raid Oct. 14. "ber. . - . - . .. - . T 26, ~5~ - PAGE TUBEI: !~~ labor Chief Praises Stevenson; SPRINGFIELD, ILL. (.4') - La-I bor leader Walter Reuther warm- 11 praised Gov. Adlai Stevenson SUI Graduate Heads 'Conference' Monday as a potentially great u.s. Airmen President, then rapped Dwight D. !Isenhower as a military special­ Sell Your Odds & Ends Through Thrifty Iowan Classifieclsl ist who isn't fitted by training for Fly Moslems the White House job. WANT AD RATES ....;;TVl)...:..=in=a ___ Reuther gave his estimate ot the To Holy Cities r il--:-_ _ Businesa 0P!QO .. tunity • ------. PCP£RT tYPin,. nu ell Automobile Workers whose ex­ MOTn... Drlu.u . on 3 hi",,,},,. aIm ...: ~utive board has endorsed Stev­ BEIRUT, Lebanon (A»-The U.S. One da,...... _ .... ~r word THESIS and r~1'1I1 171'lnr, mfm.... n~w. hrkk. tiled boIl1lo (both tub and Tb.,," daJS __ ._1%e IK'f word ,r.phinC. Notar;y PublIC. M.u;y V. 01>0"''''' ' arpell. mockm li-room home. enson's candidacy. Air Force spread Its magic carpet Burns. 101 Iowa Slata Bank. Pill 21St nell $12.000 )' rly. .000 do .... n. New. Reuthor gave his estimate of the I Monday to help Dy 11,000 stranded Five da,.. .., ..... 15e IK'r word or 2»1. lAnd. 8roker. Itt N. Joplin. Joplin. Mo. Democratic and Republican presi- , Moslem pilgrims to the holy eltie Tea day. ._ ... .%.e ~r word THESIS tn>ma. Pill 8-3101. dential nominees after James Pat­ ot Mecca and Medina. Oae month ... _. .. 3tc IK'r word Apanment ior ReDt Work Wanted ton, president of the American Thirteen t 0 u r-en&lned C-54 MlAlmlllD eharre Sic APARTMENTS lor r~nl. DW '-3511. traI\$ports began the religious air­ larmers Union, predicted Steven­ BABY .!ttin,. Diat 4IOT. ;'-_---=-,um--:-_-:-:--I-Pt.:-:S::7t-ud-:-:-:n-=u-. "":Ad:-:-W7.IS=-. JOn will run as well in the farm lift trom Beirut to Jidda, Saudi Phone ~ ArabIan lea port only 40 mlles .108 .. OOOk I...... \e'nlIt7. belt as President Truman did in DEADLINES Iowa Cfty PHON!: 1-:I2ft------DftJl'1Ible----~------2 room lurn- 1948. Four years ago the [arm vole !rom Mecca where the prophet 4 p.m. weekdays tor insertion Lh.d ..pI. On~ block from b""ln_ Mohammed was born. The planes Wanted 10 Rent -- Dlstrlu Av,"\abl~ now. UtIlJUH lumllb­ ... as credited with playing an im­ In following mormng's Daily ed. ..., per month. carryinc 50 passengers each, will portant part in Truman's vi ctory. Iowan. Please check your ad - ---- "Ike A Good General" take off every hour until all pil­ STUDP!NT IlmU;y 01 lliree dH''''' 2.bed- I room - partl!O' furnlohod apt Cara,e. ,rims have been flown on their in the first Issue it appears. room unlurnbbeupl .. or cradullAJ lady. Phone _I eral and an honorable man - but rect insertion. Rooms for ReDt betVrH.n ••. m '" p.m. he's working out of his job classi­ ponded to a plea tor help from the Lebanese government. ___ , vaCUlIl!! ticaton." FlT INISH'ED room for lummU. CION '" Aulomotive defell!f The congestion of pll«rims from Sho...... _ Don .1 C.mbl.1 Or dill Then comparing Eisenhower'S "UZI. aKO sbt background with that of Steven­ all parts of the Mo lem world atl CLASSIFIED DISPLAY US'ED 8Uto pam. Corl.lvW. Salv... this Middl East air cenl I' swam- One insertion .... 98c per inch STUDENT room• . 0_ In '14 1(. CaDIwi . Com"",,),. 1)1.1 11121. Greete, son as a civil administrator, Reu­ WA'Niio~.-o~ld""'--e-o-ra-r::-or--~lu-n~II-.-=110:':':'b it with the peel the re,ular airlines. Chief Five iruertions per month, FUIUIISHrO room tor ."",m.r CI_ In, Cooc!7·. Aulo Porto DI-Ol 1_ 111 ther said, "We can't afford to have Mowen SM Don a, Gambl.el Dr' DlIil beUigerenCt I four -year training period for cau. e ot the unusually heavy in- per Insertion •. ." .88c per Ineh I-UZI . MEMBERS OF THE 1ST CAVALRV division's JudIe advocate eetlon Ket lo,e&her on Hokkaldo, shootlbi Eisenhower ... if you need a doc­ !lux was the removal by the Saudi Ten insertJons per month, tor you don't cali a plumber." northernmost island ot Japan. recenUy for a "conference." lIeadln&, the lillie I'd lo&,elher is LL Col. Arabian ,01" rnm nl ot the $100 per Insertion .. . 80c per inch Personal Services J ohn E. Taylor, 326 N. Dubuque st., Iowa II (econd (rom rl,hl). Taylor is a rraduaie of I,Olher QUICK LOANS on Joweln, clothln, . Reuther came here to discuss head tax pre\'iou Iy levied on pll- Daily in ertions during month, RA8Y Utln. DIal .50' radlol. ele. HOCK-En LOAN. lIII~ in the picture are (len to rl&'bt ): lst Lt. Donald J. 0 ' ullinn, Jackson lIel,hls, S, Y.: 1 I U. James II Dub,.qull. plans for Stevenson's Labor day ---- :--~~:-­ Wi nchell ; a nd 1st Lt. Lewis II. Hammer Jr., Camp lIiIJ, labama. The Jud&,e advoca~ eetJon handles gr~~oval of the tax wns made per In erUon ...... 7Oc per inch CLEANING ond ' ....Ir on au lie .., down· appearance in Michigan and his I1>OUIJ. lurn.... Phone &270. LOAN ED on runs. cameru, ella... all lecal matters and courts-martial within the dh,1 Ion. P03 Ibl becau e or revenues re- -:----:-­ mand., rlothl".. ele. Rl:LlA8LJ: LOAN speech in which will form­ PHOTOGRAPHS - AppllcIUona, thru Co. 10. Ea.t DurUn,tan. ally launch the Democra tic cam­ c ived from the Arabian-Ameri­ for ,I 00. Chll"r~n. .roll", ""rU~I. ------can 011 Company. .,IIC ".nn ...... home or 11lIdlo. YOUR"" Studio. Phono paign. '1'•• 0.11, Ie••• B ...... eu orra .. '111. Mu.aic and Radio Th situlltlon h become criti- ...... •••• Billi e .. To Discuss TaU-Hartley RADIO Repair. PI.k-up ~.nd d.UYIt)'• Reuther said "obviously" Stev­ cal becau e the pilrrims must Wooc1b1lrn Sound Suvlce. 1-0111. Scottish Highlanders Showered reach Mecca by Wedne day It enson will use the Labor day Drbutan Ie Coometici tolt and Found speech as the sounding board of their lourn y Is to b a suce s. CALL 4191 his views on the Taft-Hartley act That Is the day ot the Id Ai Idha FOUND Youn, brown mal. cocker and what he thinks should be done Festival, commemorating Abra­ Autos for Sole - Ulea lpanl.l. '-04:13. in the labor-management field. With Gifts, Service by Hosts ham's all mpt to s crltlee his on lM3 TUDE8AK!:lI romml nd,r ""n­ Inshuction The Democratic platform calls Isaac to the Lord. On that day v.rttbl~ . Radto and h •• I". ov rdrlv . tholl ands of she p re $8critlced l'x ••U,·nl ""ndillon. Dial 7'" fot repeal of the Taft-Hartley act. EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND - TUTORING. trlnllall~ .... J okes about thrifty Scots will g('t Fr.n.n. .... Dial m8. Reuther said Stevenson made it mille Cooper. ;isterooo, carried I glnla W : ~e , Cherokee. also rl'­ In the Mecca ar a. a cool reception, if not a vehement sp cia I iiIO'er horse hoe charm ' ceived a badge from a member of MlsceUaneoua fOT Sale ciear he has accepted the plat­ BAu.ROOM d nre IHIOnl. M.tmJ Youde denial, from at lenst 59 Iowa ,irl tor their per!ormanc s throughout the Inverness band. Wutlu. Dial "II!. form and the Democratic pro- 1.1NDrRWOOD . Inndord T'I,<,wtll.r Old henceforth. Scotland, girts ot their Aberdeen Mllfillnnn Herrlot, Towa City, model. .. ood worklnl condlUon. SUo Phone 1713. Help Wanted gram. For the Scottish Highlander. hostess, Mrs. A. Kldd. was glvl'n sa~h and silver brooch Legion Commander Reuther said he wouldn't tell any from SUI who have just spent two Will DI pIa AulhentJdLy ott thl' uniform of an Aberdl'en worker how he should vote. But he weeks in five Scottish cities, have Several Highlanders will display lady piper, while Mardelle Hal­ added: "When they analyze the found their hosts openinl( thelt extra touches of authenticity verson, W st Union, and Bonnie Says U.S. Playing Republican and Democratic plat- homes and hearts to an extent the when they march berofe Iowa McKitrick were given Balmoral forms the great bulk of American girls find hard to believe and in­ tootball crowds this fall. They will hat and brooches y a major In people will find the Democratic sist Ihat they don't deserve. be ~vearlni decorations from many the Cameron H1ihlanders regl- Role of World Chump platform offers greater hope for a In fact, from now on it's going ot Scotland's renowned IIighlllnct- men!. NEW YORK (A') -Thousands of solution to the basic economic and to be extremely ditlicult ~o sell Three Salesmen er reaiments, alven directly from Ga' Haath-r prl .... lIIt8 ROVAI..------porubl.. t'!xr with a bouquet of white heather simple honesty and developed a manent positions with one of Ibe fastest growing companies grouP.. . royalty with their lavish outlays Patton saId he lalke-d WIth Stev- of lifts and hospitality. HI,hlander belt. Joyce Palmer of which her own d ughter had car- I "$ophlstlcated, super-modern ap- in its field. one which is now greatly expanding in the Ft. Wayne, lnd .. Iorm .rly ol Es- rled at h r wedding. proach" that has ,oinI'd us "scorn toson about farm su pport ~ at 100 Use Ration tamp state of Iowa. per cent panty. Parity l what .. therville, Kathleen McNamarll, A fa I' that fuell' 10w:I g at the conference table." farmers would receive tor their Scots In Edinburgh. Aberdeen, Anamosa, Margery Martm, Ham- would surf I' trom the slim BI!- Speel!hes by Wilson and other burg, and Juanite Bethke, Chero- lish lood rali"'" reSUlted In th I!otables _ Including Gen. Dwight Rent-A-Car Inexperienced men who possess outstanding ability crops to give them a fair return Inverness, Dundee and Glasgow kee, wl're given silver brooches - . have "knocked themselves and and willlngnees to let us train you will be considered. In relation to the thmgs they must their ration books out" in ente ~ - in Aberdeen. Highlanders beln, ,Iven food at D. Eisenhower - highlighted the or Received lIat Bad&,e every opportunity. opening day or the Leilon's 34th buy. • taining the Iowa visitors. They If you have a car. honorable businesa record, a desire .Tuesda~ Stevenson wIll. cle~n "queued" for hours to buy hard­ Jayne Stewart, Fairfield, Bnd The Highlander and theIr jlnoual convention . Rent-A-Truck hIS desk m readiness for hIS tflP to-get foods which (My thought Jean Ewers, Iowa City, al 0 re- stomachs especially appreciated 30.000 Dele&,ates to improve yourself, and under 40 years of age, then apply Wednesday to New York City (0 (he Iowans would relish such as ceived enviable accessories t.O Aberdeen host George Anderson, The convention, meeting in to Mr. Williams, Thursday, August 28. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. their costumes whlie visiting In- who owns a candy and ice cream gIant Madison Square Garden. HERTZ Drlv:l~ur SYSTEM address the American Legion Con- . fruit juice and coffee.' Others and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Hotel Jefferson. ventlon. cashed precious ration stamps to verncss. Jayne received a hat tactory. Anderson supplied candy lists 30,000 oCflcial dele,ates. Licensee provide sugar, meat and candy badge from a member of the Gor- bars and Ice cream cups for each The veterans heard Eisenhower for the Highlanders who were don Highlanders rlgiment. The Highlander on a couple of occa- declare that the United States An old reliable company i.e interested in you. Come in living in their homes. pipe-major of the British Legion slons. Other hosts put boxes or must bluntly teU Moscow that we MAHER BROS. and let us decide - it could be you. 2 SUI Students band, piping champions dr north Scottish shortbread on Highlander will not rest until "the tidal mud When the girls return to the I Phone 9696 United States, they will be weal'­ Scotland, presented Jean with buses so that the airls would not ot aggressive communism" has Named to Faculty ing and carrying prized gifts tha I a badge taken .rom his hat. Vir- "dwindle away" while traveline· been pushed back within Ru la's were presented as tokens of borders. Of Coe College friendship by their hosts through­ CalUng for a bold foreign poli­ out Scotland. cy, lhe GOP presidential candidate Two men who are working Nancy Sweitzer, Waterloo, and Rumors of Coal Strike Heard said this country must "never toward theit doctor's degrees at Jean Anundsen, 0 corah, were recognize the sligh test permnn­ SUI have been appointed English presented silver Insil(nias of the ence" of Russia's position In east­ Imtructors at Coe College in Ce- famed Gordon Highlander regl­ ern Europe and Asia. dar Rapids. ment by their Aberdeen host and As 10·Day Shutdown Begins Wilson CritIcal They are William Belvin and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. A. Christen- Commander Wilson's criticism Richard Stern. sen. The Christensens later sent PITTSBURGH (JP) - Another of 1------­ Belvin's poems have been pub- a telegram to the Iowa girls in of national policies came shortly John L. Lewis' memorial holi- enough coal above ,round to last IIIter he read a message frOm Iishcd by the Iowa Poetry Society Dundee wishing them success in days shut down most or the na- the country two or three months. and such magazines as The Ken- their Derformance there. President Truman urging the Le­ is far tram tion's coal mines Monday and The miner's rumors regarding a yon Review and Gambit. He has Given Cil'ardte Case gion to "put all the facts before But it may idled his nearly 400,000 diggers- return to work apparently point to the people" In the current political laught English at SUI, North- Durinj{ their visit to In vernes~, some of them In a grumbling fears Lewis might call a strike could delaY 'j western University and the Ala- Nancy, Jane and Jeanette Noble, campaign. while the mood. next month. The government has Wilson did not mention the bam a Polytechnic Institute. Belvin Fort Madison, stepped into a Actually the 10-day United his notification that contract ne­ antibodies President directly, but he sold . belott lI'aduated !rom Eastern Tennessee small shop to sec a display ot Mine Workers holiday started gotiations with the industry are State college and received his jewelry. The proprietor presented during the week end. It extends deadlocked. Truman's labeling of the Korean master's degree from Northwest- each girl with a silver cillarette through Labor day but the miners ______War as a police action Is "an un­ case bearing a map of Scotland will lose only live days of work American approach to the facts." ern university. on the cover. Jeanette's hostess in ON LEAVE due to the two week ends and WITH THE 25TH INFANTRY He said this was in line with Stern, who will be a part-time Aberdeen, Mrs. J . D. Mit('hf'lI. Labor day. the country's new approach " to Instructor at Coe, taught three hired a photographer to take a DIV. IN KOREA - Pte. JameH LewIs sald he ordered the idle­ R. Beuter, son of Mr. and Mrs. honesty, diplomacy and world af­ Jears in France and Germany. He color motion picture of the High­ ness to call attention to safety fairs" that has stripped it of sim­ rrad uated from the University or lander visit which will be pre­ Nick Beutel', Route 7, Iowa City, conditions of the mines. Hi s wel­ Iowa, recently returned to the ple truthfulness, baffled the Morth Carolina in 1950 and re- sen ted to the girls after process­ fare and retirement fund reported people, and made us avoid blunt relved l)is master's deiree from ing. 25th Division in Korea after a 'II miners killed in so ft coal (bi­ live-day rest and recuperation declarations of fact for fear of of­ Harvard university. I Sally Sackett, spencer, and Ca- tuminous) pits since early July. leave in Japan. fending someone. Accustomed to memorial periods and strikes, the miners themselves t B LON DIE CHIC YOUNG Adlai III Admires Father had little to say. But one In II western Pennsylvania section, '-...!...!.~-"'V'-«Y-':" where steel companies operate the underground workings, had this comment: "Rumors - just rumors - arc they might not go back. I think if it is up to the men they will go back." , The steel companies closed their mines during the 55-day walkout of the CIO United SteeiwQrkers. Steel is not expected to be hurt by the mine holiday. Estimates. place '

Iowa Citian Assigned To Austrian Duty Tour SALZBURG, AUSTRIA - Lt. Col. Martin C. Pertl, 705 S. Clin­ ton st., Iowa City, Iowa, recently arrived in Europe {rom tbe U .S, for duty with U.S. forces in Aus­ tria. Now assigned to the adjutant generaJ's section of headquarters of U.S. forces in Austria, he prev­ .tDtAl STEVENSON DI (left) 22-year -old son of the Democratic iously was stationed with the 1st .,..denUal nominee, Is ShOWD a new poriraU of his father by armored ciJvision at Forl Hood, 8\eJben MUchell durlnc a vis" &0 Democratic national commlUt e Texas. ___ .Men In Wuhln,ton, D.C. Sunday. MltcheU Is chairman 01 United States military personnel tile lIenun.lttee. Youn, SteveDllon laid he Just dropped In to have a lire stationed in. Austria under a ...... und while on w eek-end leave from nearby Quantico, Va .. four-power agreement with Rus­ "'..... ~ be la aUelleUna' Marloe corpl elfh:en' caAdlbk ~ hool. sia, France, anet En;land, PAGlt FOUR - THE DAlLY IOWAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 19S2 Yankees 1-0 Vi(tims Of Trucks' 2d No-Hitter. Of Year Scorer C'hanges Mind GENE'S HlnlNG 'EM! • • By Alan Maver Evashevski Invites 71 Gridders­ WOODLING OF Tilt:' Y.ANK£ES On Grounder to Pesky I111VI1'I6 BEEN l5IVIEN STeAOY NEW YORK (JP) - A reversed decision by the official scorer helped WORK 11'/ LEF'r Hawkeye Guard, Center Material Thin erratic Virgil Trucks pitch his second no-hit, no-run game of the FleLO 15 season Monday as the last place nosed out the league­ I?t:PAYI1'l6 (NOTE: This is the fourth of six I leading New York Yankees, 1-0. , NEW YORK stories llOOUt Iowa football can- the player contributing most to ",Ire. Davenport: ' Pete Spanjer.. Mil. " Bunn ~" Broeder. 51. LouIs, Mo,: CIIaJ cUdates b y IIOSltlons,) spring practice. He played on the bank. 5,0,: cam.. on Cummins. Cedar I.. DanIell. Sioux City: Oua n. Dad The husky, 33-year-old Tiger Joe Tipton, Lemon's double scor­ Wlrll !lIS Rapids; Lloyd OoBlllo. Waterloo; J Im Iowa Cit): Don Inman, Tama; Dari fast bailer thus became the third ing both of them, and Bobby FIR5r Iowa JV team while a freshman in Frazer, Davenport: Roy HutchInson. Ft, Johnson, Northwood ; CJ.yde I(llel\e .300 Material at guards and center 1951. Dod,e: carl Jen""n. Audubon: T e rn Oskaloosa : PrenU.. Lomont . CIIoroUo major leaguer to hurl two no- Avlla's double boosted the Indians Kerf, Iowa City; Mike Kornl. Jowa City: Lyle ..... Inb.u'h. Holnoln: Bruce PrIb hitters in the same season. The into a 3-0 lead in the ~cond in­ SEA&};ON is thin as sur coaches take stock Forrest Houser, a Griswold Cieorae Palme.r, Marlon: Joe P au)aon. Eldora: Jerry White, 10"" CIl): J .., of prospects at those positiOns be- junior of 210 pounds, was con­ Council Blulfs ; Richard smtth, Des WUlett. Oelwein: Don Woolsey, At"'nUo righthander hurled the lirst no- ning. Molnel: Dick Wilke, Charles City, hitler ot his career May 15 when fore drill opens Sept. 3. verted to center from tackle aitcr QlIardl ('l) I he handcuffed Washington by the Not that the players are of puny ( being B 1951 varsity squadman. "Andy Hou" St, An ,ar In l.o EI; Bernie Bennett, Ma.on City: " 'Blnke, cd * * * physica l characteristics but in the Another squad member ot last Charles Boothe. Ga lelbur" Ill,: Tom Broeder, St. Loul~. Mo.; Charlel Chrit surged , same 1-0 score. Brooks Take 2 Ellis. Dubuque: Tom FJeckenltein. Ce­ tlan,en. Denison; Tom Cory, canton. lU expenence department they are year is Paul Morlock Aurora III. dar Rapids; Phil Hayman J r" St.. Louls. DIck FOWler, Amel: Jim Haleh. Lar roads j The change by caster, WI• . ; Bob Keere, ClevelAnd, 0 ST. LOUIS (JP) - The Brooklyn practically novices and in num- 205 pounds, who faiied to g~t j~ Mo.; Emmett Saw)'er. E'ait MoUne, JlI. ; United the of!icial scor­ Jerry Clark. Independence. J im Milani, Centerville. Dodgers just about killed the St. bel'S they are scanty, only seven any varsity games. liU" to er mmle this one guards and seven centers. _ • • Centers 0) of the most Louis Cardinals' slender pennant ·Jerry 1-IU,enberc. Wilton Junctkm; LAST TIMES TONITE M:ecca chances with a 9-5 victory Mon­ The only returning guard who Coach Forest Evashevski has in- FOlTest Houser. Griswold ; 'Varren Law­ /.rabia. unique master­ son, Falrfleld; Man Mlle5, Del Moines; JACK & TIlE BEANSTALK day night, climaxed by Roy Cam­ lettered last rail is Dick Frymire, vited 71 Iowa football candidates Paul Morlock. Aurora , lit ; Bruce Shln~ , TA K FORCE The pieces in base­ panella's homer with two on in who has been shIfted to lett . Spencer; Georae Ter.haaC, Sperry. baH history. tackle. None of the other candI- I to ~eport Tuesday, September 2, m Quarterbacils (~) the ninth , after winning 3- -Burt Britzm&llh. Hawnrde.n: DiCk Phil Rizzuto of 1 on Johnny Ruthertord's two­ dates even has played in a college uOl~orm for the press an~ radIO Glelehman, Rockford, Ill,: Poul Kemp. the Yankes hit a hitter in the day half of their day­ game at a guard post. sessIOn approved by the ~Ig Ten, Waterloo: Bill Ou&,.n. Owatonna. Minn. : Andy Houg of St. Ansgar a These are the players, lIsted by Louil Matykiewtcz. Blue Island , 111. bounding ball to night . Hallb•• h (19) John- 195 ~po under , has been placed' Ilt pos.itions, a~ked to repor~. The as~ '''Ousty'' RIce. Oelwein: 'lack H . ... STARTS WEDNESDAl The 26-year-old Rutheriord, Des Motn~s: -Bob Stel\,tnes, Gory, Ind. ; TRUCKS ny Pesky. Pesky who once was sidelined six weeks guard after winning a letter as a tensk indIcates a maJor letter­ · Ha rold Rl!lstel'. Sio\lx City; - Sob detensive end in 1951. He also winner. Ph.llllp•• Ceda r Rapids : Don Borch erding. appeared to lleld It cleanly, but this summer with a sore arm, Ends (\1) Sumner; D ick BratLebo. Story City; juggled the ball while pulling it bested St. Louis' Gerry Staley in may be Llsed part-time at end but his only guard experience was "Copt. Bill Fel\ton, Iowa City: 'Don from his mitt to make the throw. a duel that was decided by three Bjork. Albert City; -Ed Ltnd~y. Doven· " Doon Open I :1II · JO :OO" in spring drill. port.: -Andy Hou,. St. Ansaar lalso Gt ; When he did get the peg oil, it seventh-Inning Brooklyn singles. Marlow Frkholf. Rockwell City: Clyde bounced late and low to lirst base. The sole letterman center 15 Gardner, Newton; J ohn Hall. Chlca«o. Jerry Hilgel1berg of Wilton Jun ~ ­ t il ; Gene Holtor', Oeni.son; Dan Me· ,Since Trucks still was tour inn­ * * * tion, a 195-pound senior who was Bride. BurJlnaton; Mickey Moore, (owa CIty: Frink Sch"'.n~el . DavenpQrt: tt11fttfl ings away from the no-hitter Reds 3, Giants 0 a pivot replacement a year ago. Frink Strub. JO W8 CILy . -Ends when the scoring change was CINCINNATI (JP) - Kenny Jerry was a baseball regular so Tackles ( 10 NOW Wednesday- SHIRLEY YAMAGUOiI • DON TAYLOR made, the action wasn't predicat­ Raffensberger allowed only six missed spring drill. ' Don Chelt, Welt Llberlv: 'Dick Fry· ed entirely on the possibility that JUS LATEST hits Monday night to pitch the GeNE I"IJ:LOIi.JG liAS Charles Boothe, Galesburg, III., JAPANESE WAR this fluke would be the only hit. and Jerry Clark, Independence, and FUNNIEST BRIDI Cincinnati Reds to a 3-0 win over ALWAY~ 8EE/II rops NOW! ADVENTURE! The Tigers put together a doub­ the New York Giants. The victory 8(J'T 1113'S tvEVE:R were squadmen last year but VA iC SJiY le by Walt Dropo and a single by gave the Cincinnatians two wins IIlr 11'1 rilE 5rYLt= played little. Boothe formerly was lO",'O'I" •• > ("'0' End I Tbuuday! Steve Souchoc.k in the seventh out of the three game series. 711A7 MAO!: HIM A a tackle, Clark improved in the TrllPped In A Deadly Game ' Folfu~~r~' for the only run off Bi\I Miller, It was Raffensberger's fifth I3A7rltvtS CHAMP IN r/lE spring and has the speed and de- Where He Could Lose Only Once! rookie lefthBnder. shutout of the season and 14th t+iII/OR5 -!IF AfAy I/or sire to be valuable. Arter a sea­ Trucks, visibly affected after victory as against 11 deteats. lEAt) rilE I.t:A(5(jE son as junior varsity players, Phil Hayman Jr., St. Louis, M)., OFARMS' the change was made, began to Starter Larry Jansen of the Giants '011-:' YEAR all'" NEIf; A "..,... -.. J iI 11. IwI press lor his no-hitter. was tagged with the loss, hIs 10th .61'100 Bel roLEAO JAIl" >f4#K6 Tom Ellis, Dubuque, and Tom WILUAM ONANCY T ",FRANK as against 11 wins, Fleckenstein, Cedar Rapids, now H. OLDEN· LSON'wVEJOY' Trucks, in and out all year, are varsity prospects. went all the way for the fifth time Coaches were pleased wi th the in 23 games. It was his fifth vic­ * * * spring development of Warren tory against 15 de teats. Phillies Top Cubs Lawson, Fairfield, at center. The The 5-11, 19B-pound Trucks Uninformed A's Hit Oul-ol-Turn CHICAGO (JP) - Shortstop 195-pounder won the first annual e;;ml stopped the Yanks dead midway PHILADELPHIA (JP) - The Iowa coaches award of a watch as Technlcolor Sputa I Granny Hamner drove in two became a le,al base runner when "SEEING EYE" In the third innIng, retiring 20 teammates with a 10th inning biggest mixup of its kind in re­ STARTS THURSDAY men in succession. for a 6-3 victory for the cent baseball annals had Phila­ 00 protest was made betore the OOLLINS OVER FLANAGAN - I. A'fEST NEWS - Philadelphia Phlllles over the delphia tans frantically thumbing first pitch to the batter following BOSTON (JP)-Tireless Tommy Monday. through the rule book Monday. him. Collins, Boston's featherweight * * * Zernial was an improper batter tltle contender, chased Glen Flan­ Hamner hit the first pitch tor ENDS TODAY Lemon Wins 16th It all stemmea from the second because he followed the wrong agan of St. Paul, Mlnn./ almost his 13th homer of the season af­ LONG VOYAGE IIOM£ game of Sunday's A thletics-Chi­ man. He was deprived of his every minute of the way while GLORY AI. LEY WASHINGTON (JP) -Cleveland ter Richie Ashburn got a lead­ sliced the New York Yankees' cago WhIte Sox game. Eventually double, Fain was returned to sec- pounding out a unanimous deci­ off single and Del Ennis was pur­ the A's won it, 5-1, but the first ond base and Zernial to the bench, sion in their 15-round elimination lead to one game posely passed following Mel Monday night by defeating Wash­ inning had a lot of people going to await his next turn in the pro- boxing bout Monday night at the Clark's sacrifice. 'round and 'round. per order. Boston Garden. ington, 7-2, behind the eight-hit Shortstop Roy Smalley tied the And Cass Michaels, the batter I iii ______pItching of Bob Lemon, who won It looked Simple enough, at the game at 3-3 by smacking his his 16th game, outset. , leading off tor tollowlng Philley on the official I ' fourth homer with one out in the the A's, struck out. Ferris Fain list, was out because he didn't "Doors Open 1:15-9:45" Lemon, who has won 11 of his seventh. last 13 deCisions, was aided by followed with a double to left, appear at the plate in his proper th ree double-plays as AI Dave Philley drew a . turn. "Big Cartoon Gus Zernlal clubbed a double to Dykes chipped in with this Lopez of the Indians benched Ray Carnival" Boone and Inserted George Strick­ Maior Scoreboard lett, scoring Fain. switch on the same p,oblem: mum;a That's when Chicago Manager 60 Mhiutes of Fun land, recent acquisition trom NATIONAL STANDINGS Suppose, Phllley, instead of IrtT STARTS" W I. Pd. GB Paul Ri chards came striding from having been dropped to fifth, had TODAY, -Ends Thursday- P ittsburgh, at shortstop, Strick­ Brooklyn , , .. Ill) 39 ,612 the dugout, and the rhubarb be­ been dropped to pi~hth . Thp ""vt land ligured in all three double­ New York ,, 70 50 ,~ 10 '''' ...------gan. He told Umpire Bill Summers HUm! I ,.,,, plays. St, Loul. " 12 52 ,581 10', batter then should be the . JAMES MASON Phlladel"hla . 65 58 .531 16 that the A's had batted that way and he'd be out for not apy.!a. al': Singles by Harry Simpson and Chicago ,," 60 65 ,480 23 CIncinnati , . 54 70 ,435 28' ~ in the first game, but before the in the proper order. Then J oost JUNE HAVOC Bol ton ' ''''' 52 68 ,433 28'~ second game started Manager would be up again, and unless he P llUbur,h ". 37 90 ,291 41 Monda-y·. R.esult. had revised the bat­ hit into a double play or batted 'Miss Kirby Takes Cincinnati 3, New York 0 ling order, switching Allie Clark in a run the next batter should Philadelphia 6, Chicago 3 to No. 3 from !ifth and dropping Brooklyn ~.g , St. Louis 1·5 be Fain. Medal in Women's Only ,amel scheduled, Philley to fifth from third. And Fain, perched on second Toda,'. Pilaherl Dykes acknowledge that was New York .t PIIUburllh (nl,lIt) - base, couldn't possibly come to bat " "FRONTIERCO· IIIItEVENGE"T Golf Tournament H earn 112· 21 VI, Dlcklon 112· 11 ). correct, and said privately later in his proper turn and would have Boston at Cinclnnall Inl,hll - Spahn that he had forgotten to tell the to be caUed out. fll·141 YI. Church 15·7) or Podblelan PORTLAND, ORE. (JP)- Grim­ 11 · 21. players. faced Dorothy Kirby of Atlanta, Brooklyn ot St. Louis Inl,lIt) - Er· After 20 minutes of discussion, Iklne lit-51 va. Miller 13-0,. who established herself as the PhIladelphIa ot Chicago - OroWI (J I· the umpires ruled: ruler in American Women's golt 121 VI. K llpp.teln 18·10' , Philley, who batted out of turn, AIIIEItICAN STANDINGS last year, returned to reaflirm her W L Pel. OB mastery Monday by winning the New York .,, ' 72 53 .576 Cleveland , , ,. 70 53 .589 1 qualifying medal in the 1952 Na­ BOl ton .. 66 M .~~o 3:1 '2 tional Women's A Golt Phlladelphla , 63 58 .621 7 Edward S. Rose-5oyI Chlcallo . , , .. 65 80 . ~O 7 chompronship. Washington , 64 60 ,S IB 71'. We stili have amonr us Chlr­ Miss Kirby avoid the wind- SI. Loull , .,. 52 15 .409 21 Ifill/! Oetroll , .. , 42 81 .341 28 rers - Mosquitoes and other What happens strengthened ha;:ards of the 6,323- Mend.,', Rel ults Insects - Le~ us turnlsh the yard Waverley Country Club Cleveland 1, W ••hlnllton 2 Detroit I, New York 0 thinrs to repel or rive comfort course to shol!o' a score 01 37-39- Only .camel scheduled. - and course let UI till your 76 , only three over par, r ••• ,·, Pllebo'l ot st. Loull .1 Now York (nIght) - PRESCRIPTION. Pat Garner, a 23-year-old from Cain 19·11 VI, Saln (9-61, Cleveland at PhiladelphIa (nl&' htl - Midland, Texas, shot 42186-78 for Garcia Cl6·8) or FeUer \9·12) va. ShantJ: second pl~ce . /;Ier 36 on the back (22-4\ , when the kids go back? Detroll at Bo.ton (nl,htl - Houlte· DRUG SHOP nine wa,. ~he day's only par­ man (6·17) VI, Hudlon (9·9), break1n4 performance. Chlc.,e at W ••hln , lon (nl,hll 1" S. Dubuque 8t. PIerce (13·8) VI, Porterfield (10·121, Pat Lesser, I9-year-old pigtail­ college girl trom Seattle, played through the windIest part of the EITJlER or THESE day to score 40-36711 and lead the field tor a long time. VALUABLE PREMIUMS Great Potential 7·PIICI roaST GREEN JUICE SET One 36-01. Pitcher Six 5·01. Tumblers M Fall brings ahundred questions that m11st be answered. That's why nearly everybody reads the neWSpaper R#er 0 .. ONE PAIR nearly every day. tXchar Will the kids be all right? What about new teachers? The tt FIRST QUALITY Traffic conditions near the school? Lunches? Transpor­ • That's why so many people who sell advertised prod­ filth s ucts insist that they be advertised in newspapers. thing II BAUBE tation? School Board rulings? Health precautions? T 15 DENIER To find the answers you turn to your newspaper-natu­ Because in newspapers an advertising message has a Chin~ , ~ best U rally! Because the newspaper has the kind of informa­ chance to reach all people who can bu y. Not just sports fans or quiz fans or music fans ... but everybody. * With Everr '4 Worth If Orr Cleaning * tion you're looking for. VI Irl.. I•• r ..... $4 w ..... ttf Dry CIM.I., .t ••• tiona I Facts about everything I Facts about schools .. . the That's why all advertisers-both "national" and retai1- A strong candidate for the full­ tl.... .,111, A., ••t .... receIve till. "I,ce•• t, Presicl state ... the town ... the world. Facts about features, invest more money in newspapers than in any other Iy." s : back spot in Iowa Coach Forest Helve Your FallClotlles Cleaned Now and Save form of advertising. EvashevsKi's single wing offense fun, and back-to-school bargains in stores downtown. Plrty Is Blnkey Breeder, the fourth In pailO The newspaper is first with the most news . .. first with the PIt the series of outstanding 10(110111111 ------Facts you \:8n carry in your pocket-to read 1l'heneve1' the most 1Jeo1Jle .•. first with most advertise)'s . • prospects to be carried by The you choose, . " wherever you choose. All the facts- so Dally Idwan . . that you can read U8 much as you choose. The newspaper is alway. "first with the m08t" \ . 1.. He played enough to win a ------~ talkl major "I" as a freshman last year, JIOsaIs; coming Into his own against 1 S. Dubuque TIJII ...... prepued bJ IUUAU OF ADVERTISING, AIBeriaD Ne".,aptr Publlshen AssodatloD aDd pub1lslJed by Dame in the final game of the V. leason. He scored two touchdowns 218 E, Washington 312 b. against the IFish, one on a 85-yar