Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1955-01-27
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r files Bill The Weather Serving the State Eye Banks, Falr and told Ioda, with t:lniversity of Iowa po ,Ible now and warm I Ins' ruction " in, temperaturtfl tonl,hl. Campus and mrb today, 5 to O. Fri Represen\atlve Scott Iowa City day Iicht snow durlnt oUJan morninr, el~arin, lind D-Iowa City) Mond~y in the [owa ihollse to . turlllll, told Ily nilht. Est. 1868 - AP leased Wire. Wireohola - Five Centa lowo City. Iowa. Thursday, January 27. 1955 er for a person ~o --------~--~~------------~--~--------------------------------~--~------------ !body" foJ' ~ci nllfic or on purposes. The 'bill low on Il1dlvldll~1 to h u1'I':,ngc'm , nt~ before , I · rpo.. 'c of 'the 'bill, he enable meflicnl scien· ,. in more ' eyo dssue nCls." ScientLsts are able to Irnprove pr 8;1 ers S sight of the Qrtli , ~ed .transplnntlhg . cornea of a re=erUy de. vidual. , MacArthur making it easier to at Ibodies to · tt ~ Jp Wilson's. : living human beinogs, Causes Sfir Denounces of t'he bill is to aid WASHINGTON (IP) - Secre medka L coll~ges to Army ROTC/s Best-Drilled Platoon tary of Defense Charles E. WiI s for ins,truotion In SOl) Wednesday called the Red Arms Races Chinese threat against Formosa colleges \re SUI's I and SUII college "hi~t, [\ little ripple" - but ho LOS ANGELES (Jl>)- Gener:!i said j,ater. his language was "in or the army Douglas MacArthur in Des Mqines. Wednesday night call.Q leaders law prevents as pi:" or the world "Ianards·' and re such bodies to a I didn't rr.ean that it was just .1 jected a preparedne--s race that 001 it the individual a ;litlle ripple in intern3tion11 may plu/}~e the world Ir,' o nu his objections before clear warfare by''. por..t3ncol' it his relatives or ari" irs," he told reporters cov comtJustion." objel1l. This bill ... illg his appearance bero~e the MocArthltr saltl abolition or inate " (rl' nds" from I.u .Ise Armed S rvices committee. war is ~om thing pcople on botb those who could PI'C ·It is vel·Y . importanl, but it sid(·s or ,t , "'on Cu rtai n D.?,' ct· assi'gnment. ul)l1n 1\11 dt'l'il'able - "and ltoi< chonk" OIU' milit:Jry a'so flled a bill to au ( At' W,trlH • .,,,.l) PE' . haps i, t411' only thing 'they GEN. DOUGI.AS MacARTHUR stAnds beside a mOllum·SU h'lIl reD week8 paid vaca " do ngree upon." te employes atter 10 'Plannlnf tor Lon: Pull' orinr him a ~ dl'dlcatlon eeremonle In l\1acArthur ,lark. Los An 'Proclalm ftcadlne. ' reles, ( a If., Wtdnesday. )n a trIbute to hiS comrades In urns he ke. "Formosa is ju~t a Iittll: ripple said, "I and Ihl statue and this park are but the reflected monu ~p ' aking nt n civic banqu , in Ollr defense 'plaoning, and I that Callow dcdica.ilon of :'I SEORETARY ments of their (rand.lUJ'." (Another Illcture: Pare 3). em talking ot plonning for the monumenl in hi. ho ~or. he cnlh.'t{ A,'iz. (A» - A Nav long pull." upon the Unlt, d St.ate to "nOIV girl, Miss Matilda The defense chiers "ripple" Mrs. Eitzen's Performance In - procl:Jim our readiness to abolish as becn ilppointed by war in concert with the greilt Udall (D-Arlz.) as remark, coming during question powers of the world. in his Washing£on ing before the committee, made "Tho r su~t would be m, glc:JI," quite il splash. in the afternoon Puccini's 'Tosca' h declared. newspapers ilnd disturbed some Abolition of \w.r, liS h(' ~N'~ iI, congressmen who heard him. , - Warms Winter Evening n!' (I nllt eV'n re.'It 011 In ":' tn~ They reG a lied th3l President tional In~·1 ion ot armamenL~. 'F;isenhower had co lied the For By Lawrence* * h*erma ., I' st or "Del'* FreL; hutz" \Va- not PublJr opinion nnd 1011'S ell mosa situation a !;erious threat to Arter hearing Mrs. Leslie IOl'thcominl:. In.*.. tead, *the orches joycd by a world of Jl(!ace would ,wQrld peace. Eitzen's pt!r1ormonce of the tra or(ercd the fir t major t.reat I n ~ure It. Wnen WiI~n returned to the wann, passionate rolq. of To~ca, of t·hl' cvenlnd , MOlllrt's Progue ReJ ctN Colleetlve Seeurlty ·witness stand acter lunch, Rep. the winter-braving audi rcc at symphony No. 38. the SUI s)mphony orche<·tra's He al 0 5llld that collce.llve F . Edward Hebert (D-La.) ex E)(cellent Pror ram sl'ClJ rily is not a stpad!ast bu)' thlrd concert Wedne<day ni ~ht pressed concern over his ap The Prague Ilymphony hegins almost left witohout rt heir coats. wark of th2 free world. praisal of the Formosan situation, d,ro',vslly a ~ if shaking off an un . Mrs. Eit1.('n, a graduate n<;~is MacArthur mode 00 more than declaring: "The threat there hall pll.'ll'·ant elr am. llastUy it p tl~ tant in music, hod everything pa~~lng comment on the Ko ell the implications ot a tidal on its s.ho~, i'UPllrc-sses a yown an audience could W31.t in a ~ o rean wal's lim lled .~cope, wllll'l) (SUI Phol. by Geor,. B' •• t.. wave." or twn and don es to an alllwro. ARMY ROTC CADET MAJ. George E. Wrigh~, A4, Riverdale, tactics at SUI. Wrlcht Is commander of the second platoon 01 prano. She hacl volume, p()lish. a h(' so strongly opposed. Apo108'lzes for 'Ineptness' conUdent grasp on. every note. The andante moveme'~t retle<'ls N.D,. Wednesday accepts the Best-Drilled Platoon CUll from Col. · I company G. Each member of the platoon was awarded a blue o"'d questions. 1"ome intruding Prestnttd Award James A. 'coIL Jr., head and professor of miJltary science and and red Best-Drllled Platoon medal by Scott. Wilson immediately apolo/!i1.ed But mor,t of u11, J;:Je had 3 ma for what he c:llled "my Inept cloubt~ arc finally given ~helr At n IUIlt'hl'On rOr more than ---------------------------------------------------------~,--- ---------~-------------------- turity C>t fecling lhut o"cc~, 'd ret nnd the rlnal turns outward 1,100, the gt.'neral was given on way when I said 'ritmle'." her skllls and elIrN,tccl <them to with sobriety .md certitude. awol'(\ of extrllOl'dlnnry merit lie explained he w~s trying to the meanjnJr in t h' fl rst oct o( Any concert whkh OrrCl'~ 8 b~ the Lo~, ~n~ les Epi cop.11 m~e the point that there is no Puccini's "Tosca." Jets to Formosa; ~UI. Studie~ I T.o play Mario to Mr.. Eit'l n's MO?.lIrt !t m.phony onct thl' CiJ·~t l ~locpse for dlstmgulshed serv u.s. .. Guill:Y.0' .R~d necessity of expunding U.S. To. n d manclcJJ n u:l1 mea Dct of a Puccini oper:l is half Ice to. the church of Ood OR 0 tll'mcd forces at thi ~ time. way to suec s. so by logic and ChrlsllU .. 'anall and 01- sor~ or vocal virtL'cs-and Ste t.a Earlier, Wil~on had told ncws phen Hobson, music instructor, ju~ ' ice, J ames Dixon, eonrlllclor, dicl.. " Evacu'ation Plans Set .eos",~c Ray Me~tiersbip; men that while the situDtioh in 'was not round wanting in the and William Gower, associate MacArthur's 3,000 WOld ad the Formosa Stvait is "important conductor, are to be commended dress Wednesday night at nn TOKYO (Thursday) (IP) -The tenol· part. Theil' duct wns t41c Test Results enough to take proper action," it tor offering two squa[\:! meals American Legion dinner wa~ de U.S. 18th Fighter-Bomber wing, antiStic hlghpolnol of the evening. at Yikiangshan island, from is "nothing to get excited 'about." Moun a Major Tre.t instend or lin ensy smorgasbord. voted to the suicidal nature oC Com~uta.t,iRn of statistics gaLh Knowing Aims f1¥ing F86 Sabrejets, is moving which the Chjnese Communists ercd by SUI physiciS>ts in a re CHICAGO (It» - Communist Cites Ike's Messilfe En tering lata in the first act modern nuclear warfare. In from Okinawa and The Phili terms seldom employed by a ppines to temporary duty on in newly won positions might leader Claude Lightfoot Wednes He referred reporters to a and giving an cxcellent eharac cent Texas 1ri9 is now under terization a[ Scarpio, the pOllce militory hero, MacArthur de Formosa, the Far East air forces try to interfere with a with day was convicted of informed paragraph in the special message way, a'coording to Dr. Frank ohi,{ who is promoting su pi(;ion 2 R d Off manded not just a cease-firc, announced Thulsday. drawal from the Tachens, only membership in the Communlsl on Formosil that President Eis e s er between To~ca ano her lover, but an absolute end to war It- Gen. Earl E. Partridge said the McDonald of ,tme SUI ph ys i~s party, in a precedent-settins jury enhower sent to congress Mon ~ight miles away. was Harry Morrison Jr.. G sci!. tirst Sabrejets landed on FOI' department. verdict with far-renching impli day. The President said: t Tachens cations. Douds. To Leave U.S. MacArthur concected he would mosa today "and the remainder M:)Donald rctum: d Tuesday ." ... My recommendations do The 'progrtrm of three compo will be in place shorlly." The Communists may be eag The c:Jse provided the first test not call for an increase in the be snecled at as a visionary by MARLON Crom GooMelolow air force ,base sitions opened wi:h Weber's NEW YORK (A') - Two ot t2 "every pundit in thc world, ev Evacuation ing closer to the Tachens, 200 of a Smith act provision holding armed forces or the United States near San Ange overture Ito !his opera "Ocr jailed second-string Commun!~t cry cynic and hypocrite, every BRAN DO miles north of Formosa.