r files Bill The Weather Serving the State Eye Banks, Falr and told Ioda, with t:lniversity of Iowa po ,Ible now and warm­ I Ins' ruction " in, temperaturtfl tonl,hl. Campus and mrb today, 5 to O. Fri­ Represen\atlve Scott Iowa City day Iicht snow durlnt oUJan morninr, el~arin, lind D-Iowa City) Mond~y in the [owa ihollse to . turlllll, told Ily nilht. Est. 1868 - AP leased Wire. Wireohola - Five Centa lowo City. Iowa. Thursday, January 27. 1955 er for a person ~o --------~--~~------------~--~--------------------------------~--~------------ !body" foJ' ~ci nllfic or on purposes. The 'bill low on Il1dlvldll~1 to h u1'I':,ngc'm , nt~ before , I · rpo.. 'c of 'the 'bill, he enable meflicnl scien· ,. in more ' eyo dssue nCls." ScientLsts are able to Irnprove pr 8;1 ers S sight of the Qrtli , ~ed .transplnntlhg . cornea of a re=erUy de. vidual. , MacArthur making it easier to at Ibodies to · tt ~ Jp Wilson's. : living human beinogs, Causes Sfir Denounces of t'he bill is to aid WASHINGTON (IP) - Secre­ medka L coll~ges to Army ROTC/s Best-Drilled Platoon tary of Defense Charles E. WiI­ s for ins,truotion In SOl) Wednesday called the Red Arms Races Chinese threat against Formosa colleges \re SUI's I and SUII college "hi~t, [\ little ripple" - but ho LOS ANGELES (Jl>)- Gener:!i said j,ater. his language was "in­ or the army Douglas MacArthur in Des Mqines. Wednesday night call.Q leaders law prevents as­ pi:" or the world "Ianards·' and re­ such bodies to a I didn't rr.ean that it was just .1 jected a preparedne--s race that 001 it the individual a ;litlle ripple in intern3tion11 may plu/}~e the world Ir,' o nu­ his objections before clear warfare by''. por..t3ncol' it his relatives or ari" irs," he told reporters cov­ comtJustion." objel1l. This bill ... illg his appearance bero~e the MocArthltr saltl abolition or inate " (rl' nds" from I.u .Ise Armed S rvices committee. war is ~om thing pcople on botb those who could PI'C­ ·It is vel·Y . importanl, but it sid(·s or ,t , "'on Cu rtai n D.?,' ct· assi'gnment. ul)l1n 1\11 dt'l'il'able - "and ltoi< chonk" OIU' milit:Jry a'so flled a bill to au­ ( At' W,trlH • .,,,.l) PE' . haps i, t411' only thing 'they GEN. DOUGI.AS MacARTHUR stAnds beside a mOllum·SU h'lIl­ reD week8 paid vaca­ " do ngree upon." te employes atter 10 'Plannlnf tor Lon: Pull' orinr him a ~ dl'dlcatlon eeremonle In l\1acArthur ,lark. Los An­ 'Proclalm ftcadlne. ' reles, ( a If., Wtdnesday. )n a trIbute to hiS comrades In urns he ke. "Formosa is ju~t a Iittll: ripple said, "I and Ihl statue and this park are but the reflected monu­ ~p ' aking nt n civic banqu , in Ollr defense 'plaoning, and I that Callow dcdica.ilon of :'I SEORETARY ments of their (rand.lUJ'." (Another Illcture: Pare 3). em talking ot plonning for the monumenl in hi. ho ~or. he cnlh.'t{ A,'iz. (A» - A Nav­ long pull." upon the Unlt, d St.ate to "nOIV girl, Miss Matilda The defense chiers "ripple" Mrs. Eitzen's Performance In - procl:Jim our readiness to abolish as becn ilppointed by war in concert with the greilt Udall (D-Arlz.) as remark, coming during question­ powers of the world. in his Washing£on ing before the committee, made "Tho r su~t would be m, glc:JI," quite il splash. in the afternoon Puccini's 'Tosca' h declared. newspapers ilnd disturbed some Abolition of \w.r, liS h(' ~N'~ iI, congressmen who heard him. , - Warms Winter Evening n!' (I nllt eV'n re.'It 011 In ":' tn~ They reG a lied th3l President tional In~·1 ion ot armamenL~. 'F;isenhower had co lied the For­ By Lawrence* * h*erma ., I' st or "Del'* FreL; hutz" \Va- not PublJr opinion nnd 1011'S ell­ mosa situation a !;erious threat to Arter hearing Mrs. Leslie IOl'thcominl:. In.*.. tead, *the orches­ joycd by a world of Jl(!ace would ,wQrld peace. Eitzen's pt!r1ormonce of the tra or(ercd the fir t major t.reat I n ~ure It. Wnen WiI~n returned to the wann, passionate rolq. of To~ca, of t·hl' cvenlnd , MOlllrt's Progue ReJ ctN Colleetlve Seeurlty ·witness stand acter lunch, Rep. the winter-braving audi rcc at symphony No. 38. the SUI s)mphony orche<·tra's He al 0 5llld that collce.llve F . Edward Hebert (D-La.) ex­ E)(cellent Pror ram sl'ClJ rily is not a stpad!ast bu)'­ thlrd concert Wedne<day ni ~ht pressed concern over his ap­ The Prague Ilymphony hegins almost left witohout rt heir coats. wark of th2 free world. praisal of the Formosan situation, d,ro',vslly a ~ if shaking off an un­ . Mrs. Eit1.('n, a graduate n<;~is­ MacArthur mode 00 more than declaring: "The threat there hall pll.'ll'·ant elr am. llastUy it p tl~ tant in music, hod everything pa~~lng comment on the Ko­ ell the implications ot a tidal on its s.ho~, i'UPllrc-sses a yown an audience could W31.t in a ~ o­ rean wal's lim lled .~cope, wllll'l) (SUI Phol. by Geor,. B' •• t.. wave." or twn and don es to an alllwro. ARMY ROTC CADET MAJ. George E. Wrigh~, A4, Riverdale, tactics at SUI. Wrlcht Is commander of the second platoon 01 prano. She hacl volume, p()lish. a h(' so strongly opposed. Apo108'lzes for 'Ineptness' conUdent grasp on. every note. The andante moveme'~t retle<'ls N.D,. Wednesday accepts the Best-Drilled Platoon CUll from Col. · I company G. Each member of the platoon was awarded a blue o"'d questions. 1"ome intruding Prestnttd Award James A. 'coIL Jr., head and professor of miJltary science and and red Best-Drllled Platoon medal by Scott. Wilson immediately apolo/!i1.ed But mor,t of u11, J;:Je had 3 ma­ for what he c:llled "my Inept cloubt~ arc finally given ~helr At n IUIlt'hl'On rOr more than ---------------------------------------------------------~,--- ---------~-------------------- turity C>t fecling lhut o"cc~, 'd ret nnd the rlnal turns outward 1,100, the gt.'neral was given on way when I said 'ritmle'." her skllls and elIrN,tccl <them to with sobriety .md certitude. awol'(\ of extrllOl'dlnnry merit lie explained he w~s trying to the meanjnJr in t h' fl rst oct o( Any concert whkh OrrCl'~ 8 b~ the Lo~, ~n~ les Epi cop.11 m~e the point that there is no Puccini's "Tosca." Jets to Formosa; ~UI. Studie~ I T.o play Mario to Mr.. Eit'l n's MO?.lIrt !t m.phony onct thl' CiJ·~t l ~locpse for dlstmgulshed serv­ u.s. .. Guill:Y.0' .R~d necessity of expunding U.S. To. n d manclcJJ n u:l1 mea­ Dct of a Puccini oper:l is half Ice to. the church of Ood OR 0 tll'mcd forces at thi ~ time. way to suec s. so by logic and ChrlsllU .. 'anall and 01- sor~ or vocal virtL'cs-and Ste­ t.a Earlier, Wil~on had told ncws­ phen Hobson, music instructor, ju~ ' ice, J ames Dixon, eonrlllclor, dicl.. " Evacu'ation Plans Set .eos",~c Ray Me~tiersbip; men that while the situDtioh in 'was not round wanting in the and William Gower, associate MacArthur's 3,000 WOld ad­ the Formosa Stvait is "important conductor, are to be commended dress Wednesday night at nn TOKYO (Thursday) (IP) -The tenol· part. Theil' duct wns t41c Test Results enough to take proper action," it tor offering two squa[\:! meals American Legion dinner wa~ de­ U.S. 18th Fighter-Bomber wing, antiStic hlghpolnol of the evening. at Yikiangshan island, from is "nothing to get excited 'about." Moun a Major Tre.t instend or lin ensy smorgasbord. voted to the suicidal nature oC Com~uta.t,iRn of statistics gaLh­ Knowing Aims f1¥ing F86 Sabrejets, is moving which the Chjnese Communists ercd by SUI physiciS>ts in a re­ CHICAGO (It» - Communist Cites Ike's Messilfe En tering lata in the first act modern nuclear warfare. In from Okinawa and The Phili­ terms seldom employed by a ppines to temporary duty on in newly won positions might leader Claude Lightfoot Wednes­ He referred reporters to a and giving an cxcellent eharac­ cent Texas 1ri9 is now under terization a[ Scarpio, the pOllce militory hero, MacArthur de­ Formosa, the Far East air forces try to interfere with a with­ day was convicted of informed paragraph in the special message way, a'coording to Dr. Frank ohi,{ who is promoting su pi(;ion 2 R d Off manded not just a cease-firc, announced Thulsday. drawal from the Tachens, only membership in the Communlsl on Formosil that President Eis­ e s er between To~ca ano her lover, but an absolute end to war It- Gen. Earl E. Partridge said the McDonald of ,tme SUI ph ys i~s party, in a precedent-settins jury enhower sent to congress Mon­ ~ight miles away. was Harry Morrison Jr.. G sci!. tirst Sabrejets landed on FOI'­ department. verdict with far-renching impli­ day. The President said: t Tachens cations. Douds. To Leave U.S. MacArthur concected he would mosa today "and the remainder M:)Donald rctum: d Tuesday ." ... My recommendations do The 'progrtrm of three compo­ will be in place shorlly." The Communists may be eag­ The c:Jse provided the first test not call for an increase in the be snecled at as a visionary by MARLON Crom GooMelolow air force ,base sitions opened wi:h Weber's NEW YORK (A') - Two ot t2 "every pundit in thc world, ev­ Evacuation ing closer to the Tachens, 200 of a Smith act provision holding armed forces or the United States near San Ange­ overture Ito !his opera "Ocr jailed second-string Commun!~t cry cynic and hypocrite, every BRAN DO miles north of Formosa.
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