The Weath.r ~ Serving the State ruu, ~.... )' aM _. Univenity of Iowa er witll _UerN ....... .......ert ....,.. r.nb' Campul and' e"o41 wt.... ...,. showers We...... '. T .. Iowa City da,'. hlJ"h 15;..1_, 51. at Ui&'h Hucla, 13; low, n. Ir'OUPI Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Centa Iowa City, Iowa. Tuesday. August 26, 1952 - Vol. 86, No. 229 of man, SUI. Tbt, Boy King Visits Colorado with tAt Pick Defends and illyf Ie. Actions in AF u.s. Jet Downs 8-17 By Mistake Base Scandals WASHINGTON IJP) - Lt. Gen. Fate of Crew Lewis A. Pick, chief ot army en· Denver Bids Farewell to Ike gineers, came under new congres­ Playboy lelke Indi~ted sional fire Monday even as he defended himself against a bllster· Left in Doubt lng senate report citing alleged By Vice-Probing Jury waste, fraud, kickbacks and theft on a huge scale in the construction NEW YORK (,4» - Minot F. By Heavy Rain ot U. S. air bases in North Africa. "Mickey" JeUte. 22-year-old mar­ Heu of $45.000 bond. Pick issued a statement describ­ ,arlne heir and society playboy, The indictment again t the press EOLIN AIR FORCE BASE. FLA. ing the report by a senate watch­ WII indicted Monday on charles aient also mentioned Miss Ward. (,4» - An advanced type jet tight­ dog subcommittee as "over criti­ that he foreed a pretty girl frIend And It said she, Jelke and Miss er that seeks out its lare ts by cal." to become a pros Ii tute. Steel conspired to violate the law radar, shot down a B-17 bomber He also disowned any responsi­ I\. vlc:e-probln, grand jury re­ dealing with prostltution. over the Gulf of Mexico by mls· bility tor ttle decision to construct turned eiaht Indictments alalnst Miss Steel pleaded innoeent and take Monday, the air force an­ the multi-million-dollar projects the handsome bachelor. lie plead­ was continlled in $1.000 ball for nounced. on a "crash" or rush basis. ed Innoeent. trial Sept. 17. Asst. Dist. AUy. The fate ot the eil'lt crewmen Thc senate group, headed by Three others held In the sensa­ Anthony J . Laibler said the In­ aboard the bomber WIIS obscured Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.), tional vice ca$e - In which there Quiry Is being continued against by heavy rain which swept over recommended Sunday that Arm~ have been repOrts of lovely. $500 a her and others. the reteue scene, about 50 mile Secretary Frank Pace Jr.. "take nlaht caU Ilrls - also were in­ south 01 Panama City. appropriate action" against Pick dicted. One pleaded I\Jltty. The pilot 01 the 650-mile an - without specifying what action Indictments alalnst young JeJlce hour F-88D Ill'lter plane appal'. should be taken. Pace is due back centered on his relations with Mills Brink's Truck Robbed ently mistook the B-17 tor a In Washington Tuesday from an PIItrlcla Ward, a 19-year-Old mod­ radio - controlled drone plan Inspection tour of overseas bases. el whom New YOrk newspapers which WlU following about II mile Denies Responslblllly have called the IIrl who »roke the By Thieves Who Take and a half behind th dlr clor SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD KING FAI AL U (left), youlhfuJ ruler Counterini the senate subcom­ vice case after Jelke lilted her. bomber. mittee's blast. Pick indicated that 01 Iraq, and. Denver Poilu aplaln Ross hatter, awlD&' down • Reoret Direct lilt Tak Olrl'. Eal1lln•• $65,000 as Guards Eat he mercly obeyed orders and that mounl.ahulde alter • ride to the 12.000 toot apex of tbe allJ 111& One of the (Iihler's rockets hit ..t 60 of the air force was responsible for BerUloucl P .... on the rontlnental divide. mile west Denver. Jelke was accused of inducin, WASHINGTON (,II") - Police the Flylnl Fortre and ent it Shaffer served as personal body~ard to Ute Illnl durlll&' his Iwa­ the decision to rush the construc­ Mils Ward to "l1ve a lI!e of prosti­ said thieves stole $6~.000 and plunging (nto the fUli In names. tion or bases In French Morocco. da, vlsll "I IIlled Ute ride "try well," said Falsal. The khl, ..ad hi. tution" and ot IIvlnr "wholly or In missed another $104,CIOO in a Col. Arthur R. Debolt of Col. Describing It as "one of the party were lbe cuesla ot Ute federal reclamation bureau for .. stud, part" on her earning. from Sep­ Brlnk's armored car Monday DWIGIIT D. EI ENIIOWER REACUE thrOUl'h an aJrport. fence to umbus, 0 .. 39-year-old pilot ot the most difficult construction pro­ of water resources conservation. tember, 1951, to March, 1952. The whlle the four guards were at lay .ooclbye to w U-wllh . Just before leavlll&' Denver by plaae fllhter. told military interviewers jects with which I have been con- Indictment said he located her In lunch. The cor was locked but un­ for New York. where he will e tabU h new headquarters In hLs bid "1 juat can't believe I hit the fronted as chief of enllneers," -II W SI I k S d • houle of prostitution here about luarded. lor tbe presJdeney. bakJn. the ceneral', hand II MrI. Pat O'Neil wron, plane." last Feb. 15. FBI 81enta join d police In a of Daylon. Wa h., one of the veral hundred penonl who were at WCCI/ing as he was interviewed, Pi;·~t~~~;;e.aa:~~fe~~~t~ngineerS uorg- arner rl e prea s He also was char led with search tor clu s. but hour after the airport for the departure. Ike addr ed tbe American Le.. loJl Debolt s.id. "I don't know how It 1 had no responsibility in the de- national convenUon In 1U d on Quare Garden In New York Mon· happened. I thou,ht I was hlHin.: ierml;atlon of the air force re- • torcln, 23-year-old Pat Thompson the IUBrcb reported the incid nt, to become a prostitute. Pollee Inspector Jet mlah Flaher­ day. the right plane!' I quirementsnot my responsibility in North Africa to . Itdirect was As Labor PI'clure Darkens After enterin, an Innocent plea. ty could only tell newsmen: World War U Vet Jelke was continued In $~O,OOO "W don't know hether the A World War II veteran ot that the construction be placed on r a crash program basis. ball. persona who look lhe money are fi,htin, in China. 0 bolt had been B, The Assoclsted Press lndicled with him were Ray white, colored. male, or female." Ike Tells Legislature He Will out on tralnln, mlsllons with tho Deficiencies Expected United Auto Workers were idle as Russell Davloni, 54-year-old press Flaherty iald there was also a new-type aU we.lther jet several A strike spread Monday In the chance It mi,bl be an "Inside job" times. He had made successful "It is not unusual for construc­ 12-plant Borg-Warner Corp. SY3- four shutdowns Monday emphu­ o,ent; Richard Wallace. 39. movie tors to experience some deflcien· sized union dissatisfaction with bit actor; and red-haired Erica executed by people connected with pGSs., at the drone plane Ihls cles In accomplishlni large mili­ stem, and the pation's 400,000 coal Brink's. He emphasl7.ed. however. morning belore the B-17 was hit. miners missed their flnt normal wage nelotiotlons which have been Steel. 28, model and television bit End Corruption in GO'vernmenl tary construction projects under that he had nO evidence that that The time of the occident wa work day's pay in the 10-day me­ lolnl on at plant level since May. player. extreme limits of LIme. That Is was the ca e. NEW YORK (IP) - G n. DwIght placed at about 1 11 8.m. (Iowa morial holiday ordered by John A UAW local settled at one J: what happened In Morocco." WaUaee Pleadt OuJU, Flaherty and Police Lt. Albert D. Eisenhower told cheerlnl dele­ L. Lewis. Borg-Warner plant - the Pesco the world, Inc1udlnl the Kremlin. time). Pick went on to say that judiln, Wallace pleaded lullty to a E. Hltt said they got thl, informa­ gates to the American Legion con­ Small erllsh boat sent to the Other labor developments in­ Products Division at Cleveland, O. that It wllJ not rest until the Com­ by newspaper accounts. "It would - tor terms beUeved to include an charie that he received proslJtu, t10n from que.tltlonlnl luardl of vention Monday he alms to "cnd munist-enslaved peoples of ellst­ scene found rough lolng In the appear thllt the senate subcom­ cluded an aereement aranUng a corruption In public oltlce. at 10-cent pay hike and the union Increase and benefits wortn 24 tlon earnlnl' and was remanded the Brink'~ tJ·uck: ern Europe nd Asia art tree heavy seas, mittee has submitted a generalized to prison pendln, sentence Sept. 9. The four guards parkeJ the every level of government." sbop to the United Rubber Work­ cents hourly. Plckets who had been again. PBY patrol planes. a destroyer report which ... appears to be on duty since Friday were re­ The district attorney's office had truck outside the swank Wardman The Republican presidential He sold that whl1e this notion and a Coast Guard cutter joined over critical." ers at Firestone Tire and Rubber nomine struck out vl,orously at Company. The accord sets an av­ called. and work was resumed In said Miss Thompson had paid him Park hotel and lett it unattended is in irave peril.
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