Stanford Center for Position, Navigation and Time and The Present:

2016 PNT Symposium • November 1-3 • Kavli & Panofsky Auditoriums at SLAC Schedule Hosts Invited Speakers ■■ November 1 — All Day, Kavli Auditorium ■■ Barbara Block ➣➣ Brad Parkinson— Waves: Marconi to GPS & their evolving use in PNT Marconi Young Scholars—Graduate Student Research ■■ Simone D’Amico ➣➣ T. Russell Shields—Smart Vehicles Presentations ■■ Per Enge ➣➣ Georg Schroth—Indoor positioning and mobile mapping systems ■■ November 2 — All Day, Panofsky Auditorium ■■ Leo Hollberg ➣➣ Paul Montgomery—POME: A mobile camera for accurate indoor position SCPNT & Marconi Society Invited Speakers ■■ Mark Kasevich ➣➣ Frank van Diggelen—Android P, V, N & T: Much more than lat and lon ■■ November 2—Marconi Society Black-Tie Award Dinner ■■ Tom Langenstein ➣➣ Geoff Blewitt—Millimeter GPS Imaging of Earth’s Flex and Flow at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View ■■ Brad Parkinson ➣➣ John Grigaliunas—PNT Effects in an Electronic Warfare Environment ■■ November 3 — Morning, plus Lunch ■■ Jim Spilker ➣➣ Bob Iannucci—Time Issues in Programming IoT Systems for Smart Cities Invited Speakers ■■ Hatti Hamlin ➣➣ Sigrid Close—Meteoroids & Space Debris: Threats to Orbiting Spacecraft ➣➣ Jeremy Goldbogen—Tracking Blue Whales using PNT technology 2016 Marconi Prize ➣➣ Per Enge—Cyber Safety for Navigation ➣ The Marconi Prize is awarded each year to recognize major advances in the ➣ Col. Steven Whitney—Update on GPS Program communications field that benefit humanity. We’re proud to announce that Panel Discussion our own Prof. Brad Parkinson, the ‘Father of GPS’, is to receive the 2016 Marconi Prize. SCPNT and the Marconi Society have joined forces and are working Radio Navigation & Communication—Cooperation & Conflicts ➣ together on a combined Symposium for this year. ➣ Brad Parkinson—Moderator ➣➣ Irwin Jacobs—Chip for Nav Systems & Panel Discussion Participant Web Site: ➣➣ —General Comments & Panel Discussion Participant ➣➣ —General Comments & Panel Discussion Participant Email: [email protected] ➣➣ Marty Cooper—General Comments & Panel Discussion Participant Phone: (650) 823-4906 ➣➣ David Payne—General Comments & Panel Discussion Participant Symposium Space is Limited to 160 Attendees! RSVPs Required for Symposium & Dinner