Archiva Journal Volume 1, No.1 (Januari. 2020, PP 18-29) ROLE OF ARCHIVES IN THE TERRITORIAL BOUNDARY DISPUTES Sumrahyadi The National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI), Jakarta Corresponding author:
[email protected] Abstract This study descriptively discusses the role of archives in the territorial boundary disputes. Territorial boundary, nowadays, become complicated problems not only in some districts or provinces but also among some countries. In many cases, districts or municipalities as well provinces claim other areas or regions to increase their income or to explore resources for their wealth. Similarly, in some countries, they claim other areas or islands as their belonging. To anticipate the possibility of law from other countries, they should be supported by records and archives as sources of authentic information and legal evidence. From the experience of losing Sipadan and Ligitan islands to be part of Malaysian territory and other national cases, once again, we need to document all activities well and provide records and archives as authentic evidence as a proof of the existence of areas or islands. Keywords: Islands, Borders, Territorial boundary, Archives. INTRODUCTION Territorial or regional boundaries became a hot topic for regions or countries that bordered directly with other regions or countries, both in the form of the land, sea or even the island became a conflict-prone area. If the border or island has high economic value with a source of income for a particular region or a source for increasing regional sources of revenue, especially for border disputes between provinces or between regencies/cities.