iSSn 2414-05-62 DOI: NGO “Ukrainian Assembly of doctors of science in public administration” Interregional Academy of personal management


№ 4 (14) – June 2018 (Special edition)

Collection is trained in scientific partnership with the Ukrainian Technological Academy

Kyiv ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” 2018

1 Редакція Editorial Головний редактор Editorial in Chief Романенко Євген Олександрович, Yevgen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, доктор наук з державного управління, Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, професор, академік Української Технологічної Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії International Personnel Academy and Academy та Академії наук публічного управління, of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer заслужений юрист України of Заступник головного редактора Deputy Editor Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна, Iryna Vitaliivna Chaplay, кандидат наук з державного управління PhD in Public Administration Випусковий редактор Ю. А. Носанчук Managing Editor Y. A. Hosanchuk Комп’ютерне макетування А. П. Нечипорук Computer modeling A. P. Hechyporuk

Публічне урядування Public management Свідоцтво КВ 21596-11496 Р Certificate КВ 21596-11496 Р Видається з листопада 2015 року Published from november 2015 Періодичність: 1 раз на квартал + 1 на рік Pereodisity: 4 times on a year + one Друкується за рішенням Вченої ради Published by the decision of Academic council of Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Протокол № 5 від 30.05.2018) (Protocol № 5 from 30.05.2018) Видання є таким, що реферується в міжнародних The edition is such that is reviewed in the interna- наукометричних базах Index Copernicus, tional scientometric bases Index Copernicus, РИНЦ, РИНЦ та КіберЛенінка, у вітчизняній КіберЛенінка and in the domestic abstract database реферативній базі даних “Україніка наукова” “Україніка наукова” and ukrainian abstract journal та українському реферативному журналі “Джерело” (Series 3. Social and Human “Джерело”. Sciences. Arts). Збірник внесено до Переліку наукових фахових The collection included in the list of scientific видань з державного управління professional edition from Public Administration (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine від 10.05.2017 № 693). from 10.05.2017 № 693). Відповідальність за зміст, достовірність фактів, The authors are responsible for the content, цитат, цифр несуть автори матеріалів. Редакція accuracy of the facts, quotes, numbers. The editors залишає за собою право на незначне редагування reserves the right for a little change and reduction і скорочення (зі збереженням авторського стилю та (with preservation of the author’s style and main головних висновків). Редакція не завжди поділяє conclusions). Editors can not share the world думки авторів та не несе відповідальність за надану views of the authors and are not responsible for the ними інформацію. Матеріали подано information provided. Materials filed в авторській редакції. in the author’s edition. Передрук — тільки з дозволу редакції. Reprinting — with the editorial’s permission strictly. Адреса редакційної колегії: Андріївський узвіз, Address of the editorial board: 11, Andriyivskyy буд. 11, оф. 68, м. Київ, Україна, 04070 Descent, office 68, , Ukraine, 04070 Е-mail: [email protected] Е-mail: [email protected] Адреса видавництва: Addres of the editorial: ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” просп. Червонозоряний, 119, літ. ХХ, prospekt Chervonozorjanij, 119 lit. XX, Київ, Україна, 03039 Kyiv, Ukraine, 03039

Public management : collection. — № 4 (14) – June 2018 (Special edition). — Kyiv : ДП “Видав- ничий дім “Персонал”, 2018. — 378 p.

2 Головний редактор — Романенко Євген Олександрович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, академік Української Технологічної Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії та Академії наук публічного управління, заслужений юрист України. Заступник головного редактора — Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна, кандидат наук з державного управління.

Редакційна колегія но-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу. 1. Акімова Людмила Миколаївна — кан- 9. Валевський Олексій Леонідович — дидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент ка- доктор наук з державного управління, стар- федри фінансів та природокористування ший науковий співробітник, провідний нау- Національного університету водного госпо- ковий співробітник Національного інституту дарства та природокористування. стратегічних досліджень. 2. Андрущенко Тетяна Вікторівна — док- 10. Ващенко Костянтин Олександро- тор політичних наук, професор, провідний вич — доктор політичних наук, Голова На- науковий співробітник Інституту вищої осві- ціонального агентства України з питань ти Національної академії педагогічних наук державної служби, член-кореспондент На- України. ціональної академії педагогічних наук Украї- 3. Афонін Едуард Андрійович — док- ни, Заслужений економіст України. тор соціологічних наук, професор, академік 11. Вендт Ян Анджей — доктор хабілі- Української технологічної академії, Заслуже- тований наук про Землю у сфері географії, ний діяч науки і техніки України, професор професор, заступник директора з питань кафедри публічної політики та політичної науки та розвитку Інституту океанографії аналітики Національної академії державного та географії Гданського університету (Поль- управління при Президентові України. ща). 4. Балашов Анатолій Миколайович — 12. Гаєвська Лариса Анатоліївна — док- доктор наук з державного управління, про- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, фесор, професор кафедри публічного ад- заступник начальника управління з навчаль- міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії ної роботи — начальник відділу менеджмен- управління персоналом, Президент Всеукра- ту знань Національної академії державного їнської академії наук публічного управління. управління при Президентові України, про- 5. Бова Тетяна В’ячеславівна — док- фесор кафедри управління освітою. тор наук з державного управління, доцент, 13. Гвожьджєвіч Сильвія — кандидат Херсонський національний технічний уні- наук, кафедра адміністрації та національ- верситет, професор кафедри державного ної безпеки Державної професійної вищої управління і місцевого самоврядування. школи ім. Якуба з Парадижа в Гожуві-Ве- 6. Бодров Володимир Григорович — док- ликопольcькому (Гожув-Великопольський, тор економічних наук, професор, завідувач Польща). кафедри управління національним господар- 14. Гечбайя Бадри Нодарович — доктор ством та економічної політики Національної економічних наук, асоційований професор, академії державного управління при Прези- Батумський державний університет ім. Шота дентові України. Руставелі, факультет економіки і бізнесу. Ке- 7. Бульба Володимир Григорович — док- руючий департаментом управління бізнесом тор наук з державного управління, професор, (Грузія). декан факультету підготовки магістрів дер- 15. Гурковський Володимир Ігорович — жавного управління Харківського регіональ- доктор наук з державного управління, пер- ного інституту державного управління На- ший заступник директора ВГО “Центр дослі- ціональної академії державного управління дження проблем публічного управління”. при Президентові України. 16. Дацій Надія Василівна — доктор наук 8. Бутирська Тетяна Олександрівна — з державного управління, доцент, завідувач доктор наук з державного управління, до- кафедри менеджменту і маркетингу Київ- цент, професор кафедри державного управ- ського національного лінгвістичного універ- ління та місцевого самоврядування Іва- ситету.

3 17. Девадзе Анзор Хемидович — кан- Наук, професор кафедри публічного адміні- дидат економічних наук, доктор економіки, стрування Міжрегіональної Академії управ- професор, Батумський державний універси- ління персоналом. тет ім. Шота Руставелі, факультет туризму 28. Козаков Володимир Миколайович — (Грузія). доктор наук з державного управління, профе- 18. Денисюк Світлана Георгіївна — док- сор, професор кафедри державної політики та тор політичних наук, професор кафедри су­ су­спільного розвитку Національної академії спільно-політичних наук Вінницького націо- державного управління при Президентові нального технічного університету. України. 19. Довгань Валерій Іванович — доктор 29. Корнієвський Олександр Анатолійо- наук з державного управління, доцент, про- вич — доктор політичних наук, доцент, завіду- фесор кафедри державного управління та вач сектору громадянського суспільства Націо- місцевого самоврядування Хмельницького нального інституту стратегічних досліджень. університету управління та права. 30. Кринична Ірина Петрівна — доктор 20. Драган Іван Олександрович — доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, про- наук з державного управління, професор ка- фесор кафедри державного управління та федри менеджменту і маркетингу Київського місцевого самоврядування Дніпропетров- національного лінгвістичного університету. ського регіонального інституту державного 21. Драгомирецька Наталія Михайлів- управління Національної академії держав- на — доктор наук з державного управління, ного управління при Президентові України. професор кафедри філософських та соціаль- 31. Крюков Олексій Ігорович — доктор но-політичних наук Одеського регіонально- наук з державного управління, професор ка- го інституту державного управління Націо- федри політології та філософії Харківського нальної академії державного управління при регіонального інституту державного управ- Президентові України. ління Національної академії державного 22. Жулева Гергана — Доктор PhD, ви- управління при Президентові України. конавчий директор болгарської урядової 32. Литвин Юрій Олексійович — доктор “Програми доступу до інформації” (Болга- наук з державного управління, професор, за- рія). відувач кафедри державного управління та 23. Іваницька Ольга Михайлівна — док- місцевого самоврядування Академії муніци- тор наук з державного управління, професор, пального управління. професор кафедри теорії та практики управ- 33. Лопушинський Іван Петрович — док- ління Національного технічного університе- тор наук з державного управління, профе- ту України “Київський політехнічний інсти- сор, Херсонський національний технічний тут ім. Ігоря Сікорського”. університет, завідувач кафедри державного 24. Ірвін Студін — Доктор PhD, професор управління і місцевого самоврядування. Школи державної політики та управління 34. Мамічев Олексій Юрійович — доктор Університету Торонто, Президент Інституту політичних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри питань ХХІ століття, головний редактор і ви- теорії та історії російського та зарубіжного давець журналу Global Brief (Канада). права Владивостоцького державного універ- 25. Кайдашев Роман Петрович — доктор ситету економіки і сервісу (Росія). юридичних наук, доцент, професор кафедри 35. Миколайчук Микола Миколайович — публічного адміністрування Міжрегіональ- доктор наук з державного управління, про- ної Академії управління персоналом. фесор, Одеський регіональний інститут дер- 26. Карташов Євген Григорович — док- жавного управління Національної академії тор наук з державного управління, завідувач державного управління при Президентові кафедри управління проектами та загально- України, професор кафедри економічної та фахових дисциплін, Інститут менеджменту фінансової політики. та психології Національної академії педаго- 36. Мікеладзе Едуард Важаєвич — кан- гічних наук України. дидат економічних наук, професор, Хіча- 27. Кіслов Денис Васильович — док- урський навчальний університет ім. святої тор наук з державного управління, доцент, Тбел Абусерідзе, факультет економіки та біз- член-кореспондент Української Академії несу (Грузія).

4 37. Мішель Маффесолі — професор уні- кий націо­нальний університет імені Юрія верситету ім. Рене Декарта / Сорбонна — Па- Федьковича, завідувач кафедри. риж V (Париж, Французька республіка). 48. Плющ Руслан Миколайович — док- 38. Молодцов Олександр Володимиро- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, вич — доктор наук з державного управлін- професор кафедри державного управління і ня, доцент, професор кафедри державного місцевого самоврядування Херсонського на- управління та місцевого самоврядування ціонального технічного університету. Івано-Франківського національного техніч- 49. Половцев Олег Валентинович — док- ного університету нафти та газу. тор наук з державного управління, професор 39. Науменко Раїса Андріївна — доктор кафедри державного управління і місцевого наук з державного управління, старший на- самоврядування Херсонського національно- уковий співробітник, Київський національ- го технічного університету. ний торговельно-економічний університет, 50. Радченко Олександр Віталійович — професор кафедри менеджменту. доктор наук з державного управління, про- 40. Наумкіна Світлана Михайлівна — док- фесор надзвичайний Поморської академії в тор політичних наук, професор Державного Слупську (Польща). закладу “Південноукраїнський національний 51. Ромат Євгеній Вікторович — доктор педагогічний університет ім. К. Д. Ушинсько- наук з державного управління, завідувач ка- го” (м. Одеса). федри маркетингу та реклами Київського на- 41. Непомнящий Олександр Михайло- ціонального торговельно-економічного уні- вич — доктор наук з державного управління, верситету. академік Академії будівництва України, про- 52. Руденко Ольга Мстиславівна — док- фесор кафедри публічного адміністрування тор наук з державного управління, доцент, Міжрегіональної Академії управління персо- директор Науково-дослідного інституту налом, заслужений будівельник України. публічного адміністрування та менеджменту 42. Новак-Каляєва Лариса Миколаїв- Чернігівського національного технологічно- на — доктор наук з державного управління, го університету. доцент, професор кафедри державного управ- 53. Ручка Анатолій Олександрович — ління та місцевого самоврядування Львів- доктор соціологічних наук, професор, Інсти- ського регіонального­ інституту державного тут соціології НАН України, головний нау- управління Національної академії державно- ковий співробітник. го управління при Президентові України. 54. Саханєнко Сергій Єгорович — док- 43. Новаченко Тетяна Василівна — доктор тор наук з державного управління, професор наук з державного управління, доцент, профе- кафедри державного управління і місцевого сор кафедри парламентаризму та політичного самоврядування Одеського регіонального ін- менеджменту Національної академії держав- ституту державного управління НАДУ при ного управління при Президентові України. Президентові України. 44. Олуйко Віталій Миколайович — док- 55. Сіцінська Майя Володимирівна — тор наук з державного управління, професор, доктор наук з державного управління, про- голова Хмельницького обласного територіаль- фесор кафедри філософії та політології ного відділення Антимонопольного комітету Національного університету державної по- України. даткової служби України. 45. Пархоменко-Куцевіл Оксана Ігорів- 56. Слінько Олександр Анатолійович — на — доктор наук з державного управління, доктор політичних наук, професор, завідувач Радник Голови Національного агентства з кафедри політології та політичного управ- питань запобігання корупції. ління Воронезької філії Російської академії 46. Пивоваров Костянтин Володимиро- народного господарства та державної служ- вич — доктор наук з державного управління, би при Президенті Російської Федерації професор кафедри публічного адміністру- (Росія). вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління 57. Соболєва Наталя Іванівна — доктор персоналом. соціологічних наук, старший науковий спів- 47. Пірен Марія Іванівна — доктор со- робітник, Інститут соціології НАН України, ціологічних наук, професор, Чернівець- провідний науковий співробітник.

5 58. Сурай Інна Геннадіївна — доктор наук гіональної Академії управління персоналом, з державного управління, доцент, професор виконавчий директор Президії громадської кафедри парламентаризму та політичного організації “Всеукраїнська асамблея докто- менеджменту Національної академії держав- рів наук з державного управління”. ного управління при Президентові України. 65. Червякова Ольга Володимирівна — 59. Суший Олена Володимирівна — док- доктор наук з державного управління, про- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, фесор кафедри публічного адміністрування Інститут соціальної та політичної психології Міжрегіональної Академії управління пер- НАПН України, завідувач лабораторії. соналом. 60. Тадеуш Троціковскі — доктор наук 66. Чернишов Юрій Георгійович — док- про управління, професор, член-кореспон- тор політичних наук, професор, завідувач дент Регіональної­ Академії Менеджменту, кафедри Алтайського державного універси- Голова Правління Регіонального Центру Єв- тету, директор Алтайської школи політичних ропейської Інтеграції (Польща). досліджень (Росія). 61. Усаченко Лариса Михайлівна — док- 67. Шайгородський Юрій Жанович — тор наук з державного управління, професор, доктор політичних наук, доцент, головний професор кафедри публічного адміністру- науковий співробітник Інституту політичних і вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кураса персоналом, Заслужений діяч науки і техні- НАН України. ки України. 68. Шпак Юрій Валерійович — доктор 62. Халецька Аліна Анатоліївна — наук з державного управління, професор ка- доктор наук з державного управління, про- федри економіки підприємства Східноєвро- фесор, завідувач кафедри менеджменту ор- пейського університету економіки і менедж- ганізацій та зовнішньоекономічної діяль- менту. ності Волинського інституту економіки та 69. Якимчук Аліна Юріївна — доктор менеджменту. економічних наук, професор, професор ка- 63. Філіпенко Тетяна В’ячеславівна — федри державного управління, документо- доктор наук з державного управління, про- знавства та інформаційної діяльності Націо- фесор Міжрегіональної Академії управління нального університету водного господарства персоналом. та природокористування. 64. Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна — кандидат 70. Яутріте Бріеде — доктор юридичних наук з державного управління, доцент ка- наук, професор, Латвійський університет, федри публічного адміністрування Міжре- юридичний факультет (Латвія).

6 Editor in Chief — Yevhen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, Doctor of sciences in Public Adminis- tration, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, International Personnel Academy and Academy of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Deputy Editor — Iryna Vitaliivna Chaplay, PhD in Public Administration.

Editorial board 9. Oleksii Leonidovych Valevskyi — Doc- tor of science in Public Administration, Senior 1. Lyudmila Nikolayevna Akimova — PhD Researcher, Senior Research of the National In- of economic science, assistant professor, assis- stitute for Strategic Studies. tant professor of the Department of finance and 10. Kostiantyn Oleksandrovych Vashchen- environmental sciences of the National Univer- ko — Doctor of Political Sciences, Head of the sity of Water and Environment. National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, 2. Tetiana Viktorivna Andrushchenko — member-correspondent of the National Acade- Doctor of Political Science, Professor, leading my of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored researcher of the Institute of Higher Education Economist of Ukraine. of National Academy of Educational Sciences of 11. Andrzej Jan Wendt — Habilitovanyy Ukraine. doctor of Earth Sciences in the field of geogra- 3. Eduard Andriyovych Afonin — Doc- phy, professor, Deputy Director from questions tor of sociological science, Professor, Professor of Science and Development of Institute of the of the Department of Political Analysis and Oceanography and Geography of the Gdansk Forecastingof the National Academy for Public University (Poland). Administration under the President of Ukraine. 12. Larysa Anatoliivna Haievska — Doc- 4. Anatolii Mykolaiovych Balashov — tor of science in Public Administration, Asso- Doctor of science in Public Administration, ciate Professor, Depchief of Management from Professor, Professor of the Department of Pub- Educational Work is a Chief of Department lic Administration of the Interregional Aca- of Management of Knowledge of the National demy of Personnel Management, President of Academy of State Administration at President the Ukrainian Academy of Science of Public of Ukraine, Professor of Department of Ma- Administration. nagement Education. 5. Tetiana Viacheslavivna Bova — Doctor 13. Sylvia Hvozhdzhyevich — Candidate of science in Public Administration, Associate of Science, Dept. of Administration and the Professor of the Dept. of Public Administration National Security of State Higher Professional and Local Self-Government of the Kherson Na- School. named Jakub from Paradyzhu in Lub- tional Technical University. lin-Velykopolckomu (Gorzow Wielkopolski, 6. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bodrov — Doc- Poland). tor of economic science, Professor, Head of the 14. Badry Nodarovych Hechbayya — Doc- Dept. of administration of National Economy tor of Economics, Professor Asotsiirovanyy, and Economic Policy of the National Academy Batumi State University of Shota Rustaveli. of Public Administration under the President of Faculty of Economics and Business. Managing Ukraine. of the Dept. of business management (Georgia). 7. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bulba — Doc- 15. Volodymyr Ihorovych Hurkovskyi — tor of Science in Public Administration, Pro- Doctor of science in Public Administration, fessor, Dean of the Faculty of Masters Prepara- First Deputy Director of the NGO “Center of tion of Public Administration of the Kharkov studies of problems of public administration”. Regional Institute of Public Administration of 16. Dadiy Nadezhda Vasilivna — Doctor the National Academy of Public Administra- of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate tion under the President of Ukraine. Professor, Head of the Department of Manage- 8. Tetiana Oleksandrivna Butyrska — Doc- ment and Marketing of the Kyiv National Lin- tor of science in Public Administration, As- guistic University. sociate Professor of the Dept. of Public Ad- 17. Anzor Hemydovych Devadze — Can- ministration and Local Self-government of the didate of economic science, Doctor of Econo- Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University mics, professor, Sh. Rustaveli Batumi State of Oil and Gas. University, Dept. of Tourism (Georgia).

7 18. Svitlana Heorhiivna Denysiuk — Doc- 28. Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Kozakov — tor of Political Science, Professor of the Dept. Doctor of science in Public Administration, Sociopolitical Sciences of the Vinnitsa National Professor of public policy and social deve- Technical University. lopment of the National Academy of Pub- 19. Valerii Ivanovych Dovhan — Doctor lic Administration under the President of of science in Public Administration, Associate Ukraine. Professor of the Dept. of Public Administration 29. Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Kornievs- and Local Self — government of Khmelnytsky kyy — Doctor of Political Science, Associate University of Management and Law. professor, the Heard of the Dept. of civil society 20. Dragan Ivan Alexandrovich — Doctor of the National Institute for Strategic Studies of Science in Public Administration, Professor (NISS). of Management and Marketing Department of 30. Iryna Petrіvna Krynychna — Doctor Kyiv National Linguistic University. of science in Public Administration, Associ- 21. Natalіia Mykhailivna Drahomiret- ate Professor, Professor Department of Public ska — Doctor of science in Public Administra- Administration and Local Self-Government of tion, Professor of the Dept. of Philosophy and the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of Pub- Social and Political Sciences of the Odessa Re- lic Administration of the National Academy of gional Institute of Public Administration of the Public Administration under the President of National Academy of Public Administration Ukraine. under the President of Ukraine. 31. Oleksii Igorevych Kryukov — Doctor 22. Gargana Zhuleva — Doctor PhD, Exe- of science in Public Administration, Professor cutive Director of the Bulgarian government’s of the Dept. of Political Science and Philoso- “Program of access to information” (Bulgaria). phy of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Pub- 23. Ivanitskaya Olga Mikhailovna — Doc- lic Administration of the National Academy of tor of Science in Public Administration, Profes- Public Administration under the President of sor, Professor of the Department of Theory and Ukraine. Practice of Management of the National Tech- 32. Yurii Oleksiyovych Lytvyn — Doctor nical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic of science in Public Administration, Professor, Institute named after M.Sc. Igor Sikorsky”. Head of the Dept. of Public Administration and 24. Irvin Studin — PhD, Professor in the Local government of the Academy of Municipal School of Public Policy and Governance of the Management. University of Toronto, President of the Institute 33. Ivan Petrovych Lopushynskyi — Doc- for ХХІ Century Questions, and also Editor-in- tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Chief and Publisher of Global Brief magazine sor, Head of the Dept. of public administration (Canada). and local government of the Kherson National 25. Roman Petrovych Kaidashev — Doc- Technical University. tor of juridical science, Associate professor, Pro- 34. Oleksii Yuriyovich Mamichev — Doc- fessor of the Department of public administra- tor of Political Science, Associate professor, tion of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Head of the Department of Theory and history Management. of Russian and international law of the Vladi- 26. Evgeny Grigoryevich Kartashov — vostok State University of Economics and Ser- Doctor of science in Public Administration, vice (Russia). Head of the Department of Project Manage- 35. Mykola Mykolaiovych Mykolaichuk — ment and General Professional Disciplines, In- Doctor of science in Public Administration, stitute of Management and Psychology of the Professor of the Dept. of economic and financial National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of policy of the Odessa Regional Institute of Pub- Ukraine. lic Administration of the National Academy of 27. Kislov Denis Vasilievich — Doctor Public Administration under the President of of Sciences in Public Administration, Associ- Ukraine. ate Professor, Corresponding Member of the 36. Edward Vazhayevych Mikeladze — Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Candidate of Economic Science, Professor, Tbel Department of Public Administration of the In- Abuseridze Hichaurskiy University. Faculty of terregional Academy of Personnel Management. Economics and Business (Georgia).

8 37. Michel Maffesoli — Professor of the 47. Maria Ivanivna Piren — Doctor of So- Paris Descartes University / Paris V (Paris, the cial Sciences, Professor, Head of the Dept. of French Republic). the Chernivtsi National University. 38. Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Molodt-­ 48. Ruslan Mykolaiovych Pliushch — Doc- sov — Doctor of science in Public Administra- tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- tion, Professor of the Dept. of Public Adminis- ate Professor of the Dept. of Public Administra- tration and Local Self-government of the Iva- tion and Local Self-government of the Kherson no-Frankivsk National Technical University of National Technical University. Oil and Gas. 49. Oleh Valentynovych Polovtsev — Doc- 39. Raisa Andrіivna Naumenko — Doctor tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- of science in Public Administration, Senior Re- sor of the Dept. of Public Administration and search, Professor of the Dept. of management of Local Self-government of the Kherson National the Kyiv National University of Trade and Eco- Technical University. nomics. 50. Oleksandr Vitaliiovych Radchenko — 40. Svіtlana Mykhailivna Naumkina — Doctor of science in Public Administration, Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Professor of the emergency Pomeranian Aca- South Ukrainian National Pedagogical Univer- demy in Slupsk (Poland). sity named after K. D. Ushynsky. 51. Yevhenii Viktorovych Romat — Doctor 41. Oleksandr Mykhailovych Nepomni- of science in Public Administration, Head of the ashchyi — Doctor of science in Public Adminis- Dept. of marketing and advertising of the Kyiv tration, Academician of Academy of building of National University of Trade and Economics. Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Public 52. Olha Mstyslavivna Rudenko — Doctor Administration of the Interregional Academy of science in Public Administration, Associate of Personnel Management, Honored Builder of Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Ukraine. Public Administration and Management of the 42. Larysa Mykolaivna Novak-Kaliaieva — Chernihiv National Technological University. Doctor of science in Public Administration, 53. Anatolii Oleksandrovych Ruchka — Associate Professor, Professor of the Dept. of Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Chief Public Administration and Local Self-govern- researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Na- ment of the Regional Institute of Public tional Academy of Science of Ukraine. Administration of the National Academy of 54. Serhii Yehorovych Sahanienko — Doc- Public Administration under the President of tor of science in Public Administration, Pro- Ukraine. fessor of the Dept. of public administration 43. Tetiana Vasylivna Novachenko — Doc- and local government of the Odessa Regional tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- Institute of Public Administration under the ate Professor of the Dept. of parliamentary and President of Ukraine of the National of Public political management of the National Academy Administration under the President of Ukraine. of Public Administration under the President of 55. Maiia Volodymyrivna Sitsinska — Doc- Ukraine. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 44. Vitalii Mykolaiovych Oluiko — Doc- sor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Political Sci- tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- ence of the National University of the State Tax sor, Head of Khmelnitsky regional territorial Service of Ukraine. office of the Antimonopoly Committee of 56. Alexander Anatoliiovych Slinko — Doc- Ukraine. tor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the 45. Oksana Ihorivna Parkhomenko-Kut- Department of political science and political ad- sevil — Doctor of science in Public Adminis- ministration of the Voronezh branch of the Rus- tration, Advisor of the Head of the National sian Academy of National Economy and Public Agency on corruption prevention. Service under the President of the Russian Fe- 46. Konstantin Vladimirovich Pivova- deration (Russia). rov — Doctor of Science in Public Adminis- 57. Natalia Ivanivna Sobolieva — Doctor tration, Professor of the Department of Public of Social Sciences, senior researcher, leading Administration of the Interregional Academy of researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Na- Human Resources Management. tional Academy of Science of Ukraine.

9 58. Inna Hennadіivna Suraі — Doctor of the Department of Public Administration of science in Public Administration, Associate the Interregional Academy of Personnel Ma- Professor of the Dept. of parliamentary and nagement, Executive Director of the Presi- political management of the of the National of dium of the NGO “Ukrainian Assembly of Public Administration under the President of doctors of science in public administration”. Ukraine. 65. Olha Volodymyrivna Chervyakova — 59. Olena Volodymyrivna Sushyi — Doctor Doctor of science in Public Administration, of science in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of public adminis- Professor, head of the laboratory of the Institute tration of thwe Interregional Academy of Per- of Social and Political Psychology of the Na- sonnel Management. tional Academy of Political Science of Ukraine. 66. Yurii Heorhiiovych Chernyshev — 60. Tadeusz Trocikowski — Doctor of Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of Management Sciences, professor, correspond- the Department of Altai State University, Di- ing member of the Regional Academy of Ma- rector of the Altai School of Political Studies nagement, Chairman of the Regional Centre for (Russia). European Integration (Poland). 67. Yurii Zhanovych Shaigorodskyi — 61. Larysa Mykhailivna Usachenko — Doctor of Political Science, Associate professor, Doctor of science in Public Administration, Chief Research Scientist of the I. F. Kuras Insti- Professor of the Department of Public Adminis- tute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS tration of the Interregional Academy of Person- of Ukraine. nel Management, Honored Worker of Science 68. Yurii Valeriiovych Shpak — Doctor of and Technology of Ukraine. science in Public Administration, Professor of 62. Alina Anatoliivna Khaletska — Doctor the Dept. of Economics of the enterprise of the of science in Public Administration, Professor, East European University of economics and Head of the Dept. of Management of Organiza- management. tions and Foreign Activity of the Volyn Insti- 69. Alina Yuriivna Yakymchuk — Doctor tute of Economics and Management. of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of 63. Tetiana Viacheslavіvna Filipenko — the Dept. of public administration, documenta- Doctor of science in Public Administration, tion and information activities of the National Professor of the Interregional Academy of Per- University of Water Household and Environ- sonnel Management. ment. 64. Iryna Vіtalіivna Chaplay — PhD in 70. Jautrite Briede — Dr. iur, Professor, Uni- Public Administration, Associate Professor of versity of Latvia, Faculty of Law (Latvia).

10 Content

Afonin E. A., Martynov A. Y. Karpa M. I. Archetypes of individual Competence approach and collective in the model in European public administration: of the universal social cycle...... 18 essence and development trends Bielska T. V., Lashkina M. H. (archetypal aspect)...... 132 The countries of transition democracy Kotovska O. P. in the process of democratic transit: The construction of identity an archetypal aspect...... 34 and values in local, national Valevskyi O. L. and virtual space...... 144 Institutional and valuable basics Lapina V. V. of reforms in Ukraine: European The archetype of consumption context...... 51 and its contradictions Gavkalova N. L., Amosov O. Y. in the contemporary European space The influence of archetypes of economic and social interactions... 159 on social transformations...... 62 Naplyokov Y. V. Нavryliuk A. M. The archetypal foundations Archetype of Ukrainian of value choice in the process ethnic turism in symbolic context of adaptation to the modern of local identity: society...... 171 management aspect...... 75 Novachenko T. V. Holovanova N. V. Competition of representation Values of information policy of value alternatives to socio-political in the space of Ukraine-EU reality of Ukraine...... 184 (in the light of plotin, levinas Omelyanenko V. A. and syncretic approaches in the Archetypical analysis of the philosophy of ancient Kyiv)...... 87 innovation development resources Gorelova I. V., Arpentieva M. R. of European public administrative Problems of context space (comparative approach)...... 198 and conceptual management...... 101 Patrakov V. P. Deliіa O. V. European genocodes of national Archetype of the place cultures in varietate concordia ...... 213 in architectonic of the environment Plakhtiy T. O. of public policy...... 114 Archetypal principles behind Dovgan A. V. political space realignment...... 227 Public administration from Ponomarenko L. V. the standpoint of deterministic social Modern trends and contradictions sense (archetypal approach)...... 124 in the processes of nation-building

11 in Ukraine and the European Union the discourse of nomadism in the mirror of archetypes...... 244 in the concept of M. Maffesoli...... 301 Rohulskyi O. I. Sudakov V. I. Preparing public servants The labor division as the archetypal in European countries: source of social integration, archetypal approach...... 255 social conflicts and social tensions in the European public space...... 314 Semenets-Orlova I. A., Kyselova Y. Y. Multidimensional management Sushyi O. V. contemporary: generation Social archetypic in the public of social meanings for a new administration problem field: collective identities...... 264 contemporary state and prospects of development...... 325 Serdechna L. V. Conceptual and value-based Shkliarevsky Gennady archetypes of “having” and “being” Reason, power, and the project in self-regulation of advertising...... 274 of emancipation...... 339 Sychova V. V. Shchegortsova V. M. Archetepative basis of interaction Motivation of civil servants from authorities and oppositions archetypical approach perspective: in the implementation theory and problem issues...... 356 of the decommunization policy Yaremenko N. V., Kolomiets N. Y. in Ukraine...... 285 Reinterpretation of the archetypes Sobolnikov V. V. of the “Divine Child” in the aspect The unconscious as a source of the implementation of the of the archetype of Europe: sustainable development program.... 367

12 Dear authorities, organizing committee and participants of the annuel events of Ukrainian school of archetypes!!

It is a great honour for me to con- gratulate you with the beginning of MTS-2018 dedicated to public admini- stration and archetypes. In 2017, I had a pleasure to be one of the speakers at TMS-2017, and I have to admit that I was impressed with the dynamics of your thought and audacity of intelligence with which the issues of evolution in public administration from the perspective of social changes are considered in your country. Actually, our models of public ser- vice, are undoubtably saturated with the principles of progressiveness, indi- vidualism, rationalism, productiveness, therefore they need to be updated to be better adapted to the changing world. These issues are traditionally dis- cussed by political analysts and lawy- ers, therefor the archetypical analysis types cooperate with one another, how will allow us to find the most exact they are expressed at a certain degree, words to describe and get used to such to determine the epoch climate. changes. If the modernism epoch witnessed These year TMS events is held at triumph of Apollo’s model, the imagi- the University where sociology, eth- nary of diurne, that is the sword, in the nology, and even philosophy have been same way the Imaginary of nocturne, considerably influenced by the great that is of the bowl, or what I call Di- French anthropologist Gilbert Du- onis, becomes more and more evident rand, the author of the master book in our postmodernism epoch. The Anthropological Structures of the However, the public administration Imaginary. It is worth recalling that systems or if we put it in more neutral Gilbert Durand’s approach refers to terms — ways of regulating of common Carl Gustav Yung and his concept of coexistence at a state level, are not in- archetypes as the foundation of collec- different to such evolution of the soci- tive unconscious and its various mani- ety and epoch changes. festations in dreams, creativity and In this respect determination of the arts in particular. The imaginary of one basic archetypes of one or the other epoch is the way how various arche- public configuration allow us to recon-

13 sider the foundation of “res publica” rooting of public administration bodies and common existence. on the European ground. More than It has special importance from the the political and administrative divi- European perspective. Indeed, it is sion, these roots that are laying foun- important to resituate ourselves in dation for our formation of European the long time of the history of ideas, citizens. to detect permanence and continui- Our work which I am sure will be ties beyond the jolts of history, while filled with numerous exchanges be- taking into account its discontinuity. tween Kyiv and Montpelier, and in And since it values more than the na- general, with international exchanges tional borders which are the result of of the Paul Valéry University, will ena- the somewhat frozen modernity, it is ble experts in administration and poli- important to comprehend the rooting tics to deploy various analysis: inter- of our countries and in this way of the disciplinary, innovative, and exact.

Emeritus professor of Sorbonne University Member of l’institut universitaire de France Founder of CEAQ and Cahiers européens de l’imaginaire Michel Maffesoli

14 Dear colleagues!

The processes of formation and deve- lopment of historical traditions, achieve- ments and communicative miscalcula- tions in building trust between state authorities and the public, on the way of institutional and functional reformations of the authorities in Ukraine, are the ac- tual directions of scientific research in the field of public administration. The fact is that, at the present stage, arhetypyka is a generally accepted and recognized as a managerial concept of interdisciplinary research in public ad- ministration, which aims to balance the interests of the state and society. At the same time, the growing interdependence of economic, social and environmental interests has led to the inclusion of so- cial-economic, political-organizational, state-management and other areas of the Head of the Ukrainian school of ar- social relations in the sphere of imple- chetypes, Doctor of sociological science, mentation of arhetypyka. The practice of Professor Afonin Eduard Andreevych, public administration shows that arhe- who organized the TMS. typyka becomes a concept used by state In my opinion, such an interdisci- authorities and local self-government. plinary approach, of number 4 (14) — The special feature of the # 4 (14) — May 2018 of the collection has its advan- May 2018 of the collection “Public ma- tages, as it opens up opportunities for se- nagement” is the fact that it contains rious breakthroughs in the depths on the the content of the reports of the IX in- flanks for the actualization, rationaliza- ternational theoretical and methodologi- tion and modernization of public admin- cal seminar (TMS) and the VI Interna- istration and the birth of new scientific tional contest for young scholars (CYS) directions. on the subject: “Archetypes and public I wish you my dear colleagues and administration: European space in the readers, good health, creative inspiration dimensions of imaginary, real and ideal”. and new professional achievements in which took place on June 29-30, 2018 in our responsible and honorable work for Montpellier, France, at Montpellier Uni- the benefit of the development of educa- versity. I take this opportunity to thank tion and science in Ukraine. Regards, Chief editor, Vice rector of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, President of the Ukrainian Assembly of doctors of Science in Public Administration of Ukraine, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Y. O. Romanenko

15 Dear friends, fellow researchers and coauthors-readers! will serve as an effective incentive for creativity of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes, ideological enrichment of modern development and harmoniza- tion of national and regional institutions of public administration of Ukraine. The present meeting is a good op- portunity for researchers of academic schools in France and Ukraine to look deep into the centuries, to see the na- tional roots of our countries on the background of civilization mosaic, to feel the titanic energy of the creation of good deeds by great predecessors, to imbue with the famous spirit of the joint European culture. Reliable lead- ing marks for descendants will be in the cultural sights of European nations, to which undoubtedly belong Saint I sincerely congratulate you on the Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv and Kyiv publication of the special edition of Pechersk Lavra, Zaporozhian Sich and the journal “Public Administration”, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Volodymyr the which represents the key ideas of the Great and . 9th annual theoretical and methodolo- The Ukrainian public history was gical seminar and the 6th annual contest annealed here, which sometimes unex- of young scholars on the general theme pectedly for many people changed its “Archetypes and Public Administra- procession, and its creators resolutely tion: European Space in the Measures straightened after centuries of humilia- of the Imaginary, Real and Ideal”. tion. On this earth the Cossack freedom This year the academic forum of appeared, inspired by the historical the Ukrainian School of Archetypes is memory and valour of Kyiv Rus period, hosted on 28-29 June by the famous an- consecrated by the waters of the gray cient university of the south of France Dnipro (Borysthenes). People’s will the Paul Valéry University of Montpel- and statehood were forged here. lier III. The history of this university is To these sacred places, exalted by closely connected with the archetypes the national apostles of truth and sci- of European culture, and its oecumene ence, where history was created, where is fastened with truthful knowledge the word of truth was hammered and and eternal humanistic values. It can be the feeling of national dignity was said without exaggeration that the sci- cherished, you and we, the contempo- entific and cultural heritage of France raries, return as on a pilgrimage.

16 I am sure that having touched spiri- Let the wisdom and experience of tual relics, our academic school of ar- professors and teachers, creative inspi- chetypes, now joint with the colleagues ration and aspiration for honour and from France, and its participants will civic duty of young scholars overcome acquire new creative rises and stimuli all temporary troubles and sorrows as to European harmony and growth! true humanistic dominants!

Academic Adviser of the project “Ukrainian School of Archetypes” Professor Eduard Afonin

17 UDC 316.012:141.7 Afonin Eduard Andriyovych, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Chair of Public Policy and Political Analytics, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Antona Tsedіkа, 20, tel.: + 38 (067) 244 46 59, e-mail: bpa- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Афонін Едуард Андрійович, доктор соціологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри публічної політики та політичної аналітики, Національна ака- демія державного управління при Прези- дентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Анто- на Цедіка, 20, тел.: + 38 (067) 244 46 59, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Афонин Эдуард Андреевич, доктор социологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры публичной политики и политической аналитики, Националь- ная академия государственного управ- ления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Антона Цедика, 20, тел.: + 38 (067) 244 4659, e-mail: bpafonin@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Martynov Andrii Yuriyovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 01001, Kyiv, Str. Hrushevskoho, 4, tel.: + 38 (044) 483 15 72, e-mail: martynov.andriy@ ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980 Мартинов Андрій Юрійович, доктор історичних наук, професор, про- відний науковий співробітник відділу іс- торії міжнародних відносин і зовнішньої політики України, Інститут історії України НАН України, 01001, м. Київ, вул. Грушев- ського, 4, тел.: + 38 (044) 483 1572, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980

18 Мартынов Андрей Юрьевич, доктор исторических наук, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник отдела исто- рии международных отношений и внешней политики Украины, Институт истории Украины НАН Украины, 01001, г. Киев, ул. Грушевского, 4, тел.: (044) 483 15 72, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980 DOI


Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of the interaction of arche- types of individual and collective in the context of the model of the universal so- cial cycle and the history of the development of corresponding concepts. Modern sociological theories are the attempts to find answers to challenges of the ongoing modernization process. Controversial approaches in most sociological theories seem to be “methodological individualism” or “methodological holism”. Accord- ingly, modern space is marked, so to speak, by the dominance of “instrumental reason”. With the onset of the early Modern era, societies have a rigid opposition to traditional social institutions and values (in the spirit of “revolutionary diso- bedience of socio-class interests”). The contradictions between individual and collective become sharp, which ultimately, is resolved in favor of the latter. The developed Modern is already characterized by the ideals of stability and security that reconcile individual and collective. Instead, the late Modern (or Postmo- dern) reinforces the controversy in individual and collective relations, stimulates social disintegration, blurs individual and collective identities. The issue of the nonlinear, cyclic approach to the highlighting of the interaction of archetypes of individual and collective remains open. For every person living in the soci- ety in one way or another is connected with the information-energy interaction between society and the individual, between “WE” and “I”. Postmodernity also actualizes the other side of social life of a human being, society and civilization, which is a cyclical psychosocial process. Each of the stages of this process reveals, as evidenced by the research of the Ukrainian school of archetypes, national pe- culiarities of social systems, as well as typical for one or another historical epoch psychosocial characteristics, and socio-historical development appears as inter- action of mental and social structures. Keywords: archetype, individual, collective, universal social cycle. АРХЕТИПИ ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНОГО І КОЛЕКТИВНОГО В МОДЕЛІ УНІВЕРСАЛЬНОГО СОЦІАЛЬНОГО ЦИКЛУ Анотація. Розглянуто особливості взаємодії архетипів індивідуального та колективного у форматі моделі універсального соціального циклу та істо-

19 рії розвитку відповідних уявлень. Сучасні соціологічні теорії є спробами по- шуку відповідей на виклики процесу модернізації, що триває. Конкуруючи- ми підходами у більшості соціологічних теорій, здається, є “методологічний індивідуалізм” чи “методологічний холізм”. Відповідно, сучасний простір позначається, так би мовити, домінуванням “інструментального розуму”. З настанням епохи суспільства раннього модерну має місце жорстка опозиція до традиційних соціальних інститутів та цінностей (в дусі “революційної непоборності соціально-класових інтересів”). Протиріччя між індивідуаль- ним та колективним стають дедалі гострішими і, зрештою, вирішуються на користь останнього. Розвинений Модерн вже характеризується ідеалами стабільності та безпеки, які примирюють індивідуальне і колективне. Нато- мість уже пізній Модерн (або Постмодерн) посилює контраверсію у відно- синах індивідуального та колективного, стимулює соціальну дезінтеграцію, розмиває індивідуальні і колективні ідентичності. Відкритим залишається питання нелінійного, циклічного підходу до висвітлення взаємодії архети- пів індивідуального та колективного. Для кожної людини проживання в соціумі так чи інакше пов’язано з інформаційно-енергетичною взаємодією суспільства та індивіда, між “МИ” та “Я”. Постмодерна сучасність актуалі- зує також інший бік соціального життя людини, суспільства та цивілізації, яке є циклічним психосоціальним процесом. Кожен з етапів цього процесу виявляє (як свідчать дослідження Української школи архетипіки) як націо- нальні особливості соціальних систем, так і властиві тій чи іншій історичній епосі психосоціальні характеристики, а соціально-історичний розвиток по- стає взаємодією психічних і соціальних структур. Ключові слова: архетип, індивідуальне, колективне, універсальний соці- альний цикл. АРХЕТИПЫ ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНОГО И КОЛЛЕКТИВНОГО В МОДЕЛИ УНИВЕРСАЛЬНОГО СОЦИАЛЬНОГО ЦИКЛА Аннотация. Рассмотриваются особенности взаимодействия архетипов индивидуального и коллективного в формате авторской модели “универ- сального социального цикла” и истории развития соответствующих пред- ставлений. Современные социологические теории являются попытками поиска ответов на вызовы процесса модернизации, который продолжается. Конкурирующими подходами в большинстве социологических теорий, ка- жется, является “методологический индивидуализм” или “методологический холизм”. Соответственно, современное пространство отмечается, так сказать, доминированием “инструментального разума”. С наступлением эпохи обще- ства раннего Модерна имеет место жесткая оппозиция традиционных соци- альных институтов и ценностей (в духе “революционной непреодолимости социально-классовых интересов”). Противоречия между индивидуальным и коллективным становятся все острее и, наконец, разрешаются в пользу по- следнего. Развитой Модерн уже характеризуется идеалами стабильности и безопасности, которые примиряют индивидуальное и коллективное. Зато

20 уже поздний Модерн (или Постмодерн) усиливает контраверсию в отноше- ниях индивидуального и коллективного, которая стимулирует социальную дезинтеграцию, размывает индивидуальные и коллективные идентичности. Открытым остается вопрос нелинейного, циклического подхода к освеще- нию взаимодействия архетипов индивидуального и коллективного. Для каж- дого человека проживание в социуме так или иначе связано с информаци- онно-энергетическим взаимодействием общества и индивида, между “МЫ” и “Я”. Постмодернистская современность актуализирует также другую сто- рону социальной жизни человека, общества и цивилизации, которая явля- ется циклическим психосоциальным процессом. Каждый из этапов этого процесса обнаруживает (как показывают исследования Украинской школы архетипики) как национальные особенности социальных систем, так и при- сущие той или иной исторической эпохе психосоциальные характеристики, а социально-историческое развитие предстает взаимодействием психических и социальных структур. Ключевые слова: архетип, индивидуальное, коллективное, универсаль- ный социальный цикл.

Formulation of the problem. Mo- stract soul, common to all people, even dern sociological theories are the at- if it manifests itself through individual tempts to find answers to challenges consciousness. In fact, the archetype is of the ongoing modernization process. a collective unconscious cultural stere- Controversial approaches in most so- otype that affects the behavior and his- ciological theories seem to be methodo- tory of mankind. Since the archetype logical individualism or methodological is a phenomenon of the human uncon- holism. Accordingly, the modern space scious, which manifests itself in culture is marked by the dominance of the “in- and religion, then it is characterized strumental mind”. With the onset of by a certain socio-historical dynamics, the Early Modern, a rigid (revolutio- which has its own laws. The first at- nary) opposition to traditional social tempt to demonstrate the relationship institutions and values arises. For the between the development of world his- developed Modern the ideals of stabi- tory and the idea of archetype on the lity and security of both the individual example of the development of local and the collective, are inherent. Instead, civilizations was made by the German the late Modern (or Postmodern) rein- philosopher O. Spengler. forces the controversy in individual and The experience of many generations, collective relations, stimulates social accumulated in the spiritual treasures disintegration, blurring of individual of the memory of the cultures of many and collective identities. nations, generally forms the landscape Swiss psychologist K. G. Jung de- of archetypes of local civilizations, each fined the archetype as an irrational un- of which is a part of the world civili- conscious, which he denoted as an ab- zational space and the embodiment of

21 certain groups of peoples, ethnic groups social organization, which ultimately and states that are self-identified by “pushes” the human community into a the community of spiritual, cultural, new cycle of world-historical develop- ethnic and religious values, historical ment. In essence, there is a contradic- destinies and geopolitical interests. The tion actualized between an individual follower of C. G. Jung and the founder and the authorities, which was suc- of archetypal psychology J. Hillman in cessfully described by the ideologues the monograph “The Power of charac- of anarchism from P. Kropotkin and ter” notes that “character is the driv- M. Bakunin, who protest against vari- ing force” [1, p. 178]. This character is ous international forums and declare formed in the interaction of archetypes themselves to be “fighters with anti- of individual and collective. human ideas of globalization”. Analysis of the main research prob- The formation of an early Modern is lems. E. Durkheim, the founder of the in one way or another connected with French sociological school, proposed the ideas of K. Marx and F. Engels re- to consider society as a superindividual garding the development of “productive and subindividual reality that possesses forces”, in which the individual is re- individuals and does not depend upon garded as a source of physical strength, on them. At the same time, the German and the economy is limited by the re- philosopher and founder of phenome- lationship “goods – money – goods” nology, E. Husserl, emphasized that (a kind of production for the sake of “Me” is before everything conceivable, consumption). Industrialization, be- and it is for the subject who expresses coming the leading idea of the modern such a judgment, the primordial inten- epoch, exacerbates the social issue and tional base of his world [2, p. 137–138]. the relationship between an individual Today, in the leading countries of the and collective. In the context of indi- world, with the help of innovative com- vidual archetypes there are phenomena munication systems, the individual of “social fetishism” and “individual gradually acquires an greater degree alienation” [3, p. 114]. The German so- of individual freedom. He creates its ciologist M. Weber attracts our atten- own virtual world that goes beyond tion to “methodological individualism”, the boundaries of a national state body, he describes the problem of subjective even becomes a leading producer of in- perception of social relations. Ameri- tellectual information, which can claim can sociologist T. Parsons, answering to play a role independent on the state the question of how a social system can and social group in the world. exist, states that it exists only through On the other hand, this leads to a collective values [4, p. 155]. German so- certain conflict between the movable ciologist N. Elias spoke about the dual interests of the “autonomous persona- civilization process, characterized by lity” and the social values consolidated uneven distribution of models of civi- within the nation. Gradually, this be- lized behavior among individuals and comes an important contributor to the in society as a whole [4, p. 196]. contradictions between the global sub- One of the co-founders of the Frank- ject “Me” and the permanent form of furt Philosophical School T. Adorno in

22 the middle of the twentieth century bridization of technology and nature, as wrote that we live in the age of “disin- well as technology and human beings tegrating individuals, and societies that [9]. In his latest monograph, “The Me- regress” [5, p. 361]. In the work “Dia- tamorphoses of the World”, the German lectics of Enlightenment” T. Adorno, sociologist W. Beck draws attention to along with M. Horkheimer noted that the fact that climate change integrates “people are radically alienated from nature and society [10, p. 65]. each other and from nature” [6, p. 270]. Overview of unresolved tasks. The German futurist H. Opaszowski open question remains the nonlinear, writes about the danger of the middle cyclic approach to the highlighting of class blurring and the emergence of the the interaction of archetypes of indi- phenomenon of the procuracy, that is, vidual and collective. the temporarily employed labor force. The purpose of the paper is to dem- The progress of technology kills many onstrate the epistemological capabili- jobs. A new phenomenon for the wes- ties of the author’s cycle model of the tern civilization is the poverty of those universal social cycle on the example who work. There is no more favorite of the interaction of archetypes of indi- work, which parents used to have. vidual and collective. There is a constant shortage of qualifi- Presenting main material. For eve- cations. Flexible change in occupations ry person living in the society in one leads to loss of employee loyalty and a way or another is connected with the shortage of social time. As a result, the information-energy interaction be- democratic political system becomes tween society and the individual, be- unstable [7, p. 45]. There is a hybridiza- tween “WE” and “US”. Accordingly, tion of consumption in an aging society. the links between the societal psyche, Due to the increase in anthropological which characterizes the current post- load, nature loses the usual mechanisms modern society as an integrity, and the of self-regulation. In social life there individual psyche of a certain person, is an irreversible process of losing the which undergoes dynamic changes to- privacy of personal data. Life in me- day, are actualized. In the context of tropolises is de facto taking place under these changes, there is every reason to permanent video surveillance. Anomie consider the subject only the part of the gives a real picture of the destruction of society that actively influences others collective morality. Instead of two gen- beyond itself. For example, the subjects ders, gender pluralism is already under of politics are large social groups with discussion [8]. The process of globali- their specific interests that define the zation makes hybrid national forms of meaning of political action. At a cer- social inequality. M. Hardt and A. Negri tain stage of their development, they in the monograph “Empire” drew atten- create their own political structures, tion not only to the political tendency made to act effectively in the interests of transition from modernist imperia- of their groups. The direct organizers of lism to postmodern imperial order with- political actions are individuals, if they out external borders and with limited determine the direction, course and national sovereignty, but also to the hy- content of political processes, so an im-

23 portant role is played by another sub- p. 24]. All the life of a person of a tradi- ject — a political leader as a person who tional society, says Russian philosopher has a crucial influence on the members A. Ahiezer, is an endless system of cy- of a particular social group. cles, which he reproduces as rituals. A leader is an subject that has an or- Sacred rituals were a way of adaptation ganizational and integrating influence. to natural, cosmic cycles [12, p. 122]. In As evidenced by the rich historical ex- addition, human mental development perience, the activity of the leader pro- have cyclic nature. In particular, in the motes the disclosure of the creative po- psychological structure of human ac- tential of a small or large social group, tivity, the communicative (mastering of and sometimes, on the contrary, pre- tasks, motives, norms of human activity vents it. It is appropriate to note that and development of emotional sphere) liberalism considers the symbolic “end and substantive (formation of opera- of history” the liberation of an indivi- tional possibilities) are interchangeably dual from all forms of collective identi- actualized [13, p. 96]. ty. And all this happens in the context of The general scientific principles of the implementation of a system-build- the author’s concept of the universal ing for the postmodern age psychologi- social cycle are logically associated cal factor. with the notion that the “inanimate” Postmodernity also actualizes nature is characterized by symmetry, the other side of social life of man, whereas the “animated” nature, in- society and civilization, which is a cluding the social form of matter, which cyclical psychosocial process. Each is hierarchically higher than all the of the stages of this process reveals, others, is characterized by the asym- as evidenced by the research of the metry caused by the gender dichotomy Ukrainian school of archetype, natio- of society. nal peculiarities of social systems, and Twenty years ago, speaking to the typical for one or another historical ep- National Library of Ukraine named och psychosocial characteristics, and after V. I. Vernadskyi, with the jubilee socio-historical development appears (to the author’s fiftieth anniversary) interaction of mental and social struc- lecture “Social relativism or sociology tures. of the transitional age of social deve- Not the last value for social life and lopment” E. Afonin drew the attention behavior of social systems is carried of his colleagues to the law of Louis by biological cycles. The annual cy- Pasteur (1822–1885) and Pierre Cu- clicality of ancient agricultural socie- rie (1859–1906), who, in studies on ties established the tradition of cyclic crystals, showed and explained the dis- understanding of being. In particular, symmetry of “living” nature. And a de- O. Chyzhevskyi linked human (social) cade earlier, based on the original sys- activity with the rhythms of space cy- tem engineering model of the Russian cles. The activity of the Sun displays A. Gribashev’s “Semisloika” and the a tense social system from the state intuitive sense of the asymmetry of of equilibrium, becoming a signal for “animated” nature, it was managed to its switching to another quality [11, construct an author’s projective psy-

24 chodiagnostic technique of “Color of social cycles are asynchronous. The Tendencies” (1987). Using as a stimu- principle of asymmetry of cycles has lant the seven colors of the “rainbow”, practically not been taken into account the technique allows to distinguish 49 in previous concepts of the cyclical human psychotypes. Adapted to mass development of social objects, and tra- sociological surveys, the variant of the ditional notions of cycles still connect methodology allowed to measure the the final phase of development with the codes of Ukrainian (62:38), Russian repetition of the first one, although the (56:44) and Belarusian (37:63) cul- content of the social cycle is naturally tures in 1992 and to begin monitoring regarded as a set of connected pheno- of system-wide changes in Ukraine mena and processes, which reflect the (1992–2017). completed development cycle for a cer- The author’s idea of the possible tain period of time. distribution of codes of world cultures For understanding the cyclic model, somewhat resembles the periodic sys- the notion of the difference in the cy- tem of chemical elements of the table clic time paradigm from the linear one of Russian chemist D. Mendeleev — has a big importance . Social reality is the classification of chemical elements, historical in its essence. A historical which establishes the dependence of phenomenon can not be adequately various properties of elements on the explained outside of its time. Instead, charge of the atomic nucleus. The key the term “social time” describes human hypothesis of the author’s concept is activity and social relations during cer- that the psychosocial characteristics tain social processes. At the same time, of the Eastern and Southern national every society or local civilization has cultures are close to symmetry, while its own configurations of social time. In their Western and Northern cultural ancient times, the concept of “histori- controversies — to asymmetry. Under cal time” was introduced into scientific such conditions it is logical that the circulation, it is kairos (from the Greek socio-historical cycles, starting at the language — “favorable moment”) as a East and South, in the process of de- period of time, favorable or unfavorable ploying of a large epochal cycle, move for a particular event. Instead, chronos the center of the historical civilization was defined as “physical time”. In the process to the West and the North. Now Orthodox tradition, kairos is a time mankind is again at a crossroads. that has a specific historical meaning. The idea of a new cyclical paradigm It is kairos that fills the social histori- of the historical process consists in un- cal periods. Historical time is a local derstanding the fundamental difference characteristic of the development of of the very nature of the deployment of the organic part of the nonlinear en- social cycles. Unlike cycles that occur vironment. The internal (biological) in nature, and are, as we already know, time of existence of a particular system symmetric, the repetition of historical characterizes its functioning. Instead, cycles is also asymmetrical. Symmetric the external (socio-historical) time is cycles (spiral) correspond to the model the time of its change. For example, in of the pendulum, whereas the rhythms the opinion of the Polish sociologist

25 P. Stompka, internal time consists of of the full cycle is reduced to a model short-term social changes, and external in which the final phase is converted to time is a real historical time, which en- the original one, and the cycle begins ters into eternity [14, p. 287]. again, passing the same route. Generally, social time is a value- In the “universal social cycle” de- normative concept that determines the signed by the authors, the reverse pro- existence and functioning of society. cess does not coincide (in form) with a Social time characterizes the sequence series of previous processes. It is embo- of different activities and is a non-ma- died in the general trajectory of a spiral, terial form of wealth of society and each when successive states are mostly simi- member. The rhythm of social life is al- lar, but not identical. Reverse processes most always uneven, because it consists in a spiral signify a repetition of the of many rhythms of components. process at a relatively high level or (for Accumulated in a certain physical a downward model) at a relatively low time, information is not transmitted level. The general duration of the cycle automatically to every person from is not absolute (the same), but depends birth. Instead, people who are in a on the type of cyclic processes. So, the particular historical situation are try- universal social cycle is non-rhythmic, ing to absorb it throughout their lives. and the intervals between the phases of Therefore, people who live in different this cycle are not equal. Actually, such a historical epochs possess qualitatively cycle, according to the authors, is only different levels of knowledge. There able to withstand chaos and anarchy. are also ways to master knowledge, as Let’s say more, the concepts of “evo- well as the pace of their building-up. lution” — “revolution” that are existing In particular, according to American from the time of the Modern notion of A. Toffler, 70 % of the population of the social development on the basis of di- Earth live in different past, 25 % — in chotomy — are not adequate to the mo- the present, 3 % — in the future [15, dernity and the present complexity of p. 81]. History studies the past, socio- the historical process. Moreover, they logy — present, futurology — the fu- contradict the laws of dialectics, in par- ture. Symbiosis of these sciences gives ticular the denial of denial law, accord- a real picture of being. ing to which the natural cycle, which The most common models of social consists of two normative periods and time are linear, cyclic, point and phase. two transitional states, should be re- In a linear model, time runs continu- produced in social nature. The authors ously and irreversibly from the past to propose a model of the “Universal Social the present, and then to the future. In Cycle”, the parts of which are two nor- the classical cyclic model, the flow of mative periods: “involution” and “evolu- time is constantly repeated and forms tion” and two transitional states: “revo- a closed circle within which the time lution” and “co-evolution”. consequently and continuously pro- Revolution. During the revolu- ceeds in one direction from the past to tion there is a peculiar “war of eve- the future, and then again to the past. In ryone against everyone” (Latin Bel- addition, the traditional interpretation lum omnium contra omnes), by which

26 the English materialist philosopher rity as a feature social and productive T. Hobbes describes the natural state of activities. The fundamental meanings society before the conclusion of the “so- that cultivate the science of the involu- cial contract” and the formation of the tionary era are the source of the deve- state, since in the social system the pos- lopment of the collective unconscious. sible number self-sufficient individuals The mechanism of transforming these reaches its maximum. The uneasy non- meanings into the collective uncon- linear process of terrifying revolutio- scious is the school as a social institu- nary vicissitudes seems to have a logi- tion, which, due to the collective na- cal temporal inversion. An example of ture of educational activity, produces such reverse processes in the USSR was invariants of these actions. In particu- the period of the NEP (New Economic lar, according to the theory of “phased Policy), which lasted from the end of formation of mental actions” of the So- the Civil War (1921) to the beginning viet Ukrainian psychologist P. Galperin of industrialization (1929). In the end, [16, p. 236–277], any action, other than together with the formed collective en- operations, consists of an IBA (indica- tity “Us” the revolutionaries of the So- tive basis of action) — a system of rep- viet system led the masses to “gain the resentations of the nature of the envi- common fruits of historical creativity”. ronment, conditions, purpose, plan and True, in the socio-historical terms, the means of action. Transfer in the learn- revolution naturally opens the way to ing process of action-skills in habbit a social involution, the consequence of patterns — automatic actions, in fact, which is the collapse of the social space. are the mechanism that transforms the Yet the general historical result of the knowledge component of the action involution is the assimilation by the (theoretical knowledge or their mean- future generations of new — modern — ings) into the collective unconscious. social meanings. Currently, psychoso- Coevolution. The general configu- cial mechanisms that enhance the role ration of the changes in the co-evolu- of myths and traditions, which are, in tionary transitional state is mirror to fact, the main regulators of the “static its controversy — the revolution. In its social norm”, enhance their influence. bowels a new — individual — value ap- The degree of freedom of an individual pears, and its carrier is affirmed — the in such a society is limited to the influ- subject “Me” (a self-sufficient indi- ence of the collective and society as a vidual) who squeezes on the periphery whole. of the social system of the former col- Involution. The psychosocial basis league “Us”. It is this moment in the of the involution determines the emotio- history of independent Ukraine that nally sensitive type and behavior of the the first “maidan” — “Orange” (2004), person based on the material picture of which, in fact, gave birth to a citizen the world, the orientation to socially or self-sufficient Ukrainian. Thus, for significant values, intuitional thinking, 33,7 % of adult citizens, 21,3 % were evaluative-volitional decision-making, self-sufficient Ukrainians, and 12,4 % reliance on external social control, the were collectivists [17, p. 101]. “Dig- functioning and maintenance of integ- nity maidan” (2013–2014) took place

27 against the background of the essen- to 2014, but with the continuous social tial growth of these indicators: 44,3 %, growth of Ukraine, which, in particular, 24,1 %, 20,2 %. At the end of 2017, these in the economic aspect will significantly indicators increased, to 46,8 %, 25,5 % exceed the projected by World Bank’s and 21,3 % respectively. 2,5–3,0 % annual economic growth. In It is worth noting that unrealized addition, this growth will already be on overestimated expectations from the an updated psychosocial basis. Orange Maidan regarding the adoption In the context of the key forecast of new values as the basis for further of the Ukrainian School of Archetype development of the country generated on the prospects for social growth in (2006) authoritarian (controversial) Ukraine, we would like to recall the trends in the social system — (such as 50-year-old historical novel by P. Za- “NEP inside out”) and pathosichologi- grebelnyi’s “Divo” (1968), which com- cal state (such a cow that got on ice), bines the plot lines of the times of Kyiv which Ukraine (as well as other post- Rus and then-present, the fate of Yaro- Soviet countries) still has [17, p. 100]. slav the Wise and the talented architect Essentially, this state is legitimately with fates of Soviet contemporaries. tied to violations of inter-system rela- But, if the described by P. Zagrebelny tions, which a priori puts Ukraine in a Ukrainian miracle grew up on myths situation of non-controllability. Prog- and traditions as social regulators of nostically, it should be noted that both the Soviet era, then the current, pre- the entrance and the exit of the social dicted by representatives of the U.S.A. system from an uncontrolled pathosy- Ukrainian miracle, will grow on a pure- chological state occurred and will oc- ly rational basis. And together, both cur “unexpectedly”, although accord- these miracles, like the two sides of ing to the dialectical law the transfer one medal, will be united through the of quantity into quality, as evidenced, Ukrainian psychosocial nature and its in particular, by the growing number of cultural code — the Golden Section — social reforms: 1 (2005) — 28 (2010) — and will feed the main — the human re- 62 (2014) — 144 (2017). source of Ukraine’s growth. According to the monitoring studies Evolution. The psychosocial basis of of “System-wide changes in Ukraine”, evolution will be determined by the ra- which are carried out during 1992– tional type and behavior of the person 2017, representatives of the Ukrai- based on the subjective idealist picture nian School of Archetype predict a of the world, the orientation towards high probability for a Ukrainian society utilitarian values (material benefits, of coming out of the pathosychologi- economic efficiency, etc.), sensory-logi- cal state and of the systemic crisis as a cal thinking (according to the formula whole during the period 2019–2021. “if I don’t touch, I do not believe”), the Actually, a new phenomenon of the peculiarity of decision-making as a con- country — “Ukrainian miracle” — will be sequence of a reasonable calculation, associated with the period, not related reliance on internal self-control, domi- to destructive activity, which in general nance in the social system of innovation was inherent in the country from 2013 development as an extension of the ex-

28 isting state of affairs and communica- development of society. At the same tion with the outside world as a com- time, each person is considered not municative activity and harmonization only as a component of a small social of public, state and industrial relations. group, but also as a typical representa- The increase of complexity and het- tive of a certain large social group with erogeneity of the new social structure, the norms, traditions, values, attitudes its functioning and development as a typical of this group. The integration subject occurs on the basis of develop- of the individual into society is carried ing an ever-widening variety of social out through socialization, that is, the meanings. At the same time, the prere- process of formation of the individual, quisite for such a large-scale innovation acquiring by him values, norms and pat- activity in the evolutionary period is terns of behavior inherent in the socie- the emancipation of the individual and ty to which the individual belongs. The the strengthening of the subject-cog- dialectics of the relationship between nitive component in the psychological the individual, society and civilization structure of the individual, which was poses the problem of social integration investigated by the Swiss, J. Piaget. It or the isolation of these subjects from should also be noted that in the evo- the social environment. lutionary period of the deployment of On the other hand, the individual the social cycle, there is a search for a compared to the social, and even to ci- social solution that promotes the adap- vilization, is more variable, because the tation of the subject to the constantly social time of its development is limited updated system of motivation. Due to to the duration of human life, which is this, in the new structure of social ac- measured by the century, while the du- tivity, the subject-individual changes ration of social life — by centuries, and not only himself and his goals and the duration of civilization life — by improves the means of their achieve- millenia. At the same time, the histori- ment, but actively forms his new social cal periods of the past, of the present environment. Existing social meanings and future of society are made up of the in the context of innovation processes lives of different generations who lived are extrapolated to new social pheno- and acted in a certain historical time. mena. Unfortunately, the Soviet age psycho- The field of existence of the social, logy did not cover not only the prena- thus, focuses on the interaction and tal period, but also an adulthood, which co-existence of the individual and the became a serious disadvantage, as it social. Individual and social can be con- violated the holistic consideration of sidered as a two-sided characteristics the individual’s mental life. of social, and in the foreground there is Thanks to the complex of mili- now a personality. Classical sociology tary and social studies of Professor considers it not in the prism of unique E. Afonin in 1992–1994 he was able to properties and qualities (in essence, it empirically state that the ontogenetic is the subject of psychology of perso- development of personality is described nality), but from the standpoint of its by four small cycles of socialization and socially typical features as a subject of one (final) large cycle of human self-

29 realization [18, p. 14]. On the contrary, perienced as being associated with the social cycles of society develop from a present reality; large cycle of prehistory to small cycles 2) a sense of internal identity and of self-actualization of society. Similar integration in space: a person perceives (in form) to the ontogenetic develop- himself everywhere as an integrity, and ment of personality is the ontogeny of all his actions and decisions are consi- the development of mankind (civiliza- dered not as accidental or imposed tion) [18, p. 128]. ones, but as internally conditioned; The personal social cycle unfolds 3) identity is experienced among faster than national-state and civili- significant others: relationships and zation ones, it is realized through the roles help to maintain and develop the change of generations. The Spanish sense of an integrated, prolonged iden- philosopher H. Ortega-i-Gaset rightly tity. emphasized that the rotation of genera- It is the personal cycle that de- tions is an important historical mecha- ploys in the fastest way. It is regulated nism. In the involutional state of the through the change of generations. Age cycle for a person conscious social posi- cohorts of socio-cultural socialization tion is objectively determined by a cer- can be analogues for understanding the tain social interest. In a co-evolutional hierarchically higher types of historical state, a demonstrative presentation of deployment of social cycles. In essence, the position is initially followed by in- the personal socio-cultural cycle is the terest. In the involutional phase of the foundation of the cyclical development cycle the problem of the impact of the of macrosocial subjects of the higher whole social organization on the indi- level of the hierarchy. vidual is solved. Instead, in the evolu- Conclusions. tional phase of the cycle, the individu- 1. New — postmodern — commu- al’s influence on social organization and nicative environment transforms the culture is crucial. very nature of information and infor- At the same time, identification is mational network of sociality. Thanks not with individual people, but with to the communicative revolution, man- small or large communities. The model kind has been given the opportunity of the action of this mechanism can be to spread his knowledge quickly. High presented in the form of interaction technology and biotechnology change “Me” — “Us” — “Others”. In this con- the human environment. Human clon- text, one can distinguish between the ing transforms existing traditional reli- directive and the chosen identities, and gious beliefs and values. Total compu- the social identity has the motivational terization changes the perception of the properties of self-esteem. According to material and virtual worlds, when the E. Erickson, in general, the identity has first of them involves the physical body three features: of man, and the latter one involves his 1) the sense of internal identity and spirit. integration in time of action with the 2. The transition society (revolu- past, and hopes for the future are ex- tion and co-evolution) is undergoing institutional changes, during which

30 social structures and social norms are 3.3) by the status of horizontal so- blurred, social ties become weaker and cial structures: the totalitarian regime even ruptured during inversion, and destroys any horizontal structures, au- the hierarchy of factors that make up thoritarian allows them to exist until the mechanisms for the reproduction they are of a political nature, the pre- of social structures is violated. The re- democratic regime allows any organi- searcher should realize that in a tran- zation, other than those who claim to sitive state, not only social norms are power, while the opposition has the blurred, but also causative-consecutive same mentality as the authorities; in relationships that lie under the rational a democratic society the structure of scientific method are violated. public organizations becomes the foun- 3. From the political point of view, dation of the political system. the social actors “Us” and “Me”, which 3.4) by the hierarchy of social taboos: are crucial for the normative periods of in a totalitarian society it is allowed if it involution and evolution, differ radi- is ordered by the authorities, the rest is cally in the following ways: prohibited; in an autocratic society the 3.1) by the political consciousness of right to life is something that does not individuals, which significantly influ- apply to politics; everything is allowed ences the nature and way of exercising in a pre-democratic society, except for power: in a totalitarian society domi- change of power; in a democratic soci- nated by the “We”, it is a total state ety — everything that is not prohibited (external to the individual) control by law is allowed; and violence, in the autocratic society 3.5) by political ideals: a totalitarian there are certain zones of freedoms that society demands from the authorities are inaccessible to state control; Under omnipotence, and from people — en- the conditions of the “pre-democratic thusiasm and modesty; an authoritarian regime”, the authorities begin to engage society requires competence from the in dialogue with independent groups authorities, and from people — profes- that have matured in the time of auto- sionalism and loyalty, a pre-democratic cracy in peculiar enclaves of social society require from power morality, freedom, but they determines the re- from people — activity and certain ir- sults of this dialogue themselves; fi- responsibility, a democratic society re- nally, the power is exercised on a re- quires from the authorities and citizens presentative basis, in accordance with only law-abidingness. the laws, on the basis of a democratic regime; 3.2) by the attitude of people to the References regime: totalitarian consensus is cha- 1. Hillman J. (1999). The force of charac- racterized by a merger with state pow- ter: and the lasting life (1st ed.). New er; for authoritarian power — alienation York: Random House [in English]. from power; for a pre-democratic re- 2. Husserl E. (1993). Formalna i transt- gime, it is a limited influence on power; sendentalna lohika. Dosvid krytyky for democratic power, the choice of cer- lohichnoho rozumu [Formale und tain representatives of power; transzendentale Logik: Versuch ein-

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33 UDC 351:35.078.3

Bielska Tetiana Valentynіvna, Doctor of Science in Public Administra- tion, Associate Professor of the Depart- ment of Management and Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Ur- ban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshalа Bazhanovа, 17, tel.: + 38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Бєльська Тетяна Валентинівна, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент кафедри менеджменту і адмі- ністрування, Харківський національ- ний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Харків, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: + 38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: tanya_belska@ ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Бельская Татьяна Валентиновна, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, доцент кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский на- циональный университет городского хо- зяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: + 38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: tanya_ [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Lashkina Mariia Hryhorivna, psychologist-conflictologist, PhD in Pub- lic Administration, Assistant-consultant of People Deputy of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 01005, Kyiv, Str. Hrushevskoho, 5, tel.: + 38 (050) 397 22 91, e-mail: maria. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853 Лашкіна Марія Григорівна, психолог-конфліктолог, кандидат наук з державного управління, помічник-кон- сультант народного депутата України, Верховна Рада України, 01005, м. Київ, вул. Грушевського, 5, тел.: + 38 (050) 397 22 91, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853

34 Лашкина Мария Григорьевна, психолог-конфликтолог, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, по- мощник-консультант народного депутата Украины, Верховная Рада Украины, 01005, г. Киев, ул. Грушевского, 5, тел.: + 38 (050) 397 22 91, e-mail: maria.lashkina@ ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853 DOI


Abstracts. The authors offer non-standard views on the processes of estab- lishing democracy in developing countries. In the article the processes of demo- cratic transit by using archetypal methodology are analyzed; the processes of the influence of archetypes on democratic institutions in the conditions of in- formation society and technological revolution are considered. The laws and conditions of the formation or destruction of state institutions in transition de- mocracies, their hybridity, partially authoritarian hierarchy or chaos, and uncer- tainty of progress towards the goal are determined. The authors, by using of the methodology of E. Dyurgeym — imposition of biological methods of research on social processes, metaphorically compare the stages of personality development and the processes of state formation and conclude that the Ukrainian state is now in the stage of individualization and understanding itself. The structure of personality according to K. Jung is considered, its main components are distin- guished. The authors suggest that in countries that have recently embarked on a path of democracy, the connection between rational and irrational is stronger than in countries that are entrenched in established democracies. These pro- cesses are metaphorically compared by the authors with the connection of the conscious and unconscious in the formation of the individual. They come to the conclusion that the lack of archetypal subconscious nature and code of culture and national codes of democratic values creates obstacles to their formation in the public consciousness. This is reflected in the socio-political activity of the state and in the functionality of its institutions. In the information society, the vector of the influence of archetypes on democratic social institutions, which leads to a hybrid distortion of the concept of the state as a device of violence and pressure, has changed. Postcommunist transformations represent a new wave, but the trajectories and outcomes of postcommunist transformations are differ- ent for states, so democratic transit is uneven. Keywords: archetype, democratic transit, hybrid regimes, civil society, chaos, self-organization.

35 КРАЇНИ ПЕРЕХІДНОЇ ДЕМОКРАТІЇ В ХОДІ ДЕМОКРАТИЧНОГО ТРАНЗИТУ: АРХЕТИПНИЙ АСПЕКТ Анотація. Автори пропонують нестандартні погляди на процеси ста- новлення демократії в країнах, що розвиваються. Аналізуються процеси демократичного транзиту із застосуванням архетипної методології; роз- глядаються процеси впливу архетипів на демократичні інститути в умовах інформаційного суспільства та технологічної революції. Визначено законо- мірності й умови формування чи руйнування інститутів держави в країнах перехідної демократії, їх гібридність, частково авторитарна ієрархізація або хаотичність й невпевненість просування до мети. Автори, використовуючи методологію Е. Дюркгейма — накладення біологічних методів дослідження на соціальні процеси, метафорично порівнюють стадії розвитку особистості та процеси формування держави й роблять висновок, що Українська держа- ва зараз перебуває у стадії індивідуалізації, розуміння себе. Розглядається структура особистості за К. Юнгом, виділяються основні її складові. Автори припускають, що в країнах, які нещодавно стали на шлях демократії, зв’язок раціонального й ірраціонального є сильнішим, ніж у країнах, що закріпили- ся в усталених демократіях. Ці процеси метафорично порівнюють зі зв’яз- ком свідомого й несвідомого у формуванні особистості. Вони приходять до висновку, що відсутність в архетиповій підсвідомій природі та коді культу- ри й національних кодах демократичних цінностей створює перешкоди на шляху їх формування в суспільній свідомості. Це відображається і на соці- ально-політичній діяльності держави, і на функціональності її інститутів. В інформаційному суспільстві змінився вектор впливу архетипів на демокра- тичні соціальні інститути, що призводить до гібридного викривлення понят- тя держави як апарату насильства й тиску. Посткомуністичні трансформації являють собою нову хвилю, однак траєкторії та результати посткомуністич- них трансформацій є різними для держав, тому демократичний транзит від- бувається нерівномірно. Ключові слова: архетип, демократичний транзит, гібридні режими, гро- мадянське суспільство, хаос, самоорганізація. СТРАНЫ ПЕРЕХОДНОЙ ДЕМОКРАТИИ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ДЕМОКРАТИЧЕСКОГО ТРАНЗИТА: АРХЕТИПНЫЙ АСПЕКТ Аннотация. Авторы предлагают нестандартные взгляды на процессы ста- новления демократии в развивающихся странах. Анализируются процессы демократического транзита с применением архетипной методологии; рас- сматриваются процессы влияния архетипов на демократические институты в условиях информационного общества и технологической революции. Опре- делены закономерности и условия формирования или разрушения институ- тов государства в странах переходной демократии, их гибридности, частично авторитарная иерархизация или хаотичность и неуверенность продвижения к цели. Авторы, используя методологию Э. Дюркгейма — наложение биоло-

36 гических методов исследования на социальные процессы, метафорически сравнивают стадии развития личности и процессы формирования государст- ва и делают вывод, что Украинское государство сейчас находится на стадии индивидуализации, понимания себя. Рассматривается структура личности по К. Юнгу, выделяются основные ее составляющие. Авторы предполагают, что в странах, которые недавно стали на путь демократии, связь рациональ- ного и иррационального является более сильной, чем в странах, где закре- пились в устоявшихся демократиях. Эти процессы авторы метафорически сравнивают со связью сознательного и бессознательного в формировании личности. Они приходят к выводу, что отсутствие в архетипической подсоз- нательной природе, в коде культуры и национальных кодах демократических ценностей создает препятствия на пути их формирования в общественном сознании. Это отражается и на социально-политической деятельности госу- дарства, и на функциональности ее институтов. В информационном общест- ве изменился вектор влияния архетипов на демократические социальные ин- ституты, это приводит к гибридному искривлению понятия государства как аппарата насилия и принуждения. Посткоммунистические трансформации представляют собой новую волну, однако траектории и результаты постком- мунистических трансформаций различны для государств, поэтому демокра- тический транзит происходит неравномерно. Ключевые слова: архетип, демократический транзит, гибридные режимы, гражданское общество, хаос, самоорганизация.

“Consciousness is a bad judge for what happens in the depths of being because it does not penetrate there” David Emil Durkheim — a French sociologist and philosopher.

Problem statement. The modern technology development and the crea- world becomes more and more unpre- tion of social networks, raises concerns dictable and changeable. The develop- about the sustainability of democratic ment of technologies, scientific dis- regimes from academics, experts and coveries, new opportunities for social politicians around the world. researches and influences change ap- The state of societies that consume proaches to the treatment of politics, more information products and are in ideologies, and moral imperatives. The a continuous nervous and stress state desacralization of power, institutions, due to the inability to process and di- personalities, professions and special- gest a huge amount of communicative ties, which has become a new global influences increasingly depends on the phenomenon as a result of the impact of psycho-emotional state of the masses

37 and the main players on the political lies in the conditioned development of arenas that are responsible for decision- high technological information transi- making. It can be stated that this state tion, which exacerbated manifestations of uncertainty is typical for most of of the emotional and intuitive nature transformational countries. Ukraine is of the person that were persistently not a unique element of the world poli- squeezed by the rationality of the in- tical system; its psycho-emotional state dustrial society. This becomes a threat is still being tested by military actions, to the existence of democratic institu- which have been going on for four years. tions, even in developed and strong The institutions in which democracy is countries, and for transformation, it is held depend on the human factor today threatened by hybridity of regimes and more than ten or twenty years ago. It is lagging behind. The influence of ar- important to understand all influences chetypes on transformational regimes, and processes that take place in the psy- their interdependence did not have a chosocial sphere of society; therefore clear conceptual study. our view on transformational regimes The purpose of the article is the through archetypal methodologies is authors’ attempt to comprehend the very relevant. mutual influence of archetypes and in- Analysis of recent publications stitutions in the conditions of democ- emphasizes the multidisciplinary view racy and the information society and on the problem and gives us the op- technological revolution in developing portunity to rely on the theoretical countries; regularities and conditions work of various fields of knowledge of formation or destruction of state and scientific schools, in particular: the institutions in transition democracies, analytical psychology of K. Jung, his their hybridity, the partial authoritar- successors — Maria-Louise von Franz, ian hierarchy or chaos, and the uncer- D. Sharp, and others; french school of tainty of progress towards the goal. sociology of everyday life — M. Maf- Statement of the main research fesoli, J. Bordiyar, G. Lebona, G. Tar- material. In conditions of variability da, E. Durkheim, S. Moskovichi and and uncertainty of the modern world, others; the concept of the ethno- archetypical methodology allows us cultural division of civilizations of to find out regularities by analyzing S. Huntington; political science views tendencies and randomness, and make of A. Brown, T. Charles, and F. Schmit- unordinary conclusions. The pheno- ter. Among the contemporary Ukrai- menon of archetype, as characterized nian scholars, we can note the work of by Ukrainian sociologist O. Donchen- the authors of the Ukrainian school of ko, is not connected with the state as archetype: E. Afonin, O. Donchenko, a managerial structure and is capable and A. Martynov. And also Ukrainian to penetrate into an autonomous (non- researchers in the field of public ad- state) way of life, an out-of-state model ministration: R. Voitovich, V. Kazakov, that constantly mobilizes the collective M. Piren, and others. spirit. There are vertical and horizon- Determination of previously un- tal archetypes, archetypes of economic solved parts of the general problem and cultural life, mobilization arche-

38 types, which in one way or another also cietal psyche as processes of destruc- affects the socio-economic and political tion, as well as the development and processes in the country and the elite creation of new ways of life. Archetypes [1, p. 158]. are a part of the spiritual life of the na- Among the large number of arche- tion and they manifest in the period of types that were analyzed and described creative activity. S. Sibiryakov condi- by representatives of the Jungian tionally divided archetypes into three School of Analytical Psychology, is the groups: universal — immutable, ethno matrix archetype of integrity, called cultural — weakly changing and cul- “uroboros” (from the ancient Greek tural — changeable [4, p. 202]. The ar- ουρά — the tail and βορά — food — lite- chetype “uroboros” can be attributed rally “the one that eats its tail”), visua- to the universal one, that is, the root lized in the form of an ancient symbol cause, of which everything was born. of a snake that eats its tail. In analytical It includes chaos, self-organization, all psychology, this archetype symbolizes inherent in the complex dynamic struc- darkness and self-destruction simulta- ture of quality. neously with fertility and creative po- The modern world of human life tential. At the same time, E. Neumann becomes more chaotic, unpredictable defines and analyzes this archetype as and conflicting, with uncertain com- an early stage in the development of position of values, the state is inhe- personality [2]. It symbolizes the con- rent in many states, including Ukraine. stancy of the basis on which the person K. Jung compared archetypes with holds. By using of the methodology of apriority instincts, common with ani- E. Durkheim on the imposition of bio- mals, so close, that they manifest their logical research methods on social pro- unconscious images, in other words, are cesses, we can metaphorically compare “models of instinctive behavior”. Typi- the stages of personality development cally, these models are embodied in the and the processes of state formation. If mythological national consciousness. to apply them to processes in Ukraine, Archetype — an independent area of we can state that the state is now in the the psyche, its unconscious part, there- stage of individualization, understand- fore, is very vulnerable in the informa- ing itself. tion world, which has strong mecha- O. Donchenko expands the content nisms of psychological influence. of the matrix archetype and offers its According to K. Jung the structure interpretation as a given, that requires, of the personality includes conscious, on the one hand, the availability of di- unconscious and collective uncon- versity, and on the other — the refusal scious. The collective unconscious is of any conflicting among themselves filled with the memory of ancestors, socio-political interpretations of for- traditions, rituals, and the heritage of mations, the establishment of relations all mankind, reflected in the individual between them tolerance and mutual archetype of each person. needs [3 , p. 158]. Consciousness is “a person” and In fact, this archetype gives an un- “ego,” roles that are full by symbols, derstanding of the presence in the so- myths, personal and social duties and

39 thoughts, emotions, and ideas that fill dogmas or official regulations, and once it. The archetype of the “shadow,” as again clings to that ‘pagan string’ in the defined by K. Jung, is a subconscious soul of a man, which, no matter how hidden essence, which is sometimes unpleasant it was to hear the historian, difficult and not very pleasant to meet. never completely ceased to sound in Awareness and understanding of one- the people” [5]. self with all its open and hidden ad- For Ukraine, which has been in a vantages and disadvantages is a diffi- situation of becoming of a new civili- cult path to the development of “self.” zation form of its existence, the role of Meeting with the “shadow” is often un- the “shadow,” according to the Ukrain- pleasant, causes a lot of negative emo- ian philosopher Vakhtang Kebuladze, tions, sometimes leads to the inclusion is played by Russia, which itself is not of methods of psychological protection fully civilized, as it is understood in the such as “squeezing,” “forgetting”, etc. European context, but only plays the The world faces with its old arche- role of the shadow. type of “shadow” through manifesta- At the same time, “the shadow is de- tions of negative acts, in particular, prived of strength, it is capable only of terrorism, violence, at the state level — violence, which at the end will deprive isolationism, separatism. The policy of the force of the person who applies vio- interculturalism and communitaria- lence” [6]. nism that was popular in the twentieth The individual unconscious, accord- century has returned by the renais- ing to K. Jung, is depicted in Figure 1. sance of nationalism. What is it, like The archetype of “self” is the center not meeting with the shadow before of the individual unconscious, means forming of “self” and realizing of its new the attainment of inner harmony, good- role in the world? ness. It unites in itself all archetypes, as In the philosophical sense, such defined by Jung, the archetype of Self phenomena are well understood by the is “God in us,” an awareness of ourselves French sociologist M. Maffesoli, who as an omnipotent being. It unites the identified these manifestations by the conscious and the unconscious, brings word “tribalism” that arises from the it to the integrity and describes the need for unity in certain traditions, person himself, reflects the structured common feelings, myths that exist in image of the psyche, harmony, mental certain areas of social psychology, in- equilibrium [8]. The formation of “self” stead of the imposed values, rules, and is a difficult and long process, not every norms of life. person comes to its realization. Like- The phenomenon is characteristic of wise, the collective unconscious of the large multinational societies, but also nation, or the state, passing the path of for the forms of political system that formation in the historical process, has are being introduced to replace the tra- to pass all stages of development from ditional society. As Michelle Maffesoli Anima to the Self and the Logos, or writes “it is this proximity that gives “Uroboros”, which in fact is the main meaning to what is called the ‘divine archetypal reflection of a strong and social’. It has nothing to do with any stable state.

40 Consciousness

Personal unconscious (complexes) Collective unconscious (archetypes)

Fig. 1. Structure of personality according to K. Jung [7]

In the Modern period, the stabi- ture, national codes. In Ukraine, for lity and effectiveness of the state was example, the level of political partici- characterized by its institutions that pation grows faster than organization, actively influenced society, personified an ability to unite. As mobilization and power and strength, and had the exclu- political participation in our country sive right to violence [9]. At the same are high, and the level of organization time, in transition countries, demo- and institutionalization is low, between cratic institutions have not become so them there is a conflict that manifests strong and developed that democracy itself in the lack of preparedness of the is consolidated as an irreversible form masses to manage [10, p. 64]. of government. The postmodern and informational Some regimes have become semi- society have made adjustments to the democratic (hybrid democracies), or relationship between archetypes and purely autocratic, as demonstrated to institutions and the vector has changed, us, in particular, the countries of the due to the influence of the social that is former Soviet Union (Russia, Kazakh- based on the individual and on the in- stan, Turkmenistan). We can assume stitution. This leads to the hybrid dis- that in these countries, the connec- tortion of the very concept of the state tion between rational and irrational is as a device of violence and pressure. stronger than in countries that have He ceases to be sacred and decisive gone through this path for many years in human life. The society through the and consolidated in their established organizations of public pressure, in- democracies. It is similar to the con- dividual activity through technology nection of the conscious and uncon- becomes more influential and changes scious in the formation of the individ- state-power relations. Communicative ual. Therefore, it is almost impossible technologies in the postmodern era to add new values if they do not exist serve as an instrument that changes in archetypal subconscious nature, cul- and shapes government institutions in

41 the state. At the same time, it becomes Democratic transit is an unfinished a threatening factor for democracy as a dynamic, temporary process, in which form of government and its values. continuous adaptation is carried out, Political science until the middle of the approach of existing institutions 90’s of the twentieth century believed of public authority and institutions of that after the collapse of the USSR, the civil society to perfect ideas about there will be a rapid formation of new modern institutions and the ideal soci- countries, where democracy will be- ety of the democratic political regime, come a real form of government, and li- which is constantly updated. It is an beral values will lead to a general social unclear period of time between the col- and interstate world consensus. His- lapse of the totalitarian regime and the tory has made its adjustments because moment when the levers of power pass not all developing countries become under full control of the democratic democratic, but because of the emer- regime that changes it. This period is gence of communicative and digital usually completed, M. Baranov is con- technologies, the violation of the world vinced, when democracy gives itself to order since the Second World War, the legitimate institutions and a constitu- formation of a world of true truth, and tion, when democratic leaders have democracy itself is in jeopardy. secured their rule, recognized by the The term “wave of democratiza- army and nomenclature, which makes tion”, which refers to certain complet- possible the peaceful transition of po- ed cycles of transition to democracy, wer [12, p. 115]. However, under certain S. Huntington introduces in his book conditions, the process of democratic “The Third Wave at the End of the transit may return to an authoritarian 20th Century” in 1991. He gives the or totalitarian regime. Consequently, following periodization: the first rise G. O’Donnell [13], W. Merkel and of the wave (1828–1926), the first re- A. Croasan [14] argue that in countries cession (1922–1942), the second rise where predominantly non-civic types (1943–1962), the second recession of political culture dominate, democ- (1958–1975), the third rise (1974 and ratization processes last for a long time continues to this day) [11]. and lead to the emergence of “inferior” One of the stable expressions that or “defective” democracies in which characterize the process of the estab- there are democratic institutions, but lishment of democracy in the twenti- the essence of power and social rela- eth century in post-Soviet countries is tions remains authoritarian. the notion of “democratic transit”. The Postcommunist transformations term “transit” in the English translation represent a new wave, however, the “transitional” means transitory. Con- trajectories and results of postcom- sequently, the notions of “democratic munist transformations are different. transit” and “democratic transition” D. Rastou [15], G. O’Donnell, are identical. The term “democratic F. Schmitter [16], A. Pesvorsky [17] transit” is used to mean the transition define the following phases of demo- from a totalitarian or authoritarian po- cratic transit and determine the order litical regime to a democratic one. (see Table).

42 The phases of transition to democracy [18, с. 96] Scientist The first phase The second phase The third phase According Preparatory phase Decision making The addictive phase to D. Rastou phase According Liberalization Democratization Socialization to G. O’Donnell and F. Schmitter According Liberalization Democratization to A. Pshevorsky Release Constitution

At the first stage decentralization between the state and the civil society of power takes place, the appearance in general, but only between the civil of pluralism of thoughts, conflicts be- society and a certain type of organiza- tween supporters of the old govern- tion of state power [19, p. 432]. ment and the opposition is marked. S. Huntington and his followers The second stage is characterized believe the main source of democratic by the participation of the civil society transit is the conflict between the in- in the decision-making process, which clusion of the population in the active becomes possible as a result of the con- life of the society and the institutions stitutional formulation of democratic of public authority. Mass activity in institutions. transitional periods outstrips the de- At the third stage, the activity of velopment of political institutions of the civil society that acquires civilized the society. As a result, chaos and in- forms increases and manifests itself in stability arise, conflicts that hinder the the establishment of public control, the formation of democratic institutions in fight against corruption and bureau- society. At the same time, postmodern cracy. values finally change priorities, giving The fourth stage is the formation of preference to self-expression, the qua- a legal state through the assimilation lity of human life over economic effi- and introduction of new norms and ciency, individual over collective and values by citizens of the country, con- transforms static social norms into a solidation of the society. Institutions dynamic network [20, p. 9]. of the civil society are grouped around New technologies, possibilities of state institutions. the information world, crisis phenome- According to O. Skrypnyk at cer- na, natural disasters, expansion of pecu- tain stages that are connected with the liarities of influences on consciousness transition from totalitarian and au- form new social phenomena of mu- thoritarian political regimes, elements tual relations in the society and create of struggle and confrontation between conditions for development and posi- the state and the civil society are tive changes, for new challenges and traced. This is natural, because the civil crises. society is freed from under the state G. Casper and M. Taylor determine authority. Secondly, in this case it is the role of conflict in political tension correct to speak about the struggle not and the development of a stable de-

43 mocracy. According to the authors, the tic institutions in different countries more difficult and hard the democrati- have a pronounced national character zation takes place, and the more nego- and are formed under the influence of tiations between its subjects are con- the mentality of an nation and its ha- ducted, the stronger will be democracy bits of governance, but where violence itself [21, p. 50]. is often used, they become accustomed Democracies that emerge from such to it, as stated by E. Durkheim [24]. At a “light process” do not show signs of the same time, it should be noted the consolidation and can return to autho- global nature of transit processes. ritarianism. According to researches of A. Melville, answering the question H. Linz, the collapse of democratized re- about the causes of various trajecto- gimes is due to the low professionalism ries and the results of post-communist of new democrats and the emergence of transformations, points to the follow- unsolvable problems and crises result- ing factors: presence or absence of de- ing from this; the presence of political mocratic experience; the peculiarities violence in the process of the collapse of of the external environment as a fac- democracies; a gradual abandonment of tor that supports or hinders to inter- the conquest of democracy and author- nal transformations; the state of socio- itarian tendencies in the leadership of economic, political, cultural and other new democratic institutions; confron- spheres at the starting points of politi- tation of the institutions of parliamen- cal transformation; the process of de- tarism and presidency [22]. cay of authoritarian power structures; All theories of democratic transit the principles of changing political and are based on rational thinking that is economic elites; the specific of the new inherent in the industrial society and political institutions and the ways of exists in the paradigm of the theory their construction; the tactics of politi- of world systems of I. Valerstain and cal actors [25, p. 73–74]. the various concepts of globalization, The trend of the convergence of the which were based on the economic con- civil society and government structures cept of global capitalism. Approaches is characteristic of stable democracies. of development of the industry and the The civil society arises as a result of formation of profit and utility became complications in the state as an effec- the basis of the class of consumers. tive system that will optimize demo- The theory of I. Valerstein is now cratic processes. Democracy rests on a complemented by new approaches strong civil society that presses on the [23], in which, in particular, are distin- institutions that oppose it. We are cur- guished of the division of the world’s rently seeing this process in Ukraine. countries into the nucleus of the world Relations between the government system, countries of semi-periphery and and the civil society are different in countries of periphery. The gap in eco- different political regimes, but in tran- nomic, political, and social development sitional periods, in particular during between these countries becomes a me- the period of democratic transit, one nacing source of international instabil- can observe a frequent change of types ity and a threat to humanity. Democra- of these relationships, namely: ignor-

44 ing, confrontation, competition, con- confrontation, resulting in the emer- sistency (consensus). In the period of gence of conflicts. democratic transit there is a high level Competition — (in French — con- of social activity and conflict in society. frontation), confrontation, opposition, Figure 2 shows the spectrum of rela- collision of social systems, class inter- tions between public authorities and ests, beliefs (for instance, confrontation civil society institutions during the pe- of policy, military confrontation, con- riod of democratic transit. frontation of views). Ignoring — abandoning attention, Coherence (consensus) is coopera- neglecting the views of organizations of tion in problem solving in which both the civil society by the state and rejec- parties act openly and transparently; tion of the activities of the authorities public control over government activi- by the institutions of the civil society, ties and control by the authorities, the in psychology — a form of psychologi- phase of establishing and adapting of cal protection, which controls the in- democratic structures, institutions and formation on the source of influence by norms that are partly or fully recog- limiting the volume of such informa- nized by the civil society as legitimate. tion or its distorted perception. Ignor- The main task of the authorities ing accompany hidden conflicts. and organizations of the civil society Confrontation — transformational in the context of democratic transit is processes in the society lead to a distur- to facilitate the process of democratiza- bance of balance in the relations of the tion. However, the transfer of finished public authority and the civil society, models of institutions and models of

Ignoring Confrontation Competition Coherence (consensus) Positive aspect Conventional Negative actions aspect Perfect Participation competition (Participation Psychological Democracy) protection

Unconventional Control Limitation actions and control of information Alienation, ahead of competitors

Bureaucracy, corruption high the level of conflict low Democracy Democratic transit

Fig. 2. The sequence of democratization of public relations authorities and institutions of the civil society in the conditions of democratic transit [26, p. 7]

45 relationships can also lead to conflict the legitimacy itself of many existing situations in the society. governments” [27, p. 661–662]. Models of relations between govern- Under the conditions of the infor- ment and institutions of the civil soci- mation society, there is another type ety depend on the level of development of relationship between the authori- of the civil society and its institutions, ties and the civil society, which can be on the one hand, and the democracy called imitation, which weakens the of the state, in which the branches of power itself, because it reduces the power operate in a balanced manner. trust both to it and to the institutions Confrontation in the relations between of the civil society. People no longer see public authorities and institutions of the need for self-organization. the civil society is an indicator of the The conclusions and perspectives ineffectiveness of the public admini- of further research are the need to stration and the system of the civil analyze the modern world and the pro- society. cesses that occur in it, using an inter- With the establishment of demo- disciplinary view and archetypal me- cratic institutions, the period of dem- thodology, as the convergence of social ocratic transition, which goes into and individual mental is intensifying. democracy, ends. Under unfavorable The processes of state-building that conditions, the process of democratic take place in Ukraine today have be- transit ends with the establishment of come a consequence, a logical manifes- authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. tation of the archetype of “self-organi- According to the American futu- zation” under conditions of ineffective, rist E. Toffler, the transition from an corrupt, copied from the Soviet forms industrial society to a “computer-in- of state power. In terms of traditiona- formation civilization” has the follow- lism, they can be called chaos, from the ing characteristics: information tech- point of view of the post-industrial in- nology; disassociated society in which formational world, which gradually classes lose their meaning; anticipated turns into a networked society, is the democracy, which ensures citizens’ par- formation of a new management system ticipation in the society; transnational based on synergistic processes, but can- institutes, decisive global problems of not be arranged in the traditional sense the present. of the concept. But it is impossible to We can state that the world is now say that transformation will result in fully integrated into a new type of the the establishment of a stable and de- society. And in such society it becomes veloped democratic model on liberal impossible to mobilize the masses and, economic principles, since these ideas as a result, “we have a configurable so- and values themselves fall under civi- ciety, a society where thousands of mi- lizational changes, and authoritarian norities, many of which are temporary, and totalitarian traditions remain very create new transitional models, rarely strong in the archetypes of the popula- combining 51 % consensus on serious tion in Ukraine. Involving citizens in problems. The promotion of the civili- policy implementation becomes a trend zation of the third Wave, thus, weakens of the Ukrainian political system, but

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50 UDC 32:316.7.001.73(477) Valevskyi Oleksii Leonidovich, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Senior Researcher, National Institute for Stra- tegic Stugies, 01030, Кyiv, Str. Pirohova, 7-a, tеl.: + 38 (050) 654 38 98, е-mail: walewsk@ ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277 Валевський Олексій Леонідович, доктор наук з державного управління, провідний науковий співробітник, Націо- нальний інститут стратегічних до- сліджень, 01030, Київ, вул. Пирогова, 7-a, тел.: + 38 (050) 654 38 98, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277 Валевский Алексей Леонидович, доктор наук государственного управле- ния, ведущий научный сотрудник, Нацио- нальный институт стратегических ис- следований, 01030, Киев, ул. Пирогова, 7-a, тел.: +38 (050) 654 38 98, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277 DOI


Abstract. The institutional and value bases of the modernization path of devel- opment of Ukraine in the European context are analyzed. The reasons for systemic reforms are indicated. In particular, this is the technological backwardness and raw orientation of the Ukrainian economy, the need to ensure sustainable eco- nomic growth and the critical state of the social sphere. It is stated that the lack of systemic successful reforms and a vicious populist social policy for decades led to Ukraine becoming one of the poorest European countries. The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union has become an incentive for implementing the necessary reforms and institutional changes in the economy and the social sphere. The implementation of the Agree- ment means for Ukraine the need to enforce the legal norms of European legisla- tion and the creation of institutional conditions that can ensure economic growth. The institutional, psychosocial and political reasons for the inhibition of re- forms are analyzed. In particular, it is proved that one of the obstacles to the suc- cess of Ukrainian reforms is the phenomenon of institutional traps. Reformers of-

51 fer a new system of socio-economic relations, but post-totalitarian institutions, functioning in the old values co-ordinates, do not perceive change. Therefore, the implementation of liberal doctrines leads to negative consequences. An institu- tional trap is a situation where destructive values and behavior patterns become stable norms of life and make any modernization strategy ineffective. The neces- sity of creating new macro-political and institutional bases of the state policy of reforms in Ukraine is being proved. The main directions of formation of institu- tional and value aspects of reform policy are indicated. Keywords: state policy of reforms, reforms in Ukraine, institutional reforms, the European context of Ukrainian reforms. ІНСТИТУЦІОНАЛЬНІ ТА ЦІННІСНІ ЗАСАДИ РЕФОРМ В УКРАЇНІ: ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКИЙ КОНТЕКСТ Анотація. Дослідницьке завдання полягає в тому, щоб визначити інсти- туціональні складові реформ і ціннісні засади модернізаційного шляху роз- витку України в європейському контексті. Визначається кілька причин, які спонукають до впровадження системних реформ. Це — технологічна відста- лість і сировинна орієнтація української економіки, необхідність забезпе- чення стійкого економічного зростання та критичний стан соціальної сфери. Відсутність системних успішних реформ та порочна популістська соціальна політика протягом десятиріч призвели до того, що Україна перетворилася на одну із найбідніших європейських країн. Угода про Асоціацію між Україною та Європейським Союзом стала сти- мулом для реалізації необхідних реформ та інституціональних перетворень в економіці й суспільній сфері. Імплементація Угоди означає для України необхідність введення в дію правових норм європейського законодавства і створення інституційних умов для їх упровадження у суспільну практику. Аналізуються інституційні, психосоціальні і політичні причини гальмуван- ня реформ. Зокрема, доводиться, що однією з перешкод на шляху до успіху українських реформ є феномен інституційної пастки. Реформатори пропону- ють нову систему соціально-економічних відносин, однак посттоталітарні ін- ститути, функціонуючи в старих координатах цінностей, не сприймають змі- ни, тому реалізація ліберальних доктрин призводить до негативних наслідків. Інституційна пастка — це ситуація, коли згубні ціннісні установки та поведін- кові моделі стають стійкими нормами життя і роблять неефективною будь- яку стратегію модернізації. Доводиться необхідність створення нових макро- політичних та інституційних засад державної політики реформ в Україні. Ключові слова: державна політика реформ, реформи в Україні, інститу- ційні реформи, європейський контекст українських реформ. ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ И ЦЕННОСТНЫЕ ОСНОВЫ РЕФОРМ В УКРАИНЕ: ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЙ КОНТЕКСТ Аннотация. Определяются институциональные и ценностные основы модернизационного пути развития Украины в европейском контексте. Ука-

52 зываются причины проведения системных реформ. В частности, это тех- нологическая отсталость и сырьевая ориентация украинской экономики, необходимость обеспечения устойчивого экономического роста и критиче- ское состояние социальной сферы. Констатируется, что отсутствие систем- ных успешных реформ и порочная популистская социальная политика в течение десятилетий привели к тому, что Украина превратилась в одну из беднейших европейских стран. Соглашение об Ассоциации между Украиной и Европейским Союзом стало стимулом для реализации необходимых реформ и институциональ- ных преобразований в экономике и социальной сфере. Имплементация Со- глашения означает для Украины необходимость введения в действие пра- вовых норм европейского законодательства и создание институциональных условий, которые могут обеспечить экономический рост. Анализируются институциональные, психосоциальные и политические причины торможения реформ. В частности, доказывается, что одним из препятствий на пути к успеху украинских реформ является феномен ин- ституциональной ловушки. Реформаторы предлагают новую систему со- циально-экономических отношений, однако посттоталитарные институты, функционируя в старых координатах ценностей, не воспринимают изме- нения. Поэтому реализация либеральных доктрин приводит к негативным последствиям. Институциональная ловушка — это ситуация, когда пагуб- ные ценностные установки и поведенческие модели становятся устойчивы- ми нормами жизни и делают неэффективной любую стратегию модерни- зации. Доказывается необходимость создания новых макрополитических и институциональных основ государственной политики реформ в Украине. Указываются основные направления формирования институциональных и ценностных аспектов политики реформ. Ключевые слова: государственная политика реформ, реформы в Украине, институциональные реформы, европейский контекст украинских реформ.

Formulation of the problem. The forms and to indicate the values of the need for institutional reforms is being policy of Ukrainian reforms in the Eu- constantly on the agenda of Ukrai- ropean context. nian society. At the moment, it should The purpose of the article is to be noted that after the entry into force analyze the institutional constituents of the Association Agreement between and values of Ukrainian reforms in the Ukraine and the EU, there are no European context. As current practice convincing advances in reform policy, shows, the proclaimed course of cardi- therefore, it is necessary to give a real nal reforms on the way to their imple- assessment of the specifics of the cur- mentation is facing obstacles. There- rent socio-economic situation to iden- fore, the research task is to determine tify the directions of institutional re- the institutional components of the re-

53 forms and the values of the moderniza- tries will be about 4,7 %. Even showing tion path of Ukraine’s development in a slight growth, the lag of the Ukrainian the European context. economy from the world will only in- Main material presentation. crease. Obvious is the lag in comparison Socio-economic reasons to provide with the closest neighbors of Ukraine. institutional reforms. At the time of the According to some calculations, if we establishment of an independent state take GDP per capita by purchasing Ukraine was a developed industrial- power parity in order to come up with agrarian republic. The share of industry Belarus, provided that if the Ukrainian in the structure of its economy in 1990 economy grows by 5 % per year while was 37,9 % [1]. For twenty-six years, Belarus will remain at the same level, Ukraine’s real GDP has decreased by it will take 17 years. To come up with 35 %. According to the World Bank, Russia in the same conditions Ukraine this is one of the worst indicators in the will need twenty five years, and to come world. In the economy the process of up with Poland it will need 33 years. de-industrialization has begun. Thus, But this is a calculation for an “ideal in 2017 the share of industry in GDP situation”, i. e. if all the economies stop fell to 14 % [2]. At the same time, agra- growing, and the Ukrainian one will rian and raw material specialization add 5 % a year [5]. of the economy intensified. Over the A serious problem that prompts im- past five years, the share of agricultural plementation of systemic reforms is the products in the structure of Ukraine’s technological backwardness and raw export earnings has increased from material orientation of the Ukrain- 26 % in 2012 to 42 % in 2016, with the ian economy. There is a trend of out- export of raw materials being the basis dated production capacity growing of agricultural exports [3]. in the economy. Thus, in recent years The period of 2014–2015 appeared the level of deterioration of fixed as- to be dramatic for the economy. The sets has increased from 43,7 % in 2000 volume of Ukrainian GDP during this to 85 % in 2016. According to experts, period decreased by 15 %. In 2017 the “During the years of independence, the Ukrainian economy showed an in- country lost not just individual enter- crease of 2,5 %, which is not enough to prises and scientific complexes, but reach the pre-crisis level. According to the whole industries. Technological the consensus forecast released by the decline “granted” to Ukraine not only Ministry of Economic Development, raw material economy, but declining the GDP growth in 2018 will be 3 %, economy. Losing the old technological in 2019 — 3,6 %, in 2020 — 4 % [4], al- base, the domestic economy appeared though, in order for Ukraine to be able to be tied to the world market condi- to overcome the consequences of the tions for raw materials” [6]. Despite fall that took place during 2014–2015, the enormous amounts of public debt, it is necessary in the near future to en- experts estimate that since 1991, about sure a higher rate of economic growth. $ 148 billion of capital has been with- So, according to forecasts in 2018, the drawn from Ukraine to offshore enti- expected growth of developing coun- ties. [7].

54 Thus, the first and main reason for leave the country for permanent resi- the implementation of systemic insti- dence [8]. tutional reforms is the need to ensure The above list of socio-economic sustainable economic growth, without negative processes faced by Ukrai- which Ukraine has a risk to be on the nian society is not exhaustive, but these verge of the historical process. trends are enough to conclude that The next reason for the implemen- the destructive processes can be over- tation of radical reforms is the critical come only if there are systematic socio- state of the social sphere. The lack of economic reforms that could stop the systematic successful reforms and vi- crisis processes and would allow our cious populist social policies during society to enter the orbit of sustainable decades resulted that Ukraine became growth. one of the poorest European coun- European Context of Reform Po- tries. According to the United Nations, licy: challenges for the future. The As- about 60 % of population in our coun- sociation Agreement between Ukraine try is under the line of poverty. The and the European Union has become country has set low social standards, an incentive for the implementation of unemployment remains. There is a the necessary reforms and institutional need of cardinal economic reforms and changes in the economy and the public social innovations that could protect sphere of the country. Implementation the population of the country from the of the Agreement means for Ukraine enhancing poverty. the necessity of putting into effect the The problem of the spread of labor legal norms of European legislation, migration from Ukraine is acute. Today, creating institutional conditions for according to various estimates, there their implementation into public prac- are from 2 to 7 million people work- tice and ensuring positive impact on ing abroad. According to the National the economic situation in the country. Bank of Ukraine, the amount of money The agreement became the basis for the transfers of labor migrants to the coun- development of documents of the state try in 2017 amounted to $ 9,3 billion, reform policy. which is 5,2 times more than the vo- The political and economic signifi- lume of foreign direct investment in the cance of the Association of Ukraine economy ($ 1,8 billion). At the same with the EU will gradually become time, millions of our citizens are poten- more valuable, because the success of tial migrant workers and gastarbeiters. reforms in our country largely depends According to a survey conducted on the attractiveness of the European by the “Rating” Sociological Group, in model for the modernization of other September 2017 more than a third of countries that have embarked on the Ukrainians (35 %) declared their inten- path of democratic development. The tion to leave the country for permanent defeat of the Ukrainian project of Eu- residence, while 44 % of respondents ropean choice may jeopardize the civi- indicated that they would like to work lization appeal of the European vector outside the country. Among young peo- of development in the region and in the ple aged 18 to 35 years, 54 % wanted to world.

55 Realization of the policy of reforms the parliament performed the planned has already brought some positive re- work by 32 %, the government — by sults. As noted by the co-chairman of 42 %, other bodies — by 50 % [10]. the Strategic Group of Advisers for Re- In the report “Ukraine and the As- form Support in Ukraine Ivan Miklosh, sociation Agreement: monitoring im- the best results were achieved in the plementation from December 1, 2016 field of macroeconomic stabilization, till November 1, 2017”, prepared by the stabilization of public finances, infla- public organization Ukrainian Center tion reduction, exchange rate stabili- for European Policy, the following rea- zation and banking sector clearing. He sons for the unsatisfactory implementa- describes these factors as “the neces- tion of the Agreement are identified: sary conditions for economic growth.” • insufficient staffing capacity of I. Miklosh notes that “Ukraine has the responsible institutions to ensure the potential to achieve a high and sustain- process of legislative approximation able growth of about 6–7 % per year, and too bureaucratic procedure for the but only if it supports and further im- development, approval and adoption of proves macroeconomic conditions and legislative acts; provides for deeper and more complex • conflicts of interest between dif- structural and institutional reforms” ferent state bodies regarding the divi- [9]. sion of powers, which causes delays in In 2017 the Cabinet of Ministers of the process of consideration of bills; Ukraine approved an updated Action • failure to take into account the Plan to implement the EU-Ukraine norms of the current legislation in the Association Agreement. This Plan, in process of adaptation of legislation, particular, determines that European which causes duplication of norms; integration is an integral part of the • blocking the passage of acts by va- strategic planning and policy develop- rious stakeholders and interest groups ment of each ministry. The action plan afraid of changes envisaging adaptation is an obligation in twenty-four areas of of legislation, which entails prolonged state policy that relates to the socio- consideration of bills in the committees economic spheres of public life. The of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in document identifies more than two the absence of a constructive dialogue thousand specific tasks related to the between the participants in the process implementation of the provisions of the and finding compromise solutions [11]. Agreement and more than five thou- The main documents of the state sand measures for their implementa- reform policy. The Ukraine-2020 Sus- tion. At the same time, it must be noted tainable Development Strategy is the that the implementation of the Agree- basic document (“road map”), which ment is in an unsatisfactory state. Ac- formulates the leading areas of reform. cording to the data of the government The strategy defines 62 reforms and de- office of coordination of European and velopment programs. Implementation Euro-Atlantic integration, in 2017 only of the Strategy involves the achieve- 41 % of the planned European integra- ment of 25 key indicators assessing pro- tion work was implemented. In general, gress in the implementation of reforms

56 and programs. These indicators cover ment with the EU and the Legislative a wide range of indicators relating to Amendments Plan [15] was approved. socio-economic and humanitarian de- It defined the methodological princi- velopment of society [12]. ples for implementing the reform po- The “European Ukraine” agreement licy. In particular, the document states was signed in December 2014 by frac- that the Plan should become the basis tions that at that time formed a parlia- for medium-term budget planning, the mentary coalition which included the preparation of annual government ac- majority of the constitutional composi- tion plans, strategic plans of ministries tion of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada and other central executive bodies. of Ukraine [13]. This coalition agree- This will improve the system of stra- ment identifies ways of modernizing tegic planning, monitoring and evalua- seventeen areas in the economic, social tion in achieving the objectives of the and humanitarian spheres of society. implementation of the planned policies. However, after a series of parliamen- The Plan contains several innovations, tary interfacial conflicts, the implemen- including the creation of a National tation of the Agreement went into the Planning System. Among the innova- background and reformist romanticism tions of the Plan attention should be in the people’s deputies fell. At the mo- paid to the creation of conditions for ment, it can be stated that, despite the providing the necessary expert support fact that the Agreement is in force, it is to the implementation of reforms by the unlikely that some political force will Government. With this purpose the Of- assume the responsibility to report to fice of Reforms of the Cabinet of Minis- the society on the course of its imple- ters of Ukraine was created, which is a mentation. permanent advisory body of the Cabi- In 2015 the Parliament approved net of Ministers of Ukraine. It turns out the Plan of Legislative Support of Re- that monitoring implementation of the forms in Ukraine [14]. It identifies reforms introduced in the Plan will al- seven areas of legislative work in vari- low the Government and the public to ous spheres of society. In total, it was control the overall impact on society. planned to approve 488 bills, with 46 In 2017 the Government focused on of them being prioritized. According the implementation of several reforms to its concept, this Plan combines the identified as a priority. This is public reforms outlined in the Strategy 2020, privatization, in particular, the sale the Coalition Agreement, the Associa- of inefficient state property, pension tion Agreement with the EU and the and land reform, as well as education Government Action Program. How- and health reform. However, it must ever, after the destruction of the parlia- be admitted that the implementation mentary coalition deputies lost interest of approved reform programs does not in the implementation of the Plan. deliver the expected results. There are In 2017, the Medium-term Plan of positive achievements, but their scale Government Priorities until 2020, pre- cannot satisfy Ukrainian society. First pared for the implementation of the of all, it concerns the socio-economic “Strategy 2020”, the Association Agree- sphere, where positive changes are not

57 enough critically. According to a so- there were a lot of hopes that reforms ciological poll conducted by the Ra- would do the things that were failed to zumkov Center in October 2017, none be done during the decades of Ukrai- of the reforms carried out during the nian independence, i. e. creation of a year found support from more than 25 European model of state and economy, % of the population. As it turned out, eradication of vicious phenomena and in the best way the citizens of Ukraine consolidation of the society. I would are referring to the reform of education, risk taking a provocative conclusion but 26 % of respondents supported it, that the consolidation of society based 41,8 % opposed it. 21,2 % of citizens on the theme of reform has failed. More respond positively to medical reform, precisely, it will be said that the de- negatively — 56,9 %. Pension reform consolidating role is carried out not by was supported by 19,9 % of respon- reforms themselves (the importance dents, while 56,9 % opposed. 14,6 % of which is unconditionally acknow- of citizens respond positively to land ledged), but by events that accompany reform, negatively — 52,3 %. Judicial them. At the same time, we cannot say reform was supported by 12,6 % of that reforms are not being carried out. respondents, 49,1 % were against it. But although their number is high, 12,4 % of citizens favored the planned quality suffers greatly” [17]. privatization of state enterprises, Conclusions. The administrative- 49,9 % estimated it negatively — [16]. oligarchic model formed in Ukraine is The data obtained should become not capable to ensure sustainable eco- the subject of the attention of the re- nomic growth and social well-being, form policy creators, since, in fact, half and therefore successful reformation of of Ukrainian citizens are skeptical of the socio-economic system of Ukraine the reforms that were prioritized by the should be considered in the context government in 2017. Obviously, a sig- of the need for systemic institutional nificant correction of the reform policy changes aimed at destroying the exist- is needed in order for specific social ing model of society. groups to be able to benefit from their Summarizing the complexities that implementation. face the implementation of reforms, one Existing positive results in reforms can identify several reasons why inno- implementation are clearly not enough. vations are slow. In particular, this is The general population for this moment a factor of time. If during 2014–2017 does not feel improvement of its posi- the necessary legislation was adopted tion. Current economic growth does creating the legal basis for innovations, not compensate for the huge losses that the first practical results should be the Ukrainian economy has suffered. evaluated in the near future. There is a Moreover, the problems of reform are negative impact on the effectiveness of often used for populist purposes. The the reform due to the war in the East of reality is that in the public conscious- Ukraine. According to some estimates, ness the tiredness of the inconsistent about $ 5–7 million is spent per month policy of reform becomes stronger. As on military needs. Finally, the nega- V. Gorbulin rightly notes, “After 2014 tive impact of populism on the reform

58 policy is felt acutely, since permanent money/chastka-promislovosti-u- party conflicts make it impossible to vvp-ukrayini-za-chas-nezalezhnos- consolidate political forces for reforms ti-11102016121200 (accessed 3 May, implementation. 2017) It should be noted that one of the 3. “Key Indicators of Ukraine's Foreign Trade”, [Online], аvailable at: http:// obstacles to the success of Ukrainian reforms is the phenomenon of an in- zovnishni_rinki/osnovni_pokazni- stitutional trap. Reformers offer a new ki_zovnishnoi_torgivli_ukraini. (ac- system of socio-economic relations, cessed 3 May, 2018) however, post-totalitarian institutions 4. “The Ministry of Economic Develop- functioning in old co-ordinates of va- ment has published a consensus fore- lues do not accept changes, or the im- cast for 2017-2020”, [Online], аvailable plementation of liberal doctrines leads at: to opposite consequences. Institutional Print?lang=uk-UA&id=cd6d0cd0- trap is a situation where harmful value 61cb-444f-ba34-10a251bb02f3 5. “The growth of the Ukrainian econo- systems and behavioral models become my lags behind the world by 1,5 %, sustainable standards of life and make and the gap will increase”, [Online], any modernization strategy ineffective. аvailable at: Ukrainian politicians and their “Eu- News/82370/rost-ukrainskoy-ekono- ropean partners” must abandon super- miki-otstaet-ot-mirovoy-na-1-5-i-raz- ficial ideas about reforms. In particu- ryv-budet-uvelichivatsya-ekonomist lar, the effectiveness of reforms should 6. Korablyn S. (2015) “The Great De- be understood not only to improve pression. Ukraine”, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, macroeconomic indicators, but also to [Online], 21 Aug, аvailable at: http:// strengthen the creative potential of so- pressi-ya-ukraina-_.html (accessed 3 ciety and cultural competences of the May, 2017). individual. The agenda includes the de- 7. Shovkun I. (2016) “Industrial revival velopment of a meaningful state strate- of Ukraine: the price of issue”, Dzerka- gy of reforms aimed at re-industrializa- lo tyzhnia, [Online], 1 Аpr, 2016, tion of the Ukrainian economy and the available at: development of cultural competence of myshliennost/promislove-vidrodz- citizens. hennya-ukrayini-cina-pitann-ya-_. html (accessed 3 May, 2017). 8. “Dynamics of migratory sentiment of References Ukrainians”. Sociological Group “Rat- 1. “Macroeconomics of Ukraine, 1990– ing”, 3 Sept, 2017, [Online], available 2013”, [Online], available at: http:// at: ukraine/dinamika_migracionnyh_ file/profile_ukraine.html (accessed 3 nastroeniy_ukraincev.html. (accessed May, 2017). 3 May, 2017) 2. “The share of industry in the GDP of 9. Miklosh I. (2017) “Reforms in Ukrai- Ukraine during the period of inde- nian. What has been achieved and pendence decreased to 14 %”, Depo. what to expect?”, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, ua., [Online], 11 Oct, 2016, available [Online], 27 Dec, 2017, аvailable at: at: http://

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61 UDC 316.354 Gavkalova Nataliia Leonidivna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Public Administration and Regional Economy Department, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv Nation- al University of Economics, 61166, Kharkiv, Naukу Prospekt, 9-а, tel.: + 38 (050) 622 61 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1208-9607 Гавкалова Наталія Леонідівна, доктор економічних наук, професор, зав. кафедри Державного управління, публічно- го адміністрування та регіональної еконо- міки Харківського національного економіч- ного університету ім. С. Кузнеця, 61166, м. Харків, просп. Науки, 9а, ХНЕУ, І кор- пус, ауд. 401–402, тел.: + 38 (050) 622 61 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1208-9607 Гавкалова Наталья Леонидовна, доктор экономических наук, профессор, зав. кафедры Государственного управле- ния, публичного администрирования и региональной экономики Харьковского на- ционального экономического университета им. С. Кузнеца, 61166, г. Харьков, просп. Науки, 9а, ХНЭУ, I корпус, ауд. 401–402, тел.: + 38 (050) 622 61 48, e-mail: ngavl@ ORCID: 0000-0003-1208-9607 Amosov Oleg Yuriyovych, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economic Theory and Finances Depart- ment, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration National Academy of Public Administration attached to the Office of the President of Ukraine, 61075, Kharkiv, Mos- kovskyі Prospekt, 75, tel.: + 38 (050) 237 97 25, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8718-6343 Амосов Олег Юрійович, доктор економічних наук, професор, зав. кафедри економічної теорії та фінансів Хар- ківського регіонального інституту державного управління Національної академії дер- жавного управління при Президентові України, 61001, Україна, м. Харків, просп. Мос- ковський, 75, тел.: + 38 (050) 237 97 25, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8718-6343

62 Амосов Олег Юрьевич, доктор экономических наук, профессор, зав. кафедры экономической теории и финан- сов Харьковского регионального института государственного управления Националь- ной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 61001, Украина, г. Харьков, просп. Московский, 75, тел.: + 38 (050) 237 9725, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8718-6343 DOI


Abstract. The vision of social transformations, which is a component of the stage of modernization of society, is presented. It is proposed to consider the in- fluence of archetypes on social transformations through the formation of an ar- chetypical and institutional mechanism for regulating socio-economic relations, which is proposed to be considered as an ordered set of institutional levers, incen- tives and measures aimed at ensuring the effective use of archetypes on the basis of a combination of factors of the micro- and macroeconomic environment by means of public administration. The emphasis is placed on the strengthening of the role of state and supra-national regulatory archetypical-institutional entities in the design of social transformations. Based on the existing theoretical and concep- tual provisions for determining the content of the process of institutionalization of archetypes, it has been determined that the mechanism of regulation of institu- tional transformations of the national market should be considered in three main aspects, corresponding to the economic and social nature of the inter-subjective interaction of market participants. It is noted that the system-reflexive paradigm of regulation of the development and management of transformational changes of complex open socio-economic systems is based on the definition of the active nature of the influence of archetypes, subjects, as well as the reflexive procedures of their interaction, both on the choice of directions and ways of implementation, and on the dynamics of the flow of these processes. The composition of the main provisions that determine the feasibility of using a system of reflexive paradigm in the field of regulation of socio-economic relations, includes a set of assumptions. The main provisions defining the expediency of using the system-reflexive para- digm in the sphere of regulation of socio-economic relations are determined. It is established that the main institutional conflicts are manifestations of inconsist- ency between archetypes and elements of institutional environment. Keywords: archetypes, archetype-institutional mechanism, social transfor- mations, socio-economic relations. ВПЛИВ АРХЕТИПІВ НА СУСПІЛЬНІ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЇ Анотація. Презентовано бачення суспільних трансформацій, які є скла- довою сучасного етапу модернізації суспільства. Запропоновано розгляда-

63 ти вплив архетипів на суспільні трансформації як засіб формування архе- типно-інституціонального механізму регулювання соціально-економічних відносин, який пропонується розглядати як упорядковану множину ін- ституціональних важелів, стимулів і заходів, спрямованих на забезпечен- ня ефективного використання архетипів на основі поєднання дії факторів мікро- та макроекономічного середовища за допомогою засобів публічного адміністрування. Зроблено наголос на посиленні ролі державних і наддер- жавних регулятивних архетипно-інституціональних утворень у проекту- ванні суспільних трансформацій. Узагальнено наявні теоретичні та концеп- туальні положення стосовно визначення змісту процесу інституціоналізації архетипів і визначено, що механізм регулювання інституціональних тран- сформацій національного ринку має розглядатися в трьох основних аспек- тах, що відповідають економічній та соціальній природі міжсуб’єктної вза- ємодії учасників ринку. Зазначено, що системно-рефлексивна парадигма регулювання розвитку й управління трансформаційними змінами склад- них відкритих соціально-економічних систем ґрунтується на визначенні активного характеру впливу архетипів, суб’єктів, а також рефлексивних процедур їх взаємодії як на вибір напрямів і шляхів здійснення, так і на динаміку перебігу цих процесів. До складу основних положень, що визнача- ють доцільність використання системно-рефлексивної парадигми у сфері регулювання соціально-економічних відносин, віднесено сукупність при- пущень. Виокремлено основні положення, що визначають доцільність ви- користання системно-рефлексивної парадигми в особливій сфері — сфері регулювання соціально-економічних відносин. З’ясовано, що до складу ін- ституціональних конфліктів належать вияви неузгодженості між архетипа- ми й елементами інституціонального середовища. Ключові слова: архетипи, архетипно-інституціональний механізм, су- спільні трансформації, соціально-економічні відносини. ВЛИЯНИЕ АРХЕТИПОВ НА ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ Аннотация. Представлено видение общественных трансформаций, ко- торые являются составляющей этапа модернизации социума. Предложено рассматривать влияние архетипов на общественные трансформации по- средством формирования архетипно-институционального механизма ре- гулирования социально-экономических отношений, который предлагается расценивать как упорядоченное множество институциональных рычагов, стимулов и мер, направленных на обеспечение эффективного использо- вания архетипов на основе сочетания действия факторов микро- и макро- экономической среды с помощью средств публичного администрирования. Сделан упор на усилении роли государственных и надгосударственных ре- гулятивных архетипно-институциональных образований в проектировании общественных трансформаций. На основе имеющихся теоретических и кон- цептуальных положений по определению содержания процесса институ-

64 ционализации архетипов определено, что механизм регулирования институ- циональных трансформаций национального рынка должен рассматриваться в трех основных аспектах, соответствующих экономической и социальной природе межсубьектного взаимодействия участников рынка. Отмечено, что системно-рефлексивная парадигма регулирования развития и управления трансформационными изменениями сложных открытых социально-эконо- мических систем базируется на определении активного характера влияния архетипов, субъектов, а также рефлексивных процедур их взаимодействия как на выбор направлений и путей осуществления, так и на динамику про- текания данных процессов. Определены основные положения, определяю- щие целесообразность использования системно-рефлексивной парадигмы в особой сфере — сфере регулирования социально-экономических отношений. Установлено, что к основным институциональным конфликтам относится проявления несогласованности между архетипами и элементами институци- ональной среды. Ключевые слова: архетипы, архетипно-институциональный механизм, общественные трансформации, социально-экономические отношения.

Target setting. An integral part of rily by the collective and consensual the modern stage is the modernization and compromise nature of coordination and updating of both production and of interests of their participants, in the technological base, promoting the com- context of large-scale and fleeting social petitiveness of domestic business enti- transformations characteristic of mo- ties and increasing the welfare of popu- dern conditions of a transformational lation, the implementation of a number society may lead to the emergence of of large-scale changes based on the ar- transitional and temporary institutions, chetypes of social relations. As part of the functioning of which can lead to this kind of change, the gradual forma- even braking vital reforms for society. A tion of new and improved existing ele- prerequisite for ensuring the stability of ments of social environment in accor- the process of institutional transforma- dance with the latest conditions of social tion, preventing the emergence of this existence is not only a significant com- process of contradictions and traps, as ponent of transformation of the system well as aggravation of conflicts is the of industrial relations, but also serves formation of a holistic archetypical- as an extremely important requirement institutional mechanism for the regula- for the successful implementation of tion of social development, the essence the rest of the reforms in all areas of life of which is an ordered set of institution- without exception. However, the natu- al levers, incentives and measures aimed ral long-term and extremely complex at ensuring effective development and content of the processes of formation of use of archetypes on the basis of a com- elements of the archetypal environment bination of factors of micro- and mac- of social relations, conditioned prima- roeconomic environment. In the case

65 of institutional administration, the in- types on the basis of the application of stitutional mechanism should be consi- certain institutional formations). dered as a complement to the mecha- It should be noted that it is the in- nism of the interaction of archetypes, stitutional interpretation of the nature the specificity of structural construc- of this mechanism as the responsibi- tion and the nature of its action is asso- lity of structural and organizational ciated with the peculiarities of the insti- nature of the formation of institutional tutional formations that are part of it, as mechanism of transformation, which well as with the characteristic features components are the state (carries out of a particular object of institutional macroeconomic regulation), trade uni- regulation (sphere, field of human ac- ons (representing the interests of emp- tivity) based on archetypes. loyees), associations (advocate for the Analysis of recent research and protection of business interests of emp- publications. Despite the fact that the loyers); mass media (exercise public problem of social transformations has oversight and control functions). How- been studied by institutional scholars, ever, in this case, the complex institu- among which are Bromley D. Commons tional nature of this mechanism and the J., Ostrom E., Rodrik D. and others [1– reflexive basis of the interaction of dif- 18], the issue of institutional regulation ferent actors are ignored. In addition, of social transformations, taking into the public interest in such a system can account the influence of archetypes, the not be presented properly, since it is al- scientific basis of which was created by most entirely reliant on the state, which the scholars led by Afonin E. in Ukrai- also does not correspond to the complex nian science, is almost uninvestigated and ambiguous institutional nature of by the national scientific community. archetypes. Formulation of the purpose of the On the one hand it is possible to article. The substantiation of the sci- consider the archetypical-institutional entific and theoretical foundations of mechanism of transformation of society institutional regulation of social trans- as a set of interconnections between the formations taking into account the in- elements of the institutional environ- fluence of archetypes. ment, carried out on the principles of Presenting main material. In stu- democracy, coordination of interests dying the essence of the archetypical- and cooperation of participants in social institutional mechanism of regulation and labor relations (structural and sta- of socio-economic relations, two ap- tic aspects), and, on the other hand, as proaches can be distinguished: a system of instrumental and methodo- • structural (the institutional me- logical provision of formalized influence chanism is considered as a component on the subjects of society, an alternative of the mechanism of reforms in general, (counterbalance) to the processes of which is determined, however, by its self-organization (i. e. dynamically-situ- own structure and peculiarities of func- ational spectra). With the necessity of tioning); distinguishing the dynamic component • institutional (the study of refle- of this mechanism, the absence of built- xive aspects of the interaction of arche- in mechanisms for balancing interests

66 (based on the concerted action of in- is, internal changes in the institutional stitutional restraints and counterba- environment and the corresponding lances) is immanent for the system of regulatory mechanism are not given re- approval of formal norms, which pre- levant significance, and therefore these vent the routinization of stimulating phenomena are considered to be an or- impulses of positive changes and trans- ganic component of an object that is in formations based on archetypes. a state of transformation; The specificity of functional content • archetypal-institutional-transfor- of this mechanism is that it must effec- mational, according to which the arche- tively perform the following functions: typical-institutional changes are a kind • subject-oriented integration of of super-structural transformation, ori- agents to maintain interaction on the ented towards creating such conditions basis of common norms, statuses (in ac- around the object of regulation (cor- cordance with the archetypes); responding sphere of social relations) • social differentiation of actors and that would ensure the transformation agents according to the institutional of this object in a certain purposefully criteria; regulation of interaction be- selected direction on the basis of adjust- tween institutional actors and econo- ing the behavior of subjects, supporting mic agents; and disseminating relevant models and • routinization of new norms and re- strategic. production of institutional innovations; In this case, changes in the arche- • subordination and coordination of type-institutional environment are a interrelationships between different in- separate object of regulation and re- stitutional actors; control of observance form. of norms and rules. In addition, it should be noted that Institutional transformations based the implementation of institutional on archetypes become the core element transformations on the basis of arche- of institutional mechanism of social types clearly distinguishes between two transformations, reflecting the dynamic basic models of transformations of the aspect of its functioning, and change institutional environment: evolutionary not only of the structure and mode of (organic changes, most often due to the functioning of institutional environ- inertia of the previous trajectory of de- ment, but also have a significant impact velopment; and revolutionary (based on the system of social relations in ge- on the replacement and import of insti- neral. The generalization of termino- tutions that are not rooted in conserva- logical descriptions and scientific views tive social traditions and whose imple- on the definition of economic essence of mentation is usually associated with the the concept of “institutional-archetypal significant transformations of the con- transformations” (changes) has allowed stituent institutional environment). to distinguish the following main ap- Consequently, the two variants of proaches: institutional transformation described, • public, in which archetypical-in- to a certain extent, correspond to two stitutional transformations are identi- models of institutional genesis based on fied with social transformations, that archetypes, namely: the institutionaliza-

67 tion of changes (more oriented towards of institutionalization as a process of the evolutionary transformation of in- formation of a legal-rational system of stitutional environment); institutional institutes as an individual level, which design (in the context of consciousness includes a dynamic interaction of actors and purposefulness of the actions of ac- of certain relationships during the crea- tors — the initiators and participants of tive generation of certain institutional the reform processes — determined by norms, rules and procedures for the the focus on revolutionary changes). coordination of local interests, and on One of the key elements of economic a system-wide level, which defines the mechanism, which is determined by the structural parameters of the relevant in- greatest sensitivity to the influence of stitutional environment); institutional changes, is a labor market, • structurally functional (based on within the framework of which the in- the almost complete exclusion of the teraction of interests of the overwhelm- relevance of the impact of individual ing majority of economic agents takes acts of interaction on the formation of place and the formation of the funda- institutions and emphasizes the interac- mental principles of ensuring the sus- tive nature of this process, in which the tainable growth of the national econo- integration of any local interests and my is formed. expectations of the participants serves Consequently, the existing imper- only as a prerequisite for the generali- fection of structural construction and zation and unification of the complex of the ineffectiveness of the functioning of social roles and features that are com- the constituent institutional environ- mon and relevant); ment should be considered as one of the • evolutionary-value (considers in- main causes of the spread of negative stitutionalization as a coherent process phenomena, which, in particular, are in which the archetypically-institutio- manifestations of the growth of unregu- nal space is originally formed, that is, lated employment and the limitation of the individual elements that make it on opportunities for realizing the potential the macro-, mezo-, and macro levels are of productive activity of population, subjected to a gradual transformation weakened social protection of employ- under the influence of the transforma- ees and the deterioration of working tion of notions of actors about the most conditions, increasing unjustified dif- important for them values and inte- ferentiation in the level of remunera- rests); tion by industry and region, reducing • dynamic (formation of the insti- real incomes and spreading poverty, etc. tutional environment is considered as a The generalization of provisions of consequence and form of response of a theoretical approaches, which describes social system to an objective). the content and nature of the process of Summarizing the existing theoretical institutionalization of socio-economic and conceptual positions regarding the transformations, has allowed to identify definition of the content of the process several basic approaches, namely: of institutionalization of archetypes, it • interactive-dynamic (proceeds should be noted that the mechanism from the sociological interpretation for regulating institutional transforma-

68 tions of the national market should be It should be noted that the impor- considered in three main aspects that tance of measures to counteract arche- are in line with the economic and social typal institutional inertia is naturally nature of the inter-subjective interac- increasing with the scale of reforms, tion of market participants: structural which ultimately can make it impossi- and substantive (ordering about objec- ble to simply copy effective institutional tively existing, but amorphous, unstruc- practices and import of institutions. It tured and chaotically used acts of inter- will determine the inevitable need for a action of participants of this market in a social and genetic approach to improve certain system of relations); functional the existing components of institutional (definition of roles and functions cor- environment. responding to a recognized socially It is necessary to insist on the regular necessary and socially useful models strengthening of the role of a state and of behavior of actors whose individual supra-state regulatory institutional for- interests are not considered relevant at mations in the design of social changes. the same time); adaptive-dynamic (pro- The high role of the state in the insti- viding a flexible response to changes in tutional design should also be noted employment conditions through updat- because of its responsibility for main- ing the elements of institutional envi- taining a stable state of the main social ronment of social and labor relations, preconditions for institutional changes capable to both self-reproduction and (supporting the action of existing in- internal coherence, and to adapt to any stitutional formations), which should economic changes). ensure a non-conflict in the implemen- Institutional design is a specialized tation of the appropriate social transfor- modeling activity on the basis of arche- mations. typal entities for conscious and purpose- Effectiveness of institutional plan- ful implementation in the field of regu- ning measures (first of all — in the con- lation of social relations. Institutional text of the introduction of formal rules changes as a kind of planned archetype- and regulations) directly depends on socio-cultural innovations, the success the prevailing archetypes, as well as on of distribution in a crucial measure are the effectiveness of mechanisms (in- determined by the compliance with the cluding — state regulation) of coopera- archetype-institutional and cultural tion of interests of groups of interests. context. Achieving such compliance al- The diversity of agents’ roles in the lows institutional innovation to enter institutionalization process is primarily into a kind of meta-competition (which due to the internal laws of the process of implies not only competition but also formation and development of the con- synergistic support for various elements stituent archetypal environment, the of institutional environment) with ex- stages of which are the perinatal phase, isting institutional entities (“substitute the phase of structuring, the institu- institutions”), a key factor in the suc- tional exhaustion, the phase of institu- cess of which is comparable economic tional transformations. efficiency (first of all, in the sphere of The main roles performed by actors influence on transformation costs). during institutional design should in-

69 clude the following: initiator, adapter, into a particular prototype of a new or innovator, advocate, controller, distri- transformed institution. butor, communicator, proselyte, recipi- The developed prototype, the expe- ent, statistician, antagonist. The role of diency of which, after reaching a certain an initiator during the institutional de- level of awareness of it among a wide velopment are accumulation, awareness range of market participants becomes and certain formalization of existing the subject of attention and subject of expects (expectations) in the society, discussion. It is necessary to undergo the emergence of which is usually asso- verification and (in case of recognition ciated with the accumulation of contra- of the realities of the advantages of such dictions between the mechanisms used a prototype) revision (adaptation). The to ensure the effective interaction of functions of actors-adapters (first of all, market participants. the expert and consulting community, In modern conditions, the most representatives of the state) are also notable contradictions of this kind subject to verification of adequacy by should include the following: between the initiators of perception, reception the existing structure of employment and interpretation of public representa- and the requirements for intensifying tions associated with the recognition of economic growth; between the exist- the need for institutional regulation. ing model of wage formation and the The formed positive social attitude need to ensure the growth of domestic to the new institutional formation natu- demand as the driving force of econom- rally attracts the attention of advanced ic development; the existing system of innovators (first of all — entrepreneurs hiring of employees and the possibili- and mediators of a labor market, as ties of fulfilling social guarantees and well as individual employees, whose obligations of the state; between the competence is unique), who, by mak- backward model of the formation of ing attempts to implement the created human capital and the requirements prototype in economic life, translate it regarding the generation of compe- from conception in the form of a new tencies of workers, adequate to the specific social practice. Such a practice post-industrial mode of production, can not be considered as a new element etc. Actuating initiators (namely, state of institutional environment (in fact, bodies, trade unions and associations, institutional innovation), since it has representatives of scientific and educa- not yet become widespread in a plura- tional community), through the com- lity of certain socio-economic relations prehension and streamlining of public in the market, but rather allows for a perceptions about the unsatisfactory comparative analysis of the potential state of the institutional environment, productivity of the use of an archetype. based on the activation of their own The success of the implementation initiative-ideological guides and crea- of institutional innovation naturally tive abilities, the necessary properties determines the growth of the acti- of the new elements of the institutional vity of disseminating positive informa- environment, as well as the search for tion about the institution, in which the options for combining these properties propagandistic actors (state authori-

70 ties, media, intermediaries in the market The system-reflexive paradigm of professional organizations and associa- regulation of development and manage- tions) demonstrate commitment to the ment of the transformational changes of institution and to some extent lobby for complex open socio-economic systems its dissemination, opposing the exist- is based, first of all, on the observation ing traditions and customs that hinder of the active nature of the influence (deny) the dissemination of a new in- of the subjects, as well as the reflexive stitutional formation. A prerequisite for procedures of their interaction, both checking information about the new in- on the choice of directions and ways of stitutional practice is monitoring of its implementation, and on the dynamics functioning and distribution, response of these processes, the composition of to violations of established norms, con- the main provisions that determine the flict resolution, prevention of manifes- feasibility of using a system of reflective tations of selfish opportunist behavior paradigm in the field of regulation of so- of economic agents, etc., carried out by cio-economic relations, should include bodies and organizations authorized by such assumptions: the state and society (professional state Firstly, the systemic-reflexive ap- institutions, scientific and educational proach which is based on the recog- institutions, professional associations). nition of the essential difficulties (or Another aspect of the dissemina- even the impossibility) of the formation tion of new institutional practices is the of completely and uniquely objective creation of a distribution system sup- (that is, those that do not carry sub- porting its dissemination, to the tasks jective evaluative judgments) precon- of its actors (public authorities, labor ditions for making decisions aimed at market intermediaries, professional as- regulation development or change ma- sociations, expert and consulting com- nagement. munity) to provide assistance in the Secondly, the basis of the reflexive form of a transfer to members of the na- subject-subject interaction determines tional the labor market of knowledge or system representations (“information specific assets necessary for adaptation models”) of agents about their own to the operation of the institution, clari- properties and relevant characteristics fication of the particularities of the use of partners, environment conditions, of this form of institutional education. within which the indicated interaction Thus, in the course of public adoption is deployed, etc. of new institutional practices for the Thirdly, the reflexive approach to realization of the interests of groups of the regulation of development and actors, they provide possible individual management of changes in socio- differences between them in terms of economic relations, first of all, in the their participation in the implementa- establishment of forms of purposeful tion of reforms, in particular, their role inter-entity interaction, in which the in the creation and dissemination of efforts of subjects should focus on the new archetypes, as well as in providing formation of an information space (the opportunities for adaptation of social hierarchy of ideas, representations, im- and economic agents. ages, correspond to the vector of the

71 target orientation of the interests of the effective resolution of inter-entity these entities), in the context of the contradictions: perception of which other agents will • between institutions that have be oriented towards the provision of a unified form of existence (formal or these interests. informal), as well as functional and ob- Fourthly, the systemic-reflexive jective orientations (for example, dif- paradigm is based on the existence of ferences between normative acts go- an extremely complex mechanism for verning relations or traditions existing maintaining the relations of agents with in a particular industry or professional the poly-subject environment of their field); functioning and development, which • between institutions and institu- also represents a reflection of work- tional norms that have a unified func- ing conditions through a set of formed tional and objective orientation, but information models that take into ac- different form of existence or mani- count not only the notion of the state festation in time (e. g. contradictions of certain phenomena and processes (in between business practice of employ- the complex determine the parameters ment and state social employment of the object of management), but also standards); value-purpose guidelines of other ac- • between institutions and institu- tors, the actions of which can have a re- tional norms of a different or homogene- levant impact on the transformation of ous form of existence (an institutional this will, that is, also able to find reflec- conflict arises through the institutional tions on the success of the implementa- design of new rules by import or substi- tion of the formed agents models and tution). selected behavior strategies. In general, an integral part of ensur- Fifthly, the ordering and systemati- ing the successful implementation of zation of information models (bringing a wide range of tasks in the field of re- in a kind of holistic hierarchy of images form is the development of an institu- and representations reflecting the basic tional environment and an appropriate value-purpose guides and correspond- mechanism for institutional regulation ing behavior patterns of most subjects), of relations based on the archetypes which in a complex define the para- focused on the formation and develop- meters of the poly-subject environment ment of human capital appropriate and activity, carried out on a collective- adequate to the requirements of modern reflexive basis, that is, has the institu- stage of social development, which is tional nature of the procedures for the determined by the complication of the adoption of group decisions. content and growth of creativity and Conclusions and perspectives of creative nature of work, the globaliza- further research. Thus, the main in- tion of scale and the internationaliza- stitutional conflicts in the national tion of migration flows, increase the labor market should include the fol- needs of production in highly skilled lowing manifestations of inconsistency personnel and diverse in the profes- between archetypes and elements of the sional orientation of the competencies institutional environment that prevent of the staff.

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74 UDC: 338.481.1 : 338.485 : 39 ] (477) Нavryliuk Alla Mykhailіvna, PhD in Public Administration, Docent, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Do- centthe Department of International Tourism, 01133, Kyiv, Str. Evhena Konovaltsa, 36, tel.: +38 (067) 500 66 92, e-mail: etnosvit24@ ORCID: 0000-0003-2743-0409 Гаврилюк Алла Михайлівна, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародного туризму, Київський національний уні- верситет культури і мистецтв, 01133, м. Київ, вул. Євгена Коновальця, 36, тел.: +38 (067) 500 66 92, e-mail: etnosvit24@ ORCID: 0000-0003-2743-0409 Гаврилюк Алла Михайловна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры междуна- родного туризма, Киевский национальный університет культуры и искусств, Украина, 01133, г. Киев, ул. Евгения Коновальца, 36, тел.: +38 (067) 500 66 92, e-mail: etnosvit24@ ORCID: 0000-0003-2743-0409 DOI


Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the management aspects of the influence of archetypal components of Ukrainian ethnics on the process of forma- tion of the collective local identity of the population living on a certain territory. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the archetype of the place influences the peculiarities of development of tourism varieties in Ukraine. Ukrainian ethnic tourism is singled out as one of the popular domestic resources of the country’s promotion, which is “tied” to the authentic indigenous traditions of the people. It is specified that the specificity of Ukrainian ethnic tourism lies in its polyculture and is manifested through such varieties as: rural ecological, religious, pilgrimage, festival, ethnographic, cultural and cognitive, extreme, event and other types of tourism, which are clearly reflected in the symbolic contexts of local identity. The emphasis is on the timely introduction of the definition of “ethno tou- rism” in the legal field of tourism. An importance of participation of the local

75 community in the formation of principles of collective local identity is illustrated through the work of the Dnipro Development Agency Public Utility Company in Dnipro. The original procedure of cross-links that determine the interdepen- dence of peculiarities of formation of collective local identity from the mental archetype of the population on some areas of the administrative-territorial unit is presented. We determined the directions of activity of local government bodies in the process of public-private partnership with the representatives of business and the public, among which: creation of conditions for the recognition of the heredi- ty of the traditions of the population of the territory; organization and conduct of socio-educational, moral and spiritual, cultural and cognitive events, that unite the ethnic community; development and implementation of socio-economic and cultural historical programs of the territory development etc. The conclusion is drawn that the Ukrainian mental archetype is formed un- der the influence of socio-political, cultural and historical development of the Ukrainian state. Its current stage is under the influence of Ukrainian ethnic Renaissance, which determines modern vectors of the development of domes- tic tourism through Ukrainian ethnic tourism, which is based on the values of Ukrainian ethno-geocultural phenomenon. Keywords: archetype, ethno-tourism, Ukrainian ethnic tourism, identity, col- lective identity, local identity, local government bodies. АРХЕТИПІКА УКРАЇНСЬКОГО ЕТНІЧНОГО ТУРИЗМУ В СИМВОЛІЧНИХ КОНТЕКСТАХ ЛОКАЛЬНОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ: УПРАВЛІНСЬКИЙ АСПЕКТ Анотація. Досліджено управлінські аспекти впливу архетипових складо- вих української етніки на процес формування колективної локальної іден- тичності населення, яке проживає на певній території. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що архетип місця впливає на особливості розвитку різновидів туризму в Україні. Виокремлено український етнічний туризм як один із популярних вітчизняних ресурсів промоції країни, що має “прив’язку” до автентичних самобутніх традицій народу. Вказано, що специфіка українського етнічного туризму полягає в його полікультурості і виявляється через такі різновиди, як: сільський екологічний, релігійний, паломницький, фестивальний, етно- графічний, культурно-пізнавальний, екстремальний, подієвий та інші види туризму, які чітко відображаються в символічних контекстах локальної іден- тичності. Акцентовано увагу на своєчасності введення у правове поле сфери туриз- му дефініції “етнотуризм”. На прикладі діяльності Комунального підприєм- ства “Агентство розвитку Дніпра” в м. Дніпрі вказано на важливість участі місцевої громади у формуванні засад колективної локальної ідентичності. У дослідженні представлено розроблену автором схему наскрізних зв’язків, що визначають взаємозалежність особливостей формування колективної локальної ідентичності від ментальної архетипіки населення в межах адмі- ністративно-територіальної одиниці. Визначено напрями діяльності органів

76 місцевого управління в процесі публічно-приватного партнерства з пред- ставниками бізнесу та громадськості, серед яких: створення умов для ви- знання спадковості традицій населення території; організація та проведення заходів суспільно-виховного, морально-духовного, культурно-пізнавально- го змісту, що об’єднують етнічну спільноту; розробка та реалізація програм соціально-економічного та культурно-історичного розвитку території тощо. Зроблено висновки про те, що українська ментальна архетипіка форму- ється під впливом суспільно-політичного та культурно-історичного розвит- ку Української держави. Її нинішній етап відбувається під дією українського етнічного ренесансу, що визначає сучасні вектори розвитку вітчизняного ту- ризму через український етнічний туризм, який вибудовується на цінностях українського етногеокультурного феномену. Ключові слова: архетип, етнотуризм, український етнічний туризм, іден- тичність, колективна ідентичність, локальна ідентичність, органи місцевого управління. АРХЕТИПИКА УКРАИНСКОГО ЭТНИЧЕСКОГО ТУРИЗМА В СИМВОЛИЧЕСКИХ КОНТЕКСТАХ ЛОКАЛЬНОЙ ИДЕНТИЧНОСТИ: УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ Аннотация. Исследован управленческий аспект влияния архетипических составляющих украинской этники на процесс формирования коллектив- ной локальной идентичности населения, проживающего на определенной территории. Акцентировано внимание на том, что архетип места влияет на особенности развития разновидностей туризма в Украине. Выделен украин- ский этнический туризм как один из популярных отечественных ресурсов продвижения страны, который имеет “привязку” к самобытным традициям народа. Указано, что специфика украинского этнического туризма заключа- ется в его поликультурости и проявляется через такие разновидности, как: сельский экологический, религиозный, паломнический, фестивальный, эт- нографический, культурно-познавательный, экстремальный, событийный и другие виды туризма, которые четко отображаются в символических контек- стах локальной идентичности. Акцентировано внимание на своевременности введения в правовое поле сферы туризма дефиниции “этнотуризм”. На примере деятельности комму- нального предприятия “Агентство развития Днепра” в г. Днепре указано на важность участия местного сообщества в формировании основ коллективной локальной идентичности. В исследовании представлена разработанная авто- ром схема связей, определяющих взаимозависимость особенностей форми- рования коллективной локальной идентичности от ментальной архетипики населения в пределах административно-территориальной единицы. Опреде- лены направления деятельности органов местного управления с представи- телями бизнеса и общественности в процессе государственно-частного парт- нерства, среди которых: создание условий для признания наследственности традиций населения территории; организация и проведение мероприятий

77 общественно-воспитательного, нравственно-духовного, культурно-познава- тельного характера, объединяющих этническую общность; разработка и ре- ализация программ социально-экономического и культурно-исторического развития территории и др. Сделаны выводы о том, что украинская ментальная архетипика формиру- ется под влиянием общественно-политического и культурно-исторического развития Украинского государства. Ее нынешний этап происходит под дей- ствием украинского этнического ренессанса, что определяет современные векторы развития отечественного туризма через украинский этнический ту- ризм, который выстраивается на ценностях украинского етногеокультурного феномена. Ключевые слова: архетип, этнотуризм, украинский этнический туризм, идентичность, коллективная идентичность, локальная идентичность, орга- ны местного управления.

Problem statement. In the condi- ting knowledge of authentic original tions of globalization, international traditions of people, which in the over- tourism takes one of the leading places whelming majority, have archetypal in the global economy. According to context and are “connected” with the the UN World Tourism Organization territory and together form local iden- (UNWTO), the contribution of tou- tity of the population. rism to the global gross domestic pro- In Ukraine, the concept of “ethno- duct, taking into account the indirect tourism” was not introduced in the le- effect, is 10 percent. General quantity gal field for a long time. Only in 2016, of workplaces directly or indirectly in- the Strategy for Development of Tou- volved in tourism is 11 percent [1]. rism and Resorts in Ukraine for the pe- Ethnotourism, which is considered riod up to 2026 declared ethnic tourism differently by scientists: as a kind of as a type of domestic tourism [1]. This, internal, specialized, ethnographic, cul- in particular, contributes to the deve- tural, cognitive, other types of tourism, lopment of this direction, while at the confirms the growing interest in do- same time posing a number of challen- mestic tourism resources, and therefore ges to local authorities, the public and theoretical and practical studies of this representatives of tourism industry in phenomenon are becoming relevant the regions of its active dissemination and actual through the prism of disco- and encourages the conduct of scien- vering the uniqueness and individua- tific research, confirming relevance of lity of domestic tourist destinations the study. and attractions. Analysis of recent researches and Nowadays there is a demand for publications and previously unsolved ethnotourism in Ukraine, because of part of the general problem. Increa- the growing interest of Ukrainians in singly, both scholars and practitioners traveling within the country and get- talk about the use of basic principles

78 of the theory of “ethnic renaissance”, shiy [12], et. al. are devoted to the co- introduced into the scientific world by verage of issues related to the applica- E. Smith and embodied in many count- tion of an archetypal approach to the ries. Its theoretical concept is based on functioning of individual areas of acti- the revival of ethnic past and bringing vities. Z. Bauman [13], Ya. Kotenko [14], it into today reality not through sim- G. Korzhov [15], M. Stepyko [16] et. ple copying, but updating, modernizing al. emphasize the urgency of studying and renovating [2]. It is noteworthy the varieties of collective identities. that it was E. Smith, one of the first to The scientists point out the intercon- offer ethnotourism as the way of know- nection between private and collective; ing the traditions of exotic nationali- participation of community members ties, including visits to their homes and in community-building local affairs, settlements, observation of rites, and issues, events within a clearly defined so on. territory. No wonder that Z. Bauman At the same time, the researcher asserts that “identity becomes a prism singled out generic, local, regional, eco- through which the important features nomic, religious, ethnic, national, geo- of modern life are evaluated and stu- political and civilizational collective died [13]”. identities that are formed under the At the same time, there are no such influence of globalization processes [3]. issues among domestic researches as Particularly relevant is the process of studying the influence of archetype on discovering the “own unique scenario” the formation of local identity by means for different types of identities within a of tourism in general, and Ukrainian locally defined territory. ethnic tourism, in particular, from the Among the pleiad of domestic ethno- point of view of “state administration” tourism researchers it is worthwhile to science. They are mostly related to identify such scientists as: O. Dutchak the axiological and socio-cultural ap- [4], S. Muravska [5], L. Petranivskyi, proach, without taking into account A. Mysyk [6], O. Lyubitseva, Ye. Pan- the archetypal component, which is a kova, V. Stafiychuk [7], M. Klyap, key issue in the proposed article. F. Shandor [8], et. al. Theoretical as- Therefore, the purpose of the arti- pects of the development of ethno-tou- cle is to substantiate theoretical and rism are depicted, the terminology ap- practical principles of the influence paratus is generalized, the characteris- of Ukrainian archetype on the peculi- tic of domestic ethno-tourist regions of arities of formation of collective local Ukraine from the standpoint of forma- identity by means of Ukrainian ethnic tion of ethnicity is presented, the eth- tourism in the process of public and nographic, ethnocultural, gastronomic, private partnership of local authorities, event, ethno-festival directions, which business structures and the public on a can be considered as separate types of clearly defined territory. tourism and ethnic variants, are distin- Presenting the main material. guished in their creative works. Based on the theory of K. G. Young — The works of S. Krymskyi [9, 10], the basis of understanding of archetype E. Afonina, A. Martynova [11], O. Su- lies in the experience transmitted from

79 generation to generation. These are, in tourism that contributes to satisfying fact, the structured elements of human spiritual, psychological, physiologi- psyche, which are in the collective sub- cal, and social needs of traveling peo- conscious, which are common to a large ple, creates conditions for familiarizing number of people. These archetypes are with historical, cultural, ethnographic, inherited physiologically, genetically, and spiritual heritage of a certain eth- psychologically and manifest in com- nic group (it is the author’s definition). mon historical narratives, confirming Material, spiritual and cultural values the continuity of generations. created and preserved by representa- Archetypes tend to change under tives of the Ukrainian ethnic group in the influence of socio-political and so- the process of life on a clearly defined cio-economic circumstances. They are territory are considered as objects of manifested in the individual, collective this type of tourism. These subjects subconscious and expressed in the spe- include groups of individuals and pe- cifics of universal, national and ethno- culiar persons (tourists) who, through cultural heritage and as a basic resource various communicative practices, get of tourism. familiar with ethno-tourism resource Each territory as a tourist destina- potential of the territory. tion (from English — destination) has a The specificity of Ukrainian eth- certain set of values that distinguish it nic tourism is that this kind of tour- among other similar places, displaying ism is multicultural and is manifested unique, peculiar tourist attractions (pe- through such varieties as: rural, ecolo- culiar fascinations), locations (places of gical, religious, pilgrimage, festival, eth- concentration) and, in general, tourist nographic, cultural-cognitive, extreme, resources. event, etc., which is clearly reflected in In Ukraine there was a regional di- the symbolic local identity contexts. versity of tourist destinations, which Many scholars from various fields of formed a complex of historical-cultural, science address to the interpretation of natural and ethnographic heritage of concept of “identity”. However, in most the territory. Accordingly, it affects the cases, the interpretation of concept is formation of principles of local identity reduced to the characteristics of socio- of the local population, which identi- psychological state of the individual as fies itself with a certain group of peo- a member of the community/affiliation, ple, their language, culture, customs, united by a common physical space that traditions, state-building. At the same has a symbolic value and culture [14]. time, the activities of local government The formation of local identity is influ- bodies are aimed at preserving, protect- enced by cultural, historical, mental, ing and popularizing tourist resources sociogenic and other factors that crys- of local and national importance and tallize collective and individual experi- direct but not indirect influence on the ence of the individual in the process of archetype of individuals. interaction with other members of soci- Among many varieties, Ukrainian ety within a particular local community. ethnic tourism is distinguished, which Today, scientists from different is understood as the type of internal fields are trying to present the arche-

80 typal principles of Ukrainian ethnic the mother-woman, domestic goddes of group. Let us try to characterize this the human race, the supreme substance phenomenon. The following are clearly of everyday wisdom, educational ideal, distinguished among archetypes of the the source of national original tradi- Ukrainian ethnos: the archetype of tions. Attitude to mother-woman de- mother, father, family, family; the ar- termines the level of society’s culture. chetype of “good”, “affectionate”, “fer- This archetype is exalted from others tile land”; the archetype of great love through the sacred essence of Ukrain- for nature, earth, people; the archetype ian motherhood, which is identified of respect for the elders; archetype of with social homeland. It traces the industriousness; the archetype of free- continuity of generations from ancient dom; the archetype of valor, bravery, Trypillians to contemporary Ukrai- heroism, courage. nians. The presented archetypes can be Let us look at the map of Ukraine united into national archetypes as ideo- to see the “places of power” of national logical value enhancements, built on motherland. Taking into account the the foundations of Ukrainian philoso- fact that the times of Trypillian cul- phy of the heart. This concept has been ture have laid the high level of social observed in Ukraine since the times of consciousness, the relevant epicenter Kyiv Rus and continues in the works of of spirituality was the mother-woman, medieval polemics, Kyiv metropolitans domestic goddess Berehynya, it is ne- and priests, philosophers and scholars. cessary to visit the following tourist Ukrainian national philosophy of locations: Historical and Archeologi- the heart was based on principles that cal Museum “Ancient Aratta-Ukraine” supplemented it for more than one cen- (Trypillya village, Kyiv region), State tury. Among them: the principle of in- Historical and Cultural Reserve “Try- dividuality and the source of humanity pillya Culture” (Lehedzyne village, (P. Yurkevych), the micro-world, the Cherkasy region), Museum of Trypil- expression of inner man embodying God lian Culture of the National Historical (G. Skovoroda), the path to ideal and and Ethnographic Reserve “Pereya- harmony with nature (T. Shevchenko), slav” (Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky, Kyiv the body of hope, foreshadowing, provi- region), Borshchiv regional museum dence (P. Kulish), the key to “econo- with a department in Verteba cave my of the soul”, its journeys to eter- (Ternopil region), other objects. nity, the field of goodness and beauty A woman in many artistic works, (M. Gogol). The anthropocentrism in- iconographic images embodied the herent in Ukrainian folk worldview, in mental traits of the ethnos. For Ukrai- which man is centre of the universe, is nians, it was undoubtedly Sophia — the amplified from the ideological side by Wisdom of God. It was Oranta in So- archetype of the sophism world, which phia, the main temple of Kyiv city. The was regarded as the Book of Genesis, an special role of a woman in the Ukrainian archetype of Ukrainian culture [17]. archetype, her mental core, which was From ancient times and to this day reflected in the appearance of a signifi- Ukrainians with great respect honour cant number of icons of the Mother of

81 God, points out N. Kovalchuk. The re- programs success and achievement of searcher gives a delusional description goals. Ukraine, as the largest country in of her names such as: “The Unbreakable Europe, has a wide variety of regional Wall”, “The Apprentice of Persistent”, differences in the organization of liv- “Intercession of the Holy Virgin”, “Un- ing space, folk-song creativity, mental expected Joy”, “Merciful Healer”, “The characteristics. However, they are all Surcease of Sorrow”, etc. [18]. infiltrated with the idea of generosity, Reverence of the Mother of God in love, tolerance, parenting, ethnic heri- the national Christian tradition points tage, patriotic feelings. to the special role of the women’s be- Therefore, for those who want to ginning in Ukrainian mentality. In ge- touch the world of traditional folk neral, according to S. Krymskyi, Kyiv crafts, in combination with scenic land- personifies the Mother of God [10]. scapes, Ukrainian scansenes will be Even the appearance of the first stone useful — the National Museum of Ar- Christian churches in the city — The chitecture and Life in the Pyrogov vil- Church of the Tithes, which embodied lage, the Museum of architecture and the good news, Sophia of Kyiv, Virgin everyday life named after Clementiy Mary of Pyrogoshcha, the Annuntia- Sheptytskyi in Lviv “Shevchenkivskyi tion gate church of the Golden Gate, Gai”, the Museum of folk architecture complex of monastery buildings with and life of the Middle Naddnipryansh- temples of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra — chyna (Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky city, is a convincing proof of this. In addi- Kyiv region), the Ethnographic Com- tion, Kyiv becomes a city where the plex “Ukrainian Village” (Buzova vil- Virgin wisdom has found the space for lage, Kyiv region), the Transcarpathian construction of the local system and Museum of Folk Architecture and Life statehood [18, p. 209]. (Uzhgorod city), the Village Museum Undoubtedly, the respect of mo- of Architecture and Life “Stare Selo” — therhood has been reflected in the large (Kolochava village, Zakarpattya re- number of icons that were created at gion), the ethnographic and tourist home. This trend of folk orthodox cul- complex “Kozatskyi Khutir” (Stetsivka ture has led to the emergence of mu- village, Cherkasy region), as well as seum centers and exhibits throughout open air museums in Krylos village and Ukraine in our time. A separate seg- Kosiv village of Ivano-Frankivsk re- ment of tourists actively attends the gion, in the Rokynya village near Lutsk, Museum of Home Icons in the Histori- in the Pysarivka village of Kharkiv re- cal and Cultural Complex of the Ra- gion, etc. domysl Castle, the Museum of Volyn's The presented tourist places turn in- Icons, and other regional museum insti- to centers for the cultivation of folk tra- tutions. ditions, the crystallization of historical The mother’s archetype is realized in memory, the quenching of the national the ability to teach, educate, and trans- spirit, the unity of the Ukrainian nation mit traditions. The world of maternal during the period of national and reli- love cherishes us as identities, enriches gious holidays. us spiritually, encourages emotionally,

82 For Ukrainians, the archetype of a fa- (in the charakter of kharaktenyk — ther is inseparable in conjunction with name of magician at the Zaporizhska motherhood — he is wise, hardwork- Sich, who, according to folk legends, ing, always thoughtful, sometimes alert was able to forgive, treat the wounded and overworked. Historically, Ukraine Cossacks, knew psychotherapy, physi- is located at the intersection of geopo- cal training exercises of the Cossacks), litical paths, that is why “all the rollers “Jesuit” (in the charakter of B. Khmel- of civilization” run it according to apt nytsky, I. Mazepa, P. Mohyla) and “Ko- words of Lina Kostenko, and therefore zak Mamai” [17]. it formed a rather specific archetype of While analyzing the structure of the father-worker and father-protector. archetype through the prism of Ukrai- First of all, Ukrainians were associ- nian ethnic tourism, it is important ated with rural man, a man of the soil, to draw attention to its components, which gave him both food and power such as the archetype of freedom, valor, for creative ideas. Love, careful attitude bravery, heroism, courage. It tempered to everything living was an integral in the genes of Ukrainian people during part of the culture of Ukrainian agri- wars, battles, military campaigns in the culture. Special emotionality and deep struggle for Ukraine’s independence. religiousness of the Ukrainian people For a long time Ukrainians have were revealed in relation to the mo- formed a national gene not of a con- ther-earth. It was present at all cycles of queror, but of a defender. Domestic sci- folk ceremonial events, observations of entist A. Bezpalenko states that under nature, everyday life. the influence of wars “Ukrainian hor- The uniqueness of Ukrainian phi- monal depot is made so feminine that losophy is a natural attraction to the Ukrainians are the most peaceful na- earth and all earthly values as a special tion” [19, р. 269]. Dominance of female principle of ethnic Ukrainian soul, a principle in the national archetype de- kind of ethno-earth spirit embodied in prives Ukrainians of aggressive activity. the era of Trypillya culture and formed The formation of local identity by during the millennium historical de- means of tourism is a priority direc- velopment of the Ukrainian state. It is tion of development of the territory. not only natural biodiversity, valuable This modern strategy is used by local soils, picturesque landscapes, favoura- governments in separate regions of the ble natural and climatic conditions that state. And if some of them apply this gave strength to life, but also the sy- practice only precisely, the local com- nergy of ethno-cultural traditions that munity of Dnipro came to the solution were formed precisely in this territory of this issue conceptually. as a combination of spiritual values, in Starting from November, 2016 the which the land was magnified not only Communal Enterprise “Dnipro Deve- as a fostress, and the pivot axis of the lopment Agency” has started vigorous mental being of Ukrainians. activity, the main mission of it is the It is also worth recalling the classifi- creation of favourable investment cli- cation of male archetypes by O. Aresto- mate and the formation of a new tour- vych, who distinguished: “Svyatoslav” ist brand of the city, which has a unique

83 historical past and present-day innova- tal archetype of population within the tion. The City Council of Dnipro ap- administrative-territorial unit and the proved the Program for Development existing varieties of tourism. A priority of City History and Local Identity role in the implementation of concep- “With Ukraine in the Heart” for 2018– tual and value approach to the deve- 2020 among the multidirectional areas lopment of territory is exercised by the of activity [20]. state authorities and local self-govern- The document provides for the crea- ment bodies in the process of public- tion of conditions for the preservation private partnership with business and and further development of Ukrain- public interest representatives. ian national traditions, historical va- lues, the stable and dynamic spread of REFERENCES Ukrainian culture in all age and social groups of the population; Ukrainianiza- 1. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine tion of urban space, formation of deep (2016), The Order “On Approval of national consciousness. The experi- the Strategy for the Development of ence of local government of the city of Tourism and Resorts for the period up Dnipro needs detailed analysis, study to 2026”, available at: http://zakon2. and dissemination, therefore, it claims %D1%80 (Accessed 26 Mach 2018). to have separate scientific exploration. 2. Modern ethnic renaissance, avai- Conclusions and perspectives of lable at: http://aa0880kb.blogspot. further research. All of the forego- com/2012/11 /blog-post_21.html ing makes it possible to draw a general (Accessed 26 Mach 2018). conclusion that Ukrainian mental ar- 3. Smit E. D. (1994), Natsional’na iden- chetype was formed under the influ- tychnist’ [National Identity], “Os- ence of socio-political, cultural and novy”, Kyiv, Ukraine. historical development of the Ukrai- 4. Dutchak O. I. (2012), “Тerminological nian state. Today it is being modernized problems of ethno-tourism”, Zbirnyk using the principles of Ukrainian ethnic materialiv II Vseukrainskoi naukovo- prakychnoi konferencii [A collection renaissance and defines modern vec- of materials of the 2-nd All-Ukraini- tors of development of domestic tou- an Scientific and Practical Practical rism through Ukrainian ethnic tourism, Conference], [Rozvytok ukrains’koho which is built on the values of Ukrai- etnoturyzmu: problemy ta perspek- nian ethno-geocultural phenomenon. tyvy] L’viv, Institute of Economics The proposed tendency is consistent and Tourism, Ukraine, 25–26 April, with the international experience of re- p. 110 –113. vival of the spiritual traditions of ethnic 5. Muravs’ka S. V. (2011), “Ethnic tou- groups, which are formed on the basis of rism: to the problem of definition of the established national archetype. term”, Zbirnyk materialiv Vseukrain- s k o i n a u k o v o - p r a k y c h n o i k o n f e r e n c i i According to the study results, the [A collection of materials of the All- author developed a scheme of cross- Ukrainian Scientific and Practical links that determine the interdepend- Practical Conference], [Rozvytok ence of features of the formation of ukrains’koho etnoturyzmu: problemy collective local identity from the men- ta perspektyvy] L’viv, Institute of Eco-

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UDC: 35:316.77:341.1/8 Holovanova Natalia Viktorivna, Ph.D. student of the 3rd year of the Depart- ment of Political Science and Philosophy of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of the Nation- al Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 61000, Kharkiv, avenue Moscowskyi Prospekt, 75, tel.+38 (097) 946 90 79, (099) 146 60 19, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6729-2226 Голованова Наталя Вікторівна, аспірант 3 курсу кафедри політології та філософії Харківського регіонального ін- ституту Національної академії держав- ного управління при Президентові Укра- їни, 61000 м. Харків, Московський просп., 75, тел.: +38 (097) 946 90 79, (099) 146 60 19, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6729-2226 Голованова Наталья Викторовна, аспирант 3 курса кафедры политологии и философии Харьковского регионального института Национальной академии государ- ственного управления при Президенте Украины, 61000, г. Харьков, Московский просп., 75, тел.: +38 (097) 946 90 79, (099) 146 60 19 e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6729-2226 DOI


Abstract. Properties of modern media space as a superposition of the physi- cal, informational and virtual worlds are specified. Different approaches to the concepts of “media space”, “being”, “otherness”, “context” in the postmodern era are generalized. The questions of European unity in the genesis, the main sources of integration in Europe, the causes of the problem of preserving European iden- tity, dialogue and related topics of understanding and problems of European iden- tity in the metamodern era are presented. The interpretation of these concepts of Plotinus, Levinas and the main features of the philosophy of the Kievan Rus is considered. The main treaties and sources of soft law of the Council of Europe in the information sphere and the values that they carry with their content are

87 analyzed. The joint actions of Ukraine, the European Union and the Council of Europe on implementation of transparency of media ownership, broadcasting of territorial communities, public broadcasting, digital broadcasting, information security measures are considered. The content of the Association Agreement be- tween Ukraine and Ukraine and the emphasis on the protection of human rights in the system of international law are analyzed. The need for flexible approaches and a review of public policy in all areas in the context of globalization are emphasized. The main regulatory mechanisms in European cyberspace are presented. Princi- ples and the history of the development of broadcasting of territorial communi- ties in Europe are mentioned. The priorities of the state policy in the informatio- nal sphere are emphasized. The problems of development of modern information policy of Ukraine are determined. Directions of improvement of the concept of modern European media space and information policy in the region are proposed. Keywords: European unity, European identity, European media space, sources of soft law, media ownership transparency, broadcasting of territorial communities, public broadcasting, digital broadcasting, information security, information policy. ЦІННІСНІ ОРІЄНТИРИ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ В ПРОСТОРІ УКРАЇНА-ЄС (У СВІТЛІ ТЛУМАЧЕНЬ ПЛОТИНА, ЛЕВІНАСА І СИНКРЕТИЧНИХ ПІДХОДІВ У ФІЛОСОФІЇ ДАВНЬОГО КИЄВА) Анотація. Уточнені властивості сучасного медіапростору як суперпозиції фізичного, інформаційного та віртуального світів. Узагальнені різні підходи до понять “медіапростір”, “буття”, “іншість”, “контекст” в епоху постмодерну. Представлені питання європейської єдності у генезі, основні витоки інтегра- ції по-європейськи, причини проблемності збереження європейської іден- тичності, діалогу та пов’язаної з ним теми розуміння в епоху метамодерну. Розглянуті інтерпретації цих понять Плотина, Левінаса та основні риси філо- софії Київської русі. Проаналізовані основні договори та джерела “м’якого” права Ради Європи в інформаційній сфері та цінності, які вони несуть своїм змістом. Проаналізовані зміст Угоди про асоціацію Європейського Союзу та України і акценти щодо захисту прав людини у системі міжнародного права. Наголошено на необхідності гнучких підходів та перегляді публічної політи- ки у всіх сферах в умовах глобалізації. Приведені ціннісні принципи нового публічного урядування та основні регуляторні механізми в європейському кіберпросторі. Розглянуті спільні дії України, Європейського Союзу та Ради Європи щодо впровадження прозорості медіавласності, мовлення територі- альних громад, суспільного мовлення, цифрового мовлення, заходів з питань інформаційної безпеки. Зазначені принципи та історія розвитку мовлення територіальних громад у Європі. Наголошено на пріоритетах державної по- літики в інформаційній сфері. Визначено проблеми вироблення сучасної ін- формаційної політики України. Запропоновані напрями удосконалення кон- цепції сучасного європейського медіапростору та інформаційної політики у регіоні.

88 Ключові слова: європейська єдність, європейська ідентичність, європейсь- кий медіапростір, джерела “м’якого” права, прозорість медіавласності, мов- лення територіальних громад, суспільне мовлення, цифрове мовлення, інфор- маційна безпека, інформаційна політика. ЦЕННОСТНЫЕ ОРИЕНТИРЫ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ В ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ УКРАИНА-ЕС (В СВЕТЕ ТОЛКОВАНИЙ ПЛОТИНА, ЛЕВИНАСА И СИНКРЕТИЧЕСКИХ ПОДХОДОВ В ФИЛОСОФИИ ДРЕВНЕГО КИЕВА) Аннотация. Уточнены характеристики современного медиапространства как суперпозиции физического, информационного и виртуального миров. Обобщены различные подходы к понятиям “медиапространство”, “бытие”, “различность”, “контекст” в эпоху постмодерна. Представлены вопросы ев- ропейского единства в генезисе, основные истоки интеграции по-европей- ски, причины проблемности сохранения европейской идентичности, диалога и связанной с ним темы понимания в эпоху метамодерна. Рассмотрены ин- терпретации этих понятий Плотина, Левинас и основные черты философии Киевской Руси. Проанализированы основные договоры и источники “мягко- го” права Совета Европы в информационной сфере и ценности, которые они несут своим содержанием. Рассмотрены совместные действия Украины, Ев- ропейского Союза и Совета Европы по внедрению прозрачности медиасобст- венности, вещания территориальных общин, общественного вещания, циф- рового вещания, мероприятий по вопросам информационной безопасности. Проанализированы содержание Договора об ассоциации ЕС и Украины и ак- центы по защите прав человека в системе международного права. Отмечены необходимость гибких подходов и пересмотра публичной политики во всех сферах в условиях глобализации. Приведены ценностные принципы ново- го публичного управления и основные регуляторные механизмы в европей- ском киберпространстве. Указаны принципы и история развития вещания территориальных общин в Европе. Отмечены приоритеты государственной политики в информационной сфере. Определены проблемы выработки сов- ременной информационной политики Украины. Предложены направления совершенствования концепции современного европейского медиапростран- ства и информационной политики в регионе. Ключевые слова: европейское единство, европейская идентичность, евро- пейское медиапространство, источники “мягкого” права, прозрачность медиа- собственности, вещание территориальных общин, общественное вещание, циф- ровое вещание, информационная безопасность, информационная политика.

Target setting. There are different concept of the information society, the approaches to understanding the es- essence of globalization. The elabora- sence of the concept of media space, the tion of the value measurements of the

89 EU-Ukraine media space which repro- V. Dzyunyuk, M. Zhuk, N. Malysh, duces the common information policy S. Matyazh, B. Melekh, S. Moskalenko, of Europe and Ukraine is important for A. Pazyuk, T. Perga, A. Poleshko, P. Ra- clarifying these concepts for developing binovich, I. Rosupatenko, I. Todorov, the principles of information policy of Yu. Fedun, V. Tsivatiy and others. states at the metamodern stage, with a The purpose of the article is to find certain perspective in time. Also the un- out the value measures of the media derstanding of the origins of the issue — space of Ukraine-EU which creates a the historical and philosophical aspects common information policy of Europe of the formation of information policy and Ukraine. in Ukraine and Europe — is important. The statement of basic materi- Analysis of basic research and pub- als. The global media space eliminates lication. The issue of media space all traditional restrictions of physical and information policy is studied in space, any geographic distance; further works by L. Abu-Lugold, P. Adams, globalization reveals unique informa- A. Appadurai, D. Arquilli, S. Bauman, tion, educational, scientific and cultu- W. Beck, D. Bell, P. Berger, D. Black- ral opportunities for mankind forming well, J. Bodriyar, N. Bolzano, S. Bol-Ro- a media person and a new media civili- kich, A. Briggs, M. Bugai, P. Bourdieu, zation. Platon’s metaxis — fluctuations E. Giddens, E. Hoffmann, R. Daren- between the opposite and the simulta- dorf, K. Davidson, J. Delos, J. Derridi, neous use of them — becomes topical, M. Defluer, F. Din, I. Dzyaloshinsky, the Platonic concept partially deter- G. Simmel, L. Irigarey, M. Castells, mines the content of metamodernism. P. Kobli, R. Cordy, N. Couldry, R. Ku- The birth of Neoplatonism is associated denhov-Kalergi, P. Lazarsfeld, J. La- with the ancient philosopher Plotinus. kan, G. Lassvel, A. Lefevr, E. Levinas, His doctrine of dual activity, an appeal S. Lesch, V. Lippmann, E. Lorenz, to mediaplatonism gives a certain tool T. Lukman, T. Luke, A. McCarthy, for the interpretation of the above con- G. Maklien, E. Nim, I. Prigogine, cepts and meanings: “from the One “due D. Rashkoff, R. Robertson, D. Ron- to diversity” there comes the plurality flede, E. Rossi, P. Sorokin, A. Spinelli, of the other — an unlimited “secondary” R. Stults, F. Webster, M. Waters, M. Fe- activity that is not yet an Intelligence, zerstone, M. Fleer, D. Folkheimer, but is a generating force — such acti- M. Foucault, S. Harrison, A. Jans- vity is called by Plotinus “Uncertain life” son, domestic researchers M. Burich, (or “indefinite dyad” — the principle of E. Volkova, S. Grytsay, L. Zubanova, plurality and uncertainty the existence V. Ilganayeva, S. Kulibabi, O. Kryukov, of which was formed in the ancient Pla- O. Petrun’ko, T. Piskun, G. Pocheptsov, tonic tradition); secondary and unre- E. Yudina. The cooperation of Ukraine stricted activity which originates from and the Council of Europe, in par- the One to it, in the end, and returns ticular on information policy, is being from a certain kind of “inversion” [1, studied among domestic scientists by p. 393]. M. Anisimov, O. Vyunyts’ka, L. Gidzhi- In this regard, Plotinus speaks of “a van, S. Gorbatyuk, I. Hrytsyak, view that does not yet see”. This kind

90 of thinking is not “discursive”, not are formed. According to King, urban “inferior”, and covers “everything at and global modernity is a space where once”. The activity of the Damonian “everything is solid airborne”, the rea- mind is infinite and eternal, since it is son is the cosmopolitanism of flows. Ac- outside of time and therefore excludes cording to Z. Bauman, the fundamental duration, incompleteness. In addition, contradiction between “system” and Plotinus is much deeper than Platon- “unpredictability” begins to operate. ists have done to him develops Platonic J. Deleuz, J. Derrida, L. Irigarey, J. La- thought of beauty identifying it with can and M. Foucault have shifted the the perfection of the ideal world. The emphasis from the closed identity to stages of being, according to Plotinus, ambiguity and distinction. The loss of correspond to the degrees of life and fixed identities that some members of the degree of “brightness from the per- the Frankfurt School accepted as a sign fect world of reason to the darkness of of decline others interpreted the fore- the lowest stages of reality, to the mat- runner of a new form of society. Western ter of the vision of forms, to matter; the civilization faced a double challenge: vision of forms on the part of the Mind from the outside — the hybridization is likened to the light that sees ano- of Western culture as a result of the ther light, without external means” [1, movement of people and symbols from p. 394–395; 2]. African, Asian and other “Oriental” Modern researchers develop ap- sources, and inside — the modernity proaches to the concepts of “media crisis. We are talking about a mixture space”, “being”, “otherness”. Accord- of cultures, polyethnicity but under- ing to Anderson’s ideas, “the new world estimate the fact that L. Abu-Lugold order” was based on “imaginary com- called “half-heartedness”. In this case, munities”. According to the ideas of the phenomenon of cultural nationa- T. Luke, postmodern “non-world or- lism such as “nichondjiron” (discourse ders” are examples of virtual commu- on the uniqueness of Japan) is a com- nities that are characterized by such a mon practice [3, p. 25–31, 42–46]. high level of hyperabstraction that time At the time the vision of the media destroys history, space destroys reality, space as a superposition of the physi- and the flow of images/information de- cal, informational and virtual worlds stroys social. In parallel, there is a shift is actual. The concept of “context” is from the “real policy” that the nation- transformed. The perception of a phe- state has carried out in the “historical nomenon, a person in the context of the space” to the hyper-real policy that past, the context of the future, a context sub-and supranational collective actors that is a superposition of contexts of embody in the post-historical “cyber- different times, etc., destroys the very space”. “Model” is preceded by a hy- concept of time. And the perception of per-real, hyper-real “canceling” reality. an object in space in the context of vir- “Model” has a combinatorial character, tualization of space, abstraction, move- according to F. de Sosyur, the models ment destroys the concept of the space are “system of signs”, “miniature units” itself. Cosmos and artificial superintel- of which “matrices”, “memory banks” lect transform the picture of the media

91 space. Even prognostic evidence of the mits, is called love to our neighbor ...” [6, influence of these factors in the future р. 169]. Levinas gives the vision of “I” (the theory of S. Weinberg, F. Dyson, and “I-in general” in communication, M. Tagmarck) substantially transforms the concept of socialization in the con- the content, picture and our perception tour of time in general, in the context of of the media space [4, p. 11–19]. An im- the past, a pure future [6, р. 183–193]. portant cognitive approach (D. Black- These patterns are reflected in par- well, C. Davidson, F. Dean, R. Cordrey) ticular in the European media space in- [5]. cluding the Ukraine-EU space. One of the essential components of The genesis of European unity is the media space, important factors in embodied in the works of P. Dubois the formation of information policy is “The Return of the Holy Land”, D. Ali- the dialogue and the related topic of gieri “On the Monarchy”, M. de Beti- understanding. Dialogue is a complex, nus “Duke of Sulla”, V. Penn “All About multidimensional phenomenon and in the Contemporary and Future Peace in the light of the challenges of modern Europe”, J. Beyler, S. Saint-Pierre et al. times, the modernization of state infor- Concepts of European integration were mation policy must be studied separate- federalism, functionalism, neofunctio- ly by science. By right the unsurpassed nalism, transactionalism, the theory of theorist of the dialogue is Emanuel inter-institutionalism. The founder of Levinas. Levinas relies on the phe- the new concept of peace was I. Kant. nomenological heritage of Husserl and The ideas of his “Project of eternal Heidegger and sees another interlocu- peace” are as follows: the peace treaty tor who has a desire to understand but destroys all the causes of future wars; no the relationship with him goes beyond state can be captured by another as an understanding. According to Levinas, inheritance or as a result of exchange, an individual can consider himself to purchase or as a gift; permanent armies be total only when he is unable to think should disappear later; the use of state [6, р. 9–10]. As one that thinks man loans for preparing for and conducting is the one for whom the outside world war should be prohibited; no state has exists. Hence there’s his philosophy of the right to intervene in the affairs of the “third” [6, р. 16–18]. Levinas re- another state; no state during the war veals the themes of existence, mentality, can conduct such actions that will make God-man, new rationalism by Gabriel mutual trust unlikely in the future. Marcel, suffering, the theme of human The idea of European unity was real- intercourse. He writes his theory of ized in several stages. In 20–40s of the pronunciation as pleasure [6, р. 84–88, twentieth century R. Kudenhov-Kaler- 115–117]. In the section “From “one” gi in the Man-Manifesto Pan-Europe, to “another”. Transcendence and Time” 1923, outlined the principles for the im- Levinas describes his phenomenology plementation of this idea: the transfer of socialization — “responsibility that, of resources under collective control; without a doubt, preserves the secrets overcoming the confrontation between of socialization whose integral disad- Germany and France; mutual recogni- vantage, let useless within these li- tion and guarantee of borders; the crea-

92 tion of a pan-European customs union nomenon of nomadism as a new way of and a common economic space; crea- life and human thinking in the twenty- tion of the “United States of Europe”. first century; the transformation of the In 1933 a new Pan-European Uni- semantic field of disposition of his own- on program was proposed. After the stranger-other; transformation of iden- 1940’s, the idea of European unity tity; mass culture; crisis of journalism, was embodied in Plan Tardier. The Se- etc. cond World War revived the idea of a Taking into account the stated chal- “united Europe” (A. Spinelli, E. Rossi, lenges in shaping the information poli- V. Churchill); after World War II, the cy of the EU and the Council of Europe idea of the idea of the supranationalism they are based on such principles of of Jean Monet began: “People are the New Public Governance as: introduces true foundation of civilization”. consumer, market and own employee- The main origins of integration in oriented management forms (transi- Europe are the following: orderly in- tion from administration to manage- dividualism formed by Roman law; ment); pays considerable attention to personal freedom; specific character the achievement of results and the per- of management; the contradiction be- sonal responsibility of managers; is ori- tween private property and specificism. ented towards the creation of flexible collective management; unifying factor organizations; abandons the principle of European identity; political system of a clear division of political and admi- as “cartel of elites” (R. Darendorf); a nistrative activities; uses certain mar- bet on science and technology, the for- ket methods in its activities; supports mation of a single scientific space. the tendency to reduce the degree and The causes of the problem of preserv- sphere of influence of the authorities; ing European identity (by R. Schwed, pays considerable attention to a clear K. Schor, P. Berger, R. Darendorf, and qualitative definition of organiza- W. Beck) are the challenges faced by the tional and personal goals. current public policy of states: the pro- Values of New Public Governance: cess of further enlargement of the Eu- • not isolated but the partnership ropean Union, the formation of a new nature of the decision-making process; world order, processes of the change of • distributed responsibility; nature, structure and forms of modern • coordinated and integrated goals states (“denationalization is an erosion and objectives; or transformation of the national state • criterion of success is not a result, into a transnational state”), the change but a process; in the nature of civilizational threats • key attribute is not professiona- and the inability of the national states lism, but sensitivity; to independently solve security prob- • benchmarks: networks, interac- lems; the destruction of the boundaries, tions, interaction, collective action, the formation of an information society, mutual responsibility, openness, sub- the need for alternative landmarks, the ordination, partnership, dialogue, ma- growth of the level of mass migrations nageability, trust, diversity of langua- of people, the emergence of the phe- ges, consensus-oriented.

93 On June 13, 2017, the European Uni- Under the conditions of globaliza- on and Ukraine held an annual Human tion, the issue of flexible approaches, the Rights Dialogue. In the Association revision of the style of public policy in Agreement, the European Union and all spheres is becoming increasingly im- Ukraine declared mutual respect for the portant. There are four main competing following common values: democratic regulatory mechanisms in cyberspace: principles; Rule of Law; effective mana- the national regulatory framework for gement; Human Rights; fundamental telecommunications; self-regulation freedom. At the same time, there is a at the level of individual companies or desire to preserve the diversity of Euro- corporations; bilateral agreements be- pean cultures, tolerance, freedom of the tween the EU and its member countries individual, solve problems (xenopho- from the United States or between in- bia, national minorities, intolerance, dividual companies; multilateral nego- environment, drugs, crime, external tiating platforms, for example, OECD, aggression) and support the reforms in ICANN, WTO, UN [18, p. 53–54]. the EU. Media Reform is one of Ukraine’s Such values were stated in practi- obligations to the European Union in cally all documents 1991–2017 adop- the framework of the implementation ted by the Council of Europe in relation of the Association Agreement which to Ukraine, starting with the Council was ratified by the parties in Septem- of Europe Declaration on Ukraine of ber 2014. Among the most important 2.12.1991 [7–16]. The EU and CoE joint projects within the framework of Joint Program “Strengthening the the Framework Cooperation Program Information Society in Ukraine”, (RPN) of Ukraine with the Council of 2015, contains an EU Action Plan on Europe and the European Union 2014– visa liberalization for Ukraine [17]. 2017 is the project “Freedom of the Me- The activities of the Council of Eu- dia in Ukraine”. The notion of “media rope the member of which Ukraine freedom” is one of the basic definitions became after joining the Statute of the of the existence of “freedom of thought” CoE on November 9, 1995, includes [12]. the development of international In 2014–2017, actions have been legal regulation of the information implemented in Ukraine regarding sphere. [19–23]: All documents adopted at the EU • transparency of media ownership; level regarding media space, in par- • broadcasting of territorial commu- ticular the Internet, have the following nities; guidelines for the protection of human • public service broadcasting; rights: access and non-discrimination; • digital broadcasting; freedom of expression and information; • Information Security Measures. assembly, association and participation; Broadcasting of communities ope- privacy and data protection; education rate on the basis of civil society and and literacy; children and youth; effec- community participation. It is inde- tive mechanisms of legal protection [18, pendent from state authorities includ- p. 172, 195–202]. ing local ones and is created through

94 voluntary association, acts for the pub- ensuring full coverage of Ukraine’s ter- lic purpose, not for the sake of private ritory by digital and Internet broad- gain, provides communities with access casting, especially in border areas, as to information and gives voice, contri- well as temporarily occupied territo- butes to community-based discussions, ries; fight against misinformation and exchange of information and know- destructive information of Russian Fe- ledge, as well as helping to make social- deration; stimulating the development ly important decisions that deepen de- of national production of text and audio- mocracy in the country. Based on these visual content, in particular by creating principles the broadcasting of the ter- a quota system; ensuring the function- ritorial communities in Europe, which ing and proper financing of the Public was created: in Western Europe — in Television and Radio Broadcasting of the 1980s, simultaneously with the be- Ukraine; creation of the broadcast- ginning of the development of private ing system of territorial communities; broadcasting, in Eastern Europe — in support of domestic book publishing the early 1990’s, along with the deve- business, in particular translations of lopment of state broadcasting after the foreign works; development of legal in- end of the Soviet period; now most re- struments for the protection of human presented in Denmark, France, Italy, rights and citizen’s free access to infor- the Netherlands and the United King- mation, etc.; comprehensive support dom, are in the Czech Republic, Esto- for the development of mechanisms for nia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania self-regulation of the media; increasing [24, p. 3–6]. media literacy of society; development On June 6–7, 2017, an expert semi- of e-government mechanisms; inform- nar “European Practices on Informa- ing Ukrainian citizens about the activi- tion Security: Legislative Innovations ties of state bodies power; development and Features of Implementation” was of services aimed at greater and more held in Kyiv, during which the Doctrine effective involvement of the public in of Information Security of Ukraine, decision-making by public authorities 2017, the Resolution of the Europe- and local self-government bodies; pro- an Parliament of November 23, 2016 moting the formation of a culture of on Strategic Communications EU to social debate; the formation of a posi- counter the propaganda against third tive international image of Ukraine [25, parties (2016/2030 (INI)) and the ex- p. 11–14]. perience of European countries on se- In 2016 the Concept of populariza- curity issues. tion of Ukraine in the world was adop- Priorities of state policy in the infor- ted [26]. mation sphere were proclaimed, in par- The problems of developing a mo- ticular: creation of an integrated system dern information policy of Ukraine, and for assessing information threats; im- thus, the introduction of basic values provement of the powers of the regula- are: lack of universality of approaches; tory bodies which carry out activities their anthropocentric and cognitive concerning the state information space; component; the influence of totalitarian definition of regulatory mechanisms; principles; low educational and spiritual

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100 UDC: 338.242 Gorelova Irina Valerievna, PhD in Economy, Associate Professor, Associ- ate Professor of the Department of Account- ing, Analysis and Audit, Volgograd Institute of Management, a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, 400131, Volgograd, Str. Gagarinа, 8, +7-8442-24-17-32, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6465-0676 Горєлова Ірина Валеріївна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, до- цент кафедри обліку, аналізу та аудиту, Волгоградський інститут управління – філія Російської академії народного госпо- дарства і державної служби при Пре- зиденті Російської Федерації, 400131, м. Волгоград, вул. Гагаріна, 8, + 7-8442-24- 17-32, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6465-0676 Горелова Ирина Валерьевна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры учета, анализа и ауди- та, Волгоградский институт управле- ния – филиал Российской академии народ- ного хозяйства и государственной служ- бы при Президенте Российской Федера- ции, 400131, г. Волгоград, ул. Гагарина, 8, +7-8442-24-17-32, e-mail: gorelovairi- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6465-0676 Arpentieva Mariam Ravilievna, grand doctor (Grand PhD) of psychological Sciences, associate professor, corresponding member of the Russian academy of natural sciences (RANS), professor of the department at the development and education psychology, Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga state University, 248023, Kaluga, Russian Federation, Str. Razin, 26, leading researcher fellow, Department at the Theory and Methods of Physical Educa- tion, Ugra State University, Russian Federation, 628012, Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra, Str. Chekhovа, 16, +7-953-313-48-16, e-mail: mariam_rav@ ORCID: 0000-0003-3249-4941

101 Арпентьева Маріям Равильевна, доктор психологічних наук, доцент, член-кореспондент Російської академії природо- знавства (РАП), професор кафедри психології розвитку і освіти, Калузький держав- ний університет ім. К. Е. Ціолковського, 248023, м. Калуга, Російська Федерація, вул. Разіна, 26, провідний науковий співробітник кафедри теорії та методики фізично- го виховання Югорського державного університету, Російська Федерація, 628012, м. Ханти-Манcійськ, Ханти-Мансійський Автономний округ – Югра, вул. Чехова, 16, +7-953-313-48-16, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3249-4941 Арпентьева Мариям Равильевна, доктор психологических наук, доцент, член-корреспондент Российской академии есте- ствознания (РАЕ), профессор кафедры психологии развития и образования, Калужский государственный университет имени К. Э. Циолковского, 248023, г. Калуга, Российская Федерация, ул. Разина, 26, ведущий научный сотрудник кафедры теории и методики физического воспитания Югорского государственного университета, Российская Фе- дерация, 628012, г. Ханты-Манcийск, Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ – Югра, ул. Чехова, 16, +7-953-313-48-16, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3249-4941 DOI


Abstract. The aim of the study is to pay attention to the formation and imple- mentation of a conceptual approach to management that is relevant to modern conditions. Conceptual management, as opposed to contextual management, al- lows to identify its elements, functionality, and, most importantly, to determine and balance the role of the subject and the object. The existing management con- cepts are eclectically presented in the Russian discourse and management prac- tices. The system of professional standards developed in the country is designed to solve a whole range of management problems. However, the non-conceptual use of professional standards carries more harm than good, proving in parallel the existence of the national model of management, the main feature of which is the imbalance of subject–object communication. The article reveals the problems of the use of professional standards in respect of two categories of workers — Junior medical personnel and civil servants. Failure to comply with the requirements of the professional standard of the first category of employees threatens transfer to another lower position. Failure to comply with the requirements of the profes- sional standard of civil servants does not entail any liability. The latter is shown by the example of targeting and formulation of texts of regional strategies. The presence of strategies is an incentive for the development of territories of any ad- ministrative level. However, the absence of an algorithm for compiling and evalu- ating such documents, analyzing the practices of their implementation, leveling the importance of this aspect in the system of assessing the activities of authori-

102 ties leads to the fact that this tool of strategic management remains unclaimed in the system of territorial management. Two aspects of the problem of territorial strategizing are covered: (1) justification of the reasons — consequences of for- mulation of poor-quality strategies; (2) search of methodology of the analysis of texts of documents of strategies. The roots of the first problem should be found in the imbalance of subject–object communication in the national management model. To solve the second problem, the author proposes to use SEO analysis tools as a methodology for evaluating strategy texts. This tool solves the problem of auditing territorial strategies in the context of administrative, socio-psycho- logical and linguistic aspects of civil servants. Keywords: object of management, competence, professional standard, stra- tegy, goal, result frame, SEO-analysis. ПРОБЛЕМИ КОНТЕКСТНОГО ТА КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ Анотація. Мета дослідження — привернення уваги до формування та імплементації релевантності у сучасних умовах концептуального підходу до управління. Концептуальне управління на противагу контекстуально- го управління, дає можливість ідентифікувати його елементи, функціонал, і, найголовніше, визначити і збалансувати ролі суб’єкта та об’єкта. Існую- чі концепції управління еклектично представлені в російському дискурсі і управлінських практиках. Розроблювана в країні система профстандартів покликана вирішити великий спектр управлінських проблем. Однак поза- концептуальне використання профстандартів несе в собі більше шкоди, ніж користі, доводячи паралельно існування національної моделі управління, головна особливість якої полягає в дисбалансі суб’єктно-об’єктного зв’яз- ку. Висвічується проблематика застосування профстандартів щодо двох ка- тегорій працівників — молодший медичний персонал та державні цивільні службовці. Недотримання вимог профстандарту першою категорією праців- ників загрожує їхнім переведенням на іншу нижчу посаду. Недотримання ж вимог профстандарту державними цивільним службовцями не тягне за со- бою ніякої відповідальності. Останнє показано на прикладі визначення мети й формулювання текстів регіональних стратегій. Наявність стратегій — це стимул для розвитку територій будь-якого адміністративного рівня. Однак відсутність алгоритму складання і оцінки таких документів, аналізу практик їх імплементації, нівелювання значущості цього аспекту в системі оцінки діяльності органів влади призводить до того, що даний інструмент страте- гічного управління залишається незатребуваним в системі територіального управління. У роботі висвітлюються два аспекти проблеми територіального стратегування: 1) обґрунтування причин — наслідків формулювання нея- кісних стратегій; 2) пошук методології аналізу текстів документів стратегій. Коріння першої проблеми слід шукати в дисбалансі суб’єктно-об’єктного зв’язку в національній моделі управління. Для вирішення другої проблеми автор пропонує використовувати інструментарій SEO-аналізу як методику

103 оцінки текстів стратегій. Цей інструментарій вирішує завдання аудиту тери- торіальних стратегій в контексті управлінських, соціально-психологічних і лінгвістичних аспектів діяльності держслужбовців. Ключові слова: об’єкт управління, компетенція, профстандарт, стратегія, мета фрейм-результату, SEO-аналіз. ПРОБЛЕМЫ КОНТЕКСТНОГО И КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Аннотация. Цель исследования — привлечение внимания к формирова- нию и имплементации релевантности в современных условиях концепту- ального подхода к управлению. Концептуальное управление в противовес контекстуального управления, позволяет идентифицировать его элементы, функционал, и, самое главное, определить и сбалансировать роли субъекта и объекта. Существующие концепции управления эклектично представлены в российском дискурсе и управленческих практиках. Разрабатываемая в стра- не система профстандартов призвана решить целый спектр управленческих проблем. Однако внеконцептуальное использование профстандартов несет в себе больше вреда, нежели пользы, доказывая параллельно существование национальной модели управления, главная особенность которой состоит в дисбалансе субъектно-объектной связи. В статье выявляется проблематика применения профстандартов в отношении двух категорий работников — младший медицинский персонал и государственные гражданские служащие. Несоблюдение требований профстандарта первой категорией работников грозит переводом на другую нижестоящую должность. Несоблюдение же требований профстандарта государственными гражданским служащими не влечет за собой никакой ответственности. Последнее показано на примере целеполагания и формулирование текстов региональных стратегий. Нали- чие стратегий — это стимул для развития территорий любого администра- тивного уровня. Однако отсутствие алгоритма составления и оценки таких документов, анализа практик их имплементации, нивелирования значимо- сти данного аспекта в системе оценки деятельности органов власти приводит к тому, что данный инструмент стратегического управления остается нево- стребованным в системе территориального управления. В работе освещают- ся два аспекта проблемы территориального стратегирования: 1) обоснование причин — следствий формулирования некачественных стратегий; 2) поиск методологии анализа текстов документов стратегий. Корни первой пробле- мы следует искать в дисбалансе субъектно-объектной связи в национальной модели управления. Для решения второй проблемы автор предлагает в ка- честве методики оценки текстов стратегий использовать инструментарий SEO-анализа. Данный инструментарий решает задачу аудита территориаль- ных стратегий в контексте управленческих, социально – психологических и лингвистических аспектов деятельности госслужащих. Ключевые слова: объект управления, компетенция, профстандарт, стра- тегия, цель, фрейм-результата, SEO-анализ.

104 A conceptual revolution is organizational weapons A. Yurkin

The concept (from the Latin conceptio – under- standing, system) is a certain way of understand- ing, interpretation any phenomena, the main point of view, the guiding idea for their coverage. Wikipedia

Target setting. There are such con- ter in everyday life without thinking cepts, the use of which does not cause about their” true “(a priori) meaning” the requisite piety and does not give a [1, p. 48]. “Concept is a mental unit, an priory a priori effect in them. On the element of consciousness. Human con- author’s question addressed to the stu- sciousness is a mediator between the dents of senior courses, which means real world and language” [2, p. 38] the phrase “conceptual approach”, the Analysis of basic research and pub- answer, as a rule, does not follow. This lication. The “conceptual approach” happens, despite the fact that each dis- in Russian management is one of the cipline studied by students begins with most sensitive issues that almost every the definition of its conceptual frame- day reflects in all the mass media in work. Concept, conceptual approach, both within the country and abroad. A denotes a theoretical basis, the con- great number of research papers of such ceptual and methodological apparatus national scientists as V. A. Vittih, of research. The evolution of the term T. Yu. Bazarov, O. Anisimov, O. S. Vi- “concept” in Russian is seen in isolation khanskiy, M. R. Arpentieva, I. V. Gore- from the philosophical tradition, begin- lova, I. N. Gerchikova, R. A. Dubovit- ning in the 1920s. This is understand- skiy, E. O. Kondratiev, E. A. Utkin, able. The conceptual approach allows R. A. Fatahutdinov, E. A. Erokhina, forming the ideology of relations and D. S. Zhukov, S.K. Lyamin, J. Varajão discoursing in a certain sphere. Initial- and others [3–11]. Many other world ly and until the mid-1970’s. The term scientists are concerned with the caus- “concept” was used as a synonym for the es of such problems, such scientists as term “concept”. By the end of the XX R. L. Ackoff, J. Baudrillard, A. Toynbee, century there is a distinction between B. Garrett, R. Farson, D. Welch, P. Weil, the terms “concept” and “concept”: the G. Rzevski, M. Wodkock, D. Francis, first term unifies the understanding by R. Jay, R. Templar, P. F. Drucker, different subjects of the terminology D. Owen, U. Rice-Johnston, J. Toner, used, the second goes into the category D. Norman, R. Dilts, etc. [12–15]. Con- of simulacra. The fashion for the term textual management suggests a new “concept” in the scientific and fiction understanding of the strategic advan- literature of the late twentieth and ear- tages. It is intended to provide answers ly twenty-first centuries “indicates an to what are the factors, goals and ob- interest in the reconstruction of those jectives of modern governance. This essences in human life that we encoun- approach can be found in the works of

105 M. Armstrong, G. Mintzberg, P. Dru- We emphasize that the context does cker, G. March, M. Ogle, J. Barney, not change, it “juggles” the concept (s), B. Wernefelt, R. Grant, G. Pisano, justifies them and gives them sound, C. Prahalad, V. Efremov, I. Gurkov, proceeding from the “pole” given to the V. Katkalo, G. Kleiner, B. Milner, concepts. Concepts are now not “things E. Popov, S. Montgomery, A. Nona- in themselves”, they have a second bot- ka, M. Peteraf, R. Ramella, Takeuchi, tom, depending on the embeddedness D. Tisza, G. Hamel, E. Shuen [16–20]. in the context. The proof of this theory The purpose of the article is a brief is the windows of J. Overton. description of the experience of analyz- An inquiry into legal systems re- ing the conceptual foundations of go- garding the management object in the vernance in post-Soviet Russia in com- system of labor relations does not give parison with developed democracies; an unambiguous answer. Words that a description of typical approaches to a priori can not co-exist in the frame- the implementation (imitation) of stra- work of one concept, which are, in fact, tegic planning in management, as well mutually exclusive, paradoxically used as the consequences and specific traits in Russian legislation and the laws of a of contextual, a-strategic management. number of other “civilized” countries as The application of the SEO method for synonyms. If throughout the world the evaluating the management strategies word combinations “personnel manage- of the state, regions and enterprises is ment”, “human capital management”, substantiated, basic linguistic (concep- “human resources management” im- tual) criteria of management strategies ply the evolution of approaches to the are shared. labor person, then in Russia and some The statement of basic materials. other countries of the former USSR In the Russian system of management these concepts turned into simulacra. and management systems of several If you judge by the papers circulating other countries of the former USSR, in the personnel departments, the first in the management of life as a whole, of the listed concepts prevails in labor the question of following the chosen relations. Judging by the job advertise- concept paradoxically is not relevant. ments, the second concept is in priority. Practically in any sphere one can find In scientific rhetoric, the concept of hu- the plurality and parallelism of mean- man resource management is popular. ings, practices, concepts. The winner In the West, in the context of the imple- in this case is far from the strongest. mentation of the latter approach to em- More often we encounter situations ployment, a labor contract is concluded where the very idea of development is for the acquisition, for a fee, of the com- completely leveled, the concept is dis- petencies necessary for the organization torted. Such is the “precession of simu- to achieve its goals, but not all of its car- lacra” [21, p. 17]. Hence the difficulty rier-worker. Hence the development in in determining the fulcrum in any kind the West of the provisions of compensa- and level of conflict. The management tion management. In the opinion of the system is dominated by the replace- Russian leaders, the person (people) is ment of formal, unadapted concepts. recognized as the object of control, in

106 a system of any scale and purpose [22]. of investigation. The search for what All. Whole. Not competence, skills, could be called a source of competitive abilities that can be assessed. At the advantage has not ended. Most authors enterprise level, such an understanding agree that competence is recognized as of the management object is manifested such, but what competence is, the ques- in the inability to competently build tion remains controversial. As a rule, labor relations, assess the professiona- they understand the triad “knowledge- lism of the employee. But with the in- skills-skills”. This same triad lies at the dicated understanding of the control heart of the labor standards that are be- object, this is of no use: “Everything ing introduced into practice. However, that is done by people who do not have in the absence of a clear understanding hope for the best is done very badly. It is of the purpose of such a management not surprising that we do not get those tool, the effect of its implementation is profits from the farms in which slaves negative. In the absence of attention to work, which could be obtained if people detail in the process of developing these were treated like free citizens. Indeed, documents, the effectiveness of the in- the profits from the labor of free Roman troduction of professional standards has citizens are much greater. The main an “anti-effect” at the output. Let’s give problem is that the slave does not have an example of standardization. Among the incentive to work well. He works the basic qualification requirements, for food, and no matter how much he we will outline the requirements for ge- produces, he will still receive only food” neral and managerial skills, which at- [16, p. 31]. test to the availability of the necessary The concept of human resource professional and personal qualities. Ge- management evolved in parallel with neral skills (for all categories and groups the development of the theory and of civil service positions): – ability to practice of strategic management. By think systematically (strategically); the beginning of the XXI century, there – ability to plan, rational use of official emerged an awareness of the “heteroge- time and achieve results; – communica- neity of the unit of analysis” in strategic tive skills; – ability to manage changes. management, when scientists proposed Management skills: ability to manage a two-level interpretation of the object subordinates, efficiently plan, organ- of management [10, p. 10]. Firstly, it ize work and monitor its implementa- is the company itself (the macronutri- tion; – the ability to quickly make and ent). Secondly, it is a source of competi- implement management decisions. It is tive advantages of the enterprise (micro also worth mentioning the professional unit). The availability of the company's and functional qualification require- resources negates the possibility of ob- ments [23] (see table). taining a sustainable competitive ad- If we consider, for example, the abil- vantage from outside. Therefore, look- ity to “think strategically”, then its ing for a competitive advantage of the availability is not easy to prove. How- enterprise, they look inward. This view ever, one can find a relevant psycho- is inward and determines the appea- logical test, model a “typical” situation. rance of the second level of the object At the same time, tests in the selec-

107 Vocational and functional qualification requirements Functional Qualification requirements Qualification requirements duties for functional knowledge for functional skills Normative - the concept of the rule of law, regula- - development, consideration legal tory legal act, legal relations and their and coordination of drafts of regulation characteristics; normative legal acts and other and - the concept of a draft normative legal documents; development act, tools and stages of its develop- - preparation of official reviews of of public ment; draft normative legal acts; policy - the concept of official recall of draft - preparation of methodical rec- normative legal acts: stages, key ommendations, explanations; principles and technologies of deve- - preparation of analytical, infor- lopment; mation and other materials; - classification of public policy models; - the organization and implemen- - tasks, timelines, resources and tation of monitoring the applica- instruments of public policy; tion of legislation - concept, procedure for considera- tion of citizens’ appeals tion of leaders in Russia are practically The implementation of the strategy is not applied: leaders are recruited from not included in the list of criteria for among similar to their leaders, repro- assessing the activities of the heads of ducing a-conceptual, anti-strategic regions. Accordingly, there is no incen- models. Non-conceptual law-making tive neither to formulate competent at the level leads to one negative result, goals for the development of territories, and regional lawmaking — to others. nor to strive to realize them. The most At the same time, a-strategic “lawmak- paradoxical point is that the responsi- ing” in the sphere of territorial strategy bility of officials at the level of regional increases the anti-effect in times. The development for incompetent work is main functional task in the process of much lower than for the lowest in the developing a strategy is the formulation status of the staff of other institutions. of a goal, tasks. The absence of changes It should be noted that there is no uni- in the texts of strategic planning docu- versal template for formulating strategy ments reflects their irrelevance in time, texts. There is also no understanding of which indicates the lack of demand for why templates and strategies are need- these documents and the most strategic ed. Accordingly, they are developed in a planning (50 % of the submitted strate- situation of lack of incentives for quali- gies), which allows us to consider from ty development is extremely unscrupu- a special angle. In the Russian plans for lous and poor. The analysis of the texts the country and regions to evaporate, of the strategies on the selected criteria almost all goals are a priori unattain- also reveals a discrepancy between the able. Unfortunately, there are no sanc- criteria of professional standards for tions in the management system for state civil servants. failure to achieve strategic goals and Analysis of the texts of strategies for non-fulfillment of tasks, and there are social and economic development of the no sanctions for posing fictitious goals. regions is often found in scientific and

108 journalistic literature. But, as a rule, it tool for the purposes of territory deve- is not going further than the statistical lopment, as well as for attesting officials, delights of those who have access to rele- (3) proving the imbalance of subject- vant databases, accompanying strategic object communication in national ma- planning and management. And some- nagement model. Unfortunately, trying times it happens: people write and look to understand what is read, few people for guilty outsiders [23]. Other experts pay attention to the fact that the word try to analyze the development goals, combinations “government bodies” and group them [9]. On the one hand, in the “authorities” in the Russian mentality situation of the absence of goals as such, are synonymous, practically insepara- it makes no sense. It is also pointless to ble, which has certain consequences search for actual texts of strategies on a [3]. “What I want is what I bring back”: number of subjects of Russia: there is no the strategy is superfluous. As a basis single database, there are no texts on a for the methods of analyzing the texts number of subjects either. On the other of strategies, the authors took SEO- hand, judging by the pace of develop- analysis of texts (Search Engine Op- ment in Moscow and some other areas timization). The use of this technique of the center of Russia, one can wonder allows you to assess the quality of the whether these strategies are necessary site on a number of parameters, helps to for the development of the regions. On further its advancement. In fact, SEO- the third hand, the competitions of analysis is the basis for the audit of sites these documents are held and the win- and texts, since it solves the main task: ners are (some documents are available evaluates the uniqueness of the site on the site There (text) in the world of modern informa- is a paradox of paradoxes. The contex- tion technologies. The parameters of tual approach to management explains the assessment and their characteristics all these paradoxes and not joints. in relation to the strategies for territo- In a situation where there is noth- rial development are: the length of the ing to analyze from the point of view of texts of the strategies, water content, managerial skills, we attempted to ana- “nausea” (aversion to the text because lyze the texts themselves. This desire of the endless repetition of meaning- arose after the discovery in the texts less words), the number of words, the of strategies of excesses in the form of dictionary, the top 10 words, the core narratives, metaphors, hyperbolas, etc. dictionary, the subject. Analysis of the And in the qualification requirements texts of the strategies of the regions of for the functional skills of civil servants the center of Russia using the tools of there is the task of “developing, review- SEO-analysis shows: (1) the vocabu- ing and harmonizing draft normative lary of strategies grows in direct pro- legal acts and other documents”. The portion to the number of words in the analysis of these documents reveals (1) document. (2) Water availability as an the presence in them of metaphors and indicator of the resource used is normal. narratives facilitating the task of form- (3) The indicator of nausea in the text: ing an understandable context, (2) lev- at the rate of academic nausea used for eling the possibility of using them as a analyzing sites up to 9 points, in stra-

109 tegies this indicator, reaching up to 60 opinions of those who are guided, con- points, indicates an excessive repetition siders them as a homogeneous mass of of the most used words and phrases. slaves in need of strict control (“pow- This indicates the prevalence in the text er”). This is the “secret” of the eco- of nominalizations. (4) So that we can nomic, political and social unsuccess- conclude that the result frame is leveled fulness of modern Russia, which is on [7, p. 65], which should be the basis of the verge of total collapse of all its sys- these documents. This once again con- tems. Contextual approach to manage- firms the implementation of the contex- ment assumes identification of external tual management model and the orien- and internal factors of management. tation in management of the designer’s These factors should be significant mental model. In the terminology of from the point of view of the subject of D. A. Norman, contextual manage- the strategy, as well as its “object” (ma- ment — management, focused on the naged competencies, people, processes, mental model of the designer as op- organizations). Accounting for signifi- posed to the mental model of the user. cant factors predetermines the ability In the book “Design of habitual things”, of the management system to achieve D. A. Norman defines types of mental the expected result. Accounting for models [16, p. 58]. There is a conceptual significant factors creates a strategic model of the designer (his understand- understanding of the results of ma- ing of the result) and the user model nagement. When a contextual approach is a model that is created as a result of is implemented in Russia, its subjects interaction with the system, the em- and “objects” as actors can achieve even bodied result. Here we see the main the most “unattainable” goals. At least, idea of management. If the designer, both the manager, and the organization when making a decision, focuses on the (state, region), and workers will know mental model of the user (the control what they are working for and will object), most likely the solution will be strive to work qualitatively and effec- more effective. A bad design translated tively. Management, its strategy, should into the language of a modern manager not be formal, fictitious, divorced from is “erroneous mental models (orienta- life. It must be meaningful, concrete, tion to the designer’s model/concept) and realistic. and insufficient feedback”. The empha- sis on power authority, interpreted as REFERENCES rights that are not backed by duties, al- lows managers (designers) to level the 1. Stepanov Yu. S. (1996) Konstanty. mental user model (subordinate) in the Slovar’ russkoy kul’tury. Opyt issledo- decisions made. The subordinate and vaniya [Constants. Dictionary of Rus- sian culture. Experience of research]. his model of the world is an extra link Moscow: School “Languages of Rus- in the national management model. sian Culture”, p. 46–54. Conclusions. Thus, we have re- 2. Dem’yankov V. Z. (2001) Ponyatiye i turned to the starting point: manage- kontsept v khudozhestvennoy litera- ment in Russia continues to be a-stra- ture i v nauchnom yazyke [Concept tegic, does not take into account the and concept in fiction and in scientific

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113 UDC: 351/354 Deliіa Oksana Viktorivna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor, doctoral student of the Department of Social Development and Public-Power Relations, National Academy of Public Ad- ministration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Str. Eugenа Potie, 20, tel.: +38 (044) 456 13 86, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9806-5328 Делія Оксана Вікторівна, кандидат історичних наук, доцент, док- торант кафедри суспільного розвитку та суспільно-владних відносин, Національна академія державного управління при Пре- зидентові України, м. Київ, вул. Ежена По- тьє, 20, тел.: +38 (044) 456 13 86, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9806-5328 Делия Оксана Викторовна, кандидат исторических наук, доцент, до- кторант кафедры общественного разви- тия и общественно-властных отношений, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, тел.: +38 (044) 456 13 86, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9806-5328 DOI

ARCHETYPE OF THE PLACE IN ARCHITECTONIC OF THE ENVIRONMENT OF PUBLIC POLICY Abstract. The review of the concept of public policy environment in the mo- dern public-management scientific discourse is actualized due to the lack of systematic and comprehensive studies on this problem. The results of consideration of the state policy environment as a place through the application of the archetypal paradigm are presented. The connection between archetypal ideas about the place and the modern course of state policy is also outlined and highlighted. The evaluation of the envi- ronment as a “place” is historically connected with the statement of the existence of a thing or phenomenon and lies in the plane of spatial terminology. The place, within the framework of the approach, is considered as a part of the space occupied by a person or an object, while the place is given the value of the minimum limit, and the space is given a maximum limit. Within the framework of the research, other approaches are highlighted that disclose the category of place in discipli-

114 nary and interdisciplinary contexts: sociological-behavioral, phenomenological, systemic, etc. Іt is noted that the spatial revolution in the structure of cognition determined the analysis of state policy in spatial categories, which substantiated modern in- terdisciplinary measurements of the environment of state policy. Аnd — the ap- pearance in the thesaurus public policy topological and metric features reality: location periphery, a center, location and interaction “places”, theme composition state policy, etc. Therefore, the category “place” confers on the environment of state policy a so- cial and cognitive entity, which, in particular, is defined in the concept of identity and leads to the emergence of new approaches to the analysis of identity: regional, local identities, identification with a place, environment or residence. Keywords: public policy, environment, archetype, place, space, identity. АРХЕТИП МІСЦЯ В АРХІТЕКТОНІЦІ СЕРЕДОВИЩА ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ Анотація. Актуалізований розгляд поняття середовища державної полі- тики в сучасному публічно-управлінському науковому дискурсі, зумовлений браком системних та комплексних досліджень із цієї проблематики. Подано результати розгляду середовища державної політики як місця че- рез застосування парадигми архетипного дослідження. Також окреслено та висвітлено зв’язок архетипних уявлень про місце із сучасним перебігом дер- жавної політики. Оцінювання середовища як “місця” історично пов’язане з констатацією існування речі або явища та лежить у площині просторової тер- мінології. Місце, в межах підходу, трактується як частина простору, зайнята людиною чи річчю, при цьому місцю надається сенс мінімальної межі, а про- стору, відповідно, — максимальної межі. У межах дослідження виокремлено інші підходи, які розкривають кате- горію місця у дисциплінарних та міждисциплінарних контекстах: соціоло- гічно-поведінковий, феноменологічний, системний тощо. Наголошено, що просторовий переворот у структурі пізнання зумовив аналіз державної по- літики у просторових категоріях, обґрунтування модерних міждисциплінар- них вимірів середовища державної політики, які зумовили появу у тезаурусі державної політики топологічних і метричних характеристик реальності: локація, периферія, центр, диспозиція та взаємодія “місць” суб’єкт-об’єктно- го складу державної політики тощо. Разом із тим сучасний постнекласичний етап посилив суб’єктивний аспект у розгляді категорії місця, тому катего- рія “місце” наділяє середовище державної політики соціально-когнітивною сутністю, яка, зокрема, дефінується у понятті ідентичності та зумовлює появу нових підходів до аналізу ідентичності: регіональних, локальних ідентичностей, ідентифікації з місцем, середовищем чи з місцеперебуван- ням. Ключові слова: державна політика, середовище, архетип, місце, простір, ідентичність.

115 АРХЕТИП МЕСТА В АРХИТЕКТОНИКЕ СРЕДЫ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ Аннотация. Актуализировано рассмотрение понятия среды государствен- ной политики в современном публично-управленческом научном дискурсе, обусловленное нехваткой системных и комплексных исследований по этой проблематике. Представлены результаты рассмотрения среды государственной полити- ки как места путем применения парадигмы архетипного исследования. Так- же определены и отражены связь архетипических представлений о месте с современным ходом государственной политики. Оценка среды как “места” исторически связана с констатацией существования вещи или явления и ле- жит в плоскости пространственной терминологии. Место, в рамках подхода, трактуется как часть пространства, занятая человеком или вещью, при этом месту придается смысл минимального предела, а пространству — максималь- ного предела. В рамках исследования выделены другие подходы, которые раскрывают категорию места в дисциплинарных и междисциплинарных контекстах: со- циологически-поведенческий, феноменологический, системный и др. От- мечено, что пространственный переворот в структуре познания обусловил анализ государственной политики в пространственных категориях, которые обосновали современные междисциплинарные измерения среды государ- ственной политики. Также обусловил появление в тезаурусе государствен- ной политики топологических и метрических характеристик реальности: локация, периферия, центр, диспозиция и взаимодействие “мест”, субъект- объектного состава государственной политики и т. д. Вместе с тем современный постнеклассический этап усилил субъектив- ный аспект в рассмотрении категории места, таким образом категория “ме- сто” наделяет среду государственной политики социально-когнитивной сущностью, которая, в частности, дефинируется в понятии идентичности и приводит к появлению новых подходов к анализу идентичности: региональ- ных, локальных идентичностей, идентификации с местом, средой или с ме- стопребыванием. Ключевые слова: государственная политика, среда, архетип, место, про- странство, идентичность.

Target setting. Public policy as any the context of its preparation and plan- social process and phenomenon can not ning, implementation, determine the be conditioned by its environment, by positioning of the environment for the what it forms, surrounds and influenc- formation of public policy as an object es. Continuous explanation of the sub- of scientific knowledge. At the same ject content of public policy, the need time, the concept of “public policy of for a comprehensive understanding of the environment” in the conceptual-

116 categorical apparatus of the science of a place by applying the methodological public administration occupies a special tools of archetypal paradigm. place, since it is characterized by a wide The purpose of the article. This range of scientific interpretation of its actualizes the need for a detailed theo- content and fragmented consideration retical and methodological analysis of in domestic scientific literature. In ad- the concept of “environment of public dition, the content of the definition is policy” through the definition of its se- reproduced only within the framework mantic construct and the identification of a large-scale understanding of the of methodological approaches to under- state-political process. Understanding standing this definition. In this study, of the public policy environment in the we will draw on a broad historical con- context of the ontological measurement text in which there were close concepts, of state policy as a key basis for its for- archetypal worldviews and representa- mation is found in the works of a small tions that can be combined on the basis group of foreign and domestic resear- of theoretical assumptions of modern chers. theory of the environment. Analysis of basic research and The statement of basic materials. publication. The theoretical basis of The methodology of scientific search the publication was the philosophical causes the decomposition of the con- theories of ancient thinkers — Heracli- cept “environment” with the purpose of tus, Plato and Aristotle [1]. A separate describing its essential characteristics. group composed of cultural and philo- The assessment of the environment as sophical studies, dedicated to the ob- a “place” is historically associated with jectification of the definition of “envi- a statement of the existence of a thing ronment” in the framework of classical, or phenomenon and lies in the plane of neoclassical and postclassical scientific spatial terminology. rationality — J. Deleuze and F. Guattari Space is the defining category of the [2], N. Barsukova [3], M. Heidegger mythological model of the world. “Mas- [4] and B. Lepsky [5]. The works of tering space is the first gesture of peo- E. Orlov [6], H. Steinbach and V. Elen- ple and animals, plants and clouds, the sky [7] and A. Rappoport [8] helped fundamental manifestation of balance the results of the study. The scientific- and stability” [14, p. 63]. Archaic con- methodological basis for the research sciousness interprets space in a broad search was the publication of domestic sense as a phenomenon that differs from researchers — V. Tertichka, V. Kupriy a geometric space and a physical model. [9–11] and A. Antonova [12; 13]. Mythopoietic multidimensionality of At the same time, a preliminary ex- space is realized through fragmenta- amination of the state of the problem tion of spatial representations, repre- in the scientific literature makes it pos- sentation of the image of the world as sible to affirm, without detracting from a separate place of action or place of the importance of the available theore- whose stay (battlefield, residence, etc.). tical achievements, that there is a lack The places indicated in the mythologi- of systematic and comprehensive re- cal texts are not tied to the world as a search environment of public policy as whole or to parts of it.

117 The mythopoetic model of the ties are concentrated (G. Simmel), any world as a space-time continuum is a events (T. Makogon) are constructed, space filled with things, human and sa- what we manage (E. Strecker) [17; 18]. cral beings, everything that structures Sociological theories in the studies of and organizes space. The basis for con- “places” strengthened the problem of structing an image of the world is the the space-time aspect of analysis, which opposition “space-non-space”, “world”, was objectified in terms of “locale” and “space” as the territory of residence and “place of places”. The idea of a locale another world — chaos, alien, unknown, is simultaneously an opposition to the antagonistic. Such opposition inter- geographical concept of “location” and prets the process of relations between the concept of “disposition” and in- man and the world — the world around volves the use of space in order to form is hostile, full of danger. The process of the environment of the course of social transforming Chaos into space through interaction, in which space and time symbols and ritual actions is the pro- are coordinated. The concept of “place cess of organizing, shaping the habitat of places” (location of the place) is the [15, p. 27]. product of the identification of the Aristotle’s expression: “Things that place by another subject of social action exist, there is somewhere, and non- and the point of intersection of space existent — nowhere”, outlined the prob- and time, since it presupposes the idea lems of place for system analysis [16]. of movement of bodies, and therefore In this thinker’s view, a place can exist the use of a time horizon for the separa- without binding to the body; it con- tion of events into “before”, “now” and tinues to exist when things tied to the “after” [19, p. 78]. place disappear. But the thing changes Behavioral approach, based on the changing its place. The established cor- concept of R. Barker, considers “place” respondence between thing and place is as an exclusively behavioral concept, a manifestation of the nature of the ob- where a physical environment is or- ject, is amenable to analysis. So, the ba- ganized is a determinant of human be- sis of the first approach is the hierarchi- havior. In this context, the place is in- cal mapping of place and space as part terpreted as a unit of behavior that is and whole. The place is treated as a part limited in time and space, within the of space occupied by a person or thing, framework of which cyclically repeated while the place is given the meaning of actions are performed. the minimum limit, and space, respec- The next approach is characterized tively, — the maximum limit. by the idea of specificity, systematic The second approach was the tota- and structured “place”, a category pre- lity of the theoretical constructs of so- diction in a specific coordinate system. ciological science related to the solu- The approach is based on an under- tion of the problem of the relationship standing of the geographical space as a between place and social phenomenon. territorial unit (taxon — E. Alaev), any The place is endowed with a social cha- portion of the geotropic characterized racter, formulated as a focus of certainty, geographical position and opposed the location (P. Bourdieu), in which social entire surface of the Earth [20, p. 65]. In

118 V. Glazychev’s place is a “molecule” of cerns determines things in their place, the environment and is determined by directs things, and arranges a place [23, the interaction of people in the object- p. 19–23]. The place is determined by spatial environment. The place of the the links of the field, by the gathering environment, according to J. Gibson, of events, by the position in the organi- is an extended arrangement that occu- zational mechanism [24]. The subjecti- pies a certain position in the surround- vism of the place gives rise to mean- ing world [21, p. 46]. G. Schedrovitsky ings that fill human being. Compre- calls the “place” position of a person in a hension of meaning is possible only on certain system, and its functioning fully the condition of awareness of the place. corresponds to the requirements of the Change of place means the appearance system. That is, the “person-place” in of new meanings. The interaction of the system is determined by the links space and place as designated and what of the structure imposed on it and the it means, allows us to combine their processes that occur inside [22]. Phe- axis generation of meanings, that is, to nomenological interpretation of the define a common function — the func- environment as a “place” is due to the tion of generating meanings [24, p. 29]. ideas of addressing the meaning and The increase in the role of social space, plurality of subjective perception of the so-called “spatial revolution” in the the social world, which is its part. The processes of cognition, conditioned the representatives of the approach insist substantiation of modern interdiscipli- on the exhaustive understanding of the nary dimensions of the public policy en- place as an objective reality, which is vironment. The increase in the role of measured. The problems of infinity and social space exists among other things the polyvariation of the perception of in the thesaurus of state policy of to- reality, objectified in postmodern stu- pological and metric characteristics of dies, directed the locus of awareness of reality: location, periphery, center, dis- the subject-spatial reality towards con- position and interaction “places” sub- centration on the subjective states of ject-object composition of public policy the “place”. and the like. Subjective parameters category Thus, the popularization of disposi- “place” was derived from the category tions of various “places” on which the of “sense of place”, “place of behavior”, tourism policy of any state is based cre- understanding the relativity of the ates large-scale motivations that mo- place, its identification through aware- tivate people to change their behavior ness and through the process of cogni- or way of life by demonstrating the at- tion, “events” that reinforce the basic tractiveness of staying in this place. At idea — the creation of place. The place the same time, globalization and elec- is that which matters to a person’s life, tronic technologies, except intensify- affects him. The idea of place is con- ing tourism, promoted the formation nected with the living, the residence. of fundamentally new mental forms of All things of the world, according spatial behavior of people — the emer- to M. Heidegger, are located around a gence of groups of “neo-nomad” from place defined as “being here”. A con- top managers to “trailer” travelers. The

119 paramount importance of the semantic of its context. Understanding the place and content orientations of the mo- as a metaphysical phenomenon allows dern spatial dimension of state policy us to divide essence and essential: es- predetermines the appearance in the sence is determined by a set of natural state-political process of the problems characteristics, and the essential is the of “place”, its perception, clarification comprehension of what is. The essential of dispositions of cultural and histori- is assigned to the place. “The environ- cal values around which social consoli- ment, on the one hand, is physical facts, dation occurs. In particular, one of the on the other — the system of human ex- formal consequences of these processes perience” [27]. is the construction of the phenomenon Analysis of the category “place” next of regionalization in the sense of the to the analytical procedures of cog- emergence of new approaches to the nition of the environment as a place analysis of identity: regional, local iden- of social interaction, a set of pheno- tities, identification with a place, envi- mena, facts and things determines the ronment or residence. semantic component of the process of Combinations of such horizontal this awareness. The environment ac- identities (life spheres) form the basis quires signs of subjective integrity and of social identity in its collective and is formed as a complex system of mean- individual forms, which is reflected ings, fills the empirical-rational reality. socially and cognitively in public po- In this context, the category “place” licy through the recognition of rights as gives the environment of state policy claims: territorial (ecological, land, re- a socio-cognitive essence, which, in lative to the territory as a place of resi- particular, is defined in the concept of dence), natural anthropological (resi- identity. dential, demographic), spiritual and cultural (beliefs, symbols, culture, lan- guage), subject-professional (owner- REFERENCES ship and production). Social identity 1. Gritsanov A. A., and Abushenko V. L. encourages actions to protect their (2002), Istoriya filosofii. Entsiklope- rights and interests through participa- diya [History of Philosophy. Encyclo- tion at the initial stage in public asso- pedia], Minsk, Belarus. ciations and civil actions. This, in turn, 2. Delez Zh. and Gvattari F. (1996), Ri- ensures the creation of an intermediate zoma [Rizoma]. Filosofiya epohi post- social link between people’s spheres of moderna: sb. perevodov i referatov, life and state policy. So, the conceptua- Minsk, Belarus. 3. Barsukova N. Y. (2007), Dyzayn lization of the identity policy within the sredy v proektnoy kul’ture postmo- state-political process is conditioned dernyzma [Design of the environment by the attempt of the state to take into in the project culture of postmoder- account and use the identification of nism], FGOU VPO RGAU; MSHA citizens as a non-institutional political im. K. A. Timirjazeva, Moscow, Russia. resource [26]. 4. Haydegger M. (1997), Byitie i vre- Conclusions. Consideration of the mya [Being and Time], Ad Marginem, category “place” is due to the definition Moscow, Russia.

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123 UDC: 35.071:124.2 Dovgan’ Aleksej Valentinovich, Candidate of philological sciences, Corres- ponding Member of the International Aca- demy of Education, Deputy Director, Sci- entific Library of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, 02000, Kyiv, Str. Lavrska, 9, tel.: +38 (050) 720 20 03, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6728-818X Довгань Олексій Валентинович, кандидат філологічних наук, член-корес- пондент Міжнародної академії освіти і науки, заступник директора, Наукова бібліотека Національної академії керів- них кадрів культури й мистецтв, 02000, м. Київ, вул. Лаврська, 9, тел.: +38 (050) 720 20 03, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6728-818X Довгань Алексей Валентинович, кандидат филологических наук, член-кор- респондент Международной академии образования и науки, заместитель директо- ра, Научная библиотека Национальной академии руководящих кадров культуры и искусств, 02000, г. Киев, ул. Лаврская, 9, тел.: +38 (050) 720 20 03, e-mail: dovgan396@ ORCID: 0000-0002-6728-818X DOI

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION FROM THE STANDPOINT OF DETERMINISTIC SOCIAL SENSE (ARCHETYPAL APPROACH) Abstract. The features and the role of deterministic social sense in the context of the archetypical approach are considered in the article; the specifics of the exi- stence of the above-mentioned phenomenon in relation to public administration are presented. The nature, principles of the functioning of archetypes as a direct, pragmatic decision-making factor of the personality are represented. It is argued that archetypes are significantly different from those historically established or transformed by human characters, whose senses are not mentally inherited, but transmitted from generation to generation. The emphasis is placed on the rele- vance of the archetypal approach for research in the management sector in ge- neral and deterministic social sense — in particular. The author emphasizes that the archetype is a direct pragmatic factor in personal decision-making, acting as a created internal complication that ensures the course of certain socially deter-

124 mined processes in the human brain. Attention is focused on the continuity of the concepts of “sense” and “culture”: from the moment of alienation of a person from the surrounding natural world, all thoughts, created things, found and used means and methods of actions are given meanings. Thus, the decision, that is, the choice, appears to be the natural basis for an individual’s being in ontological reality, act- ing as a necessary precondition for structuring his administrative, legal and so on needs in modern society. Further investigation of the archetypal approach to the study of the phenomenon of deterministic social sense is seen in the study of the features of citizens’ reflection on the images and symbols created by the govern- ment in order to achieve some behavioral manifestations in the latter, allowing more deeply and clearly understand the needs of the people, and also to update the relevant role of public administration in his life. At the same time, from the standpoint of social, psychological, culturological pragmatics etc., the archetype is the primary form of sense stratified according to the types described by Jung. This differentiation of this phenomenon is natural, due to its universalism, which allows us to speak about the degree of social adaptability of the latter. Keywords: sense, social sense, deterministic sense, public administration, ar- chetype, archetypal approach. ПУБЛІЧНЕ УПРАВЛІННЯ З ПОЗИЦІЙ ДЕТЕРМІНОВАНОГО СОЦІАЛЬНОГО СМИСЛУ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Розглянуто особливості й роль детермінованого соціального смислу в контексті архетипного підходу; презентовано специфіку побуту- вання зазначеного феномену відносно публічного управління. Репрезенто- вано природу й принципи функціонування архетипів як безпосереднього прагматичного чинника ухвалення рішень особистістю. Стверджується, що архетипи суттєво відрізняються від історично усталених або перероблених людиною символів, значення яких не є психічно успадкованими, тим, що во- ни передаються з покоління в покоління. Акцентується увага на актуальності архетипного підходу для досліджень управлінської сфери в цілому й детер- мінованого соціального смислу зокрема. Автор наголошує, що архетип по- стає безпосереднім прагматичним чинником ухвалення рішень особистістю, виступаючи у ролі витвореного внутрішнього ускладнення, що забезпечує перебіг певних соціально-детермінованих процесів у мозку людини. Акцен- тується увага на нерозривності понять “смисл” і “культура”: з моменту відчу- ження людини від довколишнього природного світу всі створені нею думки, створені речі, знайдені й використовувані засоби та способи дій наділяються смислами. Таким чином, рішення, тобто вибір, постає як природна основа побутування індивідуума в онтологічній реальності, виступаючи необхід- ною передумовою структурування його адміністративних, правових тощо потреб у сучасному суспільстві. Подальше дослідження архетипного підходу до вивчення феномену детермінованого соціального смислу вбачається у до- слідженні особливостей рефлексії громадян на витворювані урядом образи й символи з метою досягнення певних поведінкових виявів в останніх, що

125 дозволить більш глибоко й чітко розуміти потреби народу, а також актуалізу- вати релевантну роль публічного управління в його житті. При цьому з пози- цій мовної, соціальної, психологічної, культурологічної тощо прагматики ар- хетип виступає первинною формою смислу, стратифікованою за описаними Юнгом типами. Така диференціація цього феномену є природною, внаслідок його універсалізму, що дозволяє говорити про ступінь соціальної адаптив- ності останнього. Ключові слова: смисл, соціальний смисл, детермінований смисл, публічне управління, архетип, архетипний підхід. ПУБЛИЧНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ С ПОЗИЦИЙ ДЕТЕРМИНИРОВАННОГО СОЦИАЛЬНОГО СМЫСЛА (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Рассмотрены особенности и роль детерминированного соци- ального смысла в контексте архетипического подхода; представлена специ- фика бытований очерченного феномена относительно публичного управле- ния. Представлены природа и принципы функционирования архетипов как непосредственной прагматической составляющей принятия решений лично- стью. Утверждается, что архетипы существенно отличаются от исторически сложившихся либо переработанных человеком символов, значение которых не является психически наследованным, тем, что они передаются из поколе- ния в поколение. Акцентируется внимание на актуальности архетипического подхода для исследований управленческой сферы в целом и детерминиро- ванного социального смысла в частности. Автор подчеркивает, что архетип непосредственным прагматическим фактором принятия решений лично- стью, выступая в роли созданного внутреннего осложнения, обеспечиваю- щего ход определенных социально-детерминированных процессов в мозгу человека. Акцентируется внимание на неразрывности понятий “смысл” и “культура”: с момента отчуждения человека от окружающего естественного мира все созданные им мысли, созданные вещи, найденные и используемые средства и способы действий наделяются смыслами. Таким образом, реше- ние, то есть выбор, представляется естественной основой бытования индиви- дуума в онтологической реальности, выступая необходимым предусловием структурирования его административных, правовых и так далее потребно- стей в современном обществе. Дальнейшее исследование архетипического подхода к изучению феномена детерминированного социального смысла усматривается в исследовании особенностей рефлексии граждан на создава- емые правительством образы и символы с целью достижения неких поведен- ческих проявлений у последних, позволяющих более глубоко и четко понять потребности народа, а также актуализировать релевантную роль публичного управления в его жизни. При этом с позиций социальной, психологической, культурологической прагматики и так далее архетип выступает первичной формой смысла, стратифицированной по описанными Юнгом типами. Та- кая дифференциация этого феномена является естественной, вследствие ее

126 универсализма, позволяющего говорить о степени социальной адаптивности последнего. Ключевые слова: смысл, социальный смысл, детерминированный смысл, публичное управление, архетипический подход.

Formulation of the problem. The Presentation of the main research existence of an individual in an onto- material with full justification of the logical reality is inseparable from the received scientific results. From the features of his physicality, self-identifi- point of view of linguistic, social, psy- cation, communication, etc. The latter chological, cultural, etc., pragmatics, produces the conclusion that in the ba- the archetype acts as the primary form sis of the described process located the of sense, which is stratified according to archetype, which, according to K. Jung, the types described by Jung. At the same is deeply unconscious, in which hidden time, such a differentiation of this phe- universal, original images [9, p. 80]. In nomenon is natural, due to its universa- turn, this gives us the opportunity to lism, which allows us to speak about the postulate its great socio-communica- degree of social adaptability of the lat- tive significance: after all, any socially ter. So, the architecture, customary for predetermined processes carry in their us in the form of immovable structures, structure a certain archetypal signifi- was created, in fact, solely as ideas em- cance that is relevant to a socially de- bodied in a visual form [2]. The latter is terministic sense. explained by the fact that the absolute Analysis of recent publications on majority of its forms is in a projective the issues and identification of previ- (drawing) form, while the materialized ously unsettled parts of the general is an extremely small percentage. problem. An outline of the problem has Thus, sense can be positioned as a been expressed in a number of scientific discourse in relation to archetype, since studies of such authors: M. Alexandro- it appears as a material from which la- va, E. Afonin, V. Bortnikov, V. Budanov, ter form will be formed (in fact, the ar- M. Weber, O. Donchenko, D. Iston, chetype itself, which is positioned not P. Lazarsfeld, G. Lassuel, O. Meleshki- merely as a form but as such, but a kind na, C. Merriam, D. Olshansky, A. Rad- of limit on the atomization of a certain chenko, S. Rokcan, O. Shetopal and area of semantic tissue/substance from others. another, which acquires autonomy rela- Wording of purpose (purpose of tive to the environment). Such a broad the article). The purpose of this article interpretation of the outlined concept is to consider the peculiarities and the seems productive due to the fact that role of deterministic social sense in the it allows a more detailed consideration context of an archetypal approach. The of its psychosocial connections. In its subject is the specificity of the existence turn, the aforesaid produces an under- of the above-mentioned phenomenon standing of the outlined limits of sense in relation to public administration. as a pre-written, pre-linguistic conven-

127 tion [5]. In this case, the positioning standpoint of public administration as of value-semantic archetypal forms of justifiable: as a spiritual achievement communicative space, which unfolds of mankind, represented in a number the implementation of psychosocial of forms of the ideal (idea) and physi- characteristics. cal (things) of nature. According to this There is a definition of the archetype interpretation, the concept of culture by which he is positioned as a deep form should be understood as archetypically of the collective unconscious, the form structured segments of reality, adapted without sense, which, manifested in through the categorization of the hu- the individual consciousness, acquires man brain. Thus, we are talking already a specifically figurative character that about trans-individual, but essentially, can be explored and comprehended [1]. intrapsychic phenomena, fixed in the However, we can not agree with this brain, similar to the instincts of ani- definition, since the archetype is, in our mals, which allows, in turn, to postu- understanding, a form with sense, but late the presence of the phenomenon of the very nature of this content is deter- synchronicity [4] (ie, the simultaneous mined by the social sense through the deployment of a particular mental state actualization of the anthropological de- with one or more external events that terminants, that is, the categorization look like semantic analogues of the in- of sense, its particular design, etc., is a stant subjective state). process of social determinism. In addi- As for public administration, it is ex- tion, the archetype can, to a certain ex- pedient to talk directly about the pecu- tent, be positioned as a preform, since liarities of the deterministic social sense, its sense has a great degree of anthro- one of whose goals is the phenomenon pocentrism, but it is not fully incorpo- of self. By its nature, this phenomenon rated into culture as such. should be positioned as a psychological At the same time, the latter is a com- total, which can be equated with the an- plex, multidimensional phenomenon cient Indian notion of “ataman” or the that can be viewed from different po- ancient Chinese “dao”. In addition, in sitions, formulating various systems of this light, the specificity of the Japanese its description, and each time receiv- concept of “m” as a destructive empti- ing new characteristics of the latter. ness, contrasted with the “fullness” of In modern philosophy of culture, there personality, is interesting in this light. are many points of view on it, a number Consequently, self — a concept that ex- of definitions of the essential founda- presses the human essence, since all the tions of the latter. So, various scientific origins of spiritual life come from this schools interpret it differently, concen- point of non-return: it cumulates all the trating attention on one aspect or an- highest and last goals [3, p. 48]. other. Accordingly, there is not one, but That is why the self for the public many theories of culture, many research administration appears to be the mile- approaches, methods for its study [7, stone of the social existence of the in- p. 3]. dividual, whose problem is connected Thus, we consider the expanded ap- with the problem of choice for the de- proach to the notion of culture from the fined sphere as a differentiating feature

128 of its stratification as a social individu- sonant with a view of modern society al. Thus, the very existence of a person as representing information as a basic, can be positioned as the sum of all its core component that is relevant to the elections made during a lifetime: in this managerial field. way, the person acts as a consumer of Conclusions and perspectives of goods, services, etc., created to secure further research. Consequently, the their socially determined aspirations archetype appears as a direct prag- (V. Peliewin’s “Generation P”, F. Beig- matic factor in decision-making by the beder’s “99 francs” and other artistic individual, acting as a created internal works, which refer to the psychologi- difficulty, which ensures the course of cal, economic and social basis of such a certain social deterministic processes process). in the human brain. At the same time, Naturally, with the fact that the archetypes differ significantly from choice is the result of a solution, the historically established or transformed essence of its adoption can be charac- by human characters whose values are terized as an internal, relatively stable not mentally inherited, but transmit- basis that defines the sense, role and ted from generation to generation [8, place of the latter in the functioning p. 124]. The latter allows us to conclude and development of the institution (or- that the relevance of the archetypal ap- ganization, enterprise, etc.). Therefore, proach to research in the management the essence of decision-making, as a sphere as a whole and deterministic so- rule, is manifested through a variety of cial sense — in particular. external connections and actions that Also, we emphasize the indissolubi- characterize one of the parties [6, p. 6]. lity of the concepts of “sense” and “cul- Concerning the adoption of one or ture”: since the alienation of man from another solution, archetypes should be the surrounding natural world, all cre- perceived as images or thought schemes ated by her thoughts, created things, that are filled with the implied sense found and used means and methods of that allow a person to organize his life action endowed with sens [8, p. 122]. experience and perception of the exter- Thus, the solution, that is, the choice, nal world, which is manifested through appears as the natural basis of the in- forms of behavior [1]. At the same dividual’s existence in an ontological time, their interpretation does not re- reality, acting as a prerequisite for the quire mental effort, because they are structuring of his administrative, legal, perceived at the unconscious level and etc. needs in modern society. have a single sense for all mankind [8, A further study of the archetypical p. 124]. approach to the study of the phenome- Thus, we postulate the subjecti- non of deterministic social sense is seen vity of the above processes, which can in the study of the peculiarities of the be positioned as a natural basis for its reflection of citizens on the images and deployment, limited by professional (in symbols created by the government the case of being in the business sphere) in order to achieve certain behavioral and personal (moral, psychological, manifestations in the latter, which will etc.) determinants. The latter are con- allow more deeply and clearly under-

129 stand the needs of the people, as well 9. Koshetarova L. N. (2010), “Archetype as actualize the relevant role of public and the symbol as the main forms of administration in its life. expression of cultural sense by adver- tising”, Knowledge. Understanding. Skill, № 4, p. 122–126. REFERENCES

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131 UDC 351(061.1ЄС) Karpa Martha Ivanivna, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administra- tion, doctoral student of the Department of Regional Administration and Local Self-Gov- ernment of Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 79491, Lviv-Briukhovychi, Str. Sukhomlynsky, 16, tel.: +38 (067) 670 57 77, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8141-4894 Карпа Марта Іванівна, кандидат наук з державного управління, докторант кафедри регіонального управ- ління та місцевого самоврядування Львів- ського регіонального інституту держав- ного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, 79491, м. Львів-Брюховичі, вул. Сухомлинського, 16, тел.: +38 (067) 670 57 77, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8141-4894 Карпа Марта Ивановна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, докторант кафедры регионального управления и местного самоуправления Львовского регионального института государ- ственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Пре- зиденте Украины, 79491, г. Львов-Брюховичи, ул. Сухомлинского, 16, тел.: +38 (067) 670 57 77, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8141-4894 DOI

COMPETENCE APPROACH IN EUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: ESSENCE AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS (ARCHETYPAL ASPECT) Abstract. The article reveals the main features of the competence approach in the practice of European public administration. The features of the competence approach in public administration are determined on the basis of analysis of the basic concepts of public administration. In the dynamics of the formation and de- velopment of popular theories of interaction between state and local authorities, such as the theory of a free community, community (public) and public and state (the theory of municipal dualism), we can trace a number of characteristic fea- tures of a competency approach, which manifests itself both through the general

132 theoretical relations and manifestations, and through the practice of coexistence of public authorities. There is a problem of definition and distribution of public functions as a prerequisite for defining and shaping the competences of public in- stitutions. An important issue in the context of a competent approach is the in- stitutional consolidation of functions in the context of the existence of the basic models of territorial organization of power. In each of the varieties of the Gover- nance concept (Responsive Governance concept, Democratic Governance concept, Good Governance concept), the specifics of the use of competencies are defined. The archetypal symbols in the European public administration are singled out using the analysis of competence in public administration in its main constitu- ents. A brief description of the archetypal aspect of European public administra- tion is given. The main components of competence are shown in connection with the existing archetypal symbols and the characteristic trends of their develop- ment. Their connection is shown according to the scheme “the entity component (who?) — the object component (what?) — the administrative component (how?) — the basis (in what environment?)”. Concerning the trends of development of a competence approach in the con- text of practice and theory of public administration, it is determined that modern concepts of public administration are characterized by shifting the balance be- tween state and public institutions to the sphere of common goals and tasks, and thus responsibility. The joint activity of all subjects of society requires new forms of cooperation, definition of the spheres and subjects of each entity’s activity for effective cooperation, distribution of functions and competences of the entities, formation and consolidation of their status characteristics. Keywords: public administration, public service, competence, competence ap- proach, competence of the entity of public administration, archetype. КОМПЕТЕНЦІЙНИЙ ПІДХІД У ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОМУ ПУБЛІЧНОМУ УПРАВЛІННІ: СУТНІСТЬ ТА ТЕНДЕНЦІЇ РОЗВИТКУ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ВИМІР) Анотація. Розкрито основні ознаки компетенційного підходу у практиці європейського публічного управління. Визначено ознаки компетенційного підходу у публічному управлінні на підставі аналізу основних концепцій пу- блічного управління. У динаміці становлення й розвитку популярних теорій взаємодії державної та місцевої влади, таких як теорія вільної громади, грома- дівської (громадської) та громадсько-державницької (теорія муніципального дуалізму), простежується низка характерних ознак компетенційного підходу, які виявляються як через загальнотеоретичні співвідношення й прояви, так і через практику співіснування органів публічної влади. Виникає проблема визначення та розподілу публічних функцій як передумови визначення та формування компетенцій публічних інституцій. Важливим питанням у кон- тексті компетенційного підходу є інституційне закріплення функцій у розрізі існування основних моделей територіальної організації влади. У кожному з різновидів концепції Governance (концепція Responsive Governance, концеп-

133 ція Democratic Governance, концепція Good Governance) визначено специфі- ку використання компетенційних складових. Виокремлено архетипові символи в європейському публічному управлін- ні з використанням аналізу компетенції у публічному управлінні за основни- ми її складовими. Надано стислу характеристику архетипного виміру євро- пейського публічного управління. Основні складові компетенції показано у зв’язку з наявними архетиповими символами та характерними тенденція- ми їх розвитку. Показано їх зв’язок за схемою “суб’єктна складова (хто?) — об’єктна складова (що?) — управлінська складова (як?) — основа (в якому середовищі?)”. Щодо тенденцій розвитку компетенційного підходу у контексті практи- ки й теорії публічного управління визначено, що сучасні концепції публіч- ного управління характеризуються зміщенням балансу між державними та громадськими інституціями до сфери спільних цілей і завдань, а відповідно і відповідальності. Спільна діяльність усіх суб’єктів суспільства потребує но- вих форм співробітництва, визначення сфер і предметів діяльності кожного суб’єкта для ефективної співпраці, розподілу функцій та компетенцій суб’єк- тів, становлення й закріплення їх статусних характеристик. Ключові слова: публічне управління, публічна служба, компетенція, ком- петенційний підхід, компетенція суб’єкта публічного управління, архетип. КОМПЕТЕНЦИОННЫЙ ПОДХОД В ЕВРОПЕЙСКОМ ПУБЛИЧНОМ УПРАВЛЕНИИ: СУЩНОСТЬ И ТЕНДЕНДИИ РАЗВИТИЯ (АРХЕТИПИЧНОЕ ИЗМЕРЕНИЕ) Аннотация. Раскрыты основные особенности компетенционного подхо- да в практике европейского публичного управления. Определены призна- ки компетенционного подхода в публичном управления на основе анализа основных концепций публичного управления. В динамике становления и развития популярных теорий взаимодействия государственной и местной власти, таких как теория свободной общины, громадовской (обществен- ной) и общественно-государственного (теория муниципального дуализма), прослеживается ряд отличительных признаков компетенционного подхода, которые проявляются как через общетеоретические соотношение и прояв- ления, так и через практику сосуществования органов публичной власти. Возникает проблема определения и распределения публичных функций как предпосылки для определения и формирования компетенций публич- ных учреждений. Важным вопросом в контексте компетенционного подхода является институциональное закрепление функций в разрезе существова- ния основных моделей территориальной организации власти. В каждом из разновидностей концепции Governance (концепция Responsive Governance, концепция Democratic Governance, концепция Good Governance) определена специфика использования компетенционных составляющих. Выделены архетипические символы в европейском публичном управле- нии с использованием анализа компетенции в публичном управлении по

134 основным ее составляющим. Предоставлено краткую характеристику архе- типного измерения европейского публичного управления. Основные состав- ляющие компетенции показано в связи с имеющимися архетипическими символоми и характерными тенденциями их развития. Показано их связь по схеме “субъектная составляющая (кто?) — объектная составляющая (что?) — управленческая составляющая (как?) — основа (в среде?)”. В связи с тенденциями развития компетенционного подхода в контекс- те практики и теории публичного управления определено, что современные концепции публичного управления характеризуются смещением баланса между государственными и общественными институтами в сферу общих це- лей и задач, а соответственно и ответственности. Совместная деятельность всех субъектов общества требует новых форм сотрудничества, определение сфер и предметов деятельности каждого субъекта для эффективного сотруд- ничества, распределения функций и компетенций субъектов, становления и закрепления их статусных характеристик. Ключевые слова: публичное управление, публичная служба, компетен- ция, компетенционный подход, компетенция субъекта публичного управле- ния, архетип.

Thesis statement. The relevance of schools, namely G. Bréban, J. Wiedel, this research is determined by the de- D. Garner, J. Grimo, C. Davis, J. Eber- velopment of a competent paradigm in bach, K. Ekstine, J. Elder, N. Owen, public administration. The influence S. Solon, R. Schaffhauser, J. Chevalier on the formation of public administra- and others were involved in the study tion systems is, of course, carried out of certain components of the compe- by archetypes, since they form the en- tences of public administration enti- vironment of the functioning of society ties. A number of scholars, including and the state, affect the development V. B. Averianov, S. S. Alekseev, I. L. Ba- of democracy, in particular regarding chilo, I. A. Grytsiak, V. S. Kuibida, the separation of communities as en- V. K. Mamutov, O. I. Sushinskyi, tities of governance. In the context of Yu. O. Tikhomirov and K. F. Sheremeta, this research, it is advisable to deter- paid attention to the concept of “com- mine the archetypal aspect of public petence”. administration, the search and defin- The processes of forming a concept ing of archetypal symbols in European of competence in public administration public administration from the point of both from the position of theoretical view of the application of a competence and methodological development, and approach. on the practical implementation of it, re- Analysis of recent publications and main earlier unsolved part of the general the definition of previously unsettled problem in the context of this problem. parts of the general problem. Repre- Objective of the article is to identi- sentatives of various foreign scientific fy the main features of the competence

135 approach in the concepts and theories thority retained control functions. In of European public administration and this, we see an attempt to separate the to distinguish archetypal symbols in competence of the state and self-go- the public and management aspect. vernment authorities. Results. According to a number of In the context of the development researchers, the competence paradigm of the management system of European arose in the 70’s of the twentieth centu- states, institutions of power are charac- ry. The development of the competence terised by such a feature as the absence approach as a system conception of de- of vertical governance structures and scribing human education is linked to central regulatory influence (a kind of the studies of the famous American lin- “governance without government” that guist N. Chomsky, who formulated the acquires transnational horizontal net- concept of competence in relation to works) [5]. Such a concept is inherent the theory of language [1]. As a domi- to decentralized management practices nant educational paradigm, the compe- and social self-regulation. A characte- tence approach began to develop in the ristic feature of this model is the inter- late 70’s of the twentieth century under dependence of the entities, which gives the influence of the formation of educa- rise to the idea of forming common tion models in Western Europe and the goals and objectives of the activity with United States [2]. the need to define the functions of each In the dynamics of the formation entity. The most acute question here is and development of popular theories the political issues of separation of po- of interaction between state and local wers, since the entities in such a model authorities, such as the theory of a free are participants with different status community, community (public) and and, accordingly, with different func- public and state (the theory of munici- tional and competency load. Integra- pal dualism), we can trace a number of tion of public and non-public entities characteristic features of a competency generates a number of questions regard- approach, which manifests itself both ing their interaction and competence, through the general theoretical rela- first of all with respect to responsibi- tions and manifestations, and through lity and status characteristics. Among the practice of coexistence of public the possible forms of innovation in the authorities. The theory of a free com- context of the action, the concept of po- munity was based on the idea of the litical (social) networks indicates their community’s natural right to resolve ability to provide horizontal coordinat- community issues. This is evidenced ing links, associative forms of organi- by the Belgian and French law in the zation and management, coordination XVII–XIX centuries [3; 4]. Conse- and reorganization, corporatization quently, the community institute was of public administration, orientation distinguished as the subject of the exer- towards social responsibility; the use cise of local authority, and determined of project-program-targeted manage- the issues that it should solve, that is, ment, administrative and financial, and the subjects of community management public accountability, as well as ratio- as part of its competence. The state au- nal allocation of resources. Despite the

136 mentioning of joint activities of state authorities — as to the exercise of state and public institutions on a partner- power at all institutional levels of the ship basis (“provision of social services hierarchical pyramid and control over on a partnership basis”, “optimization the exercise of the functions of public of (proper) correlation “centraliza- authorities. tion–decentralization”, its (the state’s) The mixed model combines the fea- partnership with the population in de- tures of continental and Anglo-Saxon cision-making”), V. Bakumenko sees a models. The peculiarities of this system strong role of the state in the activity are the activities of state and self-go- of network structures (“the dominance vernment authorities as a single system, of the state in various spheres of society the fulfilment of state functions is car- in partnership with public structures”) ried out in part by self-government, the [6]. emergence of public institutions in the There is a problem of definition and relations between the state and society. distribution of public functions as a For example, Germany, as a bright rep- prerequisite for defining and shaping resentative of this model, recognized the competences of public institutions. that the federation and the lands are An important issue in the context not the only subjects of public admi- of a competent approach is the insti- nistration. Communities function ei- tutional consolidation of functions in ther as institutions of self-government, the context of the existence of the ba- or as bodies to which the state delegates sic models of territorial organization of certain functions [9]. power. In his research, S. Hix states that The concept of Public administra- relations between state and non-state tion was built on the activities of state institutions are non-hierarchical and structures and institutions, the pecu- characterized by interdependence. The liarities of which are the hierarchical main functions of governance are not structure of interconnections, stan- distribution, but regulation of social dardization of procedures and decision- and political risks [7]. The White Paper making and subordinated relations be- also states that “governance concerns tween the entities of power. The main the state’s ability to serve the citizens. tasks that were typical of public admi- Governance refers to the rules, proces- nistration at this stage were to ensure ses, and behaviour by which interests are citizens’ security and property protec- articulated, resources are managed and tion, to establish social standards and power is exercised in the society” [8]. to adhere to the rule of law principle The continental (French) model is [5]. characterised by a hierarchical system Widely spread from the 90-s of the of subordination and a dominant con- twentieth century, the concept of Go- trol function in accordance with the vernance, which emerged after the work subordinate principle. Local authori- of J. Habermas “The Theory of Com- ties have certain functions: municipali- municative Action” [10] in the 90’s of ties — as to issues of property manage- the twentieth century, is characterised ment, management of relevant services, by partnership principles of interaction allocation of local budgets, etc.; public that forms the institutional consolida-

137 tion of relations between government, as equal members, forming authority, business and citizens. Often, this in- departmental affiliation and respon- terprets as an equal partnership, which sibility. The focus is on Good Gover- should mean the same right of access to nance, which involves engaging business resources. At the same time, from the and the public in governance processes, point of view of competence, issues of based on human rights, interaction bet- establishing norms of responsibility, al- ween different institutional levels. All location of powers, and, consequently, types of Governance concepts extend the assignment to participants of the the involvement of its subjects in public appropriate status remain complex. administration, among others, citizens, The basis of the concept remains re- non-governmental organizations, enti- levant, although the primary source of ties and business structures. Streng- its creation was the exercise of power in thening public control creates certain the process of disposing of the political, competency limits for government economic and social resources of the bodies or even self-government bodies. countries that are transitioning from From the point of view of the appli- totalitarian to democratic regimes, cation of the competence approach, we which was considered an instrument of will try to analyse the archetypal sym- the World Bank since 1993 [11]. bols, distinguishing its main compo- In each of the varieties of the con- nents. Table shows the components of cept of Governance, there is a specific the competence approach, the connec- use of competency constituents. The tion of the component/forming ques- concept of Responsive Governance tion, archetypal symbols and trends in manifests most in terms of responsibi- their development. Consequently, the lity as a component of the competence main components of competence are of the entities of governance. The con- shown in connection with the exist- cept of Democratic Governance mani- ing archetypal symbols and the cha- fests in the context of the formation racteristic trends of their development. and consolidation of the status cha- Their connection is shown according racteristics of all entities of governance to the scheme: “the entity component

Archetypal symbols in public administration in the medium term from the point of view of application of the competence approach (author’s model) The connec- Component tion of the of the com- component/ Archetypal symbols Trends of development petence forming approach question 1 2 3 4 Entity Entity/who? Community (Belgium, Expansion of the role of mul- ХІХ сentury) – state; tientity, coentity, interentity; citizen – state; predominance in the direc- private sector; tion of entity-entity relations public institutions – gov- (reduction of entity-object ernment institutions; ones)

138 End of table 1 2 3 4 civil society – power; local self-government – state power; network structures; intergovernmental institu- tions Object of Object/what? Citizen’s rights; Development of social inte- competence public needs; gration, grouping of commu- public interests – power nities, defining of goals and interests – state interests needs of society, citizens and groups; the formation of inter-entity components (objectives, needs, goals) Administrative Mechanism/ Management – control – The trend of self-govern- componet how? administration; ment, self-organization State administration – public administration – local self-government; public governance; self-management, self-organization Principles Basis/in what Humanization; Development of communi- and basis environment? protection of rights; cative paradigm; freedom; socialization of society democracy; equality; socialization; communication

(who?) — the object component tutions in accordance with functions, (what?) — the administrative compo- the definition of mechanisms of activi- nent (how?) — the basis (in what envi- ty, normative and legal support, etc.) ronment?)”. and content (providing spare organi- From the standpoint of the concept zational and functional load of institu- of competence, the indicated symbols tions in the system of public adminis- will form the subject of competence in tration, resource and methodological a generalized form that at the initial support, etc.). stages forms the generalized function of The archetypal aspect of European public administration (for example, the public administration manifests in the protection of the rights and freedoms archetypal ideas and principles that of citizens), its systemic definition (the shape the environment for the imple- development and introduction of func- mentation of public administration. tions to protect the rights and freedoms According to Professor E. Afonin, the of citizens in a particular system of pub- archetype is “a collective unconscious lic management), the institutionaliza- cultural stereotype that affects the be- tion of functions (the creation of insti- haviour and history of mankind” [12].

139 We can assume that today such ge- approach in the concepts and theories neralized archetypal aspects, the essence of public administration based on the of which can be characterized by their above analysis can be considered as: constituent and certain features, are re- • the separation of the community levant. The “Equality” aspect is the institution as the entity exercising lo- protection of the rights of a citizen, cal governance, and the defining of the equal access rights to resources, powers issue to be addressed by it, that is, the and authority. The “Equality” aspect al- subjects of community management; so can include the phenomenon “Civil state authority retains control func- Society” as one of the forms of applica- tions; in this we see an attempt to sepa- tion of equality to the processes of in- rate the competence of the state and volving the subjects of management in self-government authorities; the context of the existence of a system • the existence of common goals re- of public administration. Discussion is- garding the provision of the necessary sue in the aspect of the archetype “Equa- services to the population by local and lity” is the issue of privileges, special re- central authorities on a partnership gimes, special statuses, etc., which off- basis or on an equal participation ba- sets the concept of equality. The equal sis and the existence of different goals, participation of citizens in political life, which creates the limits of competence equality of all public institutions, equal of the subjects of management; powers in public administration, etc., • the need to differentiate the func- remain problem issues. tions of each entity; the most acute The basis of the aspect of “Demo- question here is the political issues of cracy” is clearly considered as a politi- separation of power, since the entities cal regime (direct, indirect democracy). often are with different statuses and, But it is also a collection of ideas and accordingly, with different functional principles that have developed in the and competence load; public consciousness; the existence of • integration of state and non-state rights and freedoms, the subordination entities generates a number of ques- of the minority to majority, the power tions regarding their interaction, first of the people, the protection of rights of all with respect to responsibility and and freedoms, election, the possibility status characteristics; of social control, etc. The “Freedom” • availability and development of aspect is the ability to choose, non-par- entity and status characteristics in ticipation, free definition, limitation by public administration, which facilitates filters of the normative and legal frame- the establishment and differentiation of work and public ones. competences of all entities of manage- The aspect of “Globalization” is ment; global democracy, integration pro- • the formation of goals defines the cesses, cosmopolitan democracy, multi- functions of the entities of management levelness, network governance, world systems, which become the basic pre- citizenship, etc. condition for determining and fixing Summary and prospects of further the competence of the entities of man- research. Features of the competence agement; an important issue for the de-

140 velopment of public administration, in entity’s activity for effective coope- particular in the context of a competent ration, distribution of functions and approach, is the allocation of functions competences of the entities, formation and their institutional consolidation; and consolidation of their status cha- • relations between the state and racteristics. the developing community, based on The main trends of the development their own and common subjects within of public administration from the point power in the form of desires, interests of view of application of the compe- and needs; tence approach to the implementation • the specificity of legal systems of public functions are as follows: (families) can be considered as a pre- • strengthening and developing requisite for characterizing the features processes of interaction between au- of a competent approach in public ad- thorities and the population, streng- ministration; thening citizens’ participation in the • within the legal aspect, the issue of governance that creates conditions for constitutional regulation of the compe- partnership approaches as to the dis- tence of entities of public administra- tribution of functions of governance in tion is most acute. society; Archetypal symbols in European • hierarchical structures of power public administration are identified us- are gradually replaced by horizontal, ing the analysis of competence in public coordinating or local, network ones; administration in its main components. subordination is gradually replaced by The main components of competence coordination, which strengthens the are shown in connection with the exist- competency component, subordination ing archetypal symbols and the char- and territorial functional load on the acteristic trends of their development. subject of management; Their connection is shown accord- • change in the distribution of influ- ing to the scheme “the entity compo- ence on objects of state and public com- nent (who?) — the object component munities management; trends will be (what?) — the administrative compo- manifested both in the spheres of influ- nent (how?) — the basis (in what envi- ence, that is, in determining the objects ronment?)”. of management and their consolidation Concerning the trends of develop- by the entities, and in the possibility of ment of a competence approach in the cooperation and partnership between context of practice and theory of pub- state and self-governing entities of lic administration, it is determined that management in order to achieve influ- modern concepts of public administra- ence on the objects of management; tion are characterized by shifting the • managerial technologies begin to balance between state and public insti- occupy a significant place in manage- tutions to the sphere of common goals ment, managerial activity itself chan- and tasks, and thus responsibility. The ges, new paradigms, principles and joint activity of all subjects of society re- norms emerge that form complex sys- quires new forms of cooperation, defini- tems of both state and municipal man- tion of the spheres and subjects of each agement; most often, the latest man-

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Kotovska Olha Petrivna, Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor, Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Pub- lic Policy and Political Analytics, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Sofiі Perovоі, 5, 1000, tel.: +38 (067) 786 03 39, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8479-915X Котовська Ольга Петрівна, кандидат філософських наук, доцент, докторантка кафедри публічної політи- ки та політичної аналітики, Національна академія державного управління при Пре- зидентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Со- фії Перової, 5, 1000, тел.: +38 (067) 786 03 39 e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8479-915X Котовская Ольга Петровна, кандидат философскихнаук, доцент, докторант кафедры политической аналитики и прогнозирования, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 3050 7, г. Киев, ул. Софии Перовой, 5, 1000, тел.: +38 (067) 786 03 39, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8479-915X DOI


Abstract. The article reveals the study of the contemporary meaning of iden- tity and values in local and national dimensions, as well as their analysis in the context of the virtual reality, constructed during the last decades. On the basis of theoretical background, historical analogies and practical examples, the author shows the influence of values on the identity formation, focuses on the problem of the erosion of traditional and the formation of new identities. If to compare conditions of Ukrainian national identity constructing with those western Eu- ropean peoples, which were formed as nations at their own state borders, Ukrai- nian national identity was shaped in imagined by Ukrainians space. Institutional differences in the creation of the first Ukrainian political organizations in Lviv and Kyiv clearly represent a very important component — divided by the border between two empires Ukrainians were constantly connected by the idea of their unity. The historical context and the unfinished cycle of independent formation

144 of Ukrainian national and socio-political identitys strengthen the need to create a socio-cultural identity on the basis of an archetypal approach. The article also represents contemporary challenges, which Ukrainian state faces in conditions of hybrid warfare and which are provoked by the manipula- tion of information and stereotypes. Incorporating concrete examples, the au- thor shows how stereotypes influence on one’s own behavior and estimation of any phenomenon; determine the limits of personal choices. At the same time vir- tual space changes image of oneself, self-identity and the community which a person identifies “the Self” with. From one point of view, virtual reality opens huge amount of possibilities for personal self-realization, from another, it can be a source for manipulations of information in the individual, state or international levels. Keywords: identity, values, construction of new identities and values, stereo- types, manipulation of information, archetypal approach.

КОНСТРУЮВАННЯ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТЕЙ ТА ЦІННОСТЕЙ У ВИМІРАХ ЛОКАЛЬНОГО, НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ТА ВІРТУАЛЬНОГО ПРОСТОРІВ Анотація. Досліджено сучасне значення ідентичності та цінностей у про- сторових вимірах локального та національного, а також проаналізовано їх крізь призму сконструйованої впродовж останніх десятиліть віртуальної ре- альності. На основі теоретичних досліджень, історичних аналогій та наочних прикладів показано взаємозв’язок цінностей у формуванні ідентичності, зо- середжено увагу на проблемі розмивання традиційних та формуванні нових ідентичностей. На відміну від західноєвропейських народів, які пройшли шлях формування націй у власних державних кордонах, українська націо- нальна ідентичність творилась в уявному просторі. Інституційні відмінності творення перших українських політичних організацій у 1840-х роках у Льво- ві та Києві наочно показують неперервність об’єднавчих зв’язків між укра- їнцями, розділеними кордонами двох “чужих” імперій. Історичний контекст й незавершений цикл самостійного формування української національної та громадсько-політичної ідентичностей загострює необхідність творення соціокультурної ідентичності на засадах архетипного підходу. Репрезентуються сучасні виклики, що стоять перед українською держа- вою в умовах гібридної війни та пов’язані із маніпуляцією інформацією й сте- реотипами. На конкретних прикладах відтворено ситуації, коли стереотипи незалежно від самої людини впливають на її поведінку й оцінку будь-якого явища, визначають межі її особистого вибору. Показано, як віртуальний про- стір змінює звичні для людини модерну уявлення про себе, свою ідентичність і спільноту з якою вона себе ототожнює. З одного боку, віртуальна реальність створює колосальну кількість можливостей для виявлення особистості, а з ін- шого — вона є джерелом маніпуляцій інформацією на рівні індивіда, держави й світової спільноти.

145 Ключові слова: ідентичність, цінності, конструювання нових ідентично- стей та цінностей, стереотипи, маніпуляція інформацією, архетипний підхід. КОНСТРУИРОВАНИЕ ИДЕНТИЧНОСТЕЙ И ЦЕННОСТЕЙ В ИЗМЕРЕНИИ ЛОКАЛЬНОГО, НАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО И ВИРТУАЛЬНОГО ПРОСТРАНСТВА Аннотация. Статья посвящена исследованию современного значения идентичности и ценностей в пространственных измерениях локального и национального, а также анализа их в отношении к сконструированной в те- чение последних десятилетий виртуальной реальности. На основе теорети- ческих исследований, исторических аналогий и наглядных примеров пока- зано взаимосвязь ценностей в формировании идентичности, сосредоточено внимание на проблеме размывания традиционных и формирование новых идентичностей. В отличие от западноевропейских народов, прошедших путь формирования наций в собственных государственных границах, украин- ская национальная идентичность создавалась в воображаемом пространст- ве. Институциональные различия создания первых украинских политиче- ских организаций в 1840-х годах во Львове и Киеве наглядно показывают непрерывность объединительных связей между украинцами, разделенны- ми границами двух для них “чужих” империй. Исторический контекст и незавершенный цикл самостоятельного формирования украинской нацио- нальной и общественно-политической идентичностей обостряет необходи- мость создания социокультурной идентичности на основе архетипического подхода. Предлагаемая статья также представляет современные вызовы, которые стоят перед украинским государством в условиях гибридной войны и связан- ные с манипуляцией информацией и стереотипами. На конкретных примерах воспроизведены ситуации, когда стереотипы независимо от самого человека влияют на его поведение и оценку любого явления, определяют границы его личного выбора. Показано, как виртуальное пространство меняет привыч- ные для человека модерна представление о себе, своей идентичности и объ- единением с которым он себя отождествляет. С одной стороны, виртуальная реальность создает колоссальное количество возможностей для проявления личности, а с другой — она является источником манипуляций информацией на уровне индивида, государства и мирового сообщества. Ключевые слова: идентичность, ценности, конструирование новых иден- тичностей и ценностей, стереотипы, манипуляция информацией, архетипи- ческий подход.

Problem setting. The postmodern one from outside identities, values and world is a reality of consciously cho- meanings that create parallel universes sen, constructed or imposed by some- in a specific local, national and virtual

146 spaces. These universes could con- At the same time at the beginning stantly interact, conflict with, or do of the millennium, such scholars as not know about the existence of each Z. Bauman, M. Castells, M. Maffesoli, other. The increasing popularity of the R. Putnam, P. Sztompka, F. Fukuyama term “identity” refers to the beginning and others have become increasingly of 2000’s, and the term “values” — to aware of the problem of erosion of tra- 2010’s. Since that time issues of values ditional identities and the construction have become one of the key concepts of new types of local, national, virtual not only in scholarly publications in identities in postmodernity. Such fo- the field of axiology but also the key reign scholars as O. Gnatyuk, N. Da- term in everyday public speaking prac- vies, A. Etkind, S. Plokhy, T. Snyder and tices of politicians, economists, pub- Ukrainian researchers E. Afonin, lic activists, journalists, and bloggers. Ja. Hrycak, Ju. Golovakha, O. Don- The theme of values and moral capital chenko, O. Zabuzhko, A. Kolodii, (P. Sztompka), as defining components V. Malinin, N. Panina, Yu. Romanenko, of the development of community and A. Ruchka, M. Riabchuk, O. Stegniy, self-protection of humanity, is one of O. Sushyj and others are directly in- the main topics on the important eco- volved in the analysis of Ukrainian nomic and geopolitical forums. Do national features of the formation of these two terms reflect the most ur- identities and the transformation of gent or, perhaps, artificially construct- values. When the open character of ed problems of the society in the first Russia’s hybrid war complain had decade of the 21st century? It is the began, one of the central topics for question, which is related to the new Ukrainian representatives of central phenomena of “post-truth”, “virtual authority, scientists (G. Pocheptsov, reality” and “pseudo-reality”. Pseudo- E. Magda, V. Horbulin and others) and reality is formed as a parallel universe, public activists became the problem which is constructed on certain kind of information counteraction to fake of logic mainly controlled or manipu- information and message on the mass lated by media and Internet resources, communication level. From this point which, in fact, support the dominant of view, shaping of holistic socio-cul- idea of reality in parallel universes [14, tural identity and common values for p. 55]. Ukrainian people is an important is- Recent research and publications sue to overcome the trauma of colonial analysis. In science, as in the world of past, to determine the proper way of fashion, for different periods there are state building, to develop the effective some usage trends of the key concepts strategy for popularizing Ukrainian and methods. During 20th century the cultural “product” and to revitalize the concepts “identity” and “values” be- integral collective archetype of “the came the subject of a large number of Self” (C. Jung). interdisciplinary researches, provided The paper objective — to analyze in by Jü. Habermas, W. James, A. Giddens, local and national levels the contempo- E. Erikson, R. Inglehart, H. Klages, rary meaning of identities and values, G. Mead, S. Moscovici and others). as well as to bring them closer to the

147 so-called “virtual reality”, constructed nections, which could be an additional over the last decades. For implemen- “resource” for the economic growth of tation of the research aim, the author the state. Figure 1 shows the values used up-to-date methods, especially connections in formation of social and concentrating on archetypal and axio- moral capital. Polish sociologist P. Sz- logical, historical, socio-cultural and tompka defines moral capital within six applied methods (case-study). core values (trust, loyalty and respect The paper main body: It is impor- for the others, reciprocity of commit- tant to distinguish the concepts of ments, solidarity, respect, and justice) “identity” and “values” before distin- and argues that “space of inter-human guishing philosophical notion of the relations regulated by values can be de- influence of time and space on the con- fined as a moral space, and the individu- struction of identities and the transfor- als and communities operating within mation of values. that space can be described as having Values as a social phenomenon could moral capital” [15, p. 15]. be explained by psychosocial nature of The diversity of social ties and val- a person and influence on one’s activi- ues is structured on the basis of per- ties, social choice and generally on so- sonal identity, self-identification with cial behavior. Researchers divide va- national, social and other kind of com- lues into material/spiritual, terminal munities. Identity is self-awareness (value-purpose)/operational (value- and association oneself with other indi- means). In this diversity, there are also viduals and social groups, which have value orientations or social (cultural, certain cultural, social, economic or re- civil, political) values. Civil values, as ligious characteristics. In other words, the ideal basis of civil society, express identity is constructed first of all on the the level of social activity, trust/dis- basis of relations between individuals, trust relationships between state insti- who are connected as a group. Second- tutions and group or individual enti- ly, the features that become the main ties. From one hand, at macro-level the for the formation of a certain type of shaping of values is influenced by socio- identity are also determined by specific cultural environment and, from other, period of history. Thirdly, the choice of values themselves generate social con- identity is carried out automatically

Social capital: Human capital: Social values and social networks Education and professional skills Institutions and norms Creative intelligence Productive labor Experience of self-governing Quality of life and standard of living Trust and cooperation

Moral capital: trust, loyalty and respect for the others, reciprocity of commitments, solidarity, respect, and justice

Fig. 1. Relationship Between the Values of Moral and Social Capital

148 or consciously by an individual, when tity, it’s division on types, main scien- she/he accepts or refuses to be in rela- tific concepts, historical and contem- tions determined by the birth (for ex- porary changes in its definition. ample, social origin or sex). In Figure The processes of identification and 2 it is represented the map of identity, socialization have their own personal which includes key components of the and group chronological, cultural and formation of the phenomenon of iden- territorial features, which influence on

Identification: the shift from social Socialization and social roles: the to individual, finding oneself with process of creating social actors someone or something (collective “we” or individual “Self” Z. Freud: imitation of parental subject) behaviors as a mechanism E. Fromm: “escape from freedom” to overcome fear, assimilation (negative attitude towards oneself and of values and norms as one’s own, others) and “freedom to” (overcoming C. Jung: symbolic projection of “the the fear of loneliness by “the Self”), Self” (archetype of self-identity) Z. Bauman: in“liquid modernity" there through collective unconscious is no time for playing social roles, images, M. Maffesoli: symbolic re-socializa- W. James: self-awareness and tion of personalities in unstable “Self-concept” sensual tribus (tribes) G. Mead: “the Self” in symbolic interactive theory S. Moscovici: psychosocial unity of convinced minority


Identity modes of the subject: Modernism vs. postmodernism: - social/group (A. Giddens), - change in the values the system – - personal/individual (E. Erickson), individual life does not depend - societal (binary) (O. Donchenko, on the community, E. Afonin) - blurring border between “the other” and “the Self”, - homelessness (N. Luhmann, Z. Bauman)

Forms of identity: Historical: religious, ethnic, national, socio-political, socio-cultural (A. de Tocqueville, M. Weber, M. Foucault), Territorial: neighbourhood, local, national, citizen, European, hybrid (Jü. Habermas, M. Castells, Ja. Hrycak), Psychobiological: sexual, age (R. Putnam) Constructed: - gender, transgender (J. Butler), - imperial, colonial (E. Said, O. O. Zabuzhko A. Etkind, O. Gnatyuk), - symbolic (G.Durand), virtual (J. Baudrillard), - “legitimizing”, “resistance” and “project” identities (M. Castells)

Fig. 2. The Map of Identity

149 the formation of dominant identities tion of territorial coexistence with the of individual, community or the whole other ethnic group is the source of dif- humankind. At the same time, post- ferent conflicts (separatist sentiments, modern socio-cultural transformations armed conflicts, and terrorism). Time led to the appearance of a new mode of and territorial limits of the conflict’s identity — societal, which is not ori- expansion are determined by the inten- ented on collective meaning of “ours” sity of the influence of confrontational and “theirs” as social identity. Soci- stereotype on the mass consciousness, etal identity is focused on nonmaterial and also by social distance, which is cultural values, in terms of individual considered to be un/readiness of the identification with her/his integrity members of the community to enter in- and continuity of changes [1, p. 267]. to relations with “the other” as “close”, Societal identity followed identities “distant” or “hostile”. of modern period such as ethno-natio- For centuries territory of modern nal identity. First of all the representa- Ukraine was a “meeting place” for dif- tives of national identity were class and ferent cultures and at the same time intellectual elites of those times. Nowa- “bloodlands” (T. Snyder) because of days national identity saves its essen- the biggest proportion of deaths in its tial influence in mono-ethnic commu- area during wars between “the other” nities and is characteristic for societies empires. “In the eighteenth century, with traditional values. Culture is an Ukraine was ruled from St. Petersburg important component of national iden- and Vienna, Warsaw and Istanbul. In tity and unites national community in the nineteenth century, only the first symbolic level. National idea is ano- two capitals remained. In the second half ther element of national identity, which of the twentieth, only Moscow ruled su- forms some kind of ideological vision of preme over most of the Ukrainian lands. the realization of common and unique Each of the empires claimed land and values from the point of view of the booty, leaving its imprint on the land- community. scape and the character of the popula- Some nations are still in the process tion and helping to form its unique fron- of national self-identification, when tier identity and ethos”, — the professor national identity is formed in opposi- of Ukrainian history and director of the tion to other ethno-national communi- Ukrainian Research Institute at Har- ties. The ways of division into “ours” vard University S. Plokhy states [10, and “theirs” could be different: from p. 23]. Consequently, in distinguish- tolerant coexistence with “the others” ing the formation of cultural, religious, as “close neighbors” to aggressive con- national or civic-political identities of frontation on the basis of nationalities. Ukraine the influences of socio-cultural If in the cultural sphere ethnic and reli- and historical backgrounds should al- gious/confessional coexistence almost ways be taken into account. always leads to the flourishing and Contemporary Ukrainian cultural enrichment of neighboring traditions identity is largely a result of interaction with unique architectural, literature of two moving frontiers: the first is de- and art examples, then in the condi- marcated by the line between the Eur-

150 asian steppes and the eastern European and civilization differences. Using the parklands, the second — by the border territorial criteria, the following mo- between Eastern and Western Christi- dels of civil society could be defined anity [10, p. 24]. If the first frontier is by countries and civilization groups: territorial and affects the formation of Anglo-Saxon, Continental, Central- regional identities, then the other pri- East European, East Asian, Middle marily has a value-semantic meaning East and others [9, p. 158]. In the and reflects its essential influence on 1830–40’s French diplomat A. de Toc- all kinds of human life expression. Once queville emphasized that the founda- the second frontier reached the Dnieper tion of American democracy is the in- River and retreated in the 18th century stitutions of civil society, which refers to , to the border between the to the specific sphere of citizen acti- Habsburg and Romanov, it still exists in vity and self-organized protection of Ukrainian mentality [10, p. 450]. This their interests. “Wherever at the head border also shows two significant dif- of some new undertaking you see the ferences in traditions of socio-political government in France, or a man of rank life, which affects the ways of shaping in England, — A. de Tocqueville wri- public-political identity and public po- tes, —in the United States you will be licy in contemporary Ukraine. sure to find an association”[16, p. 198]. Civic-political identity is the ideo- General political rights, especially logical “product” of Modernity and electoral laws of women, began to be Enlightenment. In this period the cen- applied from the end of the 19th cen- tral were the conviction of the effec- tury. Hence, beginning from the 1930’s tiveness of the legal and rational-com- A. de Tocqueville’s works were in “a municative mechanisms for protecting new wave of popularity” in American individual rights and freedoms and and Western European traditions and John Locke’s contract theory of the now are under reflection in countries state. They were considered as neces- with post-communist past [5, p. 7]. sary condition for survival of human- In A. de Tocqueville’s times the for- kind and restriction of people’s natural mation of the civic-political identity of selfishness (T. Hobbes). Granted in Ukrainians was divided by the border acquire Greece the right to citizen- between two empires. Differences of ship from the 18th century gradually two traditions can be shown by the ex- strengthened in Anglo-Saxon (British ample of the leap 1848, which is known and North American) and Western Eu- in European history as “the Spring of ropean (continental) traditions at le- Nations”. The riots of February 1848 in gislative level: civil and political rights Paris spread to Italy, Germany, and the are the rights that protect individuals’ entire Austrian Empire together with freedom from infringement by govern- Galicia. In Habsburg dynasty posses- ments, ensure citizen’s ability to par- sions Germans, Poles, Italians, Roma- ticipate in the civil and political life of nians, Croats, Ukrainians, Czechs and the society. Hungarians were trying to gain wider Citizenship, as well as civil society autonomy and national freedoms for functioning, still has theirs cultural their peoples by protest and uprisings.

151 The serfdom in Austrian Empire was culture, national identity and civic- abolished. Children and grandchildren political activity — separated by the of peasants, freed from the obligation border Ukrainians were constantly of personal services to lords, could be- connected by the idea of their unity. came not only wealthy farmers, but al- It is symbolic that the words and the so burghers in the cities, and be active music of the National Anthem of inde- on the field of defending their national pendent Ukraine were created by “Kyi- rights. On May 2, 1848, at the first van” Pavlo Chubynsky and “Galician” Congress of the Ukrainian Galician , who were divided intelligentsia in Lviv was established by different sides of the border and at the Supreme Ruthenian (Ukrainian) the same time were the followers of Council and proclaimed its loyalty to two Ukrainian political organizations, monarch of Austrian Empire. The main the Brotherhood of Cyril and Metho- aim of the Supreme Ruthenian Coun- dius and the Supreme Ruthenian cil was development of “our Ruthenian Council. Before the Anthem “Ukraine (Ukrainian) nationality”. Then nu- is not dead yet!” appeared, Ukrainians merous local centres and folk theatres of Galicia had been calling themselves appeared, encouraged by the Austrian “Rusyny” (Ruthenian) and, in fact, af- governor of Galicia and broadly sup- ter patriotic poetry of S. Shevchenko’s ported by local inhabitants. The first Kobzar and Pavlo Chubynsky showed Ukrainian-language newspaper “Zorya they began to call themselves “Ukrai- Halytska” (Galician Star) was printed nians of Galicia”. and edited by the Supreme Ruthenian If to compare conditions of Ukrai- Council. In the meeting minute from nian national identity constructing May 15, 1848 it was noted that the with those western European peoples, symbols of the Galician Ukrainians are which were formed as nations at their lion and the two colours, “Ruthenian own state borders, the obvious diffe- (Ukrainian) blue and yellow”. This rences in the process could be observed leap year in Kiev, which was part of in that period. Ukrainian national the , began by the re- identity was shaped in imagined by pressions against the members of the Ukrainians space, which actually was Brotherhood of Saints Cyril and Meth- divided by the borders of two “distant” odius. The Brotherhood had the aim to empires. Modern attempts of such create Ukrainian autonomy and was Ukrainians as I. Franko, Lesya Ukrain- acting in secrecy as political organiza- ka, M. Khvylyovy to construct their tion during 1845–1847. It consisted of own cultural projects, to modernize twelve members, including the symbol (“Europeanize”) the historical heritage of Ukraine T. Shevchenko. and to open it to the rest of the world Those coincidences in the timing were demolished after World War I and institutional differences in the cre- by repressive communist machine, ation of the first Ukrainian political first in the central and eastern parts of organizations in Lviv and Kyiv clearly Ukraine [3], and twenty years later in represent a very important compo- the rest of the western regions of the nent in the development of Ukrainian Ukrainian SSR. One of the most in-

152 fluential nowadays researcher of iden- It is the main task for state actors, civil tity policy and informational society society institutions and international M. Castles writes: “the Soviet Union organizations to form integrated socio- was constructed around a dual iden- cultural identity. tity: on the one hand, ethnic/national The real absence of Ukraine for identities (including Russian); on the centuries in international political dis- other, Soviet identity as the founda- course and European symbolic spaces tion of the new society. Sovetskii narod can be distingueshed on the 18th cen- (the Soviet people) would be the new tury painting of the unknown artist cultural identity to be achieved in the from Styria (modern Austria) (Figure historical horizon of Communist con- 3). The author depicted ten men in tra- struction”[2, p. 38]. ditional costumes: Spaniard, French- Historical context and incomplete man, Italian, German, Englishman, cycle of Ukrainian national and socio- Swede, Pole, Hungarian, Russian and political identity construction intensi- Turk. Downwards the painting the fies the need for the creation of socio- artist also wrote their “national” cha- cultural identity based on archetypal racteristics: 1) customs, 2) character, approach. The essence of the archetyp- 3) mind, 4) traits, 5) science, 6) fash- al approach proposed, for example by ion, 7) bad habits, 8) fervour, 9) typi- O. Sushyj, includes the temporal com- cal diseases, 10) land, 11) war virtues, ponent in the research of dynamic na- 12) divine service, 13) reign, 14) plenty ture of psychosocial phenomena. It al- of, 15) amusement, 16) animal compar- lows, “first, to reveal the peculiarities ison, 17) way of death. In order for the of the influence of archetypal mecha- text of this article not to be the cause nisms in the process of social transfor- of the emotional feeding of stereotypes mation, and, second, to show that in by itself, only two of those seventeen the process of social transformation, “features” are presented downwards. fundamental changes occur not only at Thus, the customs of Spaniard is lord- the external — the social-institutional ly, Frenchman is careless, Italian is level of the social system, but also in sneaky, German is candid, Englishman the deep mental structures of human is shapely, Swede is strong and tall, existing” [13, p. 213]. Poles are rustic, Hungarian is disloyal, Socio-cultural identity as more Russian is wicked, Turk — inconsistent. complex phenomenon, which combines According to the Table, Spaniards have national, socio-political identities and plenty of fruits, Frenchmen — of wares, integrates historical context, is the Italians — of wine, Germen — of grain, main factor of consolidation, which en- Englishmen — of cattle, Swedes — of sures inclusion of citizens in the imple- ore, Poles — of fur, Hungarians — of mentation of important national tasks everything, Russians — of bees, Turks — [8]. That is why the creation of natio- of soft things. nal symbolic, informational-communi- Proposed by the author table with cative spaces and the implementation description can be considered as the of collective memory policy are vital example of stereotyping of the peoples to Ukraine in conditions of hybrid war. and of fixing the patriarchal values.

153 Fig. 3. Short Description of the Peoples of Europe, together with their Characteristics, early 18th century, an unknown artist of Styria (contemporary Austria)

Only men could be the representative Opinion” (1922), which was published of their nations. Characteristics are not three years after the end of World consistent with each other and from War I. American reporter, and po- the point of view of common sense do litical commentator showed by the not create a holistic image of person. simple example the transformation Eventually stereotypes do not have of stereotypes (images in our heads), such function. Stereotypes form in which could be influenced by outside mass consciousness their own reality, information. In hypothetical situation which can entirely diverge from reality in August 1914 British, French and and provoke conflict with “the other”, German people were happily liv- especially when there is no personal ex- ing together on the peaceful island in perience of contacts with “the other”. the ocean, without knowing that the The biggest danger of stereotyping is World War I already began. In mid- that, through the production of ap- September news from the arriving propriately selected information ste- ship, changed their established world. reotypes with a high level of emotional British, French and German people of responses are fed up. The use of stereo- the island discovered that more than types is one of the key mechanisms for six weeks, those who were British, and manipulating mass consciousness in those who were French, fought for the media and virtual spaces. the sanctity of contracts against those How important is the role of infor- of them who were Germans. For six mation in the change of stereotypes obscure weeks they treated like friends, Walter Lippmann disclosed in his whose who, in fact, were their ene- original interdisciplinary work “Public mies [7].

154 This example shows concrete fact liberal-democratic tradition the free- and its interpretation by different dom of the press was considered to be members of the conflict on the basis of the basis for the public sphere develop- the stereotypes that exist in the latent ment (Jü. Habermas) [4] and critical (latent) form in collective memory. discussion, independent from the state The described situation, designed ex- [6, p. 90], then during the 20th century ternally, modifies the individual per- newspapers, and after that radio, tele- ception of the world and, regardless of vision and social networking services one’s personal point of view, strongly or became one of the most effective tool weakly affects on one’s judgment about of power and mechanism for manipu- “the other” as “close”, “distant” or “hos- lating mass consciousness. Moreover, tile”. But was there any real reason to the huge scandal that has just unfolded change images about concrete British, (Spring 2018) around the data leaked French and German people from the is- of more than 87 million Facebook us- land? How had changed the behavior ers to British political consulting firm of the island people in this situation? “Cambridge Analytica”, which cre- And what does really matter in re- ated psychological portraits and re- sponse to these changes? The answers levant promotional messages during are not simple and depend on indi- the election campaigns, has shown that vidual conflict choices: superiorities of in (post) information society methods interpersonal experiences on the island of manipulation are so highly advanced or patriotic feelings and connected- that the world community has be ready ness with their national communities. to work together to prevent their con- Analyzing the reasons for such sudden sequences. The protection of personal changes in the moods of former friends data and the counteraction to fake in- and close neighbors, who immediately formation, the need to confirm identity appeared on different sides of the bar- and location, while placing political ricades, it is important to emphasize advertising on social networks, — ac- on the individual mental experience in cording to the founder of the social net- reconsideration ones’ national identity. work Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, — However if, for example, the fact of the are some mechanisms to prevent such beginning of the war was not real or de- manipulations as Russian propaganda liberately imagined by the captain, dis- during the presidential campaign in honest newspaper reporter or anybody the United States in 2016 [12]. else, then in this hypothetic situation Conclusions of the research. Ge- it could be clearly observed the direct neral tendencies of contemporary ex- manipulation of the minds of people, plaining the meaning of identities and who had limited access to the alterna- values are mainly concentrated on the tive sources of information. evident, empirically proved arguments In other words, myths and stereo- and do not solve the existential concern types influence on one’s own behavior of those thinkers, who appeal to the in- and estimation of any phenomenon, de- ner individual dilemmas of identity termine the limits of personal choices. choice. Life in the postmodern world is And, if during the previous centuries in the unceasing creation of parallel iden-

155 tities; searching, rethinking and con- startup or to gather people into a group structing new senses-values. The plural for realizing their idea without leav- lifestyles, propagation of otherness and ing home. Still virtual reality has huge personal freedom increased construct- amount of possibilities for manipula- ing of new forms of identity in the co- tions of information in the individual, ordinates of sexual orientation, but state or international levels. To resist not in the sphere of preferred intimacy external manipulations can only per- with “the other” as “close”. In “liquid sonalities with critical thinking and modernity” (Z. Bauman) the man as states, which are able to organize con- “a tourist” takes life as an entertain- solidated society on the basis of united ment and does not consider ethical di- values-semantic landmarks. lemmas, does not participate in public and political life of native city or state. References Everything that goes beyond one’s 1. Afonin E. A., Berezhnyj Ya. V., Valevs- private interests, does not interest the kyj O. L. (2010). Konceptualni zasady man of “liquid modernity”. During the vzayemodiyi polityky i upravlinnya last quarter of the 20th century Ameri- [Conceptual framework for policy can society experienced a sharp refuse, and governance interaction], National Academy for Public Administration, not only from social and political ac- Kyiv, Ukraine. tivity, but also from traditional leisure 2. Castells M. (2009), The Power of Iden- time with family and friends. Diagnos- tity, Vol. II, 2nd ed, Wiley-Blackwell, ing negative changes that have taken Oxford, UK. place during the last quarter of the 20th 3. Gnatyuk O. (2005), Proshhannya z century in American electoral activity, imperiyeyu: Ukrayinski dyskusiyi pro R. Patnam came to the conclusion that identychnist [The leave of empire: the not only the share of interest in social discourse of the Ukrainian identity], and political activity significantly had Kritika, Kyiv, Ukraine. fallen. The traditional for Americans 4. Habermas Jü. (2000), Strukturni pere- tvorennya u sferi vidkrytosti: doslid- “spirit of command”, family values had zhennya katehoriyi hromadyans’koho gone to the past, and the contemporary suspil‘stva [Structural transforma- American prefers prefer to play alone, tions in the field of openness: a study even if the game is a group one, but not of the civil society category], Litopys, in the circle of friends or family [11]. Lviv, Ukraine. On the other hand, new social ties, 5. Jardin A. (1999), Peredmova [Fore- which arise through communication in word] / Tocqueville A. de. Democracy social networks, form new social move- in America. vol. 1, Publishing House ments outside the institutions of civil “Vsesvit”, Kyiv, Ukraine, p. 7–15. society (M. Castells). Virtual space 6. Kulyk V. (2010), Dyskurs ukrayin- s’kykh mediy: identychnosti, ideolohiyi, changes image of a man, her/his under- vladni stosunky [The Ukrainian media standing of “the Self” and her/his place discourse: identities, ideologies, power in the world. Regardless of one’s social relations], Krytyka, Kyiv, Ukraine. status and location, new technologies 7. Lippman W. (1922), Public Opinion, give the opportunity for a person to Wading River, Long Island, US, avai- become famous in seconds, to create a lable at:

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158 UDC: 316.728

Lapina Viktoria Viktorovna, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, PhD (Social Psychology), Senior Reserch, Faculty of Sociology, Tarasа Shevchenkа National University of Kyiv, 01601, Kyiv, Str. Volody- myrska, 64/13, tel.: +38 (050) 645 18 07, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1071-2971 Лапіна Вікторія Вікторівна, кандидат соціологічних наук, PhD (со- ціальна психологія), старший науковий співробітник науково-дослідного центру факультету соціології, Київський націо- нальний університет імені Тараса Шев- ченка, 01601, Київ, вул. Володимирська, 64/1, тел.: +38 (050) 645 18 07, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1071-2971 Лапина Виктория Викторовна, кандидат социологических наук, PhD (социальная психология), старший научный со- трудник научно-исследовательского центра факультета социологии, Киевский нацио- нальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко, 01601, Киев, ул. Владимирская, 64/13, тел.: +38 (050) 645 18 07, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1071-2971 DOI


Abstract. The analysis of the theoretical interpretations of the contradictions of the consumption archetype in the contemporary European space of economic and social interactions is presented in the article. The importance of the further development of scientific research on the newest consumption practices under the context of globalization and European integration is substantiated. The scientific understanding of consumption as the fundamental civilizational transcultural archetype which defined as determining factor for organization and technologi- cal development of contemporary production systems of production and as the stimulus of resource exchange between individual and collective subjects of public life is proved by the author. Also presented argumentation that the development

159 of main practices of consumption reproduce in the globalized public space of the separate regions, and the European public space is the evident example of such region. It is proved that the main contradictions of the functional manifestations of the consumption archetype in the European public space of economic and social interactions are determined by the processes of real competition of various models of consumption, and by the increased manipulative influence of the media and advertising, which translate the values of the ideology of consumerism and the standards of elitist consumption without taking into account the existing deep socioeconomic inequality in most European societies. In this article is presented by the author the scientific argumentation of the conceptual position that internationalization of individual and collective practices of consumption determines the radical changes of the spatial conditions of social reproduction of these practices. Under contemporary conditions of the intensive global resource exchange, which is caused by the activities of TNCs and by the global migration, the development of basic consumption practices stimulate the new social transformations in the globalized public space of the different regions, and the European public space is also the one of such regions. Keywords: globalization, consumption, archetype consumption, models of consumption, culture of consumption, global ideology of consumption, consu- merism, media and advertising. АРХЕТИП СПОЖИВАННЯ ТА ЙОГО СУПЕРЕЧНОСТІ В СУЧАСНОМУ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОМУ ПРОСТОРІ ЕКОНОМІЧНИХ ТА СОЦІАЛЬНИХ ВЗАЄМОДІЙ Анотація. Здійснено аналіз теоретичних інтерпретацій суперечностей ар- хетипу споживання в сучасному європейському просторі економічних та со- ціальних взаємодій. Підкреслена важливість розвитку наукових досліджень новітніх практик споживання в умовах глобалізації та європейської інтегра- ції. Доведено доцільність наукового розуміння споживання як фундамен- тального цивілізаційного транскультурного архетипу забезпечення органі- зації та технологічного розвитку сучасних виробничих систем, ефективного ресурсного обміну між індивідуальними та колективними суб’єктами сус- пільного життя. Аргументовано, що розвиток основних практик споживан- ня відбувається в глобалізованому публічному просторі окремих регіонів, наочним прикладом якого є європейський публічний простір. Доведено, що основні суперечності функціональних проявів архетипу споживання в єв- ропейському публічному просторі економічних та соціальних взаємодій обу- мовлені процесами реальної конкуренції різних моделей споживання, по- силеного маніпулятивного впливу ЗМІ та реклами, які транслюють цінності ідеології консьюмеризму і стандарти елітарного споживання, не приймаючи до уваги існуючі глибокі соціально-економічні нерівності у більшості євро- пейських суспільств. У статті надані докази, що посилення процесів інтер- націоналізації індивідуальних та колективних практик споживання суттєво змінює наукові уявлення стосовно просторових умов їх соціального відтво-

160 рення. В умовах інтенсивного глобального ресурсного обміну, спричиненого діяльністю ТНК та процесами глобального переміщення людей, розвиток основних практик споживання відбувається в глобалізованому публічному просторі окремих регіонів, наочним прикладом якого є європейський публіч- ний простір. Ключові слова: глобалізація, споживання, архетип споживання, моделі споживання, культура споживання, глобальна ідеологія споживання, кон- сьюмеризм, медіа, реклама. АРХЕТИП ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ И ЕГО ПРОТИВОРЕЧИЯ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИХ И СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЙ Аннотация. Осуществлен анализ теоретических интерпретаций проти- воречий архетипа потребления в современном европейском пространст- ве экономических и социальных взаимодействий. Подчеркнута важность развития научных исследований новейших практик потребления в усло- виях глобализации и европейской интеграции. Доказана целесообразность научного понимания потребления как фундаментального цивилизацион- ного транскультурного архетипа обеспечения организации и технологиче- ского развития современных производственных систем, эффективного ре- сурсного обмена между индивидуальными и коллективными субъектами общественной жизни. Аргументировано, что развитие основных практик потребления происходит в глобальном публичном пространстве отдель- ных регионов, наглядным примером которого является европейское пу- бличное пространство. Доказано, что основные противоречия функцио- нальных проявлений архетипа потребления в европейском публичном пространстве экономических и социальных взаимодействий обусловлены процессами реальной конкуренции различных моделей потребления, уси- ленного манипулятивного воздействия СМИ и рекламы, которые транс- лируют ценности идеологии консьюмеризма и стандарты элитарного по- требления, не принимая во внимание существующие глубокие социально экономические неравенства в большинстве европейских обществ. В даной статье автором представлены доказательства, что усиление процессов нтер- национализации индивидуальных и коллективных практик потребления существенно меняет научные представления о пространственных услови- ях их социального воспроизводства. В условиях интенсивного глобально- го ресурсного обмена, который вызван деятельностью ТНК и процессами глобального перемещения людей, развитие основных практик потребления происходит в глобальном публичном пространстве отдельных регионов, наглядным примером которого является европейское публичное простран- ство. Ключевые слова: глобализация, архетип общества потребления, общест- во потребления, консьюмеризм, реклама, социальный конфликт, социаль- ная напряженность, социология потребления.

161 A problem statement. It is known chetype of consumption, but it is possi- that among the actual disput problems ble to classify the scientific approaches in the contemporary social sciences to its definition, depending on which are the questions of consumption, con- criteria for the study of the consump- sumer behaviour and the culture of tion phenomena and process are used. consumption. It should be noted that The general economic approach is the consumption phenomena at the based on consideration the archetype present stage of the global and regional of consumption by using such crite- social transformations plays it’s an in- ria as “the levels of consumption” and creasingly important role in shaping the “structure of consumtion”, which the value orientations of the popula- give opportunity to elaborate the ge- tion and becomes the special subject- neral meanings concerning the con- matter of scientific discussions both in crete forms of consumer activity and Ukraine and abroad. In the public con- behavior. The sociological approach to sciousness the concept of consumption the study of the archetype of consump- is strengthened as one of the most im- tion is marked by the different concep- portant identification criteria of social tual contradictions because in the main differentiation of society. Numerous sociological paradigms the concrete scientific sociological and economic type of functional, conflict and interac- studies confirm the close dependence tive manifestations of the consumption of the contemporary stratification practices are characterized as essential processes on the certain sustained pat- for the empirical sociological research. terns of consumption and reflect the Analysis of the recent sources significance of consumer practices for and publications. The latest scien- the stable reproduction of social rela- tific areas of study of the problem. The tions. The consumption process itself increasing interest among Western is one of the most important univer- scholars who study the consumption sal processes of organization of social problem was largely due to the rapid life and is the fundamental element of economic development and consump- economic interactions between people. tion growth in Western countries by Therefore, consumption should be re- the 19th century. The ideas of consump- cognized as the transcultural archetype tion have been analyzed in the works of the human civilization for providing of the classics of sociology by the late the resource exchange in any society. of the 19th and by the beginning by the Consumption as the social pheno- 20th centuries. M. Weber, T. Veblen, mena is the subject-matter of inter- G. Simmel, V. Zombart carried out in disciplinary studies, and this circum- their investigations the theoretical stance also explains the plurality of substantiation of the processes that interpretations of this concept. That is took place in the field of consumption, why, due to the plurality of functional revealing some of the basic concepts manifestations of the consumer prac- associated with this phenomenon such tices, it is impossible to find the expli- as “demonstrative consumption”, “elite cit identification in the sociological consumption”, “money power”, “stan- and the economic definitions of the ar- dard of living”, “impregnation effect”,

162 “fashion”, etc. American sociologist consumption process and its separation T. Veblen proposed a serious analy- from the production systems. They also sis of the socio-psychological aspects note that in the postmodern society the of consumption, paying heed to such symbolic function of consumption is motivational mechanisms of consumer intensifying. Among the contemporary behavior as social rivalry and social scholars who continued the scientific imitation. search for the problems of consumption The famous American economist is Ukrainian sociologist V. Tarasenko J. Caton, who is considered to be the who in his monograph “Sociology of founder of consumer researches, has Consumption” developed the socio- divided all consumer spending and sa- logical approach to the consumption vings into obligatory (contractual) and studies [3, р. 14–33]. Ukrainian scholar optional (discretionary). The modern I. Nabrusko in her works tries to analyze society was defined by this scholar as the consumption phenomena through “a society of mass consumption”, for the status measurements of the dif- which the increase of the share of dis- ferent consumer groups. In the resent cretionary costs was the essential cha- scientific publications by F. Jameson, racteristic. He believed that consumer M. McLuhan and others was deter- behavior in the market is determined mined that mass media have a signifi- by the general economic climate in the cant impact toward the consumer ac- separate country and also by the con- tors. sumer's own situation, including their Thus, a detailed analysis of the psychological readiness to buy goods. above-mentioned cognitive sources in- The contemporary directions of the dicates to the significance of the study consumer practices studies research of the archetype of consumption in the are presented in a specialized thematic contemporary European space. book, edited by H. Goodwin, F. Aker- The purpose of the article. The pur- man and D. Kiron [1] In this book the pose of this scientific article is to carry set of more 80 articles which reflect the out the analysis of theoretical interpre- most significant and the dispute re- tations the contradictory manifesta- searchers of the consumer society are tions of the consumption archetype in presented. the contemporary European space of Scientific attempts to investigate economic and social interactions. the specifics of the organizational Presenting the main material. The foundations and trends of functional statement of basic materials. First of changes in the institutional systems of all, we consider that modern resear- consumption in postmodern “consu- chers who study the social manifesta- mer societies”, as noted in our scientific tions of the consumption archetype, publication [2, p. 26] are characterized invariably attempt to analyze of its by J. Baudrillard, P. Bourdieu, Z. Bau- social significance. The cognitive inte- man, A. Giddens, D. Lyon, S. Miles, rest by sociologists arose primarily with M. Featherston and others. These scho- their need to identify the actual “so- lars point to the danger of the increasing cial” characteristics of the consumption institutional autonomy of the general concept as the economic category. This

163 interest manifested itself in the study symbolic practice of manipulation by of such aspects of consumption as the signs, which embrace the human con- fashion; the models of consumption, the sciousness. J. Baudrillard his drew at- culture of consumption within a certain tention to the duality of the object of style of life. The research emphasis was consumption: the commodity exists in also placed on clarifying the specific the field of economic exchanges under of social relations that take place and the conditions of the market forces, but develop in the process of consumption the consumption process of this com- of material, spiritual and social goods. modity demonstrates the realities of Most authors also note that in the post- the non-economic process but the sym- modern societies strengthens the sym- bolic exchange. The present situation bolic function of consumption. Con- of the over-consumption values reflects sumption becomes the part of a wider the symbolic basis of contemporary symbolic exchange, in which all mem- practices of the consuming behavior. bers of society are involved. Therefore the consumption process, as Consumption as a “consumer force” J.Baudrillard believes, is the specific is the basic element of expanded re- auction, where the consumer proper- production of productive forces. Indi- ties of the goods are not important, but vidual needs are subjected to the sta- their prestige is the determinative mo- tus, prestige and symbolic factors of tive for consumers [5, р. 119–122]. It is consumer practices. The symbolic con- quite possible that the scholar to some sumption distinguishes and unites peo- extent overestimates the symbolic ba- ple. Everything becomes the objects of sis of consumption as “the activity of consumption: things and relationships, systematic manipulation by signs”, but nature and culture. This situation evi- this point of view indicates to the phe- dently explains the archetype of the nomenon of intensifying virtualization economic nature of consumption. of the consumption process and fixes, It is important to pay attention as we believe, the idea of the global net- into the fact that sociological think- work development of the institutional ing, unlike the economic one, is not systems consumption. the “naturalism” in approach to the This idea is being developed in the product, but is the perception of it as works by G. Ritzer [5], who investi- “the carrier of indexed social values” gates the new elements of consumption [4, р. 19]. The growth of the service (fast-food restaurants, credit cards, industry, the emergence of new orga- supermarkets, online consultation), nization forms of consumption caused which has become widespread in the the certain changes in theoretical ap- last decades by the XXth century. proaches to the interpretation of the It is also worth to point out the social role of consumption. Thus, the works by French sociologist-poststruc- basic statement of the J. Baudrillard’s turalist P.Bourdieu. His main work on postmodernist theory of consumption the consumption problem is “Distinc- is that things take on the character of tion: A Social Critique of the Judge- signs that form a specific discourse. ment of Taste” [6] (the first French Consumption in its general sense is the edition was published in 1979). In this

164 book, the author argues that active by the individual and collective actors constructive character of consumption in their social arrangement [7]. manifests itself in the such practical di- Ukrainian scholar I. Nabrushko in rection of social life as a construction his works considers consumption in of the class identity. P.Bourdieu writes terms of analysis of the relationship that the tastes and abilities of he social between the status identity of social classes to consume the goods (material actors and their need to select the con- and/or symbolic) “classify the prac- crete model of the consumption styles. tices that determine their lifestyles” [6, She writes that the analysis of consum- р. 21]. er strategies of the Ukrainian popula- The styles and status identities tion in terms of the status positions al- manifest themselves in the personal lows to distinguish three main models: differences of consumption which are First, it is the conformist consump- the part of the post-industrial code of tion, due to the effect of joining the ma- honors and of the social demarcation jority of people and to their desires to (the different real possibilities to buy follow the common current standards the expensive commodities (cigarettes, of the fashion. business-class cars, homes and villas The second model is the demonstra- etc.). The social hierarchy as the sys- tive consumption, which is primarily tem of human interactions practically expressed in the purchase of the most transfers to the world of commodities. expensive goods and services, the quan- Things are not evaluated according tity of which exceeds the real needs. to their real consuming value because And, finally, the third model is the their symbolic value is the simple indi- traditional ((habitus-based) consump- cator of higher or lower social status in tion, which is the result of a long life, the system of social stratification. within certain status positions and P. Bourdieu tries to study the new which leads to the formation of certain tendency of the transformation of preferences and habits [8, р. 373–376]. things into distinctive symbols of con- It is reasonable to agree with this sumption. He uses the concept of taste point of view taking into account the because “taste transports the differ- fact that the all three models of con- ences recorded in the physical order sumption reflect the main tendencies of bodies [ordre physique], into the of global changes in consumption, the symbolic order [ordre symbolique] of basis of which is reproduced in the the meaningful differences” [6, р. 33]. internationalized public space of de- It should be noted that the research veloped European societies. But the position by P. Bourdieu became the im- studies of the consumption practices portant cognitive stimulus for scholars in contemporary Ukrainian society who study of the consumption proces- require the special analysis of the post- ses in the globalized world. In particu- soviet transformations in this society. lar, the American social psychologist It is important F. Jameson [9], and sociologist E. Goffman tried to re- M. McLuhen [10] in their works try search the styles of consumption as a to prove that significant information specific practices of social presentation influence towards consuming beha-

165 vior is carried out by mass media. These of public control over people, encou- scholars also underline that adverti- rages the individual to follow fashion sing is an important stimulating me- not only in the consumption domain, chanism for the transformation of in- but also in social and political life. stitutional systems of consumption in According to the Ukrainian re- contemporary societies. Advertising searcher I. Chudovska, advertising tries not only to satisfy the current constructs the specific picture of the needs, but tries to bring to the human social structure of society, denoting life the constant need to use innovative those or other status positions, acting goods and services as the determinative as an attribute of the daily practices of factor for the successful individual and the actor. Goods become markers of the collective social actions. Thus, the so- social position of the each individual, cial role of advertising clearly manifests his personal and cultural qualities. “Ad- itself in changing the structure of prefe- vertising not only reflects the existing rences in the consumer demand. Often, social reality in all its manifestations, only advertising can move goods and but actively modifies it, transferring services to a higher level of consumer norms, values, ideals from one culture preferences, because only it is able to to another, providing new semantic present these goods and services in the loads to already known signs of culture, forms of an attractive image. constructing a new philosophy of con- Archetypal advertising symbols cre- sumption in a broad sense — the phi- ate in the consumer consciousness the losophy of the consumption of things. specific illusion that the consumption This new philosophy provides unlim- (and the use) of the offered good is the ited consumption and frees people from effective factor for increasing the per- the cultural restrictions and desires sonal prestige and for achieving the that were traditional for society and positive changes in social status. This underdeveloped production. As a form circumstance is taken into account by of social practice, advertising is rooted the creators of advertising who first of in the sociocultural space”[11, р. 395]. all want to address advertising mes- Obviously, the contemporary ad- sages and appeals to the young genera- vertising is the specific form of social tion because the consumer tastes and practices A advertising is rooted in the preferences in this age community are sociocultural space. Therefore the sci- formed under the influence by the rich entific studies of such “rootedness” of social groups. advertising in the global sociocultural It should be noted the role of adver- space indicate to the certain range of tising in the formation of the homoge- important problems. neous social interactions and communi- Firstly, it is the problem of the glo- cations. It occupies an important place balization of advertising practices in in unifying not only the structure and the contemporary world. The impor- the models of consumption. But also tant subject-matter of the scientific advertising unifies the way of thinking, analysis is the phenomena of global the human habits and mentality. Ad- expansion of advertising in all types of vertising promotes the strengthening socio-historical systems. The theory of

166 world-system analysis by I. Wallerstein As we have underlined before, these proposes to distinguish these systems two theories form the main ways of into postindustrial center, industrial conceptual explanation of the unequal semi-periphery and agrarian periphery. distribution of wealth and power in the Secondly, it is important to elabo- contemporary world. So the sociologi- rate the new conceptual interpretation cal theory of global modernization is of the positive constructivist public “a model of economic and social devel- mission of advertising The contempo- opment which explains the global in- rary advertising provokes and creates equality by technological and cultural between social actors the “new inte- differences between societies.” The so- rest” in innovative transformations of ciological theory of global dependence public life. [12] is “a model of economic and social de- Thirdly, the contemporary advertis- velopment that explains the global in- ing supports the values of the interna- equality of the historically determined tionalized certain lifestyle by increasing exploitation of the poor countries by the towards the people who present differ- rich countries” [13, p. 79]. The fixation ent cultures. Therefore, it is important of the conceptual differences between of to study the problem of humanizing the two these theories we regard as an advertising practices under the context important cognitive stimulus for a more of identifying and interpreting their di- detailed analysis of the manipulative rect connection with the phenomenon social influence by modern advertis- of the “over-consumption”. ing practice. According to A. Touraine, It should be noted that the con- the further progress of the global capi- structive conceptual solution of this talist system will ensure the intensive set of problems reflect some theoreti- development of science and technology. cal and methodological difficulties that However, he believes that the greatest connected with introduction of the risks of this system arise in the field of concept of globalization into the con- consumption. The spontaneous charac- text of the contemporary scientific dis- ter of the consumption process leads to cussions. a reduction in the integrative potential It is reasonable to assume that glo- of interactions and communication be- balization is the main trend in the de- tween people [14, р. 419]. velopment of the modern civilization. In general, our analysis that is pre- At the same time, it should be noted sented in this article testifies the in- that the theoretical views by sociolo- creasing scientific interest to the study gists on globalization are significantly of the specific manifestations of the ar- different. This circumstance explains chetype of consumption and its contra- the emergence of the two conceptually dictory functions in the system of the opposite sociological theories of glo- economic and social interactions in the balization: contemporary European societies. 1) the sociological theory of global Conclusions and recommenda- modernization; tions for further research: 2) the sociological theory of global 1. The development of scientific dependence. researches of the newest practices of

167 consumption under the contemporary 4. The main contradictions of the conditions of economic, political and functional manifestations of the arche- cultural globalization and European type of consumption in the European integration today constitutes the inno- public space of economic and social vative direction of social and humanita- interactions are caused by the pro- rian studies. The modern scholars now cesses of the real competition between investigate not only the scientific ideas different models of consumption This concerning the determination of the competition is increased be the ma- place, role and functional specificity of nipulative influence of the media and consumption in the system of economic advertising, which translate the va- relations in different societies, but they lues of the ideology of consumerism as try to elaborate the innovative research the ideology of the elite consumption, strategies which are oriented to the without taking into account the exist- analysis of social determinants of con- ing profound socio-economic inequali- sumer practices, to the identification of ties in the European societies. the models of consumer behavior and to the fixation of qualitative changes in References the culture of consumption. 1. The consumer society (1997), edited by 2. The main results of scientific Neva R. Goodwin, Frank Ackerman, research of consumption as social and David Kiron Washington, D.C.: [phenomena and process testify the Island Press. importance of its understanding as a 2. Lapina V. (2012) Osoblyvosti novit- fundamental civilized transcultural ar- nikh kontseptual’nykh interpretatsij chetype which stimulates the organiza- instytutsional’noho vplyvu reklamy na tion and technological development of protses spozhyvchoi povedinky, Rynok the modern production systems, and pratsi ta zajniatist’ naselennia, vol 4, p. 36–42. also stimulates the effective resource 3. Tarasenko V. Y. (1993), Sotsiolohiia exchange between individual and col- spozhyvannia: metodolohichni prob- lective actors of social life. lemy [Sociology of consumption: me- 3. Strengthening factors of the in- thodological problems], V. Y. Tarasen- ternationalization of individual and ko. — Kyiv, Ukraine. collective practices of consumption 4. Bodrijjar Zh. (2007) K kritike lead to radical changes of scientific politicheskoj jekonomii znaka, [For a ideas of these towards the spatial con- criticism of the political economy of ditions of social reproduction of these the sign] per. s fr. D. Kralechkina M. : practices. Under conditions of the Akademicheskij proekt. 5. Ritcer Dzh. (2012) Makdonal’dizacija intensive global resource exchange, obshhestva, [The mcdonaldization of which is caused by the activities of society], Dzhordzh Ritcer. — SPb: Pi- TNCs and by the global migration, ter. the development of basic consumption 6. Burd’o P. (2005) Sociologija social’no- practices takes place in the globalized go prostranstva, [Sociology of so- public space of the different regions, cial space], P. Burd’e; obshh. red. per. and the European public space is also N. A. Shmatko. — M. : In-t jeksperi- the one of such regions. ment. sociologii ; SPb. : Aletejja.

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170 UDС: 005.05:159.923 Naplyokov Yuriy Vasilievich, Master of Strategic Sciences, Master of Mili- tary Art and Science, senior lecturer of the de- partment of training of peacekeeping person- nel, National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky, Colonel, postgraduate student of the Department of Management and Administration of Kharkov National University of Municipal Economy named after O. M. Beketov, 03049, Kyiv, Povitroflotsky Рrospect, 28, tel.: +38 (098) 242 13 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 Напльоков Юрій Васильович, магістр стратегічних наук, магістр вій- ськових наук та військового мистецтва, старший викладач кафедри підготовки миротворчого персоналу, Національний університет оборони України імені Івана Черняховського, полковник, аспірант кафе- дри менеджменту і адміністрування Харківського національного університету місь- кого господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 03049, м. Київ, Повітрофлотський просп., 28, тел.: +38 (098) 242 13 53, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 Наплёков Юрий Васильевич, магистр стратегических наук, магистр военных наук и военного искусства, старший преподаватель кафедры подготовки миротворческого персонала, Национальный уни- верситет обороны Украины имени Ивана Черняховского, полковник, аспирант кафе- дры менеджмента и администрирования Харьковского национального университета городского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 03049, г. Киев, Воздухофлотский просп., 28, тел.: +38 (098) 242 13 53, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 DOI


Abstract. This article explains an importance of archetypal foundations for the value choice in order to adapt the state (system) to the modern society (environ- ment). To provide effectiveness of the system requires maintaining equilibrium be- tween the system and the environment through decision-making process (DMP) that is based on balance system’s ends, ways, and means in the framework of pos- sible permissible risk.

171 Beliefs and values are critical for the DMP. Obsolete beliefs and values can de- crease system effectiveness drastically. The main task is to produce decisions based on topical values to adapt the system to the environment and maintain national interests. An archetype can help to find a right set of values in a certain environ- ment as a combination of the past and the future. The paradox of the notions of beliefs and values is the need of their saving and the need of their change for successful system development at the same time. They are fundamental and their complete replacement can create chaos and even de- stroy the system at all. Thus, values choice is a vital and psychological painful process. At first it is difficult to understand the need of their change. Second, it is problematic to find appropriate values that should facilitate successful system development in the given and future environment. To solve these problems the state authority (SA) and the civil society (CS) together should generate decisions through convergent and divergent processes of thinking. A national archetype, as a relatively stable mental structure, combines these processes together based on the experience. A proper balanced participation of the SA and the CS in the state leadership, based on required values, can make the system effective. Value choice does not mean accepting or copying values of others, it means reconsidering current values in order to remain effective and functional as a na- tion in the modern society. Applying of archetypal foundations can help to choice proper beliefs and values that can facilitate making decisions that will provide soft adaptation of the system to a new environment without conflicts and revolutions. Keywords: archetype, values, beliefs, culture, decision-making process, state authority, civil society, system, environment, equilibrium, thinking, effectiveness. АPХЕТИПНІ ОСНОВИ ЦІННІСНОГО ВИБОРУ В ПРОЦЕСІ АДАПТАЦІЇ ДО СУЧАСНОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА Анотація. Пояснюється важливість архетипних основ для ціннісного вибору для адаптування держави (системи) до сучасного суспільства (се- редовища). Для забезпечення ефективності системи потрібно підтримува- ти рівновагу між системою та середовищем через процес прийняття рішень (ППР), який ґрунтується на балансі цілей, способів та засобів в рамках мож- ливого допустимого ризику. Переконання та цінності мають вирішальне значення для ППР. Застарілі переконання та цінності можуть суттєво знизити ефективність системи. Го- ловне завдання — виробляти рішення на основі актуальних цінностей для адаптування системи до середовища та підтримування національних інтере- сів. Архетип може допомогти знайти правильний набір цінностей у певному середовищі як поєднання минулого та майбутнього. Парадокс понять переконань та цінностей — це одночасна необхідність їх зберігання та змін для успішного розвитку системи. Вони є фундаменталь- ними, і їх повна зміна може створити хаос і взагалі знищити систему. Та- ким чином, вибір цінностей є життєво важливим та психологічно болючим

172 процесом. По-перше, важко зрозуміти необхідність таких змін. По-друге, проблематично знайти відповідні цінності, які повинні сприяти успішному розвитку системи у теперішньому та майбутньому середовищі. Щоб вирішити ці проблеми, державна влада (ДВ) та громадянське сус- пільство (ГС) разом повинні формувати рішення через конвергентні та дивергентні процеси мислення. Національний архетип як відносно стійка ментальна структура об’єднує ці процеси разом на основі досвіду. Належна збалансована участь ДВ та ГС у керівництві держави на основі необхідних цінностей може зробити систему ефективною. Ціннісний вибір не означає прийняття або копіювання цінностей інших. Це означає, насамперед, перегляд поточних цінностей, щоб залишатися ефективним і функціонуючим як нація в сучасному суспільстві. Застосу- вання архетипних основ може допомогти вибрати відповідні переконання та цінності, які сприятимуть прийняттю рішень, які забезпечать м’яку адап- тацію до нового середовища без конфліктів і революцій. Ключові слова: архетип, цінності, переконання, культура, процес при- йняття рішень, державна влада, громадянське суспільство, система, середо- вище, рівновага, мислення, ефективність. АPХЕТИПНЫЕ ОСНОВы ЦЕННOСТНОГО ВИБОРА В ПРОЦЕСЕ АДАПТАЦИИ К СОВРЕМЕННОМУ ОБЩЕСТВУ Аннотация. Объясняется важность архетипных основ для выбора цен- ностей с целью адаптации государства (системы) к современному обществу (среде). Для обеспечения эффективности системы требуется поддержание равновесия между системой и средой посредством процесса принятия реше- ний (ППP), основанного на балансе целей, путей и средств системы в рамках возможного допустимого риска. Убеждения и ценности имеют решающее значение для ППP. Устаревшие убеждения и ценности могут резко снизить эффективность системы. Основ- ная задача заключается в том, чтобы принимать решения, основанные на ак- туальных ценностях для адаптации системы к среде и поддержания нацио- нальных интересов. Архетип может помочь найти правильный набор ценно- стей в определенной среде как сочетание прошлого и будущего. Парадокс понятий убеждений и ценностей заключается в одновременной необходимости их сохранения и необходимости их изменения для успешного развития системы. Они фундаментальны, и их полная замена может создать хаос и даже разрушить систему вообще. Таким образом, выбор ценностей — это жизненно важный и психологически болезненный процесс. В первую очередь трудно понять необходимость таких изменения. Во-вторых, пробле- матично найти соответствующие ценности, которые должны способствовать успешному развитию системы в теперешней и будущей среде. Чтобы решить эти проблемы, государственная власть (ГВ) и гражданское общество (ГО) вместе должны генерировать решения посредством конвер- гентных и дивергентных процессов мышления. Национальный архетип, как

173 относительно стабильная ментальная структура, объединяет эти процессы на основе опыта. Правильное сбалансированное участие ГВ и ГО в руководстве государства, основываясь на требуемых ценностях, может сделать систему эффективной. Выбор ценности не означает принятие или копирование ценностей других. Это означает, прежде всего, пересмотр текущих ценностей, чтобы оставаться эффективным и функциональным как нация в современном обществе. При- менение архетипических основ может помочь в выборе правильных убежде- ний и ценностей, которые поспособствуют принятию решений, которые обес- печат мягкую адаптацию системы к новой среде без конфликтов и революций. Ключевые слова: архетип, ценности, убеждения, культура, процесс при- нятия решений, государственная власть, гражданское общество, система, среда, равновесие, мышление, эффективность.

Target setting. The problem of va- universal, mythical characters — ar- lue choice is critical to adapt a nation chetypes — reside within the collective (system) to the modern society (envi- unconscious human world. Also he sup- ronment). Archetypal foundations can posed the archetypes as psychological facilitate selecting a required set of va- organs, analogous to physical ones in lues that have to make the system effec- that both are morphological constructs tive in conditions of the complex and that arose through evolution [2]. At the dynamic environment. Therefore, the same time, evolution can itself be con- problem of value choice based on arche- sidered an archetypal construct [3]. typal foundations deserves studying. Jung described birth, death, separa- Analysis of the recent research tion from parents, initiation, marriage, and publications. Different authors the union of opposites as archetypal describe archetypes as repeating events events. Also he distinguished human ar- and processes such as patterns of be- chetypal figures with own values: great havior, thoughts, human psychologi- mother, father, child, devil, god, wise cal traits, repeating symbol or motif in old man, wise old woman, the trickster, literature and art. They apply them to the hero; and archetypal motifs: the individuals and organizations as types apocalypse, the deluge, the creation” [4, of human psychological images and or- p. 114]. ganizational cultures. Corlett and Pearson state that an Carl Jung suggested that archetypes organization has a conscious organiza- are “forms or images of a collective na- tional level (public face, the center of ture which occur practically all over the conscious), unconscious level (com- Earth as constituents of myths and — at plexes, participation mystique, organi- the same time — as individual pro- zational archetypes), and a collective ducts of unconscious… The [forms and unconscious level (archetypes and in- images] are imprinted and hardwired stincts) [5]. They emphasize that the into out psyches” [1]. He believed that underlying assumptions are in the un-

174 conscious part of the organization, es- tem to a new environment through pecially in the part of its psyche, called proper decision-making. “complexes” by C. Jung, that are formed The purpose of the article is to ex- through organizational experiences plain practical significance of arche- patterned by the psychic energy of ar- typal foundations for value choice in chetypes as they take form through the the process of adaptation of the society minds of individuals and collectives. to a new environment. Understanding They suggest that archetypes are “key of social archetypes can facilitate form- contributors to organizational culture, ing a required set of values and beliefs many of them representing the forms or to make proper decisions in time and outlines of the basic responses to orga- avoid bifurcation points of the way of nizational life” [6]. social development. Archetypes are patterns of human The statement of basic materials. behavior and images that originate An archetype can foresee values and be- from the collective unconscious and liefs that can facilitate effective decision- are the mental analogue of instinct [6]. making to solve problems that can ap- Sigmund Freud wrote: “there can be no pear between any social group (system) doubt that the source [of the fantasies] and a modern society (environment). lies in the instincts; but it still has to be Based on relative stability of the human explained why the same fantasies with nature it is possible to suppose that ap- the same content are created on every plying of an archetype, as a combination occasion” [7]. He supposed that primal of values, beliefs, and norms, can be use- fantasies are a residue of specific memo- ful to lead the system properly. ries of prehistoric experiences has been Values and beliefs are different, but construed as being aligned with the both are critical for the decision-mak- idea of archetypes. ing process (DMP). Beliefs can be seen The archetype of the organization as true assumptions based on the expe- presents its culture. According to Schein rience. In the changeable and dynamic culture consists of artifacts, values and environment, beliefs should be revised beliefs, and underlying assumptions [8]. because of their relativeness in truth. He states that culture is “a pattern of Values are based on the constant human shared basic assumptions that the group nature and focus on providing of secu- learned as it solved its problems of ex- rity and feeling that you are a human. ternal adaptation and internal integra- They are universal and not contextual tion that has worked well enough to be and directly connected with human considered valid and therefore, to be needs. Together, values and beliefs pres- taught to new members as the correct ent a deep level of culture as a set of or- way to perceive, think, and feel in rela- ganizational shared learning and expe- tion to those problems” [9, p. 18]. riences. Adaptation of the system to the Thus, the authors above state that changeable environment may require individuals and organizations have ar- revising values and beliefs through un- chetypes. However, they do not discuss derstanding of the need of their change. applying of archetypal foundations for An archetype may foresee required value choice in order to adapt the sys- values for the nation to make the state

175 effective in a new environment. Tech- time creates a paradox. Applying of a nological development and increased combination of values, as a certain so- communication globalize the world cial archetype, may solve this problem. and make it open and vulnerable. It There are two schools of thoughts transforms a society from a collective about interactions between values and form to an individual one by provid- development of the system. They out- ing an opportunity for everyone to take line convergent and divergent processes part in discussion and decision-making in the process of development of the through social networks. It may erase system. The purpose of a convergent boundaries of a national identity and process is to save the system and a di- create new rules of behavior. vergent process should adapt it to the It is possible to assume that people environment through changes. The first create their culture as a certain type of school “emphasizes the convergence of social behavior based on selected va- values as a result of “modernization” — lues in order to adapt the system to the the overwhelming economic and po- environment and/or shape the environ- litical forces that drive cultural change. ment. Combination of values may be This school predicts the decline of repeated on the new level of system traditional values and their replace- development. Huntington states “the ment with “modern” values… The other world is divided into eight major civi- school of thought emphasizes the per- lizations or “cultural zones” based on sistence of traditional values despite of cultural differences that have persisted economic and political changes. This for centuries. These zones were shaped school assumes values are relatively in- by religions, traditions that are still dependent of economic conditions” [12, powerful today, despite of the forces of p. 19]. modernization” [10]. It can prove the Cancellation of serfdom in the Rus- fact that culture is a national archetype. sian imperia in 1864 and slavery in Also, in spite of globalization “the na- the USA in 1865 are examples of the tion remains a key unit of shared expe- industrial revolution and economic rience and its educational and cultural growth that promoted development of institutions shape the values of almost democratic values. The American civil everyone in the society” [11, p. 37]. war was grounded on a competition be- Moreover, “empirical evidence from 65 tween the agricultural South and the societies indicates that values can and growing industrial North for free, mo- do change, but also they continue to tivated and profitable labors instead of reflect a society’s cultural heritage” slavery work. [12, p. 49]. Besides, in spite of influence of eco- On one hand, values should be con- nomic development on democracy stant in order to secure the system from growth, promotion of democratic va- destruction. On the other hand, main- lues can also facilitate economic de- taining of system functionality requires velopment. DiMaggio highlights the revising beliefs and values in conditions impact of culture on the economy: “cul- of changeable environment. The need ture can either affect economic beha- to change and save values at the same vior by influencing how actors define

176 their interests (constitutive effects…), initiates revising of values. Therefore, a by constraining their efforts on their proper set of values can facilitate main- own behalf (regulatory effects), or by taining of system effectiveness. shaping a group’s capacity to mobilize The value choice is a step by step or its goal in mobilizing” [12, p. 28]. process of selection of a required set of Moreover, “the survival/self-ex- values that has to facilitate an effective pression dimension reflects materia- DMP to satisfy human needs [14] and list values (such as maintaining order solve problems through establishing and fighting inflation) versus post- equilibrium between the system and materialist values (such as freedom and the environment. The author suggests self-expression), subjective well-being, that types of human values can be di- interpersonal trust, political activism, vided in four sets of values in general: and tolerance of out-groups” [13, p. 29]. individual, group (organizational), na- Thus, “position in this two-dimensional tional, and international (corporate). space reflect a multidimensional rea- These sets of values can be combined lity — and this remarkable socioeco- in a specific order and adapted or selec- nomic-cultural; coherence reflects the ted by the system under internal and/ fact that a society’s culture is shaped or external influence in order to make by its entire economic and historical decisions that will provide the required heritage” [13, p. 32]. Hence, an arche- system effectiveness. A set of values type of the system may support two pri- (archetype) can be repeated on the new mary tendencies — the need to change level of development of the system. and secure the system at the same time. An example of revising and repeating Thus, system development is based on values on the new level of development convergent and divergent processes. can a collapse of the Soviet Union, as a The task is to develop the society and geopolitical change, that forced citizens get mutually profitable result for rich of former Soviet republics changing people and people with an average in- values. However, it is not a new set of come. Therefore, a certain set of values values — this social archetype was used should correspond to an archetype that for instance, by the Ukrainian nation, will provide this condition. in the past. Change in a system struc- Different combinations of individual ture does not mean refusing previous archetypes may form group archetypes values. It can be a certain set of values that generate a national archetype. The that corresponds to the situation and archetype of the group presents the or- help to solve a problem (to balance the ganizational culture that has to make system) through establishing equilib- this group effective in a certain envi- rium between the system and environ- ronment. Combination of group arche- ment. A set of values can be based on types forms a national archetype (a na- unconscious archetypes or their domi- tional culture). This national archetype nance. The past set of values may be can respond to which values should be practical to apply on the new level of taken to make the system effective in a development of the system. new environment. Technological deve- Even for developed democratic lopment changes the environment and countries, similar values can have dif-

177 ferent priority [19]. Therefore, the most of Soviet leadership with centralized important things are not values itself, power of the Communist party and a but their combination or a national set collective idea and the business ori- of values that presents a national social ented American governance system archetype. An archetype includes the with focus on individual values. Lea- best proportion of different values and ders of other countries such as Mustafa balanced according to national features Kemal Atatürk in Turkey and Augusto and the environment. This archetype as Pinochet in Chile applied an archetype a set of values should solve the problem of centralized military governance in in the given environment. Individual, period of stagnation and chaos in their organizational, and national values countries. Thus, based on the system should support each other and, there- and environmental conditions use of fore, present a certain value set on each proper archetypes can help to govern level of development of the system. For the society effectively. example, growth of individual value Values should support the DMP (freedom) should fit with a democratic that is directed to secure the system it- society. The socialist society decreases self. On the new level of development, the role of an individual and focuses on the value set can be improved/changed collective interests and values. partly in order to adapt the system to It is possible to suppose that a cer- a new environment. The system should tain set of values already existed on the be adaptable enough. Understanding lower level of development of the sys- of the environment and system itself tem. Hence, it is possible to apply this through system openness can decrease set of values again to solve the problem, delay in system reaction. It provides but on the new level. It can help to un- also synchronization of activities be- derstand which values should be deve- tween the system and the environment. loped in the society in advance in order Divergent and convergent processes to be ready for the future challenges. should balance the system in its deve- A repeating character of historical lopment through the DMP as combi- events proves importance of arche- nation of critical and creative thinking typal foundations for value choice. So- [16]. A national archetype can define a cieties have had diverse sets of values type of relationships between the state in order to build effective state gover- authority (SA) and the CS in order to nance. For example, city-states of the solve problems in the new environment. ancient Greece, Sparta and Athens The SA and the CS can reflect a reac- were based on different human values, tion of the system to an environmental beliefs, norms, delegation of authority change according to the speed and fre- and freedom of actions. Athens was quency of this change. It happens based a democratic state with high level of on a current set of values that originates participation of the civil society (CS) from a national archetype. The task is in the state decision-making. Sparta to save system functionality through had centralized and authoritative system resistance or/and its possible governance with strong military dis- adaptation. To protect the system from cipline. Another example is a system undesired change and minimize risk is

178 a primary task of the SA that naturally destruction of the system there is a presents a convergent process in think- certain minimal coefficient of dynamic ing. On the other hand, the system equilibrium Keq min [19, p. 201] when a should be adapted to the environment. decision must be made. Achievement of

The CS looks for ways to improve hu- Keq min should generate change of a value man life and presents a divergent pro- set based on archetypal foundations. If cess in thinking that opens the system we do not change the value set, system for changes and innovations. Coopera- effectiveness can decrease critically tion between the SA and the CS is vital (Keq min → Keq crt). and should be realized through effec- Maximum system openness can cre- tive governance grounded on mutual ate resonance that may also change (de- understanding and feedback mecha- stroy) system structure. This moment nism. A proper set of values based on an can correspond to a certain maximum archetypal foundation may define the possible coefficient of dynamic equilib- proportion of interactions between the rium (Keq max), when the system is maxi-

SA and the CS. This proportion should mally open and vulnerable. Keq max may improve the DMP in order to make the be close to 1. Achievement of Keq max system effective and survivable in the may be equally negative to achieve- new environment. ment of Keq crt when a system can be Decision implementation always destroyed also. Hence, achievement of creates a delay in system reaction to Keq crt and Keq max may negatively affect the environmental change because it is the system in the context of saving its based on analysis of data, information, functionality. knowledge and a feedback loop. Coef- Frequency of system fluctuation ficient of dynamic equilibrium (Keq) be- (Fs) and frequency of environmental tween the system and the environment fluctuation (Fe) describe the process defines this delay and shows how the of their interaction. If system reaction system and the environment fit with does not coincide with the environ- each other [17, р. 9]. There is a certain mental change or the phase of delay in critical coefficient of dynamic equilib- the DMP is big, the system can be de- rium (Keq crt) [18, p. 146] when the sys- stroyed. A wrong set of values can make tem starts losing stability without a the DMP not effective and increase de- possibility to be restored and eventu- lay (∆T) in system reaction to the envi- ally creates a new structure. To avoid ronmental change (fig. 1).

Amplitude of fluctuation



∆T Time Fig. 1. Fluctuations of the system and the environment Source: created by the author.

179 A certain optimal coefficient of dy- well?) [21, p. 15–2]. These measures namic equilibrium (Keq opt) [20, p. 194] are human created because people de- provides maximum achievable effec- termine indicators of these measures tiveness of the system in conditions of a as a level of satisfaction of their needs. changeable environment. Achievement Therefore, these measures are based on of Keq opt can be defined by the most fa- the set of values. Furthermore, effec- vorable combination of interactions be- tiveness of public management may be tween the system and the environment also defined by the level of human sa- based on effective leading of relations tisfaction through leading the process between the SA and the CS. of value choice. Thus, there are four main points Conclusions. To summarize, apply- that have to be taken in account to lead ing of archetypal foundations for value the system effectively: Keq crt – K eq min – choice can adapt a nation successfully

– Keq opt – K eq max. They characterize to a modern society. Convergent and divergent and convergent processes divergent processes, as interaction be- in the DMP that based on archetypal tween the SA and the CS, facilitate a foundations of value choice in order to proper DMP based on a social arche- adapt the system to the environment. type and monitoring of four main points

There is a function between Keq and a of interactions between the system and value choice based on archetypal foun- the environment to revise values. Also, dations: Keq = f (types of values, a value on the new level of development of the set). An algorithm of change a value set system a selected set of values can be defines conditions when the system has enriched by new values that may ap- to start changing of its value set (fig. 2). pear because of technological develop-

Keq may be defined by the measure ment and innovations. Thus, archetypal of effectiveness (answer the question — foundations of value choice can help to are we doing right things?) and the generate a set of values that will make measure of performance (answer the the system effective in the current and question — are we doing right things future environment.


Keep Apply a proper current Archetype No K < K ≤ K Yes Archetype eq crt eq eq min in order to

(culture, Keq ≥ Keq max change the Value values, Set/Slice norms)


Fig. 2. An algorithm of change a Value Set Source: created by the author.

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183 UDC 316.012.177 Novachenko Tetіana Vasylivna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor, of the De- partment of Public Policy and Political Ana- lytics National Academy of Public Adminis- tration, Office of the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Antona Tsedika, 20, tel.: +38 (097) 421 05 48, e-mail: tatnov9@ ORCID: 0000-0001-6812-5342 Новаченко Тетяна Василівна, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, професор кафедри публічної по- літики та політичної аналітики Націо- нальної академії державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Антона Цедіка, 20, тел.: +38 (097) 421 05 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6812-5342 Новаченко Татьяна Васильевна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, профессор кафедры публич- ного управления и политической аналитики Национальной академии государствен- ного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Антона Цедика, 20, тел.: +38 (097) 421 05 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6812-5342 DOI


Abstract. The article presents an analysis of the competition between the imaginations of value alternatives relative to the socio-political reality of Ukraine in the context of the archetypal approach. The study of this problem is based on the works of French sociologists — Gilbert Durand and Michel Maffesoli, as well as developments of scientists of the Ukrainian school of archetypics. According to the changes in the psychosocial nature of modern society and man, the expedi- ency of applying the archetypal approach to understanding social and political phenomena, processes, and also the characters and types of managers is proved. Archetypes, manifested through imagination, symbols and images, provide an op- portunity to see the diversity of socio-political life holistically, without dominat- ing one or other of its sides.

184 It is noted that a social system of any scale presupposes the existence of a sys- tem of certain values shared by the majority of society, since it is in them that the answers that this or that society gives to fundamental worldview problems are contained. Thus, in the epoch of postmodern, the valuable semantic structure of plurality with a priority of self-realization of the personality and expansion of the sphere of its individual choice is characteristic for this time. At the same time, a significant role in this process is played by symbolic capital — prestige, reputa- tion, image, which, in the main, is modeled and supported by virtual reality and igroizization. In such conditions, people not only define varieties of ideal values, converting them into each other, but retain them in the social imagination as an imperative, norm, ideal. It has also been confirmed that any accumulation must be used, since the mul- tiple values of social imagination, realized in the psychosocial concepts of people and society, lead to the development of public opinion and in solidarization. It is established that the competition of multiple value representations is a person- internalized idea that has a transpersonal character that influences the creation of a socio-political reality in Ukraine. Keywords: values, imaginary, real, archetypes, alternative, competition, simu- lacra. КОНКУРЕНЦІЯ УЯВЛЕНЬ ЦІННІСНИХ АЛЬТЕРНАТИВ ЩОДО СОЦІАЛЬНО-ПОЛІТИЧНОЇ РЕАЛЬНОСТІ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. Проаналізовано конкуренцію уявлень ціннісних альтернатив щодо соціально-політичної реальності України в контексті архетипного під- ходу. Вивчення окресленої проблеми ґрунтується на працях французьких вчених-соціологів — Жильбера Дюрана та Мішеля Маффесолі, а також на- укових доробках учених української школи архетипіки. Відповідно до змін психосоціальної природи сучасного суспільства і людини доведено доціль- ність застосування архетипного підходу щодо розуміння соціально-політич- них феноменів, процесів, а також характерів і типів управлінців. Архетипи, проявляючись через уяву, символи й образи, надають можливість побачити багатоманітність, множинність соціально-політичного життя цілісно, без до- мінування тих чи інших його сторін. Наголошується, що соціальна система будь-якого масштабу передбачає існування системи певних цінностей, що розділяються більшістю суспіль- ства, оскільки саме у них містяться відповіді, які дає певне суспільство на фундаментальні світоглядні проблеми. Так, в епоху Постмодерну виявля- ється характерна для цього часу ціннісна смислова структура множинності з пріоритетом самореалізації особистості та розширенню сфери її індивідуаль- ного вибору. Значущу роль у цьому процесі відіграє символічний капітал — престиж, репутація та імідж, що здебільшого моделюються та підтримуються віртуальною реальністю й ігроізацією. У таких умовах люди не тільки визна- чають різновиди ідеальних цінностей, конвертуючи їх одна в одну, а зберіга- ють їх у соціальній уяві як імператив, норму, ідеал.

185 Підтверджено, що будь-які надбання необхідно використовувати, оскіль- ки множинні цінності соціальної уяви, реалізуючись у психосоціальних кон- цептах людей і суспільства, приводять до вироблення громадської думки та солідаризації. Встановлено, що конкуренція множинних ціннісних уявлень є особистісно інтеріоризованими ідеями, які мають надособистісний характер, що впливає на творення соціально-політичної реальності в Україні. Ключові слова: цінності, уявне, реальне, архетипи, альтернатива, конку- ренція, симулякр. КОНКУРЕНЦИЯ ВООБРАЖЕНИЙ ЦЕННОСТНЫХ АЛЬТЕРНАТИВ В СОЦИАЛЬНО-ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ РЕАЛЬНОСТИ УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. Проанализирована конкуренция воображений ценностных альтернатив относительно социально-политической реальности Украины в контексте архетипного подхода. Изучение обозначенной проблемы основы- вается на трудах французских ученых-социологов — Жильбера Дюрана и Мишеля Маффесоли, а также разработках ученых украинской школы архе- типики. Согласно изменениям психосоциальной природы современного об- щества и человека доказана целесообразность применения архетипного под- хода к пониманию социально-политических феноменов, процессов, а также характеров и типов управленцев. Архетипы, проявляясь через воображение, символы и образы, дают возможность увидеть многообразие социально-по- литической жизни целостно, без доминирования тех или иных ее сторон. Отмечается, что социальная система любого масштаба предполагает су- ществование системы определенных ценностей, разделяемых большинством общества, поскольку именно в них содержатся ответы, которые дает то или иное общество на фундаментальные мировоззренческие проблемы. Так, в эпоху постмодерна проявляется характерная для этого времени ценностная смысловая структура множественности с приоритетом самореализации лич- ности и расширению сферы ее индивидуального выбора. Значимую роль в этом процессе играет символический капитал — престиж, репутация, имидж, который, в основном, моделируются и поддерживаются виртуальной реаль- ностью и игроизацией. В таких условиях люди не только определяют разно- видности идеальных ценностей, конвертируя их друг в друга, а сохраняют их в социальном воображении как императив, норму, идеал. Подтверждено также, что любое достояние необходимо использовать, по- скольку множественные ценности социального воображения, реализуясь в психосоциальных концептах людей и общества, приводят к выработке обще- ственного мнения и в солидаризации. Установлено, что конкуренция мно- жественных ценностных представлений является личностно-интериоризи- рованными идеями, которые имеют надличностный характер, что влияет на создание социально-политической реальности в Украине. Ключевые слова: ценности, воображаемое, реальное, архетипы, альтер- натива, конкуренция, симулякр.

186 Statement of the problem. A cha- cesses and characters and types of ma- racteristic feature of the contemporary nagers. socio-political reality is the increased Our research is also based on the competition, however, not only con- writings of French scientists, name- cerning the presence of natural and eco- ly sociologists, Gilbert Durand and nomic resources or the use of advanced Michel Maffesoli. So, The G. Durand technologies, but also in terms of com- notes that the imagination is primary, petitive advantages, which are deter- and that it creates internal measure- mined by the value alternatives of indi- ment objects and entities in the world. viduals and societies. Today this trend The scientist separates the contents of is crucial because it is associated with the imagination into myths, archetypes, the increasing role of the human fac- symbols and subjects [12]. tor, the growth of creative capabilities Research and development by of each individual, as well as distribu- Michel Maffesoli, a student of G. Du- tion of resources, wealth and influences. rand were devoted to the problems of This obviously leads to competition the postmodern era, in particular, the which, in turn, evokes sympathy, an- cross-cutting issue of his research is the tipathy and other evaluative attitude phenomenon of the imaginary, its em- of some members of society to others, bodiment in social and symbolic forms. which often leads to conflicts, including The scientist emphasizes that Postmod- political ones. Attempts to overcome ernism after Modernism cycle restores, this discomfort determine the need for but on another level, the relationship integration of value conceptions of the with the values of Premodernism when system of objective, subjective and inter otherness was the starting point of so- subjective components of the socio-po- cial relations. Therefore, the common litical reality. will, which over or above intelligent Analysis of recent researches and constructions provides strength to the publications. The phenomenon of society based on the power of the mind, modern socio-political realities requires that is, intangible asset, may be called a significant conceptual upgrade of the the social imaginary. Therefore, not classical foundations of the science of only the mind but also emotions, imita- public administration. Accordingly, the tion, and viruses with the assistance of need to rethink the multiple changes interactive communication of a diffe- of values of postmodern Ukrainian rent order became our everyday reali- society by applying the arch-typical ties [13]. approach is actualized. A significant The study of the phenomenon of contribution to the development of the formation and development of new latter was made by the scientific work socio-political value orientations re- of the founder of Ukrainian school of mains the subject of research of modern archetypics E. Afonin, and a conside- scientists, presented in the monograph rable number of scientists-represent- by researchers at the Institute of Phi- atives, the researches of which allow losophy named after G. S. Skovoroda of to delineate the edge of understand- the NAS of Ukraine “Value orientation ing of socio-political phenomena, pro- of the modern information society” [7],

187 the study of processes of change of hu- as aggregate of individuals that are in- man values in a postmodern age “Values teracting, in the third, culture as a set and post-existential thinking” [8], the of meanings, values and norms that are study of values as a system-forming fac- owned by interactive individuals, that tors of national security “Security is the objectivate, socialize and reveal these most important value for Ukrainians” values [2, p. 429]. [9], the most important social and hu- According to the concept of struc- manitarian values regarding the preser- turally functional analysis of T. Parsons vation of security in the socio-political “values are integral parts of the social processes [10], and to the phenomenon system, common ideas about the de- of authority to the type of value and ar- sired type of social system” [3, p. 368]. chetype [11]. American school of social biolo- However, despite the fact that sci- gy offered two varieties of human va- entists accumulated considerable theo- lues — “primary” and “secondary”. Ac- retical, methodological and applied sci- cordingly, the first values are those that entific groundwork for the dynamism are formed genetically, that is, they are of modern processes of change and innate, and the second values are “pro- development of the system of values ducts of rational thought”; that is, the and their influence on the processes of initial values determine the motivation socio-political reality, the application of of assimilation by the person of those or the arch-typical approach is actualized. other types of secondary criteria. This The article aims to justify archetype position received further elaboration framework of competition of ideas of by F. Hayek, who notes that “these two value alternatives, to determine their kinds of values are the only types of hu- impact on the social and political rea- man values” [4, p. 183]. There is also the lity of Ukraine. point of view that values are not only Presentation of the basic mate- material objects and their properties, rial. Values are defined as ethical ide- but also spiritual formations [5, p. 116]. als and beliefs. According to M. Weber, Values are defined in such forms of ex- value is something that is important istence: to us, at what we focus in our life and • values — ideal or dream produced that we take into consideration [1]. As by social psychology and conscious- we know, V. Dilthey was at the origins ness, they contain the idea of the neces- of the concept of cultural-historical sary and the good; relativism, which is characterized by is • values are manifested in objec- the idea of multiplicity of equal value tived form — in works of material and systems. His followers (A. Spengler, spiritual culture, human actions and so- A. Toynbee, P. Sorokin) used personi- cial movements that is the embodiment fied (intuitive) approach for interpret- of certain ideals of values — political, ing of the value meaning of the cultures. economic, ethical and so forth; Thus, P. Sorokin considered any inter- • social values, being refracted actions in the unity value of commu- through the prism of individual life and nication: first, people as the subjects of experience are included in the psycho- the interaction, and secondly, society logical structure of the personality as

188 personified values that are important ception and evaluation of existing so- sources of motivation of behavior of in- cial relations and social order. dividuals [6, p. 4]. In the Postmodern era the value se- Modern domestic researchers S. Pa- mantic structure of a plurality of pro- zenok, Liakh V. and O. Sobol focus on vided priority of self-realization, expan- the process of formation of “new” va- sion of individual choice typical for this lues of modernity, such as the need for time appears. Under such circumstanc- lifelong education, creative and innova- es, people not only define the kinds of tive way of thinking and productive ac- ideal values, converting them into one tivities, tolerance, solidarity, formation another, but keep them in the social im- of self-esteem, compassion, and so forth agination as an imperative, a norm, an [7]. Thus, values serve an important ideal. M. Maffesoli emphasizes that it regulatory function in society. The im- is the “law of the brothers”, where the portance of these functions cannot be collective knowledge and rituals asso- overemphasized, since the objectivity ciated with this knowledge, interact to of value is a means of human existence, form strong social ties [13]. because it lives in the environment that The concept of “ideal” comes from we through our practical activities em- the Latin “idealis”, from the Greek power with the property to be a value, “Іδέα” — image, idea, the highest value. and only in this environment people are It is well known that we call the ideal able to live as human beings. the representation of the objects and Thus, in the above-mentioned in- phenomena; the ideal is the highest goal terpretations the term “value” is deter- to which people strive. It is obvious that mined by their overall value. However, the word “ideal” means “best”, “perfect”. the field of the rule of values is opposed The embodiment of our ideas of the to the natural world, where there are perfect man are the physical, aesthetic, laws that indicate what must inevitably mental and moral qualities. At all times be, values say about how to be correct, people aspired to determine what is the that is, the values constitute a different ideal set of virtues. Jesus Christ, Bud- mode of being from that seems to be il- dha or Mohammed were definite moral lusional. But it is known that the civi- ideals for many people, they have the lization lives, while there is immutable best moral qualities: sacrifice, mercy, law, norms, traditions and moral laws. courage, forgiveness, wisdom and self- The social system of any scale implies less love that are the symbols of spiritu- the existence of a system of certain va- ality and humanism, which is based on lues that are shared by the majority of the recognition of man as the supreme society. They contain the answers that value. In these figures the traits of the a certain society gives to fundamen- ideal man are combined with the divini- tal philosophical problems: who is the ty to which people strive to be the best. man, the relationship between the man Perfect figures of humanity are also and nature, the determination a certain saints, prophets, leaders and devotees. measurement of time (past, present and During the four-century way to in- future)as the supreme value, which is dependence Ukraine had several types the hierarchy of human activities, per- of bright personalities. This is Bogdan

189 Khmelnitsky with all the traits of the it with the following senses: imagina- leader, who became the founder of the tion as the ability (instance); imagi- nation and state, Taras Shevchenko, the nary, artificially reproduced through prophet and guide in the spirit, Ivan the imagination; the origins (source) of Franko — the ascetic, who was raised the emergence of fantasy; imagination; the Ukrainian values. It is well known that which is common to all. G. Durand that in the collective experience of the notes that the imagination is primary, Ukrainians there are other examples of because it creates an internal measure- ideal figures that represent best moral ment of the subjects and objects of the character, high quality examples of external world. The researcher stresses certain virtues or abilities: this is Ko- the self-phenomenon — trajet anthro- zak Mamai, Baida, Samiylo Kishka etc. pologique — anthropological journey — However in the views on ideals, there is a trajectory that lies between subject no consensus — some think the ideal is and object [12]. That is, the social con- a society where all people are provided sciousness and the collective uncon- with material assets, others defend the scious happen, occur due to the person. view that in an ideal society everyone So, according to the fact that society has the opportunity to develop the abi- is a common social tractor, we can talk lity to work creatively and to be happy. about the persistence of the ideal values The remark of E. Fromm is impor- in the social imagination. However, it tant, he points to the need to distin- is well known that any accumulation guish genuine ideals from fake ideals. should be used, so the multiple values All genuine ideals have one thing in of the social imagination, being realized common — they strive for something in the psychosocial concepts of people that is not yet achieved, but is neces- and society, lead to the unity which, in sary for democratic development and, the opinion of M. Maffesoli, has noth- most importantly, non-forced coexist- ing to do with unanimity. This is the ence of individuals. In our opinion, the unity of opposites, the tension which development of democratic societies already contains the power and essence is not meant to cause a clash between of human existence. the universal and the particular, and to Since that time otherness is the live in the tension that currently exists starting point of social relations. Not between them, however maintaining all the awareness of yourself and thus the of them, as a change in the basic con- world is primary, but the external to ceptual characteristics determines the yourself, and the “yourself” is broader — transformation of ideas about the value the one, which contains natural and of general and specific. the social world — “ecosophy” as the So, in the scientific work “Anthro- universal wisdom, the wisdom of unde- pological structures of the imagina- niable and the ultimate secular entity. tion” (G. Durand) based on the ideas of Ecosophy is manifested in interaction C. G. Jung about collective uncon- and in reverse ability and in the other, scious (archetypes) introduces the so to speak, “representations”; it is a concept of l’imaginaire into scientific form of postmodern unity, unity. To be circulation — imaginary, empowering united with others who are different

190 in nature (cosmos), community (mi- denial and confrontation are manifes- crocosm), religious (the macrocosm) ted in full. Accordingly, the thought of identity. Conjugation, unity, which is E. A. Afonin that the new phenomenon manifested in the feeling of belonging, of the era of socio-psychological forma- emotions and collective indignation, a tions requires a significant conceptual process of empathy, the many manifes- upgrade of the classical foundations of tations of which can be seen during va- the science of public administration by rious events (sporting, musical, reli- applying the arch-typical approach is gious or political) [13]. actualized [14]. Thus, during such community prac- Obviously, in such a dynamics the tices the entire value the potential of most worthy and respected members people is used, so the range of possibili- of society should be those who most ties that open, occurs and recorded as fully represent the exemplary person, ideal, as a synthesis of the desires and common interest, collective knowledge needs that should be implemented, and and public commitment, that are fixed that meets the individual and collec- to the contents of the collective uncon- tive values. This ideal of the imagina- scious. Under these conditions, compe- tion, is reproduced from generation to tition of perceptions of values is largely generation, towering moral and spir- shaped by the media using signs and itual standards, the priorities for the symbolic images that allow to create a development of the real socio-political political symbolic capital — prestige, values, clinging to the collective un- reputation, image. conscious as a set of primitive innate The political prestige (from the motives that make up the content of French. “prestіge” — credibility, re- “archetype”. However, its value nature spect) started to be talked about in is characterized with some special in- the late XIX century, its influence was fluence or power by which the arche- based on respect and enthusiasm of type fascinates and inspires action, citizens. This phenomenon can be ex- deeds and the like. plained by a peculiar motion of fashion As it was noted above, Postmoder- as a result of imitation of the politician- nism has implosive, the explosive na- hero. Further studies have shown that ture of the process, directed inwards, people do tend to identify themselves which can be linked with the “triumph” with those who have social prestige, of personal identity, that is happening leading to attain a prestigious occupa- in the background of his inner awaken- tion, to borrow the tastes and opinions ing — the awareness of their respon- of its speakers. Being secured to the ste- sibility for the processes occurring in reotype, the image is transferred first to society and state. The postmodern era the entire professional activity, then — instead of the the belief in the unique- to its typical representatives, forming ness of progressive social development the prestigious rating. The process of revives the image of cyclical socio-his- forming the prestige of the estimates is torical time as a new trend in the cul- the result of a complex interaction of tural and psycho-social awareness of two factors: evaluation of professional developed societies, where perceptions, activities policy and society groups,

191 and the formation of assessments of mentioned definitions, the concept of separate individuals. If the image of the “image” is associated with such means politician has a strong negative con- of communication as manipulation. notation, enhancing the prestige of his Manipulation is a way of influencing activities is inextricably linked with the people through programming their be- destruction of the stereotype, which havior. This influence is exercised in was formed, if positive — with the need secret and aims to change the thoughts, to maintain it. However, both the first the motives and goals of people and and the second can be unstable and their behavior in the desired direction. temporary. The manipulative nature of the image is The common meaning there is in the reflected in the fact that in some cases term “authority” (Germ. “Autorität”, it is necessary to change the nature of from lat. auctoritas — power, influence) man or his views, and the impression it and “reputation” (Fr. “reputatіon”, makes, and it often depends on the me- from lat. “reputatіo” — thinking, rea- dia. One of the first theorists of the ima- soning), since reputation and credibi- ge. N. Machiavelli, identified its mean- lity as a social phenomenon are func- ing as the ability to build interpersonal tionally linked to such a notion, as trust communication, anticipating reactions that helps people to reduce in time the from other people and correlating their process of formation of authority and actions with these reactions. So, as part reputation. So, a politician can have of the process of imaging — a series of advantages, if he is characterized by a deliberately constructed patterns of be- positive reputation, which requires the haviour — a positive interaction is set. immediate establishment and accumu- Today’s socio-political and spiritual lating in the real image, allows to re- life became theatrical, where it is diffi- duce the distance between people. cult to find the truth or reality, because Unlike reputation, the unreal ima- basically instead of them the show ge — the image (eng. “image” from lat. policy, show justice and show culture “made, іmіtarі” — mimic) — artificial dominate. A feeling of theater of trans- imitation or reproduction any image parency, the unreality of life emerged in of an object, especially the personality. the 80 years of the twentieth century, The image of a politician is the opinion and it also stimulated the process of about him that people formed in their redefining of the individual identity in minds as the image of this man, which postmodern society. was formed as a result of their direct Usually people, including politi- contact with that person or due to the cians, choose their roles that are close received information about him from to them in this sense, however, this is other people. The image is an imaginary not a complete image of the selected image of reality, steadily reproducing in role, as there is still the reverse side the individual or mass consciousness, that concerns the unconscious and is likeness, copy, symbol, sample, charac- called the Shadow. The Shadow is the teristics of the object represented in subconscious that is incompatible with the ad and able to program a specific social standards, it is a lower level of behavior of people. According to the consciousness in relation to modern so-

192 ciety, and this is someone who wants to acquire autonomous meaning, which do things that a man does not allow to does not coincide with reality. Howev- himself. Often a person suspects some- er, in modern society, they are perceived one else’s identity inside when entering due to the fact that reality is replaced into a rage, then he justifies himself: by signs, and thus asserts the illusion of “It’s not me”. And the fact is that was reality. So, the truth is that people live the primitive, uncontrolled, and animal in symbolic environment surrounded part of the personality — the Shadow. by images and simulations, that in mo- In other words, the virtual reality, game dern society are perceived due to associ- can detect the “shadow” of a person and ations with specific objects, phenomena thus become its “supplement” through and events. In other words, the replace- the creation or destruction of virtual ment of reality with signs provides a image and transfer it into real. real opportunity for the illusions of rea- Therefore, a substitution, an indica- lity to exist. Movement in this direction tion of another — that is invisible but has led to the complete independence can be implied. In other words, the of the sign symbol from reality, to hy- symbol is like a lack of reality, but also perreality, which is the concept of post- the existence of a reality — imaginary, modern philosophy and means the im- virtual. aginary world of consciousness, which Signs, images and symbols are called is not able to distinguish reality from by. Bodriar with the word “simulacra” fantasy. We emphasize that hyperreality and he interprets them as symbols of a is a world which is dominated by simu- self-sufficient reality. The scientist be- lacra — self-sufficient characters-cha- lieves that simulacra has spread to all racters that already do not reflect ex- spheres of public life and became the ternal reality, do not refer to the sub- reality. Therefore, the world in which ject, now they make up the only reality. we live, is replaced by a copy world, From this understanding we can con- where we find only artificial incen- clude that any reality becomes miss- tives — simulacra and nothing else. ing, on the contrary, it is filled with However, a simulacra is not what hides qualitatively new content that creates the truth — this is the truth that con- a person. Not always there is a possibi- ceals that it does not exist. The simula- lity to put into words all that we feel and crum is the truth [15]. understand. There are values, states and J. Bodriar is sure that the vast major- events, the essence of which it is impos- ity of values that have emerged in recent sible to “sort through”, to rationalize, decades, is nothing more than simulac- because in the depths of the human soul ra — whether it is about popular politics, the collective unconscious “lives” — the something about a new brand of drink- archetypes, the primary natural images, ing water. The origins of the word “si- ideas and emotions inherent to the per- mulacra” is contained in the notion son as a subject of the collective uncon- “copy of a copy”, introduced by Plato, scious, which contains “a thousand and which indicates that repeated copying one” content of value experiences and leads to a loss of identity of the image. Ac- mysteries, which at any moment can be cording to the specified idea, simulacras implemented, having acumulated in the

193 imagination — the ideal image or sym- of the strategy [16, p. 156]. There is a bol. difference between the terms “game” In his book “The problems of soul and “igruzation” there. So, the first one of our time” C. G. Jung writes that he is not what is real, formal; the game in- understood that the symbol was not an volves usually people who are close in allegory or a simple sign and an image, age and of one social status, it happens which should, wherever possible, de- within certain the time. The igruza- scribe only dimly perceived nature of tion involves all the layers of people, the spirit. The symbol does not imply it is involved in the workforce. Thus, and does not explain, but shows through politicians become in-game characters, itself to the meaning lying on the side- rescuers, leaders, chiefs and the like. lines, unclear, only dimly predicted. And they start to play differently what: So, archetypes, manifesting through someone bathes in the hole, someone imagination, symbols and images pro- with a pitchfork appears at the airport vide an opportunity to see the diversity, and someone calls to blow up the Par- the multiplicity of socio-political life liament, believing that through vio- holistically, without domination of cer- lence we can change lives for the better. tain parties. Signs-symbols, images and We will analyze the latter in the patterns are natural for humans, and context of the objectives of this inves- the illusion is one of the facets of his tigation. As already noted, values are world, which successfully converts the the primary factors that determine the model to the reality, and the reality to vector of development of society, af- the model. Therefore, in such social dy- fecting the quality of politicians, and namics, there are other possibilities — some of them are the results of outside “making copies from the original” when influence or in the process of significant the copy is not worse than the original. historical shocks can qualitatively be Thus there is duplication, and competi- ahead of its time. However, the Ukrai- tion of values, represented by symbols, nian society shows mostly the values, like losing reality. However “virtual re- incompatible with the development of ality” that causes the illusion, allows to the country: loyalty to corruption, the create the necessary symbolic capital – perception of power as an instrument of reputation, prestige, image. Obviously, personal enrichment, low participation, the choice is a positive development, intolerance towards minorities, a sense but one that creates the complexity. of unhappiness, a narrow radius of trust However, the demand for virtual rea- and the like. lity helps to overcome this complexity, The logic of our reasoning requires as the work of modern society is deter- recourse to the characterization of the mined not by production, but by the concept of “trust” as one of the main consumption (through hitsis images, sources of political thought, an impor- manners and styles). tant factor determining the political The consumption can occur through situation in the society and political igruzation — the introduction of the atmosphere of the country. Trust forms principles of the “game” and its ele- a perfect spiritual space of politics and ments in a pragmatic socio-political life power, filling them with ethical, moral

194 evaluations, creates social-psycholo- ders [17, p. 8–9]. This fragment of the gical space of the sentiments and civil study lets, though not fully, to explain positions in relation to politics and the request of the Ukrainian society to power. However, the results of studi- support the call of violence. es regarding the phenomenon of trust, As it is known, K. G. Jung identi- particularly trust to the institutions of fied the following six main archetypes, representation of interests of citizens, among which the archetype of the reflects the disappointing results. Thus, Child plays a significant role, since it 35 % of citizens with high incomes the often appears in myths, fairytales and most in terms of their representation in folklore, in which, in addition to baby public processes trust to public organi- Jesus, there are many stories with chil- zations and less — to political parties dren who initially have a divine value. (8 %) and politicians (7 %). The citizens The image-symbol of a “Hurt child” also trust more to public organizations is one of the most enduring images of (24 %) to represent their interests than world literature, where most often we to the parties (17 %). The level of confi- are talking about the negative effects on dence in trade unions as a potential rep- the child, which usually needs the assis- resentative of the interests of citizens tance of an adult. Another side of this in social processes does not seem to be archetype is the death of a child or its too high. A relative majority (46 %) of dead birth that symbolizes the absence citizens sees political leaders who could of future, the destructive principle, the effectively govern the country. Almost need of significant changes, death, sta- half (49 %) of citizens did not see such tic. Sometimes the child appears in the political parties and movements who image of the Hero, which after separa- can be trusted with power. In all re- tion from the mother should enter into gions and among different socio-demo- the conflict to defeat the dark forces, graphic groups the proportion of those receive an award of the Kingdom as a who do not see the country’s political new unity, because, according to the leaders able to govern effectively, par- idea that the purpose of each person is ties who can be trusted with power is the process of individuation, identity higher than the share of those who see formation in all aspects of its capabili- them. The only exception is the West, ties, it is based on the idea of self. How- where the proportion of those who did ever, the burden of childhood injuries not see leaders and those who saw them and disappointments, lack of attention was equal, and a group of elders (60 and to this self slow down individualization older), where there are more of those that does not allow a person to actua- who see the country's effective politi- lize the identity, creating the archetype cal leaders (47 % vs. 42 %). This state of the “Hurt child”. Therefore, the call of public opinion can be a consequence to violent destruction of the Verkhov- of the disappearance of “old”, familiar na Rada of Ukraine is correlated with to informed political forces after the the personality of a character created events of 2014, and the frustration of by this very archetype, which is in dire large part of society in the new “post- need of help and attention in order to Maidan” parties, movements and lea- heal the personality.

195 Conclusions and prospects for 5. Shilov V. (2003), Political Values: further research. Competition analy- Specificity and Functions, Social’no- sis of representations of value alterna- gumanitarnye znanija, vol. 6. — tives in terms of socio-political reality Р. 116–125. of Ukraine proves the feasibility of the 6. Popov A. and Zueva L. (2000), Values in politics, Vestnik MGU, vol. 1. — archetypical approach, as the current Р. 3–12. social changes actualize the psychologi- 7. Pazenok V. S, Liakh V. V., Sobol’ O. M. cal context of functioning and devel- (2013), Tsinnisni oriientatsii suchas- opment of state-management systems. noho informatsijnoho suspil’stva [The It is proven that competition of values information of the day and evening in- of imaginary alternatives, in which the formation syspilstva], Kyiv, Ukraine. image, reputation and prestige as sym- 8. Yemel’ianenko H. D., Rajda K. Yu., bolic capital are modeled and supported Shevchenko S. L. (2012), Tsinnosti ta by virtual reality and igruzation, effects postekzystentsialists'ke myslennia the public opinion. Thus the competi- [Values and post-existential thinking], Parapan, Kyiv, Ukraine. tion of multiple perceptions of values is 9. “The most important value for Ukrai- personally interiorized ideas that have nians is safety. Research results”, over personal nature that affects the [Online], available at: http://hro- creation of social and political reality in Ukraine. vazhlivisha-tsinnist-dlya-ukrayintsiv- Prospects of further studies lie in bezpeka-rezultati-doslidzhennya, interdisciplinary surface with the ar- (Accessed april 2018). chetypical application of the developed 10. Vesel’s’ka L. A. “The role of social values tools for the analysis of managerial ac- in preserving the security of society”, tivity in the context of a new psychoso- [Online], available at: http://www. cial type of man and society. selskaya.pdf (Accessed april 2018). References 11. Novachenko T. V. (2013), Arkhetypova paradyhma avtorytetu kerivnyka v 1. Veber M. (1990), Politika kak priz- derzhavnomu upravlinni [Archetype vanie i professija [Politics as a voca- paradigm of the authority of the head tion and profession], Progress, Mosk- of public administration], Nizhyn-Ki- va, Rossija. ev, Ukraine. 2. Sorokin P. (1992), Sociokul’turnaja 12. Durand G. (1984), Les structures an- dinamika. Chelovek. Civilizacija. thropologiques de l’imaginaire, Paris, Obshhestvo [Sociocultural dyna- France. mics. Human. Civilization. Society.], 13. Maffesoli M. (2017), “Praise for rela- Politizdat, Moskva, Rossija. tivism”, Sotsiolohiia: teoriia, metody, 3. Parsons T. (1972), General review. marketynh vol. 3, p. 37–48. American sociology. Prospects. Prob- 14. Afonin E. A., Bandurka O. M.. and lems. Methods [Overview of Outlook. Martynov A. Yu. (2002), Velyka roz- Problems. Methods], Progress, Mosk- toka (hlobal’ni problemy suchasnosti: va, Rossija. sotsial’no-istorychnyj analiz [Great 4. Khajiek F. (2000), Pravo, zakonodavst- development (global problems of the vo ta svoboda [Law, legislation is that present: socio-historical analysis)], freedom], Sfera, Kyiv, Ukraine. Vydavets’ Parapan, Kyiv, Ukraine.

196 15. Bodriiar Zh. (2004), Symuliakry i sy- К. Ю. Райда, С. Л. Шевченко. — muliatsiia [Simulations and simula- Київ; Полтава; Слов’янськ : Пара- tion], Osnovy, Kyiv, Ukraine. пан, 2012. — 150 с. 16. Retjunskih L. T. (2002), Filosofija igry 9. Найважливіша цінність для укра- [The philosophy of the game], Vuzovs- їнців — безпека. Результати дослі- kaja kniga, Moskva, Rossija. дження [Електронний ресурс]. — Ре- 17. “Political culture and parliamentarism жим доступу: http://hromadskeradio. in Ukraine: current state and main org/2015/06/03/nayvazhlivisha- problems: informational and analyti- tsinnist-dlya-ukrayintsiv-bezpeka- cal materials for the professional dis- rezultati-doslidzhennya cussion” (2017), Razumkov Center, 10. Весельська Л. А. Роль соціальних [Online], available at: http://www.ra- цінностей у збереженні безпеки су- спільства [Електронний ресурс] / Politychna_kultura.pdf (Accessed Л. А. Весельська. — Режим доступу: april 2018). doc_pdf/Veselskaya.pdf Список використаних 11. Новаченко Т. В. Архетипова пара- джерел дигма авторитету керівника в дер- жавному управлінні : монографія / 1. Вебер М. Политика как призвание и Т. В. Новаченко. — Ніжин-Київ, профессия // Избранные произве- 2013. — 320 с. дения / М. Вебер ; [пер. с нем.]. — М., 12. Durand G. Les structures anthro- 1990. — 808 с. pologiques de l’imaginaire / G. Du- 2. Сорокин П. Социокультурная дина- rand. — Paris : Dunod, 1984. — 535 p. мика / П. Сорокин // Человек. Ци- 13. Маффесолі М. Хвала релятивізму / вилизация. Общество. — М. : Полит- М. Маффесолі / Соціологія: теорія, издат, 1992. — С. 425–524. методи, маркетинг. — 2017. — № 3. — 3. Парсонс Т. Общий обзор // Амери- С. 37–48. канская социология. Перспективы. 14. Афонін Е. А. Велика розтока (гло- Проблемы. Методы / Т. Парсонс. — бальні проблеми сучасності: соціаль- М., 1972. — C. 360–378. но-історичний аналіз) / Е. А. Афо- 4. Хайєк Ф. Право, законодавство та нін, О. М. Бандурка, А. Ю. Марти- свобода / Ф. Хайек. — Київ : Сфера, нов. — Київ: Парапан, 2002. — 352 с. 2000. — Т. 3. — 252 с. 15. Бодріяр Ж. Симулякри і симуля- 5. Шилов В. Политические ценности: ція / Ж. Бодрійяр. — Київ : Вид-во специфика и функции / В. Шилов // Соломії Павличко “Основи”, 2004. — Социально-гуманитарные знания. — 230 с. 2003. — № 6. — С. 116–125. 16. Ретюнских Л. Т. Философия игры / 6. Попов А. Ценности в политике / Л. Т. Ретюнских. — М. : Вузовская А. Попов, Л. Зуева // Вестн. МГУ. — кн., 2002. — 256 с. 2000. — № 1. — С. 3–12. 17. Політична культура та парламента- 7. Ціннісні орієнтації сучасного інфор- ризм в Україні: сучасний стан та ос- маційного суспільства: монографія / новні проблеми: інформ.-аналіт. ма- В. С. Пазенок, В. В. Лях, О. М. Со- теріали до фахової дискусії, 14 груд- боль та ін. ; НАН України, Ін-т фі- ня 2017 р. [Електронний ресурс] / лос. — Київ, 2013. — 406 с. Центр Разумкова. — 125 с. — Режим 8. Ємельяненко Г. Д. Цінності та пост- доступу: екзистенціалістське мислення: ua/uploads/socio/2017_Politychna_ монографія / Г. Д. Ємельяненко, kultura.pdf

197 UDC 330.341.1:159.9 Omelyanenko Vitalii Anatoliyovych, PhD, Senior Lecturer of Business Econom- ics and Administration Department, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, 40002, Sumy, Str. Romen- ska, 87, tel.: +38 (095) 167 5952, е-maіl: omvіtalіy@gmaі ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444 Омельяненко Віталій Анатолійович, кандидат економічних наук, старший викладач кафедри бізнес-економіки та адміністрування, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Ма- каренка, 40002, м. Суми, вул. Ромен- ська, 87, тел.: +38 (095) 167 5952, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444 Омельяненко Виталий Анатольевич, кандидат экономических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры бизнес-экономики и администрирования, Сумской государственный педагогический университет имени А. С. Макаренко, 40002, г. Сумы, ул. Роменская, 87, тел.: +38 (095) 167 5952, е-maіl: omvіtalіy@gmaі ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444 DOI


Abstract. The actualization of innovation problems in the field of public ad- ministration is explained by the fact that in recent years improving of its effective- ness, improving the quality of public functions implementation and public ser- vices providing are priority tasks in the public administration reforming process. A consequence of this is a number of significant changes that affect not only the organizational structure of the public sector, but also the principles of organiza- tion, functioning of public management space and the evaluation of public admi- nistration effectiveness. It is shown that comparative analysis provides an opportunity to analyze the mechanisms that are implemented by developed countries and implement their organic implementation in the existing institutional matrix of Ukraine, which is based on a unique set of archetypes. It is proved that it is also necessary to identify

198 innovations that directly influence the development of new solutions (innova- tion for innovation). This requires accumulated knowledge of innovation, which provides a comparative approach, as well as some favorable environment for their distribution, the analysis of which becomes possible due to the archetypal me- thodology. According to the certain types of innovations, innovation development resour- ces are proposed to be considered as potential opportunities (reserve capabilities, means of development, source) of certain qualities that are not yet developed. Then we can proceed to study of evolutionary factors of development: innovative pro- cesses and systems are specific and develop under the influence of national features of economic and socio-political, as well as historical development of the country. In the study it is justified that the basis for the formation and use of innova- tion development resources should be the identification of the directions of the innovation process, taking into account national needs, the trends of innovation development and basic technologies of the technological structure, they have pro- jections for public administration, as well as ensuring the expanded reproduction of innovative resources based on nonlinear models of the innovation process. Keywords: innovation resources, public management, strategy, develop- ment, efficiency, comparative analysis, archetype. АРХЕТИПНИЙ АНАЛІЗ РЕСУРСІВ ІННОВАЦІЙНОГО РОЗВИТКУ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОГО ПУБЛІЧНОГО УПРАВЛІНСЬКОГО ПРОСТОРУ (КОМПАРАТИВНИЙ ПІДХІД)* Анотація. Актуалізація інноваційної проблематики у сфері публічно- го управління пояснюється тим, що останніми роками підвищення його ефективності, поліпшення якості реалізації державних функцій та надан- ня публічних послуг є пріоритетними завданнями в процесі реформування публічного управління. Наслідком цього є низка суттєвих змін в організа- ційних структурах і чисельності державного апарату, а також у принципах організації, функціонування публічного управлінського простору та оціню- вання ефективності публічного управління. У дослідженні показано, що компаративний аналіз забезпечує мож- ливість проаналізувати механізми, що реалізуються розвиненими країнами, та здійснити їх органічну імплементацію в існуючу інституційну матрицю України, що ґрунтується на унікальній сукупності архетипів. Доведено, що необхідні інновації, які прямо впливали б на вироблення нових рішень (ін- новації для інновацій). Для цього потрібні накопичені обсяги знань щодо інновацій, які забезпечує компаративний підхід, а також деяке сприятливе середовище для їх поширення, аналіз якого стає можливим завдяки архе- типній методології.

* Робота виконувалася за рахунок бюджетних коштів МОН України, наданих на виконання науково-дослідного проекту № 0117U003855 “Інституційно-технологічне проектування інноваційних мереж для системного забезпечення національної безпеки України” (Наказ МОН України від 10 жовтня 2017 р. № 1366).

199 Відповідно до визначених видів інновацій ресурси інноваційного роз- витку запропоновано розглядати як потенційні можливості (резервні мож- ливості, засоби розвитку, джерела) певних якостей, які ще не розвинулись. Звідси можемо перейти до вивчення еволюційних факторів розвитку: інно- ваційні процеси та системи мають специфічний характер і розвиваються під впливом національних особливостей економічного, соціально-політичного, а також історичного розвитку країни. У дослідженні обґрунтовано, що в основі формування та використання ресурсів інноваційного розвитку мають визначатися напрями інноваційного процесу з урахуванням національних потреб, тенденцій інноваційного роз- витку та базових технологій технологічного укладу в їх проекції на сферу публічного управління, а також забезпечення розширеного відтворення ін- новаційних ресурсів на базі нелінійних моделей інноваційного процесу. Ключові слова: інноваційні ресурси, публічне управління, стратегія, роз- виток, ефективність, компаративний аналіз, архетип. АРХЕТИПНИЙ АНАЛИЗ РЕСУРСОВ ИННОВАЦИОННОГО РАЗВИТИЯ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО ПУБЛИЧНОГО УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКОГО ПРОСТРАНСТВА (КОМПАРАТИВНЫЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Актуализация инновационной проблематики в сфере пу- бличного управления объясняется тем, что в последние годы повышение его эффективности, улучшение качества реализации государственных функций и предоставление публичных услуг являются приоритетными задачами в процессе реформирования публичного управления. Следствием этого явля- ется ряд значительных изменений, которые сказываются не только на орга- низационной структуре и численности государственного аппарата, но и на принципах организации, функционировании публичного управленческого пространства и оценки эффективности публичного управления. В исследовании показано, что компаративный анализ обеспечивает воз- можность проанализировать механизмы, которые реализуются развитыми странами, и осуществить их органическую имплементацию в существующую институционную матрицу Украины, которая базируется на уникальной со- вокупности архетипов. Доказано, что необходимы инновации, которые пря- мо влияли бы на выработку новых решений (инновации для инноваций). Для этого нужны накопленные объемы знаний относительно инноваций, ко- торые обеспечивают компаративный подход, а также некоторая благоприят- ная среда для их распространения, анализ которого становится возможным благодаря архетипной методологии. Согласно определенным видам инноваций ресурсы инновационного раз- вития предложено рассматривать как потенциальные возможности (резерв- ные возможности, средства развития, источника) определенных качеств, которые еще не развиты. Затем можем перейти к изучению эволюционных факторов развития: инновационные процессы и системы носят специфи-

200 ческий характер и развиваются под влиянием национальных особенностей экономического, социально-политического, а также исторического разви- тия страны. В исследовании обосновано, что в основе формирования и использова- ния ресурсов инновационного развития должны быть определены направ- ления инновационного процесса с учетом национальных нужд, тенденций инновационного развития и базовых технологий технологического уклада в их проекции на сферу публичного управления, а также обеспечено рас- ширенное воспроизведение инновационных ресурсов на базе нелинейных моделей инновационного процесса. Ключевые слова: инновационные ресурсы, публичное управление, стра- тегия, развитие, эффективность, компаративный анализ, архетип.

Thesis statement. The actualiza- proximately 10 million Ukrainians tion of innovation problems of the pub- have an innovative potential, and in lic administrative space is explained the near future, this figure may reach by the fact that in recent years an in- its limit of 16 million. This raises the crease in its efficiency, improvement of question of developing strategies that the quality of implementation of state will allow the usage of this resource in functions and provision of public ser- the public administrative space as well. vices are priorities in the process of Thus, the analysis of resources of reforming public administration. Be- innovation development as one of the cause of this, there is a number of sig- key factors that ensure the effective- nificant changes in the organizational ness of the field of public administra- structure of the state apparatus, as well tion necessitates a comprehensive as in the principles of organization and analysis of the processes taking place in functioning of public administrative this field, the study of new, previously space and the evaluation of the effec- unexplored phenomena and problems tiveness of public administration. concerning the provision of these re- Also, in recent years, the citizens of sources. Therefore, the creation of a Ukraine have sought to broaden their full-fledged analytical support for the participation in governance, which cre- effective decisions making in the field ates the public demand for the develop- of public administration is an urgent ment and introduction of innovations problem, the solution of which is capa- in the field of public administration ble of ensuring the country’s effective through the usage of state-of-the-art development. information and management tech- Given the weak development of this nologies. It is also worth taking into issue and the practical lack of metho- account the factor of the innovative dologies for assessing the effectiveness potential of society. In particular, ac- of using innovations in the field of pub- cording to monitoring studies of the lic administration in the presence of an Ukrainian School of Archetypic, ap- ever-increasing need for such resour-

201 ces, the topic of research is particularly nistration process in all its forms — relevant. economic, social and organizational Analysis of recent research and [5], while considering resources (pri- publications. The most important marily human capital) and innovations modern theory that links resources and that allow maximizing the effects of development is the competitiveness re- their usage [4]. source concept, based on the studies of In the study “Public Administra- B. Wernerfelt, R. M. Grant, K. Praha- tion in Ukraine: Relations with Ar- lad, G. B. Kleiner, and others. We note chetypes and Development Priorities” that these approaches are based on eco- [9], a number of priorities for the de- nomic development. Within the limits velopment of public administration of economic research, the resource con- were identified, of which the main, in cept implies the presence of dependen- our opinion, is the accumulation of so- cy of a state of the entity in the market called synthesized capital (a combina- on its available resources, the effective- tion of human, intellectual and social ness of which is determined by its or- capital ) with its subsequent implemen- ganizational capabilities. tation at the national level, taking into We believe that such an approach account archetypes, and creating con- can apply to public administration ditions for the transformation of this with certain adjustments. However, capital into a national geo-economic in our opinion, there are certain pecu- capital, ensuring the effectiveness of liarities in the process of innovation the innovative model of development development of public administration of the state. It should be noted that the field, related to the differentiation of priorities mentioned by the authors processes in state bodies and commer- almost do not consider the innovative cial organizations and the correspond- aspect and the corresponding features ing criteria for evaluating their acti- of the public administrative space. vity (efficiency). The presence of these In the research conducted by features requires the development of E. A. Afonin, L. V. Goniukova and appropriate approaches to the analy- R. V. Voitovych [10], the aspects of sis of problems in the management of new forms of active influence of society innovation development of public ad- on state and administrative processes ministration and the identification of are considered through the innovative appropriate development resources. forms of partnership and cooperation Analysing the issues of development within the new context of social values resources, we should note that in Euro- initiated by the postmodern type of so- pean countries much attention is paid cial development. to solving the problems of the relation Analysing the broader context of the between the quality and efficiency of effectiveness of public administration, management in terms of costs [17]. the authors of the research work “The Defining the essence of the concept of National Security of Ukraine” [18] New Public Management, D. Osbome state that interdisciplinarity of natio- and T. Gaebler focus on the efficiency nal security study based on the effec- and effectiveness of the public admi- tiveness of public administration pri-

202 marily manifests itself in the research signing an innovation strategy, simu- of complex national security issues that lation institutional and evolutionary need to be analysed and solved involv- modeling to maximize synergy effects ing the methodology of numerous sep- in the public administrative space and arate scientific directions. a systematic approach to its formation In various studies [2; 21–23], the will be used. issue of evaluating the effectiveness of To solve a wide range of optimiza- public administration based on values tion tasks, adapted decision-making [22] and set of effects [21], in particular methods based on optimization of per- on the example of the European public formance indicators, methods for find- space and through the introduction of ing innovative ways of development, innovations [2; 23]. methods of comprehensive analysis of Formulating a range of possible fac- policy development and methods of tors and analytical approaches, let us project management will be used. turn to classical theses on institutional At the same time, the necessity of changes. They note that institutional usage of archetype methodology is due boundaries create incentives for invest- to the fact that the tasks of a compre- ing in knowledge, and incentives deter- hensive reform of public administra- mine individuals’ choice of knowledge tion should be decided taking into ac- and skills that give them the maximum count national features of each country. benefit. In addition, a number of insti- The approval of the appropriateness of tutionalist scholars emphasize that the this approach is found in José Caballe- understanding of the world (accord- ro, Senior Economist at the Competi- ingly, with subsequent actions of an in- tiveness Centre of IMD World Com- novative nature) is conditioned by the petitiveness Center Business School, mental models of individuals. who emphasizes the role of national As a result, we come to the task of an peculiarities for choosing development additional conceptualization of the re- priorities and strategies for their prac- sources of innovation development of tical implementation, and also notes the public administration field, as well the special importance of the EU as an as the formation of analytical founda- opportunity for Ukraine, since here it tions for their management. is about compliance with norms con- The objective of the study is to cerning democracy, anti-corruption, archetypically analyse the strategic transparency of government actions aspects of the formation of innovation and system effectiveness of public ad- development resources based on the ministration [11]. usage of a comparative approach to The above thesis confirms the rele- European public administrative space. vance of our research, because in this Methodology of research. General context, comparative analysis provides research methods of analysis and syn- an opportunity to analyse the mecha- thesis, historical and logical, system nisms implemented by developed and structural and functional analysis countries and to implement them or- will be used to solve the research tasks. ganically in the existing institutional Among the innovative methods for de- matrix of Ukraine, based on a unique

203 set of archetypes. It is also necessary to related processes in the field of public identify innovations that would have administration are distinguished: a direct impact on the development • innovation for institutions where of new solutions (innovation for in- focus is on restoring existing institu- novation). This requires accumulated tions and/or creating new organiza- knowledge on innovative practices tional structures; provided by a comparative approach, • organizational innovation, which as well as a favourable environment involves the implementation of new for their distribution, analysis of which procedures (management methods) in becomes possible due to archetypical the field of public administration; methodology. • innovation in the form of process Results. The research is based on improvement, with an emphasis on im- such ideas, which allow to combine the proving the quality of public services; theory of public administration, inno- • conceptual innovation aimed at vation development and archetypical implementing new forms of governance basis of management processes and to (interactive policy formation, public carry out a comparative analysis. administration based on broad partici- First, in the case of public adminis- pation of society, horizontal/network tration, the concept of developmental administration). resources should be clarified, and it im- The next aspect is based on the fact plies that in contrast to existing, these that, according to these types of inno- resources should be considered not vations, development resources should only as a factor, which leads to higher be considered as potential opportu- results of separate entities, but also as nities (reserve opportunities, means a factor for development the state sys- of development, sources) of certain tem (in particular, the economy) as a qualities that have not yet developed whole. In general, innovative resources (not functioning, not used). From this cover a range of resources that provide point, we can proceed to the study of the innovation process (logistical, fi- evolutionary factors of development: nancial, human, organizational and innovative processes and systems are managerial, and information ones). specific in nature and develop under On the basis of this, management the influence of national peculiarities of the innovation development of the of economic, socio-political, and his- field of public administration can be torical development of the country. analysed as a targeted effect on the Accordingly, systemic innovations in system, “designed to adjust the natural public administration have profound motion, determined by the initial con- consequences both for the individual ditions, the energy state and the pro- and for a number of groups (social and cesses of exchange of the system with professional groups) and therefore the environment” [13, p. 26] in order to cannot be implemented (be effective) adapt the system to new conditions. In without adequate psychological ana- the study “Management of Innovation lytics, which assists to individuals and and Innovation in Management” [15], groups in the process of innovation and the following types of innovations and adaptation to changes.

204 Another factor is based on the fact and it is most difficult to create a com- that the problems of the development munication process with the state. of innovative potential (and related In accordance with the hierarchical resources) and the implementation of approach, within the framework of the innovations in the field of public ad- analysis of the evolution of systems, ministration are associated with hu- one distinguishes three main models of man and organizational factors, as well the introduction of novelties in the ac- as the personal orientation of state offi- tivities of public structures [25]: cials. Innovation activity is a sequence • “top-down” or “policy-depen- of complex and multi-stage processes dent” — innovative activity in the implemented by different groups, dy- functioning of lower structures does namic interaction of individuals, social not arise without direct indication groups, departments and organiza- from hierarchically higher organs. tions. At the same time, the success of • “bottom-up” — government bodi- change is always associated with the es within their authority monitor in- overcoming of a number of barriers novation in the various sectors of the and resistance, therefore innovation economy and the social sphere, encou- is impossible without significant ef- rage innovative initiatives of employe- forts, taking into account managerial, es, analyse practical experience and organizational and social factors [19]. transform it into the best practices and Consequently, the resources of innova- methods suitable for distribution. tion development can be considered in • “knowledge-scanning” — organi- the context of elimination of these ob- zations “scan” the existing experience stacles. of introducing innovations in such An important aspect is connected spheres of management and, based on with the fact that the system of public its results, make decisions to improve administration consists of two subsys- their own managerial technologies. tems: the controlling (managerial en- In the world practice, the develop- tity) and managed (object of manage- ment of innovations is traditionally ment — branch, spectrum of relations carried out in accordance with two ba- and functions, project, etc.) subsys- sic strategies, on the basis of which we tems. Accordingly, we propose to con- have developed a scheme for the crea- sider the sources of the formation of tion of resources for innovative deve- innovation development resources in lopment of the public administrative each of these systems as well, but tak- space (see Figure). ing into account their systemic unity. Innovations can only exist in the The European Institute of Innova- environment prepared for them. How- tion and Technology puts the business, ever, if you try to manage innovation knowledge and education at the cor- without introducing changes to the ners of the “knowledge triangle”, and upper levels (or vice versa), the in- the state and society “surround” this novation potential will not be used. triangle by shaping the development Therefore, it is from the combination environment. Business and education of public potential and the actions of are the most attractive for cooperation, the authorities at a certain level (coun-

205 Strategic goals of public administration entities

Supply sіde іnnovatіon polіcy (SSІ) Demand-drіven іnnovatіon polіcy (DDІ) strategy for creating an environment that the strategy of orienting innovation to stimulates the emergence of innovative demand from both the state and end solutions based on new opportunities, users of innovative solutions regardless of the availability of demand for such solutions

Internal sources External sources

Innovative development resources • human • informational • financial • organizational and managerial

Public process

Scheme of generating resources for innovative development of public administrative space (author’s development) try, region, economic entity) the effec- For analytics of innovations in the tiveness of the actions of subordinates system of public space, we suggest to (subsystems, controlled systems, ob- use the provisions of the systemic ap- jects, or processes) depends largely. proach, in particular, the transparency In this context, public administra- of the system. An archetypical compo- tion can be seen as a process of find- nent in this context is important, since ing the best (innovative) ways to use social communications based on them public resources in order to achieve the allow changing the ways of interaction priority goals of social development, with society, timely responding to and jointly implemented by the govern- anticipating external challenges [14]. ment, representative bodies and civil On the other hand, the flexibility of society. Therefore, all democratic forms the system as its ability to structural of governance (namely, the transpa- adaptation in response to environmen- rency and participativeness inhe- tal influences is relevant. In this aspect, rent to democracy) contribute to the the transparency of the public adminis- realization of the potential of “social tration system is a reflection of its state creativity” and the formation through for interested agents and determines an understanding of more adequate the readiness for so-called state and and acceptable conditions of existence, public administration. acting as a “social experiment” and Any evolving system has resources a way of implementing social inno- that are significantly larger than neces- vation. sary for its functions (the property of

206 redundancy of the system). This aspect The practice of using crowdsourc- can also be explained by the definition of ing in the field of public administra- public administration that involves ac- tion is widespread through specially tive interaction. A system that evolves designed actions to increase awareness from its own resources is self-evolving. as to decision-making and policy and This type of system has the most inno- involvement in public sector work vative potential. We propose to con- (participation). In particular, in Eu- sider this aspect, based on the fact that ropean countries, citizens can indicate the fundamental resource of knowledge their location on the map, write about is formed, accumulated and reproduced the problem, offense or express their through another fundamental resource opinion concerning a certain decision. of modern innovative development — The practice of consultative referenda human capital (a set of skills, qualifi- and public discussions should also be cations, competencies and motivations noted. for their realization). Accordingly, in In this context, it's worth mention- the context of motivations, one can also ing the concept of Hernando de Soto consider the nature of the influence of [24], which develops the views of the archetypes. Austrian economic school representa- The transparency of the public admi- tives based on the role of entrepre- nistration system can be defined as the neurial talent in ensuring dynamic ability to identify and take into account (adaptive) efficiency. According to the changes in the external environment for researcher, the dynamic effectiveness the sake of its own development. Each of the institute (system) depends on point of the transparent system can be the level of their creative ability to en- considered as a separate “organism”, trepreneurship and, which is especially capable of self-development. Using the important for our study, coordination external environment in diachrony, in- (internal and external). volving new types of perception and A vivid example of the practical transforming the structure of concept- implementation of this concept is the interpreters, the content system itself innovative system in France, where at reproduces and develops its conceptual the expense of the state budget funds structure. Thus, transparency creates are funded up to 80 % of the cost of conditions for self-organization. fundamental research (relatively high The Western model of analytical level in the EU), and the high degree public administration is based on in- of direct state regulation in the field novative dialogue formats that widely of science is balanced by the emphasis involves both public administration on the collectivist (public) approach institutions and a number of collabora- to determine the strategic priorities of tive partners and society as a whole. An scientific and technological develop- important aspect of this model in terms ment [25]. It should be noted that this of attracting development resources work involves not only scientists and is also the ability to compete with the employees of higher education, but also private sector in the labour market for all interested parties representing the limited quality human resources. interests of the state, society and busi-

207 ness. This is a vivid example of crowd- A comparative analysis also re- sourcing for finding ideas, maintaining vealed that the concept of total qual- systemic feedback and quality control. ity management (TQM) is explicitly These examples show that with or implicitly is used when introducing the help of network communications innovations in the European public of crowdsourcing one can effectively space. According to TQM, innovation solve problems of any complexity in- management covers all strategic and volving the innovative resources of operational tasks of organizing, plan- stakeholders — from branding of the ning, coordinating and controlling territory, planning development to public administration processes. Con- optimizing the processes of providing sequently, there is an opportunity to public services. identify innovative resources in certain Despite the complexity of the pro- processes of public administration, and cess, the collectivist method of choos- in the case of an archetypal approach, ing and agreeing priorities and solu- to combine them with the motives of tions can aggregate external challenges the activity of all stakeholders. and relevant societal demands based on On the basis of the possibility of actual archetypes, along with the cor- counteracting archetypes that counter- responding innovative potential, and act innovation, it is necessary to identi- therefore can effectively play the role fy appropriate managerial innovations. of the instrument of legitimizing deci- This factor is also taken into account in sions of the authorities. modern concepts of public administra- In the continuation of the topic of tion. In particular, one of New Public transparency, let us focus on the so- Management (NPM) experts, R. Behn called interaction resources. Accord- defines NPM as “a collection of tactics ingly, two interrelated logics of network and strategies aimed at overcoming in- interaction in the public administrative efficiencies inherent in the traditional space can be distinguished: external — public sector model” [1]. formal and organizational (organiza- The usage of elements of the econo- tion of public administration through mic approach and social communications, cooperation and association of social capable of providing external resources, resources) and internal — subjective forms an effective methodological basis (logic of interpersonal relations, self- for analysing the resources of innova- determination and self-realization tion development. Therefore, in order to in networks). In these networks, the form the strategic principles for reform- participants are closely linked to the ing the public administrative space in common goal, but at the same time, Ukraine, it is expedient to use D. Kettl’s they take into account the interests approach, which offers six main charac- of each one. The links in the interac- teristics of NPM such as productivity, tion are horizontal in nature, which marketization, customer orientation, involves autonomy, equality and trans- decentralization, target orientation and parency of the network entities and reporting on results [3, p. 30–33]. eliminates the imposed instructions In the framework of the implemen- from above. tation of these characteristics, let us

208 note that the form of stabilizing the of managing public values. This ap- trajectory of institutional dynamics proach is the result of the transition are social contracts between the soci- from traditional state administration ety and the state. In this case, accord- to management of interactions, and ing to Charles Prather [20], trust is a subsequently to the management of decisive factor in the development of public values [7]. innovation. Thus, in the framework of the for- In the case of Ukraine, conducted at mation and usage of resources for in- the end of 2017 by the Ilko Kucheriv novation development, there should Democratic Initiatives Foundation be a definition of the directions of the and the Razumkov Centre, a nation- innovation process taking into account wide survey shows a further increase in national needs and values, trends of in- distrust in state structures compared novation development and the basic to 2016. According to the indicators technologies of the technological con- of trust in the authorities, Ukraine, ac- text in their projection into the sphere cording to a number of Ukrainian and of public administration, and also en- European social studies, is steadily the suring the expanded reproduction of last among the EU countries. The il- innovative resources on the basis of legitimacy of basic formal institutions nonlinear models of innovation pro- for most of society and the lack of dem- cess. ocratic mechanisms for controlling the Based on the analysis, we can for- authorities intensify the archetypes of mulate such components of manage- individualism, which leads to the loss ment technologies that will stimulate of cooperative resources. the attraction of innovative resources: The formation of innovation deve- • a project approach to the priorities lopment resources should also be con- of the government and the activities of sidered in terms of the value of public public administration institutions; administration services, which is close- • developed competences of public ly linked to TQM and the approach of administration employees; D. Kettl and allows for the establish- • regular review of expenditures in ment of indicators similar to economic state budget institutions and the poli- approaches. cy of “zero bureaucracy”; In the opinion of UN experts, stated • improved performance evaluation in the United Nation e-government system; Survey [8, p. 14], the next stage after • management of network strategic e-Government should be Connected communication of government priori- Governance, which aims to improve ties and reforms; cooperation between government ser- • audit of salary policy of employees. vices, to deepen consultation and to Conclusion and prospects of fur- engage citizens that will allow regional ther research. The research determines and international multi-stakeholder the methodological foundations for participation in the process. managing the resources of innovation Another concept of Connected development of public management Governance is associated with the idea space. The analysis of modern concepts

209 of the public management space of the u tvorenni ta zdijsnenni derzhavnoi EU countries was carried out and the polityky [Public participation in the main mechanisms of implementation of creation and implementation of pub- changes in it were determined. lic policy], Center for Support of Civil The usage of resources of the in- Service Institutional Development, Kyiv. novation development of the public 6. Lipkan V. А. (2009), Nacionalna bez- administrative space can be carried peka Ukrainy [National Security of out subject to the introduction of a Ukraine], KNT, Kyiv. new paradigm of public administra- 7. United Nations (2014), Good Practices tion based on the adaptation of modern and Innovations in Public Governance management approaches (targeting a United Nations Public Service Awards citizen as a client, working in condi- Winners, 2012–2013, United Nations, tions of transparent competition for New York. resources, improving the quality of 8. Soroko V. М. (2012), Rezultatyvnist ta public services, applying corporate ide- efektyvnist derzhavnogo upravlinnia i miscevogo samovriaduvannia [Effec- ology, motivation to self-development) tiveness and Efficiency of Public Ad- taking into account national specifics. ministration and Local Self-Govern- Prospects for further research in- ment], NADU, Kyiv. clude the consideration of specific 9. Tanhuk О. А. (2015), “The main ap- (sectoral) mechanisms of public ad- proaches to the evaluation of the ef- ministration. fectiveness of public administration”, Visnyk Nacionalnoi akademii der- References zhavnogo upravlinnja pry Prezyden- tovi Ukrainy, № 3, p. 63–71. 1. Kostuk I. К. (2014), “Application of in- 10. Tjutin D. V. (2014), “Evolution of New novative technologies in public admi- Public Administration: The Logic of nistration in the context of European Efficiency, Efficiency and Manage- standards”, Molodoj uchenyj, № 21, ment of Public Values”, Teoryia i prak- p. 519–521. tyka obshhestvennogo razvytyia, № 5, 2. Osbome D. and Gaebler T. (1992), Re- p. 179–181. inventing Government. How the En- 11. (2018), “Outside the com- trepreneurial Spirit is Transforming petition. Jose Caballero on where to the Public Sector, N. Y. start real reforms in Ukraine”, Fokus. 3. Kudrina O., Volodin D., and Omely- ua, available at: anenko V. (2017), “Conceptual princi- money/393501/ (Accessed 4 February ples of development resources security 2018). analysis”, Marketing and Management 12. Dudnyk І. М. (2010), Vstup do zagalnoi of Innovations, № 2, p. 280–287. teorіi sistem [Introduction to the ge- 4. Amosov О. and Gavkalova N. (2014), neral theory of systems], Poltava. “Public Administration in Ukraine: 13. Kniazev S. N. and Gancherenuk I. I. Relationship with Archetypes and De- (2007), “Management of innovation velopment Priorities”, Publichne up- and innovation in management”, Uni- ravlinnia: teorija ta praktyka, № 2 (18), versytetski naukovi zapysky, № 3, p. 6–13. p. 41–44. 5. Afonin E. A., Gonjukova L. V. and Voj- 14. Naumov S. Yu. (2008). Sistema gosu- tovych R. V. (2006), Gromadska uchast darstvennogo upravleniia [The system

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212 UDC 316.72 Patrakov Vladimir Petrovich, philosopher, independent researcher, Repub- lic Kazakhstan, 021500, Stepnogorsk, 3, micr. 20-40, tel.: +7 702 123 1671, e-mail: bolin- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4418-4257 Патраков Владимир Петрович, філософ, незалежний дослідник, Республі- ка Казахстан, 021500, м. Степногорск, 3, мікр. 20-40, тел. +7 702 123 1671, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4418-4257 Патраков Владимир Петрович, философ, независимый исследователь, Рес- публика Казахстан, 021500, г. Степно- горск, 3, микр. 20-40, тел. +7 702 123 1671, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4418-4257 DOI


Abstract. This paper has summarized the foundations of the author’s interdis- ciplinary concept of national cultures genocodes (NCG), which represents syn- thesis of of the Hegelian doctrine about national spirits (Volksgeist), the Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious, system of hexagrams of the Ancient Chi- nese Book of Changes and Girt Hofstede’s measurements of national cultures. There are generic genes (archetypes) and species ones in the national genocodes. Generic genes are the cornerstone of 6 cultural kingdoms, and specific genes — separate national cultures. All countries measured by Hofstede are divided into 6 cultural kingdoms. Kingdoms of Qian, Creative (USA, Canada, Australia, Po- land and Scandinavia), Lee, Radiance (Western Europe) and Gen, Keeping Still (Japan) have an individualistic genocode. Kingdoms Zhen, Arousing (Russia, the Balkans, Greece, Turkey, Central Asia), Dui, Joyous (Africa, Latin America, Middle East) and Kun, Receptive (China, India and Southeast Asia) have a col- lectivist genocode. The basis of European civilization is the generic genes of the kingdoms of Lee, Qian and Zhen. The interaction between the generic and spe- cies genes of these kingdoms, their complementarity or conflict lies at the heart of alliances or wars between states. It has been shown that the greatest conflicts are observed between countries with individualistic and collectivist cultures, there- fore the Balkan countries, Greece, Turkey and Russia throughout history were

213 in a varying degree unfavorable relations with the Western European countries. But studying NCG will allow to minimize tension between countries, to under- stand a role and the place of each country in the World and in particular the Eu- ropean Cultural Space, to lay a way to the long-term union of peoples and states. Keywords: genocodes of national cultures, Jungian archetypes, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, European civilization. ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКІ ГЕНОКОДАМИ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИХ КУЛЬТУР. IN VARIETATE CONCORDIA Анотація. Викладено основи авторської міждисциплінарної концепції ге- нокодів національних культур (ГНК), яка являє собою синтез гегелевського вчення про національний дух (Volksgeist), теорії про архетипи колективного несвідомого Юнга, системи гексаграмм давньокитайського “Канона змін” та вимірювання національних культур у співавторстві соціалістичної партії Хірат Хофстеде. У національних генокодах виділяються родові гени (архе- типи) і видовидні. Родові гени лежать в основі 6-ти культурних царств, а ви- дові — в окремих національних культурах. Усі вимірені Хофстеде країни по- діляються на 6 культурних царств. Царства Цянь, Творчість (США, Канада, Австралія, Польща та Скандинавія), Лі, Сяяння (Західна Європа) і Ген, Зо- середження (Японія) мають індивідуалістичний генокод. А царства Чжень, Збудження (Росія, Балкани, Греція, Туреччина, Середня Азія), Дуй, Радість (Африка, Латинська Америка, Близький Схід) і Кунь, Виконання (Китай, Індія і ЮВА) — колективістський генокод. Основу європейської цивілізації утворюють родовні гени царства Лі, Цянь і Чжень. Взаємодія між родивими та видовими генами цих царств, їх комплементарність або конфлікт лежить в основі союзів між державами або війнами. Показано, що найбільші конфлік- ти спостерігаються між країнами з індивідуалістичною та колективістською культурами, тому Балканські країни, Греція, Туреччина та Росія протягом усієї історії знаходилися у тому чи іншому ступені напруженості відносин із Західноєвропейськими країнами. Але розуміння та вивчення генокодів на- ціональних культур дасть можливість зняти тиск і конфлікт між країнами, зрозуміти роль та місце кожної країни у світовій та, зокрема, Європейській Культуросфері, прокласти шлях до довгострокового союзу народів і держав. Ключові слова: генокоди національних культур, архетипи Юнга, індекси Г. Хофстеде, європейська цивілізація. ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЕ ГЕНОКОДЫ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ КУЛЬТУР. IN VARIETATE CONCORDIA Аннотация. Изложены основы авторской междисциплинарной кон- цепции генокодов национальных культур (ГНК), которая представляет со- бой синтез гегелевского учения о национальном духе (Volksgeist), теории об архетипах коллективного бессознательного Юнга, системы гексаграмм древнекитайского “Канона перемен” и измерений национальных культур голландского социолога Гирта Хофстеде. В национальных генокодах выде-

214 ляются родовые гены (архетипы) и видовые. Родовые гены лежат в осно- ве 6-ти культурных царств, а видовые — отдельных национальных культур. Все измеренные Хофстеде страны делятся на 6 культурных царств. Царст- ва Цянь, Творчество (США, Канада, Австралия, Польша и Скандинавия), Ли, Сияние (Западная Европа) и Гэнь, Сосредоточенность (Япония) име- ют индивидуалистический генокод. А царства Чжэнь, Возбуждение (Россия, Балканы, Греция, Турция, Средняя Азия), Дуй, Радость (Африка, Латинская Америка, Ближний Восток) и Кунь, Исполнение (Китай, Индия и ЮВА) — коллективистский генокод. Основу европейской цивилизации образуют ро- довые гены царства Ли, Цянь и Чжэнь. Взаимодействие между родовыми и видовыми генами этих царств, их комплементарность или конфликтность лежит в основе союзов между государствами или войн. Показано, что наи- большие конфликты наблюдаются между странами с индивидуалистической и коллективисткой культурами, поэтому Балканские страны, Греция, Турция и Россия на протяжении истории находились в той или иной степени напря- женных отношениях с Западноевропейскими странами. Но понимание и изучение генокодов национальных культур позволит снять напряженность и конфликтность между странами, понять роль и место каждой страны в мировой и в частности Европейской Культуросфере, проложить путь к дол- госрочному союзу народов и государств. Ключевые слова: генокоды национальных культур, архетипы Юнга, ин- дексы Г. Хофстеде, европейская цивилизация.

Target setting. Theories of Jung’ ar- Analysis of basic research and chetypes of the collective unconscious publications. The foundations of the and the regimes of imagination of concept of NCG were set forth in the Gilbert Duran have a powerful cogni- author’s monograph “Geopolitics of tive potential. But these theories have the Book of Changes” (2015) [1] and purely qualitative, semantic nature are in the article “Genocodes of National still little used in the study of national Cultures” (2016). In the book the most cultures. The cognitive potential of an general approach to the concept of archetypic paradigm can be streng- GNC was offered: the genocodes were then by a connection with quantita- considered at the level of big communi- tive methods. For this purpose the ties — the cultural kingdoms. Later, in author suggested the concept of na- the article “Genocodes of National Cul- tional cultures genocodes (NCG) in tures” the concept of genocodes was ap- which quantitative approach (cross- plied to individual countries. cultural measurements of national The purpose of the article. In this cultures) was combined with the article the basic principles of the NCG system of archetypes of collective un- are presented through a series of the conscious. European states. Since the NCG was

215 created on the foundation of an in- and expect that power is distributed terdisciplinary approach, the analysis unequally”. of national cultures of the European • Individualism vs. collectivism countries in terms of this concept could (IDV): This index explores the “de- give new results, which could not be gree to which people in a society are obtained within the framework of indi- integrated into groups”. Individualistic vidual social sciences. societies have loose ties that often only The statement of basic materi- relates an individual to his/her imme- als. Basic concepts of the NCG. The diate family. Its counterpart, collecti- theoretical precursor of the NCG is vism, describes a society in which tight- Hegel’s doctrine of the natural soul and ly-integrated relationships tie extended the people’s spirits [3, 4]. According to families and others into in-groups. Hegel, the people’s spirit determines • Uncertainty avoidance index the character, mentality and values (UAI): The uncertainty avoidance in- of this people and therefore lies at the dex is defined as “a society’s tolerance heart of its history. In Hegel’s system for ambiguity,” in which people em- of categories the people’s spirit is be- brace or avert an event of something tween the kingdom of nature and con- unexpected, unknown, or away from sciousness and thus coincides with the the status quo. collective unconscious [5]. Recall that • Masculinity vs. femininity the concept of the unconscious was de- (MAS): In this dimension, masculi- veloped by Z. Freud, C. Jung and G. nity is defined as “a preference in soci- Durand: Freud discovered the uncon- ety for achievement, heroism, assertive- scious, Jung discovered its archetypes, ness and material rewards for success”. and Durand — the system of archetypes Its counterpart represents “a preference and regimes of their functioning (Noc- for cooperation, modesty, caring for the turne and Diurne). In terms of the NCG, weak and quality of life”. the archetypes of the national collec- • Long-term orientation vs. short- tive unconscious play a role of genes of term orientation (LTO): This dimen- culture, which constitute the cultural sion associates the connection of the genocode of a people. This genocode past with the current and future ac- lies in the foundation of the national tions/challenges. A lower degree of this cultural identity. index (short-term) indicates that tradi- Because archetypes are closely con- tions are honored and kept, while stead- nected with basic values of a people, fastness is valued. Societies with a high studying values, we study archetypes. degree in this index (long-term) views From the numerous of cross-cultural adaptation and circumstantial, prag- measurements Geert Hofstede’s na- matic problem-solving as a necessity. tional culture dimensions from 6 valu- • Indulgence vs. restraint (IND): able indexes is the most developed. This dimension is essentially a measure • The power distance index (PDI) of happiness. Indulgence is defined as is defined as “the extent to which the “a society that allows relatively free less powerful members of organizations gratification of basic and natural hu- and institutions (like the family) accept man desires related to enjoying life and

216 having fun”. Its counterpart is defined version is the predominance of domes- as “a society that controls gratification tic policy, isolationism. of needs and regulates it by means of 2. Time. Short-term orientation strict social norms”. Indulgent societies (normativity) is the past and the pre- believe themselves to be in control of sent. Long-term orientation (pragma- their own life and emotions; restrained tism) is the future. societies believe other factors dictate 3. Subject, its structure. Individu- their life and emotions [6, 7]. alism — members of society are rather Power distance index and Indi- independent from each other. Collec- vidualism vs. collectivism, according to tivism — members of society are closely Hofstede, considerably correlate with connected with each other. each other, therefore they were united 4. Gender. Masculinity is competi- by a canadian researcher Mondo Secter tion, stiffness, struggle. Femininity is in one index — Individualism in Power softness, cooperation, harmony. distance (IPD) [8]. 5. Anima. Indulgence is emotiona- Further, we added one more index lity, emancipation. Restraint is forma- to Hofstede’s indexes — Extraversion lism, dryness. vs. introversion (EI). According to 6. Ratio (Mentality). Acceptance C. Jung, the Abrahamic (western) re- of uncertainty (openness) is situatio- ligions have an extravert orientation, nality, spontaneity, openness to the new, and the non-Abrahamic (eastern) unpredictability. Avoiding uncertainty ones — an introvert [9]. Therefore, cul- (closed) is consistency, systematic, pre- tures with prevalence of the western dictable. religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) The first three indices denote the ge- will be designated by an index of extra- neric, the most profound and universal version (E), and the east religions (the archetypes of the six cultural kingdoms, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.) — an index and the last three — the species arche- of introversion (I). types. Together, the generic and species The next step is to arrange the cul- indices (archetypes) denote the coun- ture indexes in a hierarchical order try (people) genocode. from the abstract to the concrete. Ex- These cross-cultural indices need to traversion vs. introversion indexes be combined with a system of arche- mark space (external or internal) of de- types, since only such a connection will velopment, Long term vs. short-term — give a holistic description of the culture time, Individualism vs. collectivism in of any people. And such system of ar- power distance — structure (subject) chetypes of collective unconscious ex- of development, Masculinity vs. femi- ists, it is called the I Ching, “Canon of ninity — a gender, Indulgence vs. rest- changes” compiled by Chinese priests- raint — anima (emotional processes), predictors in the Shan era (around Uncertainty avoidance — ratio (men- 1600 BC) [10]. Notice also that “Canon tality). of changes” was one of sources of the In more detail this scheme looks so. Jung’s concept of archetypes of collec- 1. Space. Extraversion is an active tive unconscious. C. Jung considered external activity, expansionism. Intro- the I Ching’s symbols (64 hexagrams

217 formed by six whole and discontinuous hexagram’s line corresponds to space, lines, yang and yin) as visual expression the second – time, the third — struc- of the archetypes. By way of reminder, ture, the fourth — a gender, the fifth — that yang denotes the masculine prin- anima, the sixth (highest) — ratio. ciple, light, hardness, energy, strength, Table 1 demonstrates conformity creativity, etc., and yin — the feminine of the generic and species genes to the principle, darkness, softness, matter, ful- yin-yang symbols and Gilbert Duran’s fillment, etc. From this, the first lower Diurne and Nocturne regimes. Table 1 Correspondence of the generic and species genes with each other and with the symbols yin-yang Generic genes Species genes Presentations (Kingdoms) (Families) 1. Space 4. Gender Space – Gender • External • Masculinity • Yang-space: external and masculinity. Di- 1. Extraversion 4. Masculinity urne yan-gene yang-gene 1–4. Heterogeneous, light, solid. Open- ness, unfolding, infiniteness. Compe- tition, aggressiveness. The Abrahamic religions. Search for the truth • Internal • Femininity • Yin-space: internal and feminine. Noc- 1. Introversion 4. Femininity turne yin-gene yin- gene 1–4. Homogeneous, dark, soft. Closed, convolution, finiteness. Peacefulness, cooperation. Eastern religions. Search for harmony 2. Time 5. Anima Time – Emotions • Past and Present. • “Cold” society • Yang processes: time and emotions. Di- Normativity 5. Yang-gene urne 2. Yang-gene of short- restraint 2–5. Short-term plans and projects, turn- term (normative) ing to the past, monumentalism, pride, constancy, restraint, superiority, etc. • Future. Pragmatism • “Hot” society • Yin processes: time and emotions. Noc- 2. Yin-gene long term 5. Yin-gen turne (pragmatism) indulgence 2–5. Long-term plans and projects, soft- ness, sensuality, emotionality, flexibili- ty, brotherhood, love, looseness, etc. 3. Structure 6. Mentality Structure – Mentality • Discreteness • Avoiding • Jan social and mental structures. Diurne 3. Yang-gene uncertainty 3–6. Autonomy, rigidity, logic, mechanistic, of individualism 6. Yang-gene systematic, impenetrable. Reductio- of closure nism. A small distance of power • Integrity • Taking • Yin social and mental structures. Nocturne 3. Yin-gene uncertainty 3–6. Cohesion, softness, spontaneity, or- of collectivism 6. Yin- gene ganicness, continuity, permeability, openness situability, unpredictability. Holism. A great power distance

218 In Table 2, 8 trigrams of the “Canon codes of 6 cultural kingdoms, formed of changes” correspond to the cultural from the generic genes. genes. 8 trigrams by combining create • 111 The Global Individualistic — 64 hexagrams, 64 genocodes of culture, Qian’s Kingdom (Heaven, Creativity). which are divided into 8 groups (king- USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, doms). In these hexagrams consisting Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, of 6 lines, the first trigram (lines 1, 2, 3) Poland. corresponds to the generic genes, and • 110 The Global Collectivist — the the second trigram (lines 4, 5, 6) — to Kingdom of Dui (Lake, Joy). The coun- the specific ones. tries of Latin America, Africa and the Two kingdoms did not coincide with Middle East. the Hofstede indices. These are the • 101 The European Individua- kingdoms of the natural elements of listic — the Kingdom of Lee (Sun, Kun, Waters (World Ocean) and Xun, Radiance). Western European coun- Air (Space). This way we get real geno- tries.

Table 2 Trigrams. Correspondence of the generic and species genes Generic Species Image in genes genes Trigram Name Attribute Code Nature (1 – yang, (1 – yan, 0 – yin) 0 – yin) Qian the Creative Heaven 111 1. Individualism 1. Closedness 1. Normativity 1. Restraint 1. Extraversion 1. Masculinity Kun the Receptive, Earth 000 0. Collectivism 0. Openness Field 0. Pragmatism 0. Indulgence 0. Introversion 0. Femininity Zhen the Arousing, Thunder 100 0. Collectivism 0. Openness Shake 0. Pragmatism 0. Indulgence 1. Extraversion 1. Masculinity Gen Keeping Still, Mountain 001 1. Individualism 1. Closeness Bound 0. Pragmatism 0. Indulgence 0. Introversion 0. Femininity Li the Clinging, Fire 101 1. Individualism 1. Closeness Radiance 0. Pragmatism 0. Indulgence 1. Introversion 1. Masculinity Dui the Joyous, Lake 110 0. Collectivism 0. Openness Open 1. Normative 1. Restraint 1. Introversion 1. Masculinity Kan the Abysmal, Water 010 0. Collectivism 0. Openness Gorge 1. Normative 1. Restraint 0. Introversion 0. Femininity Xun the Gentle, Wind 011 1. Individualism 1. Closeness Ground 1. Normative 1. Restraint 0. Introversion 0. Femininity

219 • 100 The Eurasian Collectivist — the The genocodes of Europe. The Kingdom of Zhen (Lightning, Excita- genocodes of individual peoples and tion). Russia, some countries of Eastern countries are formed by adding to the Europe and Central Asia. generic genes of the specific ones. Now • 000 The Asian Collectivist — the consider the genocodes of Europe. Kingdom of Kun (Earth, Execution). Table 3 shows the formation of a com- India, China and the countries of bined index of Individualism in Power Southeast Asia. distance. • 001 The Asian Individualistic — the Table 4 lists the genocodes of the Kingdom of Gen (Mountain, Focus). European countries. For the transla- Japan. tion the values of the Hofstede indices

Table 3 The combined index of individualism in power distance (IPD) [7, 8] A B C № Country Power Distance Individualism IPD = (B+C)/2 100 – A PDI IDV 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Austria 11 55 89 72 2 Belgium 65 75 35 55 3 Bulgaria 70 30 30 30 4 Croatia 73 33 27 30 5 Czech Republic 57 58 43 50,5 6 Denmark 18 74 82 78 7 Estonia 40 60 60 60 8 Finland 33 63 67 65 9 France 68 71 32 51,5 10 Germany 35 67 65 66 11 Greece 60 35 40 37,5 12 Hungary 46 80 54 67 13 Iceland 30 60 70 65 14 Irelan 28 70 72 71 15 Italy 50 76 50 63 16 Latvia 44 70 56 63 17 Lithuania 42 60 58 59 18 Luxembourg 40 60 60 60 19 Malta 56 59 44 51,5 20 Netherlands 38 80 62 71 21 Norway 31 69 69 69 22 Poland 68 60 32 46 23 Portugal 63 27 37 32

220 End of table 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 24 Romania 90 30 10 20 25 Russia 93 39 7 23 26 Serbia 86 25 14 18,5 27 Slovakia 104 52 -4 24 28 Slovenia 71 27 29 28 29 Spain 57 51 43 47 30 Sweden 31 71 69 70 31 Switzerland 34 68 66 67 32 Turkey 66 37 34 35,5 33 United Kingdom 35 89 65 77 in two-valued (0–1, yin-yang) form, we the place and role of a nation in the Eu- calculated the average digit for each ropean civilization. index with an interval of +/–2. The in- The genocode of Austria and Bel- dices inside the interval are called tran- gium is called Radiance 101 101. It is sitional. a harmonious genocode expressing the On the map Geography of the Euro- essence of European culture. pean genocodes, we see slightly simpli- Two leading states of Western Eu- fied data 4 tables. rope Italy and Germany (and also the The semantics of genocodes, con- Czech Republic and Hungary that at cluded in the hexagrams of the I Ching the turn of the first millennium per- and primarily in their names, reflects ceived German culture) have the

Geography of the European genocodes

221 Table 4 Table 15 N ational genocodes 111 111 100 111 001/0 111 000 111 000 111 000 101 111 101 111 101 111 101 111 101 101 101 100/1 101 100 101 1/001 101 011 101 011 101 011/0 101 001 101 000 101 000 14 1 0 1/0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0/1 0 1 1 1 1/0 1 0 0 U A I < 60 – 0 > 60 – 1 13 M entality 93 35 59 23 50 50 65 75 74 82 70 94 58 35 70 63 65 60 86 29 53 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 I ND A nima < 45 – 1 > 45 – 0 11 29 65 57 70 55 67 40 30 29 31 63 57 66 69 56 13 16 16 48 78 68 Species genes 10 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MAS G ender 9 < 50 – 0 > 50 – 1 64 68 26 16 8 10 66 70 57 88 79 54 70 66 50 9 19 30 43 5 14 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I PD < 43 – 0 > 43 – 1 7 Structure 46 71 65 78 69 65 66 63 51 67 72 55 67 77 60 63 59 60 52 70 71 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LTO T ime [6, 10] G enocodes of E urope < 47– 1 > 47 – 0 5 38 24 38 35 35 28 83 61 70 58 60 82 74 51 64 69 82 82 63 53 67 G eneric genes 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I E Space 3 E ast. – 0 brah – 1, A brah C athol. C athol. P rotest. P rotest. P rotest. P rotest. C athol. P rotest. C athol. C athol. C athol. C athol. C athol. C athol. P rotest. P rotest. C athol. P rotest. P rotest. P rotest. C athol. P rotest. P rotest. 2 C ountries P oland Ireland F inland D enmark N orway Iceland G ermany Italy C zech R ep. Hungary A ustria B elgium S witzerland reat B ritain G reat L uxembourg L atvia L ithuania E stonia F rance S weden N etherlands

1 L i 111 101 Qian C ultural K ingdoms

222 genocode Concording People 101 111. This genocode differs in overwhelm- ing prevalence of yang genes — 5, 15 which indicates its strength and rigi- End of table 4 dity. Therefore, throughout the most 10/11 01/01 10/11 001 100 110 100 011 100 011 100 011 100 011 100 011 110 011 11/00 101 11/00 001 11/00 001 part of the history Germany and Italy

14 were fragmented into many feudal mi- 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cro-states that fought endlessly among

13 themselves. But, despite the fragmen- 86 96 51 95 85 92 90 80 104 112 85 88 tation, Germany has always been an integrating force in Europe, first as the 12 1/0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 center of the Holy German Empire, and now — the European Union. And the

11 Holy See of the Pope united Catholics 44 66 28 20 16 28 20 33 33 50 49 48 not only in Europe, but in the whole

10 world. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 The genocode of France Adorning

9 101 001 is harmonious (3 yang and 3 42 47 110 36 40 43 42 40 31 57 45 19 yin-gene) and dynamic. It adorns mod- ern civilization with the light of social 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ideas, morality, and also with special grace and style. France — the birth- 7 place of European style, fashion and 47 52 24 23 30 20 20 30 32 38 37 28 etiquette.

6 Great Britain’s genocode Abounding 0/1 1/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1/0 1/0 1/0 101 100 consists of three yang and three

5 yin-genes. Hardness of masculinity is 48 47 77 81 69 52 52 58 28 45 46 49 combined in it with openness to uncer- tain and unknown and condescension to 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the emotional party of human life. This combination made the UK the ancestor of a scientific and technological revolu- 3 tion, that transformed the whole world. C athol. C athol. C athol. O rthodox O rthodox O rthodox O rthodox C athol. C athol. O rthodox Islam C athol. The Scandinavian genocode is called Peace 111 000. Therefore it is not sur- prising, that the Scandinavian countries

2 win first place in the ratings of human development. Harmonious interaction

urkey between the generic yang and species S pain M alta S lovakia R ussia B ulgaria S erbia R omania C roatia P ortugal G reece T S lovenia yin-genes, Heaven and Earth, between the people and ruling elites allowed the

1 Scandinavians to find the middle way 100 Zhen D ui 110 111 101 100-110 Qian – L i reconciling all sectors of society, which Zhen- D ui was called the Scandinavian model.

223 The genocode of Poland Pure yang 101 101-101 100. It connects the Ca- 111 111 is the hardest genocode. Its tholic, closed to the uncertainty of the characteristics: firmness and strength country, with the Protestant, with their (a thousand-year Polish history among genome of openness. It is a harmonious struggling civilizations), fragility (end- genocode that underlies the history of less internal conflicts and disintegra- the Swiss peoples, a small country in tions of the country). Throughout most the center of Europe, which shows an of its history, Poland played the role of example of democracy, equal rights of a western shield from the eastern “bar- peoples, peaceful cooperation and sus- barians”. But, if the West and Russia tainable development. agreed, then the need for a shield dis- Genocode of Slovakia Following appeared and Poland as a state disap- 100 110 is at the heart of a well-inte- peared too. grated, stable society. In foreign policy, The Genocode of Sweden and the it means following other, more power- Netherlands is called Darkening of the ful neighbors. Only on the basis of this Light (or Enlightenment of the Barba- genocode, Slovaks, a small people in the rians) 101 000. It is the most yin geno- center of Europe, could preserve their code of the Lee’s kingdom, the kingdom unique culture. of the Sun. Therefore, in cultures of Russia and the Balkan countries Sweden, but mainly the Netherlands so (Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia) many nocturnal, yin motifs. It was the have a single yang-yine genocode In- Netherlands that developed a culture creasing 100 011. This genocode is the of euthanasia, drug consumption, tole- basis of the largest power in the world, rance to various minorities. uniting boundless Eurasian spaces. The The Baltic countries Lithuania, similarity of the genocodes of Russia Latvia and Estonia have one yang-yin and the Balkan states is due to their genocode Household 101 011. This common cultural roots: the influence genocode separated the Balts from the of Byzantium, from which these states Russian Empire and then the USSR, adopted Orthodoxy, and the Turkic- which in their view were barracks, hos- Mongolian empires, which influenced tels. They kept their european values their state-political structure. Recall in conditions of a collectivistic culture that the Balkans for about five hundred that was alien to them. years were part of the Ottoman Empire, Luxembourg has a transitional geno- and for several centuries Russia was in code, including the female and male vassalage dependence on the Golden genes, which is called Radiance-Adorn- Horde. ing 101 101-101 001. The function of The transitive genocode of Greece this genocode is to connect the male is called Bite-Polarizing 100/110 101. German and female French cultures. This conflict genocode was formed as a Thus it is no accident that, despite its result of the location of Greece between small size, Luxembourg plays an impor- two warring cultures: European Chris- tant role in European integration. tian civilization and Asian Islamic ones. The transitional genocode of Swit- For more than 400 years, Greece was zerland is called Radiance-Abounding part of the Ottoman Empire, its eth-

224 nic composition fueled by settlers from cognitive potential. Even from this very the Middle East and Africa. Therefore, general overview, the interdisciplinary the birthplace of European civilization concept of the NCG makes it possible to has become a collectivist country with understand place and function of some a high distance of power, which for a European peoples in the European long time was ruled by authoritarian community. This is very important for regimes. And now Greece does not fit building long-term forecasts. well into the concert of the European But the NCG is a static, structural- Union and its exit from EU is constant- functional concept. Therefore, it should ly on the agenda. be complemented by an evolutionary Turkish transitional genocode Di- concept, a concept of the historical minishing-Nourishing 110 001-100 001 development of European civilization acts as an intermediary between the based on the system of its cultural ar- national cultures of the Kingdoms of chetypes. Dui and Zhen. It is essentially the buf- fer genocode. The Greek geopolitician References Dimitros Katsikis in the concept of the Intermediate Region, linking East and 1. Patrakov V. P. Geopolitics of the Book of Changes. Time of the Eurasian me- West, expressed this function of the ridian. — Moscow-Berlin : Direct Me- Turkish genocode [11]. But from the dia, 2015. — 441 p. position of the NCG Turkey’s accession 2. Patrakov V. P. Genocodes of national to the EU is unlikely. cultures. Conceptual bases // Public Bounded by rigid frameworks of the Administrative, 2016, available at: article, we could not analyze the inter- action of genocodes. Note only, that genokody-natsionalnyh-kultur-kont- the greatest conflicts are observed be- septualnye-osnovy tween individualistic and collectivist 3. Hegel G. W. F. Philosophy of Mind // genes (for example, fierce wars between Encyclopedia of Philosophical Scienc- es. V. 3. — M. : Mysl’, 1977. — 471 p. Germany, the kingdom of Lee, and Rus- 4. Hegel G. W. F. Element of the Philoso- sia, the kingdom of Zhen), and within phy of Right. — М. : Mysl’, 1977. — individual kingdoms — between male 524 p. and female genocodes. Therefore, many 5. Mills Jon. The unconscious abyss : years of bloody wars between France Hegel’s anticipation of psychoanaly- (the yin-gene of femininity) and Ger- sis. — State University of New York, many and England (the yang-gene of 2002. — 261 р. masculinity) receive their new cove- 6. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, rage. available at: https://en.wikipedia. Conclusion. The concept of NCG org/wiki/Hofstede%27s_cultural_di- mensions_theory unites Hegel’s theory of national spirits, 7. Hofstede G., Hofstede G. J., Minkov M. cross-cultural measurements of national Cultures and Organizations: Software cultures and the system of archetypes of of the Mind. — McGraw-Hill, 2010. — collective unconscious in a single whole. 576 p. This synthesis of philosophy, sociology, 8. Secter Mondo. The Architectonics Of culturology and symbolism has a great Culture. A Critique, Modification,

225 and Extension of Hofstede’s Study духа / Г. В. Ф. Гегель. — М. : Мысль, of Societal Culture. — Simon Fraser 1977. — 471 с. University, 2003. — 346 p. 4. Гегель Г. В. Ф. Философия права / 9. Jung, Carl Gustav. Differences be- Г. В. Ф. Гегель. — М. : Мысль, tween Eastern and Western thinking, 1990. — 524 с. available at: 5. Mills Jon. The unconscious abyss : He- node/1811 gel’s anticipation of psychoanalysis / 10. Wilhelm Richard. The I Ching or Book Jon Mills. — New York : State Univer- of Changes. Translated from Ger- sity of New York, 2002. – 261 р. man to English by Cary Baynes. — 6. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, Princeton University Press, 1967. — available at: 730 p. wiki/Hofstede%27s_cultural_dimen- 11. Intermediate Region, available at: sions_theory 7. Hofstede G. Cultures and Organiza- mediate_Region tions: Software of the Mind / G. Hof- stede, G. J. Hofstede, M. Minkov. — McGraw-Hill, 2010. — 576 p. Список використаних 8. Secter Mondo. The Architectonics of Culture. A Critique, Modification, and джерел Extension of Hofstede’s Study of Soci- 1. Патраков В. П. Геополитика “Книги etal Culture / Mondo Secter. — Simon перемен”. Время Евразийского ме- Fraser University, 2003. — 346 p. ридиана / В. П. Патраков. — Москва; 9. Юнг К. Г. Различия между восточ- Берлин : Директ-Медиа, 2015. — ным и западным мышлением [Элек- 441 с. тронный ресурс] / К. Г. Юнг. — Ре- 2. Патраков В. П. Генокоды нацио- жим доступа: http://www.jungland. нальных культур. Концептуальные ru/node/1811 основы [Электронный ресурс] / 10. Щуцкий Ю. К. Китайская классиче- В. П. Патраков // Публічне уряду- ская “Книга перемен” / Ю. К. Щуц- вання. — 2016. — Режим доступа: кий. — М. : Наука, 1993. — 606 c. 11. Кицикас Д. Геополитика Греции и genokody-natsionalnyh-kultur- промежуточный регион [Электрон- kontseptualnye-osnovy ный ресурс] / Д. Кицикас. — Ре- 3. Гегель Г. В. Ф. Энциклопедия фи- жим доступа: лософских наук : Т. 3. Философия article/1861

226 UDC 329.001(100) Plakhtiy Taras Oleksiiovych, independent researcher, 79014, Lviv, Trakt Glynianіskyi, 36-B, tel.: +38 (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441 Плахтій Тарас Олексійович, незалежний дослідник, 79014, Львів, Тракт Глинянський, 36-Б , тел.: +38 (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441 Плахтий Тарас Алексеевич, независимый исследователь, 79014, Львов, Тракт Глинянский, 36-Б, тел.: +38 (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441 DOI


Abstract. Based on our archetypal model of interaction of political party mem- bers, we have provided a rationale for and developed a strategy for their activa- tion, involving a willful and conscious choice and introduction by leaders of an integrated set of organizational instruments for streamlining the activity of party units that can ensure direct management of recurrent situations and contexts of competitive interaction in order to prevent initiation and maintenance of inter- personal and intergroup conflicts within such units. Implementation of this strategy is based on launching and using a natural, bio- logically determined source of activation of political party members, supported by neurohumoral reactions in their brain aimed to carry out the ranking process in competitive interaction situations that coherently occur and transform into situ- ations of cooperation within the framework of an integrated set of organizational tools introduced by leaders. Analysis of the main components of the proposed version of such a set (name- ly, our method of conflictless teamwork of large groups of people in a dynamic network in combination with strategic planning as a well-known methodology of activity) based on the three basic principles of social psychology attests to its potential to activate party members in the process of their collective activity in the framework of party units. In our opinion, by opting for the recommended integrated set of organizational tools, politicians will help political parties to generate their internal moral code

227 and to spread it outward in the absence or weakening of an external moral code, similarly to the Protestant one, for instance, which to a large extent governed the making of the modern Western world. By creating the initial “crystal” of a new social construction based on the pro- posed variant of such a set politicians will be able to establish a new generation of political parties through its multiplication, self-propagation and self-dissemi- nation among elite groups, and subsequently to restructure the majority of other organizations following this model in order to overcome the growing social com- plexity, which over time will lead to realignment of the political space at both national and global levels. Keywords: political space, political party, fractal archetype, cultural arche- type, dynamic network, strategic planning.

АРХЕТИПНІ ЗАСАДИ РЕСТРУКТУРИЗАЦІЇ ПОЛІТИЧНОГО ПРОСТОРУ Анотація. На основі розробленої архетипної моделі взаємодії членів полі- тичних партій обґрунтовано та вироблено стратегію їх активації, що полягає у вольовому й усвідомленому виборі та запровадженні лідерами інтегрова- ного комплексу організаційних інструментів для впорядкування діяльності партійних підрозділів, який забезпечує системне управління ситуаціями та контекстами конкурентної взаємодії, що періодично відтворюються, з ме- тою унеможливити ініціювання та підтримку в них міжособистісних та між- групових конфліктів. Реалізація такої стратегії ґрунтується на запуску та використанні природ- ного, біологічно обумовленого джерела активації членів підрозділів полі- тичних партій, що підтримується нейрогуморальними реакціями в їх мозку для здійснення процесу ранжування в ситуаціях конкурентної взаємодії, які впорядковано виникають і переходять у ситуації співпраці в межах запро- вадженого лідерами інтегрованого комплексу організаційних інструментів. Аналіз основних складових запропонованого нами варіанта такого комп- лексу, а саме — розробленої нами методики безконфліктної колективної ді- яльності великих груп людей в динамічній мережі у поєднанні з відомою методологією діяльності — стратегічним плануванням, з точки зору трьох базових принципів соціальної психології засвідчив їх потенційну здатність активувати членів партії у процесі колективної діяльності в складі партій- них підрозділів. На нашу думку, вибір політиками рекомендованого інтегрованого комп- лексу організаційних інструментів приведе політичні партії до здатності формувати внутрішню етику й поширювати її назовні в умовах відсутності або послаблення зовнішньої етики, наприклад протестантської, яка великою мірою обумовила становлення сучасного Західного світу. Створення політиками початкового “кристалу” нової соціальної структу- ри на основі запропонованого варіанта такого комплексу дасть можливість збудувати політичну партію нового покоління в результаті його мультиплі-

228 кації, самовідтворення і самопоширення в середовищі елітних груп, а пізні- ше — реструктурувати за цим зразком більшість інших організацій з метою подолання зростаючої соціальної складності, що за деякий час зумовить ре- структуризацію політичного простору як національного, так і глобального рівня. Ключові слова: політичний простір, політична партія, фрактальний ар- хетип, культурний архетип, динамічна мережа, стратегічне планування. АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ РЕСТРУКТУРИЗАЦИИ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОГО ПРОСТРАНСТВА Аннотация. На базе созданной архетипической модели взаимодействия членов политических партий, обосновано и выработано стратегию их акти- вации, которая заключается в волевом осознанном выборе и внедрении лиде- рами интегрированного комплекса организационных инструментов для упо- рядочения деятельности партийных подразделений, который обеспечивает системное управление периодически воспроизводящимися ситуациями и контекстами конкурентного взаимодействия с целью сделать невозможным инициирование и поддержку в их рамках межличностных и межгрупповых конфликтов. Реализация такой стратегии основывается на запуске и использовании природного, биологически обусловленного источника активации членов подразделений политических партий, который поддерживается нейрогумо- ральными реакциями в их мозгу для осуществления процесса ранжирования в ситуациях конкурентного взаимодействия, которые упорядоченно возни- кают и переходят в ситуации сотрудничества в пределах введенного лидера- ми интегрированного комплекса организационных инструментов. Анализ основных составляющих предложенного нами варианта тако- го комплекса, а именно — разработанной нами методики бесконфликтной коллективной деятельности больших групп людей в динамической сети в сочетании с известной методологии деятельности — стратегическим пла- нированием, с точки зрения трех базовых принципов социальной психо- логии показал их потенциальную способность активировать членов партии в процессе коллективной деятельности в составе партийных подра- зделений. По нашему мнению, выбор политиками рекомендованного интегриро- ванного комплекса организационных инструментов приведет политические партии к способности формировать внутреннюю этику и распространять ее вовне в условиях отсутствия или ослабления внешней этики, например, про- тестантской, которая во многом обусловила становление современного За- падного мира. Создание политиками начального “кристалла” новой социальной струк- туры на основе предложенного нами варианта такого комплекса позволит построить политическую партию нового поколения в результате его муль- типликации, самовоспроизведения и самораспространения в среде элитных

229 групп, а позже — реструктурировать по этому образцу большинство других организаций с целью преодоления растущей социальной сложности, что че- рез некоторое время обусловит реструктуризацию политического простран- ства как национального, так и глобального уровня. Ключевые слова: политическое пространство, политическая партия, фрактальный архетип, культурный архетип, динамическая сеть, стратегиче- ское планирование.

Problem statement. Nowadays, bers resulting in their ever-increasing many countries display signs of a crisis withdrawal from the elaboration, dis- of political governance, which is due cussion and adoption of political deci- to the growing social complexity and sions. manifests itself as a dysfunction of the Review of recent research. Passi- entire political space as an integral and vation of political party members is one dynamic system that includes power, of the manifestations of Michels’ “iron” ideologies, elite groups, states, politi- law of oligarchy in the process of con- cal institutions, nations, large and small centration of the intraparty power in electoral groups with their interests, the hands of its governing core, limiting etc. interconnected via mobile net- the access of rank-and-file party mem- works of communications. bers to decision-making and decision- Political parties constitute the cen- taking [1]. tral element, the system-building core Pierre Bourdieu in [2] identified and that maintains the integrity of the po- described the effects of a key mechanism litical space. They, on the one hand, leading to passivation of the members of form and represent the interests of elec- political organizations — i.e. delegation, toral groups within certain ideologies, whereby one person, so to speak, cedes and, on the other hand, compete for the power to another person. He described right to exercise state power in compli- it as a complex act of transferring power ance with national constitutions. when the grantor authorizes the agent Thus, restoration of the capacity of to sign, act or speak on his behalf, giv- the political space and, hence, settling ing him full authority to act for him, of today’s political crises is directly re- which gives rise to political alienation. lated to qualitative changes in political In Ukraine, the situation with the parties aimed at bringing their com- activity of political party members is plexity into line with the complexity of even more complicated due to the fact the rapidly changing and unpredictable that at a certain stage of development external social environment. of the national political system pay- In the “mess” of interconnected and ment was introduced for participating interdependent problems of contempo- in party events. Studies conducted by rary political parties, we have identified social psychologists [3] have shown the issue that seems to be key to the that rewards for certain behavior can problem of passivation of party mem- actually reduce its attractiveness and

230 diminish the likelihood of further en- Thus, the task of activating political gagement in it. party members comes down to finding Launching and supporting the re- alternative sources of managerial ener- verse process (that is, activation of po- gy that could compensate party leaders litical party members) is both a mana- for the lack of its main source available gerial and organizational task, since, to managers of business corporations — obviously, it is a matter of exercising i.e. power as an ability to punish and certain influence on them in order to reward employees by changing the change their behavior. amount of their remuneration. In turn, influencing members of po- In our opinion, it is reasonable to litical organizations in order to change look for alternative sources of mana- their behavior is, in fact, a form of so- gerial energy and develop strategies cial control. Such forms were compre- for their use within the framework of hensively analyzed in the context of archetype management. The key pre- the universal epochal cycle by one of mises of this discipline were presented the founders of the Ukrainian School by O. Donchenko, another founder of Archetype Studies, PhD E. Afonin of the Ukrainian school of Archetype and his colleagues in [4]. According to Studies, in her paper [6]. the paper, all these forms always inter- Introducing the concept and de- act in a complex system and cannot be scribing the organizing principles of the examined separately. The author argues fractal archetype of psychosocial evo- that the mechanism of social control lution in her work [7], O. Donchenko functions precisely due to the complex argues that these principles make up interaction between the relevant insti- a sort of ordering matrix imposed on tution aimed to regulate social relations chaos in a way that makes it possible and moral/ethical standards of self- for any content to find its place. The control of individuals whose decisions author describes the following compo- produce a significant effect on institu- nents of the fractal archetype: the tota- tional social control. litarian (totemic) type of the social life The business sector makes use of a order, the authoritarian type of the so- range of approaches to cope with the cial life order, the liberal life order, and problem of activation of employees, the democratic life order. which have been developed by diffe- The authors of work [8] represent rent authors within the framework of the components of the fractal archetype Organization and Management Theory. as defined in [7] as the cultural arche- For instance, one of them (I. Adizes) types of consolidation, confrontation, argues that to perform actions that competition and cooperation, with make it possible to tackle a number of their levels of activation being interde- problems faced by the organization in pendent with the dominant type of the real time managers of business organi- organizational culture of each society at zations must have the necessary scope any stage of its historical development. of managerial energy [5] According to It is impossible to solve the problem the author, the sources of this energy of activation of political party members include authority, power and influence. in practice without the ability to suc-

231 cessfully predict or at least explain their with group effects studied within the behavior within political organizations, framework of social psychology – i.e. which makes us turn to modern social social facilitation and social inhibition. psychology, namely, to its three basic The former is associated with intensifi- principles, which were analyzed in de- cation of the individual’s activity when tail by L. Ross and R. Nisbett in their working in a group, and the latter im- paper [9]: a powerful determining influ- plies inhibition of his activity in the ence of the immediate social situation presence of other people. on the human behavior; influence of Analyzing non-agonistic forms of subjective interpretation on the beha- behavior, A. Oleksin relies on the study vior; dependence of behavior on the of P. Corning [11], who argues that the state of the individual’s mind and the main trend of the biological evolution social group as tension systems. consists in development of increas- In our opinion, it is impossible to ingly more complex systems due to find mechanisms for activation of poli- unification of formerly independent tical party members without taking in- parts. Each advancing biosocial sys- to account their genetically determined tem is larger than the sum of its parts, behavioral acts studied within Human that is, it acquires new properties that Ethology as part of a broader field of are not characteristic of its components study — i.e. Biopolitics. if considered separately. P. Corning is A. Oleksin, one of its representa- convinced that evolution aims at in- tives, in [10] notes that Biopolitics creasingly more harmonized and effec- examines social behavior as a complex tive cooperation between individuals intermesh of its two forms: 1) agonis- within such systems. tic, which includes forms of behavior The latter statement is in line with associated with conflicts between liv- the shift of the organizational paradigm ing organisms, such as aggression, iso- from uni-minded systems (biological lation, subordination (as a set of forms model) to multi-minded systems (so- of behavior aimed at stopping another cial model) described by J. Garajedaghi person’s aggression); 2) non-agonistic in [12]. Therefore, we can assume that (loyal, “friendly”), which includes af- the emergence of a new generation of filiation, co-operation, as well as social political organizations is impossible relief and imitation. without developing and introducing Aggression as an agonistic form of alternative ways of activation of their behavior is manifested as a result of members as regards the methods used activation of living organisms due to a in existing political parties. sum of neurohumoral reactions in their Objective statement: based on ar- brain developing under the influence chetypal approach to develop and sub- of their perception of relevant external stantiate a strategy of activating new factors, in particular, the presence of generation political party members as one or a certain number of other living a prerequisite for restructuring of the organisms. political space, and to devise organiza- It should be noted that aggression tional tools for its implementation in and subordination clearly correlate practice.

232 Discussion of main findings. When Upon that, we will take it for granted developing the fractal model of societal that the collective unconscious deve- mind in [13], we treated it as a complex loped under the influence of the natural integral system whose key components need to ensure fulfillment of the biolo- include the field of the conscious, the gical goal of the human life — i.e. survi- middle unconscious and the collective val as both the ability to self-reproduce unconscious, continuously interacting in time and expansion in space within within the framework of the archetypal the framework of the ecosystem (a sys- mechanisms of its operation that we de- tem of a higher level). This is the way scribed. the modern Biopolitics interprets the To develop an effective strategy for aim of the vital activity of populations activating political party members, we [10], the modern Organizational Theo- will use the main approaches of our pre- ry [12] suggests the same interpretation vious research and offer an archetypal of one-mind organizational systems model of the process of their interaction (biological model), which is the over- within party units (Scheme). whelming majority of today’s organiza- It is based on the inter-transitions tions, including political parties. between the three components of the Let us assume that that this goal is mind — the field of the conscious, the attained simultaneously via two mu- middle unconscious and the collective tually conditioned ways, one of them unconscious. being natural selection of the fittest

Archetypal model of interaction among political party members

233 individuals for admission to the re- pulation members in the process of their production process through the rank- socialization, habitual (organizational) ing mechanism, and the other involves practices and personal experience of stepping up the efficiency of the entire interaction on their basis in the process population through mechanisms of col- of vital activity of these members. They, lective action [10]. It is obvious that together with current psycho-emotio- the former way is primary, and hence nal condition and conscious needs, make more energy-intense (that is, the body up a conceptual filter that uses reso- produces more energy to fulfil it). The nance mechanisms to connect physical latter way is secondary, it is attributable interaction situations (reflected and to the social nature of biological orga- realized in the field of the conscious) nisms that developed in the process of with the relevant cultural archetypes their evolution and aims to provide the of the collective unconscious and acti- most favorable conditions for imple- vates them; and on the other hand, this mentation of the first way. At the same filter triggers systemic physical repro- time, these two ways steer in opposite duction of the same typical interaction directions, since the former involves conditions attributable to it [14]. singling out, separation of the individu- In Figure, the collective unconscious als fittest for reproduction, and the lat- is divided into four parts to represent ter implies unification of all individuals the fractal archetype components in in the community to improve the vi- terms of [8], that is, the cultural arche- ability of the entire population. Thus, types of consolidation, confrontation, implementation of the second way re- competition, and co-operation. This di- quires additional energy to suppress the vision is extended to the middle uncon- ranking processes in the already ranked scious and on the field of the conscious community. This energy is produced by to reflect their areas corresponding to its leader in order to control the acti- the above cultural archetypes. vity of others (his subordinates) in the Thus, each interaction situation de- process of their interaction. pends on the conceptual filter and, at Thus, the formation and develop- the same time, it relies on this filter to ment of the human unconscious and, activate the relevant cultural archetype consequently, of the societal mind sub- of the unconscious in the interaction ject to the need to attain the biological participants, triggering the correspond- goal of the population (i.e. survival) ing values and behavioral models that determined the structure of its frac- become conscious and provide the basis tal archetype and the tendencies of its for the participants’ choice of one of the change to establish the best correlation possible behavioral responses to this of the above ways to fulfil this goal at situation. The cultural archetype thus different stages of the development of activated launches the corresponding the human population — i.e. society. neurohumoral reactions at the biologi- We will assume that the middle un- cal level. These reactions provide en- conscious consists of sets of coherent ergy for the physical performance of the ideas (social standards as represented in chosen type of behavior in the given religion, ideology, etc.) acquired by po- situation.

234 At the same time, as we demonstra- archetypes — that of confrontation or ted in [13], along with the activation of co-operation. At the same time, the one of the cultural archetypes through activation of the cultural archetype of the conceptual filter, the interaction confrontation is much more likely than situation that became conscious (de- that of cooperation due to the neurohu- pending on the degree of its strength moral reactions in the brain of the in- and intensity) can directly and immedi- teraction participants since these reac- ately trigger other cultural archetypes, tions provide energy to support ranking and foreground their respective values as a mechanism of natural selection in and behavioral models to influence the the process of reproduction. participants’ choice of interaction be- It should also be noted that, in our havior options in physical terms. analysis, we will only consider the as- For example, when an interpersonal pect of the cultural archetype of con- conflict is unfolding between members solidation that is the most common in of the primary unit of a political party, modern society and is interconnected its ideology, as part of the conceptual with the agonistic mode of behavior — filter, should help to settle the conflict the individual’s (self)-isolation, alien- based on the set of values of the beha- ation, loss of social ties with the initial vioral models of the cultural archetype group in order to avoid confrontation of co-operation. However, in practice, with the aggressive leader of the group this situation directly and instantly or candidates for leadership in the pro- activates the cultural archetype of cess of ranking. confrontation, which gears its inhe- Let us examine the dynamics of in- rent values and behavioral models and, teraction of political party members in most cases, leads to an escalation of within the framework of the proposed the conflict as a result of the interaction archetypal model. participants’ choice of their respective When creating a political party, the behavioral strategies at each stage of members of the initiative group find the conflict development. themselves in competitive interaction In our opinion, this is due to the situation 1, where they within the pro- direct influence of the super-system cess of natural group dynamics compete goal of the vital activity of the popu- for the highest positions in the status lation — i.e. survival — on the struc- hierarchy. Freshmen to an existing po- ture of the collective unconscious of litical party unit also shift to the same the interaction participants, which situation 1 from consolidation situation manifests itself in the shift of the ac- 3 — they immediately begin to compete tivation of its components (cultural with its other members, trying to push archetypes) in the context of com- some of them down the hierarchy. It petitive interaction. That is, when should be noted that the recurrence such an interaction situation directly of such interaction situations is due to or indirectly (through a conceptual fil- the influence of the conceptual filter, in ter) triggers the cultural archetype of particular the organizational practices competition, its contexts rapidly shift internalized and preserved in the mid- toward activation of one of the cultural dle unconscious, i.e. the practices that

235 emerged in the process of historical de- tual filter 2’ in the middle unconscious, velopment of each society and make up which immediately or through several an integral part of its societal mind. successive interactions results in per- At the same time, competitive inter- ceiving situation of competitive inter- action situation 1 relies on resonance action 1 as situation of confrontation mechanisms to activate certain compo- 2. Thus, the above succession of transi- nents of conceptual filter 1’ interrela- tions results in the shift 1 → 2. ted with the corresponding section 1’’ As a result of the conflict that ac- of the cultural archetype of competition companies this transition, the status of of the collective unconscious, and due interaction participants is determined to the activation of these components and they move from the positions of the corresponding values and possible competitive interaction to the position behavioral models are made conscious of dominance-subordination accompa- within the framework of this situation. nied by activation of leaders and passi- Part of the conceptual filter asso- vation of subordinates all the way down ciated with the social standards en- to formal or informal (by sabotaging shrined in the process of socialization their party duties) withdrawal of the of individuals in the format of religious latter from the organization. Thus, the principles, ideological formulas, and le- subordinates’ avoidance of further in- gal regulations identifies an opponent teraction with their leaders comes with fellow party man as a “friend” and en- their social inhibition and spawns the courages to treat him as a partner and transition 2 → 4, whereby the passi- build a relationship with him within vated political organization members the values and behavioral models of the pass to the situation of alienation 4 in- corresponding area 3’’ of the cultural volving activation of the corresponding archetype of cooperation (transition components 4’ of the conceptual filter 1’ → 3’ → 3). and area 4’’ of the cultural archetype However, already in the first stages of consolidation, which results in their of the interaction, due to the above- (self-) isolation and loss of social ties mentioned shift of the activation of the with their unit of the party organiza- fractal archetype components, situa- tion. tion of competitive interaction 1 and However, if the ideological com- thereby activated area 1’’ of the cultu- ponent of the conceptual filter is suf- ral archetype of competition under the ficiently powerful and supports the influence of the super-system biological activity of low-status members above goal of the population’s vital activity a certain energy threshold necessary triggers energy-intense area 2’’ of the to move to situation 4, they will stay in cultural archetype of confrontation in the party and its leaders will force them order to generate energy for ranking. to turn to cooperation situation 3 reso- This results in an instantaneous direct nating with the corresponding com- transition 1 → 2”. ponent 3’ of the conceptual filter that In turn, area 2’’ of the cultural ar- gears area 3’’ of the cultural archetype chetype of confrontation gears the of cooperation. Its activation brings to corresponding component of concep- the consciousness of the members of the

236 ranked political party units the values The above situation is further exacer- and behavioral models corresponding bated due to discrepancies between the to this archetype and forces them to available and habitual organizational cooperate holding them in cooperation cultures, which prevents deification of situation 3 until the leadership and/or leaders, reducing their total managerial ideological control weakens or com- power in the sense of [5] by eliminat- pletely disappears. ing its charismatic component in the However, in the course of their joint absence of their other — the most es- activity in cooperation situation 3, the sential — component available for members of the ranked political party managers of business companies — i. e. units keep finding themselves in com- the power to encourage and punish by petitive interaction situation 1. This, changing the amount of wages. among other things, may be due to the The described archetypal model of need to approve one of the various so- interaction among political party mem- lution options proposed by different bers makes it possible to identify three party members or due to the need to different strategies for their activation. choose one of the several ways to imple- The first strategy (transition 2 → 3) ment it. Further, the above-described involves an increase in the managerial transition from competitive interaction energy of leaders by strengthening its situation 1 to confrontation situation sources — i.e. charisma (by using spin 2 takes place. Frequent repetition of doctors to create the necessary image), such transitions can actuate area 2’’ of status (by boosting the significance of the cultural archetype of confrontation their position in an administrative way) to a level where the energy released in and power (by obtaining levers for pro- the neurohormonal reactions that ac- vision of negative or positive incentives company these transitions will be po- to party members). Implementation of werful enough to overcome the leader- this strategy in the Ukrainian politi- ship and/or ideological coercion of the cal space is a challenging task because ranked party unit members to coopera- of the obstructions to the deification of tion. political leaders due to the discrepancy Therefore, further either the above between the actual hierarchical organi- described transition 2 → 4 takes place zational culture and habitual horizontal or the participants return to the coope- organizational culture (we described it ration situation (transition 2 → 3) due in [14]) and because of the inability to to an increase in the required level of legally and — most importantly — suf- ideological and/or leadership coercion. ficiently stimulate rank-and-file party If the transition 2 → 4 is performed members. by organized groups of party members The second strategy (1’ → 3’ tran- with their own micro-leaders, the pa- sition) consists in strengthening the rent organization fractionizes into se- mythological (ideological) component veral parts. In Ukrainian realities, as we of the conceptual filter by creating a have shown in [14], the process of frag- new powerful national idea, an exciting mentation of national elite groups has picture of the future, a convincing new escalated to catastrophic proportions. ideology, etc. The energy of these com-

237 ponents should be enough to ideologi- tive interaction situation 1 will activate cally activate party members, which, interaction participants (i.e. it will fill on the one hand, will prevent them them with energy through neurohu- from (self-) isolation under conditions moral reactions in the brain aimed to of domination/subordination, and, on initiate and support conflicts within the other hand, will ensure long-term the biologically determined process of ideological compulsion to cooperation ranking) due to the sequence of transi- in ranked political party units, despite tions 1 → 1’ → 1” → 2”, block up their occasional situations of competitive in- transition 2” → 2’ → 2 to a confronta- teraction. tion situation, and prevent its develop- This strategy is difficult to imple- ment due to incapability to initiate and ment in the information society, when support interpersonal and intergroup ever-growing flows of information dis- conflicts. This will make it possible to perse the attention of political party hold members of political party units in members and prevent them from con- cooperation situation 3 for a long time centrating on ideologemes aimed to with continuous stimulation of their harmonize and synchronize team work activity during regular transitions into within their framework. This makes competitive interaction situation 1 in- it impossible to ideologically compel volving activation of the cultural ar- members of ranked political organiza- chetype of confrontation 2’’ and return tion units to cooperate in the informa- to 3 because of the inability to clash in tion society. During teamwork, these the process of their teamwork. units recurrently find themselves in The third strategy will ensure a situations of competitive interaction purposeful change in the structure due to the above-mentioned shift of the of the fractal archetype by streng- activation of fractal archetype consti- thening its component — that is, the tuents under the influence of the corre- cultural archetype of cooperation — sponding area of the cultural archetype in target communities (political par- of confrontation geared by this situa- ties), which in some time will influ- tion itself. ence the fractal archetype of the en- The third strategy (transition tire society and, hence, realign its 1 → 3) implies that political party political space. leaders make a willful and deliberate Thus, implementation of the third choice and introduce an integrated strategy is based on launching and us- set of organizational tools for stream- ing a natural, biologically determined lining the activity of party units en- source of activation of political party suring systemic management of the members, supported by neurohumoral recurrent situations and contexts of reactions in their brain aimed to carry competitive interaction in order to out the ranking process in competitive prevent initiation and maintenance of interaction situations that coherently interpersonal and intergroup conflicts occur and transform into situations within these units. of cooperation within the framework When this strategy is implemented of an integrated set of organizational in political parties, recurrent competi- tools introduced by leaders.

238 In fact, such a set of organizational groups of people. It is important that tools should ensure regular levelling of these tools should be able to eliminate the statuses of organization members, the incongruity between the actual hi- thereby restarting the ranking process erarchical and habitual horizontal or- in each new cycle of interaction and, ganizational cultures by bringing them as a result, triggering the biological together through a series of replace- mechanisms for their activation to ini- ments aimed at assigning each of them tiate and support this process. At the its intrinsic functions. same time, this set should make it im- In [15], we presented our variant of possible to generate interpersonal and such an integrated set of organizational intergroup conflicts, keeping them at tools — i.e. a dynamic network as a vari- the initial stage when a small, but suf- able structure of political organizations ficient, amount of energy to support that harmonizes and maintains con- the activity of organization members flictless interaction of all its members is released. This would make it possible through their cyclic restructuring into to maintain the tension of their minds small groups of different functional de- at a certain level for a long time, regu- signation based on a certain algorithm larly discharging it through practical that ensures elaboration, approval teamwork aimed at attaining jointly set and taking of collective decisions by goals. its participants from “equal-to-equal” Continued teamwork without in- position, and their execution in a set terpersonal and intergroup conflicts of temporary hierarchical design, ex- will increase the field of trust within ecutive and process groups headed by the organization and help generate the executives-in-charge. The methodol- matching organizational component of ogy of work in a dynamic network in- the conceptual filter represented in a cludes three integral components — the certain integral set of standards within method of brainstorming, the method the framework of a new organizational of work in cross-groups and project culture, which, in its turn, in some time management. will itself encourage reproduction of This technique relies on and partial- the given interaction situations among ly covers all three principles of modern party members without any addition- Social Psychology [9], which makes it al deliberate efforts on the part of the possible to predict the behavior of po- leaders, as well as will prevent the lea- litical party members interacting with- ders from overt or covert struggle for in its framework. absolute power. According to the first principle, it In our opinion, Ukrainian political allows for systematic, long-term repro- parties can implement this strategy on duction of given same-type interaction condition that their leaders become situations and their contexts in which aware of the existing organizational party members are involved during problems and their nature, have politi- teamwork. These situations rather ri- cal will to change, and make the right gidly determine the behavior and, to a choice of the relevant organizational certain extent, activate the interaction tools for conflictless work of large participants due to the neurohumoral

239 reactions in their brain that provide teraction of the members of the party for the launch and maintenance of the unit. ranking process. However, this activity In order to fully cover the three basic within the framework of the proposed principles of social psychology outlined methodology is not aimed at specific ac- in [9] (i.e. the ones that determine and tion because it lacks appropriate chan- help to predict the behavior of people), nel factors. Therefore, it needs to be the proposed methodology of conflict- complemented with collective action less team work in large groups within planning tools that could systematical- a dynamic network must be combined ly formulate and distribute in space and with the well-known methodology of time channels of individual and collec- activity — that is, strategic or normative tive activity of political party members planning widely used in business and and units. public administration. This will make it According to the second principle, possible to reconcile the interpretation this methodology relies on multichan- of the environment within party units, nel, orderly and accelerated exchange to define the hierarchy of goals, and in of information between members of a graduated and targeted way to direct a large group to achieve the identical the energy accumulated in the process subjective interpretation of the inter- of horizontal interaction through its action situation and its contexts by all channels to fulfill these goals. interaction participants. However, our In our opinion, by opting for the methodology does not allow for sys- recommended integrated set of organi- tematic interpretation and regular up- zational tools, politicians will help po- dating of the established interpretation litical parties to generate their internal of situations outside the organization if moral code and to spread it outward in not complemented with special analyti- the absence or weakening of an external cal tools. moral code, similarly to the Protestant According to the third principle, the one, for instance, which to a large ex- methodology presented makes it pos- tent governed the making of the mo- sible to keep a horizontally structured dern Western world. This, in some time, party unit in a quasi-stable tension will restructure the political space at state by maintaining balance between both the national and global levels. the forces that encourage and inhibit Conclusions and further research interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, prospects. The strategy of activation of and to use the released energy in a gra- political party members developed and duated, deliberate and precise manner substantiated based on our archetypal to fulfil common goals after reorganiza- model of their interaction implies will- tion of the unit into a hierarchy. How- ful and conscious choice and introduc- ever, to implement the third principle, tion by the leaders of an integrated set our methodology lacks goal-setting of organizational tools for streamlining tools for determining a tree of goals the activity of party units that ensures that should become the targets for the systemic management of recurrent situ- energy accumulated under conditions ations and contexts of competitive in- of systemic coercion to conflictless in- teraction in order to prevent initiation

240 and maintenance of interpersonal and la recherche en sciences sociales, intergroup conflicts in such units. vol. 52–53, p. 49–55. The implementation of this strategy 3. Lepper M., Greene D. and Nisbett R. is due to the launch and use of a natu- (1973), “Undermining children’s in- ral, biologically determined source of trinsic interest with extrinsic rewards: A test of the “overjustification” hy- activation of political party members pothesis”, Journal of Personality and supported by neurohumoral reactions Social Psychology, 28, p. 129–137. in their brain to carry out a ranking 4. Afonin E. A., Bandurka O. M. and process in competitive interaction situ- Martynov A. Yu. (2002), Velyka rozto- ations that orderly arise and transform ka (globalni problemy suchasnosti: into cooperation situations within the socialno-istorychnyj analiz [Great framework of the integrated set of orga- branching (global problems of the nizational tools introduced by leaders. present: socio-historical analysis)], Effective and productive activity of Vydavecz PARAPAN, Kyiv, Ukraine. the new generation of political parties 5. Adizes I. (2004), Managing Corporate Lifecycles, The Adizes Institute Pub- that will be created on the basis of the lishing, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. proposed strategy of activation of party 6. Donchenko O. A. (2012), Arkhety- unit members in some time will help to povyj menedzhment: monohrafyia restructure the political space at both [Archetypal Management. Mono- national and global levels. graph], National Academy of the Further research should substanti- Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, In- ate approaches to creation by politi- stitute of Social and Political Psycho- cians of the initial social “crystal” on logy, Kirovograd, Ukraine. the basis of our proposed integrated set 7. Donchenko O. A., Romanenko Yu. V. of organizational tools. This “crystal” (2001), Hlybynni rehuliatyvy psykho- politychnoho povsiakdennia [Deep will serve as a sample of a new social Regulatives of the Psychopolitical construct, the center of crystallization Everyday Life], Lybid, Kyiv, Ukraine. that will give rise to a new generation 8. Bazarov T. U. and Yeriomina B. L. political party through its multipli- (2002), Upravlenie personalom: cation, self-reproduction and self-dis- uchebnik dlja vuzov [Human Re- tribution among elite groups, and fur- source Management: A Textbook for ther — across most other organizations high schools], 2nd ed, UNITI, Moscow, in order to overcome the growing social R F. complexity. 9. Ross L. and Nisbett R. (1991), The person and the situation: Perspectives of social psychology, McGraw-Hill, References New York, USA. 10. Oleksin A. V. (2006), Politicheskij po- 1. Michels R. (1915), Political Parties: tencial sovremennoj biologii: filosof- A Sociological Study of the Oligar- skie, politologicheskie i prakticheskie chical. Tendencies of Modern Demo- aspekty [Biopolitics. The political po- cracy, Hearst’s International Library tential of modern biology: philosophi- Company, New. York, USA. cal, political and practical aspects], 2. Bourdieu P. (1984), “La délégation Lomonosov Moscow State University, et le fétichisme politique”, Actes de Moscow, RF.

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243 UDC: 323.1 Ponomarenko Liudmyla Viktorivna, Leading specialist of the International Rela- tions Division, Communications Department, the National Academy for Public Administra- tion under the President of Ukraine, 04050, Kyiv, Str. Puhachova, 12/2, tel.: +38 (044) 481 21 76, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9999-6335 Пономаренко Людмила Вікторівна, провідний фахівець відділу забезпечення міжнародних зв’язків управління комуні- кативними зв’язками Національної акаде- мії державного управління при Президен- тові України, 04050, м. Київ, вул. Пугачова, 12/2, тел.: +38 (044) 481 21 76, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9999-6335 Пономаренко Людмила Викторовна, ведущий специалист отдела обеспечения международных связей управления коммуникативными связями Национальной ака- демии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 04050, г. Киев, ул. Пу- гачева, 12/2, тел.: +38 (044) 481 21 76, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9999-6335 DOI

MODERN TRENDS AND CONTRADICTIONS IN THE PROCESSES OF NATION-BUILDING IN UKRAINE AND THE EUROPEAN UNION IN THE MIRROR OF ARCHETYPES Abstract. The article is an attempt to study the nation-building processes in Ukraine and in the countries of the European Union. The similarities and diffe- rences are accentuated for Ukraine, which was able to restore its independence after a long national liberation struggle, and the countries of the European Union, most of which can be called the states with sustainable democracy. In order to study the peculiarities of the nation-building processes, universal features com- mon for any nation are investigated: history, territory, language, culture and na- tional self-consciousness. The peculiarities of the nation-building in the newly and post-imperialist states are determined, as well as the influence of history on the formation of the archetypes of the nations. The reasons for the activation of the nation-building processes and their interrelation with the strengthening of separatist sentiments

244 are investigated. The urgency of the separatism issue on the agenda of not only Ukraine but also of the countries of Europe is mentioned. The influence of na- tion-building processes on the interpretation of historical facts and events, at- tempts to “rewrite” historical facts or to silence them is considered. The role of the language issue in the nation-building and the duality of its interpretation are studied. Particular attention is drawn to the disagreements that have emerged in the nation-building process in Ukraine and the Member States of the Euro- pean Union. The contradictions in the interpretation of various social, political and cultural phenomena in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union are considered. The historical lessons of the European Union, which are worth learning in Ukraine for the further painless nation-building, and valuable Euro- pean experience, which should be studied or taken into account in practice, are analysed. The main challenges facing Ukraine and the European Union countries regarding the future of the nation-building, peaceful coexistence and productive cooperation are highlighted. Keywords: nation-building, Ukraine, European Union, territory, separatism, language, history, self-consciousness. СУЧАСНІ ТЕНДЕНЦІЇ ТА ПРОТИРІЧЧЯ ПРОЦЕСІВ НАЦІЄТВОРЕННЯ В УКРАЇНІ ТА ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОМУ СОЮЗІ У ДЗЕРКАЛІ АРХЕТИПІКИ Анотація. Досліджено процеси націєтворення в Україні та країнах Євро- пейського Союзу. Акцентовано увагу на факторах, що і спільними та відмін- ними для України, яка змогла відновити свою незалежність після тривалих національно-визвольних змагань, та країн Європейського Союзу, більшість з яких можна назвати державами із сталою демократією. З метою вивчен- ня особливостей процесів націєтворення розглянуто універсальні ознаки, характерні для будь-якої нації: історію, територію, мову, культуру та націо- нальну самосвідомість. Окреслено особливості націєтворення в новостворених і постімперіа- лістичних державах, а також вплив історії на формування архетипів націй. Досліджено причини активізації процесів націєтворення та їх взаємозв’язок із посиленням сепаратистських настроїв. Зазначено актуальність питання сепаратизму в порядку денному не лише України, але й країн Європи. Роз- глянуто вплив процесів націотворення на тлумачення історичних фактів та подій, на спроби “переписування” історичних фактів або їх замовчування. Вивчено роль мовного питання в націєтворенні та двоякість його тлума- чення. Окрему увагу звернено на розбіжності, що склалися у процесі націє- творення в Україні та державах – членах Європейського Союзу. Розглянуто суперечності у тлумаченні різних суспільно-політичних і культурних явищ в Україні та країнах Європейського Союзу. Проаналізовано історичні уро- ки Європейського Союзу, які варто засвоїти Україні для подальшого безбо- лісного творення нації, та цінний європейський досвід, який варто вивчати або враховувати на практиці. Висвітлено основні виклики, що стоять перед

245 Україною та країнами Європейського Союзу, щодо подальшого націєтворен- ня, мирного співіснування та продуктивного співробітництва. Ключові слова: націєтворення, Україна, Європейський Союз, територія, сепаратизм, мова, історія, самосвідомість. СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕНДЕНЦИИ И ПРОТИВОРЕЧИЯ ПРОЦЕССОВ НАЦИЕОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В УКРАИНЕ И ЕВРОПЕЙСКОМ СОЮЗЕ В ЗЕРКАЛЕ АРХЕТИПИКИ Аннотация. Предпринята попытка исследовать процессы нациеобразова- ния в Украине и странах Европейского Союза. Акцентировано внимание на факторах, являющихся общими и отличительными для Украины, которая смогла восстановить свою независимость после длительной национально- освободительной борьбы, и стран Европейского Союза, большинство из ко- торых можно назвать государствами с устоявшейся демократией. С целью изучения особенностей процессов нациеобразования рассмотрено универ- сальные признаки, характерные для любой нации: историю, территорию, язык, культуру и национальное самосознание. Определены особенности нациеобразования в новосозданных и постим- периалистичних государствах, а также влияние истории на формирование архетипов наций. Исследованы причины активизации процессов нацие- образования и их взаимосвязь с усилением сепаратистских настроений. Указано актуальность вопроса сепаратизма в повестке дня не только Украи- ны, но и стран Европы. Рассмотрено влияние процессов нациеобразования на толкование исторических фактов и событий, попытки “переписывания” исторических фактов или их замалчивание. Изучена роль языкового вопроса в нациеобразовании и двойственность его толкования. Отдельное внимание обращено на различия, которые сложились в процессе нациеобразования в Украине и государствах-членах Европейского Союза. Рассмотрены про- тиворечия в толковании различных общественно-политических и культур- ных явлений в Украине и странах Европейского Союза. Проанализированы исторические уроки Европейского Союза, которые стоит усвоить Украине для дальнейшего безболезненного созидания нации, и ценный европейский опыт, который стоит изучать или учитывать на практике. Освещены основ- ные вызовы, которые стоят перед Украиной и странами Европейского Сою- за относительно дальнейшего нациеобразования, мирного сосуществования и продуктивного сотрудничества. Ключевые слова: нациеобразование, Украина, Европейский Союз, тер- ритория, сепаратизм, язык, история, самосознание.

Target setting. Development of Ukrainians have come a long way from Ukrainian statehood has never been the disenfranchised population of the a simple and unambiguous process. conquered lands to full-fledged masters

246 in their own state. At the same time, chers who worked in this direction, we proclamation of the European integra- can mention B. Anderson, E. Weber, tion course, strengthening of the na- Ya. Dashkevych, K. Deutsch, E. Gell- tion-building processes, and the desire ner, B. Kravchenko, V. Lypynskyi, I. Ly- to resolve national and foreign policy siak-Rudnytskyi, E. Smith and others. issues independently have unexpec- At the same time, the issue of the tedly provoked resistance, both within nation-building, the search for com- the “fifth column” in Ukraine and in its mon elements in the nation-building separate neighbouring states. While processes in Ukraine and in the coun- the state is weak, politically, economi- tries of the European Union, despite cally or militarily, it is not capable to its relevance, remains relatively poorly protect itself or its citizens. studied. Strengthening of the nation-build- The purpose of the article is to ing processes in Ukraine is an evidence determine the characteristic features of renewal, rethinking of statehood, inherent in the processes of nation- awareness of one’s own belonging to building in Ukraine and the European the Ukrainian nation and of one’s own Union in the mirror of archetypes. unique identity. This process is quite The statement of basic materials. natural and legitimate, and it is typical The modern world, like modern Europe not only for Ukraine, but also for the in particular, is globalizing every year. countries of the European Union. The Borders are opened, visa procedures are EU Member States have passed or are simplified or cancelled, migration is in- still going through the same stages of tensified, especially labour migration, the nation-building as Ukraine, refer- which contribute to the erosion of the ring to the same national archetypes monolithic nature of nations and cul- that create each individual nation. tural values. Realizing the similarity of the nation- The creation of the European Union building processes in Ukraine and the as supranational unity implies not only European Union, we can talk about the the integration of markets and the uni- further development of joint ways for fication of the legislation norms of the peaceful coexistence, fruitful coopera- Member States, but also the generaliza- tion and full mutual understanding, as tion of the daily life foundations of the among equitable states of the unified average European. European family. At the same time, against the back- Analysis of basic research and drop of the policy of integration, uni- publication. The issues of the nation, fication, standardization and multicul- nationalism, national elites and na- turalism, there are clearly traced trends tional idea evoke the expected interest towards upholding one’s own national in modern Ukrainian society and have identity. And in the old Europe, where been widely reflected in the researches the alignment of forces has been con- of national and foreign scholars. The stant for many decades, nation-building issue of the nation-building is mainly processes are revitalized, the relevance considered in the context of the above- of the own nation-building archetypes mentioned issues. Among the resear- is growing.

247 The obvious thing is that the nation- fluenced by the historical peculiari- building process is peculiar not only to ties of the nation’s development, the newly founded states that recently de- archetypes, which provided a basis for clared or returned their independence, the nation at the dawn of its origin, and but also to states that have never lost it. those external influences that affected In many European countries there is the nation during its existence. an imperial past in their historical lug- Therefore, in order to understand gage, and in the foreign or national poli- the modern nation-building processes cies of such states one can observe the in the European Union and in Ukraine, archetypes of behaviour common for one should study the universal distinc- the former British Empire, the French tive features common for each nation, colonial empire, Austria-Hungary or namely: history, territory, inhabited by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. the nation, language, culture, national Domination archetype, embedded in self-awareness [3]. These are the fea- the subconsciousness, forces them to be tures appealed by those citizens during primus inter pares* and do not settle for the revitalization of the nation-building less. processes in the state. The European Union opens wide The history of Ukraine and the economic opportunities for the coun- Ukrainian people was not simple and tries of Europe, however it limits their unambiguous. The loss of independence, own self-identification and freedom fragmentation, division of Ukrainian of decision-making. Therefore, the re- lands between the western and eas- vival of national movements, including tern neighbours, centuries of occupa- separatist sentiments, the aggravation tion and enslavement could not but af- of nationalism in certain countries, be- fected the nation-building processes in comes a kind of protest. modern Ukraine. The proclamation of Strengthening of the nation-build- independence in 1991 triggered those ing processes can be caused by various processes of the nation-building, which reasons. For some countries, like for during previous centuries were sup- Great Britain, they can be economic, pressed or which developed extremely and for others, like Poland, ideologi- slowly, compelled to overcome nume- cal [1; 2]. The activation of the nation- rous obstacles. building processes in Ukraine, which Interest in its historical past, in the to a large extent have never stopped sources of the nation is natural. Nume- on Ukrainian lands, was detonated by rous historical events were rethought, the threat of losing independence, trig- getting rid of ideological eclipsing and gered by external military aggression. silencing. In a new way, we managed to In response, Ukrainians turned to those look at the figures of many Ukrainians sources, those archetypes on which the who were creating Ukrainian history. nation is created. So, for example, you can now speak The issue of creation of any nation aloud about the genocide of the Ukrai- is very sensitive. It is significantly in- nians in 1932–33; on forced relocation to Siberia and inhuman conditions of * First among equals (Lat.) detention for political prisoners in the

248 Soviet concentration camps; the names are trying to “bleach” their role in the of the representatives of “Executed past events, shifting their responsibility Renaissance” have returned from non- to other sides of the confrontation. existence; Hetman Ivan Mazepa lost And the heroes of the national libe- the epithet of “traitor”. The logical con- ration war for one state may prove to be tinuation of this process is in the publi- an enemy for another, as evidenced by, cation of updated textbooks on history, for example, the figure of the Latvian researches and publications, as well as Herberts Cukurs, who is today called informing the general public about his- the national hero by ones, and a war torical facts in a simple for understand- criminal of the World War II by others ing way, through the media or social [4]. networks. The World War II left behind itself Unfortunately, as a result of a de- not only ambiguities in the interpre- liberate distortion of historical facts, tation of certain historical events and criminal silencing and frank rewriting figures, but also in matters of post-war of historical sources by Moscow occu- territorial division of Europe. After the piers of the Ukrainian lands, Ukraini- World War II, world leaders tried to ans today do not fully know their own consolidate the borders of countries in history, gleaning valuable information, the limits of that time, but in Europe, as in particular from the studies of Euro- in the whole world, the nation-building pean historians whose researches have processes continue and, therefore, na- not undergone anti-Ukrainian censor- tional confrontations and outbreaks of ship and from the data from yet confi- separatism arise. dential archives. For example, it is worth mentioning At the same time, the studying of the rather acute situation in Spain with the own history has to do with the his- the Basque Country, as well as a similar tory of other states. And no matter how situation with the Catalans and Gali- much the EU countries would like to cians. In France, the issue of Corsica re- say about the closure of historical ac- mains open as well as to a lesser extent, counts to each other, about their final Brittany. In Belgium, tension remains “burial”, the practice shows the op- between Walloons and Flemings. Great posite. Therefore, the attempts of in- Britain experienced a difficult period of dividual states to “rewrite” separate confrontation with separatist tenden- historical events, giving them a new in- cies in Northern Ireland, and now has terpretation or denying the very fact of to resist the attempts of Scotland to their existence, seem logical. Historical withdraw from its composition. falsifications, first emerged back in the Ukraine, unlike the above-men- days of Ancient Egypt, exist to this day. tioned examples, was able to regain its Even the “official” Bible was repeatedly independence, breaking free from im- rewritten and edited during numerous perialist oppression. Unfortunately, it church councils. However, for modern failed to avoid territorial claims. Rele- Europe, the interpretation of the histo- vant statements were made by Poland, ry of World War II and the post-war pe- Hungary and Romania. The economic riod seems more relevant. Some states and political weakness of Ukraine influ-

249 enced negatively over the attempts to guage “front” have given the legisla- assimilate disputed territories, which tive consolidation of the status of the resulted in an outbreak of pro-Russian French language, in particular, in the separatism in the most vulnerable re- fields of education, labour, trade and gions of Ukraine — in the Crimea and public services, language quotas on ra- Donbas, which resulted in armed an- dio, the financial support provided by nexation of the peninsula and military the legislation for promotion of lan- confrontation with the invaders and guage and penalties for violators of the separatists in the Lugansk and Donetsk corresponding language legislation, regions. in particular the Toubon Law [5]. At At the same time, while Europeans the same time, not only certain public actively oppose separatist sentiments structures are standing guard for the in their own states, the corresponding state language, but also numerous lan- opposition from Ukraine causes con- guage associations. demnation and “concern” on the part of And only in the recent years the Europeans. However, as the Ukrainian conservative in terms of language experience of 2014 showed, indecision France has gone to the minimal, but in opposing separatism is a threat to still unheard of for it, concessions, an every citizen of Ukraine and can be- example of which is the introduction in come fatal for the independence of the the National School of Administration state as a whole. Therefore, the protec- (ENA), which prepares the elite of the tion of the territorial integrity and de- French public service, of the English- fence of the state are the issues of na- language courses for foreigners. tional security and require decisive and You can also give an example of thoughtful actions. And in this situa- Fennomania — the national liberation tion, both territorially interested states movement in Finland, the goal of which and “concerned” observers from the EU was to switch from Swedish into Fin- should remember the Sudetenland oc- nish, as well as Finland’s independence cupation in 1938 and the consequences [6]. Despite the current official Fin- it had for the whole of Europe. nish bilingualism, one can confidently Today, the European Union includes talk about the victory of not so “soft” 28 Member States and officially speaks Fennomania. The struggle for one’s 24 languages. One can say a lot about own language ensured the growth of the importance of English in interna- the level of national self-awareness of tional communication, but it should be the Finns, sufficient for obtaining state noted that before speaking English, the independence and its further protec- Member States fully protected their tion. right to their own language. And among the most recent exam- Particularly striking is the linguistic ples one should mention the situation in example of France. Despite its imperial Estonia, where you can lose your job to- past, it also faced the need to develop day for not knowing the state language and protect the French language as a [7]. The corresponding requirements state language. More than one and a for proficiency in the state language are half centuries of struggle on the lan- also fixed at the legislative level.

250 The , despite sources, historical and cultural roots, the lingvocide, which it had to endure in which the archetypes of the nation during its existence, and dozens of pro- are encrypted, those features that dis- hibitions over the past 400 years, was, tinguish it from other members of the fortunately, not in such a difficult situ- European family. ation as, for example, Hebrew. At the Huge funds are invested both by the same time, it is difficult to imagine European Union in general, and by in- some Legion of the Ukrainian language dividual European countries in particu- defenders, who would walk the streets lar, into the development of their own of Ukrainian cities and scold passers- culture and its popularization outside by, who speak Russian, with the words: the EU. The Ukrainian people, for mil- “The Ukrainian, speak Ukrainian!”. lennia of its existence, has an enormous But such a Legion existed in Israel and historical heritage, but, unfortunately, it was this kind of activity, among other it is not able to manage it properly yet. things, that it was engaged in [8]. Some of the cultural artefacts were lost While such countries as France during the occupation by various states, have made considerable efforts to de- when national treasures were exported velop and protect their state language, to the museums of the occupying states, unexpected condemnation on the part and some were lost due to a lack of own of certain states is caused by modest “managerial skills”. However, Ukraini- attempts of Ukraine to protect the an identity is not limited to material ar- language of 42 million of its citizens, tefacts, which can be lost or destroyed. 77,8 % of which, according to the Po- This is a huge layer of cultural and pulation Census 2001, are ethnic spiritual values, which includes folk Ukrainians, and the survey data by the art, arts and crafts, beliefs, traditions Razumkov Centre in 2017 indicate that and customs but is not limited to them. the overwhelming majority of Ukrai- All together they help Ukrainians to be nians — 92 % consider themselves to be Ukrainians. ethnic Ukrainians [9, 10]. The difficulties faced by Ukraini- Therefore, the Ukrainization is quite ans in recent years have unexpectedly natural in the monoethnic Ukrainian become an incentive lacked by many state, as a necessary measure of pro- citizens of our state on their way to tection for ethnic Ukrainians from the national self-awareness. The popu- attempts of the neighbouring states to lation of Ukraine, which for a long “save” us from fictitious threats. Lan- time hardly differed from the popu- guage is not just a means of communi- lation of other countries of the former cation, but one of the most powerful USSR, under the influence of powerful archetypes in the development of the shocks, finally became aware of itself state, the source that has fed the na- as citizens, and not just some citizens, tional liberation spirit of Ukrainians for but Ukrainians, an authentic and an- centuries, and despite all the prohibi- cient nation which has a majestic and tions continues to unite Ukrainians. tragic history, not easy present day In the process of the nation-building, and future that needs to be build right typical is the nation’s return to its own now.

251 The total restoration of the national the places in the parliaments of France memory — this is how one can charac- and Germany, and also actively express terize the processes taking place in the themselves in Austria and Poland. It is Ukrainian society today. Similar pro- inappropriate to talk about territorial cesses took place in the countries that claims in the context of the signed Hel- for a long time were deprived of their sinki Accords and other treaties. statehood, and natural national pro- Conclusions. Archetypes, which are cesses of which were suppressed. It is inherent in every nation, are transmit- logical that the counteraction to such ted from generation to generation. The “amnesia” is accompanied by the aggra- Ukrainian lands will be so far as the vation of the long-standing interethnic people speak Ukrainian, respect Ukrai- conflicts and interstate conflicts. It is nian culture, know the true Ukrainian difficult even to name a European state history, aware themselves Ukrainian that escaped conflicts with its neigh- and bring up this awareness in their bours. Practically each of them, on the children and grandchildren. And an slightest occasion, finds a number of important task today is respect for each historical claims, just waiting for an op- other, a balanced attitude to the natio- portunity to remind of themselves. nal diversity in the countries of Europe, The nation-building processes in which include Ukraine as well, and Ukraine and in the countries of the Eu- awareness of our own national dignity. ropean Union, the archetypes, which Nation-building processes in are referred to by all the nations with- Ukraine will continue, and taking into out an exception, in general are very consideration numerous internal and similar, as well as the difficulties that external threats, they require special they have to overcome on their way. attention and support from the state. Tolerance and liberality must be the Success of reforms implementation, res- pillars of that nation-building. toration of economic stability, national Ukraine is often and undeservedly security depends namely upon the full fault for the things, that among others, awareness of the reasons and purpose make us a nation. However, it is strange of these processes, as well as from ba- to reproach with the adoption of lan- lanced state support. Further academic guage laws at a time when the same research should take place in this direc- laws exist in the countries of the Eu- tion. ropean Union, including those already mentioned by France and Estonia. The REFERENCES torchlight procession on the streets of Ukrainian cities does not look so 1. Forbes (2016), “3 Reasons Brits threatening if we recall the torchlight Voted For Brexit”, available at: procession in Great Britain and Scot- johnmauldin/2016/07/05/3- land, in Latvia or France [11]. reasons-brits-voted-for- Patriotism, political and civic ac- brexit/#3e684bde1f9d (Accessed 30 tivity in Ukraine are treated as radi- March 2018). cal nationalism, while at the same time 2. The Daily Star (2018), “Memory laws nationalists are legitimately occupying and nationalist lies”, available at:

252 ion/project-syndicate/memory-laws- (Accessed 30 March 2018). and-nationalist-lies-1552414 (Ac- 10. Razumkov Centre (2017), “Ukrainians cessed 30 March 2018). from left to right”, available at: http:// 3. History of Ukraine (2010), “Nation”, available at: ukraintsi-zliva-napravo(Accessed 30 slovnik/n/naciya (Accessed 30 March March 2018). 2018). 11. Vgolos (2016), “Do not be afraid of 4. Revisionism of the Holocaust (2013), torches”, available at: http://vgolos. “Herberts Cukurs — myths or prin- ciples?”, available at: http://holocaus- smoloskypiv_243639.html (Accessed 30 March 2018). blog-post_25.html (Accessed 30 March 2018). Список використаних 5. ZN.UA (2011), “Language legislation джерел and linguistic relations in France: a look through the centuries-2”, avail- 1. Forbes (2016), “3 Reasons Brits able at: Voted For Brexit”, available at: movne_zakonodavstvo_i_movni_ vidnosini_u_frantsiyi_poglyad_kriz_ johnmauldin/2016/07/05/3-reasons- viki-2.html (Accessed 30 March 2018). brits-voted-for-brexit/#3e684bde1f9d 6. Т (2009), “How Finns be- (Accessed 30 March 2018). came Finns. Against Sweden – folk- 2. The Daily Star (2018), “Memory laws lore, against Russia — terror”, avail- and nationalist lies”, available at: htt- able at: ps:// newsmaker/read/11032/ (Accessed 30 project-syndicate/memory-laws-and- March 2018). nationalist-lies-1552414 (Accessed 30 7. Yevropeiska pravda (2018), “In Es- March 2018). tonia, due to the lack of knowledge 3. Історія України (2010), “Нація” of the state language, a dozen rescu- [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим до- ers were fired”, available at: https:// ступу: naciya (Accessed 30 March 2018). news/2018/03/29/7079660/ (Ac- 4. Ревизионизм Холокоста (2013), cessed 30 March 2018). “Херберт Цукурс — мифы или прин- 8. UA Modna (2018), “Hebrew: resur- ципы?” [Електронний ресурс]. — rection from the dead (ending)”, Режим доступу: http://holocaustre- available at: articles/ivryt-voskresinnya-z-mert- blog-post_25.html (Accessed 30 vyh-zakinchennya/?utm_source= March 2018). daily&utm_medium=email&utm_ 5. ZN.UA (2011), “Мовне законодав- campaign=20180321 (Accessed 30 ство і мовні відносини у Фран- March 2018). ції: погляд крізь віки-2” [Елек- 9. State Statistics Committee of Ukraine тронний ресурс]. — Режим (2003), “On the number and compo- доступу: sition of the population of Ukraine movne_zakonodavstvo_i_movni_ according to the results of the All- vidnosini_u_frantsiyi_poglyad_ Ukrainian Population Census 2001”, kriz_viki-2.html (Accessed 30 March available at: http://2001.ukrcensus. 2018).

253 6. Тексти (2009), “Як фіни paign=20180321 (Accessed 30 March ставали фінами. Проти Швеції — 2018). фольклор, проти Росії — террор” 9. Державний комітет статистики [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим до- України (2003), Про кількість та ступу: склад населення України за підсум- newsmaker/read/11032/ (Accessed ками Всеукраїнського перепису на- 30 March 2018). селення 2001 року [Електронний ре- 7. Європейська правда (2018), “В Есто- сурс]. — Режим доступу: http://2001. нії через незнання державної мови звільнили дюжину рятувальників” tionality/ (Accessed 30 March 2018). [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим до- 10. Центр Разумкова (2017), “Укра- ступу:https://www.eurointegration. їнці зліва направо” [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// (Accessed 30 March 2018). 8. UA Modna (2018), “Іврит: воскре- ukraintsi-zliva-napravo (Accessed 30 сіння з мертвих (закінчення)” March 2018). [Електронний ресурс]. — Ре- 11. Вголос (2016), “Не варто боятись жим доступу: https://uamodna. смолоскипів” [Електронний ре- com/articles/ivryt-voskresinnya- сурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// z-mertvyh-zakinchennya/?utm_ source=daily&utm_ boyatys_smoloskypiv_243639.html medium=email&utm_cam- (Accessed 30 March 2018).

254 UDC 352:061.21 Rohulskyi Oleh Ivanovich, postgraduate student, Odessa Regional Insti- tute for Public Administration, 65009, Odessa, Str. Genoeska, 22, tel.: +38 (067) 357 65 92, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4317-5604 Рогульський Олег Іванович, аспірант кафедри регіонального управлін- ня та публічного адміністрування Одесь- кого регіонального інституту державного управління, 65009, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезь- ка, 22, тел.: +38 (067) 357 65 92, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4317-5604 Рогульский Олег Иванович, аспирант кафедры регионального управ- ления и публичного администрирования Одесского регионального института госу- дарственного управления, 65009, г. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел.: +38 (067) 357 65 92, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4317-5604 DOI


Abstract. The article describes the main components of the institutional framework of an archetypical approach to public administration. It is determined that the system of preparation of public servants is based on a chain of universal foundations of archetype, in particular, it is influenced by the principle of forma- tion of personnel in the public service, formed on the basis of public opinion. Based on two basic principles relating to admission to public service, three basic models of training civil servants in the European country are defined: Ger- man. French and Anglo-Saxon We analyze each of the models and define the archetypes that influenced their formation and development. The advantages of each model are determined, in particular, the benefits are: the German model of training managers is the balancing between the theoreti- cal knowledge and practical skills that a public servant receives during training, but as a disadvantage one can distinguish the orientation of preparation for legal orientation, which limits the ability to hold managerial positions for many em-

255 ployees The French model of professional training of public servants should in- clude a well-balanced understanding of tasks, namely: decentralization and ter- ritorial organization of public services, communication, support of territorial communities, in-depth knowledge and understanding of the need for cooperation with institutions of the European Commonwealth, high-quality human resource management and orientation towards environmentally friendly innovations, such a model of training of public servants is holistic, costly and effective; The Anglo-Saxon model of training of public servants is its orientation towards the implementation of the concept of public administration and the individual ap- proach to employee training, taking into account all the specifics of its activities, providing for the formation of personnel capable of solving specific problems. It is concluded that today in most European countries dominated by mixed models that include elements of different models. Keywords: archetypal approach, archetypes, vocational training, continuous education, public servant, advanced training, model of training of public servants. ПІДГОТОВКА ПУБЛІЧНИХ СЛУЖБОВЦІВ У КРАЇНАХ ЄВРОПИ: АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД Анотація. Наведено основні складові інституційної основи архетипного підходу до публічного управління. Визначено, що система підготовки пу- блічних службовців спирається на низку універсальних основоположень ар- хетипіки, зокрема на неї впливає принцип формування кадрів на публічній службі, сформований на основі суспільної думки. Спираючись на два основних принципи що стосуються вступу на публіч- ну службу визначено три основні моделі підготовки публічних службовців у країнах Європи: німецьку, французьку та англосаксонську. Проаналізовано кожну з моделей та визначено архетипи, що вплинули на їх становлення та розвиток. Визначено переваги кожної з моделей професійної підготовки публічних службовців, зокрема: німецької моделі — балансування між теоретичними знаннями та практичними навичками, які отримує публічний службовець під час навчання, а як недолік — орієнтація підготовки на юридичну спря- мованість, що обмежує можливість обіймати керівні посади для багатьох службовців; французької — чітко виважене розуміння завдань, а саме: де- централізацію й територіальну організацію державних служб, комуніка- цію, підтримку територіальних громад, поглиблене пізнання та розуміння необхідності співпраці з інституціями європейської співдружності, висо- коякісний менеджмент людських ресурсів та орієнтацію на екологічно чи- сті інновації, така модель підготовки публічних службовців є цілісною, не затратною й ефективною; англосаксонської моделі підготовки публічних службовців є її орієнтація на реалізацію концепції публічного управління й індивідуальний підхід до підготовки службовця, що враховує всю специфі- ку його діяльності, забезпечується формування кадрів, здатних вирішувати конкретні завдання.

256 Зроблено висновок, що на сьогодні в більшості країн Європи переважа- ють змішані моделі, що включають в себе елементи різних моделей. Ключові слова: архетипний підхід, архетипи, професійна підготовка, професійне навчання, безперервна освіта, публічний службовець, підвищен- ня кваліфікації, моделі підготовки публічних службовців. ПОДГОТОВКА ПУБЛИЧНЫХ СЛУЖАЩИХ В СТРАНАХ ЕВРОПЫ: АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД Аннотация. Описаны основные составляющие институциональной осно- вы архетипного подхода к публичного управления. Определено, что система подготовки публичных служащих опираются на цепь универсальных осно- воположений архетипики, в частности на нее влияет принцип формирова- ния кадров на государственной службе, сформирован на основе обществен- ного мнения. Опираясь на два основных принципа касающиеся вступления в публич- ную службу определены три основные модели подготовки публичных слу- жащих в странах Европы: немецкая, французская и англосаксонская. Проанализирована каждая модель и определены архетипы, повлиявшие на их становление и развитие. Определены преимущества каждой из моделей профессиональной под- готовки публичных служащих, в частности: немецкой модели — баланси- рование между теоретическими знаниями и практическими навыками, ко- торые получает публичный служащий во время обучения, а как недостаток можно выделить ориентацию подготовки на юридическую направленность, ограничивает возможность занимать руководящие должности для многих служащих; французской — четко взвешенное понимание задач, а имен- но: децентрализацию и территориальную организацию государственных служб, коммуникацию, поддержку территориальных общин, углубленное знание и понимание необходимости сотрудничества с институтами евро- пейского содружества, высококачественный менеджмент человеческих ресурсов и ориентацию на экологически чистые инновации, такая модель подготовки публичных служащих является целостной, а не затратной и эффективной; англосаксонской модели — является ее ориентация на реа- лизацию концепции публичного управления и индивидуальный подход к подготовке служащего, учитывающий всю специфику его деятельности, обеспечивается формирование кадров, способных решать конкретные за- дачи. Сделан вывод, что на сегодняшний день в большинстве стран Европы преобладают смешанные модели, включающие в себя элементы различных моделей. Ключевые слова: архетипический подход, архетипы, профессиональ- ная подготовка, профессиональное обучение, непрерывное образование, публичный служащий, повышение квалификации, модели подготовки пу- бличных служащих.

257 Formulation of the problem. Inte- gin, V. Soroko, Yu Surmin, Y. Sharov, gration of our state into the European P. Shevchuk, A. Chemeris and others. community has necessitated a number The purpose of the article is to ana- of reforms and bringing the legislation lyze the basic models of training of pub- in line with the standards of the Euro- lic servants in Europe and to study the pean Union. In this regard, an impor- influence of archetypes on their forma- tant component of Ukraine’s further tion and development. development is the training of highly Presenting main material. The skilled public servants capable of imple- concept of the use of an archetypal ap- menting these reforms. Before the sys- proach is a system of views on the in- tem of training public servants there is terpretation of managerial processes as an important task — the preparation of collectively subconscious [1, p. 473]. new management personnel who must The institutional framework of an have the perfect knowledge of modern archetypal approach to public admi- management technologies, understand nistration covers the following com- the European integration processes and ponents: state, social contract treating implement European standards in the civil society as a result of a convention system of public administration. of social phenomena (institutions), and One of the ways to achieve the ne- law (law) [2]. cessary results is the implementation of Public administration as a whole better foreign experience, in particular and the system of preparation of public in European countries, in the training servants are based on a chain of univer- of public servants. The study of the pe- sal foundations of archetype. First of culiarities of the professional training all it concerns the idea of natural law, of public servants and the identifica- the idea of the state as the guarantor of tion of the main trends of its develop- natural law, the idea of constitution of ment in the countries of Europe are the law and the state in the act of free necessary for the development of solu- expression of the person and the ideas tions for reforming the national system of the people, who have sovereign right of professional training of public ser- and power. vants. The idea of the people implies the ex- Analysis of recent research. The istence of an influential public opinion, questions of preparation of public ser- that is, the state of mass consciousness, vants, among other things, and the which includes the attitude of people to possibility of using foreign experience, the events and facts of social reality and were researched by Ukrainian scho- the activities of groups and individuals, lars such as V. Averyanov, A. Andrius- and is considered from the point of view chuk, A. Burakovsky, N. Goncharuk, of relations with social institutions or D. Dvinnchuk, S. Dubenko, V. Zagor- individuals [2]. sky, M. Izha, N. Kolisnichenko, N. Li- The formation of the social subcon- povsky, A. Lipentsev, I. Lopushinsky, scious can be explained by the existence V. Lugovyi, E. Matviishin, O. Melnikov, of social interests, which consist of the T. Motrenko, N. Nyzhnik, O. Obolen- needs of social groups, collectives, insti- sky, V. Olujko, G. Opanasyuk, S. Seryo- tutions, institutions, organizations and

258 individuals. Public interests are deter- of civil society and in public authori- mined by the economic relations pre- ties, more often than lawmakers. That vailing in this society [2]. is why it is considered that the manager The training of public servants in should be a person with a professional Europe is influenced by the principle of education — a lawyer. If, at the time of staffing in the public service, formed on entering the post of a higher category, the basis of public opinion. At the pre- the candidate has no legal education, sent stage, scholars are distinguished he will receive it in specialized institu- by two basic principles relating to entry tions within two years after he starts into and service of the public service — working on it. Because of this, most of the principles of career growth and the disciplines in the German model of competition. training managers are legal in nature. The principle of career growth is In addition, much attention is paid based on the fact that entry is based on to internship, especially as regards a competitive basis, and the promotion managerial staff. An example of such has clearly defined stages and is regu- an internship is the Federal Academy lated centrally, while competition in- of Public Administration in Baden- volves an open competition for vacancy Württemberg, where the training of the positions [3]. Based on these principles, personnel reserve in the field of public three basic archetype models of pro- administration and personnel manage- fessional training of public servants in ment lasts fifteen months, six of which Europe: German, French and Anglo- are allocated for internships, includ- Saxon can be distinguished. ing three months in state bodies and We will analyze each of the models three — in commercial structures, and define the archetypes that influ- which often happens in the structures enced their formation and develop- of governance of the European Union ment. [5, p. 166]. The German model for training The German model for training civil public servants involves a distinction servants involves several forms of ad- between politics and administration, vanced training (advanced training for which is based on the legal basis for beginners, advanced training in spe- defining these tasks [4, p. 210]. In Ger- cialty and position, advanced training many, the main requirements for public for transition to higher-level service servants are vocational education and and advanced training for managers special training, the types and activities [6, p. 468]), which can be divided into of which differ according to the level two categories: the first is aimed at pro- of public administration. Officials of viding the appropriate level of know- elevated and higher levels must have ledge among public servants, and the higher education. second — on their adaptation to change. Under the influence of the collec- The benefits of the German model tive unconscious in Germany, the idea of training managers are the balanc- that people belonging to a lawyer group ing between the theoretical know- “lawyer” have all the necessary skills ledge and practical skills that a public for prosperity both in the structures servant receives while studying, but

259 as a disadvantage one can distinguish foreign internship, which allows the fu- the orientation of preparation for legal ture official to learn how to assess the orientation, which limits the ability to real situation in their country, to learn hold managerial positions for many em- about another system and mentality, ployees. and another style of functioning. This Considering the French model of is a French specificity that distingui- training public servants, one can find shes the model under consideration characteristics similar to those in Ger- from British and German [8]. man. An analogue of the German head The purpose of the qualification of a lawyer is the head of a universal. improvement in the French model of Such a versatile person should have training public servants is that it is one polyvalent knowledge and skills. He of the main concepts of the approach is able to fulfill his professional duties to the “renewal of public service”. Im- in any field of civil service, in particu- provement of qualifications in the lar administrative, control, inspection, French model of training of public ser- economic, diplomatic and other. Twen- vants carries out two functions: their ty-seven months of study is used to adaptation to new requirements and prepare such specialists, which is pro- conditions of work and increase of an portional to periods of theoretical and individual level of development of each practical training [7]. employee. The French model encompasses M. Minenko in his studies high- different forms of training: advanced lights the following forms of advanced training courses, training related to the training of the French model [9]: promotion of a public servant (prepa- • improvement measures aimed at ration for professional competitions or preserving or improving the professio- competitions organized for those who nal qualities, serve on a particular post in order to • ensuring the suitability of em- enhance the rank or move to another ployees for changes in technology and corps), improvement of professional administrative structures, cultural, training, when a worker for self-study economic and social changes and trans- or scientific development that is social- formations that follow from them; ly beneficial, is temporarily deducted • arrangements for the preparation from the service to the reserve or re- of competitions organized for officials ceives a vacation for advanced training. who are already in office, as well as for Concepts such as “continuous train- professional exams and competitions, ing” or “continuing vocational train- the purpose of which is to change the ing” are relevant for this model. These rank or body; include the training of a public servant • adaptation measures covering two to the first position (initial vocational areas: adaptation to the first position training) and preparation throughout (adaptation in the civil service) and his career. adaptation to a new post (increase, Internship is an important element change of the corps, etc.); of the learning process, and it takes a • vacations for preparation (the lot of time. It is imperative to have a maximum duration of leave is three

260 years, but it can be divided and provi- a wide system of seminars, conferences ded only for training with the consent and educational courses organized by of the state, provided that the agent ministries and departments, whose will work for at least three years in the statutes have at least a remote mention administration). of the responsibility for the training of To the positive sides of the French staff. For all the diversity of forms and model of professional training of public methods of teaching common to them servants should include a well-balanced is theoretical training in an educational understanding of the tasks, namely: de- institution, preparation of graduation centralization and territorial organiza- work on the project and acquiring prac- tion of public services, communication, tical experience. support of territorial communities, in- Compared to the two above-men- depth knowledge and understanding tioned Anglo-Saxon models, it is more of the need for cooperation with the oriented towards obtaining theoretical institutions of the European Common- knowledge and the development of in- wealth, high-quality human resource dividuality. Internship is not of such a management and orientation towards compulsory nature and does not last for environmentally friendly innovations. a long period of time. Despite the large number of training in- The benefits of the Anglo-Saxon stitutions and centers of decision-mak- model of training public servants are ing, the French model for training civil its focus on the implementation of the servants is holistic, costly and effective. concept of public administration and an The founder of the Anglo-Saxon individual approach to employee train- model of training for public service is ing, taking into account all the specifics Great Britain. For this state, the prin- of its activities. Such training ensures ciple of competition is relevant. The the formation of personnel, devoted to training is aimed at using an interdisci- solve specific problems. plinary approach to developing training As for training in other countries, programs focused on future systems of they are mostly derivative from the thinking, communication skills, team- above models, taking into account the work skills, autonomy and initiative. traditions and values of the respective Under the influence of archetypes states. In the modern European space, in this model, the idea of preparing lea- there are many mixed models of train- dership skills for employees, their abi- ing civil servants that include elements lity to adapt to changing environments of archetypal models. A striking ex- was formed. This encourages the use of ample is Poland, which combines the individual learning programs, taking Anglo-Saxon and French models. into account the specifics of the func- There are many different institu- tions and positions occupied by certain tions in Poland that train public ser- officials. vants. Most of the training is planned, In the UK, there is no centralized organized and funded decentralized training, the training of usually acting and mainly depends on the efforts of officials is conducted at the College of the Director General in the ministry Civil Service. At the same time, there is or central department. The choice of

261 the provider of educational services a transition between the reality of na- should be through public procurement, tional and the supranational ideal and and the description of the tender offer the construction of a unified, universal should cover the general requirements model of training public servants. that the provider of such services must answer. The training of public servants References is mostly carried out by private sector 1. Azrilijana A. N. (2002), Kratkij jeko- institutions and, to a lesser extent, by nomicheskij slovar’ [Brief economic universities or expert centers. dictionary], 2nd ed, Institute of New Conclusions and perspectives of Economy, Moscow, Russia. further research. After analyzing the 2. Amosov O. and Havkalova N. (2015), basic models of training public servants “Conceptual Principles of Public Ad- in European countries, we can conclude ministration: An Archetypical Ap- that they were formed under the influ- proach”, Publichne upravlinnia: te- ence of certain political, social and cul- oriia ta praktyka: zbirnyk naukovykh prats' Asotsiatsii doktoriv nauk z der- tural peculiarities and traditions of the zhavnoho upravlinnia, special issue, countries where they are applied. In p. 8–12. other words, it can be argued that they 3. Sannikov C. B. (2005), “Public service developed under the influence of arche- training system and higher profes- types, collective unconscious influence sional education: adoption of the in- of society and its needs, state-manage- ternational experience”, Mіzhnarodna ment and political systems. There are Ekonomichna konferentsіya Vseros. three basic archetype models: Anglo- nauch. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem Saxon, German, and French. [All-Russian. sci. Conf. with intern. However, with the development of participation], Modernizacija nac. sis- temy vysshego obrazovanija i prob- European society more and more there lemy integracii vuzov Rossii v mirovoe is an interweaving of models of train- obrazovatel’noe prostranstvo [Public ing of public servants. All this is due to service training system and higher cooperation in various fields, common professional education: adoption of the interests and values, and the presence international experience], Novosibirsk of cross-border cooperation, which cre- State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, ates the need to train specialists with available at: publicservice2005.narod. the same knowledge and capabilities. ru There is a tendency to reduce the in- 4. Tytarenko L. (2003), “Preparation fluence of the collective unconscious on of a management elite in Ukraine and foreign experience”, Aktual’ni the model of training of employees, and, problemy derzhavnoho upravlinnia: conversely, increases the influence of zbirnyk naukovykh prats’ Odes’koho collective consciousness, that is, the un- rehional’noho instytutu derzhavnoho derstanding that for the achievement of upravlinnia, vol. 1 (13), p. 206–216. certain goals, the association, exchange 5. Hrynenko V. (2005), “Professional of experience, state-management cul- training of senior management person- ture and technologies are needed. nel for civil service in foreign coun- Further researches should find the tries”, Visnyk UADU, vol. 3, p. 162– reflection of the results of the search for 169.

262 6. Ischenko O. (2003), “Topical issues of ждунар. участием “Модернизация personnel policy at the present stage”, нац. системы высшего образова- Visnyk UADU, vol. 1, p. 5–11. ния и проблемы интеграции вузов 7. Luhovyj V. (2004), “On the Principles России в мировое образовательное and Trends in the Training of Senior пространство”. — Режим доступа: Officials in Public Administration (Professional and Methodological 4. Титаренко Л. Підготовка управлін- Approach)”, Visnyk UADU, vol. 2, ської еліти в Україні та зарубіжний p. 5–13. досвід / Л. Титаренко // Актуальні 8. Pihan’ol’ R. (2010), “System of train- проблеми держ. упр. : зб. наук. пр. ing civil servants in France”, Zvit Одеського регіон. ін-ту держ. упр. — pidhotovlenyj v ramkakh finanso- Одеса : ОРІДУ; Вісн. УАДУ, 2003. — vanoho YeS proektu Twinning [The Вип. 1 (13). — С. 206–216. report is prepared within the EU- 5. Гриненко В. Професійне навчання funded Twinning project], Rozvytok i вищих керівних кадрів для держав- udoskonalennia systemy pidhotovky ної служби в зарубіжних країнах / derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv v Ukraini В. Гриненко // Вісн. УАДУ. — [Development and improvement of 2005. — № 3. — С. 162–169. the training system of civil servants in 6. Іщенко О. Актуальні питання кадро- Ukraine], Ukraine, Kyiv, p. 18. вої політики на сучасному етапі / 9. Minenko M. (2004), “Improvement of О. Іщенко // Вісн. УАДУ. — 2003. — qualification of managerial personnel № 1. — С. 5–11. in developed European countries: ex- 7. Луговий В. Про принципи і тенден- perience for Ukraine”, Visnyk UADU, ції підготовки вищих керівників у vol. 4, p. 464–470. галузі державного управління (про- фесійно-методологічний підхід) / Список використаних В. Луговий // Вісн. УАДУ. — 2004. — джерел № 2. — С. 5–13. 8. Піганьоль Р. Система підготовки 1. Краткий экономический словарь / державних службовців у Франції / под ред. А. Н. Азрилияна. — 2-е изд., Раймон Піганьоль, експерт проекту доп. и перераб. — М. : Ин-т новой Twinning “Розвиток і удосконален- экономики, 2002. — 1088 с. ня системи підготовки державних 2. Амосов О. Концептуальні засади службовців в Україні”, голова Де- публічного управління: архетип- партаменту з європейських і міжна- ний підхід / О. Амосов, Н. Гавкало- родних справ, Головне управління ва // Публічне управління: теорія адміністрації і держ. служби, Мініс- та практика : зб. наук. пр. Асоціації терство державної служби Франції докторів наук з держ. упр. : спецви- Звіт підготовлений в рамках фі- пуск. — Харків : ДокНаукДержУпр, нансованого ЄС проекту Twinning 2015. — С. 255. “Розвиток і удосконалення системи 3. Санников C. B. Система подготовки підготовки державних службовців в государственных служащих в струк- Україні”. — Київ, 2010. — 18 с. туре высшего профессионального 9. Міненко М. Підвищення кваліфіка- образования: проблема адаптации ції управлінських кадрів у розви- зарубежного опыта [Электронный нених європейських країнах: досвід ресурс] / С. В. Санников // Ма- для України / М. Міненко // Вісн. териалы Всерос. науч. конф. с ме- УАДУ. — 2004. — № 4. — С. 464–470.

263 UDC: 351.851:005.332.3 Semenets-Orlova Inna Andriivna, PhD (Politics), lecturer, Department of Sociology and Politology, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Prospekt Kosmo- navta Komarova, 1, tel: +38 (044) 406 71 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенець-Орлова Інна Андріївна, кандидат політичних наук, доцент кафе- дри соціології та політології Національно- го авіаційного університету, 03058, м. Ки- їв, просп. Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (044) 406 7153, e-mail: innaorlova@ ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенец-Орлова Инна Андреевна, кандидат политических наук, доцент кафедры социологии и политологии На- ционального авиационного университета, 03058, г. Киев, просп. Космонавта Кома- рова, 1, тел.: +38 (044) 406 7153, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Kyselova Yaroslava Yaroslavivna, Student of the 4 course of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Prospekt Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, tel.: +38 (044) 406 71 53, e-mail: yaroslava.kiseleva64@ ORCID: 0000-0002-5940-1285 Кисельова Ярослава Ярославівна, студентка 4-го курсу кафедри соціології та політології Національного авіаційного університету, 03058, м. Київ, просп. Кос- монавта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (044) 406 71 53, e-mail: yaroslava.kiseleva64@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-5940-1285 Киселева Ярослава Ярославовна, студентка 4-го курса кафедры социологии и политологии Национального авиационно- го университета, 03058, г. Киев, просп. Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (044) 406 71 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5940-1285 DOI


Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of generating social meanings on the area of European civilization. Authors assign a separate place to the research of the tendency of increasing social activity in local commu- nities, which accompanies decentralization processes in modern Ukraine. The ar- ticle analyzes the characteristic features of non-tribes, based on the M. Maffeso- li’s concept of “neo-tribalism”, and traces the tendency of reactualization a partly transformed communal way of life of modern tribes. The authors investigate the retrieval of the request for a valuable education in society. It is emphasized on the growing tendency of the filling of the meaning of the professional activity of pub- lic administrators, according to the significant request of providing public inter- ests and collective goals by citizens. The authors singled out a new role of public administration — providing public education. In the context of this problem, the authors substantiate the critical need for a successful completion of the authority decentralization reform in Ukraine. Proceeding from the process of neo-tribalism that covers modern Europe, the authors predict the emergence of a new collec- tive identities on the European area. The authors point to a characteristic tendency: Ukrainians are deeply embed- ded in solving internal problems of society, which manifests in the correction of gaps in cultural and educational policies of past years, self-organization (through volunteer and volunteer movements), civil responsibility for the welfare of their communities, and participation in the management of local affairs. According to the authors, this tendency influences the dominant type of future sociality (it is not the individual “Me”, but “Me as a part of community”). Keywords: archetypes, neo-tribes, decentralization, public interest, value education. БАГАТОВИМІРНА УПРАВЛІНСЬКА СУЧАСНІCТЬ: ПОРОДЖЕННЯ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ СМИСЛІВ ДЛЯ НОВИХ КОЛЕКТИВНИХ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТЕЙ Анотація. Проаналізовано процес породження соціальних смислів на просторі європейської цивілізації. Досліджено тенденції посилення соці- альної активності у місцевих громадах, що супроводжує децентралізаційні процеси в сучасній Україні. Визначено характерні ознаки неотрайбів, вихо- дячи із концепції неотрайбалізму М. Маффесолі, відслідковано тенденцію реактуалізації дещо трансформованого общинного способу життя сучасних племен. Надано уваги відновленню запиту на ціннісну освіту в суспільстві. Наголошено на зростанні тенденції наповнюваності сенсом професійної ді- яльності публічних управлінців, відповідно до значного запиту забезпечення публічних інтересів та колективних цілей з боку громадян. Визначено нову

265 роль публічного управління — забезпечення публічної освіти. У контексті даної проблематики обґрунтовано критичну потребу успішного закінчення реформи децентралізації влади в Україні. Виходячи із процесу неотрайба- лізму, що охоплює сучасну Європу, автори прогнозують появу нових колек- тивних ідентичностей на європейському просторі. Спостережено характерну тенденцію актуалізації для українського су- спільства потреби у вирішенні внутрішніх проблем. Це виявляється у ви- правленні пробілів у культурній та освітній політиці минулих років, са- моорганізації (через волонтерський та добровольчий рух), громадянській відповідальності за добробут своїх громад і участь в управлінні місцевими справами, що, на думку авторів, відповідає тенденції децентралізації і впли- ває і на домінантний тип соціальності майбутнього — не індивідуальне “Я”, “Я — у своїй спільноті”. Наголошено, що реформи державного управління в Україні покликані підтримати тенденцію децентралізації і активність грома- дян, все більше позиціонуючи публічну політику як інструмент публічної освіти, навчання громадян через залучення у процес вироблення та при- йняття рішень. Ключові слова: архетипи, неотрайби, децентралізація, публічний інтерес, ціннісна освіта.

МНОГОМЕРНАЯ УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКАЯ СОВРЕМЕННОCТЬ: ПОРОЖДЕНИЕ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ СМЫСЛОВ ДЛЯ НОВЫХ КОЛЛЕКТИВНЫХ ИДЕНТИЧНОСТЕЙ Аннотация. Анализируется процесс порождения социальных смыслов на просторах европейской цивилизации. Исследованы тенденции усиления социальной активности в местных общинах, что сопровождает децентра- лизационные процессы в современной Украине. Обозначены характерные признаки неотрайбов, исходя из концепции неотрайбализма М. Маффесо- ли, отслежена тенденция реактуализации несколько трансформированно- го общинного способа жизни современных племен. Обращено внимание на возобновление запроса на ценностное образование в обществе. Подчеркнут рост тенденции наполняемости смыслом профессиональной деятельности публичных управленцев в соответствии со значительным спросом на обес- печение публичных интересов и коллективных целей со стороны граждан. Определена новая роль публичного управления — обеспечение публичного образования. В контексте данной проблематики авторы обосновывают кри- тическую потребность в успешном окончании реформы децентрализации власти в Украине. Исходя из процесса неотрайбализма, охватившего совре- менную Европу, авторы прогнозируют появление новых коллективных иден- тичностей на европейском простанстве. Отмечается тенденция актуализации для украинского общества потребно- сти решения внутренних проблем. Это проявляется в исправлении пробелов в культурной и образовательной политике прошлых лет, самоорганизации (через волонтерское и добровольческое движение), гражданской ответст-

266 венности за благосостояние своих общин и участие в управлении местными делами, что, по мнению авторов, отвечает тенденции децентрализации и вли- яет на доминантный тип социальности будущего — не личное “Я”, а “Я — в своем сообществе”. Отмечено, что реформы государственного управления в Украине призваны поддержать тенденцию к децентрализации и активности граждан, все больше позиционируя публичную политику как инструмент пу- бличного образования, обучения граждан через вовлечение в процесс выра- ботки и принятия решений. Ключевые слова: архетипы, неотрайбы, децентрализация, публичный ин- терес, ценностное образование.

Problem formulation. Just lite- It was a situation of manifestation the rally a decade ago, global and prospe- “distressful experience” [1] archetype, rous Europe could not forecast a splash but today it became less reliable for of anti-European nationalism, waves Ukrainians. Ukrainians social expecta- of radicalism, populism, a deep migra- tions are very high — it seems that the tion crisis, and an increase of separa- historical time has come for Ukraine tist moods in many European regions, (according to well-known sociologist which overtook the whole countries in P. Shtompka, this period is favorable for the effort of leaving the Union. the realization of complex and systemic What will be the future of Europe? changes, so-called “quality time” [2, Strength and, at the same time, the p. 72]). weakness of Europe was in its civiliza- Many years Ukranian political elite tional specificity, with such features as was talking about reforms, but only now unity in diversity, high culture and re- they come closely to the real implemen- spect for the rules of fair game, sincerity tation of at least a partial modernization and rationality. Owing to these charac- of the soviet education system, health teristics the European House became care, public administration. At the same attractive for Ukrainians. time, a large part of the Ukrainian socie- However, the social time of modern ty resides in socio-economic instability, Europe is an extended routine of con- therefore reacts anxiously to everything tradictory processes, alarming frag- new. Remaining under the patronage of mentation of the intellectual European the past, extrapolation to the modern area and unstable desire to fight for its structures of the permanent, histori- values. Even such countries — as pillars cal, archetypical (which has proved its of European humanism like France and effectiveness in the past) became a na- Italy — became vulnerable to Putin’s tural protective reaction of society. propaganda. At the same time, the cordocen- Ukrainian society, despite having trism, that is mentally fits Ukrainians, its own intellectual reserves, has been slowly transforms — Ukrainian society forced to import foreign experience for begins to distrust in promises, lose its il- a long time to solve internal problems. lusions, starts to think more and more

267 rationally, and finally realize the neces- The archetypal paradigm and the sity of building its own army and mobi- researches of societal are represented in lization internal resources to defeat the the Ukrainian scientific thought by the aggressor. Along the importance of the works of the scientists of the Ukrainian perspective and cooperation in the face school of archetype — E. Afonina [4], of global challenges, Ukrainians feel the O. Sushiy, O. Bandurka, A. Martynova urge of comfort “here and now” — this and others. is a typical logic of neo-tribes (modern We agree with the national resear- tribes) by M. Maffesoli. Therefore, they cher I. Grushetskaya that the traditio- increasingly begin to rely on them- nal toolkit can not be used to analyze selves, take initiative in their hands, ac- the social views of the present. Prob- tively cooperate with each other before lems of the research of collective identi- the current challenges. ties that may arise in the future, in the Europe is a creation of endless context of the rapid transformations of searches of identity. It is often com- modernity, is particularly relevant. In pared to an orchestra. There are times this paper there will be presented three when some instruments keep quiet or meaningful lines, that are mutually im- play a minor party. But the orchestra portant and mutually conditioned in continue its existence [3, p. 32]. Iden- order to take a new look at the outlined tity of the future Europe is not an in- scientific problem in the prism of the dividual “Me”. Another factor is that, concept of neotribalizm M. Maffesoli given its diversity, Europe begins to and draw general conclusions: 1) about move at different speeds and sometimes the future of European civilization; turn towards Ukraine with a diffe- 2) about the collective identities of rent face. The phenomenon of Eastern modern Ukraine; 3) about social mean- Europe is that it does not become less ings in modern administrative reality. European despite its insufficient eco- The purpose of the article — de- nomic development or semi-authori- termine the social meanings that are tarian leaders. Thanks to its own dis- formed with the appearance of new col- advantage, Eastern Europe is now, in lective identities in modern Europe, many aspects, becomes more European, including in Ukraine, based on the because it begins to appreciate more analysis of the internal surroundings of that values, where the rich West pe- European civilization. ople are considered to be worthwhile. Presentation of the main research This opinion is brightly confirmed by material. The phase of globalization the results of the 2017 poll in Ukraine. significantly weakened the value orien- According to the results of the poll, the tations of Europe, therefore, the protec- residents of Donbass (54,8 %) mostly tive reaction of European culture was are ready to endure financial difficulties the expected, temporary return to tra- for the protection of civil rights. ditional — religion, ethnic values, group Analysis of recent publications ac- solidarity. The modern phenomenon of cording to problems, and identifica- neotraibalizm — is fully consistent with tion of previously unsolved parts of this trend. The singular sense of Eu- the general problem. rope is divided into a large number of

268 trivial meanings. In our opinion, in the ten and hear each other, settle disputes near future the most common sense of peacefully and reach consensus. collective identities in Europe will be In 1996, M. Maffesoli used the term emotional volitional meanings, unsci- “tribes” to describe the trend of increas- entific ideas, ethos of communities, and ing the number of territorially scattered checked for millenniums values, moral micro tribal groups based on the matrix and ethical principles. Therefore, in of collective emotion, as well as the reli- the future Europe, emotional leaders gious spirit, the proximity to nature [5, should be expected, increased activity p. 40]. In the scientist’s view, the unsta- of citizens’ associations for different in- ble world is full of networks of sociality, terests at the local and regional levels, that are based on the smallest everyday the development of democracy on the situations, emotional axcitement, deep local level, the growth of the number solidarity. The regulators of the sensu- of officially (not) registered communi- ality of neo-tribes are common activity ties of different types, small initiative that opens up the opportunity to feel groups and organizations for working together, feel the same passion, rely on together over projects or other issues. collective experience [5]. Indeed, active participation in the lifes As a part of the mental uncon- of local communities will serve as a scious, archetypes are factors of the comfortable platform for training and gradual, evolutionary development of developing human skills of peacefully a particular society. O. Donchenko and solving problems and coexist in an in- Y. Romanenko among others define the creasingly complex society. archetype of “annihilative equality” pe- From the socio-political point of culiar to Ukrainians, that consists in view, the level of complexity of the dominating the emotional valuation of challenges of democracy now become the surrounding world over intellec- inappropriate for the willingness of tual [1]. This archetype correlates with citizens and national leaders to solve the “Maidan democracy” characteristic them. In small associations, individu- for the Ukrainian society. The content als, on the contrary, feel their influ- of the archetype provides the need for ence, the opportunity to be really heard strong collective emotions (protests, and practically useful. The impossibil- revolutions) to motivate the actions ity of a representative democracy on a of individuals (for example, to activate nationwide scale makes an attractive the activities of the state apparatus). the instant democracy, that, is though In the period between strong collec- impossible at the level of a multimil- tive emotions that can not be frequent, lion country, is completely real in neo- Ukrainian society is looking for vibrant tribes — small groups united on the ba- group emotions, at the level of certain sis of a certain imaginary idea (for ex- communities. ample, social networks on the Internet) M. Maffesoli’s concept of neo-triba- or real interest, for example locus-factor lism combines certain features of orga- (local communities, eco-settlement). In nic solidarity by E. Durkheim and “evo- neo-tribes decisions are taken collec- lution without progress” by F. Tonis, tively, community members learn to lis- emphasizing frequent, suprainteractive,

269 vibrant communication, sometimes — tice, than in the case of a large multi- live, sometimes — virtual, with the help structured society with a plurality of of the modern technologies. However, centers of influence. In Ukraine, this the “model of happiness” of neo-tribes trend is manifested in the reform of de- can be both hedonistic and eudemonic centralization of power and the active (modern eco-settlements, community creation of united territorial communi- associations at the local level, etc.). ties, the activation and consolidation According to Aristotle, people feel of efforts of the local population in a happiness when they concentrate not solving problems of local importance. on their emotions, but on the outside In modern Ukraine, the government world and have certain purpose in life, is still unable to propose a non-contra- feel their affiliation to something grea- dictory unifying idea for a long-term ter [6]. Editor-in-Chief of the Stanford perspective. Given this, and taking into University Research Center E. Smith, account that Ukrainians almost always for the past five years, has been inter- had a not strong state (it is still weak), viewing people about what makes them citizens self-organize at the local level happy. In her book “The Power of Sense” and begin to solve their problems with- (2017), the researcher concluded that out relying on the state. “If you want the race for happiness makes people un- to change, change yourself!” — such a happy, while searching of meaning leads motto of a large part of the middle age to greater satisfaction [7]. People find in Ukraine — they, unlike their parents, meaning in life when they feel their af- do not have a conflict of values with filiation to something and helpfulness their children. for someone other except themselves, It is important that the effect of and when they develop their best quali- “compression of the time” is rather tan- ties [8, p. 278]. According to neuro- gible in modern Ukraine. For example, economists of Zurich University F. To- for ordinary Ukrainian, against the bler and E. Fehr, people who want to backdrop of abrupt modern changes make others happy, but not themselves, of the events until November 2013 oc- feel more happiness [6]. Based on the curred as if in a completely different conclusions of these studies, meaning- era. Although the difference in time — ful life — is a life full of meaning — has less than five years. This is a historical, all the chances to become a new trend high-quality (according to P. Shmomp- both in Europe and the whole world of ka) time, that is very favorable for the future. large-scale changes. At the state level, More complicated, modern demo- these changes are still not happening cracy requires from people more and quickly, at the local level they are ex- more “sophisticated” abilities to inter- panding more widely. We can talk about act. Activity in a small groups helps to the creeping atomization of Ukrainian improve the interaction skills required society into communities, groups and at the level of a complex society. For ex- sodalities. The state remains a factor ample, within a small local community, of external security and a guarantor of it is much easier to reach a compromise, natural human rights. Such a trend re- resolve a conflict, and reproduce jus- quires the updating of Ukrainian legis-

270 lation, for example, changes in the form remains emotionally involved in the of consultative nature of the activities functioning of their immediate sur- of public bodies in government bodies. roundings and is concentrated in eve- In the theory of change management, ryday life. For them, the values that are the dynamics of the socio-political de- muffled by rationalism (emotionality, velopment of modern Ukraine can be spirit of the community) become domi- described as “annigilator (emotional nant. and volitional) volatility (variability The ideal of a democratic state mi- with deviations and dispersion) through grates towards the ideal of ethical com- alterations (changes that do not lead to munities — from the word “ethos” (from the death of the old, but occur through a Greek — “refers to values that unite mixing of tradition and innovation)” . members of a certain group”), that is, Postmodernity is characterized by in large measure, the meanings of col- the transition from a modern indivi- lective identities. Members of modern dualistic paradigm, the main concepts tribes are close to the archetype of the of which were the individual and the eternal child, motivated to continuous group, to the postmodern societal para- education, communicate, actively open digm, the main concepts of which are the world through the method of trial the person and neo-tribes [5]. The peo- and error. ple have a much greater ability to go be- According to context described yond the limits of their personality and above, the goal of public policy is in to merge with the community they be- consolidation of citizens through their long to than an isolated, locked individ- joint participation and learning the cul- ual. Neo-tribes cultivate such personal- ture of democracy [9]. It will help them ity traits as loyalty to the community, to clarify the values, creating the so- personal valor, religious feelings that called “human knowledge” [10] (close sometimes grow into fanaticism. Ac- to the experts opinion). The implemen- cording to I. Grushetskaya, such ten- tation of a policy as a public education dencies in the international space are will help to form a “good citizen” who dangerous and destructive. First of all, will suit to the realities of Good Govern- they deny the real internationally legal ment” and modern networking forms of processes that have already taken place social organization. and are irreversible. At the same time, it Conclusions and perspectives for is the guise of a modern neo-tribalized further research. Europe, although not all features of the 1. Europe of the future will be crea- described development tendency are ted by communities. The tree of Europe explicit. is growing, and this is a cultural tree that The meanings of moral, economic strengthens and branches the roots at and political values are not in the dis- this moment. Through the strengthen- tant prospect, but in present events ing of its deep (roots), returning to the (according to the logic “here and now” traditional Europe will try to withstand by M. Maffesoli) — these are the new under the wind of changes and crises. meanings of collective identities of the Because of the inability of the Euro- twenty-first century. Modern people pean integration policy to solve inter-

271 nal problems, local self-organization is 4. Monitorynh zahalnosystemnykh zmin actualized, regional levels, the epicenter (1992–2015) in Afonin, E. and Bala- of social life is shifted in local commu- kirieva, O. (2015) “Functional and nities, networks of small communities competent readiness of civil servants and groups, regions. European values of Ukraine for public administration in a democracy”, Ukrainskyi sotsium, of manifold, communal democracy, hu- vol. 1, p. 7–22. manism, moralities made by history and 5. Maffesoli M. (1996) The Time of the thus are a multicomponent ethos, which Tribes. The Decline of Individualism Europe will try hardly to refocus in the in the Mass, SAGE Publications, Lon- face of the crisis and the temporary loss don, Great Britain. of a “passing wind” of the coming years. 6. Fehr E. and Tobler P. (2017) “A neural 2. Despondency in anticipation re- link between generosity and happi- turns Ukrainian society to traditional, ness”, Nature Communications, vol. 8, time tested values — the revival of the article number 15964. local traditions, activation of self-gov- 7. Esfahani E. (2017) The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life That Mat- ernment and self-organization, popu- ters Hardcover, New York, USA. larization of social discussions and col- 8. Inglehart R. (2007) “Development, lective decision making. Freedom, and Rising Happiness A 3. Ukrainian and European crisis Global Perspective (1981–2007)”, contributes to the increase of their an- Perspectives on Phychological Sci- ti-fragilitism — the properties of living ence, vol. 3, issue 4, p. 264–285. matter, when after a blow (crisis), its 9. Atamanchuk H. (1997), Teoryia ho- quality becomes even better [11]. Now- sudarstvennoho upravlenyia [Public adays, modern Europe and Ukraine are management theory], Moscow, Yury- experiencing a certain amount of stress, dychna dumka, Russia. 10. Etzioni A. (1968), The Active Society: that is forced (but “true” from the point A Theory of Societal and Political Pro- of view of the logic of evolutionary pro- cesses, Free Press, New York, USA. cesses) to increase their anti-fragilitism 11. Taleb N. (2018) Antykrykhkist [Anti- and the ability to respond swiftly and malice], Nash format, Kyiv, Ukraine. effectively to the global challenges of the future world in a new space of his- torical time. Список використаних джерел References 1. Донченко О. Архетипи соціального життя і політика (Глибинні регу- 1. Donchenko O. and Romanenko Yu. лятиви психополітичного повсяк- (2001), Arkhetypy sotsialnoho zhyt- дення) : монографія / О. Донченко, tia i polityka [Archetypes of social life Ю. Романенко. — К. : Либідь, 2001. — and politics], Lybid, Kyiv, Ukraine. 334 с. 2. Shtompka P. (1996) Sotsyolohyia 2. Штомпка П. Социология социаль- sotsyalnуkh yzmenenyi [The socio- ных изменений / П. Штомпка; пер. logy of social change], Aspekt Press, с англ.; под ред. В. Ядова. — М.: Ас- Moscow, Russia. пект Пресс, 1996. — 416 с. 3. Devis N. (2006) Yevropa: Istoriia [Eu- 3. Девіс Н. Європа: Історія; пер. з англ. ropa: History], Osnovu, Kyiv, Ukraine. П. Таращук, О. Коваленко. — К. :

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273 UDC: 351.82:659.1]-027.21/.22 Serdechna Liudmyla Vasylіvna, Candidate of sciences in public administra- tion, doctoral candidate, National Academy for Public Administration under the Presi- dent of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Antonа Tsedikа, 20, tel.: +38 (095) 551 78 85, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-3596 Сердечна Людмила Василівна, кандидат наук з державного управління, докторант, Національна академія дер- жавного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Антона Це- діка, 20, тел.: +38 (095) 551 78 85, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-3596 Сердечная Людмила Васильевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, докторант, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Антона Цедика, 20, тел.: +38 (095) 551 78 85, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4311-3596 DOI


Abstract. The publication is devoted to actual problems of theory and prac- tice of self-regulation in the process of formation and implementation of state policy in the field of advertising, which, as part of the information space and mass culture in many countries, influences the formation of value orientations of soci- ety. The problem of conceptual bases of management and regulation of the adver- tising sphere, the correlation of state regulation and self-regulation continues to be relevant for many countries, including European countries. The article deals with the social aspects of self-regulation in the context of the value-semantic ar- chetypes of “having” and “being” from the point of view of the social concept of E. Fromm. Are generalized the particular methods and forms of effective self- regulation in European states, the experience of “having” and “being”, which af- fect both the functioning and development of self-regulation, and the level of

274 corporate social responsibility of the advertising business, is substantiated. It is shown that the achievement of harmonization of relations between the advertis- ing business, society and the state requires the transformation of the priorities of advertising self-government from the protection of corporate interests to co- operation with society. Some methods and forms of effective self-regulation in European states are generalized, the experience of which can become reference points for both the European advertising community and the global advertis- ing industry. The author substantiates the conclusion that creative possession, when the subjects of advertising self-government have an active motivation of “being”, which supplements and does not exclude the corporate interests of “hav- ing”, influences the formation of effective self-regulation in the sphere of adver- tising. Keywords: advertising, values, archetypes, self-regulation of advertising. ЦІННІСНО-СМИСЛОВІ АРХЕТИПИ “ВОЛОДІННЯ” ТА “БУТТЯ” В РЕКЛАМНОМУ САМОРЕГУЛЮВАННІ Анотація. Розглянуто актуальні проблеми теорії і практики саморегу- лювання в процесі формування та реалізації державної політики у сфері реклами. При цьому реклама розглядається як складова інформаційного простору і масової культури, що впливає на формування ціннісних орі- єнтацій суспільства в багатьох країнах. Рекламна діяльність в умовах су- часного світу є однією з причин загострення соціальних суперечностей, що обертається проблемами для самої рекламної індустрії у вигляді посилення регулювання. Проблема концептуальних основ управління і регулювання рекламної сфери, співвідношення державного регулювання і саморегу- лювання продовжує залишатися актуальною для багатьох країн. У статті розглянуті соціальні аспекти саморегулювання в контексті ціннісно-смис- лових архетипів “володіння” і “буття” з позиції соціальної концепції Е. Фромма. Обґрунтовано необхідність вироблення парадигми регулюван- ня реклами на основі ціннісних установок “володіння” і “буття”, які впли- вають як на функціонування і розвиток саморегулювання, так і на рівень корпоративної соціальної відповідальності рекламного бізнесу. Показано, що досягнення гармонізації відносин рекламного бізнесу, суспільства і дер- жави вимагає трансформації пріоритетів рекламного самоврядування щодо захисту корпоративних інтересів до співпраці з суспільством. Узагальнено окремі методи і форми ефективного саморегулювання в європейських дер- жавах, досвід яких може стати орієнтирами як для європейського реклам- ного співтовариства, так і для світової рекламної індустрії. Обґрунтовано, що творче володіння, коли суб'єкти рекламного самоврядування мають ді- ючу мотивацію “буття”, яка доповнює, а не виключає корпоративні інтере- си “володіння”, впливає на формування ефективного саморегулювання у сфері реклами. Ключові слова: реклама, цінності, архетипи, саморегулювання в реклам- ній сфері.

275 ЦЕННОСТНО-СМЫСЛОВЫЕ АРХЕТИПЫ “ОБЛАДАНИЕ” И “БЫТИЕ” В РЕКЛАМНОМ САМОРЕГУЛИРОВАНИИ Аннотация. Рассмотрены актуальные проблемы теории и практики са- морегулирования в процессе формирования и реализации государственной политики в сфере рекламы. При этом, реклама рассматривалась как часть ин- формационного пространства и массовой культуры во многих странах, ока- зывая влияние на формирование ценностных ориентаций общества. Реклам- ная деятельность в условиях современного мира является одной из причин обострения социальных противоречий, что оборачивается проблемами для самой рекламной индустрии в виде ужесточения регулирования. Проблема концептуальных основ управления и регулирования рекламной сферы, соот- ношения государственного регулирования и саморегулирования продолжает оставаться актуальной для многих стран. В статье рассмотрены социальные аспекты саморегулирования в контексте ценностно-смысловых архетипов “обладания” и “бытия” с позиции социальной концепции Э. Фромма. Обо- снована необходимость выработки парадигмы регулирования рекламы на основе ценностных установок “обладания” и “бытия”, которые оказывают влияние как на функционирование и развитие саморегулирования, так и на уровень корпоративной социальной ответственности рекламного бизнеса. Показано, что достижение гармонизации отношений рекламного бизнеса, общества и государства требует трансформации приоритетов рекламного самоуправления по защите корпоративных интересов к сотрудничеству с обществом. Обобщены отдельные методы и формы эффективного саморегу- лирования в европейских государствах, опыт которых может стать ориенти- рами и для европейского рекламного сообщества, и для мировой рекламной индустрии. Обоснован вывод, что созидательное обладание, когда субъекты рекламного самоуправления имеют действующую мотивацию “бытия”, кото- рая дополняет, а не исключает корпоративные интересы “обладания”, влияет на формирование эффективного саморегулирования в сфере рекламы. Ключевые слова: реклама, ценности, архетипы, саморегулирование в ре- кламной сфере.

Target setting. The problem of im- freedom, the will of which does not de- proving and maintaining the system of pend on things and brands? The ques- social values is relevant for the sphere tions stated by E. Fromm in the article of advertising, which today is a power- “To be or to have?” are relevant for the ful means of shaping the social values. advertising sphere. This is not so much Regulation of such a sphere is a matter in the context of expanding the list of that without exaggeration determines restrictions on advertising activities the state of society. or tightening requirements for con- A supermarket society or a society tent, but rather in developing a regu- of free citizens, who have individual latory paradigm that can balance the

276 interests of business and society. This research, scientific works were used, is not about expanding and improving in which issues of social responsibility external control, but about changing of advertising are raised, in particular, the role of self-regulation. Transfor- Jean Baudrillard, Erich Fromm, Gilles mation of the priorities of advertising Lipovetsky. self-government from the protection of The statement of basic materials. corporate interests to cooperation with The problem of the modern materia- society, as well as the interaction of self- listic society, raised by Erich Fromm regulation with legislative mechanisms in the work “To have or to be?” [1], in can effectively promote the formation fact, is the articulation of the problem of harmonious relations between adver- of conceptual bases of management and tisers, society and the state. regulation of the advertising sphere. The purpose of the article is to study Advertising, while being a part of the the social aspects of self-regulation in information space and mass culture, in- the advertising field and the social re- fluences the formation of social values. sponsibility of advertising activities in At the same time, the main criterion for the context of the value-based semantic measuring the effectiveness of advertis- archetypes of “possession” and “being”. ing for the subjects of the advertising Analysis of recent research and market is, in the final analysis, profit, publications. Numerous scientific re- achieved through increased sales. To searches and publications are devoted achieve this goal, advertising seeks to the issues of advertising research. not only to meet the needs and desires Modern advertising is studied by so- of consumers, but to a large extent to ciologists and managers, psychologists form them. Advertising activity makes and philologists, cultural specialists its “contribution” to the aggravation of and linguists, its influence on man has social contradictions, which turns into become the subject of study even in problems for the advertising industry medicine. itself in the form of tightening regula- Among research in the field of ad- tion, reducing consumer confidence. vertising, a significant proportion of At the same time, the achievement of publications devoted to problems and a balanced relationship with society aspects of advertising as a form of mass and consumer confidence is in the long- communication. In particular, the ques- term interests of all subjects of the ad- tions of the theory and real-life experi- vertising market. ence of advertising communication are To have and to be, possession and reflected in the works of Tim Ambler, being, are two basic ways or modes of John Burnett, Vernon Fryburger, Phil- human existence. According to the the- ip Kotler, Jean-Jacques Lambin, Sandra oretical conclusions of Erich Fromm, Moriarty, David Ogilvy, Kim Rotzoll, the predominance of one of them deter- Charles Sandage, Jacques Séguéla, Jack mines the differences in the individual Trouts, William Wells, in the scientific characteristics of people and types of research of Ukrainian scientists Heo- social character. In a somewhat sim- rhii Pocheptsov, Yevhenii Romat, and plistic way, these two ways of human others. As a theoretical basis of this existence can be characterized by two

277 fundamental variants of the direction self-government and self-regulation, of personality: selfishness and altruism. but largely the level of corporate social Moreover, according to Fromm, con- responsibility of the advertising busi- sumption is one of their forms of pos- ness. session, which in modern conditions The problem of conceptual bases of of “overproduction” becomes the main management and regulation of the ad- form of possession [1, p.242]. vertising sphere, the correlation of state Further in this paper, the use of the regulation and self-regulation contin- term “being” provides for such a way ues to be relevant for many countries. of existence of a person when he does Today, it is acute even in conditions of not crave to have anything, but uses developed market relations, adequate his abilities productively. It is such a legislation, civil society and the deve- way inherent in the understanding that lopment of decentralization, as well as not everything that contributes to the organized self-regulation. There are growth of certain system (corpora- many examples to support this thesis. tion, industry) serves the human good. For example, in Germany, where While possession is “individual egoistic the law on advertising was passed in aspirations”, when the meaning of life 1886, self-regulation of advertising consists in pursuing the satisfaction of took shape by 1956, and since 1973 a one’s desires, and the attitude toward code of professional ethics has been in the world is expressed in the desire to effect, advertising still creates problems make it an object of possession and pos- in society from time to time. So in April session. In this mode there is a desire 2016 Der Spiegel reported that German for profit, an exaggeration of the im- Minister of Justice proposed to ban portance of competition and the role advertising in which women and men of market mechanisms. It is the desire are portrayed as sexual objects. The for possession, according to Fromm, the Minister proposes to eliminate such main feature of the modern “society of advertising and introduce appropriate acquirers” [1, p. 284]. amendments to the law against unfair In this study, we will try to answer competition [2]. the question of the correlation of social In European countries today act as values in the sphere of advertising – an national codes, and the International integral part of the social and economic Code of Advertising Activities. It was life of society, and also to understand adopted by the International Chamber whether self-management can hamper of Commerce in 1937 and today is the the expansion of advertising, overcome basis for self-regulation of the advertis- negative phenomena and contribute to ing market in most EU member coun- positive changes. Social values affect tries. At the same time, negative phe- the formation of goals of self-govern- nomena related to advertising remain ment and self-regulation, determines a problem for society. So the World the direction of their development. In Health Organization (WHO) in a spe- particular, values (archetypes) of “pos- cial study on obesity in Europe singled session” and “being” influence not only out advertising among its causes. It is the functioning and development of about advertising harmful products for

278 health, promoting unhealthy lifestyles, ing is reduced to the interpretation stimulating inefficient demand and of desires. The desire materializes in consumption of food products. WHO things, and things personify desire and also recognized the significant role of materialize certain functions of the so- advertising food products aimed at cial order. Advertising creates a world children in the emergence and develop- in which social problems are decided ment of this problem among children not by people, but by things: “Any ten- [3, p. 132–164]. sion, any individual or collective con- Advertising today has become an flict can be solved with the help of some integral part of the space of a modern thing” [5, p. 105]. European city, and it filled not only the In the study of Gilles Lipovecki urban landscape, but all the segments of notes that the postmodern state of Eu- the information space available. It is an ropean culture was the result of pro- integral part of social and political life, cesses encouraged, including mass con- mass culture, education. sumption and the media [6, p. 44]. He On the influence of advertising calls the modern era “the epoch of mass on education in his time, Antoine de consumption” [6, p. 17]. Saint-Exupéry noted: “Pedagogy was Not only scientists, but also experts added to conventional pedagogy, which in the advertising industry, too, ade- operates indisputably, and surprisingly quately assess its role and influence on effectively, and this is advertising. The society. Vyacheslav Chernyahovskij, industry, subject to the laws of profit, the head of the Association of Commu- tries to produce people for chewing gum nication Agencies of Russia, expressed with the help of appropriate education, the opinion that “the advertising mar- and not chewing gum for people” [4, ket is a kind of branch of power that p. 140]. manages entire groups of people. Today Erich Fromm in his work “To have it will be appropriate to say that repre- or to be?” gives a very tough assess- sentatives of marketing and advertising ment of the social role of advertising specialties are the fifth power which, and its impact on society. Advertising expanding the scale of its influence, al- with its purely suggestive methods, in ready controls the whole mankind” [7]. his opinion, “persecutes a person ev- Several in another context, but also erywhere, without giving him a respite confirmed the real possibilities of the either day or night, immersing him in influence of advertising on the society an atmosphere of half-loss and loss of a French political communications spe- sense of reality”. He is convinced that cialist Jacques Séguéla: “Films, serials, “it is necessary to ban any methods entertainment programs are all a fake of” brainwashing “in commercial ad- life, a fiction. But advertising is a reali- vertising and political propaganda” [1, ty, even when it is made with a big share p. 413]. of imagination” [8, p. 6]. Jean Baudrillard , investigating the Marketing theorists define the goal crisis phenomena in the culture of the of advertising and communications as twentieth century, noted that in the a whole to achieve commercial goals. consumer society the task of advertis- That is, profits. A well-known Euro-

279 pean marketer, Professor Jean-Jacques mode of “being”, nevertheless, the moti- Lambin remarked that “the logic of vation for self-regulation may be quite marketing lies at the heart of effective necessary. advertising”, which consists in manag- The real-life experience of self-re- ing consumer demand using all modern gulation shows that it is able to ensure technical means. This is the logic of a the existence of harmonious relations market economy [9, p. 511]. between advertisers, society and the Tim Ambler, a leading researcher at state quickly, flexibly and without ex- the London School of Business, author tra costs. of “Practical Marketing. Brand equity, “The principles of self-regulation marketing wars, positioning, the para- are always the same”, declares the doxes of Zen Buddhism”, with pure main international document on self- English humor, presents in his work regulation in Europe “EASA Guide to “the science of surviving in the mar- Self-Regulation” (EASA — European ket”. In war, as in war, where not only Alliance for Standards in Advertising). “guerrilla marketing”, but advertising “Advertising should be legal, decent, also becomes a “weapon” for the accu- honest and truthful, made with a sense mulation of “branded capital”. How- of civic responsibility to the consumer ever, according to Tim Ambler, in the and society and with the appropri- confrontation between the advertising ate respect for fair competition rules. industry and society, “the truth is that This is achieved through the rules and each side is in its own right”. And al- principles of the best advertising prac- though the interest is in the marketer tices, which the advertising industry and the consumer, but “both sides will “binds” itself. The rules are applied by be satisfied only if they strive to fulfill self-regulatory organizations created each other’s wishes” [10, p. 39]. for this purpose and founded by the ad- In such conditions, in addition to the vertising industry itself. The goal is to development of legislation and exter- ensure high standards in advertising, nal control, efficient self-management consumer confidence and confidence and self-regulation can help solve the for the benefit of all who are interested problem. It is self-regulation that can in it” [11]. become the answer to the question of However, again, as practice shows “to have or to be”, or rather, to put it in and the examples given above, the another way “to have and to be”. Erich adoption in the advertising communi- Fromm in his work introduces the con- ties of the declared norms and rules cept of “existential possession”, defined does not yet guarantee their total ob- as rationally conditioned desire for servance. The industry that claims the self-preservation and not contradicting right to regulate itself, still faces the the nature of “being” existence. One of question “to have” or “to be”. the directions of this principle creative Some experts and advertising re- possession can be the basis of the value searchers believe that self-regulation is orientation of self-regulation. And even “a reaction of the industry to economic though in general business activity is downturns, criticism from the public less typical of the predominance of the [...]. Although the altruistic motive for

280 consumer protection is undoubtedly are rejected by experts, including for present to some extent, the main mo- ethical reasons. This order became pos- tive force for self-regulation is, appa- sible, because the rules established by rently, the foreseeable concern for per- ARPP are shared by all members of the sonal gain” [12, p. 564]. advertising market [13]. As with society as a whole, there The British experience is inter- are no unambiguous recommendations esting and unique in that in the self- and solutions today, how to save it from regulation, which is quite effective in problems and help it prosper. So with the UK, the government body — the respect to the advertising industry, to- British regulator in the communica- day there is no “formula of happiness”, tions sphere — The Office of Com- which will bring absolute harmony in munications (Ofcom) plays an active its relations with society. However, in role. Ofcom together with the national the experience accumulated over se- self-regulatory body for standards in veral decades, there are already exam- advertising The Advertising Standards ples that can become reference points Authority (ASA) represents a single ef- both for the European advertising com- fective regulator. In the British model, munity and for the global advertising advertising is regulated by codes of industry. practice designed to protect consumers The experience of regulating adver- and create equal conditions for adver- tising content in France deserves at- tisers. Today’s head of the ASA Coun- tention. The most important organ of cil describes his work as follows: “Our the French system of self-regulation goals remain simple: that marketers ad- in advertising is the Autorité de régu- vertise responsibly, and consumers have lation professionnelle de la publicité the information they need” [14]. (ARPP), which is an independent or- Responsibility of experts of the ad- ganization and covers three-quarters of vertising industry is formed not only by the country’s advertisers. It should be ethical codes. Therefore, an important noted that the system of self-regulation condition for raising its level is improv- in France is one of the oldest in Europe, ing the education of advertisers. An it was founded in 1935, and today it is analysis of the current situation shows one of the most effective. The ARPP’s that in the process of training specia- activities are based on common ethical lists in the advertising industry, it is norms, as well as recommendations de- necessary to pay attention to the forma- veloped for individual goods and indus- tion of their respective values and social tries, on the basis of which preliminary responsibility. As noted by the Russian examination is carried out. It is the pro- theorist and advertising expert Alek- cedure of preliminary examination that sandr Rep’ev: “So what should remain largely determines the effectiveness of after a few years in the head of a certi- self-regulation. Advertising materials fied advertiser? Clearly, this should be are advertised by volunteers, ARPP the most fundamental principles, pat- carries out testing of advertising before terns and ethical norms” [15]. its placement. It should be noted that a The reasoning about the “driving significant part of advertising messages forces” of improving self-regulation in

281 modern advertising is to be ended with nious relations between advertisers, so- a quotation of Jacques Séguéla about ciety and the state. something that does not directly relate The question of the values “to have” to the problem under investigation, but or “to be” in self-regulation of adver- reflects some general trends that are tising, from the point of view of Erich typical for the discussed issue. Speak- Fromm’s social concept, should not be ing about the features of political ad- set as an alternative choice. It’s about vertising in the late twentieth century, the possibility of achieving an optimal and its social perception, he particular- balance between the material interests ly notes: “Along with the fact that peo- of business and the intangible social ple of politics are gradually becoming values in regulating the advertising more and more different from others, sphere, in particular, in improving the in some countries there are politicians effectiveness of self-regulation. The cor- who are more pure, innocent, unclou- relation of value-semantic archetypes ded, carriers of positive values” [16]. It of “possession” and “being” is impor- should be noted that the trend noted tant. The most acceptable form of this is by Jacques Séguéla, is typical not only a creative possession, when the subjects for the policy sphere, but also for the of self-government of advertising have advertising industry itself. Today in a motivation for “being”, which supple- many countries in the advertising field ments, rather than excludes, the corpo- self-government and self-regulation rate interests of “possession”. play an increasing role. At the same time, more “bearers of positive values” References appear within the industry itself, which understand that with the people (the 1. Fromm E. (2009). Zabytyj yazyk. Imet’ ili byt’? [Forgotten language. To have term “people” here is more appropriate or to be?]. Moscow: AST. than “consumers”) they are brought 2. Ministr yusticii Germanii predlagaet together by common values. Therefore, zapretit’ seksual’nuyu reklamu [The today there are more and more public Minister of Justice of Germany pro- associations of advertisers, corporate poses to prohibit sexual advertis- codes are being developed and adop- ing], available at: https://aftershock. ted, which are sometimes directly news/?q=node/388294 (Accessed called moral. March 26, 2018). Conclusions. Given the scale of the 3. The challenge of obesity in the WHO advertising industry, its role and op- European Region and the strategies for response /edited by Francesco Branca, portunities to influence society, even Haik Nikogosian and Tim Lobstein. the most sophisticated legislation and (2009), WHO. an effective system of external control 4. Bukovskaya A. (1983), Sent-Ehkzyu- cannot eliminate all the contradictions peri ili paradoksy gumanizma [Saint- that are associated with it. In condi- Exupéry or the paradoxes of human- tions of interaction with legislative ism]. Moscow : Raduga. mechanisms, state and public systems 5. Baudrillard J. (2001), Sistema veshchej of external control, self-regulation is [The system of objects]. Moscow: Ru- able to ensure the existence of harmo- domino.

282 6. Lipovetsky G. (2001), Ehra pustoty: 15. Kak ubivayut reklamnoe obrazovanie Ehsse o sovremennom individualizme [How to kill advertising education], [The era of emptiness: An essay on available at: modern individualism], SPb. : Vladi- cenz/Romat-Textbook.htm (accessed mir Dal’. March 26, 2018). 7. Pochemu uchit’sya reklame nado za 16. Korol’ politicheskoj reklamy Jacques granicej, a ne v Rossii [Why study Séguéla [King of Political Advertis- advertising overseas, not in Russia], ing Jacques Séguéla], аvailable at: available at: pochemu-uchitsya-reklame-nado-za- seguela_a.htm (Accessed March 26, granitsey-a-ne-v-rossii/7386357.html 2018). (Accessed March 26, 2018). 8. S gu la J. (1999), Nacional’nye oso- é é Список використаних bennosti ohoty za golosami. Tak dela- yut prezidentov [National features of джерел the hunt for votes. So do presidents]. 1. Фромм Э. Забытый язык. Иметь M. : Vagrius. или быть? / Э. Фромм ; [пер. с нем. 9. Lambin J.-J. (1996), Strategicheskij и англ.]. — М. : АСТ ; АСТ-Москва, marketing. Evropejskaya perspektiva 2009. — 442 с. [Strategic marketing. European per- 2. Министр юстиции Германии пред- spective], SPb. : Nauka. лагает запретить сексуальную ре- 10. Ambler T. (1999), Prakticheskij mar- кламу [Электронный ресурс]. — keting [Practical marketing], SPb: Режим доступа: https://aftershock. Piter. news/?q=node/388294. — Назва з 11. Rukovodstvo EASA po samoregu- екрана. lirovaniyu [EASA Guidelines for Self- 3. Проблема ожирения в Европейском Regulation], available at: http://www. регионе ВОЗ и стратегии ее реше- ния / под ред.: Francesco Branca, Subjects&pageid=81#1 (Accessed Haik Nikogosian и Tim Lobstein. — March 26, 2018). Б/м : Всемирная организация здра- 12. Sandage C. H., Fryburger V., Rotzoll K. воохранения, 2009. — 392 с. (1989), Reklama: teoriya i praktika 4. Буковская А. Сент-Экзюпери или [Advertising: theory and practice]. парадоксы гуманизма / А. Бу- Moscow: Progress. ковская ; пер. с польск. А. Н. Ер- 13. Samorehuliuvannia reklamy: Dosvid монского. — М. : Радуга, 1983. — Frantsii [Self-regulation of advertis- 208 с. ing: Experience of France], available 5. Бодрийяр Ж. Система вещей / Ж. Бо- at: дрийяр. — М. : Рудомино, 2001. — article/122104/2017-01-10-samoreg- 216 с. ulyuvannya-reklami-dosvid-frantsii/ 6. Липовецки Л. Ж. Эра пустоты: Эссе (Accessed March 26, 2018). о современном индивидуализме / 14. Khto i yak rehuliuie reklamu u Ve- Л. Ж. Липовецки. — СПб. : Влади- lykii Brytanii [Who and how adver- мир Даль, 2001. — 336 с. tising regulates in the UK], available 7. Почему учиться рекламе надо за гра- at: ницей, а не в России [Электронный article/122295/2017-01-18-khto-i- ресурс]. — Режим доступа: https:// yak-regulyue-reklamu-u-velikii-brita- nii/ (Accessed March 26, 2018). reklame-nado-za-granitsey-a-ne-v-

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284 UDC 316.752.4 : 351.858 : 328.18 : 32.019.51 Sychova Viktoriia Viktorivna, Doctor of Public Administration, Full Profes- sor, Full Professor of Department of sociology of management & social work Kharkiv Na- tional University named after V. N. Karazin, 61077, Kharkiv, Ploshcha Svobody, 6, tel.: +38 (097) 440 11 23, e-mail: vvs2679@ukr. net ORCID: 0000-0001-5001-8389 Сичова Вікторія Вікторівна, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, професор кафедри соціології управління та соціальної роботи соціо- логічного факультету Харківського наці- онального університету імені В. Н. Кара- зіна, 61077, м. Харків, пл. Свободи, 6, тел.: +38 (097) 440 11 23, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5001-8389 Сычова Виктория Викторовна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, профессор кафедры соци- ологии управления и социальной работы Харьковского национального университе- та имени В. Н. Каразина, 61077, г. Харьков, пл. Свободы, 6, тел.: +38 (097) 440 11 23, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5001-8389 DOI


Abstract. In the article, in the context of the archetypal approach, the inter- action of the authorities and the opposition in the course of implementing the de- communization policy was analyzed. An integral part of a decommunization policy was changing the Soviet names of toponymic objects in residential places bearing the Communist totalitarian regime symbols that consecrated persons involved in the crimes of the latter, also the events related to the activities of the Communist Party, the development of Soviet power in Ukraine, the persecution of partici- pants in the struggle for Ukraine’s independence in the XX century. The Soviet archetypal basis of decommunization methods in Ukraine is revealed, which it was testified to the rapid pace of policy, the lack of information support, explanations,

285 especially for the population of the central and eastern regions of Ukraine, for which the Soviet symbolices was continues to be valuable. The imperial/Soviet archetypes of interaction between the authorities and the opposition are defined by the example of renaming of Soviet names for objects of toponymy of settlements containing symbols of the communist totalitarian regime. Polarized regionalism of Ukrainian society, two distinct national identities based on different systems of political values, have formed various archetypes. Thus, in Uzhgorod and Kirovohrad, the influence of the imperial (respectively, Austrian and Russian) archetypes was reflected. The opposition of some city councils of the Naddnipryanshyny and eastern Ukraine to the parliament’s de- cisions was sometimes determined not by the number of opposition, but by the Soviet identity of the deputy corps. The existence of a confrontational type of the interaction between parliamenta- ry opposition and government/president is substantiated; also between the opposi- tion, embodied by the local political and management elite of Kirovohrad, Kharkiv and Komsomolsk of Poltava’s region, and the state power, personified by the head of the relevant regional state administration/parliament. It is proved that the con- formal type is inherent of interaction the opposition, which is represented by the city council of Dnipropetrovsk and the authorities represented by the respective mayor/parliament; also the interaction between opposition, which represented by the city council/mayor of Uzhhorod and the authorities, which is represented by the chairman of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration. Keywords: decommunization, values, identity, Soviet archetype, confronta- tional and conformal types of interaction, opposition, power. АРХЕТИПНЕ ПІДҐРУНТЯ ВЗАЄМОДІЇ ВЛАДИ Й ОПОЗИЦІЇ У ПРОЦЕСІ РЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ ПОЛІТИКИ ДЕКОМУНІЗАЦІЇ В УКРАЇНІ Анотація. У контексті архетипного підходу проаналізовано взаємодію влади та опозиції у процесі реалізації політики декомунізації. Складовою політики декомунізації стало перейменування об’єктів топоніміки населе- них пунктів, назви яких містили символіку комуністичного тоталітарного режиму; були присвячені особам, причетним до злочинів останнього, а та- кож подіям, пов’язаним із діяльністю комуністичної партії, встановленням радянської влади на території України, переслідуванням учасників бороть- би за незалежність України у XX столітті. З’ясовано радянське архетипне підґрунтя методів декомунізації в Україні, що засвідчили швидкий темп проведення політики, відсутність інформаційного супроводу, пояснень, осо- бливо для населення центральних і східних регіонів України, для якого ра- дянський символічний простір продовжує бути цінним. Виявлено імперські та радянські архетипи взаємодії влади та опозиції на прикладі перейменувань радянських назв об’єктів топоніміки населених пунктів, що містили символи комуністичного тоталітарного режиму. Поля- ризований регіоналізм українського суспільства, дві відмінні національні

286 ідентичності, що спиралися на різні системи політичних цінностей, сформу- вали різні архетипи. Так, в Ужгороді та Кіровограді відбився вплив імпер- ського (відповідно, австрійського та російського) архетипу. Протидія деяких міських рад Наддніпрянщини та Східної України рішенням парламенту іноді обумовлювалася не кількістю опозиції, а радянською ідентичністю депутат- ського корпусу. Обґрунтовано конфронтаційний тип взаємодії парламентської опозиції та уряду/Президента; а також опозиції, уособленої місцевою політико-управ- лінською елітою Кіровограда, Харкова й Комсомольська Полтавської облас- ті, та державної влади, уособленої головою відповідної обласної державної адміністрації/парламентом. Доведено, що конформний тип взаємодії прита- манний опозиції, репрезентованій міськрадою Дніпропетровська, та владі, репрезентованій відповідним міським головою/парламентом; а також опо- зиції, представленій міськрадою/міським головою Ужгорода, та владі, пред- ставленій головою Закарпатської обласної державної адміністрації. Ключові слова: декомунізація, цінності, ідентичність, радянський архе- тип, конфронтаційний та конформний типи взаємодії, опозиція, влада. АРХЕТИПНОЕ ОСНОВАНИЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ ВЛАСТИ И ОППОЗИЦИИ В ХОДЕ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПОЛИТИКИ ДЕКОММУНИЗАЦИИ В УКРАИНЕ Аннотация. В контексте архетипного подхода проанализировано взаи- модействие власти и оппозиции в процессе реализации политики декомму- низации. Составляющей политики декоммунизации стало переименование объектов топонимики населенных пунктов, названия которых содержали символику коммунистического тоталитарного режима; были посвящены лицам, причастным к преступлениям последнего, а также событиям, свя- занным с деятельностью коммунистической партии, установлением совет- ской власти на территории Украины, преследованием участников борьбы за независимость Украины в XX веке. Выявлена советская архетипная основа методов декоммунизации в Украине, которые показали быстрый темп про- ведения политики, отсутствие информационного сопровождения, объясне- ний особенно для населения центральных и восточных регионов Украины, для которого советское символическое пространство продолжает быть цен- ным. Выявлено имперские и советские архетипы взаимодействия власти и оп- позиции на примере переименований советских названий объектов топони- мики населенных пунктов, содержащих символы коммунистического тота- литарного режима. Поляризованный регионализм украинского общества, две отличные национальные идентичности, которые опирались на различ- ные системы политических ценностей, сформировали разные архетипы. Так, в Ужгороде и Кировограде отразилось влияние имперского (соответственно, австрийского и российского) архетипа. Противодействие некоторых город- ских советов Приднепровья и Восточной Украины решениям парламента

287 иногда обусловливалась не количеством оппозиции, а советской идентично- стью депутатского корпуса. Обосновано конфронтационный тип взаимодействия парламентской оп- позиции и правительства/Президента; а также оппозиции, олицетворенной местной политико-управленческой элитой Кировограда, Харькова и Ком- сомольска Полтавской области, и государственной власти, олицетворенной председателем соответствующей областной государственной администра- ции/парламентом. Доказано, что конформный тип взаимодействия присущ оппозиции, представленной горсоветом Днепропетровска, и власти, пред- ставленной соответствующим городским головой/парламентом; а также оп- позиции, представленной горсоветом/городским головой Ужгорода, и влас- ти, представленной председателем Закарпатской областной государственной администрации. Ключевые слова: декоммунизация, ценности, идентичность, советский архетип, конфронтационный и конформный типы взаимодействия, оппо- зиция, власть.

Target setting. Formation of a uni- special importance to the research into fied humanitarian space (in particu- the archetypical basis of the power-op- lar, that of symbols) in Ukraine under position interaction in the course of de- the conditions of a hybrid information communization policy implementation war has a security dimension. In this in Ukraine. respect, pursuing a decommunization Analysis of recent research and policy aimed at elimination of the con- publications. Research works on a sequences of the Communist ideology decommunization policy focus on and enhancing the national identity the problems of its implementation has become a forced step entailed by (V. Babka, V. Lozovyi, L. Маles, V. Viat- external aggression. The ideological an- rovych) [1; 13; 14]; methods and tagonism of the parliamentary opposi- practices of carrying out the policy tion, counteraction, sabotage of part of (H. Каsianov, Т. Khitrova, А. Portnov) the local politico-administrative elite, [9; 17; 25]; archetypes in the historical and ambivalent attitude to the govern- memory (О. Vovchenko) [3]. Analy- ment action on the part of some territo- sis of the ethno-cultural, value-based rial communities have aggravated and identities of the regions (А. Коlodii, slowed down decommunization policy V. Коzakov, V. Rebkalo) [10; 11; 20] implementation. This policy has made makes it possible to foresee the speci- visible the existence of the Soviet ar- ficity of local perception of the cur- chetypes inherent in both the represen- rent policy of the Ukrainian state. At tatives of power and opposition, which the same time, the archetypical basis has come to determine a capacity/inca- of the power-opposition interaction in pacity for managing local humanitarian the course of decommunization policy development. All the above said gives implementation in Ukraine has not be-

288 come a subject of scientific analysis yet, tity (by contrasting themselves with which explains the scientific topicality others), rather than in line with soli- of the present study. darity logic through recognition of The purpose of the article is explor- the rights of one another (a demo- ing of the archetypical basis for interac- cratic solidarity) [20, p. 99]. Absence tion between the power and opposition of “the collective Ukrainian subcon- under decommunization policy imple- scious” leads to “an increased attrac- mentation in the Zakarpattia, Dnipro- tiveness for the ethnic groups inha- petrovsk, Kirovohrad, Poltava, and biting the border regions of Ukraine Kharkiv regions with regard to chang- to identify with the peoples of the ing the Soviet names of toponymic ob- neighboring states, while for many jects in residential places bearing the of the neighboring states — to design symbols of the Communist totalitarian scenarios of “protecting their compa- regime. triots” in the Ukrainian territory” [3, The statement of basic materials. p. 4]. That is why one of the lines of the The archetype being a type of interac- national memory policy is decommu- tion among characteristics of a social nization which is aimed at Ukraine’s structure exerts a determining impact making a definitive break with the So- on social trends and transformations viet past (Soviet archetype) at the level [5, p. 11]. The application of the arche- of fundamental values, liquidation of typical approach involves interpreting the Communist symbols, in order to governance processes as collective sub- renovate the Ukraine-centered values, conscious. It can be assumed that repre- consolidate the Ukrainian nation, and sentatives of the power and opposition develop its historical consciousness of the same age may be carriers of the [1, p. 166]. This policy came into be- same archetype of management culture. ing at the time of the collapse of the Thus, they reproduce the archetype of Soviet Union and received a boost in an interaction/social practice that was May of 2015 due to entering into force assimilated at the collective subcon- of a package of ‘decommunization laws’, scious level previously/at an earlier namely: “On condemnation of the com- stage of political system development. munist and national-socialist (Nazi) Archetypes manifest themselves in the totalitarian regimes and prohibition of form of symbols (heroic images, rituals, propaganda of their symbols”; “On ac- traditions, behavioral practice in gene- cess to the archives of repressive bodies ral) and contain generalized experience of the communist totalitarian regime of of the ancestors [3, p. 69, 74; 5, p. 124, 1917–1991”, “On the legal status and 126]. Therefore, a type of the power- honoring the memory of fighters for opposition interaction determines the independence of Ukraine in the twen- rate, efficiency, and quality of a decom- tieth century”, “On commemoration of munization policy. the victory over Nazism in the World In the opinion of V. Rebkalo and War II (1939–1945)”. These laws were V. Kozakov, “the post-Communist elaborated by the Ukrainian Institute countries develop in accordance with of the National Memory (UINM) — the logic of forming a collective iden- a government body that is responsible

289 for forming and implementing policy make any relevant decisions within the “in the sphere of restoration and pre- six-month period, the chairs of village, servation of the national memory” township, municipal councils were to in Ukraine. Decommunization was issue renaming regulations within planned to be completed on 21.11.2016. the next three-month period, taking An integral part of a decommuni- into account suggestions of the pub- zation policy was changing the Soviet lic, scientists, and recommendations of names of toponymic objects in resi- UINM. If no renaming was effected, the dential places bearing the Communist next step was to be a directive issued by totalitarian regime symbols that con- the head of the respective regional state secrated persons involved in the organi- administration [19, Art. 7, para. 6]. zation and execution of Holodomor of If over the six-month period from 1932–1933 in Ukraine, political repres- the effective date of the said Law the sions, people who occupied the leading responsible public authorities and lo- positions in the Communist party, the cal self-governments have not submit- highest bodies of power and governance ted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the USSR, UkrSSR, other union and their proposals on changing the Soviet autonomous republics (except persons names of residential place, districts and engaged for the most part in develop- regions, the relevant decision was to be ment of the Ukrainian science and cul- made by the Parliament within a three- ture), the Soviet state security officers; month term. In the absence of propos- as well as symbols devoted to the mem- als from the local level, the Verkhovna orable events of the Communist party’s Rada of Ukraine was to act in the line activity, establishment of the Soviet with recommendations of UINM [19, rule throughout Ukraine or in separate Art. 7 para. 8]. administrative territorial entities, per- The shortness of the period during secution of the participants in fighting which the Communist symbols were for the independence of Ukraine in the supposed to be eradicated was stipu- twentieth century [19, Art. 7, para. 6]. lated by the external threat. However, The Council of Ministers of the Au- unlike the archetype, the symbol repre- tonomous Republic of the Crimea, re- sents one of the most stable elements of gional state administrations, the state the cultural continuum. The fast pace administrations of Kyiv and Sevasto- of decommunization and the potential pol, local self-government bodies were of conflict between representatives of to accomplish the planned actions different tiers of authority, built in the within a six-month term from the effec- above algorithm of the decommuni- tive date of the Decommunization Law. zation laws implementation, was the Within that period of time, they were manifestation of the Soviet archetype to hold public hearings and submit for in administrative culture. The charac- consideration of the Verkhovna Rada teristic features of the archetype un- of Ukraine their suggestions about der study are as follows: “a closed or- the appropriate renaming of residen- ganizational system, a bureaucratic tial places, districts, and regions [19, administrative entity; the goal-setting Art. 7, para. 7]. In case of they do not domain is the interests of “the leader-

290 ship elite”; …the mechanism of author- that passed from the moment of de- ity is one-man management aided by a claring a decommunization policy, the bureaucratic apparatus; the main func- government committed a number of tion — redistribution of resources; the crimes against people’s memory, against political culture — conservatism (the the dignity of the Ukrainian citizens, ruling party); the mechanisms of so- against the freedom of conscience and cial mobilization — coercive; the key the right of citizens to have their own ethical value — servility (hierarchy); opinion” [7]. In May 2017, 46 people’s the basic moral and psychological deputies (from the Opposition Bloc and principle — conformism” [26, p. 16]. other fractions) lodged a petition with It is notable that a Doctor of Histori- the Constitutional Court of Ukraine cal Sciences H. Kasianov pointed out about holding the law on decommu- that methods of decommunization are nization unconstitutional. Combining little different from those applied in the opposing contents — protection of the Soviet period: “the methods of im- the Soviet/nondemocratic values with plementation resemble very much the a simultaneous advancement of de- cultural patterns against which these mands of adherence to democratic prin- laws are directed, …“decommunization” ciples — testifies to the ambivalence of topography is a twist of its “commu- of the parliamentary opposition to- nization” [9]. Т. Khitrova also warned wards the colliding components of a against monopolization of a decommu- dichotomy “democracy — totalitari- nization discourse in the information anism”. Such an attitude towards the space [25, p. 62]. decommunization policy is explained, At the first decommunization stage, on the one hand, by existence of a sta- some representatives of the parliamen- ble Soviet archetype, denying crimes tary opposition (О. Vilkul, М. Skoryk) committed by the Communist regime voiced criticism of the governmental (as А. Portnov puts it, “ignorance and line of policy. On 19.05.2015, Vice- misunderstanding of the Soviet” [17]). Prime Minister of the oppositional The repressive Soviet system “was en- government and a people’s deputy gineering “a new man” who was distin- N. Коrolevska declared in the Verkhov- guished by such features as intolerance, na Rada that “the government increas- aggressiveness, claims on monopoly es a divide in the Ukrainian society over truth, opportunistic nature. These through the autocratic laws on decom- traits ultimately formed a man who was munization” [21]. At the same time she totally unstructured in an ideal-value stressed that the Opposition Bloc de- dimension…” [20, p. 101]. On the other mands adherence to democratic prin- hand, under transformation towards a ciples, in the first place, civil freedoms, democratic regime the parliamentary the right for every citizen of Ukraine to opposition assimilated a new value ori- freely express their views and convic- entation. The confrontational attitude tions [21]. After an official completion of the Opposition Bloc to the public of decommunization in spring 2017, the authorities, represented by the parlia- Opposition Bloc made an official state- mentary majority, the government and ment (11.04.2017): “In several years the President, is rooted in the Soviet

291 archetype of power-opposition interac- two politically active ‘centers of gra- tion. The respective model appeared in vity’ — Galychyna (Lviv) and Donbass the context of the command-and-con- (Donetsk) — over the years of inde- trol system functioning, lack of parlia- pendence two opposing (antagonistic) mentarism and private ownership [22, societal cultures were formed, having p. 352]. two different national identities based It has been found that for the majo- on different systems of political values, rity of the population of the central and economic and socio-political practices, eastern regions of Ukraine, the space and regional elites’ activities [10]. The of symbols (monuments, place-names) foundation for the Donetsk culture of the Soviet regime still remains valu- and identity was laid by the Soviet and able. An all-Ukrainian sociological re- regional (local) identities [11, p. 74] search “Conflict in the media, the media characterized by domination of material in conflict” conducted in August 2015 needs, propensity to authoritarian go- showed a prejudiced attitude of 35 % vernance methods, fear of nationalism, of the respondents towards the decom- a cult of force and power, intolerance. munization reform [2]. Upon comple- The identity of Galychyna and the rest tion of decommunization in November of the regions was based on the national 2016, as a research by the Sociological Ukrainian identity, a desire — although group “Rating” proves, the respondents expressed to a varying extent in diffe- were more opposing (57 %), rather rent parts of the country — to create ‘a than supportive (35 %) of the reform Ukrainian Ukraine’ (protection of the [23]. Also, some of the poll results have language and culture of the ethnical shown ambivalent attitude of the popu- Ukrainians with a tolerant treatment lation to the decommunization policy. of other languages and cultures) and to 44 % of the respondents were totally establish a democratic form of govern- against the idea of renaming streets, ment with the rule of law [10]. while 49 % of the respondents favored Different basic “sets of values” form “selective renaming” [23]. The number different archetypes [20, p. 96]. Re- of decommunization policy suppor- gional identities/archetypes determine ters differs essentially from one region the types of power-opposition interac- to another: in the west of Ukraine — tion which surfaced in the course of 72 %; in the central regions — 41 %; implementing decommunization in the in the south — 26 %; and in the east — Zakarpattia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kiro- 18 % of the respondents [23]. vohrad, Poltava, and Kharkiv regions. The above differences are premised Before intervention of the head of on different regional identifies. A politi- the Zakarpattia Regional State Admi- cal analyst А. Коlodii noted that “the nistration (ZRSA), the attitude of the regional divergence of political likes territorial communities was indifferent. and dislikes was typical of the Ukrai- The creative “threats” of H. Моskal nian policy during the entire indepen- “to rename Clara Zetkin Street as Red dence period” [10]. The researcher Lights Street, and Chapaev Street — as believes that due to the polarized re- Anka and Pet’ka Street” have acceler- gionalism of the Ukrainian society with ated decommunization to some ex-

292 tent [18]. However in spring 2016, the gestions to the Parliament at all. It was mayor of Uzhhorod B. Аndriiv (from not done even after signing a coalition Vidrodzhennia (Revival) Party [16] agreement on 24.02.2016 (by 35 depu- represented by the former members of ties of the city council from the fractions the Party of Regions) withdrew from UKROP, Samopomich, and a larger consideration a draft resolution on re- part of deputies from the Opposition naming of 22 streets [8]. A passive re- Bloc) which was to help arrange joint sistance to the decommunization policy work with the mayor [4]. Therefore, the on the part of the majority of the Uzh- Parliament renamed the city as Dnipro horod City Council (25 % of deputies by itself, which was argued against by from Vidrodzhennia fraction [16]) can the Opposition Bloc representatives. be explained by their Soviet identity. At first mayor B. Filatov declared the Procrastination, backtracking from re- necessity for implementing decisions of solving the issues of renaming the So- the state legislative body [15]. Yet, later viet residential places are the evidence on he addressed the speaker А. Parubii of a conformal model of interaction be- with a request to postpone the signing tween the opposition (Uzhhorod mayor of the resolution on renaming of the and city council) and public authorities city, arguing that “a change of the city (head of ZRSA). It is likely that the ar- is untimely, since many people do not chetypical basis for the said type of in- understand what is going on” [18]. teraction is a result of transformation of A desire of Dnipropetrovsk territo- a consensus model that was formed in rial community and its politico-admi- the Zakarpattia in the Austrian period nistrative elite to preserve the humani- (the 19th century) into a confrontatio- tarian space of the Soviet Union speaks nal model (from 1939) which existed in for the presence of the Soviet identity the Soviet Union [22, p. 351, 352]. traits. A loyal attitude of the city leader Not all of the mayors opted for issu- from a pro-presidential political party ing resolutions that contradicted the towards the decommunization policy values of the majority of local councils’ and the confrontation of the city coun- deputies and part of their electorates cil/territorial community promoted i.e. territorial communities. Renaming establishing of the conformal type of of the city of Dnipropetrovsk (named interaction between the power (mayor, after the Dnipro river and one of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) and lo- initiators of the 1932–1933 Holodo- cal political opposition (the majority mor H. Petrovskyi) was complicated of the city council members). This, in by the opposition of a relative majo- turn, was stipulated by the Soviet ar- rity (39 %) of deputies from a fraction chetype of interaction between a city of the Opposition Bloc party, and a city as “a foundry of administrative cadres” mayor B. Filatov, a representative of the and the metropolitan center. As well “Ukrainian Association of Patriots — as by the conformal type of the power- UKROP” party [16]. Since 90,5 % of opposition interaction in part of the the city residents were against renam- Eastern-Ukrainian lands that was ing Dnipropetrovsk [18], the city coun- formed after a repeated Soviet practice cil did not submit any renaming sug- of using Holodomors as a state mecha-

293 nism for liquidating the opposition towards the Mayor/UINM/the Par- [22, p. 352]. liament was also displayed during the The resistance of certain city coun- renaming of the Kirovohrad City cils to the decisions of the Verkhovna Council. Thus, the new name ‘The City Rada of Ukraine in some cases is ex- Council of the city of Kropyvnytskyi’ plained by their deputy corps’ iden- given on 30.11.2017 instead of the nor- tity rather than by the opposition’s mative ‘the Kropyvnytskyi City Coun- numerical strength. The confrontation cil’ does not conform to the law [12]. between a territorial community/city The confrontation between the local council and the Parliament also took opposition and the government autho- place in Kirovohrad where its mayor rities can be accounted for by a dualis- А. Raikovych together with a relative tic imperial-Soviet archetype, formed majority (21 %) of city council depu- under rigid centralization as far back ties represented a pro-presidential par- as in the times of the Russian empire ty BPP Solidarnist [18]. The territorial [22, p. 351] (the city emerged in the community voiced its discontent with mid-1770s) and enhanced in the Soviet the new city names (‘Inhulsk’, ‘Kro- period. pyvnytskyi’) in the form of protest acts The process of renaming Komso- beneath the walls of the Parliament and molsk, Poltava region, was difficult the city council. Naming the city after and long-lasting, although the majority a Ukrainian writer, dramatist, and pub- of its city council was represented by lic figure М. Kropyvnytskyi satisfied members of the fraction of BPP Soli- a mere 8 % of its residents [6]. A poll darnist and Poltava Regional Council — jointly conducted in by Kyiv Interna- by members of the then pro-govern- tional Institute of Sociology and the So- ment fractions (BPP Solidarnist, Bat- ciological group “Rating” in April 2016 kyvshchyna) [16]. During public hear- demonstrated a desire of the majority of ings (17.09.2015), 98 % of the residents the city residents (56,9 %) to retain the favored retaining of the name ‘Komso- name of ‘Кіrovohrad’ (despite the fact molsk’ as an abbreviation for a Ukrai- that Kirov was one of the orchestra- nian phrase meaning ‘a team of young tors of Holodomor in 1932–1933), or socially motivated people, true Cos- to change it (if there is no other way) sacks’ (KOlektyv Molodykh SOtsial’no for ‘Yelisavetgrad’ (54,9 %) [6]. Wish- MOtyvovanykh Liudej, (’), Spravzh- ing to remove the Soviet and imperial nikh, (’), Kozakiv) [18]. The city coun- symbols from the humanitarian space of cil left the old name, giving it a new Ukraine, however, without pressing for interpretation. In spite of the ruling of “the UINM strategy of renewal of the UINM as to illegitimacy of that “re- past Cossack symbols” [14, p. 19], on naming”, the mayor socialist D. Bykov 14.07.2016 the Parliament changed the [16] kept the city’s old name, giving name of the city of Kirovohrad to Kro- as a reason the will of its 16 thousand pyvnytskyi, consolidating the symbols residents [18]. On 19.05.2016, the Par- of the Ukrainian identity. The confron- liament renamed Komsomolsk as Ho- tational attitude of the opposition (the rishni Plavni. At the protest rally of the majority of the city council members) residents of Horishni Plavni near the

294 city hall on 23.05.2016, D. Bykov made named after a neurologist who was a promise to contest the decision of the F. Dzerzhynskyi’s brother; Zhovtnevyi Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the Su- (October) district — in honor of the preme Administrative Court, to apply month when Ukraine was liberated from to the President and the deputies most the German invaders; Frunzenskyi dist- of which, in his opinion, “were unaware rict — to commemorate the pilot, a He- of the fact that the community of Kom- ro of the USSR, the son of the Bolshe- somolsk is against the new name” [18]. vik. The city council decided that the The opposition fractions of Poltava Re- decommunizatiuon law does not apply gional Council initiated a draft decision to the names of Chervonozavodskyi about calling on the speaker of the Par- (Red Factory) and Kominternivskyi liament as to renaming the city. (Communist International) districts Representatives of local authorities, altogether [18]. Decommunization was being the carriers of the Soviet identity, completed by the head of Kharkiv Re- do not realize that the space of symbols gional State Administration І. Rainin of the Communist regime impedes the (order of 17.05.2016). The local po- formation of the Ukrainian identity. litico-administrative elite of Kharkiv They are oriented at welfare issues, showed the territorial community its comparing the living standards at the noninvolvement with the decommu- times of “communists” and “democrats”, nization policy, counterposing itself to which evokes nostalgia for the “social- the state (central/regional) authorities ist stability” and, as it was considered, under the principle “us-them”, effect- “a fair distribution” of social benefits ing, in the meantime, a series of renam- [13, p. 300]. The archetypical basis for ings. The origins of this confrontational a confrontational model of interaction model of interaction between the local between the government bodies (head political opposition and state authori- of Poltava Regional Sate Administra- ties can be found in the Soviet arche- tion, UINM, the Parliament) and the type of the status of Kharkiv as “the political opposition (mayor, majority first capital of the Soviet Ukraine”. Its of the city council) is a Soviet model former opposition to the Ukraine-cen- of the relevant relations. This model is tered Kyiv is reproduced, now and then, marked by priority of socio-economic in the modern political history. This requirements over a state-formation fact proves the Soviet archetypical ba- component [22, p. 352]. sis of interaction of the local opposition In Kharkiv, where a vast major- (mayor, majority of city council) and ity of deputies of the Kharkiv City power (head of Kharkiv Regional State Council (almost 70 %) and the mayor Administration, UINM). H. Кernes represent the political party In December of 2016, UINM re- Vidrodzhennia [16], also tried to pre- ported that decommunization in serve the names of some of the city dis- Ukraine was completed by 99 %: 987 tricts by changing the underlying ratio- residential places bearing the names nalization. At the municipal hearings of the Communist era were renamed, (November, 2015) H. Кеrnes suggested and 1500 monuments to Lenin and that Dzerzhynskyi district should be Bolsheviks were dismantled. However,

295 alongside with reduction of the number ence in Independent Ukraine”, Ab- of decommunization adversaries, the stract of Ph.D. dissertation, Political number of its supporters reduced, too: culture and ideology, Mykola Gogol 41,1 % and 32,8 % of the respodents, State University of Nizhyn, Nizhyn, respectively; while the number of indif- Ukraine. 2. Doslidzhennia “Konflikt v media, me- ferent respondents grew to 24,5 % [24]. dia v konflikti” (2015),“The Most Conclusions. Thus, application of Ukrainians are biased towards au- the archetypical approach to analy- thority, decommunization and the sis of the methods for decommuniza- media”, available at: http://lvivmedia- tion policy implementation in Ukraine made it possible to identify their Soviet uperedzheni-do-vlady-dekomunizatsi- archetypical basis. A forced applica- ji-ta-zmi/ (Accessed 15 March 2018) tion of these methods to forming a new 3. Vovchenko O. A. (2016), “The Arche- Ukrainian collective identity in the type of Ukrainian Society as a De- conditions of external aggression, at the termining factor in the nation’s self- identification (security dimension)”, stage of transformation from the Com- Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation, The munist to a democratic regime restored basis of national security of the state the Soviet archetypes of power-oppo- (political science); National Institute sition interaction. A confrontational for Strategic Studies, Kyiv, Ukraine. type is represented by interaction of 4. The official site of Dniprovsk City the parliamentary opposition and the Rada (2016), “Dnipropetrovs'ka government/President; the local polit- mis’ka rada nareshti pochne pratsiu- ico-administrative elite of Kirovohrad, vaty”, available at: https://dniprorada. Kharkiv, Komsomolsk of Poltava re- (Ac- gion and the state (regional/central) cessed 25 March 2018). 5. Donchenko O. and Romanenko Yu. power; a conformal type — by interac- (2001), Arkhetypy sotsial’noho zhyt- tion of the City Council and mayor of tia i polityka (Hlybynni rehuliatyvy Dnipropetrovsk/the Parliament, and psykhopolitychnoho povsiakdennia) between the City Council/mayor of [Archetypes of social life and politics Uzhhorod and the head of the Zakar- (Depths regulate the psycho-political pattia Regional State Administration. everyday life], Lybid, Kyiv, Ukraine. Further research will be devoted to 6. Ukrainian Pravda (2016), “Zhyteli forecasting the trends of forming a uni- Kirovohrada ne khochut’ perejme- fied humanitarian space, the national novuvaty misto — opytuvannia”, identity with account of the archetypi- available at: ua/news/2016/04/18/7105908/ (Ac- cal basis for the power-opposition in- cessed 10 March 2018). teraction, and substantiation of effec- 7. The official site of Opposition Bloc tive models of managing local/regional (2017), “Zaiava Opozytsijnoho bloku”, humanitarian development. available at: ua/uk/news/dekomunizaciya-ce- politichne-mrakobissya-pridushen- References nya-prav-gromad-i-nacionalnikh- 1. Babka V. L. (2016), “Historical Me- spilnot.html (Accessed 25 March mory as a Factor of Political Influ- 2018) (Accessed 25 March 2018).

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300 UDC 159.92+ 159.923+ 1(44)(092) Sobolnikov Valery Vasilyevich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology, Employee of the sci- entific laboratory “Archetypal and addictive identity”, NSPU, Russian Federation, 630126, Novosibirsk, Str. Vilіuіska, 28, tel: +7 (905) 951 1047, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5880-7283 Собольніков Валерій Васильович, доктор психологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри загальної психології та історії психології, співробітник науко- вої лабораторії “Архетипна й адиктивна ідентичність”, НДПУ, Російська Федера- ція, 630126, м. Новосибірськ, вул. Вилюй- ська, 28, тел.: +7 (905) 951 1047, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5880-7283 Собольников Валерий Васильевич, доктор психологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры общей психологии и исто- рии психологии, сотрудник научной лаборатории “Архетипическая и аддиктивная идентичность”, НГПУ, Российская Федерация, 630126, Новосибирск, ул. Вилюйская, 28, тел.: +7 (905) 951 1047, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5880-7283 DOI


Abstract. The article explores the collective unconscious that has become understandable as the basis, which presumably through archetypes determines the specificity of the development of the European mentality. Our discourse as a mechanism is a field continuum where the archetypes of the collective uncon- scious are primary, and the specific interpretation and modification of the prima- ry to the common meanings, the collective European mentality and the different plan of the semantic communications are secondary. The divergence of the para- digm shift between the epochs of modernity and postmodern quite accurately demonstrates the concept of Michel Maffesoli, penetrated by the institutionalism

301 of romance. Presented in the teachings of nomadism reveals a new social prac- tice, addressed to European culture. Allocating him the archetypal content as a source of social transformation of the new community necessitated the analysis of a number of conceptual ideas of nomadism on a fragmentary level. It should be emphasized that the term “nomads” and its international synonym for “nomads” do not have a unique use, but in psychology it is used to refer to a pathology based on an irrational one. The subject of the study was the phenomenon of nomadism, which is not only a clear way of life, but also an opportunity to search for the ba- sics of further research into the specifics of civilizational development. As condi- tions for the genesis of this process are analyzed: the field of social life of nomads; the formation of a community in the form of a nomadic form of existence; the transformation of an identity with mobile properties; the process of destruction, understood as a transition from destruction, but not to death, but to rebirth; etc. Keywords: nomadism, identity, closeness, freedom; alienation, nomadism, modernity, postmodernity, subjectivity, collective unconscious, irrational, arche- types, destructive processes, archetype, discourse. НЕСВІДОМЕ ЯК ДЖЕРЕЛО АРХЕТИПУ ЄВРОПИ: ДИСКУРС НОМАДИЗМУ В КОНЦЕПЦІЇ М. МАФФЕСОЛІ Анотація. Досліджується колективне несвідоме, що стало зрозумілим, як підстава, що, можливо, обумовлює через архетипи специфіку розвитку євро- пейської ментальності. Закладений нами дискурс як механізм являє собою польовий континуум, де первинним є архетипи колективного несвідомого, а вторинними специфічна інтерпретація і модифікація первинного в загаль- ні смисли, колективну європейську ментальність і різного плану смисло- ві комунікації. Розбіжність парадигмального зсуву між епохами Модерну й Постмодерну досить точно демонструє пронизана інституціалізмом романти- ки концепція М. Маффесолі. Представлений в навчанні номадизм розкриває нову соціальну практику, звернену до європейської культури. Виділення ним архетипного змісту як джерела соціальної трансформації нової спільноти зу- мовило необхідність аналізу низки концептуальних ідей кочівництва на фра- гментарному рівні. Слід підкреслити, що поняття “кочівники” і його міжна- родний синонім “Номади” не мають однозначного вживання, а в психології використовується для позначення патології, в основі якої знаходиться ірра- ціональне. Предметом дослідження став феномен номадизму, що не лише яв- ляє собою виразний шлях життєдіяльності, а й відкриває можливості пошу- ку методологічних засад організації подальших досліджень. Як умови генези розвитку цього процесу аналізуються поле соціального буття Номад, розви- ток суспільства у вигляді номадної форми існування, трансформація іден- тичності, яка має рухливі властивості, ймовірнісний процес деструкції, який розуміється як перехід від руйнування, але не до смерті, а відродження тощо. Ключові слова: кочівництво, ідентичність, близькість, свобода, відчужен- ня, номадизм, Модерн, Постмодерн, суб’єктність, колективне несвідоме, ар- хетипи, деструктивні процеси, архетип, дискурс.

302 БЕССОЗНАТЕЛЬНОЕ КАК ИСТОЧНИК АРХЕТИПА ЕВРОПЫ: ДИСКУРС НОМАДИЗМА В КОНЦЕПЦИИ М. МАФФЕСОЛИ Аннотация. Исследуется ставшее понятным коллективное бессознатель- ное как основание, которое предположительно через архетипы обусловлива- ет специфику развития европейской ментальности. Заложенный нами дис- курс как механизм, представляет собой полевой континуум, где первичным являются архетипы коллективного бессознательного, а вторичными специ- фическая интерпретация и модификация первичного в общие смыслы, кол- лективную европейскую ментальность и различного плана смысловые ком- муникации. Расхождение парадигмального сдвига между эпохами Модерна и Постмодерна достаточно точно демонстрирует пронизанная институциа- лизмом романтики концепция М. Маффесоли. Представленный в учении но- мадизм раскрывает новую социальную практику, обращенную к европейской культуре. Выделение им архетипического содержания как источника соци- альной трансформации нового сообщества обусловили потребность анализа ряда концептуальных идей кочевничества на фрагментарном уровне. Сле- дует подчеркнуть, что понятие “кочевники” и его международный синоним “номады” не имеют однозначного употребления, а в психологии использует- ся для обозначения патологии в основе, которой находится иррациональное. Предметом исследования стал феномен номадизма, представляющий собой не только явственный путь жизнедеятельности, но и открывающий возмож- ности поиска методологических основ организации дальнейших исследова- ний. В качестве условий генезиса развития этого процесса анализируется поле социального бытия Номад, формирование сообщества в виде номадной формы существования, трансформация идентичности, обладающей подвиж- ными свойствами, вероятностный процесс деструкции, понимаемый как пе- реход от разрушения, но не к смерти, а возрождению и т. д. Ключевые слова: кочевничество, идентичность, близость, свобода, от- чуждение, номадизм, Модерн, Постмодерн, субъектность, коллективное бессознательное, архетипы, деструктивные процессы, архетип, дискурс.

Statement of the problem. The state and modification of the primary to the of modern thought can be characterized common meanings, the collective Euro- as a search for ways to resolve contra- pean mentality and the different plan dictions and the development of man- of the semantic communications are kind, based on the divergence between secondary. Researchers everywhere re- the epochs of Modernity and Postmo- sort to definitions of “archetype” and dernity. Our discourse as a mechanism “collective unconscious”, which serve is a field continuum where the arche- as original cognitive patterns: the intui- types of the collective unconscious are tive grasp of the archetype precedes the primary, and the specific interpretation instinctive action. It is not by chance

303 that in the European mentality along producing economy [2, p. 83–84]. with the archetypes “Great Mother” At the same time, not every kind of and “Great Father”, the archetype of mobile life, denying the attitude to- Europe plays an important role. The bi- wards the producing economy, can be nary nature of archetypes from their to- attributed to nomadism. The origin tality to the archetype-empire reveals of Homo sapiens with the process of a trend of gravitation towards the for- formation of nomadism is associated mation of a united Europe. At the same with time: from the end of the Paleo- time, the process takes place in very lithic, the Mesolithic, to the Neolithic difficult conditions, where the result is period. As it developed, nomadism not fully understood. In fact, the con- (wandering life) spread from the At- flict between Modernity and Postmo- lantic to China and from East Af- dernity is carried out within the frame- rica to Siberia [3, p. 171–182]. In ge- work of two mentality and the struggle neral, if the Eurasian nomadism arose against repressiveness and totalitaria- in the 4th–1st millennium BC. E., in nism for tolerance, pluralism, psycholo- Southern Europe nomadism was gism, etc. The process of mythologizing formed only in the initial period of the of mass consciousness (increasing the Neolithic (IV–III centuries BC) [4]. number of subcultures, tribalization of An analysis of the existing litera- society, etc.) draws our attention on a ture on nomadism was reflected in the number of conceptual provisions of the works of L. Gumilev, I. Zlatkin, G. Mar- theory of Michel Maffesoli [1]. The kov, A. Khazanov, E. Gelner, L. Kreider, problem of contradictions between the V. Koenig, and others. The works of real life of small social groups and the researchers emphasize the connection world of ideological structures of power of nomadism with the development of is considered, in his opinion, a sign of civilization, and it is perceived as an the emergence of a new sociality. One important factor in the development of of its manifestations is the pheno- mankind. Since the 90’s of the last cen- menon of nomadism, which is not only tury, as a result of a rethinking of the a clear way of life, but also the possi- methodological foundations and the bility of searching for methodological scientific paradigm, new approaches to foundations and principles for studying the problems of nomadism in the works the specifics of civilizational develop- of N. Krudin, V. Trepavlov, N. Masanov, ment. Studying the problem of noma- S. Vasyutin, K. Ahsanov and others dism in the framework of the concept of were found. Much attention is paid M. Maffesoli actualizes the issues we to the problem being analyzed by the are considering. works of foreign researchers Z.Bauman, Analysis of recent research and J. Baudrillard, G. Deborah, J. Deleuze, publications. The phenomenon of no- F. Guattari and others. When carry- madism in European civilization is con- ing out an analysis of the nature of no- sidered as one of the central problems madism by J. Deleuze and F. Guattari of nomadology (nomadism), the sub- the perspective of the concept of this ject of which was the “nomadic way of phenomenon is looking through. The life”, understood as a special kind of analogy between nomads and “tribes”,

304 conducted by M. Maffesoli, is becoming empire erected stone statues of guar- more obvious. dian gods, including centaurs. Ancient The study of the work of a number description of them as a frenzied, de- of researchers convinces that the main sired union of animals, direct our view function of nomads is the ability to con- to the dark side of the female archetype. stantly evolve and the desire to change The “program” inherent in it goes deep and renew the thinking of its represen- into the collective unconscious and the tatives. With the advent of the nomadic past of mankind. Verification of it can way of life in the history of mankind, be a gender-archetypal analysis of the there were opportunities for develop- process, which confirms the existence ment through the seizure of new territo- in the mental strata of the archetypes ries and their subsequent introduction “Great Mother — Great Father” and into production turnover [5]. Simulta- the world of centaurs interacting with neously, the creation of ethnocontact them [7]. groups led to the emergence of dialects, The mythical characters of Hel- and then to the formation of conditions lenic culture draw us into the animal for the subsequent division of labor and nature of the unconscious long before trade. At the same time, it should be it becomes possible to really touch the noted that the social system perceived higher, the divine. As an archetype, a the nomads as “the scourge and pu- centaur represents a certain part of the nishment of God”, and their members as wild that is not subject to conscious- savage barbarians bearing destruction ness control. The only “right direction and death. Obviously, a separate way of was to descend into this underworld, life encouraged nomads to be the most which can allow you to emerge enligh- mobile, develop new technologies, deal tened” [8, p. 80–81]. J. T. Toshchenko, with exchange, generate dialects, etc. exploring the phenomenon of centaur- [cf. 6]. However, the further evolution culture, reveals its destructive nature. of nomadism led to the fact that at the In modern conditions, he believes, un- turn of the XIV–XV centuries, under der the influence of the centaur-cul- the blows of emerging capitalism, the ture, the world culture is disintegrated, nomadic system disintegrated. everywhere replaced by ersatz, quasi- In general, for the European popula- and pseudocultures. In their aspirations tion, the world of nomads remained a to the truth and the need to replace the phenomenon incomprehensible, largely old content with new ones, fragments closed, little explored, a kind of “terra of the centaur-culture that set the incognita”. The reflection of the no- destructive process are being intro- madic culture became a centaur — a duced into real life. It is woven of mythical creature, a semi-human-half- elements that represent contradic- horse, which was perceived as the ideal tory processes in the development synthesis of man and beast. The origin of culture, which exploit, but not al- of this image researchers attributed to ways directly, by opposing to unnatu- the II millennium B.C.Е. (Babylon). ral manifestations, various low-taste Nomads, who came from Iran around tastes, aspirations and orientations” [9, 1750 B.C.E. in the boundaries of his p. 172].

305 The wording of the purpose of the tal inequality, socio-cultural forecast- article: Problem statement and the ing and the construction of the future analysis of the latest publications deter- will become fully apparent. It is not by mined the purpose of the study. In the chance, investigating the problems of context of the foregoing, the goal of this the newly emerging community of the work is to highlight the archetypal dis- postmodern era, M. Maffesoli in many course of the collective unconscious as ways connects it with the influence a spiritual infrastructure and the driv- of archetypes of the collective uncon- ing force of the social transformations scious. The totality of his archetypes of the new community. becomes, he believes, “the building ma- Statement of the main material. terial” for the development of the soci- The competition of the paradigms of ety of the future [13]. modernism and postmodernism in Eu- The presence of a deep layer of the rope generates a high degree of uncer- psyche in mankind as a collective un- tainty [10] in the process of discourse conscious allows us to present the con- recognition of predictable (unpredict- tent of the latter through archetypes able) events. Psychological under- in the form of “innate ideas, or tenden- standing of situational (dispositional) cies to organize experience within the factors of subjective uncertainty actu- framework of congenital definite pat- alizes various contexts of personal self- terns” [14, p. 9]. The results of analysis determination. As a result, this kind of of experimental and clinical studies, socialization leads to the allocation of ancient myths, customs and rituals, a special group of people (digital no- religious teachings, etc., conducted by mad — digital nomadism), which con- C. G. Jung [15], showed the existence ducts a “mobile lifestyle”, constantly of a collective unconscious. In fact, the changing places of residence and uses latter is the layer of the psychic that digital technologies to perform their resulted from the evolution of the bio- professional duties” [11, p. 141]. Stay- logical species “man” in the form of a ing “in constant movement becomes concentrated experience of all man- a way of life, where a person finds the kind in the form of archetypes. At the whole “world” [12, p. 16]. same time, the scientist realizes theo- At the same time, the transition to retical comprehension and attempts a new state is accompanied by an obvi- to identify and substantiate the cen- ous change in the former ways of exis- tral archetype linking all the elements tence of the individual and the forma- of the psyche into a single whole. For tion of other ways of life. Man, like the C. Jung, the unconscious (“It”) and the community as a whole, will undergo consciousness (“I”) exist in different uncertainty testing for “fragility” and parameters, therefore, “self” becomes “anti-fragility”. At the same time, the a significant carrier of the integrity of need to search for the humanitarian the psyche, a reflection of the principle component of the integration of the of totality of the individual. Therefore, systems “man-man” and “man-artificial “the problem of the unconscious, Fou- intelligence” will intensify. The prob- cault stressed, its capabilities, status, lems of identity in the digital age, digi- mode of existence, as well as the know-

306 ledge and means necessary for it, is not formation of subjectivity of the individ- an internal, accidental problem of the ual. Being in the form of concentrated humanities, but, in fact, the problem of experience of mankind in the form of its existence” [16, p. 17]. archetypes, the collective unconscious In general, the perspectives of arche- guides us to the necessity of their per- typal psychology require a deeper un- ception. The synthesized categories of derstanding of subjectivity. The uncon- archetypes as nuclear structures that sciousness of archetypes gives rise to the have abstract oppositions give not on- uncertainty and infinity of their seman- ly a certain form to the content of the tic structure, creating a certain field psyche, but also the possibility of acti- for their realization and interpretation. vating a certain type of perception and The person, M. Maffesoli believes, dis- action. C. G. Jung, in this connection, appears, and “the individual, detached stressed that if “the situation corre- from his connections”, explodes “to ex- sponding to a given archetype occurs, pand the boundaries of his subjectivity: this archetype becomes active, coercion “Himself” in the tribe, “himself” in na- appears which, like an instinctual at- ture, “himself” in religion” [17]. Subjec- traction, paves its way in spite of all rea- tivity as a category reflects the active son and will or produces a pathological position of man in the world and occu- conflict, i.e. neurosis” [19, p. 142–143]. pies a special place in modern psycho- At the same time, a lot of opposing logy. In essence, discovering in its basis tendencies coexist or are twofold, and an integral characterization of human therefore the possibility of destructive activity, the energy side of his psychic behavior is always revealed. The ge- organization provides an individual nesis of this phenomenon is revealed as activity-transforming way of being. At a variant of realization in the conscious- the same time, its active-transforming ness of the sociocultural potential of an function, which has a clearly expressed archetype that is able to identify, mani- authorial character, determines the at- fest and formalize certain images in the titude to life as a personal problem, mind of the individual. and to itself as a creator. Therefore, the The existing reality using images work of the individual on the path to and symbols to synthesize the destruc- the “creator”, according to M. Maffes- tive experience of human generations, soli, is carried out in process of creation in essence, prepares the conditions for by him of conditions of definition of the personal regression. At the rupture of law for the actions outside. The latter is contradictions, a negative identity, fixed at the level of the appearance of a with a different system of needs, abili- new value — the integrity of the being. ties and beliefs and individual history, In the new society, in his opinion, the and destructive behavior towards sub- spirit of creativity begins to prevail, the jects with a positive identity begin to creative and aesthetic basis of life acti- form. At the same time, a connection vity is formed [18]. is found between destructive changes Agreeing with the above, it makes and the archeization of socio-psycho- sense to return to the analysis of the logical structures. Their aspiration for archetypal unconscious underlying the forms that have developed in a sim-

307 plified version and in simpler condi- “I” with an aggregate of the most im- tions is perceptible. This can lead to portant functions the synthesis of per- inadequate perception of the current sonality, its adaptation to the external time and incoming information and to or internal world and protection from strengthen the process of process de- the destructive influence of the envi- structurization. The greatest interest ronment), a deficit of self-energy was in this regard is the possible transfor- identified in the “I”, which the indi- mation of one of the central concepts vidual is forced to borrow from “It” [22, of psychoanalysis, such as “attraction”. p. 95–101]. Disorientation of the “I” Within the theory of drives, attrac- under the influence of unintegrated ag- tion is the desire to satisfy the weakly gressiveness, feelings of fear and other conscious (unconscious) needs, which impulses coming from “It”, induce the are the primary source of action and “I” to be modified in order to prevent behavior. Quite often it is manifested the penetration of instincts. This un- in destruction (to death), aggression, derstanding of the psychological mech- complexes of sadomasochism, Oedi- anism of interaction has led S. Nacht to pus and Electra, archetypes of Anima/ identify conflicts as the central problem Animus. Moreover, attraction as a associated with the collapse of values motivation can arise by the type of and the loss of the meanings of their ex- both unconditioned and conditioned istence [23, p. 157]. reflexes. The possibility of destructive modi- Conceptually, the idea of craving for fication of the “I” under the influence destruction (destruction) as the basis of the external world becomes also real for the transition to revival was first because of its origin from “It” and is a formalized with the support of Z. Freud part of it. Standing out from the “Su- and C. G. Jung, S. Spielrein [20]. How- per-ego”, the part of “I” is an uncon- ever, the psychological mechanism of scious. Because of this, the protective this process was not disclosed. The ex- activity of the “I” is to a certain extent planation of the mechanism of the influ- unconscious and, therefore, can not be ence of archetypes on man’s conscious- independent from unconscious. The ness and behavior became possible on presence of features in the “I” structure the basis of an understanding of mo- (it can be flexible or inflexible) as the dern psychoanalysis, not as “an exciting main determining moment allows us to doctrine of the unconscious, but of the determine the strength or weakness of reorganization of the “I” [21, p. 37]. the “I”. So, for example, with the weak- S. Nacht and his collaborators, ness of the “I”, firstly, the narcissistic whose logic of knowledge was based elements of the personality predomi- on the introduction of a conditioned nate; secondly, the personality is mas- reflex, actualization of the characteris- ochistic; third, homosexual structures tics of the personality and the external predominate; fourthly, there is in- environment, orientation to the activa- creased excitability, ease of transition tion of the “I”, etc., attempted to un- from one action to another; fifth, there cover the mechanism for the formation are traits of mental deficiency in the in- of destruction, etc. Thus, endowing the tellectual sphere [21, p. 95–108].

308 At the same time, the “I” can not go internal and external factors of the for- beyond the limits of its natural nature mation of a destructive identity [26]. and include the social conditions of Here, following Z. Freud, С. G. Jung, its life activity. External reality ceases S. Nacht and others, it is worthwhile to be an objective reality and unfolds using not only traditional means (in- before the subject, depending on the terpretation of dreams, methods of characteristics of the individual. As free associations, transfer, determina- a result, it becomes possible to form a tion of the “I” force, etc.), but also to destructive identity of the individual, go on quasi-experimental methods. In whose consciousness is self-destruc- the process of studying the personality, ting if it is impossible to eliminate the it is also advisable to apply the anam- contradictions contained in it (an- nestic method in order to analyze the tinomies). In order to diagnose the sexual, affective and social realizations destructiveness of consciousness, it is of the subject as a person and evalu- necessary to isolate the existing con- ate it behavior in special states of con- tradictions. sciousness. In this case, according to The latter should be taken into ac- S. Nacht, we should beware of the con- count in relation to another pheno- tact between the forces of instincts menon — the tribal world. Against the and the “I”. “We can not, he claimed, background of world wide globaliza- change the requirements of the uncon- tion, “tribes” unite among themselves scious, but we can change the answers by certain sensory experiences and that are given to him by “Ego” and “Su- cultivate such personality traits as per-ego” [21], thereby determining the loyalty to the clan, personal dignity, main direction of further work on the nationalistic and religious feelings, etc. problems of the formation of destruc- [24, p. 46]. tive identity. М. Maffesoli, creating a new mo- Conclusions and prospects for fur- del, predicts the likelihood of chang- ther research. In general, the proposed ing the traditional forms of the family, by M. Maffessoli model of postmodern the school and the nation-state. The society fully conveys the feeling of in- nomadic way of life programs social creasing unreliability of rooted social, mobility, embracing all spheres of hu- religious and other institutions and man life. “The structure of the nomadic creates a vision for future development way of life”, he believes, “will become of society. As a result, the paradigm de- widespread, and it is only natural that veloped by him acquires the features of people for their lives will be replaced a complex theory, which, according to by several families, several professions”, E. A. Afonin, allows a person to “cross” transform the gender aspects of their the boundaries of his individuality and identity, life styles, etc. [25]. merge with the community to which he The foregoing opens up wide oppor- belongs [26]. On the basis of the above, tunities for studying the human psyche it seems to us important to further in the process of interaction with ar- study the problems of the formation of chetypes and revealing the complex, in the destructive component of the new many ways, contradictory influence of community. At the same time, one of

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311 дин // Философия и общество. — 15. Юнг К. Г. Понятие коллектив- 2001. — Вып. № 2 (23). — С. 108–138. ного бессознательного (1936) / 6. Марков Г. Е. Из истории изучения К. Г. Юнг // Сознание и бессозна- номадизма в отечественной лите- тельное. — СПб ; М. : Университет. ратуре: вопр. теории / Г. Е. Мар- кн., 1997. — С. 69–79. ков // Восток. — 1998. — № 6. — 16. Foucault М. Madness and civilization: a С. 110–123. history of insanity in the age of reason / 7. Собольников В. В. Архетипическое М. Foucault ; еdited by R. D. Laing, обоснование деструктивности в кон- D. G. Cooper. — New York : Pantheon тексте бинарности как структуро- Books, 1965. — 299 p. образующего принципа / В. В. Со- 17. Afonin E. A. Neotribalism and modern больников // Сибирский пед. policy of decentralization: analisis of журн. : науч. периодическое изд. — proffesor Michel Maffesoli’s ideas / 2015. — № 3. — С. 15–18. E. A. Afonin, V. A. Pliushch // Public 8. Хиллман Джеймс. Внутренний мрак: management. — 2017. — № 4 (9). — бессознательное как проблема мора- P. 34–47. ли / Джеймс Хиллман // Внутрен- 18. Maffesoli М. Utopia or Utopias in ний поиск : сб. работ разных лет / the Gaps: From the Political to the пер. с англ. — М. : Когнито-Центр, “Domestic”, Diogenes / М. Maffeso- 2004. — 335 с. li. — English ed. Fiesole, 2005. — 9. Тощенко Ж. Т. Кентавр-культура: Vol. 52, Iss. 2. — Р. 24–25. современные лики / Ж. Т. Тощен- 19. Юнг К. Г. Психология бессознатель- ко // Диалог культур в условиях ного / К. Г. Юнг ; пер. с нем. — М. : глобализации : XI Междунар. Лиха- Канон, 1994. — 320 с. чевские научные чтения, 12–13 мая 20. Spielrein S. Destruktion als Ursache 2011 г. : Т. I. Доклады. — СПб. : СПб- des Werdens, Internat. Zeitschr / ГУП, 2011. — С. 166–173. S. Spielrein // Fur Psychoanal. — 10. Психология неопределенности: 1912. — № 4. — 97 р. единство интеллектуально-лич- 21. Nacht S. La presence du psychanalys- ностного потенциала человека: кол- te / S. Nacht. — Paris, 1963. — 450 р. лективная монография / Т. В. Кор- 22. Собольников В. В. Архетипические нилова, М. А. Чумакова, С. А. Кор- проблемы формирования деструк- нилов. — М. : Смысл, 2010. — 334 c. тивной идентичности / В. В. Со- 11. Gussekloo A. Digital Nomads: How больников // Гуманитарные науки и to Live, Work and Play Around the образование в Сибири : науч.-практ. World / A. Gussekloo, E. Jacobs. — журн. — 2015. — № 2. — С. 95–101. N.-Y. : Location-Independent Publi- 23. Nacht S. La psychanalyse daujourd- shers, 2016. — 280 p. huihui / S. Nacht. — Paris, 1956. — 12. Rushkoff D. Program or Be Pro- 390 р. grammed: Ten Commands for a Digi- 24. Бауман З. Глобализация. Послед- tal Age / D. Rushkoff. — New York, ствия для человека и общества / 2011. — 152 p. З. Бауман ; пер. с англ. — М. : Весь 13. Maffesoli Michel. L’homme postmo- Мир, 2004. — 188 с. derne / Michel Maffesoli. — Paris, 25. Маффесоли М. Неотрайбализм 2012. — 216 p. и современная политика децен- 14. Юнг К. Г. Архетип и символ / трализации: открытая лекция в К. Г. Юнг. — М. : Ренессанс, 1991. — НАГУ при Президенте Украины 150 с. (29 июня 2017 г.) [Электронный

312 ресурс] / М. Маффесоли. — 2017. — 26. Хиллман Дж. Архетипическая Режим доступа: https://www. психология / Дж. Хиллман; пер с англ. — М. : Когнито-Центр, 2006. — zeh3LIn5uNM. 351 с.

313 UDC: 316.728 Sudakov Volodymyr Ivanovich, Professor, Doctor of Sociological Science, Head of the Theory and History of Sociology dpt., Faculty of Sociology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 01601, Kyiv, Str. Volodymyrska, 58, tel.: +38 (067) 502 86 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093 Судаков Володимир Іванович, доктор соціологічних наук, професор, за- відувач кафедрою теорії та історії соціо- логії факультету соціології Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, 01601, м. Київ, вул. Володимир- ська, 58, тел.: +38 (067) 502 86 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093 Судаков Владимир Иванович, доктор социологических наук, профессор, заведующий каферы теории и истории со- цилологии факультета социологии Киевского национального университета имени Та- раса Шевченко, 01601, г. Киев, ул. Владимирская, 58, тел.: +38 (067) 502 86 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093 DOI


Abstract. The article presents analytical sociological approach that is oriented to the scientific research of the division of labor as the archetypal source of social integration, social conflicts and social tensions the European public space. Devo- ted that the division of labor archetype is the fundamental transcultural stimulus for the resource development in the contemporary societies and is the important determinative factor for supporting and strengthening integrative foundations of public space in these societies. The specialized conceptions of social and public space, which have been elaborated in the European sociology for explanation the conflict-and the risk manifestations of the division of labor in the individual and collective labor practices were analysed by the author. Argued that in the glo- balized multicultural public space of the contemporary European societies take

314 place the constant reproduction of the different intercultural conflicts which are the functional manifestations of the of division of labor between individual and collective actors of social life. Substantiated that the social foundation of these intercultural conflicts are the different forms of social tension which reflect the concrete circumstances of social inequality, violence, social exclusion, depriva- tion, protest behavior in the system of the labor practices and also in the different models of employment of the working population. Proved the necessity of further development of the fundamental and applied scientific researchers of the new in- tercultural conflicts and the forms of social tensions in the labor activities that are reproduce in the multicultural European public space. Such scientific researchers would be the important stimulus for the development of the theory and methodo- logy of the public management. Keywords: globalization, labor, division of labor archetype, social integration, social solidarity, social conflict, social tension, European public space. РОЗПОДІЛ ПРАЦІ ЯК АРХЕТИПНЕ ДЖЕРЕЛО СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ІНТЕГРАЦІЇ, СОЦІАЛЬНИХ КОНФЛІКТІВ ТА СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ НАПРУЖЕНОСТІ У ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОМУ ПУБЛІЧНОМУ ПРОСТОРІ Анотація. Представлено розробку аналітичного соціологічного підходу, спрямованого на наукове дослідження розподілу праці як архетипного дже- рела соціальної інтеграції, соціальних конфліктів та соціальної напруженості у європейському публічному просторі. Аргументована значущість розуміння архетипу розподілу праці як визначального транскультурного стимулу ре- сурсного розвитку сучасних суспільств і важливого чинника підтримки та посилення інтегративних засад їх публічного простору. Здійснено аналіз спеціалізованих концепцій соціального та публічного простору, які були роз- роблені у європейській соціології для пояснення специфіки конфліктних та ризикових проявів архетипу розподілу праці в індивідуальних та колективних трудових практиках. Аргументовано, що в публічному мультикультурному просторі сучасних європейських суспільств стабільно відтворюються різно- манітні міжкультурні конфлікти, які реально є суперечливими функціональ- ними проявами архетипу розподілу праці між індивідуальними колективни- ми суб’єктами суспільного життя. Підкреслено, що соціальною основою цих міжкультурних конфліктів є різні форми соціальної напруженості, які відо- бражують конкретні обставини соціальної нерівності, насильства, соціального відторгнення, депривації, протестної поведінки в системі трудових практик, а також в різних моделях зайнятості працездатного населення. Доведена необ- хідність подальшого розвитку фундаментальних та прикладних наукових до- сліджень нових міжкультурних конфліктів та форм соціальної напруженості в індивідуальних та колективних трудових практиках, які специфічним чином відтворюються та виразно проявляються у полікультурному європейському публічному просторі. Саме такі дослідження можуть стати важливими стиму- лами розвитку теорії та методології соціального менеджменту.

315 Ключові слова: глобалізація праця, архетип розподілу праці, соціальна інтеграція, соціальна солідарність, соціальний конфлікт, соціальна напру- женість, європейський публічний простір. РАЗДЕЛЕНИЕ ТРУДА КАК АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ИСТОЧНИК СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ИНТЕГРАЦИИ, СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ КОНФЛИКТОВ И СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ НАПРЯЖЕННОСТИ В ЕВРОПЕЙСКОМ ПУБЛИЧНОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ Аннотация. Представлена разработка аналитического социологического подхода, который направлен на научное исследование разделения труда как архетипного источника социальной интеграции, социальных конфликтов и социальной напряженности в европейском публичном пространстве. Аргу- ментирована значимость понимания архетипа разделения труда как опре- деляющего транскультурного стимула ресурсного развития современных обществ и важного фактора поддержки и усиления интеграционных принци- пов их публичного пространства. Осуществлен анализ специализированных концепций социального и публичного пространства, которые были разрабо- таны в европейской социологии для объяснения специфики конфликтных и рискогенных проявлений архетипа разделения труда в индивидуальных и коллективных трудовых практиках. Аргументировано, что в публичном муль- тикультрном пространстве современных европейських обществ происходит стабильное воспроизводство различных интеркультурных конфликтов, ко- торые реально являются противоречивыми функциональными проявлени- ми архетипа разделения труда между индивидуальными и коллективными субъектами общественной жизни. Подчеркнуто, что социальной основой этих интеркультурных конфликтов являются различные формы социальной напряженности, которые отражают конкретные социальные обстоятельства социального неравенства, насилия, социальной экслюзии, депривации, про- тестного поведения в системе трудовых практик, а также в различных мо- делях занятости трудоспособного населения. Доказана необходимость даль- нейшего развития фундаментальных и прикладных научных исследований новых интеркультурных конфликтов и форм социальной напряженности в индивидуальных и коллективных трудовых практиках, которые специфиче- ским образом воспроизводятся и проявятся в поликультурном европейском публичном пространстве. Именно такие исследования могут стать важными стимулами развития теории и методологии социального менеджмента. Ключевые слова: глобализация, труд, архетип разделения труда, соци- альная интеграция, социальная солидарность, социальный конфликт, соци- альная напряженность, европейское публичное пространство.

Formulation of the problem. It is forms of activities in economic, politi- known that intensification of globa- cal and cultural spheres of human life. lization processes constitutes the new The contemporary labor practices are

316 connected with the trend of deepening the “crisis and destruction of the la- global social drama, which reflects the bor societies”, the “end of work” and new controversial realities of the new of the “destandardization of employ- social differentiation of human civiliza- ment” were investigated by Z. Bauman, tion into post-industrial center, indus- J. Baudrillard, U. Beck, R. Dahren- trial semi-periphery and agrarian pe- dorf, A. Giddens, D. North, G. Ritzer, riphery. Obviously, this differentiation L. Sklair, J. Stiglitz, Ch. Tilly, A. Toffler. has the specific consequences which These investigations create positive actually lead to lower quality and liv- cognitive stimulus for further advanced ing standards of the working popula- studies of the contemporary labor rela- tion, increasing unemployment and to tions. But it will be reasonable to stress mass international migration. The cur- that the process of division of labor rent crisis of the global and regional practices in Europeаn societies con- labor markets reflects the situations stitutes the multicultural European of radical changes of the international public space with the specific forms of labor division in the European public social integration, social conflicts and space. But these changes have some social tensions. In resent publications positive and negative dimensions. It is by A. Assman, M. Archer, A. Atkinson, important to understand that the divi- P. Bourdieu, D. Bouget, J. Habermas, sion of labor was traditionally analyzed B. Latour, K. Sorrells, Gr. Crow, O. Wi- by scholars as the main resource foun- degreen, Ph. Brown, A. Heskeith have dation of the human being and as the been proposed some perspective ideas, progressive transcultural archetype of which could stimulate innovative re- social integration in different forms of searches of the division of labor prob- social solidarity. The negative dimen- lem under the context of contemporary sion of this process was connected with intercultural communications. argumentation that labor in its diffe- The purpose of the article. The rent collective forms is the main source main purpose of this article is to cha- of social inequalities, violence, exploi- racterize the division of labor as the ar- tation, social exclusion, social tensions chetypal source of social integration, and social conflicts. It is important to social conflicts and social tension in the underline that the new waves of global European public space. technological modernization are also The statement of basic materials. the specific factor of dehumanization of First of all, it is important to take into social life. This is a serious and impor- account that the concept of public space tant scientific problem for scholars who has become widespread in the contem- study contemporary institutional crisis potrary social sciences. In spite of that of employment in the European labor this scientific notion has broad concep- market. tual volume, this notion, as A. Assman Analysis of recent research and believes, reflects some specific features publications. In recent some decades of the general “spatial turn” in social scientists have paid much attention to and cultural studies [1, p. 149–166]. the problems on the labor practices in Obviously, it is important to take into European countries. The situations of account the important real fact of the

317 global integration of social life in over possibilities by these actors to use the the world. Therefore the contemporary different types of capital — economic, European societies, in spite of different political, social, cultural, symbolic. The levels of their socio-economic develop- the processes of free use and mutual ment, form common integrated public conversion of capitals in the public space, which functionally reproduces space of the developed European socie- the specific determinants of economic, ties have become autonomous and do not political and socio-cultural interactions have a direct dependence on the existing and communications between indivi- national division of labor. According to duals, social communities and social in- Bourdieu, this situation requires a new stitutions. theoretical understanding of the basic It should be noted that the main resource determinants of social inte- contradictions of this public space so- gration in Europen societies societies, ciologists for a long time have been ex- taking into account the circumstance plained by existing social inequalities, that organization of social relations which were interpreted as consequenc- between people in these societies is in- es of the direct influence of the interna- creasingly influenced by the globalized tional division of labor and the unequal sphere of consumption. He points out in distribution of scarce material resourses his book “Social Structures of the Eco- in different societies. It is worth recall- nomy” [3] that the process of economic ing that P. Sorokin at the beginning of globalization radically politicizes the the 20th century in his theory of social division of labor in the contemporary space defined the phenomena of wealth, European nation-states due to the pseu- power and profession as th basic factors do-humanist requirements by trans- of organization and reproduction of the national institutions to provide people social order and culture in any type of with the necessary goods of consump- society [2, p. 39–40]. P. Sorokin tried to tion on the basis of the free movement prove that the systemic connection be- of people, commodities and capitals. He tween these phenomena is determined claims that “so-called “global market” by the process of division of social labor, is a political creation, the product of a which forms the status positions of cer- more or less consciously concerted poli- tain individual and collective actors in cy” [3, p. 225]. the system of social interactions of the The famous scholars of the neo- two large “cumulative” groups — the marxist Frankfurt school (T. Adorno, previleged social group of mental la- E. Fromm, G. Markuze, J. Habermas) bor and the subjugated social group of argued that in western “consumer soci- physical labor. eties” division of labor is no longer de- At the beginning of the 21th century, tetermines a class structure and social the French sociologist P. Bourdieu at- behavior. J. Habermas in two-volume tempted to develop the post-structur- fundamental research “The Theory of alist theory of social space, emphasizing Communicative Action” indicates to the importance of identification the sta- the importance of overcoming simpli- tus dispositions of social actors from the fied views on the division of labor as the point of view of the analysis of the real institutional framework of industrial

318 cooperation and social integration. He activity, which have to strengthen the argues that in the class capitalist soci- integrative foundations of social order eties the division of labor is the source and the process of social solidarity in of emergence and development of diffe- the contemporary modern multicultu- rent social conflicts and social tensions. ral European societies. Therefore the important consequence of It should be noted that in socio- the capitalist division of labor is the for- logy the concept of “solidarity” reflects mation of the specific stimulus and the the realities of the certain social unity specilized mechanisms of social self-or- of individuals and social groups as the ganization and of civil activity by social integral result of the human peaceful actors who in the “open public sphere” coexistence based on common needs, demonsrate the potential of their “life- interests, ideals, values. Of course, the world”. In monographs “Structural descriptions and characteristics of the Tranfomations of the Pubic Sphere [4, solidarity of the various communities in p. 124–129] and “The Divided West” the contemporary multicultural socie- [5, p. 179–185] J. Habemas writes that ties now are widely presented through in the public sphere human individuals the principles of liberal ideology that identify themselves as citizents through proposed to understand solidarity as the legal social mechanisms of self-or- the basic social value and desirable goal ganization and have real chance to es- of social progress. Therefore in the dif- tablish appropriate system of collective ferent democratic political programs of human rights as the basic regulative le- organization of the peaceful and non- gal norms of the peaceful intercultural violent social order the concept of soli- communications and of the non-violent darity scholars often use for emphasiz- social order. He considers that the pub- ing the general integrative foundation lic sphere in multicultural societies is of social life. the specific public space of the intercul- Now in the scientific literature the tural communications which constantly different definitions of the term “soli- reproduces itself by different forms of darity” are given. G. Crow in his works civil activity, mass collective actions [6; 7] analyzes different semantic mean- and public discussions. ings of this term, which have histori- Obviously, one should agree with cally formed according to the scientific J. Habermas’s position that public or ideological positions of scientists. space is reproduced through expression He underlines that A. Conte and his and harmonization of the private and follower E. Durkheim believed that collective interests on the basis of social solidarity is a “natural” state of soci- self-organization. However, as I believe, ety, which is based on the division of it is also important to take into account social labor, when people objectively the fact that the processes of reproduc- need each other. The Marxist position tion of the public space stimulate the offered to understand “solidarity” as formation of new trends in the distri- the unity of a particular social commu- bution of social labor, which in general nity, which arises on the basis of objec- reflect the social demands for profes- tively existing interests and becomes a sional management and administrative mobilization force of collective action.

319 Marx used the notion of “solidarity” to I believe that the new “neoliberal determine the state of collective unity, type of solidarity” in its ontological the unity of the proletariat. In modern manifestations is the specific form of theories of rational choice, the con- social integration through the social cept of “solidarity” refers to the pheno- tensions, protests, conflict behavior menon of group consciousness and and also through the specific human group action, based on the identifica- struggle for the priorities of certain tion of individuals with “own” group/ cultural values and ideals, for belong- community, when the individual deli- ing to a more “high”, more “qualitative” berately delegates part of his rights in culture. Another — the “innovative type exchange for the collective defense of of solidarity” — is based on the positive their interests [6, p. 4–29; 7, p. 52]. effect of preserving a cultural diver- Obviously, in the public conscious- sity and of an enrichment of existing ness, solidarity has a morally positive cultures through innovative and cre- connotation as a symbol and a sign of ative activities by actors who produce mutual understanding among mem- unique technical, technological, artistic bers of society, as a factor in ensuring and spiritual products. non-conflict coexistence, as an indica- It is important to conclude that tor of the common need of people to the public space of modern multicul- live together. Therefore I agree with tural societies is not an ideal arena for O. Widegreen who investigates soli- non-violent reconciliation of public in- darity as the specific strategy of the terests. That is why one should agree social exchange. He argues that soli- with A. Giddens and other scholars darity in its basic ontological dimen- (Z. Bauman, U. Beck, D. North) who sions is, firstly, a feeling of the specific draw attention to the importance of exchange with other members of the researching the risks of “unintentional group, a feeling of “we”, that is, a sense social consequences of individual and of unity; and secondly, solidarity is the collective activity”, which leads to the state of people’s consent to certain joint appearance the various intercultural actions for the goal of affirming their conflicts. own interests. “In general, solidarity is In the advanced research programs the unity of beliefs and actions, mutual by M. Archer [9] and A. Atkinson [10] assistance and support for members of a have been emphasized that the modern social group based on common interests intercultural conflicts are the specific and the need to achieve common group controversial manifestations of the di- goals; joint responsibility, as well as ac- vision of labor among different social tive sympathy and support for any ac- communities. And the specific social tions or thoughts” [8, p. 775]. results of these manifestations consist Taking into account the analyzed of the tensions between human equal- conceptual positions, I would like to ity and social inequalities which reflect emphasize that under conditions of the and represent the phenomena of social newest globalization changes the new exclusion, poverty and unemployment. two types of solidarity in the multicul- K. Sorrells in her book [11] tries to tural societies are emerged. analyse different forms of the intercul-

320 tural communications as the sources of 2) social exclusion; 3) social inequali- conflict interactions in the public space ties; 4) protest behavior; 5) social con- and as the problem of social policy. She flicts; 6) global and local risk situations understands intercultural conflict as as the specific ontological modifica- “the real or perceived incomparibility tions of the individual and collective of values, norms, expectations or out- activities [13–19]. These scholars have comes between two or more individuals proposed the new scientific conceptua- or groups from different cultures” [11, lizations of the theme of social tension p. 260]. K. Sorrells argues that inter- under the context of certain innova- cultural conflicts have flexible struc- tive ideas. In this connection, it is rea- ture and very often demonstrate the sonable to underline the content of the contradictory realities of the “crossing three such important ideas. cultural and social borders” actions First, it is the idea of the epistemo- and are the most evident indicators of logical development of the contempo- social injustice. Therefore the search for rary social sciences “beyond societies” appropriate ways in order to solve and (J. Urry [15], U. Beck [16]). The con- overcome intercultural conflicts now is ceptual expression of this idea lies in the serious complex problem for pub- the argumentation of the research po- lic management. That is why so many sition that under the influence of the scholars now pay attention upon the globalization process all contemporary study of the phenomenon of social ten- societies as nation-states lose their “or- sion as a specific stage, preceding the ganic” nature, and the features of func- actualization of intercultural conflicts tional autonomy and self-sufficiency. in the public space. That is why the sociological analysis, In the recent publication [12] I tried which is limited to the study of sepa- to prove that the different forms of so- rate societies, is becoming obsolete. It cial tensions in the contemporary glo- is easy to understand that according balized world are the specific contradic- of this research position, social tensions tory consequences of the international are the attributive consequences of the division of labor and are the essential contemporary globalization process and determinants which constitute inclu- of the “new mobilities”. sive and exclusive models of employment Secondly, it is the idea of “reassem- [12, p. 338–342]. I consider that the bling the social” (B. Latour [17]). This existing system of social tensions is the idea reflects the need of radical rethink- important ontological base for identifi- ing of the ontological characteristics of cation of the new pre-conflict and con- sociality under the context of the inten- flict realities in the contemporary labor sive development of social networks, practices as the specific type of the glo- which form the new interactive models balized multicultural communications. of social interactions and intercultural The essential characteristics of the “so- communications. It is also important cial tension” concept, as Western scho- to take into account the fact that the lars believe, reflect the certain system processes of virtualization of public life of the typical causal ontological factors positively stimulate the potential of the as sources of actualization: 1) violence; agency of individual and collective so-

321 cial actors and expand the possibilities count that the increase of the influence of their involvement (inclusion) into of personified social practices actually the existing field of global, regional and leads to the violation and destruction local labor and social practices. How- of the existing traditional modes of so- ever, such involvement, as believes cial integration due to the formation J. Baudrillard [18], is often simulative of the new individualized channels of and really transforms into the forms of social mobility. Obviously, a certain social alienation and social exclusion. system of such “violations and destruc- So the desire and actions of the migrant tions” is also a specific source of social or refugee, who are aimed at achieving tensions, which can turn into different the goal of becoming a member of an latent and explicit forms of social con- advanced society are really faced with flicts and protest behavior. Thus, social the mechanisms of social exclusion as a tension is the specific consequence of the functional system of economic, politi- radical strengthening of the tendency of cal, legal, and sociocultural constraints. individualization of social life. The controversial combination of these Conclusions. desires and actions and functional 1. The scientific researches of the mechanisms of social exclusion, as we newest tendencies of the division of la- consider, are the important source of bor are the important stimulus further social tensions. From the standpoint of its analysis as the archetypal source such conceptual understanding, social of social integration, social conflicts tension is an ontological manifestation and social tensions. These tendencies of contradictions between inclusive and determine the qualitative differences exclusive types of identity of individual between the social systems of differ- and collective actors. ent types which in the globalized social Thirdly, it is also important to point space of contemporary civilization lead out the conceptual significance of the to its differentiation into to the post- idea of radical strengthening of the ten- industrial centre, the industrial semi- dency of individualization of social life. periphery and the agrarian periphery. The concept of “individualized society” As a universal transcultural archetype which has been proposed by Z. Bauman, the division of labor is a fundamental expresses the essential characteristics stimulus for the resource development is this idea [19, p. 2–14]. This concept in the contemporary societies and is an targets the scientific search: 1) to the important determinative factor for sup- study of the dominant influence of per- porting and strengthening the integra- sonal (individualized) social рractices tive foundations of public space in these in the processes of organizing the social societies. order in the contemporary societies; 2. In the European sociology have 2) to the research the establishment of been elaborated the specialized con- the a meritocratic profile of social struc- ceptions of social and public space for ture as the results of individual choices scientific explanation of the contradic- which are based on accumulation of tory nature the manifestations of the the cultural capital and its “life mean- division of labor in the European public ings”. It is important to take into ac- space. In particular, the special atten-

322 tion by scholars was paid upon iden- 7. Crow Gr. Social solidarities / tification of the conflict-and the risk- Gr. Crow // Sociological Compass. — factors in the individual and collective 2010. — Vol. 4 (1). — P. 52–60. labor practices that are reproduced 8. Widegreen O. Social Solidarity and So- in the globalized multicultural public cial Exchange / O. Widegreen // So- ciology. — 1997. — Vol. 31, issue 4. — space of modern European societies. London; Sage publ. — P. 755–771. 3. The scientific search for the de- 9. Archer M. The sociological approach velopment of the optimal strategies for to the tension between equality and effective managerial influence towards social inequality / M. Archer // The the intercultural conflicts in the system Study of the Tension between Human of labor practices is an important prob- Equality and Social Inequalities. From lem of the theory of social management. the Perspectives of the Various Social It is important to take into account Sciences. — Vatican city: Academy of that the origin and development of the Political Sciences, 1996. — Acta 1. — intercultural conflicts are conditioned P. 81–99. by the influence of the different forms 10. Atkinson A. B. Social exclusion, Po- verty and Unemployment / A. Atkin- of social tension, which really are the son // Exclusion, Employment and contradictory manifestations of the ar- Opportunity / A. B Atkinson and chetype of the division of labor in the J. Hills eds. — London: school of Eco- inclusive and exclusive models of em- nomic and Political Science, 1998. — ployment of the working population. P. 1–20. 11. Sorrells K. S. Intercultural Communi- References cation, Globalization and Social Jus- 1. Assman A. Introduction to cultural tice. (2nd ed.) / K. Sorrells. — Los An- studies. Topic, Concepts, Issues / geles: Sage publ., 2016. — 331 p. A. Assman. — Berlin: Erich Smidt Ver- 12. Sudakov V. I. The global detrminats lag, 2012 — 248 p. of the conflict intractions in the con- 2. Johnson B. V. Pitirim A. Sorokin on temporary models of employment / Order, Change and the Recostruc- V. Sudakov // Public management. — tion of Society / Barry Johnson // 2017. — № 3 (8). — P. 335–342. Comparative Civilizartion Review. — 13. Bouget D. Social Tension: some gene- 1999. — № 41. — P. 25–41. ral elements / D. Bouget. — Oslo: The 3. Bourdieu P. The Social Structures of Peace Institute, 2008. — 35 p. the Economy / P. Bourdieu. — Cam- 14. North D. C., Wallisd J. J., Waingast B. B. brige: Polity Press, 2005. — 240 p. Violence and Social Orders. A con- 4. Habermas J. The Structural Trans- ceptrual framework for interpreting formations of the Pubic Sphere / recorded human history / D. C. North, J. Habermas. — Cambrige (Mass): The J. J. Wallisd, B. B. Waingast. — MIT Press, 1991. — 301 p. N.-Y.: Cambrige univ. press, 2013. — 5. Habermas J. The Divided West / 320 p. J. Habermas. — Cambrige; Polity 15. Urry J. Sociology beyond Societies: press, 2006. — 224 p. Mobilities for the Twenty-first Cen- 6. Crow Gr. Social solidarities; theo- tury / J. Urry. — London: Routledge, ries, identities, and social change / 2000. — 266 p. Gr. Crow. — Buckingham; Open univ. 16. Beck U. World at Risk / U. Beck. — press, 2002. — 152 p. London: SAGE Publ., 2009. — 226 p.

323 17. Latour B. Reassembling the Social. An social inequality / M. Archer // The Introduction to Actor-Network The- Study of the Tension between Human ory/ Brouno Latour. — N.-Y.: Oxford: Equality and Social Inequalities. From univ press, 2005. — 303 p. the Perspectives of the Various Social 18. Baudrillard J. Symbolic Exchange Sciences. — Vatican city: Academy of and Death / J. Baudrillard. — 2nd Political Sciences, 1996. — Acta 1. — ed. — London: SAGE Publ., 2017. — P. 81–99. 280 p. 10. Atkinson A. B. Social exclusion, Pover- 19. Bauman Z. Individulized Sosiety / ty and Unemployment / A. Atkinson // Z. Baunan. — Cambrige: Polity press, Exclusion, Employment and Opportu- 2008. — 272 p. nity / A. B. Atkinson and J. Hills eds. — London: school of Economic and Po- Список використаних litical Science, 1998. — P. 1–20. 11. Sorrells K. S. Intercultural Communi- джерел cation, Globalization and Social Jus- 1. Assman A. Introduction to cultural tice (2nd ed.) / K. Sorrells. — Los An- studies. Topic, Concepts, Issues / geles: Sage publ., 2016. — 331 p. A. Assman. — Berlin: Erich Smidt Ver- 12. Sudakov V. I. The global detrminats lag, 2012. — 248 p. of the conflict intractions in the con- 2. Johnson B. V. Pitirim A. Sorokin on temporary models of employment / Order, Change and the Recostruction V. Sudakov // Public management. — of Society / B. Johnson // Compara- 2017. — № 3 (8). — P. 335–342. tive Civilizartion Review. — 1999. — 13. Bouget D. Social Tension: some gene- № 41. — P. 25–41. ral elements / D. Bouget. — Oslo: The 3. Bourdieu P. The Social Structures of Peace Institute, 2008. — 35 p. the Economy / P. Bourdieu. — Cam- 14. North D. C., Wallisd J. J., Waingast B. B. brige: Polity Press, 2005. — 240 p. Violence and Social Orders. A con- 4. Habermas J. The Structural Trans- ceptrual framework for interpreting formations of the Pubic Sphere / recorded human history / D. C. North, J. Habermas. — Cambrige (Mass): The J. J. Wallisd, B. B. Waingast. — N.-Y.: MIT Press, 1991. — 301 p. Cambrige univ. press, 2013. — 320 p. 5. Habermas J. The Divided West / 15. Urry J. Sociology beyond Societies: J. Habermas. — Cambrige; Polity Mobilities for the Twenty-first Cen- press, 2006. — 224 p. tury / J. Urry. — London: Routledge, 6. Crow Gr. Social solidarities; theo- 2000. — 266 p. ries, identities, and social change / 16. Beck U. World at Risk / U. Beck. — Gr. Crow. — Buckingham; Open univ. London: SAGE Publ., 2009. — 226 p. press, 2002. — 152 p. 17. Latour B. Reassembling the Social. An 7. Crow Gr. Social solidarities / Introduction to Actor-Network Theo- Gr. Crow // Sociological Compass. — ry / B. Latour. — N.-Y.: Oxford: univ 2010. — Vol. 4 (1). — P. 52–60. press, 2005. — 303 p. 8. Widegreen O. Social Solidarity and So- 18. Baudrillard J. Symbolic Exchange and cial Exchange / O. Widegreen // So- Death / J. Baudrillard. — 2nd ed. — ciology. — 1997. — Vol. 31, issue 4. — London: SAGE Publ., 2017. — 280 p. London; Sage publ. — P. 755–771. 19. Bauman Z. Individulized Sosiety / 9. Archer M. The sociological approach Z. Baunan. — Cambrige: Polity press, to the tension between equality and 2008. — 272 p.

324 UDC 351/354:167.7 Sushyi Olena Vladimirovna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Head of the Laboratory of Methodology of Psychosocial and Political-Psychological Re- search, Institute of Social and Political Psy- chology of the NAES of Ukraine, 04070, Kyiv, Str. Andriivska, 15, tel.: +38 (067) 910 99 26, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4364-7571 Суший Олена Володимирівна, доктор наук з державного управління, завідувачка лабораторії методології пси- хосоціальних і політико-психологічних досліджень, Інститут соціальної та по- літичної психології НАПН України, 04070, м. Київ, вул. Андріївська, 15, тел.: +38 (067) 910 99 26, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4364-7571 Суший Елена Владимировна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, заведующая лабораторией методоло- гии психосоциальных и политико-психологических исследований, Институт социаль- ной и политической психологии НАПН Украины, 04070, г. Киев, ул. Андреевская, 15, тел.: +38 (067) 910 99 26, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4364-7571 DOI


Abstract. This article surveys the development process of social archetypes as a new direction for interdisciplinary research in the public administration problem field, that implemented in the framework of scholarly sessions of Ukrai- nian School of Archetypes (USArch), namely: International Theoretical and Methodological Seminars and International Competitions for Young Scholars “Archetypes and Public Administration” (2010–2018), International Lectures Cycle “Patterns and Characteristics of Ukrainian Social Transformation” (2016), Internet discussions and skype conferences. Program sessions themes of the listed scholary forms are summarized as well as prospects for further movement of USArch and development of social archetypes as a new direction for interdisci- plinary research are defined.

325 Attention is drawn to the fact that the post-soviet scholarly community doesn’t have a sufficiently developed opinion on social archetypes as an interdis- ciplinary field of research and its methodological foundations. The basis for criti- cism is an ambiguous attitude both to the teachings of K. Jung about the arche- types of the collective unconscious, and to the psychoanalytic trend as a whole. It is suggested that reducing the degree of critical attitude to social archetypes as an interdisciplinary field of research in the subject field of public administration depends on a number of conditions. Firstly, using the common formulation and interpretation of the ideas that influenced its formation and development. Se- condly, from an adequate understanding of both the possibilities of social arche- types which are determined by its original methods of explanation and methods of analysis of subtle social phenomena which can serve as a key point for further theoretical and empirical research, and the theoretical and practical limitations of the archetypal approach. That is why social archetypes is positioned as an in- terdisciplinary research area. I argued that the social archetypes is not a universal scholarly apparatus and not an orthodox inheritance of the ideas of Jungianism. Finally, it is a methods that allows us to establish patterns and features of modern social development, the practical application of which expands the possibilities of public-manage- ment’s activity. At the same time, it is a metaphor through which the researcher is invited to plunge into the wider psychosocial and sociocultural context of social phenomenas and processes. Keywords: social archetypes, Ukrainian School of Archetypes, public admi- nistration, Ukraine, csocial and kultural practices. СОЦІАЛЬНА АРХЕТИПІКА У ПРОБЛЕМНОМУ ПОЛІ ПУБЛІЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ: СУЧАСНИЙ СТАН І ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ РОЗВИТКУ Анотація. Розглянуто процес становлення та розвитку соціальної архе- типіки як нового міждисциплінарного наукового напряму у проблемному полі публічно-управлінської науки, що реалізовано у процесі ініційованих Українською школою архетипіки (УША) та у формах наукової комунікації: міжнародні теоретико-методологічні семінари та конкурси молодих науков- ців “Архетипіка і державне управління” (2010–2018), міжнародний лекторій “Закономірності та особливості української трансформації” (2016), Інтер- нет-дискусії та скайп-конференції. Узагальнено тематичні напрями роботи зазначених наукових форматів, визначено перспективу подальшого поступу УША та розвитку соціальної архетипіки як міждисциплінарного наукового напряму. Звертається увага, що пострадянська наукова спільнота не має достат- ньо сформованої думки щодо соціальної архетипіки як міждисциплінарного напряму досліджень та її методологічних засад. Підставою для критичних суджень є неоднозначне ставлення як до вчення К. Юнга про архетипи ко- лективного несвідомого, так і до психоаналітичного напряму в цілому. Вису-

326 нуто припущення, що зниження градусу критичного ставлення до соціаль- ної архетипіки як міждисциплінарного напряму досліджень у предметному полі публічного управління залежатиме від низки умов. По-перше, від ко- ректного використання та інтерпретації ідей, які вплинули на її становлення й розвиток. По-друге, від адекватного розуміння як можливостей соціальної архетипіки, які визначаються її оригінальними способами пояснення й ме- тодами аналізу важковловимих соціальних явищ, що може стати орієнти- ром для подальших теоретичних та емпіричних пошуків, так і теоретичної й практичної обмеженості архетипного підходу. Саме тому соціальна архети- піка позиціонується як міждисциплінарний напрям досліджень. Стверджується, що соціальна архетипіка — не універсальний науковий апарат і не ортодоксальне наслідування ідей юнгіанства. Насамперед, це — науковий інструментарій, який дає можливість встановити закономірнос- ті й особливості сучасного соціального розвитку, практичне застосування якого розширює можливості публічно-управлінської діяльності. Водночас, це — метафора, за посередництвом якої дослідника запрошують поринути у більш широкий психосоціальний і соціокультурний контекст соціальних явищ і процесів. Ключові слова: соціальна архетипіка, Українська школа архетипіки, пу- блічне управління, Україна, соціокультурні практики. СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ АРХЕТИПИКА В ПРОБЛЕМНОМ ПОЛЕ ПУБЛИЧНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ: СОВРЕМЕННОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ РАЗВИТИЯ Аннотация. Рассмотрен процесс становления и развития социальной архетипики как нового междисциплинарного научного направления в про- блемном поле публично-управленческой науки, реализованного в рамках инициированных Украинской школой архетипики (УША) и в формах на- учной коммуникации: международные теоретико-методологические семи- нары и конкурсы молодых ученых “Архетипика и публичное управление” (2010–2018), международный лекторий “Закономерности и особенности украинской трансформации” (2016), Интернет-дискуссии и скайп-конфе- ренции. Обобщены тематические направления работы названных научных форматов, определены перспективы дальнейшего продвижения УША и раз- вития социальной архетипики как междисциплинарного научного направ- ления. Обращается внимание, что постсоветское научное сообщество не имеет достаточно сложившегося мнения относительно социальной архетипики как междисциплинарного направления исследований и ее методологических основ. Основанием для критических замечаний является неоднозначное от- ношение как к учению К. Юнга об архетипах коллективного бессознатель- ного, так и к психоаналитическому направлению в целом. Высказано пред- положение, что снижение градуса критического отношения к социальной архетипики как междисциплинарного направления исследований в пред-

327 метном поле публичного управления зависит от ряда условий. Во-первых, от корректного использования и интерпретации идей, которые повлияли на ее становление и развитие. Во-вторых, от адекватного понимания как воз- можностей социальной архетипики, которые определяются ее оригинальны- ми способами объяснения и методами анализа трудноуловимых социальных явлений, что может стать ориентиром для дальнейших теоретических и эм- пирических изысканий, так и теоретической и практической ограниченности архетипного подхода. Именно поэтому социальная архетипики позициони- руется как междисциплинарное направление исследований. Утверждается, что социальная архетипика — не универсальный научный аппарат и не ортодоксальное наследование идей юнгианства. Прежде все- го, это — научный инструментарий, который позволяет установить законо- мерности и особенности современного социального развития, практическое применение которого расширяет возможности публично-управленческой деятельности. Вместе с тем, это — метафора, посредством которой исследо- вателя приглашают окунуться в более широкий психосоциальный и социо- культурный контекст социальных явлений и процессов. Ключевые слова: социальная архетипика, Украинская школа архети- пики, публичное управление, Украина, социокультурные практики.

Thesis statement. Modern acade- ence, which, from the standpoint of ar- mic science, which has huge needs to- chetypes of the collective unconscious, day in changing its methodological consider the actual problems of the principles, demonstrates new creative theory and history of public adminis- approaches to scientific research. These tration, the formation and development approaches are largely determined by of mechanisms of public administration global trends in the development of in- and service in the bodies of state power terdisciplinary, global and integrated and local self-government [1] areas that are most often implemented School specialists note that mo- within scientific schools. Ukrainian dern — postmodern — social world ac- public administration science does not quires a high level of dynamics of con- stand aside and offers its own scientific tinuous change and, as never, needs to methods and methods of comprehen- harmonize and to balance the founda- sion of modern dynamic social pro- tions of its existence. Such harmonizers cesses. and a prerequisite for the sustainable In Ukraine, the Scientific School development of society are the arche- of Interdisciplinary Studies was types of the collective unconscious. founded and successfully developed — Analysis of recent publications. the Ukrainian School of Archetypic Despite the initial level of development (USA). The USA is an open-ended of archetypal problems in various sub- scientific and public association of rep- ject areas of social and humanitarian resentatives of various branches of sci- knowledge, it nevertheless finds pro-

328 per justification within the framework the scientific community of the USA, of public administration science in the annual theoretical and metho- Ukraine. In her bosom, the USA deve- dological seminars (hereinafter — lops a new scientific and practical inter- TMS) with the international participa- disciplinary direction of research in the tion of “Archetypic and Public Admi- field of public administration science, nistration” allowed the uniting of ef- approved are the main provisions of the forts of more than 200 researchers from methodology of social archetype. 15 countries in the world. And initiated Social archetypic was formed on in 2013 within the TMS annual inter- the basis of an archetypal approach. It national competitions of young scien- is closely associated with the analytic tists constituted the social guarantee psychology of the Swiss Charles Gus- of sustainable development of the na- tave Jung, the American personality ty- tional scientific school of archetypic of pology Myers-Briggs, the works of the public administration. Ukrainian sociologists Eduard Afonin The objective of the article is to and Olena Donchenko, a psycho-di- highlight the process of formation and agnostic Leonid Burlachuk, a cultural development of social archetypic as a historian Serhii Krymskii, a historian new interdisciplinary scientific direc- Andrii Martynov and a political scien- tion in the problem field of public ad- tist Yurii Romanenko. ministration science, realized in the For almost ten years, the USA has process of forms of scientific communi- been developing its methodology on cation initiated by the USA. The review the problems of public administration. and synthesis of the thematic areas pre- Significant milestones on the way of sented in these scientific formats will its formation was the realization by the determine the prospect of further prog- founders of such tasks: ress of the USA and the development of • creation and adaptation for mass social archetypic as an interdisciplinary surveys of special psychodiagnostic scientific direction in the problem field tools, which consisted of a projective of public administration. method of “color preferences” (author Results. With the growing com- E. Afonin) and a personal questionnaire plexity of state and management tasks “BAD” (authors L. Burlachuk, E. Afo- solved by modern society, the forma- nin, O. Donchenko); tion of new systems and types of ma- • launch of sociological monitor- nagement, the activation of theoreti- ing of system-wide changes in Ukraine cal and practical developments and (1992–2017), Russia (2010, 2011) and decisions in the managerial field, etc., Belarus (2010, 2011, 2013); the scientific community of the USA • comprehension of empirical data, has focused primarily on the problems their generalization and conceptualiza- in the field of public administration. tion in societal (1994), cyclic (1996) However, the new scientific approach and actually archetypal (2002–2010) is relevant not only for the system of paradigms. public administration in Ukraine, but Initiated in 2010 as the main orga- also for management in various spheres nizational form of the association of of human activity. This is evidenced by

329 the content of scientific discussions un- The key element of the forum was the folding in the process of scientific and plenary discussion of scientific reports, communicative activities initiated by grouped by panels — general thematic the USA, such as the international the- platforms for discussions. The culmina- oretical and methodological seminar tion of the meeting is a joint discussion, and the competition of young scientists which, depending on the number of “Archetypic and Public Administra- participants, is carried out according to tion” (2010–2018), international lec- the author’s methodology of the active tures cycle “Policies and Peculiarities of participant of the USA Taras Plakhtii the Ukrainian transformation” (2016), in the formats of two-dimensional or Internet discussions on the youtube three-dimensional dynamic networks. platform “ [Clarifica- The reports of the participants are]” [2], public lectures, at the published in the annual special edi- invitation of the USA, of a well-known tions of the professional magazine: in French postmodern sociologist, profes- Ukrainian/in Russian, “Public Admi- sor Michel Muffesol and other foreign nistration: Theory and Practice” scholars. (2010–2015), in Ukrainian/in English International Theoretical and “Public Administration” (2016–2018), Methodological Seminar “Archetypic issued by the scientific specialty of the and Public Administration” SAC of Ukraine “Public Administra- The USA titular scientific forum is tion” and included in the scientometric an annual theoretical and methodologi- databases (Index Copernicus, RINC). cal seminar with international partici- The annual review of scientific and pation “Archetypic and Public Admi- communicative activities of the USA nistration”, which started its work in is presented on the pages of the profes- 2010. Its focus is being clarified every sional scientific publication “Ukrainian year. The organizers see the goal of SOCIETY”. As a result of discussions, TMS in the unification of interdisci- as well as generalization of the propo- plinary efforts of researchers working sals submitted in scientific publica- in various fields of social and humanita- tions, information notes are prepared rian knowledge, as well as in discussing annually on practical recommendations theoretical and methodological prin- for state authorities and management. ciples of the influence of archetypes of A brief overview of the thematic areas the collective unconscious on modern of work of TMS and the competition of public administration. young scientists based on its platform is For many years, the problems of given further. democratic state formation in the field I TMS “Archetypic and Public Ad- of public administration and public po- ministration” (Ukraine, the city of licy are discussed by the USA resear- Feodosia, 2010). The organizers of the chers from the point of view of the sci- Feodosia Forum offered scholars to ence of public administration, political consider from a position of archetypic science, history, sociology, psychology, rather familiar problems of the theory economics, philosophy, cultural studies, and history of public administration philology, geography, mathematics, etc. and local self-government, the forma-

330 tion of mechanisms of public adminis- dical tools for analysing the dynamics tration and service in state authorities of these processes, which, in the opinion and local self-government. The pro- of the organizers, can become a promis- gram conditions of the scientific discus- ing component of the theory and prac- sion identified the following theoretical tice of public administration. positions: one of the key features of the III TMS “Archetypic and Public Ad- new-postmodern-social reality, which ministration: Mental and Psychological is replacing the modern social world, Aspects” (Spain, Barcelona, 2012). In is associated with the psychology of order to understand the phenomena people, “which, more often than is com- of “norm” and “pathology”, analysis of monly considered, — as is assumed by their manifestations in public admi- Serge Moskovici, — lies in the basis of nistration, the organizers of the third social (social structures, products, in- TMS-2012 proposed to “go” to the stitutions, etc.)”. The second feature is macro level of the processes of social associated with the actualization of our and spiritual history of a particular so- past, which more and more influences ciety and of mankind as a whole, which our present. Proceeding from the afore- politician is involved in and “learns” mentioned theoretical positions, within through the mechanisms of collective the framework of the first TMS, a set of unconscious. The reason for such an issues was discussed that would allow imaginary step is that during the Post- theoretically and methodologically to modern period, the psychosocial char- reveal the peculiarities of the interrela- acteristics of the subjects of interaction, tionships between state administration especially their preferences, motiva- and archetypal representations that tions and behavioural styles depend on were analyzed in the stream of a cyclic both the mental characteristics and the paradigm (the theoretical model of the cultural archetypes of the people and its “universal epochal cycle” by E. Afonin political and management elite as well and A Martynov). as on the situation in general, which II TMS “Archetypic and Public Ad- takes place in certain socio-historical ministration: objective, subjective and conditions. Managerial relations, be- unconscious in the processes of social ing a certain type of social relations, integration and differentiation” (Egypt, are determined not only by the current Sharm El-Sheikh, 2011) is devoted to system of public administration, they the analysis of contradictions in the are also conditioned by factors of socio- manifestations of objective, subjective historical development, therefore the and unconscious in the processes of so- managerial relations reflect the socio- cial integration and differentiation. It is cultural specificity of the interaction of proposed, firstly, to look at social reality the individual, society and the state. through the discovery of deep (arche- IV TMS “Archetypic and Public typal) determinants as constructs that Administration: Institutional Forms, determine the integrity of society, cul- Mechanisms and Practices” (Ukraine, ture, actions and human consciousness; Kyiv, 2013) is devoted to problems of second, to determine theoretical and development of public administration methodological principles and metho- in Ukraine and other countries of the

331 world, which were analysed in the focus son and social relations, the sacraliza- of archetype methodology. An impor- tion of which is carried out under the tant prerequisite for the institutiona- influence of the corresponding arche- lization of democratic procedures in the types of the past. The latter, in fact, context of fundamental social change become the subject of scientific reflec- is the transition from the domination tion (rationalization) of the collective of corrupt professional politicians and unconscious. political technologists to an open po- VI TMS “Archetypic and Public Ad- licy, the formation and development of ministration: Social Self-Organization, which involves not only government Social Mobility, Social Integration” actors, parliamentary political parties (Ukraine, Uzhhorod, 2015). The con- or big business, but also — directly, tent plan of the VІ TMS-2015 was in- through mechanisms of direct feedback directly defined by the situation, so to from the authorities — representatives speak, of the radicalization of public of civil society, the so-called Third sentiment as a result of the events of Sector. 2013–2014, which not only diminished V TMS “Archetypic and Public Ad- the ambivalence and uncertainty inhe- ministration: Rationalization and Regu- rent in the mass consciousness of Ukrai- latory Practices” (Ukraine, Kyiv, 2014). nian citizens, but also signalled, accord- The program framework of the V TMS- ing to the organizers, the formation of 2014 were identified by a deep systemic new installations, which can become crisis in Ukraine, which was a reflec- the basis for strengthening the national tion of the nonlinear nature of social consciousness of the Ukrainian people, transformation processes, leveling out social consolidation, social mobiliza- strategic orientations for the country’s tion and social self-organization. It is movement towards democracy, which extremely important not to disperse pushed it into the social inversion em- these sprouts and, on this basis, to im- brace. Against the reversal of social plement a systemic, realistic, open and processes, archetypes of the past that transparent, socially responsible state “trigger” the process of reproduction policy to restore confidence in the go- of a new (or alternative/other), an ad- vernment. Thus, the priority issues for equate to the time and the changing hu- the regular discussion were the issues man nature basis of social integration, of strategic directions of development “explode and come to the surface”. Un- of the Ukrainian society and the state der these conditions, the solution to the in overcoming the systemic crisis in systemic social crisis and the way out to Ukraine; restoring social dialogue, en- sustainable development will undoub- suring a stable civil and political peace tedly depend on the successful forma- and achieving national consolidation. tion of a rational system of regulation. These issues, of course, were proposed But not to a lesser extent, the state of to be analysed in the context of the de- this regulatory system under the new velopment of ideas about the nature of conditions becomes dependent on the the collective unconscious. effective reproduction of the gene- VІІ TMS “Archetypic and Public rated psychosocial properties of a per- Administration: Challenges and Risks

332 of Social Transformation” (Georgia, mic and other socio-cultural forms of Tbilisi, 2016). The program of the VІІ manifestation of institutional activity TMS-2016 is connected with the idea (freedom) of citizens and the potential that social transformations and politi- of reproduction of the psychosocial (ar- cal modernizations of the countries of chetypal) nature of social reform. This the end of the XX — the beginning of balance between the institutional form the XXI century do not necessarily co- and the psychological content, in fact, incide with the model of the “Western also ensures the regime of sustainable European model” that arose during the development of society. “great depression” of the 30–40-ies of VІІІ TMS “Archetypic and Pub- the ХХth century. The modern political lic Administration: Mechanisms and life of the countries of the “second mo- Strategies for Conflict Resolution in the dern” (as defined by Ulrich Beck) leads Modern World” (Ukraine, Kyiv, 2017). to the emergence of new socio-econo- Archetypists have not ignored the mic and socio-political forms of orga- actualized by the situation in Ukraine nization of society. The acuteness is issues of social conflicts. At present, the expanding and the natural palette of need for adequate managerial represen- conflicts of political modelling, which tations about the psychosocial nature is particularly evident in the post-So- of man and society, the possession of viet countries, is growing. The social methods for prediction and resolution transformation process is marked by a of social conflicts has exacerbated. It number of new phenomena of “conver- is important to understand that under tible democracy” or “chameleon demo- new socio-historical conditions they cracies”. It seems that modern political are determined primarily by the psy- modernization is fed not only by uni- chological nature of man and society, versals of institutional matrices and ar- heterogeneity of social structure, dyna- chetypes of the collective unconscious, mism and nonlinear character of social but also by specific manifestations of development, the diversity of spatial conscious and unconscious in various and temporal ties and relations, global spatio-temporal incarnations of the so- interdependence and exclusive features ciocultural nature of national-state for- of social actors. This greatly compli- mations. At the same time, the growing cates the diagnosis of social conflicts challenges and threats to the global, re- and crisis situations, the possibility of gional and social integrity and security their forecasting and modelling conflict that are gaining strength in the context resolution mechanisms and managing of the emergence of postmodern reali- conflict situations. ties of the modern world significantly At the invitation of the USA within change traditional perceptions of na- the framework of the VIII TMS (May ture and factors of social and state de- 29 and 30, 2017), a well-known French velopment. Under these conditions, postmodern sociologist, professor at the most sensitive issue in the social the University of Paris V (University transformation process is the question of Paris Descartes), Michel Muffesoli, of the balance between the pace of in- gave public lectures on the following creasing socio-political, socio-econo- topics:

333 1. “Neotribalism and modern decen- forum is gaining strength every year, tralization policy” [3]; and it increases the number of coun- 2.“Transformation of the political tries whose members participate in it. into ethical: the moral values of the Within the framework of the competi- postmodern space” [4; 5]. tion, the international expert commis- See the Ukrinform material [6] on sion defines the winners. The winners participating the Sorbonne’s Professor and the best authors of scientific papers Michel Muffesoli in the USA 2017 an- have the opportunity to present key nual events. ideas on the special plenary panel of the ІХ TMS “Archetypic and public ad- TMS. Ukrainian and Russian-language ministration: European space in the di- collections of scientific works of win- mensions of imaginary, real and ideal” ners and the best authors of the compe- (France, Montpellier, 2018). The con- tition are issued in the competition. tent plan of this year’s scientific forum International lectures cycle “Poli- is determined by the issues of public cies and Peculiarities of Ukrainian administration, which is related to the Transformation” (Ukraine, Poland, changes that will be felt in the medium- Kazakhstan, 2016). The school’s new term by the West and East European initiative to promote the main results public space. The affinity of Ukraine of its work was embodied in the for- and Europe, due to the common natu- mat of the international lectures cycle ral and geographical conditions and “Policies and Peculiarities of Ukrainian historical and cultural heritage, stimu- Transformation”, which, according to lates the aspirations of Ukrainians to the plan, will promote popularization enter the family of the countries of the of the scientific direction that is im- European Union. Instead, not only portant for the present, and increase Ukraine has recently been absorbed by its authority and management science the processes of nation-building and in general. The main platforms of the state-building, which were substantial- Lectures cycle were the National Par- ly complicated by the external armed liamentary Library of Ukraine, the In- aggression on the part of neighbouring stitute of Economics and Forecasting Russia. The European world has also of the National Academy of Sciences recently faced internal challenges and of Ukraine, and the youtube platform external challenges, which once again “ []”, led some experts to declare Europe’s which provides skype conferences with decline. the participation of archetypists [7]. International Competition for The topics of the Lectures cycle Young Scientists “Archetypic and covered a wide range of scholars and Public Administration” (2013–2017). problems proposed to discussion*. They In order to develop the USA commu- are the following: nity in 2013, an annual International 1. Introduction to the lectures cy- Competition for Young Scientists was cle “Patterns and Peculiarities of the founded on the TMS platform. Its pro- * The personal data of the speakers is given in gram boundaries are determined by the wording relevant during the time of the the topic of the next TMS. The youth Lectures (2016).

334 Ukrainian Transformation”, E. A. Afo- Paradigm”, Novichenko T. V., Doctor of nin, Dr. of Sociol. Sciences, Prof., UTA Public Administration, Associate Pro- Academician, Merited Scientist and fessor, Prof. at NAPA under the Presi- Technologist of Ukraine, Professor at dent of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine); NAPA under the President of Ukraine 9. “Binary dichotomies of power: be- (Kyiv, Ukraine); tween “eternal evolutioner” and “eter- 2. “Social transformation and deve- nal revolutionary”, S. O. Yushin, Doc- lopment of personality in ontogenesis”, tor of Economic Sciences, Prof., Ch. E. A. Afonin, Dr. of Sociol. Sciences, Research Fellow of the NSC “Institute Prof., UTA Academician, Merited Sci- of Agrarian Economics” of the National entist and Technologist of Ukraine, Academy of Agrarian Sciences (Kyiv, Professor at NAPA under the President Ukraine); of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine); 10. “Valuable system of society as a 3. “Global Civil Society and its mechanism of democratic state-build- Impact on Modern State Policy”, ing”, O. V. Radchenko, Doctor of Pub- T. V. Belska, Candidate of Public Ad- lic Administration, Prof., Prof. at Po- ministration, Associate Professor, meranian Academy (Slupsk, Poland); Doctoral Candidate at the NAPA un- 11. “Electronic Governance: Mecha- der the President of Ukraine (Kyiv, nisms of Functioning and Develop- Ukraine); ment”, I. V. Klymenko, Candidate of 4. “Culture of trust as a value of civil Physical and Mathematical Sciences, society”, O. M. Kozhemiakina, Candi- Associate Professor, Associate profes- date of Philosophy Sciences, Associ- sor at NAPA under the President of ate Professor, Associate Professor at Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine); Cherkasy State Polytechnic University 12. “Institutional and psychosocial (Cherkasy, Ukraine); aspects of the state policy reforming”, 5. “Genocodes of national cultures: O. V. Sushyi, Doctor of Public Admi- conceptual foundations”, V. P. Patrakov, nistration, Head of Lab. Methodologies philosopher, independent researcher of Psychosocial and Political and Psy- (Stepnogorsk, Kazakhstan); chological Research of the Institute of 6. “Transformation of the Institute Social and Political Psychology of the of Multiparty in Ukraine: de facto ver- NAPS of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine); sus de jure” K. P. Merkotan, Candidate 13. “Global communications and of Political Sciences, Independent Re- their influence on the processes of state- searcher (Borne Sulinowo, Poland); building”, M. G. Lashkina, Candidate 7. “Historical Sociology and Ar- of Public Administartion, Associate chetypal Research”, A. Yu. Martynov, Professor, Assistant of People’s Deputy Dr. of Historical Sciences, Prof., Se- of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine); nior Scientific Member of the Institute 14. “Scientific and Information Re- of History of Ukraine of the National sources of a Contemporary Society: A Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Management Concept” Ya. O. Chepu- Ukraine); renko, Candidate of Historical Scien- 8. “The Authority of the Manager in ces, Senior Research Fellow, Associate Public Administration: An Archetypal Professor of Management, Information

335 and Analytical Activity and Euro-in- Secondly, the USA has been in con- tegration Department of the National stant development for a long time. This Pedagogical University named after development took a special dynamics M. P. Dragomanov (Kyiv, Ukraine). in 2010, since it began to grow annu- Conclusion and prospects of re- ally with new elements of its institu- search. tional practice, to expand the range of 1. The post-Soviet scientific commu- participants involved in the research nity does not have enough developed and countries. Today, about 200 resear- opinion about social archetypic as an chers from 15 countries of the world interdisciplinary research direction and took part in the archetypal USA dis- its methodological principles. The rea- course on a permanent and rotational son for critical judgments on the part of basis. some researchers is the ambiguous atti- Thirdly, the open and exploratory tude to the teachings of C. Jung about nature of the research of the USA, its the archetypes of the collective uncon- acquaintance with the work of Gilbert scious and the psychoanalytic direction Duran in 2016, and in 2017 with one as a whole, which is sometimes called of the leaders of the French school of “a new religion of the twentieth centu- archetypic Professor Michel Muffesoli ry”. Others contemptuously call the so- who visited Kyiv and delivered two cial archetype a pseudoscience, saying lectures here “Non-traditionalism and ironically that the proposed direction modern policy of decentralization” is positioned as a panacea for solving and “Transformation of the political all sorts of social problems of the pre- into ethics”, sure, made a reliable per- sent and the “genius” of the unchang- spective for new ideas. The actual joint ing leader of the Ukrainian School of Ukrainian-French scientific format Archetype (the USA). in Montpellier (France) is directed at 2. The USA differs favourably from their understanding. many scientific schools of the system of 3. As a long-term, so to speak, guard- socio-humanitarian knowledge by the ian (as the scientific secretary of the fact that, firstly, it has a well-defined TMS and competition of young scien- psycho-diagnostic scientific method tists), a participant and further observer based on the psychological types of of scientific and communicative activi- C. G. Jung and thus mediates the ar- ties of the USA, let me express the opin- chetypal nature of the collective un- ion that one can accept or not to accept conscious and its influence to solve social archetypic as a branch of interdis- problems of public administration. The ciplinary research in Ukraine, but it is projective method “Colour preferen- impossible not to respect the systematic ces” (1987) and the personal BAD and multi-faceted nature of the activi- questionnaire (2002), constructed on ties of the representatives of the two ar- these bases, became reliable tools for chetypic schools filled with the infinite sociological monitoring of the dynam- energy of their leaders. Therefore, the ics of psychosocial changes and their scientific community of archetypists in connection with institutional transfor- Ukraine does not lose optimism and is mations in society. convinced that the established scien-

336 tific direction of social archetypic has has considerable potential, capable to sufficient creative potential for solving provide an effective solution to the ac- a wide range of issues and tasks of social tual problems arising in the process of and state development. social transformation. And sometimes 4. At the same time, it seems we it’s just a metaphor, through which the should understand that the reduction of researcher is invited to plunge into the the degree of critical attitude towards wider psychosocial and sociocultural social archetype as an interdisciplinary context of social phenomena and pro- field of research in the subject field of cesses. public administration will depend on: 6. Obviously, the topics and direc- • the correct use of ideas that influ- tions of the next — jubilee — TMS-2019 enced its formation and development, should in general present the results of in particular the concept of C. Jung the ten-year progress of TMS “Arche- “On the archetypes of the collective typic and Public Administration” and unconscious”, the domestic concepts the USA. One of such meaningful re- “Socialistic psyche” (O. Donchenko), sults should be theoretical and metho- “Universal epochal cycle” (E. Afonina, dological principles of social archetypic A. Martynova) and others like that; as an interdisciplinary research direc- • adequate understanding of the pos- tion in the problem field of public ad- sibilities of social archetypic, which are ministration. An important factor in determined by its original methods of understanding these principles will be explanation and methods of analysis of this year (June 28–29, 2018) meeting difficultly perceived social phenomena, in Montpellier, France, of the two sci- which can serve as a benchmark for fur- entific schools — the Ukrainian School ther theoretical and empirical searches, of Archetypic and the French School of and the theoretical and practical limi- Followers of Gilbert Duran. tations of the archetypal approach; that is why social archetypic is positioned as References an interdisciplinary research direction. 1. Ukrainian School of Archetypics, 5. It is important to realize that social available at: archetypic is not a universal scientific page/Istoriya?page=1, (Accessed 30 apparatus and not an orthodox imita- March, 2018). tion of the ideas of Jungianism. Rather 2. [Clarification. it is a scientific tool that allows us to info], available at: https://www. establish the patterns and peculiarities of contemporary social development, to BFQV1Uqac7s9sWufVmgg/ touch upon the deep nature of modern videos?sort=dd&view=0&shelf_id=0, (Accessed 30 March, 2018). threats, to deal with a broad range of 3. Videozapys lektsii M. Maffesoli “Neo- new motives of human development, to traibalizm i suchasna polityka de- predict probable scenarios of the future, tsentralizatsii” (2017) [Video of and most importantly — to offer a con- M. Maffesoli’s lecture “Neotraiba- sensus vision of possible ways of solving lism and Modern Decentralization the main problems of the present day Policy”], [Clarifica- and tomorrow. Its practical application], available at: https://www.

337 Список використаних Sw& (Accessed 30 джерел March, 2018). 4. Videozapys lektsii M. Maffesoli “Trans- 1. Українська школа архетипіки [Елек- formatsiia politychnoho v etychne: тронний ресурс]. — Режим до- moralni tsinnosti postmodernoho pro- ступу: storu” (2017) [Video of M. Maffesoli’s Istoriya?page=1 lecture “The transformation of po- 2. Прояснение.info [Электронный ре- litical into ethical: moral values of сурс]. — Режим доступа: https:// postmodern space”], Ch. 1 [Part 1], [], UCNSBFQV1Uqac7s9sWufVmgg/ videos?sort=dd&view=0&shelf_id=0 available at: 3. Маффесолі М. Неотрайбалізм і су- com/watch?v=u_q3dLyzQ8&feature= часна політика децентралізації // (Accessed 30 March, 2018). Прояснение.info. — Режим доступа: 5. Videozapys lektsii M. Maffesoli “Transformatsiia politychnoho v KYywloaWKSw& etychne: moralni tsinnosti postmod- 4. Маффесолі М. Трансформація полі- ernoho prostoru” (2017) [Video of тичного в етичне: моральні цінності M. Maffesoli’s lecture “The transfor- постмодерного простору : відеоза- mation of political into ethical: moral пис лекції : Ч. 1 [Електронний ре- values of postmodern space”], Ch. 2 сурс] / М. Маффесолі // Проясне- [Part 2], [Clarifica- ние.info. — Режим доступу: https://], available at: https://www., q3dLy-zQ8& (Accessed 30 March, 2018). 5. Маффесолі М. Трансформація полі- 6. Mishel Maffesoli, frantsuzkyi sotsi- тичного в етичне: моральні цінності oloh: Pohliad, shcho narod – tse dy- постмодерного простору : відеозапис tyna, yaku potribno vykhovuvaty, лекції : Ч. 2 [Електронний ресурс] / povnistiu sebe vycherpav (2017) М. Маффесолі // Прояснение.info [Michelle Maffessoli, French soci- [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим ologist: The view that the people is доступу: a child who needs to be educated, watch?v=fxEu2FjiRs0 completely exhausted itself], Ukrin- 6. Мішель Маффесолі, французький form [Ukrinform], available at: соціолог: погляд, що народ — це дитина, яку потрібно виховува- society/2252920-misel-maffesoli- ти, повністю себе вичерпав [Елек- francuzkij-sociolog.html, (Accessed тронний ресурс] // Укрінформ. — 30 March, 2018). 23.06.2017. — Режим доступу: 7. Mizhnarodnyi lektorii “Zakonomirnos- ti ta osoblyvosti ukrainskoi transfor- society/2252920-misel-maffesoli- matsii” (Ukraina, Polshcha, Kazakh- francuzkij-sociolog.html stan) (2016) [International Lectures 7. Міжнародний лекторій “Законо- Cycle “Patterns and Characteristics мірності та особливості україн- of Ukrainian Social Transformation” ської трансформації” (Україна, (Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan)], Польща, Казахстан, 2016 р.) [Елек- available at: тронний ресурс]. — Режим досту- content/uploads/2016/03/Lektoriy- пу: flayer.pdf, (Accessed 30 March, 2018). uploads/2016/03/Lektoriy-flayer.pdf

338 UDC : 316.42+304.444

Shkliarevsky Gennady, Ph.D, Professor of History Emeritus, Bard College, 5003 Annandale-on-Hudson, NY USA, tel.: 845-243-4030, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2310-5660 Шкляревський Геннадій, доктор філософії, почесний професор іс- торії, Бард коледж, 5003 Annandale-on- Hudson, NY, США, тел.: 845-243-4030, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2310-5660 Шкляревский Геннадий, доктор философии, почетный профессор истории, Бард колледж, 5003 Annandale- on-Hudson, NY, США, тел.: 845-243-4030, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2310-5660 DOI


Abstract. The focus of this article is the project of emancipation — alternately known as the Enlightenment project, or the project of modernity. The principal goal of this project is the elimination of domination and the emancipation of hu- manity. Having originated during the period of the Enlightenment, this project has powerfully shaped the course of European and world history. Yet despite cen- turies of progress, the project has still failed to achieve its goal. The article tries to answer one question: Why has the project of emancipation failed to achieve its goal? In answering this question I focus on the work of Jurgen Habermas — argu- ably the most important contemporary advocate of the project of emancipation — and his proposed solution of this problem. My analysis shows that Habermas, as many of his predecessors, still fails to solve the problem of exclusion. The failure to solve this problem is the main reason why Habermas and the Enlightenment more generally fail to eliminate domination and achieve emancipation. The ar- ticle argues that in order to solve the problem of exclusion, our civilization must transcend the paradigm of the Enlightenment. It proposes a new theoretical ap- proach that transcends this paradigm. The distinct feature of this new approach is that it is articulated around the process of creation. According to the new ap- proach, the process of creation should be the main focus of our social practice. It also discusses some general principles of the new social practice. Further research

339 along the lines outlined in this article will be essential for creating and developing new institutional forms that would embody this new social practice. Keywords: the project of emancipation, the process of creation, Jurgen Haber- mas, power, domination, and exclusion. РОЗУМ, ВЛАДА ТА ПРОСВІТНИЦЬКИЙ ПРОЕКТ Анотація. Розглянуто проект емансипації (також відомий як проект Просвітництва або проект Модернізму). Мета проекту — звільнення су- спільства від усіх форм домінування й емансипації людства. Він зародився у період Просвітництва і мав колосальний вплив на хід історичного розвит- ку як Європи, так і всього світу. Незважаючи на те що людство вже кілька століть намагається здійснити мету проекту емансипації людства, до цих пір вона залишається недосяжною. Чому? У пошуках відповіді проаналізуємо роботи Юргена Хабермаса — одного з найвидатніших сучасних філософів і соціологів. У своїх роботах Хабермас намагається вирішити проблему домі- нування і накреслити шлях до здійснення проекту емансипації. Критичний аналіз робіт Хабермаса виявляє причину, чому він та його попередники не могли кардинально вплинути на проблему. Висунуто аргумент, згідно з яким у концепції Габермаса, як і концепціях його попередників, присутній виня- ток, який є основою і головною причиною домінування. Вирішення пробле- ми винятку і домінування вимагає подолання парадигми Просвітництва. Ви- сувається теоретичний підхід, який дає можливість вирішити цю проблему. Головним у новій парадигмі є те, що на відміну від парадигми Просвітництва, вона не виключає процес творення, а приймає його як головний принцип. Такий підхід дає можливість повністю уникнути виключення, яке служить основою домінування. Розглянуто головні принципи нової суспільно-полі- тичної практики, яка є втіленням цієї парадигми. Вказано на необхідність подальшої теоретичної і практичної роботи для вироблення інституційних форм, що втілюють цю нову практику. Ключові слова: проект емансипації, процес творення, Юрген Хабермас, влада, домінування, виняток. УМ, ВЛАСТЬ И ПРОСВЕТИТЕЛЬСКИЙ ПРОЕКТ Аннотация. Рассматривается проект эмансипации (также известный как проект Просвещения или проект Модернизма). Цель проекта — освобожде- ние общества от всех форм доминирования и эмансипация человечества. Он зародился в период Просвещения и имел колоссальное влияние на ход исто- рического развития как Европы, так и всего мира. Несмотря на то что чело- вечество уже несколько столетий пытается осуществить цель проекта эман- сипации человечества, до сих пор эта цель остается недостижимой. Почему? В поисках ответа на этот вопрос, проанализируем работы Юргена Хаберма- са — одного из самых выдающихся современных философов и социологов. В своих работах Хабермас пытается разрешить проблему доминирования и начертать путь к осуществлению проекта эмансипации. Критический ана-

340 лиз работ Хабермаса выявляет причину, почему он и его предшественники не могли разрешить эту проблему. Статья выдвигает аргумент, согласно ко- торому в концепции Хабермаса, как и концепциях его предшественников, присутствует исключение, которое является основой и главной причиной доминирования. Решение проблемы исключения и доминирования требует преодоления парадигмы Просвещения. Выдвигается теоретический подход, который дает возможность решить эту проблему. Главным в новой парадиг- ме является то, что в отличии от парадигмы Просвещения, она не исключа- ет процесс творения, а принимает его как главный образующий принцип. Такой подход дает возможность полностью избежать исключения, которое служит основой доминирования. Рассмотрены некоторые главные принци- пы новой общественно-политической практики, которая является воплоще- нием данной парадигмы. Указывается на необходимости дальнейшей теоре- тической и практической работы для выработки институциональных форм, воплощающих эту новую практику. Ключевые слова: проект эмансипации, процесс творения, Юрген Ха- бермас, власть, доминирование, исключение.

Problem statement. From the early This tradition has dominated and con- stages of civilization, dreams about a tinues to dominate our civilization for just order have been at the core of hu- the last two and a half centuries. The man history. Much have changed over belief in reason — our capacity for ratio- the course of centuries but these dreams nal thought — is the focal point of the preoccupy us today just as much, if not Enlightenment tradition. Those who even more so, as they have millennia embrace this tradition hold firm to the ago; and as in the past, they revolve conviction that the power of our mind around the issue of power. What is an is infinite, that there are no problems equitable distribution of power? What we cannot solve, no limits that we can- political order can achieve such distri- not overcome. Humans, in their view, bution? How can we organize our life can and should use this power to orga- so as to achieve such equitable distribu- nize social life in way that is rational, tion? These and similar questions have equitable and just, and that would bring preoccupied us for a very long time. freedom, prosperity, and happiness to There have been repeated attempts to all members of society. Such was the achieve this goal in numerous uphea- dream that inspired the Great French vals and revolutions. Yet despite much Revolution, the American Revolution, suffering and many human lives lost, we and many other revolutions that have are still no closer to this goal than we followed since. were centuries ago. Considering the main preoccupa- Few traditions have devoted more tion of the Enlightenment project with attention to this monumental task than politics and society, power has, natu- the tradition of the Enlightenment. rally, been one of its major foci. Thin-

341 kers of the Enlightenment argued that largely through legislative, judicial, and using reason and rationality to con- administration regulation and reform, trol and guide power was the essential force the exclusion of interests, that is condition of human emancipation. The to say, the political articulation of the pursuit of this goal has been relentless. aims and desires of the whole popu- It has produced many remarkable theo- lation, in ways which are not readily retical breakthroughs and has, in many apparent” [4]. Therefore, determining ways, shaped our current political and conditions that constrain exclusion is social order. Yet despite many signifi- Habermas’s major preoccupation. cant achievements, the project of the In his solution of the emancipation Enlightenment has failed to achieve its problem, Habermas places his hopes on goal that has proven to be very elusive. what he calls “communicative action” — Reason and power do not appear to be the concept he borrows from Hannah any closer to each other today than Arendt but considerably rethinks — they were during the Age of Reason. and communicative reason that embo- Moreover, some even argue that the dies the logic of such action. According Enlightenment tradition is degene- to Habermas, communicative action rating into some earlier forms of social and rationality permeate intersubjec- organization. Michel Mafessoli, for tive relations that populate the domain example, argues that post-postmo- that Habermas calls the lifeworld, or dernity is characterized by the aban- the public sphere of interactions among donment of individualism and a rever- the equals [5]. sion to neo-tribalism and nomadism In his view, discursive opinion- and [1]. will-formation that take place in the The Goal of the Article. By analyz- lifeworld should constrain the sphere ing the works of Jurgen Habermas, one of strategic subject-oriented action of the most important contemporary and serve as the source of its legitimat- advocates of the Emancipation Project, ing [6]. Habermas seeks is to insulate the article will show the reasons why the sphere of communicative action the Enlightenment tradition has failed from any attempts by strategic reason to resolve the problem of emancipation. to colonize it. The two spheres should It will also outline a new approach that be completely separated “with posi- makes the solution of the problem pos- tive law functioning as the mediator sible. and translator between the two [6, Analysis of the works of Haber- p. 10]. Thus by creating conditions for mas. Habermas, as many others [2], unimpeded and unfettered exercise of sees domination to be the principal communicative reason, by securing obstacle to the realization of the eman- control of communicative reason and cipation project. Like many others [3], power over other forms of power and he sees exclusion as the main source rationalities, Habermas seeks to fulfill of domination. As Kahn observes, the promise of the Enlightenment pro- for example, one persistent theme in ject — creating social and political Habermas’s oeuvres is that “the state order in which human reason would has deeply ‘sedimented rules’ which, reign supreme.

342 At first glance it may seem that the two. Indeed, this gap is present in Habermas’s theoretical perspective Habermas’s theoretical perspective. It with its strong bias for radical demo- is foundational, or constitutive of his cracy and the emphasis on communica- theory. It is not logically derived from tive reason provides a solution to the some other proposition, nor is it a pro- problem of exclusion and domination. duct of empirical observation. It is what However, on close analysis, his theory Kant has defined as synthetic a priori reveals a paradox of the lingering subtle judgment, or self-evident truth. It is and persistent presence of exclusion. As an axiomatic organizing principle that it turns out, Habermas predicates his Habermas uses to organize his know- solution to exclusion on ... exclusion. ledge about reality. Habermas does not He seeks, for example, to exclude stra- justify the positing of this gap. On the tegic subject-oriented action and rea- contrary, he uses this axiom to justify all son from the realm of communicative other propositions in his theory. Haber- action. This fact has not escaped the mas accepts this axiom uncritically and attention of several critics [7]. Amy Al- without proper consideration. len finds, for example, that Habermas’s Habermas’s acceptance of this axiom attempt “to attempt to insulate com- is hardly unique. The traditional dualis- municative action and power from the tic approach toward the subject-object pernicious influence of strategic power” relationship has been and still remains to be “unreasonable and unattainable prevalent in our civilization. But chal- even at the conceptual level” [6, p. 4]. lenges are not uncommon. One impor- Habermas’s insistence on insulat- tant challenge came from Jean Piaget. ing the sphere of communicative action In contrast to Habermas who bases his from strategic reason indicates that he conclusions on theoretical consider- views strategic reason as a diametrical ations, Piaget draws his observations opposite of, indeed a threat to, com- from the groundbreaking empirical municative rationality. The question studies in child development that he is: why does he see the relationship conducted over the years [9]. These between strategic and communicative studies show that the subject and the reason in this way? Or, rather, under object are not separate from each oth- what conditions one will see this rela- er; in fact, they are intimately related: tionship as antagonistic? both emerge as a result of the process It is not difficult to recognize in the of creation. This process of creation dichotomy that Habermas constructs is the main focus of Piaget’s studies. between communicative reason, with He has forcefully argued, for example, its orientation toward the object, and that as the child constructs reality, the strategic reason, which is subject-ori- child also constructs his/her own mind. ented, the analogy with the traditional As one changes, so does the other. In subject-object dualism [8]. other words, the two are interconnec- The appearance of the subject as ted. They are two poles of one continu- completely separate from the object um formed by the process of creation. and diametrically opposed to it is pos- And, as such, they complement rather sible only if there is a gap between than oppose each other [10, p. 20–22].

343 Habermas’ philosophical and socio- between the subject and the object as logical views have been strongly influ- antagonistic sets the subject-oriented enced by the theoretical legacy of Jean action, or assimilation (to use Piaget’s Piaget. In his essay “Toward a Recon- terminology) in opposition to the ac- struction of Historical Materialism,” tion oriented toward the object, or for example, Habermas recognizes his adaptation (in Piaget’s vocabulary). debt to the father of genetic epistemo- Thus, Habermas’s theoretical perspec- logy when he writes: “Only the genetic tive has set instrumental/strategic structuralism worked out by Piaget, reason against communicative rationa- which investigates the developmental lity. logic behind the process in which struc- The exceptional importance that tures are formed, builds a bridge to his- Habermas attributes to rational con- torical materialism” [11]. sensus puts the emphasis on common- However, in appropriating Piaget’s alities at the expense of differences. legacy, Habermas has significantly de- Despite his acknowledgement of race, viated from the original. According to class, gender, and minorities issues for the theory of communicative action, constituting more equal and autono- communication constitutes the basis mous relations, Habermas tends to of social life. It is, in Habermas’s view, downplay if not outright diminish their predicated on the ideals of truth, ob- role in the sphere of communicative ac- jectivity, and rationality. These ideals tion. Many feminists, for example, criti- are implicit in formal logical operations cized Habermas for paying too little at- that, according to Piaget, are charac- tention to gender differences [13]. Jean teristic of the later stages of the child’s Cohen, an observer undoubtedly sym- development [12]. In his discussions of pathetic to Habermas, reproached him the development of formal logical ope- for his “peculiar blindness to gender rations, Piaget has emphasized that issues” [14]. Many researchers have ex- they evolve from concrete operations pressed their skepticism about Haber- that are ultimately rooted in the orga- mas’s “confidence in abstract reason” nism’s physiology and biology, that is, as one-fits-all cure to address social in the sphere of unconscious functions and political issues particularly rele- of the organism. In other words, by vant to gender, race, and ethnicity [15, inverting Piaget, Habermas has ex- p. 12]. There is, however, very little that cluded from his frame of vision the en- Habermas offers to dispel this skepti- tire process of creation emphasized by cism [15, p. 12]. He is hardly oblivious Piaget. With the removal of the process to the fact of these exclusions from his of creation, the subject and the object analysis but insists that they can only be have emerged as irreconcilable and dia- discussed in “the light of declared stan- metrically opposed to each other. dards [of communicative reason]”, thus The unresolved dualism in Haber- reducing them to precisely the abstract mas’s theoretical perspective is the in- rationality that the proponents of these evitable result of his failure to embrace issues criticize and doubt. According the process of creation discussed by to Habermas, one can assess the op- Piaget. The view of the relationship pression of ethnic, cultural, gender, and

344 other groups only “in the light of this introduces, the exclusion that one may one basis standard [16, p. 466–67]”. find particularly disconcerting. This Also, according to Habermas, the particular form of exclusion has to adoption of communicative attitude do with the stringent conditions that should serve the purpose of producing Habermas imposes on his communica- consensus based on “criticizable vali- tive agents. According to Habermas, dity claims.” Reaching consensus re- those who act in the communicative quires the emphasis on commonalities sphere must possess a special attitude and the exclusion of differences. Com- and a number of competences required monalities, as useful as they may be to produce rational understanding and in maintaining social stability, gener- consensus. First and foremost, they ate stasis. Differences, by contrast, are should adopt the communicative atti- very productive and play an important tude, that is, they must abandon their role in enriching our life and produc- orientation toward the subject: ing new levels of organization of reality. [C]ommunicative rationality carries The suppression and exclusion of diffe- with it connotation based ultimately rences, again, voluntary or not, will cer- on the central experience of the uncon- tainly constrain the capacity and pace strained, unifying, consensus-bringing of evolution. force of argumentative speech, in which The exclusion of the gender, race, different participants overcome their ethnicity and minority issues is indica- merely subjective views and, owing to tive of a more general tendency to ex- the mutuality of rationally motivated clude social power — the power of mo- conviction, assure themselves of both ney, connections, and privilege — from the unity of the objective world and the the list of potential threats in Haber- intersubjectivity of their lifeworld [17, mas’s idealized view of the communi- p. 10]. cative sphere. Amy Allen has provided Communicative agents, according a detailed analysis of this tendency in to Habermas, have a responsibility to her essay “The Unforced Force of the “behave rationally.” Better Argument: Reason and Power “[O]nly those persons”, he writes, in Habermas’ Political Theory” [6]. She “count as responsible who, as members concludes that given “the pervasive- of a communication community, can ness, depth, and systematicity of asym- orient their actions to intersubjectively metrical social power relations — along recognized validity claims” [17, p. 14]. lines of class, gender, race, and sexual- Habermas recognizes the stringency ity, for example — and given the ways in of the demands that he articulates. “My which such power relations are consti- position”, he writes, “is that those who tutive of the identities of their targets,” understand themselves as taking part Habermas’s expectation of blocking the in argumentation mutually suppose, on communicative sphere from the asym- the basis of the pre-theoretical know- metries of strategic social power as un- ledge of their communicative compe- realistic, to say the least [6, p. 18]. tence, that the actual speech situation One cannot omit from this rather fulfils certain, in fact quite demanding, long list of exclusions that Habermas preconditions” [18, p. 255]. But it is on-

345 ly if these conditions and demands are The obvious answer to these ques- fulfilled that the lifeworld “would gain tions is “no, it is impossible.” There- a singular transparence, inasmuch as it fore, a voluntary or involuntary adop- would allow only for situations in which tion of a limiting constrain on our own adult actors distinguished between suc- self is incapable of limiting anything. cess oriented and understanding-ori- The self is unlikely to be affected even ented actions just as clearly as between if we decide to adopt this attitude. It empirically motivated attitudes and will simply be foreclosed, bracketed, rationally motivated yes/no positions” and forced underground, to use Dosto- [19, p. 145]. evsky’s potent metaphor. Such volun- The requirement to adopt a special tary bracketing will simply remove the kind of attitude, acquire particular self from our radar of conscious con- competences, and “overcome” subjec- trol, which will render the self uncon- tivity certainly appears as a limita- trollable. The self is likely to reemerge tion imposed on the individual. This with vengeance and all the arrogance constraint on free expression creates a of righteousness for making an effort to problem with regard to the freedom of deny itself. the individual to which Habermas re- The psychological qualities and dis- mains strongly committed. Habermas, cursive competencies that Habermas however, deftly resolves this problem requires for his communicative agents by emphasizing the voluntary nature are extremely demanding. Many prac- of this renunciation of subjectivity. Ac- titioners who have witnessed real de- cording to Habermas, the individual of liberative forums have to acknowledge his or her own free will subordinates that the Habermassian communicative himself or herself to what Habermas de- agent is a far cry from real participants fines as the “unforced force of the better in such events. Numerous empirical argument.” studies in psychology, politics, demo- The idea of a voluntary renunciation cratic theory and practice, and other of one’s own subjectivity is vulnerable cognate areas lead to one inevitable on two counts: theoretical and empiri- conclusion: cal. The self is a product of our creation. “…compelling evidence that the The process that we use in construct- maintenance of coherent beliefs and ing reality around us also constructs preferences [that Habermas’s theory our self. Therefore, any changes that stipulates] is too demanding a task for take place in our mental operations limited minds”. Limited minds are ex- also necessarily lead to changes in the actly what human agents possess ... way we see or approach reality. Con- Quite simply, Habermas is reliant on sequently, any attempt to suppress or agents who, while explicable in theo- limit our own self, voluntarily or not, retic terms, are practically unavailable must constrain our understanding of in psychological terms [20, p. 316, 328, reality. Can we impose such constraint 774]. on ourselves? Can we undo what we This and similar conclusions sug- have already constructed? Can we un- gest that many real people do not fit learn what we have already learned? the image of a communicative agent

346 that Habermas has conjured. There- much in question. But is there a way of fore, there is a very real possibility that resolving this problem? Is there a way a large number of individuals will have to avoid exclusion? Can we create soci- to be excluded from the communicative ety where there would be no exclusion sphere. and no domination? As Habermas himself has recog- As the preceding discussion also nized, exclusion is the source of domi- shows, the persistence of exclusions in nation. The above discussion shows Habermas’s theory is traceable to one that Habermas’s theory presupposes fundamental cause: Habermas's failure not one but a number of exclusions: to integrate the process of creation into the exclusion of the process of creation his frame of vision. If that is the case, from the frame of vision, the exclusion then the path to solving the problem of of the irrational and subjective from the exclusion and domination lies through communicative sphere, the exclusion the integration of the process of cre- of instrumental reason and strategic ation into our frame of vision. What power from the lifeworld, the exclusion effect will this integration have on our of differences and social power, and fi- view of reality, the choices that will be- nally the exclusion of many real people come available to us, and the actions who may not qualify to graduate as we can take? What social and political Habermassian communicative agents. forms will emerge from our new vision? Exclusions, as many believe, do not It is impossible to provide detailed an- solve problems; they merely force them swers to all these questions in one even underground from where they mani- a very long paper. No one person or even fest themselves in some distorted and a group of people can accomplish this perverted form. Habermas’s exclusions task. It will require creative efforts in are no exclusion, and like any other theory and practice by many individu- exclusion they must create an opening als. The best this paper can do is to pro- for domination. As noble as Habermas’s vide some basic observations regarding intentions are in completing the pro- the main contours of such solution. ject of modernity, the preceding analy- The first observation one should sis indicates that the path he charts is make is that in contrast to Habermas’s unlikely to meet these expectations communicative model, the process of precisely on the terms that Habermas creation does not work on the basis of himself accepts as necessary. consensus, that is, by emphasizing com- The main argument. The preceding monalities and excluding differences. analysis shows that there are several On the contrary, differences play a very forms of exclusion that plague Haber- important productive role in this pro- mas’s theoretical perspective. As all cess. In the course of creation, differ- exclusions, these also open the path ences are not suppressed or eliminated. toward domination. As one can see, The creation of new and more powerful Habermas does not solve the problem levels and forms of organization require of exclusion and domination and with- the integration of differences, not their out such solution the realization of the exclusion. The early development of a Enlightenment project remains very child provides a good illustration [9].

347 Children are born with several re- as active than before and, therefore, is flexive functions — visual, audio, tac- much better conserved. The mode that tile, gustatory, and olfactory — that are conserves them better is selected for fit- rooted in the organism’s physiology. ness. These functions have nothing in com- This advance in child’s behavior is mon (except for the fact that they be- not a product of integration on the ba- long to the same child); they are, one sis of commonalities — in fact, the two could say, totally incommensurable to functions have nothing in common; it is each other. Yet few months after birth, a result of the integration of their dif- the child succeeds in creating the level ferences. There is no equivalent here of neural organization that coordinates of Habermas’s “consensus-seeking” in and integrates all these initially incom- this integration. The process that cre- mensurable functions and create the ates this new and more powerful level level of organization that is much more of organization — the level of symbolic powerful than any of these functions or thought — integrates differences be- their sum total. This new level of or- tween the audio and the visual func- ganization offers much more powerful tion, and thus conserves them. As this tools that the child can use in his or her example shows, the process of creation relationship with reality. The process works by creating new and more pow- of creation plays the key role in accom- erful levels and forms of organization plishing this enormous task. that include less powerful levels and Let’s take, for example, two func- forms (in this case the audio and the vi- tions: audio and visual. These two func- sual function) as its particular cases. It tions are initially totally independent of conserves differences, rather than dis- each other. In order to conserve them- cards them. selves, these functions have to stay ac- It has been argued elsewhere [21] tive: the more they are active the better that the process of creation is also a they are conserved. system. It is a system that includes Initially, these functions have their other systems; its level of organization own specific activators: photons of light includes all other levels and forms of and sound waves. As the child develops, organization of reality — past, present, he or she coordinates these two func- and future. These new and more po- tions and eventually connects them, werful levels of organization create new that is, the child begins to “see”, when possibilities and provide more power- s/he hears, and “hear”, when s/he sees. ful tools for realizing these possibilities. In other words, when the child hears In other words, the process of creation mother’s voice, the sound activates not creates power and this power empowers only neurons related to hearing but also us. Thus the process of creation is the neurons related to vision. The child be- source of power. gins to look around searching for a fa- If inclusion is the source of our miliar image. When the two functions power, then by excluding differences are combined, they are activated twice and creating conditions for domina- as often than prior to their combina- tion, we diminish our power. Power tion. As a result, each function is twice and domination have nothing in com-

348 mon. They are actually opposed to each nization of reality more difficult, less other. efficient, and often wasteful. The focus The exclusion of people and ideas on the process of creation works against inhibits the process of creation and re- the preoccupation with specific pro- duces power that could be otherwise ducts. With the focus on the process, produced by integrating differences we will be less likely to absolutize these into new and more powerful levels and products at the expense of the process. forms of organization of reality. The We will try to conserve the process first power generated by the process of cre- and foremost. The process of creation, ation offers new possibilities and new its unimpeded and uninterrupted evo- choices that enhance our freedom. It is lution should become our main preoc- for this reason, as some argue, that po- cupation, the most important product wer is integrally connected with free- by which we will judge our producti- dom, while exclusion and domination vity. We must unshackle the process are not [22; 23]. that increases our power and realizes Since exclusion and domination do our potential. not produce power, they cannot com- Since the process of creation works pete with inclusion that generates po- on inclusion and empowerment, the wer. By enhancing the process of cre- greater the number of people who are ation and generating more power empowered through their engagement through inclusion, we can eliminate in the process of creation the more exclusion and domination — these two powerful we all are. The broader our principal obstacles to the realization of approach to empowerment and inclu- the Enlightenment project. sion is the closer we are to the realiza- The above suggests that the first tion of the Enlightenment project. This step toward the realization of the eman- conclusion resonates with a variety cipation project should be the recogni- of perspectives that have become in- tion of the crucial distinction between creasingly visible and vocal lately in domination and power as two totally connection with the perceived deficit different species. We should embrace of democracy in the world. These per- the process of creation as the process spectives (such as, deliberative, direct, that empowers us and incorporate it and participatory democracy) critique into our frame of vision. This process liberal democratic theory and the eli- should become our main focus of our tist practices of modern representative social practice. democracy. They also advocate broad As this paper also suggests, when empowerment of all members of society we exclude the process of creation from and their inclusion into the process of our frame of vision, we focus entirely on democratic decision-making [24]. particular product or products of this Demands for broad empowerment process to the exclusion of all others. and inclusion are not unproblematic. Such exclusion opens the path to domi- They raise a number of important the- nation. And domination makes the pro- oretical and practical issues concern- cess of evolution and the generation of ing the relationship between broad new and more powerful levels of orga- participation in decision-making and

349 hierarchies; in other words, between space between the system and its envi- hierarchical and non-hierarchical in- ronment, hierarchies and leaders that teractions, between leaders and those perform this function are in the posi- they purport to lead. These issues have tion to reflect critically (that is, observ- been examined in detail elsewhere [25] ing at the same time the system and also and do not need to be examined here. themselves as a part of the system) on There is one question, however, that all interactions among the agents and should be addressed for the purposes of subsystems of the system. The latter, this article: Is the continued existence by virtue of their position, can reflect of hierarchies an impediment to the re- only on local interactions. For this rea- alization of the Enlightenment project son, leaders are in the position to per- and the elimination of exclusion and ceive new and more powerful levels of domination? organization created by all interactions There are quite a few theoretical within the system, as well as recognize, perspectives that address the issue of promote, and facilitate the consolida- the continued existence of hierarchies. tion of these new levels of organization. While these perspectives serve as valu- Their role in this capacity has nothing able sources of ideas, most, if not all of to do with command and control, that them have one common problem: they is, transmitting decisions from above to do not incorporate the process of cre- those below and overseeing their imple- ation in their frame of vision and, as a mentation. Leaders must appreciate the result, they see hierarchies and net- enormous creative power of local in- works as ontologically separate and op- teractions and be closely attuned their posed to each other [25]. variations. Since they rely, or super- In discussing the problem of hierar- vene, so much in what they do on these chies and leadership, one should keep interactions, they should promote, reg- in mind that hierarchies and leaders ulate, and facilitate them, not obstruct are not fortuitous and arbitrary pheno- and disrupt them by trying to dominate mena; they are not some tragic aber- them. It is a sensitive and delicate, and ration in human evolution, as many highly creative role that involves both opponents of hierarchies argue. They cooperation and two-way adaptation. are a product of this evolution. Non- This role also has an enormous creative hierarchical interactions require regu- component. Since systems constantly lation. Regulation represents a level of evolve, they require integration of their organization that is more powerful than local and global operations. This inte- that of the entities it regulates or their gration is a function of leadership. In sum total. And a more powerful level of order to integrate local and global le- organization means hierarchy. vels, leaders must express operations on The principal function of regulation the global (regulatory) level in terms is reflective. In other words, it is non- of local interactions. This task requires local and capable of detaching from and the creation of a level of organization reflecting on the entire system and all that has sufficient power to incorpo- the interactions among its subsystems. rate both local and global operations of Because of their location in the liminal the system as its particular cases. It is

350 a highly creative role that ensures the The evolution of human systems continued evolution of a system. vitally depends on mechanisms and The relationship between the lea- procedures for making decision on the ders and those they lead cannot be one basis of rational and objective criteria. of domination. It requires cooperation The perspective that incorporates the and close interaction in the common process of creation offers such criteria. creative work that sustains the evolu- This perspective offers the approach to- tion of the system. Such cooperation wards validating knowledge and mak- can only be effective if there is a ba- ing decisions that is non-exclusive and, lance between hierarchical and non- at the same time, non-relativistic. hierarchical interactions, between hi- There is an extensive literature that erarchies and networks[25]. Leaders discusses inclusive ways of approaching should not see their role as that of ul- validation of knowledge and decisions. timate arbiters whose word is decisive Although there are numerous differenc- and final — far from it. The notion of a es and even disagreements, the contri- leader as the ultimate arbiter without butions on this subject provide the ge- whom there will be chaos and instabi- neral contours for such approach [26]. lity is due to a fundamental flaw in the As has been indicated earlier, the com- current view of reality that excludes binatorial power is what distinguishes the process of creation from its frame of one level of organization of reality from vision. In this perspective, there are no another. Therefore, we can use com- clear and rational validity criteria that binatorial power — or in other words, can help make an informed and objec- inclusiveness — as one important crite- tive selection of the choice that offers rion for validating knowledge and deci- the most power. As has been argued sions. The more inclusive a decision, an elsewhere, this approach largely relies approach, or a theory is, the greater is on subjective choices of those at the top its combinatorial capacity and, there- of the hierarchy [25]. The reason why fore, the greater is its validity. we tend to defer decisions to leaders is Legitimate disagreements should precisely because we do not have objec- not trigger power struggle where one tive and rational criteria of validation. perspective seeks to de-legitimate and In the absence of such criteria, all de- eliminate another. Rather, they should cisions are subjective and equal. Re- motivate a search for another, more in- cognizing all decisions as equal is likely clusive (even if orthogonal) perspective to lead to chaos and instability and no- that would construct the level of orga- body wants to argue for disorder. As a nization that would dissolve dissonanc- result, the common current default is es; competing positions will become to defer to the decision of those at the particular cases in such comprehensive highest levels of the hierarchy because whole. even a bad decision that preserves or- Such approach stands in stark con- der is deemed better than chaos and in- trast to the dominant current practice stability. How many times have people of knowledge production and decision ultimately paid the price for limitations making that tends to be exclusive. Hi- of their leaders? erarchies seek control over knowledge

351 production and decision-making and Decisions we make — be they about silence alternatives. Control over fund- managing our enterprises, organiza- ing, exposure, publishing, appoint- tions, or governments — should always ments, and simply brute force provide be guided by one and only one consid- ample opportunities to enforce ortho- eration: they should be always focused doxy. More often than not, knowledge on the continued evolution of the pro- production turns into an exercise of cess of creation of new and more power- power. ful levels and forms of organization of We can no longer afford a system of reality. Our decisions cannot be based validation that depends on conformity on power derived from the authority and access to power. An efficient, de- of a hierarchy. Such approach is hardly mocratic, and open system of knowl- rational. There is only one source of edge production and decision-making power for us humans and that is the should be based on a better under- new and more powerful ways in which standing of what constitutes knowl- we organize reality, including our own edge and how it is produced. Such sys- mind. The organization of human sys- tem requires the institutionalization of tems, including our civilization, the more open, inclusive, democratic, and, structuring of our public space should ultimately, more rational practices in reflect this understanding. validating knowledge and allocating re- The above describes only some of sources. As has been stated earlier, the the aspects of the realization of the more inclusive a knowledge system is, Enlightenment project. We can realize the more extensive is its combinatorial this project only by going beyond the capacity the more powerful it is. Inclu- Enlightenment. This paper has only siveness and power (in the Gödelean touched on this rich subject full of in- sense), not conformity to dominant ternal complexities. We are still at the trends, should be the most important very beginning of the path that leads to criteria in assessing knowledge and de- the implementation this grandiose task. cisions. As we advance along this path, we will Critical awareness and introspection encounter many new problems, iden- is another important criterion. We often tify new issues, and offer new solutions. pay lip service to critical judgment and As this paper has argued, the project of just as often forget that critical judg- the Enlightenment is, by definition, by ment concerns, first and foremost, our the very fact that it must be based on capacity to examine critically our own inclusion, cannot be the work of one in- premises, organizing principles, and dividual or even a group of individuals. self-evident truths. We should exercise It must involve the entire human race. a conscious and deliberate control over Conclusion. This paper argues that our own ‘truths’ and unconscious biases our civilization can realize the emanci- rather than allow old and tired ideas pation project and eliminate domina- that hinder knowledge production to tion. As this paper has shown, power dominate. Critical awareness is essen- and reason are intimately related; and tial for the efficiency of knowledge pro- both are related to freedom. In fact, all duction. three have the same source: they all

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355 UDC: 35.08 Shchegortsova Viktoria Mykolaivna, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administra- tion (PhD), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Public Administration Depart- ment of KRI NAPA, Kharkiv Regional Insti- tute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration attached to the Office of the President of Ukraine, 61001, Kharkiv, Prospekt Moskovskii, 75, tel.: +38 (067) 705 21 03, е-mail : vikkiua@ ORCID: 0000-0003-0632-1115 Щегорцова Вікторія Миколаївна, кандидат наук з державного управлін- ня, доцент, доцент кафедри державного управління ХарРІ НАДУ, Харківський ре- гіональний інститут державного управ- ління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, 61001, Харків, просп. Московський, 75, тел.: +38 (067) 705 21 03, е-mail : vikkiua@ ORCID: 0000-0003-0632-1115 Щегорцова Виктория Николаевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры государ- ственного управления ХарРИ НАДУ, Харьковский региональный институт государ- ственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Пре- зиденте Украины, 61001, Харьков, просп. Московский, 75, тел.: +38 (067) 705 21 03, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0632-1115 DOI

MOTIVATION OF CIVIL SERVANTS FROM ARCHETYPICAL APPROACH PERSPECTIVE: THEORY AND PROBLEM ISSUES Abstract. The theoretical bases of motivation of civil servants are consi- dered in the article. The description of the basic motivational theories is presen- ted. Substantive theories of motivation (A. Maslow, K. Alderfer, D. McCleland, F. Hertzberg) are based on the analysis of the motivational sphere of a person, on the direct relationship between satisfaction/dissatisfaction of human needs and motivation. In the procedural theories of motivation (V. Vroom, J. Adams,

356 E. Lock, Porter-Lawler theory), the process of motivation is studied and atten- tion is focused on the influence of external factors on the motivation of a person. On the basis of a review of the achievements of the scientific foundations of mo- tivation, recommendations were made to the heads of the public administration authorities on the implementation of the motivation function. Generalized the main problems of labor motivation, typical for staff, regardless of the form of ow- nership of the organization. The following problems and obstacles in personnel motivation are identified: the complexity of research and determination of the motives of the individual, the problem of fairness in evaluating the performance of management and staff, dissatisfaction with hygiene factors, complex relation- ships in the team, inadequate expectations on the part of the employee, many innovations and changes in organization of work, monotony of activity, incom- patibility of the worker’s qualification with the level of work, constant changes, stressful situations can cause apathy to slave father. Based on the results of the expert survey, the main problems of labor motivation in public administration bodies were identified. The system of motivating public servants has a number of shortcomings: dissatisfaction with the size of material security, the existence of state-wide interdepartmental and regional differences in the wage rates of civil servants, injustice with individual bonuses. The motivation of public servants is based on the opportunities for career growth, increasing competence, the prestige of working in government bodies, the stability of employment, job satisfaction, the amount of annual leave, good pensions and the opportunity to be involved in significant cases for society. Keywords: public service, motivation, theory of motivation, problems of mo- tivation in public administration bodies. МОТИВАЦІЯ ДЕРЖАВНИХ СЛУЖБОВЦІВ В АРХЕТИПНОМУ ПІДХОДІ: ТЕОРІЯ ТА ПРОБЛЕМНІ ПИТАННЯ Анотація. Розглянуто теоретичні засади мотивації державних службов- ців. Надано опис основних мотиваційних теорій. Змістовні теорії мотивації (А. Маслоу, К. Альдерфер, Д. Мак-Клеланд, Ф. Херцберг) ґрунтуються на ана- лізі мотиваційної сфери людини, на прямій залежності між задоволенням/ незадоволенням потреб та мотивацією людини. У процесуальних теоріях мо- тивації (В. Врум, Дж. Адамс, Е. Лок, теорія Портера-Лоулера) досліджуєть- ся процес мотивації та акцентується увага на впливі зовнішніх факторів на мотивацію людини. Узагальнюючи здобутки вчених щодо основ мотивації, запропоновано рекомендації керівникам органів публічного адміністрування щодо реалізації функції мотивації. Узагальнено основні проблеми мотивації праці, характерні для персоналу, незалежно від форми власності організа- ції. Виділено такі проблеми та перешкоди мотивації персоналу: складність дослідження та визначення мотивів особистості, проблема справедливості оцінки результатів діяльності з боку керівництва і колективу, незадоволен- ня гігієнічними факторами, негативні відносини у колективі, невідповідність очікуванням з боку працівника, забагато нововведень та змін в організації

357 роботи, монотонність діяльності, невідповідність кваліфікація працівника рівню роботи, постійні зміни, стресові ситуації можуть породжувати апатію до роботи. За результатами експертного опитування визначені основні про- блеми мотивації праці в органах публічного адміністрування. Система мо- тивації публічних службовців має ряд недоліків: незадоволеність розмірами матеріального забезпечення, існування загальнодержавних міжвідомчих та регіональних розбіжностей у розмірах оплати праці державних службовців, несправедливість при індивідуальному преміюванні. Мотивація публічних службовців ґрунтується на можливості кар’єрного росту, підвищення компе- тентностей, престижі роботи в органах державної влади, стабільності зайня- тості, задоволеності режимом роботи і обсягом щорічних відпусток, гарному пенсійному забезпеченню та можливості бути причетними до значущих для суспільства справ. Ключові слова: державна служба, мотивація, теорії мотивації, проблеми мотивації в органах публічного адміністрування. МОТИВАЦИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫХ СЛУЖАЩИХ В АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКОМ ПОДХОДЕ: ТЕОРИЯ И ПРОБЛЕМНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ Аннотация. Рассмотрены теоретические основы мотивации государствен- ных служащих. Представлено описание основных мотивационных теорий. Содержательные теории мотивации (А. Маслоу, К. Альдерфер, Д. Мак-Кле- ланд, Ф. Херцберг) основываются на анализе мотивационной сферы челове- ка, на прямой зависимости между удовлетворением/неудовлетворением по- требностей и мотивации человека. В процессуальных теориях мотивации (В. Врум, Дж. Адамс, Э. Лок, теория Портера-Лоулера) исследуется процесс мо- тивации и акцентируется внимание на влиянии внешних факторов на моти- вацию человека. На основании обзора достижений ученых основ мотивации, предложены рекомендации руководителям органов публичного администри- рования по реализации функции мотивации. Обобщены основные проблемы мотивации труда, характерные для персонала, независимо от формы собст- венности организации. Выделены следующие проблемы и препятствия в мо- тивации персонала: сложность исследования и определения мотивов лично- сти, проблема справедливости оценки результатов деятельности со стороны руководства и коллектива, недовольство гигиеническими факторами, слож- ные отношения в коллективе, несоответствие ожиданиям со стороны работ- ника, много нововведений и изменений в организации работы, монотонность деятельности, несоответствие квалификации работника уровня работы, по- стоянные изменения, стрессовые ситуации могут порождать апатию к работе. На основе результатов экспертного опроса определены основные проблемы мотивации труда в органах публичного администрирования. Система моти- вации публичных служащих имеет ряд недостатков: неудовлетворенность размерами материального обеспечения, существование общегосударствен- ных межведомственных и региональных различий в размерах оплаты труда

358 государственных служащих, несправедливость при индивидуальном преми- ровании. Мотивация публичных служащих основывается на возможности карьерного роста, повышении компетентности, престиже работы в органах государственной власти, стабильности занятости, удовлетворенности режи- мом работы и объемом ежегодных отпусков, хорошем пенсионном обеспече- нии и возможности быть причастными к значимым для общества делам. Ключевые слова: государственная служба, мотивация, теории мотива- ции, проблемы мотивации в органах публичного администрирования.

Problem statement. Ukraine’s as- [3], A. Maslow [4], E. Mayo [5–6], pirations to join the European Union F. Taylor [7], A. Fayolle [8] F. Herzberg provides for reform of the public ad- [9] and others. A significant contribu- ministration, increases the demands of tion to the development of theoretical modern governance, the effectiveness and practical basics of motivation was of which depends primarily on effective made by Ukrainian scientists in the state service. The performance of ac- field of public administration: N. Gon- tivities of bodies of public administra- charuk [10], S. Dubenko [11], T. Zhe- tion depends on the motivation of state liuk [12] V. Malynowskyi [13], T. Pak- employees to work conscientiously and homova[14], L. Pashko [15] and others. efficiently. However, modern problems The purpose of this article is to in the sphere of state service, such as review the theoretical bases of motiva- a high turnover of staff, especially of tion of state employees and identifying young and highly qualified special- the key issues of labour motivation in ists, low productivity and quality of bodies of public administration. decision-making in public authorities The main material of research. In are the results of weak incentives in foreign literature the term “motiva- the state service. So one of the ways of tion” is defined as the external influ- achieving high efficiency of functioning ence in order to develop internal mo- of bodies of public administration is the tivation. Thus, the French researchers use of function of motivation that will of management in the public service allow to raise interest of state emplo- and S. Alesian S. D. Foucher say that yees to work in actively and initiatively, to motivate means to create and main- to implement their labour potential for tain situations that stimulate the de- the service of the people of Ukraine. sire of employees to implement their Analysis of recent publications on efforts and to achieve the goals, that the problem and defining of the un- were identified [16, p. 193]. American solved parts of the general problem. scientist in the field of human re- Methodological basis of the study of the source management M. Armstrong development of motivation as functions believes that to motivate people is to of management was laid in the works get them to move in a certain direc- of world-famous scientists, such as tion to achieve a particular result [17, V. Vrum [1], E. Lock [2], D. McGregor p. 155].

359 Internal motivation consists of di- by the representatives of the school verse needs, motivations, objectives of “human relations”, the formation of and interests, therefore, it is necessary which is associated with motivation to apply the methods of motivation theory of E. Mayo (1880–1949). His comprehensively. In addition, each per- two main works “Human problems son has a characteristic, unique moti- of industrial civilization” and “Social vational sphere, so during the develop- problems of an industrial civilization” ment and implementation of methods are associated with the results of the of motivation it is necessary to use in- so-called Hawthorne experiments that dividual approach. The best result from were conducted in 1927–1932 at Chic- the motivation as functions of manage- go Hawthorne plants. Incidentally, the ment can only be achieved under con- Hawthorne Works was one of the lead- ditions of a complex target approach ing American companies with very ad- to the development of a system of mea- vanced at that time system of personnel sures to increase labor activity. motivation: pension support, assistance Boosting the development and dis- in case of illness or disability, the op- tribution of views on the need for mo- portunity to buy shares of the company, tivation in management is justified, pri- to defend their interests through repre- marily, by overcoming a technocratic sentatives. In addition, in this company approach to the person as to the ma- there was a cultural and sports club chine, in addition, the development of for employees and a journal, published research on motivation is closely asso- twice a month that covered opinion ciated with the relevant stages of deve- of the management, all industrial and lopment of material production and the cultural news. The main thesis of the functions and significance of man in it. Australian researchers E. Mayo about A humanistic approach to personnel motivation was that, first, it is not management increases the role and im- necessary to pay special attention to portance of human involvement in the material incentives, and secondly, the production, proves that the function- growth of production depends on team ing and efficiency of production depend unity, which correctly directs a compe- not only on compliance of the num- tent and caring manager. Therefore, the ber and qualification of staff require- principles developed by E. Mayo of hu- ments, equipment and technology, but man resource management focused and also on socio-psychological factors and were based on the need to take account people’s motivation to work. With this of individual mental characteristics of approach, management decisions go people and interpersonal relationships beyond only the economic provisions, in the team. determined by the need for greater at- Modern scholars divide theories of tention to personal characteristics of motivation, content and procedural. workers in informal relations in the The basis of the substantial theories team, improving working conditions of motivation (A. Maslow, C. Alderfer, and so on. D. MC Clelland, F. Herzberg) is in the A particularly large contribution to analysis of the motivational sphere of the theory of motivation was brought the person, its representatives insist

360 on the direct relation between the sa- • management must develop a re- tisfaction/dissatisfaction of needs and ward system which would be able to human motivation. Procedural theo- meet the needs of subordinates. Cre- ries of motivation (V. Vrum, J. Adams, ation of the working environment that E. Locke, the theory of Porter-Lawler) stimulates energy and initiative of em- examine the process of motivation and ployees and provides opportunities to focuse on the influence of external fac- implement their full potential, are the tors on motivation. The value of these strongest motivators. To enhance mo- theories to management practices is tivation, teamwork we advise leaders the ability to identify the causes of the to create an atmosphere of corporate weak work motivation of state emplo- spirit, harmony in the team, to eradi- yees and the achievements of scientists cate injustice; in the construction of the system of la- • managers need when designing bour motivation in bodies of executive and implementing motivation systems power. to focus on individual psychological Analysis of theories of motivation characteristics of people and interper- allowed to identify the position on the sonal relationships in the team. The feasibility for building of an effective guarantee of the success of the organi- motivation system in bodies of public zation is the team spirit and good rela- administration: tionship of trust between managers and • the basis of motivation of every in- subordinates (E. Mayo); dividual is the material interest and sa- • as the basis of motivation con- tisfaction of needs of a material nature sists of human needs, the main task of (the physiological needs of the pyramid managers is to understand what needs Maslow, the needs of existence accord- a person has, and provide him with the ing to the theory of C. Alderfer); opportunity to implement them in the • the staff can be divided into two labour process. However, the unmet types: the first type — people are active need of lower level does not lead to ac- by nature, have a strong internal moti- tualizing higher needs (A. Maslow); vation to improve their financial posi- • human nature to desire for pro- tion and are seeking for career growth; fessional and career growth, self-ex- the second are passive by nature, lead- pression and self-actualization, so that ers need to constantly push such peo- employees cannot be motivated only by ple. The cooperation of the leadership economic incentives or hygiene factors with subordinates is pleasing to the em- (Herzberg F.); ployees and guarantee of the success of • managers need to know and to the organization; consider what is the expected remune- • the basis of human motivation is ration for the activity of subordinates his inner desire, it is the unconscious (V. Vrum); that takes an important place in the • managers should fairly treat remu- motivation, that is, in the methods of neration and evaluation of employees’ motivation the manager should take performance (S. Adams); into account the individual psychologi- • the basis of human motivation is cal characteristics of people; purpose, awareness of which will help

361 the manager to explain human beha- of motivation. Summarizing them, let vior. The Manager must create such us highlight the problems of motivation conditions, when the subordinate per- that exist in all institutions regardless ceives the organization’s goals as his own of their form of ownership or occupa- (E. Lock); tion: • a person gets satisfaction not • the employee’s behavior is influ- only from the results of the labor, but enced by internal motivators (needs, also from the fact of completion of work interests, values) and external motiva- (Porter-Lawler); tors (external to employee influence, • a person will do what he did in the economic and non-economic methods past when he received a reward, and of motivation). Therefore, the task of will not repeat the behavior for which the leader is using extrinsic motiva- he was punished. Therefore, the ma- tion to create internal one, which is the nagement must express its attitude to main driving force; the performance of employees, reward • the complexity of the study and achievements and sanction for miscon- determination of the motives of the in- duct (Skinner) dividual. Managers need to observe and From the above information it can study the motives that really move; be concluded, first, about the impos- • human needs are in complex dy- sibility to apply any one theory of mo- namic interaction. Depending on the tivation, because each of them has its specific situation, needs of the person shortcomings and weaknesses, and se- change, which can lead to unexpected cond, the Manager will reach this effect reactions of the workers on the motiva- of motivation on the basis of the best tional impact from the side of the ma- provisions of the theories of motivation nager; to develop its comprehensive system of • power of motives, their stability, motivation, taking into account cha- structure are unique to each person racteristics of the organization and the and have different effects on behavior. individual characteristics of the subor- What is an effective to motivate one dinates. person may be inefficient for another; The process of management moti- • of course, work effectiveness de- vation is quite complex and ambigu- pends on the motivation. However, this ous. Motivation is considered as a dependence is rather complicated and combination of factors — motivators ambiguous. The lack of a clear relation that influence the work behavior of a between motivation and outcomes of person, drive him to activities, define the activities is due to the fact that the the objectives of the work behavior. results of labor are affected by many Some of the factors that make the pro- other factors, such as the qualifications cess of motivation is complex, and the of the employee, his professional abili- problems that arise in the course of the ties and skills, proper understanding of action motivation system, will be dis- the objectives, external environment, cussed further. etc.; In scientific literature there are • the issue of fairness of the perfor- studies on the obstacles and challenges mance assessment by the management

362 and staff. The solution to this problem innovation. In this situation, you need is possible through the introduction of to explain to employees the reasons for the availability of information about innovations, to provide them with the how the results are evaluated, who ex- opportunity to participate in the pro- actly and for what received a reward; cess of introducing a change, listen to • constant changes, stressful situa- their views and, if possible, to take into tions can produce apathy to activities, account their wishes; reduce efficiency. The reasons for this • lack of career advancement. It is situation can be mainly of two types: known that the optimal duration of improper management and organiza- stay at one position for three to five tion of the work process and insuffi- years, then the job becomes uninter- cient qualification and experience of esting, a cognitive interest in it fades the employee or the personal charac- away, man, especially for the ambitious teristics (inattention, procrastination, people and those who constantly strive forgetfulness). To resolve such a situa- to evolve, when it is not interesting to tion, of course, it is necessary to elimi- work, the person begins to treat the nate the cause: if it is the first type, work as something monotonous, with- the leader needs to alter or improve out creativity; the management, if the cause is of the • mismatch of expectations from second type — you need to either make the employee. Every person who en- the rotation of personnel, or to send the ters government service has own goals, employee for training or professional aspirations and expectations, if they development; don’t become real, human activity is • the level of work is lower than the reduced. The theory of motivation by qualifications of the employee. This si- V. Vrum emphasizes the importance tuation can severely reduce the motiva- of the dependence of human expecta- tion of people who are ambitious, aimed tions and real results from the person’s at success, seeking professional and ca- activities. If the activity does not lead reer growth; to the expected results, the person next • the process is familiar and con- time reduces the activity and works less stantly repeated. For employees whose hard. Therefore, a manager must know personal internal characteristics are how important for the employee the ex- committed to the continuous develop- pectations are, he has to produce them, ment and innovation, a situation where to give hope, to promise and be sure to nothing changes, reduces the activity of implement them. the people developing apathy towards • dissatisfaction of the hygienic work. The ideal way to deal with this factors, namely: working conditions, situation — career growth or transfer to including technical support. For most another position; people the location, the size of room, • a lot of innovations and changes in the number of colleagues in it, the op- the organization of work. The situation portunity to use the equipment and is demotivating for people oriented at have the necessary set of individual stability that are poorly adapted to the equipment are highly important. Even changes and have difficulty accepting small changes in hygiene factors can

363 cause dissatisfaction in the team, ad- ing, make important for the society de- versely affect the motivation of people cisions is important. Fourth, by analyz- to work selflessly and better; ing the satisfaction of state employees • negative relations within the team. of the civil service, it was found that the For state employees, like any people greatest dissatisfaction can be caused working in the team, moral and psy- by the following criteria: salaries, in- chological climate in the team is very cluding bonuses and injustice of indi- important. If in the field of communi- vidual bonuses. The majority of state cation in the team there are problem employees are satisfied with the regime areas, they can have a negative impact of work, pension provision, annual leave not only on the psychological state of and financial assistance for rehabilita- individuals, but also manifest as tension tion. Fifth, the positive aspects in the in the working relationship of the team. system of labour motivation in bodies of Of course, this situation is bad for the executive power are achievement of the employees and collective motivation leaders in this field, namely in the areas that breeds differences and conflicts. of improving relations between manag- Based on the results of the expert ers and subordinates, improvement of survey of participants (60 people) of moral and psychological climate in the the faculty of graduate education of team, providing opportunities to show Kharkiv regional Institute of public initiative and creativity in their work administration of National Academy of and the strive to improve skills and to public administration under the Presi- undergo training. dent of Ukraine, can draw the following The study of the problems of moti- conclusions about the state of labour vation in state management provides motivation in bodies of public admi- the basis for the reform of human re- nistration. First, there are the national sources management in the public ser- inter-institutional and regional diffe- vice to improve its effectiveness. rences in wages of state employees, they Conclusions and prospects for fur- are not only provided for in the regular ther research. Thee management of la- schedules with the highest categories of bor motivation, as well as any manage- state employees but also on the size of ment presupposes the existence of the premiums. Secondly, the priority mo- object of motivation (state employees) tivation to enter public service is the and the subject of motivation (line ma- opportunity for career growth, prestige nagers). Also, a significant role in the for- of service in bodies of state power, em- mulation and implementation of mea- ployment stability, good pensions and sures of motivation should be played by the opportunity to be involved in im- the Personnel Department as an auxi- portant social affairs. Thirdly, the most liary unit, which can explore the motiva- relevant methods of labour motivation tional sphere of a public employees and of state employees are economic and so- on its basis to develop and offer leaders cial ones. That is, for public employees the methods of motivation. Therefore, the satisfaction of needs of a material prospects for further research stipulate nature and the opportunity to make a the study of the functions and composi- career, to participate in decision-mak- tion of the management of the person-

364 nel, given its role in the implementation 12. Zheliuk T. L. (2005). Derzhavna sluzh- of the function of motivation of ma- ba [State Service]. Kyiv: Profesional nagement of state employees. [in Ukrainian]. 13. Malynovskyi V. (2003). Funktsiia mo- tyvatsii upravlinskoi pratsi [Function of the motivation of managerial work]. References Visnyk UADU — Bulletin of UADU, 1. Vroom V. (1964). Work and motiva- 3, 165–170 [in Ukrainian]. tion. New York: Wiley [in English]. 14. Pakhomova T. (2006). Motyvatsiia 2. Locke E. A. (1968). Toward a theory of personalu v systemi derzhavnoi slu- task motivation and incentives. Orga- zhby [Motivation of the personnel in nizational Behavior and Human Per- the system of civil service]. Aktualni formance, 3(2), 157–189 [in English]. problemy derzhavnoho upravlinnia — 3. McGregor D. (1987). The human side Actual problems of public administra- of enterprise. Harmondsworth: Pen- tion, 3 (25), 209–213 [in Ukrainian]. guin books [in English]. 15. Pashko L. A. (2005). Liudski resursy 4. Maslow A. (1954). Motivation and u sferi derzhavnoho upravlinnia: personality. New York: Harper [in teoretyko-metodolohichni zasady ot- English]. siniuvannia [Human Resources in the 5. Mayo E. (1933). The human problems Field of Public Administration: Theo- of an industrial civilization. New York: retical and Methodological Principles Viking Press [in English]. of Evaluation]. Kyiv: Vyd-vo NADU 6. Mayo E. (1949). The social problems [in Ukrainian]. of an industrial civilization. London: 16. Alécian S., Foucher D. (2002). Le ma- Routledge & Kegan Paul [in English]. nagement dans le service public. Paris: 7. Taylor F. W. (1911). The principles Editions d’Organisation [in French]. of scientific management. New York, 17. Armstrong M. (2008). Praktika up- London: Harper & Brothers [in Eng- ravleniya chelovecheskimi resursami lish]. [The practice of human resources 8. Fayol H. (1984). General and indus- management]. (S. Mordovin, Trans). trial management. New York: IEEE (8th ed.). Saint Petersburg: Piter [in Press [in English]. Russian]. 9. Herzberg F. (1966). Work and the Na- ture of Man. New York: The World Publishing Company [in English]. Список використаних 10. Honcharuk N. (2007). Motyvatsiia y джерел otsinka kerivnoho personalu u sferi derzhavnoi sluzhby [Motivation and 1. Vroom V. Work and motivation / evaluation of management personnel V. Vroom. — New York : Wiley, 1964. — in the field of civil service]. Aktualni 208 p. problemy derzhavnoho upravlinnia — 2. Locke E. A. (1968). “Toward a theory Current problems of public admi- of task motivation and incentives” / nistration, 2 (30), 250–256 [in Ukrai- E. A. Locke. — Organizational Beha- nian]. vior and Human Performance. 3 (2), 11. Dubenko S. D. (1998). Derzhavna 1968. — Р. 157. sluzhba v Ukraini [State Service in 3. McGregor D. The human side of enter- Ukraine]. Kyiv: Vyd-vo UADU [in prise / D. McGregor. — Harmonds- Ukrainian]. worth : Penguin books, 1987. — 246 p.

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366 UDC 351.82:[37.014.6:005.6] Yaremenko Natalia Volodymyrivna, PhD of philological sciences, Kryvyi Rih, State Pedagogical University, 50086, Kryvyi Rih, Prospect Haharina, 54, tel.: +38 (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: yartala28@gmail. сom ORCID: 0000-0003-2834-0894 Яременко Наталя Володимирівна, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, ДВ- НЗ “Криворізький державний педагогіч- ний університет”, 50086, м. Кривий Ріг, просп. Гагаріна, 54, тел.: +38 (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2834-0894 Яременко Наталья Владимировна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, ГВУЗ “Криворожский государственный педагогический университет”, 50086, г. Кривой Рог, просп. Гагарина, 54, тел.: +38 (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: yartala28@ ORCID: 0000-0003-2834-0894 Kolomiets Natalia Yevhenivna, PhD of philological sciences, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 50086, Kryvyi Rih, Prospect Haharina, 54, tel.: +38 (067) 940 08 14, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-2538 Коломієць Наталія Євгенівна, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, ДВ- НЗ “Криворізький державний педагогіч- ний університет”, 50086, м. Кривий Ріг, просп. Гагаріна, 54, тел.: +38 (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-2538 Коломиец Наталия Евгеньевна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, ГВУЗ “Криворожский государственный педа- гогический университет”, 50086, г. Кривой Рог, просп. Гагарина, 54, тел.: +38 (067) 564 30 08, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-2538 DOI

367 REINTERPRETATION OF THE ARCHETYPES OF THE “DIVINE CHILD” IN THE ASPECT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Abstract. The article makes an attempt to clarify the specifics of the reinterpre- tation of the “Divine Child” archetype in the aspect of implementing the Sustain- able Development Program adopted in September 2015 by the decision of the UN General Assembly. The main ways of overcoming the current crisis of education are identified through the formation of new mental invariants of the basic first ele- ments of culture through clarifying the meanings of archetypes, the formation of new layers and the production of values. It is suggested that such reinterpretation is a significant step towards creating a balanced model of the global community, since the reorientation of the paradigm of public consciousness necessitates the reform of the education system. Actualization of the “Divine Child” archetype in the aspect of implementing the Sustainable Development Program demonstrates the modification of the cultural heritage of mankind in a global society. The child, however, is the archetypal foundation of the very first being. The transformation of the original archetype into the modern life flow is due to value orientations, mental structures, religious-spiritual concepts and socio-cultural requirements of the day. The authors emphasize that the semantic center of comprehension of the problem of childhood is the archetype “Divine Child”, which acts as a matrix of collective unconscious experience and is realized in reality. In the article it was found, in particular, that, regardless of the cultural orientations of the age, the semantic center of childhood is based on the understanding that the younger ge- neration is carrying out a renewal of life and in the future will form a new world order. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer education from simply reproducing knowledge and skills to the competencies necessary for existence in a modern dy- namic society. Keywords: archetype, divine child, Puer, Sustainable development program, mental invariant. РЕІНТЕРПРЕТАЦІЯ АРХЕТИПУ “БОЖЕСТВЕННА ДИТИНА” В АСПЕКТІ РЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ ПРОГРАМИ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ Анотація. Розглянуто специфіку реінтерпретації архетипу “божественна дитина” в аспекті реалізації Програми сталого розвитку, ухваленої у вересні 2015 року рішенням Генеральної Асамблеї ООН. Виявлено основні шляхи подолання сучасної кризи освіти шляхом формування нових ментальних інваріантів базових першоелементів культури, через уточнення смислів ар- хетипів, формування нових пластів, продукування цінностей. Подібна реін- терпретація є вагомим кроком на шляху до утворення збалансованої моделі глобального співтовариства. Переорієнтація парадигми суспільної свідомо-

368 сті зумовила потребу реформувати систему освіти, адже потенціал майбут- нього формується у процесі становлення особистості дитини. Актуалізація архетипу “божественної дитини” в аспекті реалізації Програми сталого роз- витку демонструє модифікацію культурного надбання людства в глобалізо- ваному соціумі. Акцентовано, що смисловим центром осягнення проблеми дитинства є архетип “божественної дитини”, який виступає матрицею колек- тивного безсвідомого досвіду та актуалізується й об’єктизується в реальному бутті, оскільки процес формування дорослої людини дає змогу розглядати дитинство як унікальну соціокультурну цінність, коли закладаються підва- лини майбутнього. Дитина ж є архетипною основою першопочатку буття. Трансформація первісного архетипу в сучасний життєвий потік відбувається завдяки ціннісним орієнтирам, ментальним структурам, релігійно-духовним концептам та соціокультурним вимогам доби. Спостережено зокрема, що не- залежно від культурних орієнтирів доби, смисловий центр дитинства базу- ється на розумінні того, що молоде покоління продукує оновлення буття, і в майбутньому формуватиме новий устрій. А отже потребує переходу освіти від простого репродукування знань і навичок до компетенцій, необхідних для існування в динамічному сучасному. Ключові слова: архетип, божественна дитина, Пуер, Програма сталого розвитку, ментальний інваріант. РЕИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИЯ АРХЕТИПА “БОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ДИТЯ” В АСПЕКТЕ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПРОГРАМЫ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ Аннотация. Рассмотрена специфика реинтерпретации архетипа “божест- венный ребенок” в аспекте реализации Программы устойчивого развития, принятой в сентябре 2015 решением Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН. Выяв- лены основные пути преодоления современного кризиса образования путем формирования новых ментальных инвариантов базовых первоэлементов культуры, через уточнение смыслов архетипов, формирование новых пла- стов, продуцирования ценностей. Подобная реинтерпретация является весо- мым шагом на пути к образованию сбалансированной модели глобального сообщества, поскольку переориентация парадигмы общественного сознания обусловливает необходимость реформирования системы образования. Акту- ализация же архетипа “божественного ребенка” в аспекте реализации Про- граммы устойчивого развития демонстрирует модификацию культурного наследия человечества в глобальном социуме. Акцентировано, что смысло- вым центром постижения проблемы детства является архетип “божествен- ного ребенка”, который выступает матрицей коллективного бессознатель- ного опыта и реализуется в реальности, поскольку процесс формирования взрослого человека позволяет рассматривать детство как уникальную социо- культурную ценность, когда закладываются основы будущего. Ребенок же является архетипной основой истока бытия. Трансформация первоначаль- ного архетипа в современный жизненный поток происходит благодаря цен-

369 ностным ориентирам, ментальным структурам, религиозно-духовным кон- цептам и социокультурным требованиям времени. Обнаружено в частности, что независимо от культурных ориентиров эпохи, смысловой центр детства базируется на понимании того, что молодое поколение производит обновле- ние бытия, и в будущем будет формировать новый миропорядок. Следова- тельно, требует перехода образования от простого репродуцирования знаний и навыков в компетенции, необходимые для существования в современном динамичном социуме. Ключевые слова: архетип, божественный ребенок, Пуэр, Программа устойчивого развития, ментальный инвариант.

Statement of the problem. The the government of Ukraine presented crisis that the modern world is facing, the report “Sustainable Development requires the development and imple- Goals: Ukraine”, which defined lead- mentation of systematic action to pre- ing parameters of SDP implementa- serve the earth and humanity from the tion to meet the needs of today without real threats. That is what prompted destroying the opportunities of future to actively seek ways to overcome the generations, taking into account the systemic crisis. In September of 2015, specifics of national development. according to the decision of the UN One of the central problems to be General Assembly a Sustainable Deve- solved by the Sustainable Develop- lopment Program was adopted, which ment Program is to ensure inclusive contains objectives that define the ge- and equitable quality education, pro- neral direction of world development, mote the creation of learning opportu- and is the basis of international efforts nities throughout life, that is, the cre- for joint activities for the preservation ation of new educational environment and restoration of the world’s resour- that would allow to change the ste- ces. These seventeen areas determine reotypes of thinking and behavior, to the fundamentals of the interaction of upgrade the human community, create states at all levels of development for the foundation for change and to con- the next fifteen years and describe all tribute to the realization of the leading aspects of human activity (economy, concepts of sustainable development. social life, political processes, environ- “We are committed to provide quality mental preservation, etc.). The leading educational activities at all levels — position of sustainable development early childhood, elementary, secondary, was developed in the process of the higher, technical and vocational train- UN conference on environment and ing. All people, regardless of gender, development in 1992 (Rio de Janeiro), age, race, ethnicity and people with dis- modified at the World summit in Jo- abilities, migrants, indigenous peoples, hannesburg (2002), fleshed out and fi- children and youth, especially those in nalized at the conference “Rio+20” in vulnerable situations should have ac- 2012. In addition, in September of 2017 cess to learning opportunities through-

370 out life that will help them to obtain Analysis of recent researches and the knowledge and skills required to publications. In contemporary scien- use the opportunity to fully participate tific discourse the problem of the re- in society. We will attempt to provide interpretation of the archetype of the children and young people with favor- “Divine child” in the aspect of imple- able conditions for the full implementa- mentation of the Sustainable Deve- tion of their rights and opportunities, lopment Program is considered on the helping our countries to benefit from verge of humanitarian studies, anthro- the demographic dividend, including pological and political directions. Vari- through the safe schools and the joint ous aspects of the program were the communities and families” [1, p. 22]. subject of research in many works of There can be no doubt that education is researchers, in particular the regulation at the center of the spiritual system as a of international relations is considered potential generated on the basis of the in the works of D. Medows, G. Gard- Jungian concept of the archetype of the ner, N. Carter, and others; the chal- “Divine child” which is simultaneously lenges of globalization in the context of the source of moral existences. implementing sustainable development The education crisis, which mani- programs were studied by D. Korten, fested itself at the present stage, is C. Flavin and A. Ursula; the criteria for considered in the context of global crisis-free economic development were problems of modernity along with de- developed in the works of V. Rostow; mographic, environmental and eco- ecocentric paradigm was implemented nomic ones; it requires a comprehen- in the research of M. Redclif, L. Mil- sive approach, since the world faces a bright, I. Randers and the like. real threat for several decades to form The purpose of this article is to a fully illiterate generation. In this re- clarify the specifics of reinterpretation gard, the UNESCO world conference of the archetype of the "Divine child" in on ESC, held in Aichi-Nago (Japan) in the aspect of realization of the Sustain- 2014, provided the assessment of the able Development Program as a means current state of education and deve- of overcoming the educational crisis. loped a concept aimed at the implemen- Presentation of the basic mate- tation of educational reform for achiev- rial. The changes occurring in recent ing sustainable development. decades, led to a reorientation of values According to the data given by Amel in society and influenced the formation Karbul, a member of the International of new mental invariants of the under- Commission on financing opportuni- lying elements of culture. First of all, ties in education on a global level, “if we are talking about the clarification the leaders now do not take action to of the meanings of the archetypes, the increase investment and reforming the formation of new segments and produc- world of education, more than 124 mil- tion values. This reinterpretation is an lion young people will lack access to important step on the way to the for- schools and more than 250 million will mation of a balanced pattern of global not be able to obtain the skills necessary community. The reinterpretation of the for a healthy and successful life” [2]. paradigm of social consciousness ne-

371 cessitated the reform of the education tion for the future. The peculiarities of system, because the potential future is intellectual and psycho-physical de- formed in the process of developing the velopment of children determine such child’s personality. “The increased in- traits as naivety, dependence on the terest of the Humanities to the theme opinion of adults, openness, mental of childhood at the turn of XX–XXI clarity etc. centuries gave it the status of the inter- The process of forming an adult disciplinary problems, which led to the allows us to consider childhood as possibility and necessity to consider a unique socio-cultural value, when the data of physiology, psychiatry, psy- the foundation is laid for the future. choanalysis, ethnography, ethno-psy- L. Nefedova determines the immanent chology, pedagogical psychology and and the continuum as a philosophical law, and special studies of childhood. basis of the representation of child- However, the recognition of the inter- hood: “The meaning of immanent is disciplinary nature of the problem has absolute, the one, the self; the sense of not yet developed an awareness of the the continuum is the establishment in availability of discursive unity of child- the genesis of the self, separation and hood and, especially, to the designation its formation. A baby, being a pure in- of the external and internal boundaries separability, in keeping its self’s divi- of this unity” [3, p. 7]. The prospect of nity and unity with the absolute, root- the constructive design of the future, ed in genesis, carries out the separation productive advancement of huma- of the self, being differentiated, and this nity to the establishment of harmoni- affects continuity. The most intense ous relationships becomes possible with expression of continuity is the border the harmonization of the spiritual and between childhood and adulthood” [3, value spaces where the regulatory role p. 12]. The process of identity forma- belongs to archetypes. tion is based on archetypical situations, Actualization of the archetype of the rooted in genesis. Accordingly, the child “Divine child” in the aspect of imple- appears not only as a phenomenon, but mentation of the Sustainable Deve- with the prospect of adaptation to adult lopment Program shows the transfor- life, with increased possibilities of the mation of the cultural experience of child in understanding the processes of mankind in modern globalization pro- the universe, the formation of its que- cesses. Projection of metaconcepts on ries and interests occurs with the loss of modern life leads to the manifestation the feeling of integrity and harmony of of axiological and conceptual universe existence. of man’s future. K. G. Jung stated: “All The child is the archetypical basis mythology and all revelations come the source of being. The transforma- from this matrix of experience and, con- tion of the initial archetype in modern sequently, future idea about the world life flow occurs due to the values and and man will come out of it” [4, p. 219– mental structures, religious-spiritual 246.]. According to the teachings of and socio-cultural concepts to the re- K. G. Jung, one of the biggest arche- quirements of the day. Social public typical characteristics is the projec- policy in the interests of children at

372 the present stage can be represented in tem now has a powerful pedagogical the following aspects: the protection of potential, aimed at the formation with children’s rights, child protection, edu- the younger generation of the prin- cation, social protection etc. As claimed ciples of gender equality and gender by T. Kovalenko, “from 1991 at the le- appropriate behavior, which involves gislative level in Ukraine the following the elimination of the various manifes- principles were rooted: priority of in- tations of discrimination, formation of terests of the child; ensuring the full life respect for the individual irrespective of the children; children’s involvement of the gender and of equal position of in community life and the proclamation both genders in society. “The gender of the absence in Ukraine of all forms approach in pedagogy suggests a move of discrimination against children” [5, away from the concept of “innate” se- p. 109]. This thesis confirms the idea xual differences between boys and girls that all the weighty moral and ethi- in the educational ideas of innate gen- cal ideas that are formed in society, are der roles, focuses on the institutional rooted in archetypes. aspect of the environment and the con- The provisions of the Sustainable text of interaction of subjects of gender Development Program concerning the relations. Gender approach in educa- educational process, reveal the value tion is expressed in the rejection of the potential and the higher meaning of the asymmetry of gender socialization of content of the phenomenon of child- the binary type and the transition to hood. At this angle issues of gender a multipolar model of the social con- identity, informational interactions struction of gender without distribu- of individuals, society and nature, the tion of reproductive differences on all formation of a critical, innovative and other areas of life for women and men. creative approach to finding solutions The main strategy of gender approach to pressing issues of our time seem to be in education is encouraging children to extremely important. Current needs for greater flexibility in behavior, interests educational activities are reasoned by and personality traits compared with the paradigm according to which the the framework of gender roles; the cre- child that is crossing the line of grow- ation of such educational environment, ing up, needs to be adapted to the dy- in which the feminine and masculine in namic and changing world, focused on each person will be developed as two the universe, endowed with creative interrelated dimensions of any perso- ability to combine different types of nality and are integrated into psycho- activities, self-improvement and self- logical androgyny” [6, p. 122]. It is as- development. sumed that the involvement of women In addition, the formulation of the on equal terms with men to the man- problem of gender identity of boys agement of resources, processes of eco- and girls in childhood should affect nomic planning and decision-making the inequality of genders in society will lead to a departure from the asym- and strengthen future participation of metry of social roles of women and men women in social, economic and politi- in the society, will approve the estab- cal life of society. The educational sys- lishment of partnerships in the family

373 and will harmonize the various spheres society in a single system. It so empha- of human activity. sized that the man of the future must Aspect of information interaction possess a number of competencies fo- of the individual, society and nature, cused on the environmentally sound is aimed primarily at improving the management, and active participation environmental situation, development in society and a healthy lifestyle. of strategies to tackle climate change, Conclusions. Consequently, the improvement of the environmental actualization of the archetype of the condition by reducing emissions of “Divine child” in the aspect of imple- greenhouse gases, etc. Covering these mentation of the Sustainable Deve- problems in the educational process is lopment Program demonstrates the the initial stage of transformation of modification of the cultural heritage public thought on the way to sustain- of humankind in a globalizing society. able development. The focal point of understanding the Under the terms of the formation of problems of childhood is the arche- a critical, innovative and creative ap- type of the “Divine child”, which is the proach to finding solutions to pressing matrix of the collective unconscious issues of our time in a generation that is experience and is objected in real life. being formed, it will affect the vectors Regardless of the cultural landmarks of of social development and perform cul- the era, the semantic childhood center ture-formatting function in a new type is based on the understanding that the of thinking. Modern man since child- young generation produces updates of hood is focused on constant learning being and in the future will generate as the ability to adapt to new demands new, not previously existing system. of civilization. This is facilitated by the At the present stage the rethinking rapid change of technology, the infor- of the educational paradigm with the matisation of all spheres of public life, aim of implementing of Sustainable economic and sociocultural globaliza- Development Program takes place, tion, and the like. and this requires the education tran- “The Agenda for XXI century” pri- sition from simple reproduction of orities for modernization of education knowledge and skills to competencies for sustainable development. In par- required for existence in the modern ticular, it noted that basic secondary dynamic world. education requires improvement as the nations which have high levels of il- literacy and predominantly unskilled References labor, have little hope for sustainable 1. Transforming our world: the 2030 development. In addition, the existing Agenda for Sustainable Development education should refocus the content (n.d.). and methodology to the implementa- Retrieved from https://sustainablede- tion of the leading challenges of sus- [in Eng- tainable development, and therefore to lish]. build new teaching system, integrating 2. About the Education Commission the problems of economy, ecology and (n.d.). Re-

374 trieved from http://educationcommis- Список використаних [in English]. джерел 3. Nefedova L. K. (2005). Fenomen detstva v osnovnykh formakh ego 1. Transforming our world: the 2030 reprezentatsii (filosofiya, mif, folklor, Agenda for Sustainable Development literatura) [The phenomenon of child- [Електронний ресурс]. — С. 22. — hood in the main forms of its repre- Режим доступу: https://sustain- sentation (philosophy, myth, folklore, literature)]. Doctor’s thesis. Omsk [in 2. Про освітню комісію [Електронний Russian]. ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// 4. Jung C. G. (1996). Analiticheskaya psikhologiya i mirovozzrenie [Die 3. Нефедова Л. К. Феномен детства в Analytische Psychologie und Weltan- основных формах его репрезента- schauung]. Problemy dushi nashego ции (философия, миф, фольклор, vremeni — Seelenprobleme der Gegen- литература) : автореф. дис. ... д-ра wart. Moscow: Izd. gruppa “Progress”, филос. наук : 09.00.13 / Л. К. Нефе- Univers [in Russian]. дова. — Омск, 2005. — 38 с. 5. Kovalenko T. (2014). Dytyna yak 4. Юнг К. Г. Аналитическая психоло- obiekt derzhavnoho upravlinnia u sferi гия и мировоззрение / К. Г. Юнг // sanatorno-kurortnoho zabezpechen- Проблемы души нашего времени. — nia [The child as an object of public М. : Изд. группа “Прогресс”, 1996 ; administration in the sphere of sanato- Универс, 1996. — 331 с. rium and resort provision]. Derzhavne 5. Коваленко Т. Дитина як об’єкт дер- upravlinnia ta mistseve samovriadu- жавного управління у сфері сана- vannia — State administration and lo- торно-курортного забезпечення / cal self-government, 2 (21), 108–118 Т. Коваленко // Держ. упр. та міс- [in Ukrainian]. цеве самоврядування: зб. наук. пр. / 6. Svitailo N. (Ed.). (2013). Formuvan- гол. ред. С. М. Серьогін. — Дніпро- nia u molodi henderno-vidpovidalnoi петровськ: ДРІДУ НАДУ, 2014. — povedinky (na prykladi ukrainskykh Вип. 2 (21). — С. 108–118. VNZ) [Formation of gender-respon- 6. Формування у молоді гендерно-від- sive behavior among young people (on повідальної поведінки (на прикладі the example of Ukrainian universi- українських ВНЗ) : навч. посіб. / ties)]. Sumy : Vyd-vo RA “Khoroshye за заг. ред. Н. Світайло. — Суми : liudy” [in Ukrainian]. Хорошие люди, 2013. — 209 с.

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№ 4 (14) – June 2018 (Special edition)

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