History of Ukrainian Culture Історія Української Культури

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History of Ukrainian Culture Історія Української Культури МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОХОРОНИ ЗДОРОВ'Я УКРАЇНИ Харківський національний медичний університет N. M. Martynenko Н. М. Мартиненко HISTORY OF UKRAINIAN CULTURE ІСТОРІЯ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ Textbook for foreign students Навчальний посібник для іноземних студентів ХАРКІВ ХНМУ 2015 1 УДК 316.7(477)(091)(075.8) =111 ББК 63.3(4Укр) M 29 Затверджено вченою радою ХНМУ. Протокол № 1 від 22 січня 2015 р. Рецензенти: В.В. Сичова – канд. істор.наук, професор (Харківський регіональний інститут державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України) Т.М. Лихачова – канд. істор. наук, доцент (Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна) M 29 Martynenko N. M. History of Ukrainian Culture: textbook for foreign students / N. Martynenko. – Kharkiv : KNMU, 2015. – 100 p. М 29 Мартиненко Н. М. Історія української культури: навчальний посібник для іноземних студентів / Н. Мартиненко. – Харків : ХНМУ, 2015. – 100 с. Textbook is prepared in accordance with the training programme in «History of Ukrainian Culture». It reveals the nature and classification of culture, investigates sources of Ukrainian culture, and presents a brief history of the main periods of Ukrainian cultural development. It is addressed to foreign EnglishOspeaking students. Видання підготовлене у відповідності до програми курсу «Історія української культури». В ньому розкривається сутність та класифікація культури, досліджені джерела української культури, і презентовано коротку історію основних етапів українського культурного розвитку. Для іноземних студентів, які навчаються англійською мовою. УДК 316.7(477)(091)(075.8) =111 ББК 63.3(4Укр.) © Харківський національний медичний університет, 2015 © Мартиненко Н.М., 2015 2 Сontent Topic 1: Introduction to «History of Ukrainian culture» ...................... 5 1.1. Subject and tasks of «History of Ukrainian Culture». ............................. 5 1.2. Culture and society. ............................................................................ 5 1.3. Ukrainian culture in context of world culture. ........................................ 7 1.4. Specific character of Ukrainian national culture. .................................. 9 1.5. Culture and civilization. Theories and discussons. .............................. 10 Topic 2: Archaic Cultures at the Territory of Ukraine. Sources of Ukrainian Culture ............................................ 14 2.1. Historical preconditions of Ukrainian cultural formation. ..................... 14 2.2. Early cultural forms in Ukrainian lands. ............................................... 14 2.3. CucuteniOTrypillian culture. Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, and Greeks ................................ 16 2.4. Early Slavic culture. .......................................................................... 19 Topic 3: Culture of Kyivan Rus' and GaliсiaVolhynia Principality ......... 23 3.1. Kyivan Rus' as a new period of Slavic cultural development. ................ 23 3.2. Christianization like an impulse of new cultural process. ..................... 24 3.3. Education and verbal arts in Rus'. ...................................................... 26 4.4. Visual and mixed arts' development. .................................................. 28 Topic 4: Ukrainian Culture of Lithuanian and Polish Period (14th – the first half of 17th centuries) ................................ 32 4.1. Social, political and historical situation. ............................................. 32 4.2. Development of education and scientific knowledge. ......................... 33 4.3. Ukraine and WestOEuropean cultural influences. ................................. 34 4.4. Literature and arts. Printing. .............................................................. 35 Topic 5: Ukraine and WestEuropean Cultural Influences. Enlightenment (the second half of 17th –18th centuries) ......... 46 rainian cultural movement of early 20th century. 5.1. Historical conditions of Ukrainian cultural development. ..................... 46 5.2. Education and science. .................................................................... 46 5.3. Ivan Mazepa and his activity in cultural sphere. .................................. 48 5.4. Literature and arts. ........................................................................... 50 Topic 6: Culture of Ukraine (19th – early 20th c.) ............................. 60 6.1. Periods of Ukrainian cultural revival. .................................................. 60 6.2. Social and cultural unities of Ukrainian intellectuals. .......................... 65 6.3. Tsarist repressions of Ukrainian culture. ............................................. 68 6.4. Ukrainian cultural movement of early 20th century. .............................. 71 Topic 7: Culture of Ukraine in 20th – early 21st centuries .................. 73 7.1. Culture of Ukraine (early 20th century – before 1917) ........................... 73 7.2. Ukrainian cultural development after the revolutions of 1917. .............. 73 7.3. Culture of independent Ukraine (1991– nowadays). ............................ 97 References ........................................................................ 100 3 4 Topic 1: Introduction to «History of Ukrainian Culture» Plan 1.1. Subject and tasks of «History of Ukrainian Culture». 1.2. Culture and society. 1.3. Ukrainian culture in context of world culture. 1.4. Specific character of Ukrainian national culture. 1.5. Culture and civilization. Theories and discussons. History of mankind is the history of cultural development. Any nation has the most interesting point it is its culture. Culture is a qualitative characteristic of social life. Nations are strong if they had the developed culture. History of culture is the treasure of wisdom and experience received by the mankind from previous generations. People should keep, generalize, occupy and adopt this experience. Without this social progress and selfOperfection are impossible. 1.1. Subject and tasks of «History of Ukrainian Culture». Subject of history of culture is a complex study of big variety of spheres: history of science and technique, household activities, education and social thought, folklore and literature studies, history of arts. History of culture generalizes all these knowledge and investigates culture like system of different branches. What does «culture» mean? Term «culture» has Latin origin and it etymologically is connected with the word «cult» (this word originates from Latin «cultus», which means adoration of Gods and ancestors). So, we could give such kind of interpretation: it is something that provides us to the top, makes our level higher. From the very beginning this term meant «till, cultivation of land according to people's needs». Later, it was used for defining of upbringing process, education, and development. The first man, who put the definition of «culture» to scientific circulation, was Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 years B.C.) and was connected with the culture of mind, cultivation of thoughts. Since 17th century «culture» had been understood like a level of mental abilities of some nations. Contemporary understanding of this term started to use in European social thought only from the second half of 18th century. At that time «culture» meant the achievements of spiritual culture, scientific knowledge, arts, moral perfection, and all things related to the education. Nowadays, there are about thousand definitions of culture. World conference in cultural politics under the aegis of UNESCO in 1982 adopted the Declaration. In this document we could find interesting definition of «culture»: «Culture is a complex of material, spiritual, intellectual and emotional characteristics of society that includes not only big variety of arts, but also way of life, the main rules of human being, system of values, traditions and beliefs». Culture represents qualitative estimation of society and each individual. All cultural things are created by human being. Sometimes you can find the specific term «artifacts» for nonOmaterial, synthetic things created by man. 1.2. Culture and society. So, culture is transformed by the nature. Nature is a root, basis of culture. It has an organic unity with culture. Because of that care of nature (lands, water, air, flora and fauna) means at the same time care of culture. If we ruined the nature we limited our chances for future life. Biosphere could exist without people, but people could not exist without biosphere. We should remember that culture could not develop in opposition to nature. 5 The first president of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences V.I. Vernads'ky (1863– 1945) underlined we should live in harmony with nature and keep the balance between culture and nature. According to two main spheres of human activity there are two important definitions of culture: material and spiritual. To the material culture belongs transportation, communication, houses, domestic appliances, clothes – everything, which is the result of productive, material activity of people. Spiritual culture includes the cognition, morality, upbringing and education, law, philosophy, ethic, aesthetic, science, arts, literature, mythology, religion – all things related to the consciousness and spiritual production. But you can understand that this division is conditional. Criteria of division of culture: according to the mean according to subject according of expression of cultural creativity to the direction – material; – world; – elitist (high); – spiritual – national; –
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