coracle spring 2014 issue 4/59 THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE IONA COMMUNITY , 2013 p3 ‘TELL ABOUT IT’ Alison Swinfen, Pike Diamond and Chaz Doherty p15 BORDERLANDS AND UNIONS: ON TH E SCOTTISH REFERENDUM – A LETTER TO DAVID CAMERON Ruth Harvey p18 the magazine of the iona community TRIDENT – AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT REASON TO VOTE ‘YES’ ON 18TH SEPTEMBER coracle Alan and Maire-Colette Wilkie p21 GATHERED FOR GOD 1. You could have chosen better people 3. You could have honoured better singers Annual Repor t who showed much less diversity, than children shouting in the street. who would not compromise your gospel You could have sat with safer diners Issue or question your integrity. than those with whom you chose to eat. Instead you picked a random harvest, You could have kept a tighter circle whose pedigree was scarcely known, and made far fewer foreign friends. believing that, through these companions, Indeed, you could have done our bidding the love of God could yet be shown. and used your means to serve our ends. Gathered for God, gathered for God, Gathered for God, gathered for God, caught in the net cast by the Lord … caught in the net cast by the Lord … 2. You could have chosen safer subjects 4. But, Jesus, you came, contradicting and caused less upset and offence, how we believed God ought to be, or made innocuous pronouncements, and took our flesh for your own body which would not undermine pretence. to liberate humanity. But you decided to be different, For all you are and do and promise, to speak of money, tax and food, we gladly worship and applaud, and how the privileged can be loveless, grateful that, in your net, you caught us, and how the poor show God is good.
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