Directory of New Jersey Schools Serving Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders 800.4.AUTISM
[email protected] Directory of New Jersey Schools Serving Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders About this Directory Autism New Jersey maintains this directory as a service to families, school districts and other professionals. The information listed was provided by each school, and their inclusion in this directory should not be considered an endorsement by Autism New Jersey. We do not claim to have personal knowledge of any of the schools, and we do not evaluate an individual school’s interpretation or implementation of its educational methodologies. We urge you to make independent judgment when selecting a school program. Please remember that any program chosen for a child with an autism spectrum disorder should be based on the child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). Parents and child study team members should work together to develop the child’s IEP and then select the most appropriate program based on the completed IEP. How to Use this Directory Schools are listed by county, and grouped by type: public and private. Each listing includes the length of the school year and ages served (ESY = Extended School Year). When provided to us, we also include if the school offers the following services: Home Program, Parent Training, Parent Support Group, and After School Program. Please contact the school directly for more specific information. Please contact us if you are aware of schools that are not listed here. Updated September 2009 This directory is a service of Autism New Jersey.