Hazlet Appoints New School Chief

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Hazlet Appoints New School Chief M a X F i r e, e THE Y o u o u g h t '7 7 4 ; t o k n o w R esidents’ com m ittee I n d e p e n d e n t to protest condo plan ABERDEEN WYNDHAM PLACE, a proposed con­ ☆ The Weekly Newspaper dominium development, will be opposed at tonight’s Planning Board meeting by a group of local residents. Vol. 13 No. 20 W ednesday, M arch 17, 1982 20 C e n t s “The same builder who built Well­ ington Place on Route 34 is asking ap­ proval to build 316 housing units on the property between Van Brackle Road and B oard to p a y H illside a d m in istra to r $48,000 Route 34,” read a flyer distributed by Ted Endresen of 13 Idol Pl.qe, secretary to the Save Our Suburbia Commit­ tee—and a former Planning Board chair­ man. • The site includes 14 acres between Hazlet appoints new school chief Reid’s Hill Road, Ivy Way, and Ingram Circle, according to the flyer, which “ And I did a bit of homework on my own,” urges residents to join tonight’s protest. By B arbara Williams Prabhu “He has the background necessary for a from the community, the board, the staff and he noted. “There will be very few trees left on all HAZLET district this size,” said Board President Mary Ihe faculty. Carole Lopato deserves kudos for Dispenziere, 47, began his career 23 years of this property,” the flyer reads, adding Dr. Joseph A. Dispenziere, an assistant T. Donohue. “He's extremely capable, in­ an admirable job.” ago as an elementary school teacher. He that Van Brackle Road “is already one of superintendent of schools in Hillside, Monday telligent, and has a wonderful sense of taught in the Toms River and Manchester In addition to Ms. Lopato, the screening the most dangerous roads in our town­ night was unanimously appointed superin­ humor.” tendent of schools. He will replace Roman Township elementary schools, served as commitlee was comprised of Ms. Donohue; ship.” . According to Carole Lopato, chairman of • Cabrera, who will retire June 30. administrative principal in Waretown and board members Edward O’Brien and Jo Ann Lakehurst, and as principal of a grade 5-6 the board's screening committee, Dispen­ Ahlfeld; Board Secretary Eugene A. Kono­ N ew train parking lot At a reception after the Board of Education middle school in Flemington. He joined the ziere was chosen from more than 60 packi; Linda Bailey, president of the Joint meeting, Dispenziere said it would be “pre­ Hillside school district in Union County nine applicants. The field was narrowed to 13 Council of PTO’s; Hellen Garrison, past draw s few m otorists mature” to comment on recommendations he MATAWAN years ago, and has served the past four years finalists, all of whom were interviewed by the president of the Hazlet Teachers Assn.; and might make regarding school closings, crea­ as an assistant superintendent of schools. screening committee. Four applicants were Jack Holcombe, Beers Street Elementary ONLY 21 PAYING CUSTOMERS used tion of a middle school, or curriculum the railroad station’s new 360-space He holds a bachelor’s degree in business called back for a second interview, she said, School principal. improvements. He said he will meet soon with administration and economics from Upsala noting that on Saturday, the committee parking lot when it opened Monday, but Ms. Donohue said she has asked Dispen­ school officials, board members, and staff College and a master’s degree and doctorate decided to recommend Dispenziere for the borough officials are not worried. (See ziere lo attend a meeting Monday night, when members to familiarize himself with the in educational administration from Lehigh position. photograph at right) . the board plans to discuss declining enroll­ district. University. Many commuters who now park in free “I am immensely impressed with his ment, creation of a middle school and Dispenziere signed a two-year contract spaces on the west side of the tracks will Dispenziere said he was briefed on some of credentials,” board member Harvey Wortzel curriculum revisions. She indicated, h o w ­ with the board. He will receive $48,000 the begin parking in the new lot when con­ the board’s recent decisions and some of its said Monday. “The screening committee did ever; that she did not know whether his first year. The second year’s salary is struction of a new road on the west side concerns for the future in light of declining a most professional job; it was thoroughly schedule would permit him to attend the enrollment. negotiable, sources said. begins, officials said. planned. Input was solicited and received meeting. DR. JOSEPH DISPENZIERE State transporation officials have also said that electrified service will attract more commuters to Matawan when it be­ M atawan board restores $76,000 to budget gins in the borough later this month. Two attendants, who each earned $4.50 an hour, collected $15.75 in parking fees between 5 and 9 a.m., officials said. Several cars parked in the lot for free D river's edu cation , LEC's g e t rep rieve after 9 a.m., they said. Yesterday, 34 motorists paid 75 cents By David Thaler restore funds for the two programs. LEC’s would require an additional $48,000, ac­ new reading program as examples of what four years ago to $825,000, Evans said. each to park in the lot. MATAWAN The board last month cut $621,000 from its cording to Assistant Superintendent of had been eliminated from the budget. And she Several people offered rebuttals to Evans’ “This is only a temporary problem un­ Responding to the pleas of parents, original budget. It subsequently lost $372,000 Schools William Conwell. noted that the current expense budget was up comments. til we get the quarterly parking teachers, and school administrators, the in state aid. If it does not cut the budget fur­ 4 percent, which she said was “half the cur­ Asked board member Marilyn Brenner: stickers,” Borough Coordinator Michael Board of Education Monday night gave a re­ ther, the $372,000 will have to be added to the “Parents are reluctant to send their kids to rent rate of inflation.” “How much has the Borough Council’s budget Pipemo said. “Then we will only have prieve to the driver’s education program and amount to be raised by taxation. a program for one year, no m atter how good it “The Reagan Administration is abandoning gone up? Isn’t it up 10.8 percent?" one attendant who will take care of main­ the Performing Arts Learning Experience is, if there is no assurance that it will be con­ education,” she said. “The Kean Administra­ The budget is $66,000 over the state’s 5 per­ The district also lost approximately tenance, too.” Center. tinued,” said one parent. tion is abandoning education, and now the cent cap on spending increases, Evans re­ $350,000 of a federal grant which had been us­ Matawan Board of Education is abandoning plied. At the end of a 2‘/2-hour public hearing on ed to establish four LEC’s for gifted-and-tal- Dr. Kenneth Hall, superintendent of education.” “There’s a higher percentage of our Two hurt in accident the proposed 1982-83 school budget, the board ented children. The board has indicated it schools, said he and other administrators had restored funds for the two programs. “spent the whole day trying to find funding Evans said that the cost of educating a stu­ children in the high school now,” said former at M ain St., R oute 516 may eliminate the LEC’s if the federal funds dent in the district has doubled since the are not restored. for the program (LEC’s), and I think we Board President Stephen Levine, "and it MATAWAN The vote to restore driver’s education was have.” 1977-78 school year. Although some people costs more to educate a high school student TWO PEOPLE were injured yesterday 5-2. Funds for the Performing Arts LEC, Board member Judith Hurley said she will Hall later explained that he had testified criticized the board’s decision to slash than it does to educate a youngster in the in a two-car collision at the intersection based at the Ravine Drive School, were offer an amendment to the budget, restoring before a commission appointed by Gov. Kean $621,000 from the budget, he said, there are elementary schools.” of Main Street and Route 516 which restored by a 4-3 vote. $130,000 for driver’s education and the LEC’s. to review the distribution of federal block “other things lef in the budget that might be Responding to the charge that the busing caused traffic to be re-routed for a half­ The two board members who did not attend “There’s only one way to rest easy about grants. He was convinced, he said, that the looked at.” budget is excessive, Hall said, “We have a lot hour, police said. the hearing—Board President John Comer­ the LEC’s,” she said. “That’s to put money in commission would allocate more funds to the Among them, he said were high school of hazardous routes. We decided four years Barbara Maggs of Holmdel and Daniel ford and Michael Kidzus—had voted last the budget for thery. and see that jt s'pfs 'ffg/onn! school district crjurses with small enrollments, the -number ago to try t<rdo something about that." DiFedele of Freehold were treated for in­ month to eliminate the LEC.
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