strate gy+business The Prophet of Unintended Consequences by Lawrence M. Fisher from strate gy+business issue 40, Autumn 2005 reprint number 05308 Reprint f e a t u r e s The Prophet of t h e c r e a t i v e m Unintended i n d Consequences 1 by Lawrence M. Fisher Jay Forrester’s computer models show the nonlinear roots of calamity and reveal the leverage that can help us avoid it. Photographs by Steve Edson d n i m e v i t a e r c e h t s e r u t a e 2 f Lawrence M. Fisher (
[email protected]), a contributing editor to strategy+ business, covered technology for the New York Times for 15 years and has written for dozens of other business publications. Mr. Fisher is based in San Francisco. A visitor traveling from Boston to Jay Forrester’s maintain its current weight, producing cravings for fat- f home in the Concord woods must drive by Walden tening food. Similarly, a corporate reorganization, how- e a Pond, where the most influential iconoclast of American ever well designed, tends to provoke resistance as t u r literature spent an insightful couple of years. Jay employees circumvent the new hierarchy to hang on to e s Forrester, the Germeshausen Professor Emeritus of their old ways. To Professor Forrester, these kinds of dis- t h e Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- comfiting phenomena are innate qualities of systems, c nology’s Sloan School of Management, also has a repu- and they routinely occur when people try to instill ben- r e a tation as an influential and controversial iconoclast, at eficial change.