Ono arte contemporanea VIA SANTA MARGHERITA 10 | 40123 BOLOGNA | +39 051 262465

Björk Violently Happy in


Thursday, 27th| 18.30 Via Santa Margherita, 10 | Bologna www.onoarte.com

Björk ©photosynthesis

ONO Arte Contemporanea presents Björk. Violently Happy in Iceland.

Iceland is a land that can only draw the attention to the aurora borealis, unspoiled nature and tranquility of a landscape that seems remained unchanged for centuries. But Iceland, if perceived as a lost paradise by most, is at the same time a desolate and hard to live land, but for this same reason a large pool of creativity also. Iceland gave birth to a lot of bands that have been able to change the course of world music. In this landscape, along with Mùm, Matmos, Sigur Ròs and the youngest Of Monster and Man, a key figure is definitely Björk Guðmundsdóttir. Born in 1965, she began her career as a young singer when twelve years old, and recorded her first after being discovered by a talent scout who had listened to one of his songs broadcast by a local radio station. But it had to pass ten years for his voice could cross the border of Iceland: after playing in a punk band all female, her subsequent collaborations led her in 1986 to her first real international success; it was The Sugarcubes that gave her the opportunity to be known also outside the national borders. But Björk decided to start other collaborations, growing more and more passion for electronic sounds that at the beginning of the nineties became appreciated by the major labels. In 1992. The Sugarcubes split up and Björk moved to London; from now onwards successes follow each other as well as . From Debut to Medúlla, Björk demonstrated her ability of mixing arts, confirming herself as a versatile artist, capable also of identifying talented filmmaker as director for her videos. In this sense stand Michel Gondry and Chris Cunningham, his "faithful" employees. The relationship with Lars Von Trier, who wanted her to star in Dancer in the Dark (best film at Cannes in 2000) and her marriage with Matthew Barney, an internationally renowned artist famous for the well known Cremaster cycle, consolidate the image of an artist seeking th Total Work of Art. The images in the exhibition therefore want to show that moment of transition from a young creative mind to a star of international level, capable of creating collaborative networks that exceed the simple musical aesthetic. But this peculiarity, which at first might seem a distinctive sign of Björk, is instead specific of all the main charaters of the Icelandic music scene, able to establish relationships with the biggest designers and photographers. A case of this is represented by Sigur Ròs, discovered by the same Björk, very focused on the consistency of their aesthetic image, masterfully blending cd cover and videoclips with their music. Their latest album, Kveikur, coming out next June and will be presented through a European tour which will also reach the city of Ferrara at “Ferrara Sotto le Stelle”. On that occasion, part of the exhibition will be moved to a pubblic space in th City of Ferrara. The exhibition will be enriched by a series of screenings of videoclips of various artists, such as Snorri Bross, Ingibjorg Birgisdottir and Dash Shaw to demonstrate the attention of musicians towards all media of expression in search of a unified aesthetic expression.

The exhibition (June, 27th– September, 19th) consists of 50 previously unpublished shots to Italy, and will be accompanied by catalog. From 28 May at ONO art will also be possible to book the new album by Sigur Ros at a discounted price.

The exhibition has the patronage of: Municipality of Bologna, Bologna Cinematheque, Emilia Romagna Region, Municipality of Ferrara and Ferrara sotto le stelle..

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