“ YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Senior Rabbi Rabbi Adam Frieberg, Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus & Sephardic Minyan Rabbi David Lasko, President 3291 Stirling Road, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-966-7877 email:
[email protected] www.yih.org CHAYEI SARAH 25 Cheshvan 5780 NOVEMBER 23 2019 Daf Hashavua: Chagiga 2 Nach Yomi : I Chronicles 19 Daf Yomi : Nidah 31 SHABBAT TIMES Candle Lighting 5:11pm Shabbat Ends 6:09pm Welcome: Rav Yair Eisenstock, our Guest Speaker, and all visitors, newcomers and guests Bar Mitzvah of Jonathan Rhein. Mazel Tov! 2 OUR YIH FAMILY…. Mazel Tov: Jonathan Rhein upon today’s celebration of his Bar Mitzvah, and to Jonathan’s Friday parents Lisa & Sammy Rhein, brothers David and Joseph, grandparents Judy & 5:11pm Candle Lighting Sam Sugar, Susan Rhein, Rachel & Myron Gurell. Jason & Jessica Reiz on the birth of their daughter Olivia Taylor-Liana Talia. 5:20pm Minchah/Maariv Main Sanctuary Donna & Robert Aschheim on the birth of their granddaughter, Perri Rose, to Cara & Gabriel Katz. 5:20pm Sephardic Minchah/Maariv Library Jerry & Sharon Ness upon the Bar Mitzvah in Bal Harbour of their grandson Beni, 5:20pm Minchah/Maariv Beit Midrash and to parents Dorith & Charlie Ness and siblings Yosef, Doni and Rutie. 5:20pm Kabbalat Shabbat with Rav Yair Room 1 & 2 Yitz & Shelly Tuchman upon the celebration of the Bat Mitzvah of their Eisenstock. All are invited to join this granddaughter, Lia Tuchman, in New Rochelle, NY. Mazel Tov to her parents, spirited tefillah Ezra and Debbie; and her siblings Louis and Solly.