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MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS SHABBAT Guest Speaker Stephanie Pollak “ YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Senior Rabbi Rabbi Adam Frieberg, Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus & Sephardic Minyan Rabbi David Lasko, President 3291 Stirling Road, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-966-7877 email: [email protected] TERUMAH Friday Night February 28: Candle Lighting 6:03pm 4 ADAR 5780 FEBRUARY 29, 2020 Daf Hashavua: Chagiga 16 Nach Yomi : I Samuel 7 Daf Yomi : Brachos 57 Shabbat Ends 7:02pm Shabbat Shalom Welcome all visitors, newcomers and guests We welcome Guest Speaker Batya Hefter who will speak at 5:00pm on Shabbat afternoon in the Sanctuary MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS SHABBAT Guest Speaker Stephanie Pollak 2 OUR YIH FAMILY…. Mazal Tov: Dennis & Elaine Braun on the birth of a grandson Isaac Cooper Braun Cub Scout Pack 18, who recently won 1st Place Overall in Campsite inspection and 3rd Place Overall, 1st Place Area in Gateway Competition at Scoutmasters Camporee and 1st Place Area in Gateway Competition at Scoutmasters Camporee. OUR IDF LONE SOLDIERS Emma Frank, Lauren Friedman, Sara Shulamit Klein, Nathaniel Melnitsky, Rina Reich REFUAH SHLEIMAH Binyamin Simcha ben Adina Minya (Binny Ciment), Binyamin ben Chemla (Binyamin Israel), David HaKohen ben Esther (Lev Kandinov’s father), Eliezer HaLevi ben Chana (Leon Brauser-Joel Brauser’s father), Ephraim ben Chana (Dr. Frederick Share), Israel ben Rachel Leah (Izzy Sabo- Chanan Sabo’s father), Netanel Elan ben Shayna Tzipporah (wounded IDF soldier), Nissim Zev ben Faiga Leah Miriam (Brian Goodman-Zivia Gill’s great nephew), Solomon ben Solika (Solomon Perez-Ilana Melnitsky’s father), Yehuda Arieh ben Mindla (Philippe Leiberman’s father), Yisroel Yechiel ben Chaya (Michael Reinhard-Kenny Reinhard’s father), Yitzchak Chanoch ben Chana (nephew of Vanessa Shamah and Lauren Davis), Yoseph Benyamin ben Cochava (Ralph Sharaby’s son), Yussel ben Hinda Leah (Joel Bofshever-Dorie Ehrenreich’s father) Batya bat Sara, Chana Ety bat Zirel Libah, Devora bat Sheina Baila, Elka bat Tova (Leona Brauser-Joel Brauser’s mother), Feiga Necha bat Pessel (Fay Lerner), Masha bat Ruth (Marcia Chonchol-Craig Barany’s mother), Sara Leah bat Rochel (Cynthia Lynn Haber-Cheryl Hamburg’s sister), Sara Leah bat Bracha (Stacey Deutsch), Sara bat Aviva (Eliana Lifshultz), Shira Raizel Esther bat Mina Zosha (Ruth Messer’s granddaughter), Yocheved bat Tzril (Joan Niad) If you know of a shul member in the hospital or who might appreciate a home visit, please let the Rabbis know by contacting the shul office. Please contact the office if someone on this list has, Baruch Hashem, recovered. 3 Friday 5:55pm Pre-Shabbat Chassidus with Modular Rabbi Moshe Nachbar 6:03pm Candle Lighting 6:10pm Minchah/Maariv Main Sanctuary 6:10pm Sephardic Minchah/Maariv Library 6:10pm Ruach Minyan Modular 6:10pm Minchah/Maariv Beit Midrash 6:21pm Sunset / Shkiah Shabbat Morning 7:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary 7:45am Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yossi Jankovits Back room of Beit Midrash 8:00am Shacharit Minyan Room 1 & 2 8:15am Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Moshe Parnes Beit Midrash 8:45am Beit Midrash Minyan Beit Midrash 9:00am Shacharit Minyan followed by guest Main Sanctuary speaker Stephanie Pollak 9:00am Sephardic Minyan. Sermon by Rabbi Library Edward Davis “Automaticity”. Rabbi Davis’s shiur after the Minyan “The Attempt to Unite the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Nusach” 9:15am Parsha class with Rabbi Yitzchak Salid Back room of Beit Midrash 9:30am YP Minyan. Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Modular Moshe Nachbar after Minyan 9:30am Teen Minyan Room 5 9:30am Youth Minyan Chapel 9:38am Latest Shema Time 10:15am Parsha class with Rabbi Yitzchak Salid Back room of Beit Midrash 10:45am Sefer HaMitzvot Shiur, Rabbi Moshe Beit Midrash Parnes Main Sanctuary will be locked while the Torah is being read, during Mussaf Kedusha, and while Rabbi is speaking. Contact Gerald Mayerhoff [email protected] or David Lasko [email protected] for an aliyah or kibbud at any of the minyanim 4 Shabbat Afternoon 5:00pm Gemara Shiur on Bava Metzia (in Hebrew) Beit Midrash 5:00pm Daf Yomi Library 5:00pm Guest Speaker Batya Hefter Main Sanctuary 6:00pm Minchah Main Sanctuary 6:00pm Teen Minchah Room 5 After Minchah Halacha Chaburah with Rabbi Adam Library Frieberg After Minchah Gemara Shiur with Rabbi Jonathan Hirsch Chapel After Minchah Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Yossi Jankovits Beit Midrash Immediately Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 5 min. class Library after Maariv Shabbat Safety, Security & First Aid PLEASE DO NOT PULL ON DOORS: MAIN DOORS AND WALK-IN GATES WILL REMAIN LOCKED UNTIL 6:45AM ON SHABBAT MORNING First Aid AED (Automated External Defibrillator), wheelchairs, oxygen, reflector belts for visibility (from the OU), and other equipment in closet next to Social Hall. Additional wheelchair is in the entry to the women’s bathroom. Rain Ponchos are available in both bathrooms. Security Crossing schedule: Stirling Road at SW 33rd Avenue Hollywood Police will control the light Friday 5:30-10:30pm, Shabbat 6:45am-12:30pm & 3:00-7:30pm When crossing Stirling Road, make sure to always wait until cars stop by the light before crossing and only cross at the cross walk. Jaywalking is extremely dangerous (& illegal). Please thank our security personnel when you see them! Shabbat Elevator will operate Shabbat morning from 7:30am-11:00am Parking Notice: The gated parking lots on the north side of our building and along Stirling Road are locked for the duration of Shabbat 5 6 D’var Torah : Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Lessons From Keruvim In describing the construction of the Keruvim, the Torah notes that, “el Hakaporet Yiheyu Pnei Hakeruvim.” The Keruvim were looking down, towards the Kaporet and the Aron. In explaining this position, Rabbeinu Bechaye quotes the Talmud (Baba Batra 89) that this posture is like a student who lowers his eyes before his teacher, as an expression of reverence. When we have questions, comments or complaints concerning Jewish law or Jewish values we need to do so with humility and reverence towards a faith tradition that has been important to the moral development of humanity and that (hopefully) provides our lives with many outlets for meaning and satisfaction. But that’s not all the Torah tells us about the position of the Keruvim. The full pasuk reads: (25:20): 1) Vehayu Hakruvim porsei kenafayim L’maalah: these figures had wings that stretched upward 2) Upneihem Ish El Achiv: we are also told that the Keruvim were facing each other 3) Lastly, el Hakaporet Yiheyu Pnei Hakeruvim: they were looking down Explains the Abravanel so beautifully: The position of the Keruvim teaches us three important lessons: Just as the Keruvim’s wings stretched upward, so too should our thoughts be directed towards Heaven. We must consider our relationship with Hashem and how to enhance it, especially through the ritual Mitzvot Bein Adam L’Makom. And Just as the Keruvim faced each other, so too must we take notice of our fellow Jew and all fellow human beings. We must foster our empathy, our sympathy and our sense of responsibility towards others, especially through the enhancement of our interpersonal Mitzvot Bein Adam L’Chaveiro. 7 Rabbi Weinstock’s D’var Torah continued ….. And just as the Keruvim were looking downward towards the Aron, so too must we keep our eye on the Torah as a guide for how to fulfill the mitzvot and how to navigate life. According to the Abravanel, the keruvim looking down don’t teach us to be humble; rather, they teach us to keep our eye on the Torah! When we have questions, comments or issues with our Torah or with Jewish life, our approach should be one of humility and reverence. But humility is not enough. We then need to empower ourselves by looking to our Torah. We must commit to learning and understanding so that we are better equipped to address our questions. Sometimes by keeping our eye on the Aron we may be able to resolve our own questions. Sometimes keeping our eye on the Torah, coupled with a healthy dose of humility, allows us to admit that we can’t figure this out on our own and that we need to seek advice or guidance from someone more knowledgeable. And sometimes it means having the humility to bear the question without an answer. The synthesis of Rabbeinu Bachaye and the Abravanel resonates with me. The posture of the Keruvim is both a call for humility and an appeal for Jewish literacy. May Hashem give us the strength to emulate the Keruvim: by being a conduit to bring Hashem’s Presence into our lives and into our world. Dvar Tefila “They shall rejoice in Your Kingship” (Artscroll Siddur pg. 468) Yom Tov is a day of delight on which there is a specific mitzvah to rejoice. In the Ashkenazic tradition this paragraph- which speaks about rejoicing- does not appear in the Shabbat Amida for Maariv, Shacharit or Mincha. It is, however, included in the Musaf Amida because the subject of Musaf is the sacrifice brought in the Beit Hamikdash. As Rav Moshe Soloveitchik explained, the day on which a sacrifice is brought is one of joy; and on Shabbat as well there is an element of joy that emanates from the Temple Service. (Excerpted from The Koren Mesoret Harav Siddur pg. 579) 8 THANK YOU TO OUR SHABBAT SPONSORS Ruach Minyan Dror & Avivit Ben-Aharon Shiur Sponsors 8:00am Minyan Sharon & Yosie Goldberger in honor of their new Kiddush granddaughter, Rimone Rivaya, born to Adina & Andy Kern-Goldberger of Philadelphia Youth Minyan Shimmy & Elana Lazar in honor of Ronen’s 7th birthday Kiddush All other Shabbat Sponsors Group Kiddushim & Seudah Shlishit Torah Dialogue Joshua & Lori Beth Schlinsky to commemorate the yahrzeit of his father Rabbi Milton Schlinsky Pulpit Flowers Anonymous YIH Vaccination Policy Resolution passed by the Young Israel of Hollywood Governing Board on December 26, 2018: It is a religious requirement to get you and your child(ren) vaccinated for the safety of each child and for the community at large.
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