2020 Часопис соціально-економічної географії випуск 29

UDC 911.3 DOI: 10.26565/2076-1333-2020-29-09

Yuriі Bilous PhD Student of the Department of Geography of and Regional Studies e-mail: [email protected], ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8539-275X Yuriy Fedkovych National University, Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky street 2, building 4, Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine


The article studies the peculiarities of the formation of intellectual potential of Chernivtsi oblast by analyzing its components, and also analyzes the participation of students in student competitions in subjects and in the competition-defense of research works of students of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as their results. The analysis of gender peculiarities of students‘ par- ticipation in the researched competitions is carried out, and also the geographical factors influencing formation of intellectual poten- tial are considered. In 2019, there were 372 preschool educational institutions, 403 general secondary education institutions, 16 vocational educa- tion institutions and 16 higher education institutions in Chernivtsi oblast, which provided relevant educational services and formed the intellectual potential of the region. In Chernivtsi oblast in the 2019-2020 academic year, 1,814 students took part in the III stage of student academic competitions. The largest number of participants was observed at the academic competition in geography, and literature, history and biology. In total, 845 participants took top places. The best results were shown by students of Chernivtsi, AH, AH and students of rayon. As for the all-Ukrainian competition- defense of research works, in 2020 378 students took part in the competition, of which 187 participants took top places. The best results, as in the academic competition, were demonstrated by students from Chernivtsi and rayon. Territorial differences in the development of intellectual potential occur under the influence of economic, demographic, legal, environmental, natural and other factors. The following indicators correlate most with the number of points scored by teams: the number of educational institutions in the rayon; share of new type of institutions (gymnasiums, lyceums, etc.); language of instruction. The gender structure of participants and winners of these intellectual competitions deserves a special attention. Girls predom- inate in the gender structure of participants and winners of the academic competition and defense competition in most subjects, espe- cially in subjects of the philological and philosophical cycle, while the number of boys predominates in the academic competitions of the physical and mathematical cycle. Thus, in Chernivtsi oblast there is a significant differentiation between territorial and adminis- trative units according to the results of the III stage of student academic competitions in basic disciplines and the competition-defense of scientific works of students-members of the Small Academy of Sciences. Key words: intellectual potential, education, general secondary education institution, student academic competition, competi- tion-defense of scientific works.

Юрій Білоус. СУСПІЛЬНО-ГЕОГРАФІЧНІ ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ФОРМУВАННЯ ІНТЕЛЕКТУАЛЬНОГО ПОТЕНЦІАЛУ ЧЕРНІВЕЦЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ У статті розглянуто особливості формування інтелектуального потенціалу Чернівецької області шляхом аналізу його складових, а також було проведено аналіз участі учнів в учнівських олімпіадах з навчальних предметів та у конкурсі-захисті науково-дослідницьких робіт учнів-членів Малої академії наук України, а також їх результатів. Проведено аналіз гендерних особливостей участі учнів у досліджуваних конкурсах, а також розглянуто географічні чинники, що впливають на фор- мування інтелектуального потенціалу. У 2019 році в Чернівецькій області функціонувало 372 дошкільних навчальних закладів, 403 заклади загальної се- редньої освіти, 16 закладів професійної освіти та 16 закладів вищої освіти, які надавали відповідні освітні послуги та фор- мували інтелектуальний потенціал регіону. Загалом у Чернівецькій області в олімпіадах взяли участь 1814 учнів, з яких призові місця здобули 845 учасників. Найкращі результати продемонстрували учні м. Чернівці, Сторожинецької об‘єднаної територіальної громади (ОТГ), Новоселицької ОТГ та учні Кельменецького району. Що ж стосується Всеукраїнського кон- курсу-захисту науково-дослідницьких робіт, то у 2020 році в конкурсі взяли участь 378 учнів, з яких 187 учасників здобули призові місця. Найкращі результати продемонстрували учні м. Чернівці та Путильського району. Особливої уваги заслуговує гендерна структура учасників та призерів даних інтелектуальних змагань. В статевій структурі учасників та призерів олімпіади та конкурсу-захисті з більшості предметів переважають дівчата, особливо це про- являється у предметах філологічного та філософського циклу, натомість кількість хлопців переважає на олімпіадах фізико- математичного циклу. Для кращого розуміння формування територіальних відмін у формуванні результативності учнів у інтелектуальних змаганнях нами було розглянуто чинники їх формування. Одним із найважливіших чинників є кількість закладів загальної середньої освіти в громаді, що призводить до більшої конкуренції, а також типи навчальних закладів, що дозволяє зосередитись на вивченні окремих предметів. Ключові слова: інтелектуальний потенціал, освіта, заклад загальної середньої освіти, учнівські олімпіади, конкурс- захист наукових робіт.

Юрий Билоус. ОБЩЕСТВЕННО-ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКИЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУ- АЛЬНОГО ПОТЕНЦИАЛА ЧЕРНОВИЦКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ В статье рассмотрены особенности формирования интеллектуального потенциала Черновицкой области путем ана- лиза его составляющих, а также был проведен анализ участия учеников в олимпиадах по учебным предметам и в конкурсе- защите научно-исследовательских работ учеников-членов Малой академии наук Украины, а также их результатов. ______© Bilous Y., 2020

90 2020 Часопис соціально-економічної географії випуск 29

Проведен анализ гендерных особенностей участия учеников в исследуемых конкурсах, а также рассмотрен ряд факторов, влияющих на формирование интеллектуального потенциала. В 2019 году в Черновицкой области функционировало 372 дошкольных учебных заведений, 403 учреждения общего среднего образования, 16 учреждений профессионального образования и 16 учреждений высшего образования, которые предоставляли соответствующие образовательные услуги и формировали интеллектуальный потенциал региона. Всего в Черновицкой области в олимпиадах приняли участие 1814 учеников, из которых призовые места получили 845 участников. Лучшие результаты продемонстрировали учащиеся г. Черновцы, Сторожинецкой ОТГ, Новоселицкого ОТГ и ученики Кельменецкого района. Что же касается Всеукраинского конкурса-защиты научно-исследовательских работ, то в 2020 году в конкурсе приняли участие 378 учеников, из которых 187 участников получили призовые места. Лучшие результаты, как и в олимпиаде продемонстрировали ученики г. Черновцы, а также Путильского района. Особого внимания заслуживает гендерная структура участников и призеров данных интеллектуальных соревнова- ний. В половой структуре участников и призеров олимпиады и конкурса-защиты по большинству предметов преобладают девушки, особенно это проявляется в предметах филологического и философского цикла, зато количество ребят преоблада- ет на олимпиадах физико-математического цикла. Для лучшего понимания формирования территориальных различий в формировании результативности учащихся в интеллектуальных соревнованиях нами были рассмотрены факторы их форми- рования. Одним из важнейших факторов является количество заведений общего среднего образования в обществе, что при- водит к большей конкуренции, а также типы учебных заведений, позволяет сосредоточиться на изучении отдельных пред- метов. Ключевые слова: интеллектуальный потенциал, образование, учреждение общего среднего образования, учениче- ские олимпиады, конкурс-защита научных работ.

Formulation of the problem. Education is one of scientific works devoted to the study of intellectual po- the determining factors in shaping the economic capacity tential. It should be noted that most of the works of sci- of the state. The main criterion for assessing the level of entists study the intellectual potential as one of the com- development of education is the total intellectual poten- ponents of economic development of the state or indi- tial of the region, the effective use of which contributes vidual regions. to strengthening the economic and political competitive- Such foreign economists as D. Ricardo, D. Bell, ness of the state in the world and Europe. Socio- T. Schultz, G. Becker, K. Sweiby, M. Malone, A. Tofler, geographical studies of the intellectual potential of the M. Fisher, T. Stewart and others devoted their works to region are designed to identify the factors of its for- the study of intellectual potential, namely such its com- mation, territorial differentiation of development and ponents as education, science, intellectual capital. ways of implementation in the economy of the region Among domestic economists, O. Grishnova, S. Zlupko, and the state as a whole. Modern education reform in I. Revak, B. Leontiev, L. Semiv, T. Baulina, Ukraine will not only change the network of institutions N. Ushenko, A. Gaponenko, S. Filippova, and that make up the educational space, but also redistribute K. Kovtunenko and others paid considerable attention to the existing cumulative and specific intellectual potential the comprehensive study of the concept of intellectual of regions, which will have a significant impact on potential. The essence, content, formation, assessment of changes in various sectors of the economy and the state the intellectual potential are studied in the works of as a whole. For the first time, this will be reflected in the N. Verkhoglyadov, L. Dyba, T. Nosov, Y. Kanygin, change in the territorial structure of those industries that I. Maksymenko, B. Titov, V. Petrenko, P. Pererva, focus on the scientific potential and entrepreneurial skills L. Marchuk, Yu. Gava, M. Rosumnyi. of employees. Socio-geographical studies of intellectual potential An important stage in the study of the intellectual in Ukraine began in the last quarter of the twentieth cen- potential of the region is the assessment of student tury, and today there is insufficient study, as well as the achievement in various intellectual competitions, includ- actual lack of a single scientific and methodological ing two, namely student school competitions in subjects view of this scientific concept, its selection, classifica- and competition-defense of research papers of students tion and importance in economic development. It is of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the results worth noting the works of such scientific geographers as: of which are taken into account at universities of M. Palamarchuk, V. Nagirna, O. Shabliy, O. Topchiev, Ukraine. These studies show the prospects for the devel- J. Oliynyk, T. Nych, O. Naumchuk and others. Their opment of a particular type of intellectual potential, the works consider a number of aspects of the formation and possibility of successful operation of relevant areas of use of intellectual potential, as well as reveal the essence training, specialties or educational programs in universi- of the concept of ―intellectual potential‖ as an object of ties in the region, and accordingly the training of highly socio-geographical research. qualified specialists for the development of certain sec- Setting objectives. The purpose of this study was a tors. Therefore, the research topic is quite relevant, has a socio-geographical analysis of spatial differences in the high practical value and its results can be used in devel- intellectual potential of the region in the near future by oping strategies for forming a network of specialized studying the effectiveness of students in the all- institutions of general secondary education, training fu- Ukrainian student academic competitions and competi- ture employees in vocational and higher education insti- tion-defense of research papers of students of the Small tutions, as well as planning the development of certain Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Based on the goal, we industries that are oriented on scientific staff and scien- set the following tasks: to explore the essence of the tific potential. concept of ―intellectual potential‖; to characterize the Analysis of recent research and publications. In components of the intellectual potential of Chernivtsi modern domestic and foreign literature there are many oblast; to identify the spatial features of the formation of

91 2020 Часопис соціально-економічної географії випуск 29 intellectual potential of Chernivtsi oblast; to analyze the context of further formation of the intellectual potential territorial differences of students‘ participation in various of the region is the language of education of students. In intellectual competitions of the studied region. 2019, 89.3% of children with IPE were educated in the Presentation of the main research material. In Ukrainian language, which is 4% less than in 2000. Edu- the modern scientific literature there are different defini- cation is also conducted in Romanian 10.7%, and by tions of the term ―intellectual potential‖. Thus, Yu. Gava 2015 also in Russian [17]. considers intellectual potential as a set of human, materi- The next stage in the formation of the intellectual al and intangible potential [2], and B. Danylyshyn and V. potential of the region is general secondary education. Kutsenko consider intellectual potential as a purposeful Since 2000, the number of ZSSO has been gradually active set of employees with the appropriate educational decreasing from 462 institutions (which is the largest and qualification level, i.e. with their knowledge and figure since independence) to 402 general secondary skills [3]. N. Verkhohlyadova and O. Sidorov believe education institutions operating in Chernivtsi oblast as of that intellectual potential is a part of intellectual re- September 1, 2019. Most institutions are concentrated in sources that have the potential ability in the process of Chernivtsi and Storozhynets rayon (59 and 46 respec- their formation and use to turn into intellectual capital tively). As for students, by 2015 there was a significant [1]. T. Nych considers the intellectual potential as a sys- decrease in their number from 143 thousand in 1991 to tem of intellectual resources with their knowledge, crea- 97.6 thousand in 2015, and since 2016 there has been a tive intellectual abilities and capabilities, infrastructural slight increase in their number to 105.5 thousand persons assets and intellectual property and market assets. Ac- as of September 1, 2019 [17]. cording to her, it forms the intellectual capital of the re- An important aspect of the study of the intellectual gion and its intellectual security. Depending on the terri- potential of the oblast region is the study of the level of tory, the following levels of intellectual potential for- knowledge of students. Determining the level of stu- mation are distinguished: national (state), regional, dents‘ knowledge can be done through such intellectual branch, local (settlement, enterprise or institution) [7]. competitions as the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in academ- According to O. Naumchuk, intellectual potential is ic subjects and the All-Ukrainian competition-defense of a generalized characteristic of intellectual resources, research works of students of the Small Academy of according to place and time. Intellectual potential is Sciences of Ukraine. greater than intellectual resources, because intellectual All-Ukrainian student academic competitions in ac- potential is the opportunities provided by intellectual ademic subjects are a kind of intellectual competitions in resources at a certain time and in the future that can be the educational space of Ukraine, designed to encourage used to achieve a certain goal. O. Naumchuk in the struc- young students to study certain subjects. Currently, ture of the intellectual potential of the region identifies competitions are held in 26 subjects (Ukrainian language the following components: educational potential, scien- and literature, foreign languages (English, Spanish, tific potential, innovation potential and cultural potential French, German), law, history, economics, mathematics, [5]. biology, geography, astronomy, physics, chemistry, Three groups of factors contribute to the formation ecology, computer science, information technology, la- of the intellectual potential of the region: natural (crea- bor education (technology), languages and literatures of tive abilities of individuals, public health, demographic national minorities (Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Roma- situation in the country, the state of the environment); nian, Bulgarian, Moldavian, Modern Greek, Hebrew)) economic (state demographic policy, employment poli- and take place in IV stages: I stage - school; ІІ stage - cy, state of labor resources, financing of science and rayon (city); III stage - oblast; IV stage - All-Ukrainian education, the value of national income per capita, social [10]. protection system, pricing mechanism in the market of In the 2019-2020 academic year, according to the intellectual products, wage system); institutional (legisla- Order of the Department of Education and Science of the tive regulation of intellectual activity, mechanism of Chernivtsi Oblast State Administration, competitions in protection of intellectual property) [5]. Chernivtsi oblast were held in 20 subjects for students of The basis of the development of intellectual poten- grades 7-11 [12]. tial is educational and scientific potential, because they In Chernivtsi oblast in the 2019-2020 academic are the basis of scientific and technological progress, year, 1,814 students took part in the III stage of student without which it is impossible to imagine the successful competitions. The largest number of participants was development of the state. observed in the academic competition in geography, The initial stage in the formation of intellectual po- Ukrainian language and literature, history and biology, tential is preschool education. In 2019, there were 372 the smallest – in the academic competition in Jewish pre-school institutions in Chernivtsi oblast, which is 9 language and literature, astronomy and economics institutions less than in 2017, when their number was the (Fig. 1). largest ‒ 381 institutions. Most institutions operate in In total, in the 2019-2020 academic year, 845 stu- Chernivtsi ‒ 59 and Storozhynets rayon ‒ 39, and the dents won prizes, of which: 91 – I place; 273 – II place; least in ‒ 3. Preschools educated more 481 – III place. than 31 thousand children, and the coverage of children We determined the rating of the teams of Chernivtsi in preschools was 62%, which is the highest figure since oblast based on the results of their performances at the 2000. In the region, there is a significant differentiation III stage of student competitions in basic disciplines, in the coverage of children with disabilities in urban based on the points scored. For each diploma received by (88%) and rural (47%) areas. An important aspect in the a member of the team, the following number of points

92 2020 Часопис соціально-економічної географії випуск 29 was awarded: I degree diploma – 3 points; II degree di- dents of Kelmentsi region (49) won a fairly large number ploma – 2 points; III degree diploma – 1 point. of points. The lowest number of points was obtained by The highest number of points according to the re- students of Vikno AH, who did not take any top places, sults of the III stage of student competitions was won by Stavchany AH, Seliatyn AH, AH and Voloka the team from Chernivtsi (553 points). Students of AH, that received 1 point each (Fig. 2). Storozhynets AH (69), Novoselytsia AH (63) and stu-

Fig. 1. Distribution of participants of the III stage of student competitions in basic disciplines in the 2019-2020 academic year

Fig. 2. The effectiveness of the participants of the III stage of the all-Ukrainian academic competition

The general rating of teams is quite interesting. This students in the rayon, AH or city. For example, Cherniv- rating was calculated by the following formula: tsi in the ІІІ stage of student competitions can delegate 8 participants from each class, while the team of Rgen= , where N – this is the total number of paral- AH – 2 participants, and AH – only 1 participant lels in which student competitions in certain subjects [12]. were held, and is 71; Z – this is the quantitative composi- According to the general rating, the absolute leader tion of teams for the III stage in each subject from each is Chernivtsi (0.97). The teams of Novoselytsia AH parallel. (0.3), AH (0.28), Klishkivtsi AH (0.28), Ma- According to the Order of the Department of Edu- mayivtsi AH (0.28), Sokyryany AH (0.28) showed quite cation and Science of the Chernivtsi Oblast State Admin- a high result. istration, the number of team members in each subject As for educational institutions, the absolute leader and class is determined by the number of schools and

93 2020 Часопис соціально-економічної географії випуск 29 of the rating is Chernivtsi Lyceum №1 of mathematical took top places. and economic specializations – 112 points. The second Another important intellectual competition is the and third places were taken by Taras Shevchenko Cher- all-Ukrainian competition-defense of research works of nivtsi Gymnasium №1 (56) and Chernivtsi Lyceum №3 students-members of the Small Academy of Sciences of of medical specialization (55), respectively. More than Ukraine. The main objectives of the competition are to half of the points scored in these educational institutions identify and support gifted children, to involve intellec- are the results of competitions in their specialization tual and creatively gifted students in research and exper- subjects. For example, students of Chernivtsi Lyceum imental work, to form an active civic position of stu- №1 of mathematical and economic specializations, took dents, to educate them in independence, perseverance, most of top places in academic competitions in mathe- ability to form and defend their own opinion [10]. matics, computer science, physics and astronomy, and In 2020, 378 students took part in the second stage students of T.G. Shevchenko Chernivtsi Gymnasium №1 of the all-Ukrainian competition-defense of research – at competitions in German and English. works. The competition was held in 48 sections, which Quite high results were shown by students of the were grouped into 11 departments [13]. following educational institutions: Chernivtsi Gymnasi- The largest number of works was presented in the um №4, Novoselytsia Secondary School №3 of I-III de- department of Earth Sciences (88) and in the department grees – basic institution, Chernivtsi Gymnasium №5, of Literary Studies, Folklore and Art Studies (56) basic institution Storozhynets Lyceum, Hlyboka Lyce- (Fig. 3). In general, in 2020, representatives of almost all um, Chernivtsi Gymnasium №2, Kelmentsi Lyceum – administrative-territorial units of the oblast took part in basic institution, Chernivtsi Gymnasium № 7. In total, the competition. The largest number of works was pre- students of 193 general secondary education institutions sented by students from Chernivtsi and Putyla rayon.

Fig. 3. Number of participants in the competition-defense of research works of students-members of the SAS in 2020

Top places at the ІІ stage of the competition were ized study of individual subjects gained the largest share taken by 187 participants of the competition, who study of points scored. It was from these competitions that they in 71 GSEI. Students of Chernivtsi Lyceum №1 (20), received the highest number of points; Putyla Gymnasium (18), Chernivtsi Lyceum №3 of med- Type II (intermediate level) – Storozhynets AH, ical specialization (18) and Chernivtsi Gymnasium №2 Novoselytsia AH, Kelmentsi rayon, Hlyboka AH, (16) received the highest number of points according to rayon, Vyzhnytsia AH, Kitsman AH, the results of the competition-defense of research works. Hlyboka rayon, Kitsman rayon, rayon, Sokyr- Based on the analysis, we propose to identify the iany rayon, Klishkivtsi AH, Mamayivtsi AH, following groups of administrative-territorial units of the AH, Putyla rayon and AH. The main feature of oblast according to the level of students‘ results at the III this group is that most of the points scored were obtained stage of student competitions in basic disciplines: by students of one or two educational institutions. An- І group (high level) – Chernivtsi. This type is char- other feature here is top places in almost all competi- acterized by a large number of GSEI, including institu- tions. tions of a new type. Institutions with in-depth or special- Type III (lower middle level) – AH, Kon-

94 2020 Часопис соціально-економічної географії випуск 29 iatyn AH, AH, Novoselytsia rayon, Karap- the academic competitions in Informatics (89.3%), In- chiv AH, Chudei AH, Yurkivtsi AH, Hertsa rayon, No- formation Technology (82.8%), Mathematics (76.4%), vodnistrovsk, Nedoboivtsi AH, Chahor AH, Rukshyn Astronomy (71.4%) and Physics (55.3%). AH, Mamalyha AH, Khotyn rayon, Storozhynets rayon, As for the second stage of the competition-defense Zastavna AH, Mahala AH, Vanchykivtsi AH and Nepo- of the SAS, the situation is a bit different compared to lokivtsi AH. Characterized by a small number of ZSSO, the academic competitions. A total of 378 students took including institutions of a new type. part in the competition, of which 136 boys (36%) and Type IV (low level) – Terebleche AH, Velykyi- 242 girls (64%). Kuchuriv AH, Vashkivtsi AH, Kostryzhivka AH, Ust- The largest share of girls took part in the defense of Putyla AH, Ostrytsia AH, Voloka AH, Krasnoilsk AH, scientific papers in the departments of literary studies, Selyatyn AH, Stavchany AH, Vikno AH. They are char- folklore and art history (93%), linguistics (83%) and in acterized by a small number of ZSSOs and students. the department of chemistry and biology (76%), while Most of the points were scored by students of one ZZSO no girl took part in the defense of works in the econom- or even one participant of the academic competition. ics section. Also a fairly low proportion of girls partici- An important aspect in the study of intellectual po- pated in the defense of scientific papers in the depart- tential is to identify factors influencing its development. ments of computer science (8%) and physics, astronomy Territorial differences in the development of intel- and technical sciences (9%). Approximate gender equali- lectual potential occur under the influence of economic, ty of participants is observed only in the Department of demographic, legal, environmental, natural and other Earth Sciences. factors. The following indicators correlate the most with A total of 116 girls (I - 21, II - 33, III - 62) and 71 (I the number of points scored by teams: the number of - 16, II - 21, III - 34) boys or 62% and 38% respectively educational institutions in the rayon, AH or city (Pear- took top places. son's correlation coefficient is 0.81), it was found that In general, one can notice an interesting relationship the greater the competition, the better the results in vari- between subjects and the gender relations of their partic- ous intellectual competitions. Quite significant factors ipants. In intellectual competitions in subjects of philol- are the share of institutions of a new type (gymnasiums, ogy and philosophy, girls show their knowledge better, lyceums, etc.) – in institutions of a new type in-depth while in subjects of physics and mathematics – boys. study of individual subjects, while the study of other Also, the components of intellectual potential in- subjects is given less attention, which allows a better clude out-of-school educational institutions, which con- preparation for competitions in specific subjects; and the duct a variety of educational, training and research work language of instruction – language is an important factor, with young students. There are 45 out-of-school educa- especially in ethnocontact regions, because in some insti- tional institutions (21 specialized, 9 complex and 15 tutions education is conducted in the language of nation- children‘s and youth sports schools) in Chernivtsi region, al minorities, and competitions are held in the state lan- in which 1421 clubs with 29,622 students are created. guage. Among the areas of activity are dominated by sports, At present, in Ukraine and the world, such a direc- artistic, aesthetic and scientific and technical. It should tion of geography as gender geography is gaining rele- be noted that there is only 1 research and experimental vance. Gender geography is a socio-geographical science institution in the region ‒ KOPNZ ―Bukovynian Small that studies the regional differences of gender relations Academy of Sciences for Student Youth‖ [18]. in socio-geographical processes, regional features of The highest level of formation of the intellectual gender identification and perception of gender roles in potential of the region is vocational education institu- society [4]. tions, higher education institutions and research institu- 673 boys and 1141 girls took part in the oblast stage tions. In the Chernivtsi oblast, since 2005, there are 16 of student competitions, which is 37.1% and 62.9%. The institutions of vocational (professional and technical) share of girls in the structure of academic competition education, which currently have about 6 thousand peo- participants prevails in 14 out of 19 academic competi- ple. During 2019, 2.9 thousand people graduated from tions (excluding the academic competition in labor train- vocational education institutions, which is the lowest ing, because this academic competition is held separately figure since 2000. Higher education institutions of the for girls and boys). region are represented by all levels of accreditation. As The smallest share of boys (less than 10%) among of the beginning of the 2019-2020 academic year, 6.8 the participants was observed at the academic competi- thousand people studied in colleges, technical schools tion in Ukrainian language and literature, as well as in and colleges, which is almost 2 times less than in 2000. foreign literature. With regard to higher education institutions of III-IV Among the participants of the academic competi- level of accreditation, there are 3 such institutions in the tion more boys than girls were observed in the academic region, which enroll 19.8 thousand students, of whom competitions in Informatics (88.7%), Information Tech- 76.8% studied full-time and 23.2% part-time. In 2019, nologies (67.9%), Physics (61.2%), Mathematics 2002 masters, 540 specialists, 3141 bachelors and 2502 (53.5%) and Astronomy (52.9). junior specialists were trained. Also, at the end of 2019, 287 boys and 502 girls took top places, which is postgraduate students were trained in 3 higher education 36.4% and 63.6% respectively (excluding the academic institutions in the region and doctoral students were competition in labor). trained in 2 institutions. In 2019, 244 postgraduate stu- The boys took top places among all participants at dents and 10 doctoral students were trained [17].

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Fig. 4. The gender structure of the winners in the III stage of student competitions in basic disciplines and the competition-defense of works of SAS

One of the aspects of the structure of intellectual most subjects. The number of boys predominates in potential is functional-managerial ‒ organizations and competitions in computer science, mathematics, physics institutions that manage the system of intellectual poten- and astronomy. tial and influence the development of educational and There are also 16 vocational education institutions scientific objects, their interaction with the external envi- and 16 higher education institutions in the region. These ronment and effective solution of tasks. They are formed institutions are mainly located in urban settlements, and at the level of oblasts, rayons and territorial communi- most of them are in Chernivtsi. ties, as well as within educational districts [7]. As for the results of the third stage of student com- Conclusions. The study of the intellectual potential petitions in basic disciplines and competition-defense of of the region from the standpoint of social geography is a scientific works of students of the Small Academy of new direction of scientific knowledge. Intellectual poten- Sciences, the best results are demonstrated by students of tial is a set of intellectual resources with their Chernivtsi, which can be justified by a significant num- knowledge. The structure of intellectual potential is pre- ber and, consequently, greater competition in the second school education, complete general secondary education; stage of the competition, as well as a large number of extracurricular education, specialized education, profes- institutions with in-depth or specialized study of individ- sional (vocational) education, professional higher educa- ual subjects. Students of Storozhynets, Novoselytsia, and tion and higher education. Hlyboka communities, as well as Kelmenets rayon, also In 2019, there were 372 preschool institutions in show quite high results. Girls predominate in the gender Chernivtsi oblast, which educated more than 31 thousand structure of participants and winners of the academic children, and the coverage of children by preschool insti- competitions and defense competition in most subjects. tutions was 62%. The next stage in the formation of the The number of boys predominates in competitions in intellectual potential of the region is general secondary computer science, mathematics, physics and astronomy. education. In the Chernivtsi oblast there are 402 ZZSO, Thus, the intellectual potential is the basis of eco- in which studied 105.5 thousand students. Girls predom- nomic growth in the region, because in fact it further inate in the gender structure of participants and winners forms the intellectual capital. of the academic competition and defense competition in

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Надійшла до редколегії 07.11.2020 р.

Про автора: Юрій Білоус – аспірант кафедри географії України та регіоналістики, Чернівецький національний уні- верситет імені Юрія Федьковича, вул. М. Коцюбинського 2, корп. 4, м. Чернівці, 58012, Україна, [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8539-275X

Об авторе: Юрий Билоус – аспирант кафедры географии Украины и регионалистики, Черновицкий национальный университет имени Юрия Федьковича, ул. М. Коцюбинского, 2, корп. 4, г. Черновцы, 58012, Украина, [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8539-275X