
36 Spbaaropboria mentbastri (L.) June to July 1956-61; Streatley, Gorinl, Yokefield Co..on. pbilanthus (XC . ) June to August 1956-18; Streatley. Goring, Crowsley, Wokelield Co..an. rueppellii (Vied.) May 1956-65; Goring, Wokafiald Common.

scripta (L .) June to AUJUst ~956-18; Streatley, Gorin" Ho~oor Copse, Crowwley, Caversb.. , Wokeflald Common, Reading, Pa:caber. taeniata (MC.) June to Septeaber 1956-15: Streatley, Goring, Warren Hill, Uoc-oor Copse , Comaoo . Cbrysotoxua bicinctWl (L.) June to August 1956-13: Streatley, Warren HIll, Gorinl Heath, Yokefield Co~n, Silchester Common. cautWll (Bar.) May to AUgUst 1956-18; Gorinl, 8ix, Goring Heath, Crowsley . festiv\lII (L.) June to August 1956-18; Carina, 8ix, Goring Heath. Cro.sley. Wokefield Comaon.

verralll Col. July to August 1964-15; Thatebaa, Ti~arsh, Wokefield Co.aon. Baccha elongata (F.) Kay to Septeaber 1956-76; Streatley, Goring, 8ix, Goring Beath, Bog.oor Copse, Cro.eley, Brt.pton, WOkefleld Co..on, Readinc, Silcheeter Coamon. Xanthandrus CoatU8 (Bar) Aucuat 1966; Gorinc Beatb . Melanosto.. ..UlnWl (L . ) March to Aueust 19~-78; Streatley, Gorin, , 8ix, Coring a.ath, Bogaoor Copse, Crow.ley, Yokelield eo.-on, Reading. scalare (r.) April to October 1958-18: Str.atley, Goring, 8ix, Mew Cop.e (.,101d Copse), Gorin, aeatb, Hogamor Copse, Crowslay, 'ok.lield Co~n, Reading. Platycbeirua albim&.llUS (F.) April to October 1958-16: Streatl.y, Goring, 8ix, Gorine Beath, Hogaoor Copse, , Mill End, 'okefield Co..on, Reading. Silche.ter Coa.on. clypeatus (MC.) May to September 1956-18; Moulstord Downs, Goring, Goring Death, Boc-oor Copse, Crow.ley, Wokefield COUDOn, Reading, Silch.ster Common. April 1969-13; Goring Heatb (Nune, Green) , WQkefleld Co=-on.

fulviventris (Mcq.) ~uly to Septe.ber 1958-14; loolhampton, Alderaaston, W"oke.field Co..on, Woodley (Cola.anallloor). imlDarginatua (Zett.) August 1956-69; Streatley (golf course), Wokefield Co-.on.

~icatu. (lfc.) May to August 19S6-16; Streatle" Goring, Goring Heath, Ro~r Copse, Crowsley. Wokefield Common, Reading. 37 pel tatus (Mg.) May to October 1956-76; Streatley, Goring, 8i%, Ho~oor Copse, Crowsley, Caverabaa Park, Wok.field Common, Reading, Silcb.ster Coamen. scuhtus (Mg.) May to October 1954-76; Streatley, Goring, Goring Heath, Hogmoor Copse, Crowsley, Purley. Wokefield C01lllK)n, Reading. tarsalis (Sehum . ) May, August to September 1967-71; Goriog Heatb, Wokefield Common. ambiguus (Pall.) Uay 1958: Streatley, Goring. Pyrophaena gr~nditar8a (For.) May to September 1956-74; Streatley, Goring, Goring Heath, Woke!ield Common, Si1ehester Common. rosarum (F.) July to Septe.ber 1959-73; Upper BasildoD, Goring Heath, , Wokefield CO.aQn, Reading, Silchester Common. Paragus tibialis (Fall.) July to September 1959-70; Gorin, Heath, Woke!leld Common , Reading, Silcbester COBDOn. PIpiza austriaca Mg. May to July 1965-70: Goring Heath, Woke!io1d Common. bill.aeulata Mg. April to August 1966-78; Harts10ck, Goring Heath, Crowsley, Reading. fenestrata MS. May to June 1958-71: Goring, Goring Heath, Readin,. lugubris (F.) May to August 1956- 71; Goring, Goring Heath, Woke!leld Common, ReadIng. luteitarsia Zett . AprIl to June 1957-74; Goring, Goring Heath, Reading. noctiluea (L. ) May to August 1956-76: GorIng, Goring Heatb. Woolbampton, Crowsley, Woketield Common, Reading. Pipizella varipes (Mg.) May to August 1956-74: Unbi11 (Cow Co..on) , Goring, Goriol Heath, Crowsley, Woketield Co..an, Reading, Woodley. virena . (r. ) May to August 1956-76; Goriog, Goring Reath, Crowaley, Sonning Common. Reringia beringi (Zett.) May to June 1959-75: Goring, Goring Heath, Reading . Parapenium flavitarse (Mg.) July 1959; Si1che~ter Common. MeoenellOdon vitripenn1s (Mg . ) May to August 1956-77; GorIns, Goring Heath, Reading., Triglyphus pr1aus Loew June 1957; Goring. Cbeilosia a1bitarsis Mg . M.y to July 1956-76; Goring, Warren Hill, Goring Heath, Hos-oor Copse, Crowsle,. Mill End, Medaenbaa, Woket1e1d Co..an. antiqua Mg . June 1973; Wokefield Common. barbata Loew June to August 1956-76; Goring, Warren Hill, Bi x, Cbeckendon, Goring Heath. bereenstam.i Beck. May to August 1966-73; Goring Heatb , Woke!ield Common. 3. carbonaria Egger June 1967; Goring Heath. chrysocolla (Mg.) June 1961; Pamber. fu.terna (Mg.) May to September 1958-76; Mill End, Woketield Coamon, Pamber. grosse (Fall.) April 1969; Goring Heatb. honesta Rdn. May to August (peak Nay) 1956-76; Goring, Goring Heath, Crowsle" Wokelield Co.aon. illustrata (Har.) June to AUlllst 1956-78; Goring, Warren Bill, Bix, Goring Heath, era.sley, Wokefield Common. impressa Loew May to September 1957-75; Goring, Gor1ng Heath, Hogmoor Copee, Alder.aaton. Woketleld Common. intonsa Loe. April to May 1960-66; Goring. Goring Beath. longula (Zett.) June to October 1956-1':Gorins, Wokefield COm.OD. nasutula Beck. May to July 1969-15: Goring 8eaU,_ HOCDlOor Copse , Woke1ie1d Common.

pagana (Mg.) April to Septe.ber 1956-76; Goring, ~or1ug de~~a, Bogaoor Copse, Woolhampton, Crowsley, Aldermaston, Yedmenham, Wokefield Common. R.ading. praecox (Zett.) April to July 1956-75; Goring, Goring Heath. proxima (Zett.) May to September 1956-78; Goring, Goring Beath, Crowsley, Woketield Common, Reading. scutellata (Fall.) June to September (one on 1st. October) 1956-76: Goring, Gorinl Heath. Crowaley, Woketleld CO ..OD, Silchester Co..an. Paaber. semlfasclata Beck. April 1967-73; Gorlng Beath. Wokefield Common. soror (Zett.) Aprll to Septe.ber 1956-69: Gorlng (Gatebampton), Goring Bea th.

variabilts (Pz.) May to August 1956-77: Gorlng, Bix, Gorlng Beath. Bogmoor Copse, WoolhaaptOD, Crowsley, Mlll End, Wokefield Common. Reading. velutina Loe. 1956-59; Goring: "frequent." vernalis (Fall . ) April to October 1958-73; Goring, Goring Beatb, Woketield Common. vulpina (Jig.) May to July 1957-75; Goring, Goring Heath, Hogmoor Copae. Portevlnia maculata (Fall.) June 1960: Goring. Rhingia campestris Mg. April to October 1956-78; Streatley, Goring. SiX, Goring Heath, Bogmoar Copse , Cro•• ley, Chalkhouse Green, Mill End, WOkefield Common, Reading, Silchester Coqaon. rostrata (L.) August 1968-73; Bix. Goring Heath. 39 Ferdi'uandea cup rea (Scop.) May to October ~958-74; Goring, Six, Goring Heath, Hogmoor Copse, Wokefie1d Common, Heading, Silchester Common. ruficornis (F.) July 1973; Reading. Myolepta luteola (Gm.) June to July 1972-74; Goring Heath,Wokefield Common. Chrysogaster chalybeata Mg. June to August 196~-73; Wokefield Common, River Loddon near . hirtella Loew May to June 1958-76; Hogmoor Copse, Woolbampton, Mill End, Burgbfield, Wokefield Common, Temple Meadow. macquarti Loew May to June 1970-72; Wokefield Common. solstitialis (Fall.) June to September 1956-75; Six, Goring Heath, Hogmoor Copse,Woolhampton, Wokefield Common, Reading. virescens Loew June to July 1971-73; Wokefield Common. Lejogaster metal Una (F.) May to June 1957-76; Goring, Goring Heath, Mill End, Medmenham, Wokefield Common. splendida (Mg.) May to June 1958-59; Streatley, Woodler (Colemans­ moor. ) Orthonevra nobilis (Fall.) May to August 1957-76; Goring, Six, Goring Heath, Crawsley, Wokefield Common, Pamber,

splendens (Mg.) July to August 195~76; , Crowsley, Aldermaston, Wokefie1d Common. Brachyopa scutellaris Hob.-Des. May to June 1967-72; Goring Heath, Wokefield Common. Sphegina clunipes (FalL) April to July 1964-74; Six, Goring Heath, Woke field Common. Neoascia dispar (Mg . ) May ta June 1961-74; Thatcham, Woolhampton. geniculata (Mg.) 1956-59; Goring. obl1qua Coe May to June 1974; Woolhampton. podagrica (F.) April to October 1956-78; Streatley, Goring, Bix, Goring Heath, Hogmoor Copse, Woolhampton, erowsley, Chalkhouse Green, Wokefield Common, Reading. Callicera aenea (F.) July 1977; Common (published record by S. R. Miles.) Eumerus ornatus Mg. July 1965; Goring Heath. strigatus (Fall.) July to September 1956-75; Goring, Woolhampton, Wokefield Common, Reading. tuberculatus Rdn. May to August 1956-77; Goring, Goring Heath, Sonning Common, Reading. Microdon eggeri Mik May to July 1971-76; Crowsley, Wokefield Common, 40 Valueel!a bo.bylans CL.) June to August 1956-75; Warren H1l1, Goring, Goring Heath, Hoc-oor Copse, Wokefield Common, Reading, 811cbester Common.

i~lata (F.) June to July 1951-71; Goring, Goring Heath. peUucens (L.) June to September 1956-78; Goring, SiX, New COps., Gorine Heatb. Hogaoor Copse, Sonuing Common, Crawsley. Alder.aaton, Wokefield Coamon , Reading, Stlchester Co_on. Sericomyia lappOD. (L . ) Uay to July 1960-73; Wokefield Co.aon, Silchestar Common, PUtber . s11entis (Har . ) June to Septe.ber 1964-75; Goring Heath, Wokefield Co.mon, Silchester Common, Paaber . Arctophlla .uss1 tans eF . ) 6 August to October 1967-72; 8eenbaa (Carbins Wood), Stlchester Common . Xylota abiens Mg. May to July 1960-74; Gorine Heath, Wokefield Common, Paaber .

tlorum (F.) September to October 1967-72; Goring Heath, Wokefield Common, Silchestar Coaaon. segnh (L.) May to October 1956-78; Goring, 8i%, Kew Copse, Gortng Heath, HOlmQCr Copse, Woolhampton, Aldermaston, Wokefield Cocaon, Reading, Silchester Common.

.ylvarum (L. ) June to September 1956-78; Goring, 8i%, Goring Beath, Hocmoor Copee, Wokafield Common, pagber. xanthocnea. Col. July 1968; Gortng Heath.

Xylotom~. lent. (K~.) April to July 1985-75; Streatley, Goring, Goring Heath. Hogmoor Copse. ne.orum Cl.) May to August 1958-69; Goring, Goring Heath, Wokefield Common. 3racbypalpu8 bi•• cul.tuII (Meq.) May 1959; Goring. Syrltta pipiens CL.) Uay to October 1956-78; Streatley, Goring, 8iX, New Copse, Goring Heath, Hogmoor Copse, Sonnine Common, Crowsley, Wokefield Common, Reading, Silcbester Common. Abundant everywhere. Tropldia 8cite (Bar.) June to August 1959-74; Thatcham, Woolbampton, Aldenaston. Criorhina &sillca (Fall . ) May 1959-69; Gortng, Wok.field Common. berbarin. CF.) 14ay to August .1959-76; Goring, Goring Heatb, Crawsley. floece •• (Mg.) May to June 1956-69; Goring, Goring Heath, Wokefield Common. ranunculi (Pz . ) April to May 1971-72; Goring Heath. M.rodon equestris (F.) Xay to July 1959-76; Streatley. Goring, Goring Heath, Crowsley, Wokefield Co-=on, Temple Meadow , Reading, Silchester Comaon. All the named varieties occur quite freqUently.

6 Although fulva is ShOWD as a separate speci-.s in . Kloet " lIincks 1976, this i8 a typocrapbical error and it is in fact a synonym of mussitans. 41

Helopbilus bybridus Loew July to Septeaber 19~6-72; Goring, Goring Heath , Wokefield Co..an, Reading, Silcbester Common . parallelus (Bar.) August to October 1966-76; Wokefield Common. pendulus (L.) May to October 1956-78; Streetley. Goring. 8ix, New Copse (Wyfold Copse), Goring Heath, Hogmoor Copse , Woolhampton, Crowsley, Mill End, Wokefield Common, Reading, Bilchester Common, Paaber. Anaslmyia lineata (F.) May 1959; Streetley.

transfuga (L.) May, July 19~9; Streatley, Thatcham. Parbelophilus frutetorWl (L.) June to July 1960-72: Thatch.. , Goring Heath, WoolhlUll;pton.

versicolor (F.) May, July 19~9-67; Streatley. Goring Heath. Mallota ci.biciformis (Fall .) June 19~8 : Goring. £ristalis arbustorum (L.) April to October 19~6-78; Streatley, Goring. B1X, Hogmoor Copse, Crowsley, Park, Wokefield Common, Reading. horticola (Deg.) 1956-59; Streatley. Goring. intricarius (L.) April to September 1956-74; Goring, 8i%, Goring Heath, Hogmoor Copse, Mill End, Wokefield Common, Reading, Bilchester Common, Yateley . nemoru.m. (L.) May to September 1956-75: Goring, Goring Heath, Bogsoor Copse, Medmenhau, Wokefleld . Common , Reading, Sil~hester Common. pertlnax (Scop.) March to November 1956-78; Streatley, Goring, Warren Hill, 8ix, Goring Heath, Bogaoor Copse, Sonning COlUlwn:, -_Crowsley',: Mill. 'Bnd ,. Padworth, Wokefield Co..an. Readine. Silcheater Com.on, Pamber. tenax (L.) March to Deceaber (hibernates indoors) 1956-77: Streatley, Southr1dge, Goring, Bix. Goring Heath, Hogmoor Copse, , Saoning CO&mOn. Cro.sley . Mill End, Chalkhouae Green, Wokefield Co..an. Reading, Silchester COmaQn. ErhtaUnus sepulehralis (L.) May to September 1956-76; Goring, Goring Beath, Hogmoor Copse, Crowaley, Mill End, Wokefield Common, Reading (including Manor Farm).

Myathropa florea (L.) April to Septeaber 19~6-78; Streatley, Goring, 8ix, New Copse, Goring Heath, Crowsley, Wokefield Common, Reading. 42 CONOPIDAE .

Conops earlaafar.is Mc. August to September 1964-7~; Hogmoor Copse, Wokelield CO'-OD, Pamber. flavipes L. July to September 1962-75; Bix • . Goring Heath, Hogaoor Copse, Wokafield CeameD, SlIcbester Common . quadrifa8eiata Deg. July to September 1963-78; Goring Heath, Hogmoor Copse, erawsley, Wok~fleld Common, S11chaster Comaon. strlgata Wied. June to August 1964-76; erawsley, WOkefleld Common, Paaber . vesicular is L. May to June 1965-76; Goring Heath, Crowsley. Wokefield Common. Physocepbala rufipes (F) June to August 1959-73; Goring Heath, Aldermaston, Wokefield Coa.on, Sileheater Common, Pamber . Myopa buccata (L . ) June 1958-78; Goring, Gorin, Heath, Crowsley. Tbeeopbora atra (F.) June to July 1967-72; Warren Hill, Bix. Sieus ferrugineu8 (L.) JUDe to August 1965-75; Six, Goring Haath , Hogmoor Copse, Wokefield Com.an, Pamber.

TEPHRITIDAE. Leatberdale, Reading Naturalls~ 1961 wl~ h ~a ~a r additions; Dames brought up to date. Pbagocarpus purmundus (Har.) July to August 1959-75; Streatley, Goring, , Reading; on Hawthorn Crataegu8 monOgyDa Jacq . Myo!eja caesia (Har.) June to Auguat 1959-77; Goring, GoriDg Heath, Tidmarsb, Bogaoor Copse, Woolh ..pton, Sonaing Common, Crowsley, Reading, Paaber; on Burdock Arctlum lappa L. and A.• inua BerDh., and Creeping Thistle Cirsium .rvense L. Euleia coguata (Wied.) August 1964-69; Thatcham, Yokefield Common. heraclei (L.) Larvae June, adults May to June, August 1959-78; Goring, Whitchurch, SODDing CommoD, Cro.a1ay; OD 80gweed Beraclew. sphondyllum L. and Celery. Rbacochlaena toxoneura (Loew) June 1964-65; Paaber. Trypeta zoe (Mg.) Larvae June, adults May to June, September 1959-78; New Copse (Wyfold Copse), Whitchurch, Goring Heath; on ChrYSanthemum. Rhagoletis alternata (Fall.) July to August 1958-72; Goring, Six. Goniglossum wiedemanni (Mg.) Larvae August to September, adults June 1956-61 ' Goring, Mapledurhaa; on White Bryony Bryon!a di~ica L. Chaatoatomalla onotrophes Loew Adults emerged June to July 1960; Wb itchurch ; on Knapweed Centaurea nigra L. 43 Cerajocera ceratocera (Hen.) Adults emerged June 1960: Rardwick; bred from Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosa L. lIicroceras Her. Larvae June 1960: Hardwick; in Greater Knapweed Centaurea seabiosa L. Terellia serratulae (1,) July to August 1963-78; Goring, Crowsley,Woodley (Siadlesbam Mill.) Orellia colon (MS . ) Adults emerged June 1960; Hardwick; bred from Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosa L. tussilaginis (F .) Larvae in autumn, adults May to July, Oetober 1959-72: Whitchurch, Ufton Bridge, Wokefield Common: on Burdock Arctium lappa L. Xypbosia miliaria (Scbrank) Larvae August, adults April to July 1959-72; Streatley. Goring, Bix, Whitchurch. Pangbourne, Pamber; on Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense (L.) Uropbora cardui (L.) Galls July to autumn, adults July 1959-76; Goring. Goring Heath, Wbltehureh, Mapledurham, Hogmoor Copse, Crowsley, Henley, Wokefield Common; on Creeping Thistle Clrslum arvense (L.) euspidata (Mg.) July 1972; Bix. jaeeana (Her.) Galls in autumn, adults May to AUlUst 1954-60; Whitehurcb, Reading; on Knapweed Centaurea nigra L. sty lata (F.) Galls September, adults JUDe to July 1959-78; Six, Tileburst, Crows1ey, Chalkhouse Green, Wokefield Common, Reading; on Spear Thistle Ciraium vu1gare (Savi), Creeping Thistle C. arvense (L.) Enstna Bonchi (L.) Larvae August , adults June to July 1960-78; Pangbourne, Reading: on Cat's Ear Hypochoeris radieata L., Spear Thistle Cirsium vulgare (Sav!). Creeping Thistle C. arvense (L.) Dlthryca guttularls CM&) August 1972; Bix. Pamber. Oxyna flavipennis (Loew) Eapty gall August 1961; Goring Heath (Collins End); in Yarrow Achillea millefolium L. Sphenella marginata (Fall.) Larvae June 19~7; Pangbourne: in Oxford Ragwort Senecio squalida L. Tephritis bardanae (Sehrank) March to Nove.ber 1966-75: Goring Beath, Hogmoor Copse, Ufton Bridge, (Clayfleld Copse), Bridge, Wokefield COmaDn, Reading; on Burdoek ArcUu.m lappa L. and A. minus gernh., also Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense (L.) vespertina (Loew) Adults emerged July 1959; Goring (Gatebampton); bred from eat's Ear Hypochoerls radieata L. 4. PLATYSTOMATIDAE • Platysto.lla semtnationis (L.> May to July 1962-78; Gorinl. Six, Goring Heath, Hardwlck. Cravsley, Reading, Pamber. Rivellia sYDgenesiae (F.) June 1967-75: Woolha-pton ( Woods), Pamber. OTITIDAE. Pbyslphora delland. ta (F.) May, July to August 1955-65: Streatley, Gor1ng, Thatcham, Paaber Ulidia erythropbtbalma Mg. July 1970: Goring Heath. Seloptera vlbrans (L.) May to August 1957-14; Goring, Wokefield Common, Reading. Herina gerainationls (Rossi) June 1959; Goring, Ceroxys urtlcae (L.) August 1964; Thatcham. Melier!a oaissa (Mg.) August 1911-75: Reading (including Whiteknlgbts). Otltes guttata (Mg.) April to June 1964-74; Woodcote, Bix,Goring Heath, Hardwlck, Woolhampton. Dorycera graminum (F.) July 1956-62; Goring. MICROPEZIDAE . Mieropeza corrigiolata (L.) May to June 1957-67; Goring, Warren Hill. Calobata cibaria (L.) May to June 1959-74; Goring, Thatch.. , Woolhampton, Reading. cODUlutata (Cz.) May to July 1964-76; Tbatcham, , Hogmoor Copse, Mill End.

petronella (L.) May to July 1957-75; Goring, Goring Heath, Woke field Common, Reading. sellata Mg. June 1961-65; Thatcham. MEGAMERINIDAE . Megamerina dollum (F.) June to August 1959-78; Gorini, Thatcham, Goring Heath, Crowsley, Pamber. PSILIDAE . Loxocera albiseta (Schrank) July to Augu~t 1959-72; Thatcham, Hogmoor Copse, Wokefield COAmOn, S11chester Common, Pamber. ichneuaonea (L.) July 1970; Wokefield Common. 4. Pslla timet aria (L.) Uay to July 1956-74; Goring, Thatcham, Goring Heath, Tllehurst, Wokef1eld CO'-OD, Reading, Paaber. merdaria Col. May 1958-73; Goring, Goring Heath. lefebvrei (Zett.) May, August 1964-75; Reading (Whlteknighta), Pamber. atra Mg. June 1964; Pamber. pallida (7all.) June to August 1959-72; 81x, Thatch", Reading (). rosae (F.) March, May to June, October 1958-74; Goring, Reading. Cbyliza fusclpennls (Rob.-De$l May to June 1965-66: Goring Heath. nova Col. May to July 1965-72; Woodcote. Six, Goring Heath. IIcutellata (F.) June to August 1963-14; Six, Goring Heath, Tidaarsh, Wokefield Common. vittata K,. June 1965; Thatcbaa. extenuata (Rossi) June 1959; Goring. DRYOKYZ !DU . Dryomyza analis (Pall.) July to October 1956-75; Streatley, Goring, Six, Goring Heath, Tidmarsh, Hogmoor Copse, Wokefield Common. tlaveola (F.) December to February (indoors), May to June, September to October 1963-75; Goring, Bix, Goring Heath, Sonning Common, Reading. CHAMAEMIIDAE. Leucopis silesiaca Egger June 1970; Hambleden (Great Wood). LAUXANIIDAE . MlnetUa . longipennis (:F.) April to August, October 1958-73; Goring, Bix, Goring Heath, Rambleden, Sonning Common, Wokefield Common, Reading, Woodley. diSsimilis Col. Uay 1916; Tilehurst. (Specimen no,", in British Museum.) fasciata (Fall.) July 1970; Ufton Bridge.

inusta (Mg.) June to October 1964-75; Streatley, Goring Heath, Wokefield Common, Reading.

lupulina (F.) June to August 1957-66; Goring, Goring Heath. rhosa (Mg.) June to August 1963-78; Goring, erawsley, Chalkhouse Green, Reading (Whiteknights). Saprollyza albiceps (Fall.) July 1978: Crowsley. sexpunctata Mg. June 1968; Bix. sordida Hal. July to August, October 1957-77; Kingstand1ng, Goring, Tllehurst, Sonning Common. Peplomyza litura (Mi.) July to September 1964-73: Goring, Goring Heath, 1V0kefield Common, Reading. •• Lydella alUnis (Zett.) July 196~ j PaJlber. decempunctata (Fall.) May to September 1957-76; Goring, Tilehurst, Crowsley, Reading. decipiens (Loe.) June to August 1964-76; Streatley. Tldmarsb, Hambleden, Pa-ber, Flnchampstead Ridges. illata (Loew) July to September 1971-73; Reading. pallidiventris (Fall.) May, July to August 1961-70; Goring. Wokefleld Common. platycephala (Loew) May to August 1964-72: Streatley, Goring , Woodcote. Six, Bambleden (Great Wood). rorida (Fall.) May to October 1957-76; Klngstandlng, Streatley. Goring, 8ix. Goring Heath, Tilehurst, Crowsley, Wokefield Common, Reading, Pamber, Waodley (Sindleshac Mtll); one seen sucking dead beetle Leiopus aebulosus CL. ) subfasciata (Zett.) June to August 1963-72: Streat1ey, Goring, Bix. Tricbolauxania praeusta (Fall.) May to SeptemDer 1963~73: Goring, Bix, Goring Heath, Tidaarsb, Readine. Calliopum aeneuz (Fall.) May to October 1956-78; Streatley, Goring, Goring Heath, Tilehurst, erowsley, Wokefield Common, Reading. simillimum (Col.) April to October 1963-76; Goring, Goring Heath, TidEarsh, Bogmoor Copse, Crowsley, UftOD Bridge, Burghfield, Reading. Laux.ania cy11ndricornis CF.) June 1963; Wokefield Common . HELEOMYZIDAE. Suil11a bicolor (Zett.) August to November 1958-76; Kingstanding, Goring, Crowsley, Wokefield Common. flava (Mg.) October 1966; Goring Heath . fuscicornis (Zett.> September to November 1963-71; Goring, Goring Heath. bumilis (Mg.) August to September 1963; Gortng. notata (Mg.) var. hilaris (Zett.) March to October 1964-72; Goring, Goring Heath . pallida (Fall.) May, July 1971-75; Goring Heath, Reading. ustulata (Mg.) July , October 1972; Bix, Goring Heath. variegata (Loew) May to December 1952-73; Goring. Goring Heath, Ifokefield COlllDon, Reading. affiois (Mg . ) July to August 1957-70; Goring, Pamber. Allopbyla atricornis (Mg.) September, November 1963-72 ; Goring, Six; on Pleurotus ostreatus . Tephrochlamys flavipes (Zett.) April, November 1960-64; Goring.

rufiventris (Mg . ) Ap~il to December 1957-72; Goring, Bix, Goring Heath, Wokefield Common, Reading. tarsalia (Zett.) April, November 1960-64; Goring. 47 Neoleria inscripta (Mg.) March, October 1963-65; Goring. Oecathea tenestraIis (Fall.) May to July 1964-65; Goring. Morpholeria ruficornls (Mg.) July, September to November 1972: Six, Gorln~ Heath . Seol 10ceD tra a-plicornis (Cz.) October 1972; Goring Heath. vUlosa (Mg.) April 1965; Goring. Heleomyza serrata (L . ) March to April, July 1962-72; Goring. 8ix. Goring Heath. CHYRDWYIDAE • Chyromya flava (L.) June to July 1964: Goring. SEPSIDAE . Reading Museua -ateria1 determined by A. C. Pont. Themira leachi (Mg.) October 1968; Wokefie1d Common. minor (Hal.) June 1970 j . Temp1e Meadow . putris (L.) May. JUly 1958-64: Streatley. Goring. Memopoda nltldula (Fall.) May to October 1963-17; Goring, Wokefield Common, Reading. Sepsis cynlpsea (L.) March, May to June, August 1966-77; Tl1ehurst, Woke!leld Common, Reading (Whiteknights), S11chester Common, Flnchampstead Ridges. fuIgens Mg. April to November 1964-76; Goring , Goring Heath , Crowsley, Woke!ield Comaon, Reading (including Whiteknights), Silchester Coamon. punctum (F.) April to August, October 1964-76; Goring, Goring Heath. Tldmarsh, Tilehurst, Wokefield Common, Reading (WbitekDights). violacea Mg. April , June to July, October 1957-75; Goring, Goring Heath, Wokefield Common, Reading. SCIOMYZIDAE. Pelldnoptera fuscipennis (Mg.) May to June 1965-72; 8ix, Wokefield Common. Pherbellia albocostata (Fall.) May to July 1972-75; Goring, 8ix, Tl1ehurst , Woodley . annu llpes (Zett.) May to July 1972-76; 8ix, Mill End ; around rotten logs. cinerella (Fall.) April, July 1959-63; Woodcote. Sonning. dubia (Fall.) May to July 1958-73; Goring, Woodcote, 8ix, Pamber. schoenherr! (Fall,> May, August 1976; Mill End, Reading (Whiteknights). scutellaris (Ros.) June to October 1963-72; Unhill, Goring. 81x , Goring Heath. ventralis (Fall.) April 1964; Goring. 4. Tetanura pallidiventris Fall. June to July 1963-72; Streatley. Goring, Bix, Goring Heath, Pamber. Coremacera tristis (Har.) June to September 1958-72; Nuffleld (Woodhouse Farm), Streatley, Goring, Warren Hill, Fawley, Gor1ng Heath, erawsley, Woo4 1ey. Dlchetopbora obl1terata (F.) August to September 1956-75; Gortng, Gortng Heath , Hogmoor Copse. EIglva cucularia CL . ) April 1959; Sonnlng. sundewalli K.and H. April 1959; Stre&tley. Euthycera fumigata (Seop.) July to August 1957-76; UnhiII, Streatley, Goring, Reading (Whiteknilhts). Knutsonia albiseta (Seop.) July 1957; Goring. Llmnia unguicornis (Seop.) June 1978; Crowsley. Pberblna corrlet1 (Seop.) May to August 1958-76; Streatley , Temple Meadow, Reading (Whlteknights), Woodley. Renoeera fusclnervis (Zett.) May, August 1975-76; Reading (Wbiteknigbts). pallida (Fall.) June, August 1967-76; Reading (Whitekn1ghts). Pamber, F1nchampstead Ridges. SepedOD spbegeus (F.) May to June 1958-61; Streatley, Wood1ey. splnlpes (Seop.) April , AUlust 1959, 1976; Streatley. Read1ng (Wbiteknights) . Tetanocera arroghS (Mg.) July 1970; Pamber. data (F . ) May to August 1956-75; Unhill (Cow Common), Streatley, Goring, Goring Heath, Woketield CoamoD, Read1ng, Woodley, ferruginea Fall. April to May, July 1959-76; Streatley, Sonning, Mill End, Pamber . hyallpennls Ros. }.lay, July to August 1964-72; Mouls:ford Downs, Streatley. Goring Heath, Woolhampton. phyllopbora Mel. May, July 1972; Bix. silvatica Mg. June 1970; Temple Meadow. Trypetoptera pUDctulata (Seop.) May to August 1953-72; Streatley, Woodcote, Thatcham, BiX, Goring Heath, Reading, Woodley . 49 SPHAEROCERIDAE . Spbaerocera curvipes Lat. April, July, October to November 1963-76; Goring, Ne~ Copse (WyfOld Copse), Goring Heath, Wokefield Coaaon, Reading. mODiUs Hal. October 1963; Goring . pus1lla (Fall.) April , November 1964; Goring. scabricula Hal. November 1964; Goring. Coproayza atra (Mg.) April to July, September 1963-78; Checkendon (Beecbwood Far.) , Goring, 8ix, New Copse (Wytold Copse, Chalkbouse Green, Burghfie1d , Te.ple Meadow. tlavipennis (Hal.) May 1978: Crows1ey . nigra (Mg.) October 1964; Goring. timetarh (Mg.) December 1957; Goring. ni Uda (Ng.) May to June, October to December 1957-75; Goring, Goring Heath, Tilehurst, Reading. roser1i (Rdn.) September 1963; Goring. nit1difrons (Duda) April 1978; New Copse (Wyfold Copse).

equina Fall. April to June, August 19~7-73; Goring, Goring Heatb, Woke!1eld Co..an, Reading. s1llil1s (Col.) March to June 1963-78: Cbeckendon (Beecbwood Farm), Goring, New Copse (Wyfold Cospe), Borocourt, Tileburst, Crowsley, Cbalkbouse Green, Silchester Common, F1nchampstead Ridges .

stercoraria (Mr.) April, October 19~7, 1978; Goring, Sonning Common. Leptocera caenosa (RdD.) January, September, November 1963-67; Goring, Wargrave. footinalis (Fall.) February, June to December 1957-64; GorinK. brev1ceps (Stenh.) December 1977; Ne. Copse (var. cryptochaeta (Duda» . lutosoidea (Duda) July 1970Wokefield Common tenestralis (Fall.> September 1963; Goring. hUllida (Ha 1 . ) May , July, October 1964-77; Goring, Sonning Common. coxata (Stenh . ) June 1964; Pamber. scutellaris (Ha1.) April, September to October 1963-78; Goring , New Copse (Wyfold Copse) . cr1brata (Vil.) November 1963; Goring. clun1pes (Mg.) May to June 1971-76; Ti1ehurst, Reading. fungicola (Hal.) January 1964; Goring. luteilabris (Rdn.) January 1964 ; Goring. s1lvatica (Mg . ) April to December 1957-76; Goring, Goring Heath, Tilehurst, Reading (including Whitekn1ghts). spinipennis Hal. October to November 1963-64; Goring. .0 PALLOPl'ERIDAE. Pal10ptera areuata (1.) May to July 1958-73; Streatley, Goring. 81x, Burgh1ield . zuliebris (Har.) July to August, October 1957-78; Goring, Goring Heath, Crow.ley. Reading. sal tuum (L.) June to August 1964-73; 8ix, Tldmarsb, Pamber. scutellata Mcq. December 1974; Reading. triaacula (Mg.) August to Septe.ber 1957-64: Goring, Thatcham, Pamber. umbellatarum (F.) May to August 1963-75; Goring. B1x, Goring Heath, Reading. ustulata Fall . June to September 1971-74; Reading. LONCHAEIDAE. Earomyia nigra (Mg.) June 1964; Goring. Lonchaea chorea (F,) May to September 1964-78: Goring, Goring Heatb, Chalkhouse Green, Caversham Park. Wokefield Co..an, Reading. contigua Col. July 1972: Bix. fumosa Egger April to May, July to August 1957-75: Goring, Bix, Reading (Wbiteknights). laticornis Mg. May 1964: Goring. palposa Zett. June 1964; Goring. scutellaris Rdn. July 1976; Crowsley. NEOTTIQPHILIDAE. Keottiophllua praeustua (Mg.~ May to June 1958-59; Goring, Reading. PIOPHILIDAE . Piophila casei CL . ) June, September 1934, 1973; Reading. varlpes Mg. May 1972-76; Tl1eburat, Reading. luteata Ha1. June 1974; Bix. vulgaris Fall. April to July 1910-72; Goring, Hambleden, Sonning Common, Reading, Pamber; on dead rabbit and dead jay. latipes Mg. June 1964-65; Goring. OPOAlYZIDAE • Geoayza 7 balacbo•• kyi Mes. July to August 1963-75; Gortng, Goring Heath, Burghfield, Reading, Pamber. tripunctata Fall. February to November 1957-78; Goring, Bix, Chalkhouse Green, Wokefleld Common, Reading (Whlteknights).

7 combinata (L.) auctt.