The ( – 17) We will be spending time with in :1-17 over the next seven weeks during our weekend services. John 15:1-17 is part of a longer section called the Farewell Discourse, starting from John 14 to 17. This is referred to the Farewell Discourse because it is Jesus final extended teaching to his disciples before he was taken to be imprisoned, trialled and crucified (:1). It is a heartfelt message to his disciples, knowing that he would not be with them anymore soon. This is akin to Paul’s final letter to his protégé Timothy – 2 Timothy. These are the last words that Jesus wanted to leave with his disciples.

So, instead of having seven studies in John 15:1-17, we will be having Bible studies on Jesus’ Farewell Discourse from John 14 – 17. It’ll be a great feast of spiritual food as we meditate upon Jesus’ final words. The following table is the planned studies:

Study 1 John 14:1-14

Study 2 John 14:15-31

Study 3 John 15:1-17

Study 4 John 15:18 – 16:4a

Study 5 John 15:26 – 16:15

Study 6 :16-33

Study 7 :1-19

Some of these studies are lengthier than usual. Please feel free to modify or simplify the studies to the level appropriate to your group. Should you have any questions about the content or questions about the study, please feel free to email me at [email protected].


Study 1 – John 14:1-14 Jesus is about to leave his disciples. After having the Passover meal with them and washing their feet (John 13:1-21), Jesus announces that, “my children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where going, you cannot come.” (John 13:33) This understandably caused his disciples much grief as they have been following him for a number of years. These are Jesus’ words to comfort and to encourage them.

Launch 1) What are some final words/advice that you would leave behind to your loved ones? Why?

John 14:1-14 2) What does Jesus’ words in v1 indicate about his disciples’ emotional condition?

a. What is the reason Jesus gives for his going-away? (v2) b. What does Jesus promise to do if he goes away? (v3-4) c. Where do you think Jesus is going? (cf. John 14:6-7, 17:11)

3) What is Jesus’ response to Thomas? (v5-7)

a. What do you think Jesus’ meant by v6? b. What does v7 tell us about the relationship between Jesus and the Father? (cf. John 14:9-10a)

4) “The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.” (v10b) What does this mean when we’re reading Jesus’ words?

5) What does Jesus want his disciples to believe? (v11)

a. What is the result of his disciples believing in him? (v12) b. What do you think these “greater things” refer to? Why would his disciples do “greater things than these”? (v12) c. Where can we see these “greater things” done by ’s disciples today?

6) Jesus said that he will do whatever his disciples ask in his name. What is the purpose of Jesus doing that? (v13)

a. How does that help us understand what Jesus says in v14? b. As Christ’s disciples, what are some things that we can ask of Jesus?

7) Based on what Jesus’ says in this passage, how can we come to know ? a. What are some greater things that you can do for Christ today in your own circumstances? b. What hope does Jesus give us about our future as disciples of Christ? How does that help us in our everyday lives?

Memory verse – John 14:6 – “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”