The Lamb of God Chronicle May 2014 The Lamb of God Community PO Box 35 054 Christchurch 8640 Phone [03] 383 2631 Fax [03] 383 0609 Mobile 021 817 232 Email:
[email protected] Website: INDEX TO CONTENTS Reflections Page 1 Web Sites Page 8 Our People Page 2 Members/Info/Records Page 9 News and Articles Page 2-6 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 9-10 House Group Resource Page 7 National Prayer Watch Page 10-12 Kairos NZ News Page 8 REFLECTIONS: ‘…Things of a man, and of a dog, and of Almighty God’ May 9th is the thirty-fifth Anniversary of the founding of the Lamb of God in Christchurch. The photographs, from our founding year and following, tell their own story of a people called and responding into a work of God, and slowly building a way of life which today is perceived more and more as counter-cultural. How did it start? On that day in 1979 I was walking our dog, Mandy, and the time was early afternoon. As I crossed a road I was suddenly struck with an over-whelming sense of the presence of God. Without regard for where I was or for road traffic, I recall sinking to my knees and then audibly hearing the words ‘Now is the time to build this community’ and that was all. Mark Challies [L] and Glen Foley [R] in the USA 2 God bless Mandy - she just stayed with me, and sat in the middle of the road with her leash on! This word [Rhema] came following four years of searching and endeavours to build some form of stronger Christian relationships within a prayer group.